HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-18, Page 10Unna,nUM0MlIMIIMU m191M011 UMM0111nM110nM0 111 IMAM uummnmnlnu 0 nnan11,t CLEVER, 'NEW Winter Coats Iu Mirra Seal, Seal Skins, Velvetolre and Veldoua cloths. Exciting styles, trim- med or untrimmed. Featur- ing blues, greens, browns, reds and blacks 39.95 to 110.00 POPULAR NEW Car Coats Famous range of car coats by. Irving-PURIIIIn. Sig- them itchy 18.9540 29.95 �,iw ;rte�'el corduroy and wool Slim Jims. Sizes le to IS 3.95 & 4.95 THE NEW LOOK IN Fall Dresses New relaxed look in noduled sheaths, classic tailored or newest solifflt• flared hem lines. All new autumn shades and materials 8.95 to 22.95 t > WIDE CHOICE OF Fall Skirts ;' Reversible plaids, elan tar- tans, and plain wools In ideated. reversible and sheath style skirts. Size lit to 20 9.95 to 19.95 VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE FAIR OUR NEW STORE HOURS With the desire 10 shorten the Saturday working ho rs for our staff. commencing Sat,. Sept. 20. to the eucl of the yl'in', we are closing our store at 9 P.M. ON SATURDAY NIGHTS Will you please co-operate. 1,y shopping early Stewart Bros. 111111111111111111111 n111111111r11l a 11 a e, I I I n 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 m 1111,1111111111111111111111111,1100 q1111111 5 NEW 1958 CHEVROLET SEDANS REDUCED TO CLEAR ONE 1957. ONE 1957 ONE 1953 ONE 1953 ONE 1953 ONE 1952 These cars CHEVROLET COACH DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN DODGE "8" SEDAN A.T. PONTIAC COACH CHEVROLET SEDAN, A.T. are in excellent condition NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT Seafort/iMotors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCI•IELL SEAFORTH /11111 11111llln11111mmlllllmllllll 1,11111111111111111llllllllllll 11111111111111111111111111111 x111111111111111 m11mlm1 NEW LEASE ON LOOKS FOR SUITS Finest work always Let us restore the sparkle and freshness your Suits had the day they Were bought. You'll like the way we shape jacket collars to hug the neck, roll lapels to top button Flannery Cleaners PHONE 87 Local Cancer Societ Plans For Action Sea -forth and District Tirane of the Canadian Cancel' Societ Met on Wednesday, Sept.. 10th 1 the Town Hall to discuss pi for the coming year. The Seaforth and Distri Branch is a part of the Hut' Unit which in turn is affiliate with. the Ontario Division a tete Canadian Cancer Society. The original purpose of tit Cancer Society was to supply th urgent public need for educatio about cancer in order that earl treatment might save lives. Ale the Society in Ontario took o the task of raising funds for r search purposes, The local brano is prepared to give the foliowin assistance to needy cancer su fevers. Cancer dressings, which or often required in large numbs and become an expensive burde advanced cancer patients, ar supplied by the Society free charge, anywhere in Ontario 0 the advice of a doctor Or ours Also arrangements are made b local units for transportation o patients wherever this is regal1'- ed for diagnosis or treatment. S necessary, the Society Will mak arrangements for boarding o of patients. Many local units have pro grammes to provide +comforts fo cancer sufferers, and loan cu boards are maintainedned -at sol units. Every year the Society* find new ways of rendering vital sei vices' to cancer patients, and wil continue to provide quick hell where the need is found, and al help given is in strict confidence The convenor of the Servic Committee is Mrs, Norman Mc Lean of Egrondville, and she o any member of her committe would be glad to give any assist ince possible. The Cancel' Society does n0 contribute to the costs of hospit al, drugs or medical care, be cause funds for this purpose are available in special circumstan- ces through various government- al agencies, Until research discovers a cure for all forms of the disease, edu- cation now about tried and prov- en methods of treatment is our greatest single weapon against cancer. Our education program aims to save lives by teaching the nubile to recognise the symp- toms and obtain early treatment. Surgery and radiation therapy can effectively delay, or stop en- tirely the growth of Certain forms of cancer if treatment is begun while the growth is still localized. That is why the Society's edu- cation program is being intensi- fied every year and more ways and means found of reaching more people. Most of the funds donated to the Cancer Society are used for, Cancer Research 33 1/3%, Can - eel: Education 17.5% and Wel- fare Services 19.0%, The Officers and Committee members of the local branch are Hon. Pres., Mr. B. F. Christie; Pres., Ah'. 