HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-25, Page 5REGENT THEATRE, E, ealorth TII,Ur+a FRI. SAT. COUNTRY MUSIC HOLIDAY Perlin Husky - Zsa Zsa Gabor STTow -- s P.M, 111 i 1,111 n 1„,,, 1.1 ,,,,,,,, 111, ,,,,,, 111,1 ,,,,,, First Presbyterian Church 1'tev, D Leslie Eider Minister • 10.30 a.m. Sabbath school E 11 a.m. 11ALLY DAY 4. S MIMES, Thome ''''be 13ib1r,--Rod's Nrord to 17s Junior and Senior Choirs Ao(lietn. ",arra 'l'hy Children" Dfaundar 1 • It. A. X°mpstor Oran [sl il Il(1 Choir Leader 15,,,,u„1 f no",,„11,,,,1,1.11„1,11, Annual . Meeting FARMERS UNION of Huron will hold its annual meeting FRIDAY NIGHT, OCT. 3 Clinton Agric. Board Rooms.' Guest speakers: Mrs, Evelyn Prosser, Women's Pres. of Out. Vaughan Douglas, farm reporter, CKNX,8.30 P.M. Everyone wel- come. Northside Ilni tea Church; Rev. 1'. C. Britton, Minister. Rally Day Service: The Church Sehool will attend tine' worship s wise in a body. The Church Seltool Superintendent, Mr, Sam Scott, will load the service of worship and the Minister will speak on, "Our Father's 'World”. 81. Phomas' dng7.i:can Church Sunday, Sept. 28th, Harvest Fes- tival Serviced. 11 a.m., Holy Communion. p.m.. Evening Service. ;Special preacher at both ser - Vices, Rev. C. H. James, St. Paul's Church, Stratford. Egntondvdlle Mated Church, Dr. J. Semple, Minister. Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir Leader. Guest Minister: Rev. M. NV. Thomas, B.A.; Just returned from General Council. 10 a,rn., Church School. 11 a.m„ Nursery, Jr. Church Important meeting of Session. Sunday 3 p.m., Minister's Vestry. Communion, Sunday, Oct. 5th. Turkey Dinner,Oct. 8th,. KIPPEN EAST Kippers East W. L Euchre and Dance dates: _Nov. 14, Dec. 5, Der. 26, Jan. 23, Feb. 20, Mar. 13. Huron County Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute TENTH ANNIVERSARY S:xTLFWAY, OCTOBER 4th Fsr:ui'orth Cwnuiunity C entre CHICKEN BARBEQUE 5.30 7.3(' Standard Time Tickets L.tfi, available from members. Variety program Dance — Carruthers Orchestra. Admission Sae SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th Ontario Street United Church, Clinton Church Service 7.30 (standard tune) Guest Speaker: Padre W. A. Young, OAC Fireside Hour following service SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB ANNUAL FALL Paper Drive WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22nd PAPER - MAGAZINES - RAGS OLD MATTRESSES For the convenience of those in the surrounding district who wish to co-operate, collection depots have been established as follows: DU.I3LIN CONSTANCE WINTHROP KIPPEN CROMARTY STr1FFA BRUCEFIELD William Stapleton Borden Brown Store Gillies Store Kippers Store Sorsdahl's Store Sadler's Store Ross Scott • Proceeds from the drive are used for the Lions Club Community and Welfare work. Prepare your bundles now and be ready for the Lions Annual Paper Drive. Remember the Date: Wednesday, October 22 -- Auspices -- SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB ACTION FAST CLEVER WRESTLIN JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHTS Sat., Sept 27th 8,45 P.M. Seaforth Community Centre TAG TEAM MATCH TWO REFEREES FRANK "SCOTTY" DICK THOMPSON CARON n VERSUS LOGGER SKULL McDONALD .... NURNBERG SEMI-FINAL.... 45 MINUTE TIME LIMIT Ronnie. LOGUE Chuck FRIGULP LLOYD MORRIS vs HAL "DIAMOND" BRADY GENERAL ADMISSION: ADULTS $1 Children tender 10 yrs. with parents only SOc Ringside --$1,60. Tax included Free Parking Qneeneton Wrestling Club - Jack Wentworth, Promoter Exhibition of Skill and Science Sponsored by Community Centre Board THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, September 25, 1958 TOWN TOPICS Mrs. L, R. Agopsowicz and three children left on Monday tor . their new home in Stephen- ville, Newfoundland, Her mother. MI:rs. J. 13. Russell accompanied then; to Sydney, Nov& Scotia, Mrs, Annie Colclough left Sat- urday 'from ,Malton• by air on a two-month trip to Frankfurt, Munich, Hannbnrg, to visit her mother, brother and friends in Germany. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dale and Mrs. Jas. Sins were in Dresden on Sunday, they were accompan- ied home by Mrs. Donald Dale and Kevin who had slgent the weekend with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Williams and. daughter Debbie of Whitby spent the weekend .with Mr. and Mrs. Michael 11 Ililams. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rau and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon O'Brien of Clinton spent Sunday with Mirs, Jos. