HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-18, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80
The Seaforth
WHEN CA. ' LEAPS INTO 1`�ITCH :Wilfred Colerrians
An enjoyable time was -held
Funeral services were held at
Tuesday evening when about 75
Dublin, Wednesday for two of ksas 'Turn -On at friends and .neighbors gathered
three Dublin men who died after at the Orange Hall in Seaforth
their car lett No. 8 highway and Seaforth Sept. 24 to honor Mr. and Mrs Wilfred
rolled into a ditch Sunday night.CoMalan on the occasion of their
The third will be buried on The turn -on ceremony of natur- silver wedding anniversary. Pro-
Tharsday. al gas in Seaforth will take place gressive euchre was played the
The men are Joseph Costello. next Wednesday, Sept. 24th at first part of the evening and
noon. A reception at the arena
24, Friel .Gormley, 47, and Ryan was followed by dancing with
will follow. Civic officials and
Jordan, about 36, Mr. Gormley . music supplied by Wilson Mc -
officials from surrounding rutrni- Cartney and Dirs. Elmer COMM,
cipalities will participate.
to Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- O. e winners were, ladies
forth; 11r. Costello, about three Purging of ail Motu the mains first,, Mrs. A. Bayes; lone hands,
hours after he was admitted and in Seaforth will start early next ;Urs, Peel]. Oke; consolation,
Mr. Jordan died at 2 a.m. Mon- week. Gas is brought to Seaforth Abs. a Coleman, :Men's first, K.
in an eight -inch main which con- Coleman; lone hands, Mike Wit -
Driver necte to the big 20" ma]u flea?
Driver of the car o1• the cause Hams, consolation, John R. Mr. andMac-
of the
established. of this largo has not as yet Gas was turned on in Mitchell Coletuan satlt�se le te 'p lmesentecl witas a
Requiem high mass was sung and Dublin on Tuesday plate glass mirror and a
care -
Wednesday at 9,30 a.m. at St.
week at noon in a special Gere• steam iron. The address was read
Patrick's Church dor My. Costel- many.
by Maurice Etue ancl preseuta-
lo. One hour later mass was sung tion was made by Elmer Comer -
at the same church for Mr, Gorm- Form Hannah on and Sohn 0. MacKay. Tho acl
ley..Mlass for Mr. Jordan will bet� dress:
sung 111 the salve church Thurs. Home and SCuOO1 To Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Cole -
day at 9,30 a.m, H.is body is at A Home and
the Branae funeral Home, Dublin. idea was formed
All three will be buried in St. evening at No.
Patrick's Cemetery. Mrs. T. E. Pellow
Mr. Costello is survived by his tract Organizer,
parents, Mr. and Alta. D. T. Cost• the meeting and
ello; . five sisters, Mrs. Kenneth out the purposes
Wickens, Mrs. Peter Groshok, and aitch an organiza
Miss Patricia, London alas. Jos, ed the following
Malone, Winnipeg, and Mrs. John er, .Mars. T. Kay;
Krauskopf, Dublin; five broth, Sharp; Vice -Pres,
ers, PO William. with HMOS Lean; Sec., Mrs.
Shearwater; Nova Scotia; Gera Treas., Mrs, W. 1'
ou, Toronto; Bernard, Stratford; Convener, Mrs, .7,
Danny, London; aril Jackie, at will be known as
home. - and School Assoc
Mr. Gormley is survived by a meet on. the sec
sister, ill's. Eleanor McCauley, of each month. Th
Loudon, and two brothers, Thos. will be in the sch
of Dublin, and Albert, Los Ang, :day, Oct. 8, and the guest speak -
Mos, Cal.
-air. Jordan is survived by his
parents, Mr. af11 Mrs. Patrick
Jordan. of Dublin.
Police said the car bad appar
ently been travelling west on
highway 8. at 1,20 p.m. when 1
veered oft the highway, passed
Dublin Creek, and a tree, rolled
between a guard rail marking
the approach to a bridge, rolled
over and came to rest on its foul
wheels in the creek bed.
Relatives of the men lifted the
three unconscious occupants from
the wrecked vehicle, prior to the
arrival of an ambulance whieb
took them to Scott Memorial hos-
pital, Seaforth, where they were
admitted about 8.30.
