HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-25, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SIDPTTMBER 25,1958 ,51.50 a Yeer Authorized as Second Class mail, Pest Office Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Bros., Publiehera. CLASS 'B' STATUS IW1MM1 REACHED ,n Lsd"S� xl,.Y SEAF RTh FAIR With prize monoy paid out to- talling possibly more than $6,000, Natural Gas Now Seaforth Fair this year appears to have handily completed the necessary three consecutive years of the qualifications needed to .be eligible for Class '13' status. Seaforth fair thus will become the giTat Class 'B' fair in Huron, as well as the county's oldest fair. The achievement will be part- icularly gratifying to the fair board as 4t crowns with success anany years of endeavor. Once before Class B rating was almost, but not quite, reached. Class '13' fair receives a sub- stantial increase in. grants typal the Department of Agriculture, and will be a big help in assay- ing continued progress. The fair attracted a large crowd. Thursday night and Fri- day afternoon. The cattle show was one of .the biggest ever seen in this area, augmented by the regional shows of the Hereford and Jersey breeders and tate County 4-H championship beet calf show. Junior chub competitions were a big feature of the fair. Charles MacNitughton, tli.P.P., officially opened the fair and ex- pressed the "hope the fair• would receive its Class 'B' rank. Also taking part in the opening were Robt. W. Campbell, president of the fair; Elston Cardiff, M.P. for Huron, and Mayor 13. F. Christie. PET SHOW Persian Cat Kendra Moore, Judy Thompson, Barbara Holland and Bill McDonald; any other breed — Bedford Taylor, Carol Bell, Lynda Lane, Pamela Pat- rick; Angora Rabbit—Brian Hod- gert, Billy McLean, Tommy Rov- ers, Ken Devereaux; rabbit, any breed - Geo. Townsend, Lynda Bedard, Bruce Whitmore; best (log—Paul Patrick, Billy McLean. illarilyn Miller, Geo. Kruse;• least resemblance—Jno. Andrews, John Young, Herman Lasing, Blaine Wright; fantail pigeon — Mel Crich Jr., Sas, Broadfoot, Mel Crich Sr.; any other breed pig- eon—Douglas Boyd, Frank Bohn, Jno. Phillilpsen, F. Kern; Ban- tams— Earl Becker, Mel Crich Jr., Mel Crich Jr., Earl R. Dev- ereaux; fancy fowl — Mel Crich, Earl Becker, and 3rd and 4th; most unusual pet — Bob Papple, Robt. and Jno. Eckert, Lynda Bedard, Lee Ferning; goat—jack Papple, Diane Papple, 3'. Roolien, Ross Jowitt. Children's Parade — Schools taking part; S.S. '9, Tuckersmith, No. 4, McKillop; No. 5 Tucker - smith; No, 3. Tuckersmith, No. 8, AIeTCillop, No. 6, Hullett. Rural Floats—No. 7, Tucker - smith, No. 13, AlcKillop, No. 8, Tuckersmith; No. 3, Tuckersmith, Square Dance ---Milverton jun- iorettes; Seaforth Jr. Farmers; McKillop No. 4. Calf Race- Ron Carter, Doug Ilugill, O. Hillman, ,Anthony Van Loon, D. Jewitt, R. Van Loon. Open Running Bace—Willum- son,. McILwain, McClure, Mc- Clure. Pony Race—McLlwaiu. Harness Race — green race — Village Mid, Una Bars, Legal Flash, Robin S•penee. 24-30—Good Friday lst, other winners J. B. Hall, Patsy Grat- tan, Joan Boy, Babe Gratton. 21-24 — Thunder Boy, Royal Garnet, Al Harbor, Will Boy. MRS. THOS. D. WREN Al's. Thos. D. Wren, former Hibbert township resident and recently of Seaforth, died Mon- day in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, after a lengthy illness, in her 72nd year. Mrs. Wren, the former Grace Chalmers, was tern and attended salmi in Perth, Scotland, coming to this country in 1937. In 1953 she married Mr. Wren of Hibbert twp. Following the death of her husband in 1955. Mrs. Wren moved to Seaforth. She is survived by,,, a brother, Robert Chalmers, Scotland. Mts. Wren was a member of Northside United Church, the WA and WAIS of the church, and the W. I. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. The Rev. 3'. C. Britton will officiate. Burial will be made in McTaggart's Cemetery, Usborne Township. O. F. U. MEETING Seaforth local held a board meeting Saturday night in John Baldwin's store: Plans were made for a chicken baribeque .in Sea - forth Arena on Friday night, No- vember 7th. Milton Dietz to sup- ervise barbeciaing. Tickets to be sold in advance. Annual meeting of Farmers' Union for Huron has been arranged 'for in Clinton, Oct. 3rd O.F.U. are sponsoring a booth at the plowing match at Chrysler, everyone 1e invited to visit this booth. Union meeting will continue to be held in Town Hall second Tuesday night of each month. A request for meetings in houses ,every other : month was hot possible, Meeting adjourned. ENGAGEMENT' Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Alexander.' Taylor, Minden, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Laura 13lizabeth to John Meafil- lan Whyte. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, 1-luliett' Town - Slip. The marriage will take Place at the United Church,. Min- den, on October 11, 1958 at 3.30 o'clock. On At Seaforth Mayor Bev. Christie teamed with (Elston Cardiff, M.P. for Hu- ron, to turn the valve which brought natural gas to Seaforth on Wednesday. The ceremony at the gate sta- tion ou South Main Street mark- ed the end of more than a month's work by Union Gas Co. Ltd. In laying the distribution system. All council members and offi- cials of the company were pres- ent for the occasion which was followed by a reception at the Arena. The ceremony was the second :such event in the area in just more than a week. Mitchell got gas service a few days ago. TIte overall project including Stratford-Goderich transmission line and the six distribution sys- tems cost $2,000,000. It will serve Sebringville, Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton and Goderioh. Work on the project within the town's limits .included 10 miles o0 distribution piping. Reeve Norman Scotus said gas will be a "great asset" to Sea - forth. "I take great pleasure in welcoming another public utility —it will be a great bepefit to nie and every resident of Seaforth. We now have something else to offer industry." 'Mayor Bev Christie oomph - merited the gas company on the "fine spirit of co-operation shown during the installation of lines. I hope the gas company has a great future in Seaforth:" Reeve Ivan Forsyth said it was a pleasure to welcome gas to Tuekeasniitit Twp. "This is a step in a progressive direction." Welcomes were also. extended to the gas company by the Public Utilities Commission, the Lions Club, and the Arena Board. AND.LRSON—FILIZ•;SENEO A quiet wedding took place at St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Park- hill, when William Arthur And- erson and Anastasia Filiesenko were married. Given in marriage by Mr. Clair Pennington, the bride wore a ballerinas -length white gown with full skirt, em- pire waist and lily -point sleeves of lace. A headdress of pearls and sequins held her finger-tip veil. She carried a white satin prayer book. The bridesmaid, Airs, (fen Edwards of Parkhill wore shrimp nylon gown with matching feath- er het and pink corsage, Mr. ,Toe Anderson of Stratford was best man. The ushers were Ken Ed- wards, Parkhill, and Sohn And- erson, Seaforth. A wedding din- ner was served at Armstrong's at Exeter. Guests were received by Airs. Clair Pennington wearing turquoise with white feather hat and Miss Isabel Anderson, Sea - forth in teal blue with black ac- cessories. For traveling the bride wore a Moss green wool dress With matching feather hat, beige coat and a corsage of ref roses. On their return they will reside in McKillop. MRS. ALVIN WORDEN Mrs. Alvin Warden, the former Gladys Hamilton, R.R. 3, Dublin, died Thursday night in Stratford General Hospital, where she had been a patient since Aug. 10. Mrs. Worden was born in Cromarty on April 30, 1911. She married Alvin Worden on June 17, 1946, and had lived in the Dublin district ever since. She was a member of the United Church, Staffs. She is survived by her husband; her parents, AIr. and Mrs, William Hamilton, Cromarty; four child- ren, Rosanna, Ramona, Joanne and William, all at home; five sisters, Mrs. Nelson (Elizabeth) Rankin, Belmore; Mrs. Clifton (Margaret) Miller and Mrs. Robt. (Hazel) Sadler, both of Staffs; Mrs. Bruce (Mary). Balfour, of Sault Ste. Marie, and Mrs, Car- lisle (.Wilma) Cornish, Seaforth; and one brother, Frank Hamil- ton, Cromarty. The funeral was held on Sun- day, conducted by Rev. A. H. Day - nerd and Rev. Geo. Lamont. In- Iterment was in Staffa Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Harvey