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman have returned from a motor trip through Nonthern Michigan and Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Ray :Murphy, of Pontiac, Mich., Mr, and Mrs. Phone Meagher and Mrs. Frank Stock, London, Mr, .and Mrs. 3. Meagher, Stratford. Mr. Wilfred Feeney, Dublin., and Monsignor Joseph Feeney. London, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher. Air, and Mrs, Roy Benniger, of Guelph visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary and Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery. Mr. and Mrs. P. A, Smith and family were at Algonquin Park last weekend, ;lir. and Mrs, E. S. Coffin, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, of Sarnia, Miss Margaret Melver of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Morris, Tillsonburp and Mr. and 3'l'rs. Michael Bechely, Toronto,. were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Mc- Iver. Misses Mary Lou Sills and Ruth Sills visited over the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hays. 31r, and Mrs. Emmett Haggerty and family of Stratford, visited with Mrs. Josephine Morris last Sunday-. lir. and Mrs, Ralph -McFadden, Burlington, visited last Saturday with- friends. Mrs. Preston Tabor spent a few days in Detroit this week with Mr. and Airs. Waiter Barry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nigh and fancily, Mrs, Grace King and Doris and 'Ir. Louie Hildebrand spent the weekend in Midland, Ontario, -. DUBLIN The funeral of Mrs. Louise Flanagan was held on Tuesday. Sept. 17, at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, with a capacity congrega- tion, Rev, Dr, Ffoulltes sang Re- quiem High Mass and officiated at the grave services in St. Pat- rick's Cemetery. The pallbearers were six grandsons: Kenneth Feeney, Robert Flanagan, Donald Flanagan, Gerald Dantzer, Joseph Murray, Gilbert Murray. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Flanagan and family-, Oliver Maher, MIr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan. Mrs. Hishont, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Burns, Air. and Mrs. Leo Kenny all of Toronto; Leo Krauskopf, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson and Mrs. James Krauskopf, of London; Mrs. Agnes O'Connor, Oakville; Joseph O'Connor, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flana- gan, Mr. and airs. Fergus Flana- gan, Mr, and Mrs. Pat Flanagan, .lir. and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Miss Rose Marie Feeney, Cyril Murray ail of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Murray, Mr. and Mrs, Buddon• Toronto: Gilbert Mur- ray and Joseph Murray, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Murray, Lon- don; Mr. and Airs, Ronald But- ters and Miss Margaret Rose Murray. St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer and fam- ily, North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. F. Kranskopf, Tiisouburg. Monsignor J. A, Feeney, Lon- don, officiated at the funeral Re- quiem 'Sass of Joseph Costello on Wednesday at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, which was large- ly attended. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes was in the sanctuary. The pall- bearers were Pat Feeney, Wm. Feeney, Lorne Feeney, Harold Meagher, Jerry Stapleton, Clar- ence Looby. Among those attending the funeral were: Mrs. Joseph Mal- one, Winnipeg; Mr and lib's, P. Groseck, Mrs. Ken Wickens, Dan Costello, ;Miss Patricia Costello. all of London; Gordon Costello, Toronto; :1r. and Mrs. Roy Mur- phy, Pontiac, Mich..; Jack Cost- ello, Niagara Falls; William Cos- tello, Bernard Sullivan, David Post, Pat and John McGrath, Kilaloe; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Over- dulve, .Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'Feeney, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, John Meagher, Strat- ford, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ileagh- en, Seaforth; .lir, and Mrs. Ed 0'. Hearn, Stratford. The funeral of Friel Gormley took place at St. Patrick's Church in Dublin on Wednesday morning with a large attendance. Rev. El- mer Morris, of 'Sarnia, was cele- brant of Requienn :Mass; Monsig- nor J. A. Feeney and Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes were in the sanctuary. The pallbearers were: Louis Loo- by, Matt Coyne, Lou Morsels, Lloyd McCarthy, John T. Ryan, Hugh McMillan. Father Elmer Morris officiated at the graveside services in St. Patrick's Cemetery. Friel Gormley had been em- ployed with Leahy Construction Co. for several years. The funeral of the third vict- im of the tragic ear accident, Ryan Jordan, was held at St, Pat- rick's Church, Thursday )horn• ing when Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes sang Requiem High Mass and offictaG ed at the grave