Gormley died within 20 min•
utes of admission; Costello sue•
lambed around 10 o'clock; and
Jordan at 2 a.m, Monday:
Pelee investigating the acct.
dent were unable to determine
which man was driving. The car,
a 1948 model, was owned by Bea.
natal Costello, a brother of Jos'
eplt Costello.
An inquest into the deaths of
the three Dublin men will be held
in Stratford police court, ou Mon-
day, Sept. 22, at 7.30 pan.The jury, which bas already
been empaneled, will consist of
Tilamas Butters, Donald 'McRae,
Geo. Goettler, and Jas. Krauskopf
all residents of Dublin.
School Associa- man on the occasion of their sil-
last Wednesdayver wedding anniversary:
7, Tuckersmitll. Dear Doreen and Wilfred -It
of London, Dis• gives us pleasure to remember
was present for both of you with very special
after pointing greetings and congratulations
and policies of too. It certainly is a pleasure
tion.. she install-
a day like this appears to
officers: Teach wish you both more happiness
Pres., Mrs, K. through all the coming years.
Mrs, Ii. tic- This happy anniversary must
H. McLeod;mean a lot to you with all the
ra'r'est; Program cherised memories of hopes and
Carachan. 1t dreams come true, and may the
Flannah Houle years you aro starting now be
lotion and will sure to bring your way still
and Wednesday more mood luck and happiness
e asst meeting throughout each passing day.
ool on \Vednes- Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbors.
$1.60 a Year
Seaforth Couple Win
$25000 Model Home
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cham-
bers have been receiving a del-
uge of congratulations on win-
ning the 520,000 house in Lon-
don on Saturday. Both young
people are going about their
dailytasks as usual this week.
It is understood that their house
will not be moved until the end
of October and sothey do not
have to make • up their minds
right away about what they will
do. The Free Press says.
A. young couple who three
times tried to get a look at the
inside of the Shrine Showhause
at the Western Fair Saturday
1.118106 but were discouraged each
time by the size of the crowds
filing through it, finally did have
a chance to go inside,
In fact, they wound up owning
And everybody agreed it could
not have happened to a nicer
couple than Raymond Chambers
and Marion, his bride of six
They live in a four -room, sec-
ond -floor apartment in Egmoncl-
ville, just outside Seaforth. They
spent the first hour of their
ownership of the $25,000 house
nearly speechless and left the vo-
cal rejoicing up to others -
friends, fair officials and com-
plete strangers.
For pretty 1lariott Chambers,
26, who came to Canada from
England 13 months ago, and met
ter husband at Scott Memorial
Hospital in Seaforth where she
helped nurse himthrough a ton- Dies In Air Crash
silectomy, the whole thing seem-
ed fantastic.
"This is the kind of house you
read about in magazines, she
said. "But you don't ever expect
to awn one.
Aird for Raymond Chambers,
who drives a school bus in Sea
00th, the event means a change
n tho course of his life. Asked
aturciay night if he thought he
lid his wife would move to Lon-
don, he was uncertain. Sunday,
after seeing the Oakridge Acres
site where his home will he, he
decided a move would probably
be in order.
Traveling to London for the
clay with their friends IrwinJohnston and Doreen Hedley, the
couples each bought a ticket on
the house, spent the afternoon at.
the fair and watebecl the Sped -
mama Review from a seat high
in the packed grandstand.
When Mr, Chamber's 11511115 was
called as winner of the house,
they didn't believe it, checked
the ticket, listened far the loud-
speaker again, and finally made
their way to the stage in a burst
of flashbulbs, whir of cameras
and e, barrage of voices calling
out congratulations,
Just as happy as the young
couple were fair officials, delight-
ed at the choice. Said fair presi-
dent T. 0. Robinson, "It's a real
stakldliinryboolcg:' ending to the fair; no
The ittt•icy win will give a great
impetus to the sale of drawckets locally, judging by the
nthusiastic remarks.