7, 'W. Talbot; 1st Vice Pres., 31'r. J. L. Slattery; 2nd lice Pres.,Mrs, Norman SWISS:lus, Sac Mrs. Margaret Platt; Treas- urer, lir. Robert M. Wright;Ser- vice Committee, Mrs. 1, McLean; Education Committee, Rev. Dr. Semple; Publicity Committee, lire. Harvey M. Mason; Camp- aign Committee, Mr, F. E. Willis. Y h us On et d nd e e n. 7 0, n e- h 5 f - e I.6 en e o1 n e. y f e ut 1' P- uo s 1 1 e r e t DUBLIN MOTHER 3I. AG -I -ES EYLAIRE Mother )I. Agnes Clare, the former Agnes Rowland of Dub- lin, Ont., died on Saturday, Sept. 13, at ltrsuline College, "The Pines," Chatham, Ont, Daughter of the late Winnifred McGrath and Patrigk Rowland. Dublin, Mother Agnes Clare entered the ri'suline Community, June 25, 1932, Having received the habit, December 29, 1932, she pronounc- ed Temporary Vows, Dec. 29, 1934, and Final Vows, Aug. 29th, 1938. She is survived by two sisters, Mother M. Afro, 13reacia Hall, London, Ont., and :firs. Bert Gal London, Ont., and Mrs.Bert Gal- lant. Angela. of Windsor, and three brothers, John, Calgary, Alberta; Edward, Toronto, and Frank Rowland of Oakville, Ont. The recently deceased, Jos, Row- land, Toronto, was a brother. At the beginning of her relig- ious life, Mother. Agnes Clare en- tered with full and unselfish par- ticipation into her chosen voca- tion. From time to time, she took up the apostolic work of the community in various missions, and it was with great devotion that she dedicated herself loyally to the general welfare, wherever she was directed. according to the will of God. Always retiring and self-sacrificing, she ivas con- sidered "a tower of strength" in whatever convent she lived. It was while stationed at St. Ig- nare, Michigan, that she was stricken by an incurable illness whirls nacre her a helpless in- valid for almost 12 year's, "A tower of strength" in health, Mother Agnes Clare now because "a tower of strength" in illness, for'she devoted herself complete- ly to the work of the order, by a life of suffering and prayer, She was ever a source of edification and inspiration to everyone with whom she cane in contact. Death calve to Mother Agnes Clare on Saturday, following a sudden collapse on Friday. With her death, the I7rsuIines have lost a beloved member, who will be metu'nett and missed by all, Solemn Requiem llass was cel- ebrated in the holy Family Cha- pel en Tuesday, Sept. 16. Rev. E. L. Tierney, Chaplain of "The Pines," was celebrant, assisted by Rev, T. 3, Lever, Deacon, and Rev: 13. E. Wall, Subdeacon, both of Chatham; Rev. R, A. Van Presbyterial Holds Rally at Heri;.sall Miss Mary E. Whale, on the. National Staff' of the WAIS of the Presbyterian Church in Canada as Director of Overseas Missions, was the guest speaker at the an- nual Fall Rally of I-Ioron Presby terial, Held in Carmel Presby- terian Church, H'eiieall, Tuesday, auxiliaries rein'esented were from Auburn, Belgrayo, Blyth, Bay- field, Ilensall, Clinton, Goderich and Seaforth, Airs. J. F. Scott, Presbyterial President, presided for morning and afternoon sessions and those present were welcomed to Cat' mel Church by Mrs. S. Dougall, Presidentof Reiman Sr, WMS. The devotions 111 the morning were conducted by Blyth Auxil- iary, In the meditations Mrs, W. Shortreed asked that God be tak- en into all our beginnings and that we strive only to make such plans as will meet 911s approval and be done to Ilis honor and glo9'y. Miss A. Toll led in prayer. The . President based her . re- m'ar'ks on the theme of the rally which was "Joy in Believing". "In an age of defeatism and de- spair we should ring the note of joy. The good news of the gospel is that no situation and no soul is ever helpless, God cares and God call" Reports were heard from all officers and secretaries, The 'Historian, Mrs, A, Taylor', in her report said that it had been on Sept, 8, 1914, 44 years ago, that