Hambley, . Will Worden; Gerald Agar, Sohn Sadler, Gordon. Hog garth, Lorne Elliott. The flower'bearers were: Lorne Fell, Bill Allison, Harvey Edgar, Eugene Kennedy, Carter Kers- lake, Robert Hamilton, Reg. Mantte, Arnold Alton. INSTALLING NEW MAIN The Public Utility Commission this week are installing a water main on West 'William street north. of Centre street out to the site of ,the new shoe factory, INJURED IN SPILL Ron McGee, of Goderich, who was involved in a: spill at the races at Seaforth Fair on Friday afternoon was taken to Scott Memorial Ilospital for treatment 'for cuts and bruises. He was able to return home Saturday after- noon. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Penne Patterson wishes to announce the engagement of her only'.. daughter, Barbara Jean, to Mr., Gerald Albert Cardiff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cardiff, of Ethel, .OntOoio. The marriage will tako place in Duff's United Church, Walton, on October 4, Yvonne McTaggart Wins UN Tour ;Hiss Yvonne McTaggart, R,R. 9, Brussels has been chosen to represent Huron County on the 1958 United • Nations Totir. Yvonne is the daulghtei' of Mr, and Mrs. Allan McTaggart, who farm- on the 16th concession of Grey Township, .She is 18 years of age and has an outstanding record in 4 -II Homemaking Club. World in Htu'on County. In May 1955 she completed 6 projects and was awarded county honors. In July 1958 she achieved provincial honors en completing 6 addition- al projects. In 1956 she was one of the County representatives to the Provincial 4-H Homemaking Club Conference. Yvonne is a graduate of .Seaforth Dietriot Fligll School and Stratford Teach- ers' College in .1958. She is now teaching school in Kitchener. The tour leaves Galt early on. Sunday morning September 28th and travels as far as Williams- port, Pennsylvania, via Niagara Falls. On 'September 29th they travel to Washington, D.C. and ou the 30th tour Washington.' During the rest of the week they visit many places of interest such as the University of Mary- land, Beltsville Experimental Station, New York City, Empire State Building and the U,N. Al- ways a highlight of this tour is the boat cruise around Manhat- tan Island. Don Hemingway Chosen Delegate .Mr. Don 1-Iemingway of Brus- sels has been selected as one of the delegates from the Province of Ontario to attend National 4-l1 Club Week which begins in Tor- onto on Saturdays, Nov, 15th. Don is one of 8 wlio will represent all of the agricultural club members from Southern Ontario. The total provincial delegation to •the na- tional meeting includes the dele- gates mentioned above, agricul- tural club member from North- ern Ontario and five homemak- ing club members. 4-11 Members from all across Ontario were nominated and the final selection of delegates was made following interviews which took place in Guelph on Monday and Tuesday, Sept.,,j.5 and 16. Don has an outstanding record .in 4-11 Work starting in 1949. 1 -le has been a member of the Brus- sels 4-H Beef Calf Club for nine years and in 1956, 1957 and 1958 a member of the xll4Killop 4-H Grain Club. He stood first in the Grain Club both in 1956 and 1957 and represented that Club in the 4II Inter -Club Competitions at Guelph in 1957. This year he is also a member of the Brussels 4 -EI Swine Club. Don is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Carl Hemingway, Brussels, and is 20 years old. He attends Sea - forth district high school and takes an active part in the op- eration of the home farm. He is a member of the Seaforth Junior Farmers and is active in the Y P U in his church and in the county organization, EGMONDVILLE The 123rd Anniversary of Eg niondville Church on Sunday was a wonderful success. Large audi- ences listened with rapt atten- tion to Dr. H. H. .ilcCounell, of New York. Subject "The Task of the Church" in the morning, and to Dr. llauning Potts, Nashville, Tenn.. in the evening: subject "The Field is the World';. The music also was very inspiring and the offering very liberal. The Bale Chorus from Strat- ford was muck appreciated at the evening service. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland were: Mrs. Muriel Beatty and daughter Miss Marion Beatty and Mrs. Helen Tyler of Erie, Pa. lir. and Mrs. Ernie Vodden of Woodham attended the anniver- sary and visited with friends in the community. Miss Jessie Finlayson and her niece, Airs. Neilson and daught- er Ann of Lorne Park were week- end visitors with friends here. Mrs. Robt, Boyes Sr. and bliss Mary Stobie are visiting with the former's son Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Boyes of Orillia. Mr. and Airs. Norman McLean accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. El. more Stephenson are on a trip to Ottawa his week. AFTERNOON AUXILIARY The tome of Mrs. J. William Thompson, McKillop, was the meeting place on Tuesday for the meeting of the Afternoon Auxil- iary of :First Presbyterian Church. The President, Mrs. J. L. Bell, presided and opened the meeting with comments on a scripture passage followed by prayer. During the business per- iod iVlie. W, E. Butt reminded the members that the Glad Tid- ings subscriptions are now due, After a scripture reacting by airs. Geo, Hills, hiss Jessie Fraser hacl charge of the topic which dealt with men and women work- ing together today in the total mission of the Church. 111a.ny re- ferences from the Bible were mentioned where men and wo•: men had carried on together this mission in Biblical times. A .delicious lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the Meeting, and the thanks of the members was expressed 00 Airs.. Thompson by Afiss Belle Camp- bell. • n UERENGESSER.BLANC.HARD Bouquets of white gladioli and pink carnationsformed thee set- tiug In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,. Friday, Sept, 19, at 7 Pan.; for the marriage of Mildred Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mks. Lawrence Querengesser• RR 5, Stratford, to Keith Wayne. Blanchard, Stratford, son of Hir- am Blanchard, R.R. 4, •Rralton, and the late Mrs. Blanchard. The Rev, F. 3, Barr officiated at the ceremony. The organist, Fred Janes eecompanied the soloist, Steve Day, who sang "The Lord's Prayer", and "Wedding Prayer." Given in marriage by her lathes, the bride wore a strapless gown with matching jacket. The fitted Chantilly lace jacket featured long sleeves and Peter Pan collar, and the 'double nylon tulle skirt was fashioned with lace peplum Perming a deep "V" at the back, The bodice was ' inset with thine - stones and white peau de sole lin- 00 the gown. Her chapel -length nylon tulle veil was caught to a coronet -style headpiece inset with pearls and rhinestones. Yuletide roses, stephanotis and feathered carnations formed the bridal bou- quet. Miss Yvonne Godden, of Brampton, was maid of honor. She wore a waltz -length gown of coral crystal charm fashioned with (fitted bodice and full pleat- ed skirt, The neckline formed a "V" et the back where a bow held streamers which fell the full length of the gown. She wore a matching headpiece and carried a crescent bouquet of Lestra Hib- bard roses and Fugi chrysanthe- mums, Tho bridesmaids, 3JIss Ir - erne Spencer, Detroit, Mich., and Miss Carole Nicol, Stratford, wore turquoise ,gowns styled the sane as that of the maid of hon- or. The Bower girl, Patsy Engler, 'vas dressed in coral with a large bow headband. Gordon Blanchard of R.R. 4, Walton, was best man and the ushers were Mel Nichol and Bob Roulston. The wedding dinner• was served in the church parlor where the bride's mother received, wearing a two-piece blue -grey taffeta dress with pink and navy accessories and corsage of pink .Sweetheart roses. The bridegroom's sister wore a green - figured dress with pale green and black accessories and yellow rose oorsage. The Ladles' Aid Society of the church assisted at the din- ner. For traveling to the Eastern United States, the bride chose a two-piece turquoise wool dress with fur collar. brown accessories and corsage of mauve Cymbidium orchids and yellow feathered car- nations. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard will reside in Stratford. Guests attended the wedding from Strat- ford, Brampton, Walton, St, Cle- ments, Detroit, Mich.; Monroe, Mich.; Toronto, Grand Bend, Dashwood, Atwood, Brussel s, Hamilton and Gorrie. Decide Faulty Tire Cause of Fatality A blown tire caused the death of Mrs. Anna Grace Riley, 22, in - a motor accident in Hibbert town- ship on Sept. 3rd, a coroner's jury, decided at an inquest at Stratford on Monday evening. The jury offered no recornnmencl- ations. 