51' will be Fire Chief J. F. Scott,
Knox Presbyterian Church, at
'Walkerton, was the scene of a
wedding on Saturday, Sept. 12 at
3 p.m., when. Patricia .Marie
Scott, Durham St„ Walkerton,.
:laughter of Mr. Harold Porter-
field of Milton, Ont., became the
bride of Stuart Robert Wigg, son
of Mrs. Frederick Wigg and the
late Mr. Wigg, Seaforth. Baskets
of white gladioli and carnations
adorned the altar, Rev, W. A.
Henderson officiated, Organist
was Mrs, W. A. Henderson. Mrs.
Gordon Wilson, Toronto, was so-
loist, her- selections were "The
Lord's Prayer" and "Through
The Years" during the signing of
the register.
The bride given in marriage
by her father, was gowned in em-
broideredchampagne lace street -
length sheath chess, skirt gather-
ed from waistline to full un -
pressed pleats in back, topped
with champagne organza full-
length redingote, matching feath-
ered hat and accessories. She
carried white leather bible with
corsageof tawny gold roses. The
matron of honor was her sister,
'Mrs, 11. Hadfield, Walkerton,
wearing dusty rose lace street -
length caress, princess lines, top-
ped with matching redingote;
rose feathered headdress and
matching accessories. She car-
ried a nosegay of blue and white
baby maims, Mr. Alistair Wigg,
brother of the groom, was the
groomsman, Ushers were Gordon
Wilson, Toronto, and Frank Case
of Seaforth.
Following the ceremony there
was a buffet style wedding din-
ner at Hartley House, Walker-
ton, with 40 guests Receiving
for the bride was Mrs. Jean
Scheiss, close friend of the bride
from Erie, Pa., wearing Kansas
blue wool suit, with black acces-
sories, corsage of blue and white
baby mums. Receiving for the
groom was Mrs. Wigg, mother of
the groom wearing navy blue
dress, mink fur neck piece, rose
petal slat, navy accessories and
corsage of pink and white carna-
For going away the bride chose
a charcoal grey sheath dress,
matching finger-tip length mailined with burnt orange and
matching pillbox hat, black ac-
cessories, corsage of white gar -
The coltple are honeymooning
In Northern, Ontario. Guests were
from Toronto, Milton, London,
Seaforth, Barrie, Durham and
Erie, Pa.
Telegrams received were from
Penticton, B.C., and Ottawa, Ont.,
sisters and families of both the and Gloria Beuerman renderedbride and groom. a duet on the accordion. Tom
Dick sang a solo. "Loch Lom-
JAMES M. AIKENHEAD ond". airs, A. Y. McLean Intro-
duced the guest speaker, Rev. E.
H. Elder of First Presbyterian
Church who gave a splendid tall:
to the members of the graduat-
ing class who were guests of the
meeting. He took as his topic,
"The Stairway of Learning". Mrs.Geo. hiller extended a warm vote
of thanks to Mr. Elder for his
address. Mr. Talbot then addres-
sedthe graduating class. He an-
nounced Gorda Cltristeuson won
Award of Merit, Grade 8. Mr.Talbot called the graduates to
the platform where Mrs, Nixon
presented themwith their grad -
nation pins. "The meeting closed
with the singing of "The Queen"
and this was followed by asoc-
ial half hour.
Junior Farmers
Meet At Seaforth
The Junior Institute and Sun -
Mr Farmers held their regular
meeting at the Seaforth District
High School on Tuesday, Sept.
9th. Mag.
president, Sandra ig.
opened their meeting by singing
the Institute Ode, The roll call
was answered by naming one it-
emin your trope chest. The girls
decided not to sponsor a -141 club
project this year. The motto
"Patience is a flower that does
not grow in every person's gard-
en" was taken by Margaret
Woods. The W. 1. quilt book was
displayed and explained by Mrs.
Alex Pepper who was the con-
venor of this project. The W. I.
won first prize in the district,
for this book which Contains 40
different- patterns. The girls
found the book most interesting
and spent some time admiring it.
Grace Doig then gave the cur-
rent events ]n, he form of a ques-
tionair'e, The meeting was ad-
journed to the gymnasium for a
Joint meeting.