three missionary groups, the Montt eat WMS, the WIOMS and the WIl',MS, had met in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, to amalgamate and become the Huron Presbyterial of the VMS choosing as their motto "The World For Christ". Mrs, O. Flet- cher of Thames Road- Church was the first President, Greetings from Huron -Maitland Presbytery were read by the secretary. The afternoon session opened with devotions by Goderich Ar. thur. Circle based on Jesus great comnlandmient "Love one anoth- er", stressing that we must be aware of another's need and lose ourselves in aei'vice to others. Those taking part were Mrs. .7'. A, McConnell, Mrs, C. Edward, and Mrs., 0, Henderson. Miss Mary Whale was introduc- ed by Mrs. D. ,T, Lane and speak- ing of the troubled situation in Formosa and briefly India, the countries she Itas visited as Dir- ector of Overseas Missions, she said that our task is bearing fruit day after day and hour 8f - ter hour but so much is still to be done, The prayer of the Christian Church in Formosa 14 that the faith of Christians will be strong enough that the force of evil will be Alit down. They ar•e thankful that God has called us as Missionary Women to His service. People in those coun- tries hunger for a knowledge of a God that will Save them and when they do become Christians their"joy in believing" is real. An "In Memoriam" service was conducted by lire. A. Tay- lor, paying tribute to those who have been called to ti higher ser- vice in the year past. Ml's. M'nt. Brown, Hensall, sang a solo, "Come Ye Blessed" and a skit "All that we leave" was present - td by members of the Seaforth a•.bara Kirkman Auxiliary, Vynekt, Tilbury East, was Mast- er of Ceremonies, Present for the Funeral Service were Rt. Rev. E. A. O'Donnell, D.P., V.F„ Rev. J. Uyen, Rev. 7, 13. Clark, Rev. D. F. Boyer, Rev. F. A, Dostal, S. J., Rev. R. G. Warden, Rev. M. S. Kaminski, all of Chatham; Rev. L. 3. Kelly, Wallaceburg, Rev. T. G, Dill, Rev. C. G. Walsh of Loudon, Rev, W. J. O'Flaherty of Bothwell, Rev. Francis Mc- Carroll, 0.F.M., Cap., Rev. Bern- ard Robert, O.F.-1L. Cap., Rev. Eleutherius Olivier, O.F,II„ Cap., and Rev. Father Cyprian, 0,F.M., Cap, of Blenheim. Interment was in St. Anthony's Cemetery. SCOTT -TUT -MY Staffa United Church, decorat- ed with yellow mums and white gladioli, was the scene of the marriage or Margaret Joy Vivi- an, slaughter of lir. and Mrs. C. Vivian, and Duncan Thos. Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott, Staffa, on Saturday, Sept. 6, at 2,30 p.m. llllllllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111„11111111111„1, Rev. A. H. Daynard officiated and Mrs. Fiery Harburn played wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Alice Arm- strong, London, who sang "0 Perfect Love", "The Lord's Pray- er". and, "All Joy be Thine", Given in Marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was lovely in ny- lon net over satin with lace frills and lace bodice trimmed with pearls and sequins, high neck- line and lily point sleeves. She carried a white Bible crested with red roses. Mrs, Kenneth Little, London, was matron of honor, wearing yellow nylon chiffon over net, accented with daisies. She car- ried yellow and mauve totals. Bridesmaids, Misses Norma Har. burn, London, and Muriel Scott, sister of the groom, were dressed in mauve, and carried yellow and bronze mums: Flower girls; Carol Ann Vivian and Frances Scott, were dressed in green ny- lon chiffon accented with daisies and carried baskets of yellow and bronze mums. ,George Vivian, Staffa,was groomsman for his brother, and ushers were Alex Meikle and Donald Dearing. A reception was held in the church hall,, where the bride's mother received in a light brown lace dress with green and brown accessories, and corsage of green tinted roses, The groom's mother assisted in a mink brown dress. with brown and olive green ao- ceasories, and yellow rose cot, Sage. Serving were Audrey' Owens, Mary Barbour, Irene Colquhoun, Ina Webber, Adeline Chappel and Ina Scott, For travelling in the States the bride donned an orange ice duster with matching figured dress, white and black accessor- les, and white carnation corsage, They will reside on the groom's farm at Cromarty. WALTON Miss