0Ii''s. Riley was fatally injured when the car she was driving lett con. 13 and 14, two piles west of county road 10, went into a ditch and collided with a tree. D. A. McDonald, an expert from Dominion Tire Company at Kitchener, said au inner tube in the right front tire of the car which was found flat after the accident had three patches on it, but he did not believe the patches had anything to do with the blow - tit, There was a very small hole n the tire which could have been macre by a nail, and this could have caused the tube to split. Mrs. Riley died with a frac- tured skull, fracture of the upper ribs, severe injuries to the face, a possible broken neck, and a broken lower left leg, medical evidence showed. Her 15 month olcl daughter, Cheryl Lynne, only passenger in the car, survived with a fract- ured arm. The inquest was conducted by Dr. G. C. Jarrott, coroner. The jury, all from the Crom- arty area, were Percy Harris, foreman, Ben Stoneman, William and Jack Brintnell and James McDougall. TO VISIT SEAFORTH The Right Reverend Paul Yasuo Kurose, BA., B.D., Bishop, of Mid. Japan, who will be at St. Thom- as' Church, Seaforth at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, October 2nd,, CROMARTY Mrs. Sarah Scott, Alrs, George Wallace, Mrs. Horton McDougall, Mrs. J. M Scott and baby and Mrs J. Drake, Staffs visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Cokiuhoun, Clinton. Mir: Harold, Carey is a Patient in Westminster Hospital, London, having undergone surgery on Thursday. Mrs. E. Moore returned home on Saturday after a mouth's visit with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore. Lind- say. She was accompanied by her sister and brother-in-law, AIa, and :tars. A, Hymenand their son 'Morley of Cameron, Ont. •Mr, Andrew McLachlan, Mrs. Sarah Scott and lir. and Airs. K. McKellar attended the funeral of A cousin, Air. Jas. T. Scott in Mitchell on Saturday. Mrs, Wilmer Howatt of Lon- clesboro, visited on Monday with her mother, Airs, David Gardiner Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, accompanied by Mi•. and Mrs. Ed Brooks and son George, visited on Sunday. with Ur. and Airs. D. 'Wallace, Carlingford, Karen Scott, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott met with a serious accident at her home on Monday. During silo fi11. ing operations while riding on the tractor with her father, she fell oil under the wheels of the wagon which passed over her body causing severe internal In- juries. She was rushed to St. So- soph's hospital, London where an emergency operation was per formed, Her condition at present is satisfactory. Mrs. Grace Wren, a former re- sident of this comuunity and re-, cantly o£ Seaforth, passed away ori Monday in St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London, following a prolong- ed illness. Funeral service will. be held ou Thursday from the Whitney Funeral Home, Sea - forth at 2.30 p,m, We extend our sympathy to the family of the late \Irs. Alvin Warden whose death occurred in last, Stratford Hospital on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell spent the weekend motoring go- ing as far as Cornwall, returning home by Toronto. Miss Audrey Davidson of Full- erton spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Sean Russell'. Rally Day Service was held in Cromarty Church on Sunday with the pupils and teachers of the Sunday School occupying the cen- tre pews, The service was con- ducted by the minister, Rev. S. Kerr assisted by David Scott. Scripture passages were read by Margaret Anu Wallace and Gerry Scott, The singing was led by the junior choir. A service of dedication for the teachers and officers of the Sunday Sebool was conducted by \Ir. Kerr, who also gave the address using as his subject the thence "The Bible —God's word to us". Quite a number of the girls and boys re- ceived diplomas for regular at. tendauce, Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, Clinton, and Mrs. Leonard Caldwell, Lon- deshoro, visited on Monday with Airs. Sarah Scott. Mrs, Colquhoun remained for a few day's visit with her many relatives hero. Mi', and airs. C. J. 