Sir, Merton Keys presided for
tate joint meeting at which sev-
eral items of business were dis-
cussed. It was decided to enter a
square :lance set"at the Seaforth
Fall Fair, Plans were started
for a dance later in the fail,
Teams were chosen to :rebate at
the next meeting. Recreation was
conducted by Laverne Goskin at -
ter which an ice cream social
was enjoyed.
Reception for the
Ron Mclntoshs
An enjoyable time was held on
Friday evening at Seaforth Com-
munity Centre when a large
crowd gathered to honor Mr, and
Mrs. Ronald McIntosh on the oc-
casiou of their recent marriage.
Dancing was enjoyed to Norris
Orchestra. Following is the ad-
dress read by Bert Coleman,
Merton Keys presented the young
couple with a well-filled purse.
The pm
The a suitable re-
ply. The address.
Dear Kay and Ron -We are
happy to be gathered here tonight
to help you celebrate this very
happy event in your lives and
spend a social time with you.
Ron, we have known you all your
life and although you have not
been in our midst lately we have
not forgotten the part you played
in community activities such as
Junior Farmers, We see now
why you thought it a good idea
to look for work in the Blue -
vale -Listowel area. Kay, we
would like to welcome you into
the midst of Iron's old friends
and neighbors and hope that we
can get betteracquainted with
you. We want you both to know
that we are interested in your
-happiness and welfare and as
the expression of our friendship,
we ask you to accept this gift.
Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbors,
Cromarty Native
Monthly meeting of ' Farmers'
Union was held in Town Hall,
Seaforth, on Tuesday night. The
secretary read the minutes and
correspondence from head office,
The president react a letter from
Warwick Salt Ltd., stating that
they wished to supply the Farm-
ers' Union with a full line of salt
chemicals and sprays. Letters
from head office asking eaeh lo-
cal to appoint voting delegates
for convention in Guelph on Oct.
21st and 22nd. firs. Prosser is
presenting a brief re cost price
spread investigation. She also has
been invited to speak at County
meeting in Clinton at board
rooms, Oct. 3rd. Each local is
asked to support one prize at
dance the first night of conven-
tion Any resolution on hand
mush be sent in to head office.
The president stated there is go-
ing to be a sharp increase in
Hospital rates after the first of
the year, when hospital plan
takes effect. There is to he a
draw on 8 bonds as prizes, 5500
as first prize. Draw will be Oct.
21 at Co-op hall, Guelph, first
night of convention. Meeting ad-
journed and ladies served lunch.
DIr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Edgar
wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter Anita Mae Lou-
ise to Mr. Robert Leslie Lennon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lem-
on, Varna. The wedding will take
place Saturday, Sept. 27th at
Colborne St. United Church, Lon-
don, Ontario.
DIr, and Mrs. Frederick Short,
243 Bicknell Ave„ Toronto, wish
to announce the engagement of
their daughter, ilargaret Christ-
ina (Peggy) to Jason (Wayne)
Ellis, son of airs. Elva Ellis, of
Seaforth, Ont., and :lir, Jason C.
Ellis, Hamilton, Ont. The mar-
riage to take place in Earlscourt
United Church, Toronto, on Oct,.
4th, 1958, at 2.30 p.ni.
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Siemon of
Walton, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Beatrice
Lucy to James Murray Dawson
sou of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Daw-
son of Hensall. The wedding to
take place Saturday, Oct, 11 at
Rev. Leslie Elder
Addresses H. & S.
The regular monthly meeting forth, and the groom is the son
of the Home and School Associa-
tion was held in tate School And- of Dir, and :firs. Reuben ]attack.
itorium on Tuesday evening, Brodhagen. Rev. E. J. Fischer
Sept. 16, with Mrs. Mixon in the performed the double ring chair. Meeting opened with "O mony, Traditional wedding mus -
Canada" followed by the Lord's ]e was played by Mrs. T. Beuer-
Prayer. -Minutes of the last meet- mann and the soloist was -airs.