services in St. Patrick's Cemetery. Monsignor 3. A, Feeney and Rev. A, Durand, Loudon, were in the sanctuary. The pallbearers were: Tom Gormley, James P. Krauskopf, Maurice Ryan, Gerald Bruxer, Lou McIver, Edward Rowland. Among those attending the funeral were, 'Albert Jordan, De- troit; Mrs. Edward Jordan and Mrs. Leo ]Holland, Windsor; Miss Mary Jordan, Toronto; Joseph Jordan, Kitchener; Mrs, James Jordan, Toronto; John Jordan, Kitchener; 'Mrs. Wm. Byrne, of Trenton, Mich., Mrs. Frank Hut- chins, Toronto; Miss Mary Mar- gar•et Ryan, Kitchener; hisses Alice and Theresa Ryan, Miss Hilda Kennedy, London; Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, Goderich; ,Mr. and .Mrs, Philip Hartman, Zurich. dMMr•, and ,]Mrs, Hartman, New Hamburg; Mrs. Catharine and Ted Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kelly, Edward :McIver, all of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, - John Costello' Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Costello Jr;, Monkton; T. McIver, Frank Cummings, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conlin, Lu - can, Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDoug- ald, London. Marvin Benninger has enrolled at St. 'Peter's 'Seminary, London. Kenneth Stapleton and Glenn Butters are attending Ryerson Institute of Technology, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coyne and Mrs, Elizabeth Bruxer spent a few clays at Midland, The :Mart- yrs' Shrine. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Horan, Mrs. Vera McKay, Mr. and firs. John E. Murray, Mr. and 'Mrs, j, Nagle and Billie Dantzer attend- ed the funeral of Roy Keller at Kitchener last week. Mrs. •AM. Shulman is spending a few weeks in Buffalo. Jack Melyneaux, Thorold, with his mother, Mrs. Loretta A'foly- neaux. Mrs. Gene Giroux, Thorold, with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and firs. Stephen Eckert, Timmins, with Mrs, Theresa Eck- ert. HIGH SCHOOL IEWTS Last Thursday turned out to be a disappoinntment. Initiation was postponed- clue to Mother Sheila's illness. 'We hope to have her back with us soon, but don't worry Grade Nine, it is still com- ing, we hope, maybe at the end of this week. Our library has been renovated and our Librarian has clone a splendid job of col- lecting, assorting and rearrang- ing the books. Y. C. S. has started again and Rev. Mother Yvonne has taken charge as Religious Assistant. Angela Ducharme, Pat and Penny Tabor, Frank Mialone and Jim McIady- attended the Y.C.S. Con- federation in London last. week. Comment: There should be no excuse for anyone being late for classes now with dollars of new time hanging around, Question: Sheila, do yeti know anything about the dark green car which drivel` home the high school girls, HENSALL Miss Debbie Gooding of Park- hill spent the "weekend with her grandparents, ,lir. and Mrs. Ed- gar Munn, Mrs, Ida Munn visited over the weekend with her son-in-law and slaughter, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Munn and family, Stoney Creek, T-ofland—Doerr Mary Immaculate Roman Cath- olic Church, Chepstow, was the setting for the wedding of Dor- othy Marie Doerr and Keith Douglas Vollaml, both of London, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Doerr, Chepstow, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland, Goin of Business1 ALE NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES As we still, have a lot of merchandise the Sale will continue indefinitely, Why not do your Christmas shopping and take advantage of the low prices, as well as stocking up for your own kid- dies' needs ? It will soon be skating time. 4 only red suede skating outfits, skirt & jacket with detachable hoods. Sizes 4, 5, 6, Gx SPECIAL — reg. 9.95 for , . , , ...4.95 Winter caps & bonnets, Suede and Cord . , .. 1/2 PRICE KIDDIES SHOP9 SEAFORTH Hensall, are the groom's parents. The Rev. Fr. J, J. Gillen officiat- ed. The, bride chose a floor -length gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over slipper satin. The fit- ted lace bodice featured a nylon yoke enrbitc3ered in iridescent sequins, a madarin collar and lily -point sleeves. The aisle -wide skirt of nylon tulle was designed. with a flounce of chantillly lace whioh extended in twin panels down the back, A matching head- dress of iridescent sequins and seed pearls held her French illu- sion veil and she carried a moth- er-of-pearl prayer book crested with red roses and lily -of -the -val- ley. Mrs. Harold Kocher, Toron- t0. was matron of honor for her sister, wearing a waltz -length gown of pink organza. The brides- maids, Mrs. Glenn Nixon. Hlen- sall. sister of the groom, and 14iss Betty