Mary Mowbray who has disposed of ]ler house and pro- perty to Mr. Nelson Reid intends holding an auction sale in the near future. Antique items will be for sale. Watch for further an- nouneements. Church serviee will be held in Duff's United Church next Sun- day morning at 11 a.nl. with Rev. It. V. Workman of Seaforth in charge. Sunday School will com- mence at 10 a.ni. The Walton Public School has been closed during the past week owing to the illness of the teach- er, Mrs. Margaret Robertson. Mrs, Graham Sltoldice was hostess for a shower on Friday evening honoring Miss Alma Fowler of Seaforth. .Mr. and Mrs, T. Dundas have returned ]tome after spending the Past week in New York the guest of Miss Tillie Dundas, DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL YAWS We had a very thrilling exper- ience Wednesday afternoon when we saw the Shakespearean pro- duction of Henry IV. Rev. Di'. Ffoulkes explained the play- to us before and eight cars and a station wagon provided trans- portation for teachers and stud- ents with the only mishap "a flat tire". Monday morning found some of the older students looking eagerly into grade ten's room, ad- miring the new desks, I even heard someone remarking they wouldn't mind being in grade 10 again. We are privileged to have lir. Marley with us again supervising our music classes. There are rumors going about that the boys niigllt be starting a 11100111 organ band. So boys try your best and. we soon hope to hear you play. The glade 12 and grade 10 girls are going to be playing volleyball this year; the team captains are Nancy Kelly and myself. To all volleyball Players level heads and strong arms! Two more appointments have been made, first Theresa Duch- ar•.nle has been appointed by 50, clamation as mission representa- tive for grade 12, secondly Cath- arine Ryan has been appointed librarian. Comments: Grade nine, do you want to get accluainted with Hamlet or do you really forget your books? 111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111"111"11111,1 Visit Seaforth Fair hursday Night SEE OUTSTANDING DISPLAYS OF SEAFORTH MERCHANTS, INDOOR EXHIBITS ON DISPLAY PROGRAMME AT 8 P.M. Medley of Dutch Dancing, Irish Dancing, Tap Dancing (Class of Mrs. )3roderick) Sharon Strong, solo Eileen Smith and Margaret Hiller, duet SECOND PROGRAMME Doris. Johnston, marimba solo Judy Nicll:ling, Hamilton, tap (lancing Jimmy McNulty, Scotland, dramatic accordionist Cromarty Step Dancers Steve and Judy, acrobatic team Crowning of Champion Cook Presentation of Baldwin Hardware Special A com- plete 6 -piece cannister set including bread box DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA 11, 0000000001111111111111"1111111 l 11111111111111111111llll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1,11111,111 1111 • BARN Clarke -To Rev. anti Mrs. Ernest G. Clarke, at Kingston, on Sept, 14th, a daughter Staples -At Scott Memorial Hospital fon Sept. 12, to. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ,Staples, St. Columbal, a daughter Heard -At Scott Memorial Sesotho] on September 10, to Mr. and Mrs,. GOr- dlon Heard, Beylleldl a son - CARD OF THANKS We wish to .extend our 'heartfelt ap- preciation to all our neighbors and friends wino in any way helped us in oar recent sad bereavement For the many cards. floral tributes, and acts of - kindness, special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. Pitt and Rev. Daniel, also Mrs, Rose, organist, and the. llonthron Fa- nernl home. Mrs Rosa Miley M. and Mrs. Ward Forrest Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Riley IN MEMORIAM Brodbagen In loving memory af. our dear father and brother, Harmon Brodhagen, who passed away September 21, 1967. rears' of striving, little of play. Loving and giving the whole ofthe way. A cherished smile, aheart of gold; To the dearest dad and brother the world could hold. Happy memories, fond and .true, From us who thought the world of you, -Sadly missed by the Family CARD OF THANKS The femur of the late Mats, Louise Flanagan, wish to extend their ' sincere thonks and appreciation for messages of sympathy, floral tributes and Mass cards. Special thanks to Fr. McCowen and Dr. Stapleton COMING EVENT L.O.L. Euchre, Orange Hall, Seaforth, Fri. Sept, 