'Weitzman, of Niagara Falls, U.S.A. are visit- ing relatives here. Arr. and Airs. Roy. Wilson of Goderich visited with M'. and Airs. Ed Chappel on Sunday last. BAYFIELD Mrs. R. Williams and two chil- dren left on Saturday for their home in New York. after spend- ing a vacation at their cottage. ,Baster Bobby Pasman, London, is spending this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L Bodenham. Mr. and Mrs, Claire -Verner of Detroit, were at their home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. James Day of Pleasant Ridge, Mich., spent the weekend at their cottage. Mfrs. Geo. Fellows and daughter Kim. Riverside, spent the week- end with her parents, air. and firs. Fred Fraser. AIr, and firs. Gordon Pfaff and Mark, Windsor spent the week- end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and Gwen, London, spent from Friday to Sunday at their home. Mrs, Lulu Burt, and Air. and Mrs. Ronald Burt, London, were at their home over the weekend, Itis. Wm, J. Hall left on horn day- to spend the winter at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 311'. and Mrs. A. S. Charlton and three slaughters, Stratford, spent the weekend at the Metcalf cottage. Miss -Marilyn Steckle, London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Airs. I. Steckle. Air. and _Airs. Ken .hackie, of London, spent the weekend with Ire'alpmao.rents, lh', and .Airs, Lloyd M Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, spent from Friday to Sunday at her -home. Mr. and Airs. Ford Steadman and fancily, London were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Alva. Ray Ashton, Lon- don, ward- in the village over the weekend. Mfrs, E. F. Parker. London, spent the weekend- at her liome. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bennett and family, Louden, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Peter. and. daughter Mary and ll3'. and Airs, S. Cooke . and family, Stratford, k‘11111111111111111111111111 tttttttttttt m111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiii itoitslits1111111111,11 iiiii itinotnimitt mth11111111111 Wfrte,86 $45. $200. y< WITH THE GUARANTEED VALUE PLAN Setrinehaegede,arerert,.J ro When your choice is a Bridal Bell, your ring will always have full turn -in value on the purchase of a larger -diamond ring to match your future prosperity ... And whichever Bridal Bell you choose now, you are sure of incomparable beauty and value: SA •AU E'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FJNI, CHINA SEAFORTfl 11111,t",a",uu4umnenue11nu1111111nnu111111unnoun11"nnln4a1iu41140011111111411u"111114e4411e11". spent the weekend at their cot- with Mr. and Alts. (leo. McIIwain tage. and fatuity, on Sunday. M•. and Mrs. Meek Fraser left I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Youngbiut on Friday for Fort William afterand lire. Alae Adams of l.oncles- spending six weeks at the home baro visited with 3Ir. -and Mrs. of Anse Cecil "McLeod: tCltarie, Dexter on Sundae Mrs. lir. and Airs. Stuart Sturgeon, !Adams is remaining tor- a visit. Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis( Air. and Mrs. Win. Livingston ingston Bisback, Clinton, spent the week- dol' near Seaforth visited Suudav end with M'. and Airs. Edward;with Mr, and Mrs, Geo.Leitch Sturgeon. • land also attender! Anniversary lits, Charles ToIns was taken 1 Servie'es at Constance 1V. 0. to Public Hospital. Clinton, and t Air. Wnr. Dale attended titer Geo. Hopson to' Wesminster Hos- Listowel Fall Fair last Tuesday ltital, London, last week. ;where ire judged the bin cs. Their many friends wish them • Sunday visit ors with Mr. and a speedy recovery, I Ms. Wilmer t muster were Mr. Abs and Airs. Win. Murray. Van and Airs. Austin (dexter and Mr, Dyke, Mich., are in the village and Alts. John Saiuthrsou sirtc for a few days owing to the ill- and Elmer of Myth: A t. and cess of his mother, Mrs. Wm., Mrs. Harold Mct iiucb+-,. and lror- Murray, who underwent surgical ecu of Auburn and Mlr. s.,d Mrs. treatment lost week at Clinton `Menus?.eksoMenus?.ti anc 1,;+•.,r of Public Idosuital. sSeaforth and all • a.:end+d the 3 Constance .,1.nniv e_r