ing were read and approved. 1lrs Betty Koehler who sang "Wed -
W. Hodgert gave an interesting ding Prayer" and "Walk Hand
report on the "Film Day" which in marriage
. The bride given In
she attended in Loudon on July marriage by* her father wore a
18 with Mrs. Nixon. Mrs. Nixon floor -length gown of lace and
told about an Area Conference pleated nylon net over taffeta,
to he held in London on Oct. 22. her skirt extending to a chapel
Mrs. A. Y. McLean moved that train was enhanced with an eu-
two members attend the confer- circling overlay of lace. A pill -
mice and this was seconded by box hat set with pearls and se -
Mrs. Patterson. 1lrs. Talbot was quina held her finger-tip veil.
mother of the month. Mr. Tal• es. carried a cascade of red ro-
bot's class won the attendance sea. The maid of honor, Mrs,
prize. We were then favored with 'Margaret McCall, London, sister
a piano number by Barbara Tal- of the Made wore a blue waltz -
bot. Sharon McNichol sang length gown of crystal charm
"Sweet Hour of Prayer" aecom- with matching pillbox hat. She
panted by hairs. Canino. Grace carried a nosegay of sweetpeas
nestled against a dainty doily
with matching streamers. The
bridesmaids were Miss Sharon
Bell of Stratford; Miss Sharon
Hadley, London, and hiss Rose
Eva Maack, Brodhagen, who wore
identical gowns of crystal charm
in colors of yellow, orange, ice
and green with matching pillbox
hats and carried nosegays of
sweetpeas nestled against a dain-
ty doily and matching streamers,.
Miss Pamela Patrick, Seaforth,
was flower girl dressed in a blue.
crystal charm dress and white
accessories. Carl Buuck was
groomsman and ushers were Pvan
Siemon, Fred-Bennewies, Brod-
hagen, and Martin Buuck, of D1il-
A wedding dinner was held in
the church parlors for about 50
guests with Misses Mary and Jes-
sie Brown, cousins of the bride
serving, followed by a reception
gattuests. "Circle B" for about 300
For a honeymoon to Northern
Ontario nncl U.S.A. the bride
chose a green flowered linen
dress with matching accessories.
Guests were present from :Milver-
ton, Seaforth, Brodhagen,
Rostock and Stratford.
White and reel gladioli formed
the setting for the wedding of
Catherine Eleanor Doig and Ed-
win Gerald Buuek in St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen on
Friday, Sept. 5611, 1958 at 2.30
p.m. The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig, Sea -
The death of James Murdoch
Aikenhead °ccumrecl in Scott
Memorial Hospital on Sept. 10
following 12 weeks of illness.
Mr. Aikenbead retired to Eg-
tnonciville in 1953 from New
York City where for many years
he was a bus driver and fire-
man. He was formerly a member
of the Brueefielcl Church, In
September 1954 he married Sia -
bel Cameron of Seaforth who
survives. Also surviving Is a
:laughter by a former marriage,
Arnie, D1rs. James Britton, Bo-
gota, New Jersey; and a sister,
Mrs. Mae Crosby, Paterson, N.J,
The funeral was h 1 I01 Sat
urday at 2 p.m. from the Box
Funeral Home with Rev. Dr.
Semple in charge. Interment
was in Baircl's cemetery. '5115
pallbearers were E, P. Chesney,
John Aiicenhead, Thomas Baird,
William Cameron, Harry Ches-
ney, John R, Murdoch. Flower
bearers,' Gerald Moffatt, Rosa
2.30 p,m. in St. Peter's Lutheran Nicholson, William Murdoch, A.
Church, Brodhagen Boyes.
Church service at Winthrop'
will be at the usual time, starting
Sunday, Sept mist, church ser-
vice at 10 a,nt., Sunday School at
11.10. There will be a Rally Ser-
vice this Sunday at the Sunday
A single-engine Norseman air-
craft owned by Austin Airways
crashed Monday near Nakina,
Ont,. 180 Hailes northeast of the
Lakehead. The pilot and only
occupant, Albert Dinnin, 41, was
Airways officials said they had
few details of tate crash. Dinniu,
whose parents live at Bruceiield,
Ont., was returning to his Na -
king base from a local flight.
Mr. Dinnin was born in Crom-
arty and attended .\iitthell High
School and Stratford Normal
School. He joined the Bank of
Montreal in Clinton fallowing
his education. In 1941, he joined
the RCAF, receiving his flying
wings at the close of the war.