26th. Dravv '011 $50 will be made COMING EVENT Elective M IOOF hell, Sept. 29, under auspices of. OPT Committee of 000 Fel- lows end Rebekahs FOR SALE Girls 3 -piece winter set, hold with vel- vet trim, size 3X. Mrs, David Shannon HELP WANTED Reliable lady for general housework to take full charge, all modern convent onces. Apply to Box M, Seaforth News Iv SALE 100 Red pullets 5 months James McQuaid, phone Dublin 40•14. HONEY FOR SALE When attending the Seaforth Fair be euro .and tante Home a Pall of delicious September honey with all the Fallvita- mins at 20c lb. Also .clover' money ! .5c 1h. in your own containers. Wallace Ross Arteries, North Main at„ Seaforth FOR SALE 10 clunks,. Don Crich, RR3 Seaforth. Phone Clinton HU 2-0253 WAN Reliable single man Efor D general into work by the year. Apply to W.J.F. Bell K!ppan THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, September 18, 1958 BOX • Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Hospital Careful Bed Attention Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,'M.D, Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth 114.1411111 SEAFORTH CLINIC 91 A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Int4'rnist'. P. L. Brady, M,D„ Surgeon Office Hours, 1 pan. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable arecosmummegammenesmem TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.14L, V.S. W. G. DRENNAN. D.V.M„ V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 701. Main St„ Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.52; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM. Thur, evs by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwo, Mon. 9 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- feated' at lowest rates In First. - Class Companies Dublin CommuOE nity. l Salle of Livestock, Cronin Sales .barn, every Wednesday commencing at 2 pan. Livestock must be inspected and at the sale by 2 p.m, Phone 4, Dublin. Saleswill be held every Wednesday. .-.Note change of time, starting Sept. 24 FOR SALE 50 Sussex x Red pullets, laying. Pind- ere strain. Phone Dublin 45r25, Hubert Johnston, Walton RR 2 Fill and to1FOli. Reason able, Town of Seaforth, Contact H, Maloney 100 Sussex F01RdSALEs, started to lay. Phone 8371'41. Russell Dolmage FOR SALE x 450 Red Roc pullets ready to lay, Gordon Wren,' Iiippen. Phone 674x3 Henson FARM FOR SALE 75 aeras with no buildings, Pt, Lot, 1, Con. 18, Hallett. Good, . well. Colin McDonald, Blyth RR 1 FOR SALE 39 inch table top 4 burner natural gas stove. Inquire Drysdale Hardware, Hen - sail, Ont. FOR SALE Mixed dry wood, 35 a cord delivered. 'Phone 64x16 Duhiin, Louis P. Coyne, Seaforth RR 5 Sprayed apples R \v SALE y, St. Lawr- ence, etc., free deliver), in town. P11o00 HU_ 3214. Fred McClymont & Sons, Varna SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Reliable man us Dealer in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to stop into old pro- fitable business where Rawloigh Prod- ueln have been sold for year]. Big pro- fits. Products furnished on cre<llt, Write Rawleigh's, Dept, I-964-163, 4(105 Riche- lieu St., Montreal SALrs AND SERVICE Viking Separator's, Authorized dealer Dublin, Seaforth and Clinton. Basil O'Rourke's Blacksmith & Welding Shop. Br•ueefiel4 Auction Sale Of Household Effects, In the town of Seaforth, North Main Street, on Wed.. Sept. 24th, at 1 p.m. Dining room table 6 dining room chairs, aide board. Dining room suite, consisting of table anil oix chairs, combination china cabinet and bullet. Walnut upholstered platform rocker, upholstered rocker, 4 rocking chairs, 2 kitchen tables, sewing machine, beds, springs & dressers,. 8 small tables, 2 studio couches,cloy bed, .pillows, bed - dings, quilts, blankets, linens, Finlay range, coal or wood, nearly new.. Quan- tity dishes, cutlery, cooking utensils, lawn mower, garden tools, wash tub with stand, step ladder, crocks, flower oats, fruit jams, numerous other articles. ntmrdaThos. Au, Terms Jackson; Clerk, E. Beattie. Chesney J. W. BLACKBURN :rhes. Bac., ,R.lM.T• PIANO AND ORGAN Harmony, Counterpoint, Foram and Analysis Personal Tuition at 36 Norman Street, Stratford Phone 1536 Specializing in Correspondence Tuition in All Theoretical Subjects for Out -of -Town Students TENDERS WANTED Tuckorsmillt Screel Area Separate tenders are invited for the supplying of : -- (a) Furnace fuel oil for schools Nos. 2, 6, 7 and .0for the 1958.00 school term, (b) Best quality anthracite hard fur- nace coal, 7 tons to each of Schools Nos. 1 and 4. (e) Best quality stoker coal, 7 tons to School No. 8. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Closing date for tend- ers is noon, October 1st, 1968, W. P. ROBERTS, Sec.-Treas. Seaforth RR 3 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Corporation of the County of Huron To WIT By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Iluron under his and and the seal of the said corp- oration bearing date of 12th day of August. 1958 sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Huron will be held at my office at the hour of 2.90. nm, in the Court House on the 0th day of December 1058unless the. taxes .and costs are sooner .paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands- for solo for arrears 'of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette an the Oth day of Sep- tember 1008, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. The adjourned sale, if necessary, will be field at the above office on the 16111 cloy of December, 1858. Treasurer's Office this 18th day of. August, 1908. (signed) J. G. Betty, Treasurer INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. °R'lcers-President, Wm. S. Alexander' Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sea. -Treace, M, A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; 1. H. batwing, Blyth; W. 5, Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. A Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Loonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; E. Archibald,Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Sgaforth, Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr„ Londeaboro, J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect inourance or transact other business, will be prom85410! . attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respectivepost office]. arm Quick,: RinexpennsivO eEP ndRguaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House,, phone 347R. Seaforth WANTED Old horses wanted et 311r(lo lb., and dead cattle et value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148334 or 1183J1 (Goderich) For artificial ninnsemination service or more information, telephone the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at:-- Clinton HU 2-34.11 between 7.30 and 0,30 .m. w a eels days, Gt y . n 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for service on Sunday. Cows in heat an Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply service to top quality bulla of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guern- sey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (pelted & horned) Beef Shorthorn (poll- ed and horned) and Dual Purpose Short. horn, Angus and Charolais breeds, The cost is low. ;4 SEE �- The new Resulta adding mach- ine (printing) at 79.95, adds and sullstracta. Regular Resulta at 49.95 (with adding only at 30,95). Savaugea, Seaforth Notice • Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuckersmitli Dumping Ground will be open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock and evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until further notice. E. P. Cheaper, Clerk 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND. 'FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 . Res, 256 Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2.9357 Co-operators Insurance 'Association 500 pullets atO Rti SAL El ay 1 200 are Leghotns ; 250 Goldenneck layers. W. E. Haney, phone 66203 PEACHES B1berta peaches, Bartlett pears, Mc- Intosh apples. Being containers and pick your own, Govenloek Orchards, i/e mile north of Forest CUSTOM .COMBINING For beans, flax, movers or buck- wheat we have all the necessary attachments to make this mach- ine do a good job on various crops, Prices reasonable by the acre or we will combine -clover on a share basis if desired, Lyle Montgomery, rrl Clinton, 941-11.-31 Seaforth PIANO TUNING 30 years' experience. Geo, B. Clarice, Organist St. Thomas' Clench, 5caforth. Phone 84