HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-18, Page 7• THE SEAFORTII NEWS—Thursday, September 18, 1058 MeltELLO.,:IE SCH L FA.i : SETS NEW REC L<L" i,t ilk ` ECEIPTS The ideal weather, Thursday, for the annual MeKillop School Pair, held at S.S. 10, Winthrop, helped to make this the most outstanding Fair since its incep- tion some years ago,according to president Gordon Papple. The gate receipts were far ahead of any year yet. Huron Warden John Morris- sey officially opened the Fair, following a parade of the child- ren of the eight schools partici- prating, Treaded by the Brodhag- en Band, Others present on the platform for the opening were Elston Cardiff, MP for Huron, Reeve Dan Beuermann, Douglas Miles, Arthur Bolton, and the School Inspector G. G. Gardiner. Tho program included numb- ers from each school, with out- side talent entertaining with songs and dances. Those taking part were Sharon Strong, the Cronin Sisters, and Roy Mc- Quaid. Following the program, judg• Ing took place for the beauty contest and baby show: Chosen Junior Miss was Miss Barbara •McClure; runners-up were Miss Karen Dolmage and Miss Phyllis Hinz. Junior Mr. was Donald Murray, with Bobby Pryeo and Michael Murray the runners-up Baby winners were: 6 -months and under, Dianne ,:McNichol, Cathy Arm Duffy, Claire Mc- Clure; 6 -months to 1 year, Don aid Henderson, Keith Murray. In the choral reading, S.S. 1, MoKillop came first, followed by S.S. 12 and S.S. 9. The oldest woman on the grounds was Mrs. William Dieg- el, g el, Brodhageu; oldest man, Jas. Morrison, Walton. Races were as follows: Girls,. 7 years, Betty Roe, Elsie Rose, Joyce McNichol; Girls, 10, Bar. barn Hamilton, Dal Beuermann, Sharon MacKenzie; Girls 15, Shirley Ilenderson, Joan Hamil• ton, Lois Godkin; Boys 7, Neil McNichol, Jim Henderson, Paul :Somerville; Boys 10, Gerald Ry an, Bruce Smith, Jack Flana- gan. Boys 15, Gerald Ryan, Bill Hamilton, Neil Replan, Young men's race, Bill Campbell, Len Maloney, Marvin Benninger, 'Calves -4-H Sr. Beef Calves— Marguerite Scott, Amy Stewart. Beef Calf, Marguerite Scott, Lar- ry Horne, Donna Gordon, Gordon Moylan. Beef Calf, pail fed, Mary Lou Coyne. Dairy heifer Calf, ,Sr.. Doug Boyd, Margaret lIlilen, Louis McNichol, Donald, Coyne. Dairy Heifer: 'Calf, Jr., Linda Papple, Mary Lou Coyne Faye Little, Bonnie Stewart. Sweepstakes, Margaret Scea. Best Showmanship, Marguerite Scott, Linda Papple, Faye Little, Bost Dairy Calf under 200 lbs„ Bonnie Stewart, Doug Boyd, Best Beef under 200 lbs., Marguerite Scott. Livestock Judging — Donald Coyne, Marguerite Scott, Linda Papple, Gordon Moylan, Goate — Jane Shannon, Lois Beuermann, Rochelle Nesbitt, Ronnie Campbell. Lambs, Mkt„ Paul Somerville, Neil McNichol, Gordon Driscoll. Best Short Wool, P. Somerville, Neil McNichol, Gordon Driscoll, Long Wool, Neil McNichol, Paul Somerville, Gordon Driscol. Pigs -•,Best Sow, Linda Papple, Am1 Stewart, Bonnie Stewart. Gilts, under 150 lbs°, Linda Som- erville, Lois Godkin, Donald Coyne. Under 50 lbs„ Laurie Fiseher, Linda Somerville, Paul Somerville, Jim Henderson, Pair Pigs under 100 lbs„ Clary Mc- Nichol, Mary Lou Coyne, Lois Godkin, Herb Shannon. Pony