He was a student at the Univer-
sity of Toronto for 0110 year, be-
fore teaching public school sub-
jects in the rural area of Hensel',
For seven years, Mr. Dinnin
was a pilot with. Georgian Bay
Airways at Parry Sound. He lat-
er worked with the Ontario De-
partment of Lands and 1''orests.
and recently with Austin Air-
Surviving are his parents,
three brothers, Victor, Zurich;
Arthur, Ottawa, and Harry, Pet -
retie; three sister's, Mrs, A. E.
(Audrey) Munn, Kitchener;
'Mrs. Robert (Laura) Darr, Bur-
lington; and alias Wilma D. Din-
nin, editor of the Clinton News-
It is expected the funeral ser-
viee will be held Thursday at the
Bonthrot funeral house, Hensel].
L'0ZSLL-1'JL 81 F:11'
The Rev. J. C. Britton or'ficiat-
ed at a ceremnny in Northside
Pnited Church manse when
Gladys Ceeillia Praiser exchang-
ed vows with William Douglas
Rozell. The bride is the daughter
of airs. Jeanette Fraiser, of Sea -
Earth, and the late Grant Fraiser,
and the groom is the son of firs.
E, L. lcite11. Clinton, and the late.
Ernest Rozell.
The bride chose a street -
length gown of powder blue chif-
fon, with matching accessories
and corsage of red roses.
Mrs. Grant Cudmore, R.R. 2,
Dorchester. was matron of honor
for her sister wearing a pint:
dress and navy accessories. Grant
Cudmore was groomsman.
For traveling the bride donned
a royal blue suit with pale blue
accessories. The couple will re-
side in Clinton,
A brisk market is reported on
turnips. Harvesting of white
beans was general over weekend
but catchy weather is slowing
operations. Only a fete silos have
been filled as corn is not too Ina-
ture. Early .planted grain corn
is beginning to dent but good
weather is needed for a: lot of
fields to reach maturity. There
are a number of inquiries re pur-
chasing of replacement cattle. De-
mand is heavy,
Dr. Hanning Potts of Nash-
ville, Tenn., who will preach at
Egmondville Church on the Spn-
tlayy evening anniversary service.
Authorized as Second Class man,
Post Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
I 1 , , ,111, , 11.,1 1, , 11 1 „1111,
1 16.18,;
rafernalloRal terliz
An exciting design with engraved motif
and sweeping concave panels tapered
with perfect symmetry for gleaming beauty
from every angle, All pieces curve
gently Toward the plate in a balanced
Mace setting.
Take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy
the pride and pleasure ... the daily
delight that comes with owning
precious steriing.
Individual Place
Setting Items
Regular Special
Teaspoons (reg.) $3,50 $2.79
Place Spoons 6.25 4.99
Luncheon Forks 7.00 5.59
Salad Forks 6,25 4.99
Luncheon Knives 7.00 5.59
(small) 3.00 2.39
HH Butter H' TROikDUCTORY $22e 19
Spreaders 5.75 `'#4.59 SPE 6
if SAV ,tu t ORDINARILY $29.50
11111,111,11,11111111111111111,1111111111111111111111,1111,11111111111111111111,11111,„11011111M11111111n 1,,,.,1"11„11,,,,5
DUBLIN lop; lire. Catherine Pectin'.. Dub -
'Word was received here tit the lits; Mrs. Andrew t,lar•t Dant -
death of a native of Dublin, Ed- I.eo North I 1 Le; Iwon don
b I};nrs.
Ieo ht to 1 ,, f L/nrfiou IrnrF
Krauskopf. Seattle: on inter.
Mrs. lams O'Connor. - Tot :nm.