Doerr, Chepstow, sister of the bride. were similarly gowned in blue. Patricia Lennon, Hensall, was flower -girl wearing a floor - length gown of white nylon or- ganza. Joseph Maeshnnan, of Toronto, was groomsman, and ushers were Donald Tolland, of Hensall, :brother of the groom, and Norman Doerr, Chepstow, brother of the bride. For travelling the bride chose a two-piece dress and duster coat of light blue line with black and white accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses. The couple will reside in London. BRUCEFIELD Miss Ileen McCartney, of St. Marys, and 'Miss Eleanor McCart- ney, Kitchener, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCartney. Mrs, 0. Ilan,, and ,Miss M. Swan are visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott left on Thursday for Winnipeg, Manito- ba, where they will visit with their daughter, Mrs, L. Rushcall. Mrs. John Cairns, 'Tr. and Mrs. Philip McKenzie were weekend visitors with Mr. and Airs, And- rew Murdoch. Detroit. Miss Marion Trielnner spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. EUCHRE IN I.O.O.b'. HALL Monday, Sept. 29 AT 6,30 P.33, Lunch, Admission 40e Under auspices of ('t'T. Odd Fellows and ltehekahs $72,940 YEAR 15 NEEDED to train, rehabilitate and house the blind in this district. Community Chests and municipal grants will provide $57,190. C. N. L B. TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN HURON • MIDDLESEX. • PERTH (Excluding London and Stratford) S *044 $0,(S&ots Tads, To E. C. BOSWELL. Seaforth D. Jolly, Exeter. Mrs, Lorne Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Devereaux, Seaforth, spent the weekend in Detroit and Windsor, also attended the funer- al of the late Mrs, W. Wilson. Mr. Wm. Dinnin unfortun ately l'et a board fall on his foot breaking -several small bones. Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Victor Hargi ear. e and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Hargreave's cousin, Mr. and Airs. Robt. McNaire at Walker- ton. 12r. Mao Aikenhead of London visited with his sister, :fir's. T. 13. Baird on Saturday and attended the funeral of his cousin, the late Jas. Aikenhead. Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer spent the weekend with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Watson, Mr. Jack Dallas of Seaforth visited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Russel Dallas on Sunday. The many friends of Mr, Gor- don Hill are sorry to know he is in Victoria Hospital having had an eye removed which he unfor- tunately had injured by a piece of steel some time ago. Mr. ani, Mrs. Don McKenzie of St. Thomas visited on Sunday with her parents. Mr. McKenzie has not been well lately and was removed to Clinton Hospital nn Monday- for treatment. Mrs. A. Paterson attended the anniversary services at Brinsley Church on Sunday, her mother. Mrs. 13. Slroldiee, returned home with her for a visit. Master John Ham, who has been visiting with his grand- mother, Mrs. C. Ham, returned to his home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ilam, Chatham. The correct date for the Bruce - field Bazaar is November 7th, Anniversary Services Bethel United Church SEPT. 28 — 11 am, 7.30 pm (d.s,t•) Guest Minister, Rev. Harold West, B.A.. I3 elmoro Special Music by the Choir Everyone welcome amelasommemmemmt we repeat - - - More people than ever before are buying their "Footwear" at this Shoe Store It's our values, of course Willis Shoe Store The Little Store with the Big Values It takes people like Sondra Pritchard . , . ...to give you good telephone service Your telephone depends upon a vast system of complex and wonderful equipment. But above all, it takes pup' like Sondra Pritchard to make good service possible. Sondra is one of our many Service Representatives, This girl, or some other friendly person like her, is in charge of your service. This ,,leans that whenever you' have a service request you can call with the assurance that there is a friendly, courteous person like Sondra Pritchard who twill be glad to help you. This assurance is one of the many little things that make your telephone service such a truly good value. • THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ONTARIO HOSPITAL NCE REGISTER Application forms for Individual'PayDirect' enrolment available at banks and hospitals. In communities without a bank, the forms maybe obtained from the post office, I ndlvi- duals must register by September 30 to have protection effective January 1, 1959, IMPORTANT; Do not register as ao individual if you are registered tbrorsgh a Group, ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION • TORONTO, a WA. 41301 DR ii►AA►►AA&4j