and Saddle Vincent Maloney, Sheila Deitz. Comie Ve- hicle, Bill Siemon, Garry Alex- ander and Murray McClure, Dec- orated Tricycle—Ricky MOKen zie. Bicycle, Sharon McKenzie, Sandra Bennewies, POULTRY AND PETS Pair of Geese, Gordon Driscoll, Paul Somerville. Pair of turkeys, Larry Borne, AlbertStamen, Bil- ly Sienion. Pair of ducks, Ross Elliott, Marg. Wildfong, Bill Iien- dereon, Pair pheasants, Keith Sie- mon. Pair of Bantams, Tom Leeming, Rae Beattie, Gordon Koehler. Pair of Pigeons, Doug. Boyd, Ann Eckert, David Wild - long. Pair of rabbits, Ann Eck- ert. Best dog, Eileen O'Rourke, Donna Gordon, Dan O'Rourke. Best pet, Garry Betties, Lena Ry- an, Dyke Little. Pair of White Rock, Starr Fischer, Larrie , Fis- cher, Pair of White Leghorns, Jim Rapson, Eileen Maloney, Bobby Ryan. Pair of R.I. Reds, Jean Roe, Joyce McNichol, Don Coyne. Pair of Sussex, Eileen Ma- loney, Francis Maloney, .'Venice ITorne. Pair of light hybrids, Gordon Rcupson, Cyril Ryan, Bon- nie Stewart. Pair of heavy hY- brids, Joseph Walsh, -Michael Walsh, Mary Walsh, Brown eggs, June Hillen, Margaret Rose Ry- an, Bruce" Elliott. White eggs, Garry Koehler, Murray Hender- son, Jim Henderson. Grain and Vegetables Gordon Driscoll, Billy McGavin, Nitoid Chomicki First cut hay, Robert Pryce, Lois (lodkin, Gor- don Driscoll, Billy McGavin, NI - told Chomicki, Jean Roe. Sheaf Oats, Audrey McNichol, Gerald- ine Dennis, Keith Siemon, Born - ice Rose. Sheaf Barley, Marguer- ite Scott, Geraldine Dennis. Qt. of Wheat, Don Ryan, Gordon Ry- an, Maryann Wildfong, David Wildfong, Cyril Ryan, Mark Smith. Quart of Barley, Eleanor Keys, Maryann Wildfong, Jim Henderson, Billy McGavin, Don Coyne, Paul Betties. Quart of field beans, Mary Ann Wildfong, Leona Glanville, Billy McGavin, Douglas Boyd, Ken Murray, Quart of garden beans, Bruce Glanville, Amy Stewart, Joau Boyd, Leona Glan- ville, Stanley Glanville. Quart of oats, Mary Ann Wildfong, El- eanor Keys, Don Coyne, Jim Ilenderson, Bill Henderson, Marlc Smith. Six stalks of field corn, Valerie Beuermann, L o lr et t a Murray, Stephen Murray, Earle Rose, Gwen Beuermann, Doug.: Boyd. j Roots, Vegetables Table turnips, Brenda Pryce, James Doigel, Bernice Rose, It. Shannon, Shirley Vock, Ron ; Campbell, Field turnips, Billy Simon, Francis Maloney, Earle Rose, Bill Henderson, Jim Hen-' derson, Loretta Murray. Man - golds, Paul TToran, Billy Siemon, Billy McGavin. Keith Siemon, Janice Moran, Geraldine Dennis. Spanish Onions, Paul Horan, Da- vid Wildfong, Janice IIoran, Bet- ty Roe, Billy Beuermann, Mur- ray McClure. Onions, Mary Ann Wildfong, Billy Siemon, Larry Horne, Joanne Elligson, Donald Murray, Bruce Snrith, Cabbages, Billy Beuermann, Ron Koehler, Ray Beattie, Keith Siemon, Lar - Second cut hay, Lois Godkin, ry Horne, Bernice Rose. ino Flannigan, Stanley Glanville. Citrons, Gerald Ryan, Agnes Ryan, Elsie Rose, Mary Ann Wildfong. Largest pumpkin, Nit- oid Cliomicici, Ruth Ann Riegel, ;Dennis Smith, Rochelle Nesbitt, Billy Mc(iavin Gordon Driscoll, Pie pumpkins, Murray McClure, Bonnie Stewart, Leslie Bernard, Garry Betties, Robert Shannon. Jean Roe. Beets; Janice Horan, Brian Campbell, Dale Beuer- man, Elsie Rose, Billy 