sary- ser vices. I Ah•. and 1Tr., Ken Reid d and An impressive initiation was, ;sons of London were. tt e •'cend performed by 10 ladies of Inners of 31i'. atter Airs.Luther kip C.0., degree team upon the BarrieC.0.33% members of Constantino 131843 Misses- T.aurr d Trnle and - .111- last Thursday evening. Eno. Mat - ;their Taylor strew the weekend at spike, manager, of Ches.their parental henrc S. z ley, and Bro. Galbraith. provine' lir, and MN. Earl Lawson fol supervisor. of High Court of were host and iho tens so Rev. tufts, guest speaker at the Con - Ontario West, of London. were istanec Anniversary Serviers on present. After fell rites of- ini Sunday. AIr. and Al's. ,T:i,]c Dav- Gotten took place and official ids011 and Andrew of Seaford closing of the Court, the merle's were also guests of .lir, and M•s. of the kcal court served a delis•- Lawson and Reg. ions lunch. The next meeting will Visitors :tachy with Aur, and be held on the usual date. the Mrs. (leo Addison were. Mr. Tae 3rd Thursday of the month, and Fio ,art of 1iii,lett and ',tr•; and a draw will take place under the Mrs. Chitties Wallace anti family ways acrd means mruittee' of Hayfield. Dalevista Guernseyscuexhibited Assauutl mi,„ Joe Riley visited by Wm. Dale and family at the with Mr. and Mrs.. 0'. Franck regional Guernsey show at Thorn- and family of l` in'l'and "n Sun - dale on Saturday; brought 'wine dac. seven firsts, 3 seconds. a third. A1r. and Mr:,: Clifford Allan's the Simpson trophy for best and family of Londesboro and dairy, herd, Eaton trophy for best Air. Donald MacDonald of Wal - 4H Club calf won by Laurel Dale ton were guests of Mr. 1.1:3,1,11 Mrs. on • Glenville Thole' Clea" which sem, •Jewitt and family was also junior champion of the dam. show, Senior and grand chant- \h, and Mrs. Art Colson r sou and best udciered female any • and 1 family at Harlock and Sir. and breed was won on dr,v 4 -yr: old. tips. H. Coleman of Varna were "Far Hulls Flames'Mester', Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. • this cow placed second in a Lorne Lawson. strong class at Western Fair, Miss .Tanel MacGregor of Fnr•d- Loudon. and was nominated for wiclt and Mr. Jahn Ferguson' of All Canad-lau: also at London, 3- Clifford spent Sunday with Air. ' yr. old in milk. placed 2nd, and and Mrs, Ross AlacGregcn'. 2 yr. olds hi milk 3rd and 4tli: llrs. Wes Ho„garc r eturued Constance United Church was .l'on'e from Toronto after s,.end- beautifully decorated Sunday for ing is few weeks with her mother the anniversary services at 11 who is very 111. and 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Milts of Ontario St. Church, Clinton, was guest speaker and preached • CONSTANCE twa impressive sermons to a SLAKE. well attended congregation. Don- BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert aid MacDonald of Walton was Graham, 44 Talent Crescent. Top;--_ soloist at the Morning service onto 15,, a daughter, ICatln•yu while in the evening music was Matte. nu August 27, a sister for d y nn'o thesupplieEvangelicalbthe Cihuerchs, Zurchat'ich.f DAir,avid. and Mrs. Edward closet). Charles' MacGregor, son of 3Ir'• spent afew clays at Paris, Ont., and Mrs, Ross MacGregor left with Mr. and Airs. Lee Oeseh. last Wednesday for Guelph where Mrs. Kenneth Breakey and he commenced tris studies More hiss Ethel Gobel, oT Zurich spent day at the O.A:C. an evening with Mr. Harold Fin - Visitors on Sunday with Mr. lay and family. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and fa- 31i'. and Airs. Martin and fann- mily were Mr. and firs. Jack fly of h:iatntvel district spent. Carter and family of near Sea Snnclay with the dormer's 't spent forth; Mt. and Mrs. George outs, Mr. and AI's. Menno Steekle and family, Miss Rebecca Steckle returned with them for a week'a vation. lhca'. Jahn McBride visited with. A6'. Harold Finlay and family. 'Mr. Jerry Gesell of Paris, Ont., spent a. few dais with his rela- tives in this district. Wynne and family; Mrs, Myna Wynne of rarest, Airs. Jewitt Sr., who had been visiting in Forest returned with ,tlienl. Air. and Mrs, Art Bromley of Kitchener visited with lir, and Mas. James Dale on. Sunday last, lir. and Airs. Chester Beattie and fancily of Goderich visited