The funeral was held Tuesday"
morning from St. Pcrt 1 k';
Clturcit. Burial was in Sat. Pat.
rieli s Cemetery.
ward Beale. at Peru, Ind., fol-
lowing a ]ingerit)g illness. in his
;Sth year. I -Ie resided in Detroit
for several years until his re-
tirement. He is survived by two
slaughters: Mrs. Emery (Key)
Bourgben, and ilargaret, Detro-
it, also one son. Patrick of Wind-
sor and his only surviving bro-
ther. Laurence of Stratford. The Mr. :and Mrs. John Simmons
funeral was held In Detroit. and family were recent i i:- t,rs
Sister Agnes Claire of the Ur- with lh•. and Mrs. A. E. Munn
saline Coinniunity. Chatham. and family in Kitchener.
died Saturday following a severe Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert billing
illness of 12 years. She was form- returned home after spending a
erTy Agnes Rowland, :laughter of few days with their daughter,
the late Mr. and airs. Patrick Miss Bernice D]lling and sett and
Rowland and received her educe- daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C.
tion at Dublin Separate and Con- billing and son in Sarnia.
tinuatiot Schools, Site is surviv- Jar. and Mrs- J. Shaddick of
ed by two sisters; Mother Afra Londesboro were recent visitors
of the Ursuline Community and with lir. and Mrs. E. Shadclicic
Mrs. Gallant, Windsor, also and Bill.
three brothers. Edward and hiss Dora Alair visited recent -
Frank, Toronto, and John of AI- ly with relatives in Loatlnu and
belle, , Western Canada. Goderich.
Revs A. Durand, St. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararas find
Seminary, London, with Rev. Dr, dangltt®r returned to theia home
P Foulkes. in Toronto after spenclftn sever -
lir. and Mrs. Wilfred Duffy, al weeks with the former's moth -
Donnie and Yvonne, Woodstock, er, lirs. S. Sararas during which
Mr, and \Irs. James Kelly and time Mr. Sararas was a patient
daughters, Seaforth, wiih Mrs. in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Loris Dillon and Dorothy. Mr. and airs. .tohu Jl,alrutrie
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly, Kit -
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Tilt'. and Mrs. Edward Holland,
and. with :lir, and Mrs. 0. E.
I Toll
Mrs. Vera 'McKay, Detroit, with
M1r. and Mrs. Fergus Horan.
Mr. and .Mfrs. Tetbine Nichol-
son, London, with Mr, and Mrs. The annual Rally of Huron
J. R. Krauskopf. Presbyterial was iseld ou 'rues.
clay in C a 1'111 el Presbyterian
Church, Hensall, with over SI)
guests attending from in to Iles
in Bayfield, Blyth. Godenich,
Seaforth, Clinton, McKillop, LOi- P. FL 1 - 1C,'.11r Bel -
grave, Auburn and Ilensall Tia
guest speaker wati Miss Mary 1';.
The death occurred suddenly, (Whale. Toronto, director of .lv-
Saturclay morning, of .Mfrs, Louise erseas Missions, whose theme
Flanagan, 86, at the home of her Was "Joy- in Believing". She
daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Murray, stressed the vast work being
1lcicillop twp, She wag- the daug- done by missionaries sent abroad.
hter. of the late lir, and Ml's. The Seaforth Barbara htrlc-
Jaseph Krauslcopf, McKillop twp. ntau Auxiliary presented ;t aka
Her husband, Michael Flanagan, and Mrs, Wm, Brown, Mensal',
:lied several years ago. She was provided solo selections. fanner
a member of St. Patrick's Roman was served by the ladies of the
Catholic Church, Dublin, of the Hensall Auxiliary.
Catholic Women's League and the Mr. and \Irs: Thome on of
Altar Society. Surviving are two •Tnrontn and Mr. and .Mira. Roy
sons, Philip, Toronto; Patrick, Panner of Windsor visited dur-
Kitchener: three daughters, Mrs. lug the past }veep with Mrs. :T.
Gilbert (Rose) -Murray, JloFil- Fisher:
visited recently with Miss Inc:.
Gibson in Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lonnie and
family of Centralia were recent
visitors with the formersinter
Mies Greta Lamina,.
Mr. and firs. Hugh McDwan
Jr. visited recently with relatives
in Kitchener.
Mr. and .firs. Leonard Nagle
and family. Stratford, with Mr.
anti Mrs. Michael Nagle.
Mr. and firs, Jim Downey, De-
troit with Miss Monica Byrne.