'letter- man, Mary Beuermann. Car- rots, Earl Rose, Don Coyne, Danny O'Rourke, Robert Shlaa» non, . Mary Lou Coyne, Marlene Pepper. Table corn, Gary Koeh- ler, Mary McKereher, Kathy Doerr, Mary Anne Wildfong, Jo- an Boyd, Bruce Smith. Toma- toes, Grant Little, Keith Siemon, Joanne Elligsen, Barbara Mc- Clure, Judy McIver, Janice Hor- an. Irish Cobbler potatoes, Mark Smith, Elsie Rose, Bernice Rose, Maureen Hoegy, Randy Duffy, Marlene Pepper Katandin pots - toes, Keith. Siemon, Murray Mc- Clure, Herbert Shannon, Dyke Little, Karen Kerr, Billy Siemon. Sebago potatoes, Geraldine Den- nis, Robert Shannon, M. Smith, Joan Dennis, Dennis Smith, Lyn- da Kerr. FRUIT Winter apples, Billy McGavin, Mary Flannigan, Robert Sie• mon, Michael Walsh. Fall apples, Karen Dolmage, Glenn Dolmage, Janice Horan, Bill Henderson, Herbert Shannon, Gordon Dris- coll. Pears, Darlene Elligsen, Billy MoGavin, Mary Beuer• mann, Billy Beuermann, Gordon Koehler, Glenn Dolmage, Plums, Dennis Smith, Bruce Dolmage, Bonnie Stewart, Gary McClure, Betty Dolmage, Ken Dolmage, Pint of salad dressing, Donna Gordon, Geraldine Dennis, Ricky MacKenzie, June Hillen, Kather. Tfi urs and raid Y OUTSTANDING LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS FEATURING T E 8111 S ONT. HEREFORD -- PERTH -HURON JERSEY AND LIVESTOCK PARADE THURSDAY EVENING Two Programmes First Performance - 8 P.M, See over 500 Feet of Merchants' Displays Fu PON 6 CLUBS COMPETING 3 CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS FV 'r All m m - Midway Professipsi Pr gramme e Hundreds of Exhibits - - SQUADE DANCE COMPETITION ENTRIES STILL REQUIRED Prizes $60- $25 - $15 Join the Fun Friday Afternoon ENTER TO -DAY EitiEZEIVABEMENEEENEEESESEEMPEEE KEI ES Parade iy f Fl 6 ats d - o ':.ands Dancing Fridap Night OFFICIAL OPENING BY C. S. MacNAUGHTON, EXETER M.P.P. FOR HURON SEE THE PRIZE- WINNING INDOOR DISPLAYS R. W. CAMPBELL R. JAMES WALLACE Pres. Sec.-Treas ADULTS 50c. CHILDREN 25c. CARS 25c CHILDREN IN PARADE FREE Canned cherries, Robe Doig, Di- anne Dolmage, Betty Dolmage, Katherine Flannigan. Betty Roe, Starr Fischer. Canned strawber- ries, Roba Doig, Dianne Dol - mage, Patsy Ryan, Betty Dol - mage, Jean Roe, Canned rasp- berries, Mary Flannigan, Roy Glanville, Leslie Glanville, Shar- on MacKenzie, Dianne Dolmage, Betty Dolmage, FLOWERS AND PLANTS Dining room bouquet, Linda Somerville, Eleanor Keys, JD' onne Elligsen, Faye Little, Billy McGavin, Gainey McClure. Potted plant in bloom, Billy Siemon, Mary Leeming, Eleanor Keys, Julia Blanchard, l'aul Horan, Gloria Diegel. Potted plant not in bloom, Jean Patrick, Billy JlcGaviu, Laurie Fisher, Eileen Maloney, Geraldine Dennis, Di- anns Dolmage, - Dahlias, .Jane Shannon, Linda Somerville, Barbara McClure. Rochelle Nesbitt, Joyce McNichol Margaret Iiillen. Asters, Miles Little, Dennis Smith, Gordon Driscoll, David Wildfong, Joyce McNichol, Murray McClure, Zin- nias, Stanley Glanville, Garry Betties, Linda Somerville, El• eanor Keys, Karen Dolmage, Jan- ice McClure. Gladioli, Garry Bet- ties, Paul Betties, June Hillen, Geraldine Dennis, Stanley Glan- ville, Tom Leeming. Phlox, (:tar- ry Betties, Eleanor Keys, Paul Bettles, ,Tune Hillen, Joan Den- nis, Audrey McMichael, Snap- dragons, Linda Somerville, Billy Beuermann, Sharon McKenzie, Mary Ann Wildfong, Ray Beat tie, Jean Patrick, Cosmos, Den- nis Smith, Mary Leeming, Leona Glanville, Jean Patrick, Kathy Doerr, Eleanor Keys. CUTOUTS, COLLECTIONS 'Cutouts to illustrate; Helping at home, GIenn Doi - mage, Grant Little, Leslie Bei, nard, Larry Horne, Patsy Ryan, Ray Beattie. Scrapbook, current events, Karen Dolmage, Joan Ryan, Mary Margaret Flannigan, Mary Walsh, Joyce Ryan, Loret- ta Murray. Cutouts to illustrate "Our Farm", Linda Somerville, Miles Little, Joan Alexander, Roy Glanville, Paul Cuthill, Har- ry Horne. Insects, IKen Dolmage, Michael Walsh. Seeds, Gordon Pryce, Margaret Rose. Robert Pryce, Ei- leen O'Rourke, Agnes Ryan, Joyce Ryan. Collections of dif- ferent kinds of cloth, Audrey Mc- Michael, Eileen Smith, Linda Somerville, Lois Godkin, Witold Chomicki, Joan Hamilton. FANCY 'WORK Cross-stitch, ,loan Alexander, June Hillen, Larry Horne, Ber- nice Rose, Linda Somerville, Earle Rose. Embroidered tea towel, Lois Bernard, Jim Rap- son, Audrey McMichael. Eileen Maloney, Eileen O'Rourke, Stan- ley Glanville, Hemming, Gerald- ine Dennis, Eileen Smith, Elean- or Keys, Mary Murray, Sandra Bennewies, Dianne Dolmage. Grades 1, 2, sewing card, Le- ona e.ona Glanville, Elsie Rose, Joyce McNichol, Betty Roe, Ricky Mac- Kenzie, 'Leslie Glanville. Grades 3, 4, Doll's blanket, Linda Som- erville, Katherine Flannigan, Earle Rose, Bernice Rose, Grades 5, 6, hemmed towel, Lois Bern• ard, Mary McKercher, Audrey McMichael, Jean Patrick, Sharon McKenzie, Joan Ryan. Grades 7, 8, tea apron, Geraldine Dennis, Linda Papple, Sandra Benne- wies, Eleanor Keys, Eileen Smith, Dianne Dolmage, Grades 5-8, doll's knitted set, Geraldine Dennis, Eileen Maloney. Teach- er, eacher, any knitted article, bliss Jes- sie Little. BARING School lunch, Amy Stewart, Donna Gordon, Eleanor Keys, Audrey McMichael, Marguerite Scott. Maple cream, Donna Mc- Iver, Betty Dolmage, Dianne Dol - maga, Joan Ryan, Elaine Somer- ville, Eileen O'Rourke. Bran muffins, Roba Doig, Audrey Me - Michael, Kathy Doerr, June Hil- len, Karen Dolmage, Sharon MacKenzie. Oatmeal cookies, Earle Rose, Bernice Rose, Donna Gordon, Joseph Walsh, Mary Walsh, Joyce Ryan, Drop cook- ies, ookies, Margaret Rose Ryan, Shar- on MacKenzie, Billy Siemon, June Hillen, Betty Dolmage, Ei- leen Maloney. Tarts, Faye Little, Donna Gordon, Sharon MacKen- zie, Mary Beuermann, Agnes Ryan, Eileen O'Rourke, Angel Cake, Karen Dolmage, Donna Gordon, Linda Somer- ville, Brenda Hoegy, Geraldine, Dennis, Shirley Henderson. Light layer cake Amy Stewart, Sharon MacKenzie, Dark layer cake, Eileen O'Rourke, Sharon MacKenzie, Mary Beuermann, Eileen Maloney, Mary Ann Wild - tong, Deana Gordon, Apple pie, Linda Somerville, Shirley Vock, Gerald Ryan, Geraldine Dennis, Donna Gordon, Karen Kerr. Le- mon pie, Shirley Henderson, Linda Somerville, G e r al dine Dennis, Sharon MacKenzie, Shir- ley Vook. Pumpkin pie, Karen Dolmage, Sharers MacKenzie. Raisin pie, Geraldine Dennis, Donna Gordon, Sharon MacKen- zie, Cake baked by teacher, Miss Arlene Diegel, Mrs. Michael Murray, J. Little, 4 1 1