HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-09-04, Page 9(! i - delFtpys Casey Stengel— Man Of Many Faces If Wall Street ever wants to hire a spokesman -at -large, the ideal man for the job is Casey Stengel, Of course, the amazing Mr. Stengel is perfectly happy at his present post — guiding the New York Yankees to their ninth .A.merican League pennant in the 10 years he has served as man- ager. But if he ever decides to re- tire from baseball, he would make a splendid spokesman for Wall Street. Consider some of his qualifi- cations: 1. A knack for success; he is the only manager in history to win five straight World Series, 2, A rich man with the homey touch. Mr. Stengel is reputedly a millionaire, thanks in part to shrewd oil investments. Yet he stops to chat with the fans, pose for photographs, and sign his autograph for adoring young - stem 3. He is a bank director. The Glendale National Bank in Glendale, Calif. (the home of the Stengels) elected him to the board earlier this year. Casey's testimony left the senators baffled. It also left them in stitches. (even Senator Estes Kefauver laughed, something he rarely does when quizzing busi- ness tycoons). Congressmen are like ordinary folks in that they cannot dislike that which moves them to laughter. 'Stengelese' Prose Baseball reporters have as- signed a name - 'Stengelese — to the meandering prose of the Yankee manager who, incident- ally, can speak with the fluency of a college teacher when he so chooses. However, he is called the 01' Professor because he is so adept at fashioning baseball strategy and handling tempera- mental athletes. Connie Mack once said admir- ingly of Casey: "I never saw a man who juggled his lineup so much and played so many hunches so successfully." Here is an example of Stenge- lese when Case.'. 1.,11.1',., - ^* four different players, explained e Yankee victory in the 9152 World Series: "That young feller Tom Gor- man) is fast and he has low - breaking stuff. Maybe he crossed up my catcher and maybe he didn't. :But he's tough to handle and he's inexperienced. Then I think about my other young fel- ler (Eddie Lopat) who's been through the mill and won't rat- tle easy. Besides I got my tough feller (Allie Reynolds) up my sleeve and the key play of the World Series wuz made by that fresh kid (Billy Martin) I got at second." There is even Stengelese in- herent in Casey's own name. His 1+'"° " real name is Charles Dillon Stengel. "Casey" is a nickname derived from K. C., the initials of his native town, Kansas City. Showman Stengel has always delighted the fans. In his play- ing days at Brooklyn he once marched majestically to the plate, doffed his cap to the crowd and stood straight-faced ae a Sparrow took wing from his head. The stands roared. The Casey legend glowed, too, that day he marched to the top D I a tall building and dropped s grapefruit to the catcher on the ground expecting a base- ball The trading door of the stock exchange contains hundreds of SUPREME EFFORT - Giving his all, Balker Singh of India com- petes in the men's discus event' at the British Empire Games in Cardiff, Wales. His long hair is kept in place by.a knot of cloth. SETS RECORD — Herb Elliott of Australia, shown running earli- er this year in the Empire Games in Wales, set a new world record for the mile run with a time of three minutes, 54 and five -tenths seconds at Dublin, Ireland, to better the recognized mark of three min- utes, 58 seconds set by another Australian, John Landry, in 1954. hurrying figures as brokers ex- ecute their buy -and -sell orders. But the acrobat habits of Casey puts this hustle to shame, He waves his arms to illustrate a point and will not hesitate to demonstrate a hook slide in a hotel lobby. He grabs imaginary bats and swings mightily at imaginary baseballs. "Always watch the pitcher's feet," he tells young Yankee hopefuls. "They'll tell you when he's gonna pitch." Casey rounded 67 on July -30, still running strong. If' he ever leaves the base paths for quieter working fields, Wall Street had better hustle and nab its spokes- man. YOU AUTO BUILD NOW — For the do-it-yourselfer who wants a car that won't be like all the other cars on the road, a British firm has the answer. The Nobel 200 is a kit -car which comes in two versions. One is the truck -convertible (top) and the 0,1,1 -ter is a sedan .(bottom). It will have either three or four jse'Whsels, depending on builder's preference, fhe sedan is said to have a tcp speed of about 50 m.p.h., and gets 80 miles to the gallon: Sporting Lie "Up and down, up and clown," chanted Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "I will' cad. them up and down." One recent week, as the country sweltered through midsummer nights, Puck, invisible and unpredict- able, appeared to be hard at work among those mortals occu- pied in the serious pursuit of sport. The sound of unearthly laugh- ter echoed through a State Sup- reme Court's chambers in Ossin- ing, N.Y., where a 61 -year-old amateur golfer was suing his club. "My handicap (29) is too low," charged William Wacht. He petitioned the court to have it raised to 34, Attorneys for the Pines Ridge Golf Club countered that Wacht played poorly during the 25 rounds used to calculate handi- caps, then went all out in tour- naments. "Ile won two expen- sive trophies last year," one complained. "I just happen to be a good tournament player," Wacht answered. Judge Samuel W. Eager, a duffer, reserved de- cision. In Frankfort, Ky., Puck touch- ed a deck of cards. Then Mrs. Ernest Wainscot innocently dealt a hand of bridge to Mrs. John Darnell, Mrs. Earl Senff, and Mrs. E, L. Scott The ladies look- ed at their hands and shrieked. Each. held all thirteen cards of one suit. The odds against such a deal came mathematicians en- nounced gravely, to 2 octillion, 200 septillion to 1. Puck even entered the somber business of boxing. New York District Attorney Frank Hogan brought in a ten -count indict- ment against Paul John (Frankie) Carbo, "Mr. Gray," an ex -convict who supposedly had been the strongest force in U.S. prizefighting for a d e e a d e. Hogan's move looked like an effective step to clean up box- ing, except that the next hot summer day Frankie Carbo up and disappeared. In Detroit Ryne Duren of the Yankees, often accused of throwing beanballs, was him- self beaned; in Moscow an Ame- rican track team took a sur- prising lead in a dual meet with Russia, finally lost by only two points, and in Philadelphia Mayo Smith, the Phils' manager, was replaced by Ed Sawyer, who had been fired as PhDs' manages in 1952, Finally Puck flashed over Utah where a race was staged among three men and three horses over 157 miles Dodger, a cow pony, won by covering the distance in 29 hours. The best of the men was a New York City policeman named Edo Romag- noli, who covers his beat in a squad car. Romagnoli ran 102 miles in twelve and a half hours and actually led the horses for 65 miles. Afterward, he•toid re- porters: " I have six bleeding toe -nails. I won't enter this thing next year," — From NEWSW.EEK. SURPRISE! According to Louis Sobel, George Jesse:, who will speak on any subject, anywhere, any time, had just been hurriedly engaged. to deliver the eulogy at a recent funeral service. After bringing tears to his own and everyone else's eyes, Jsssel suddenly glanced dOwn into the C01iiin, "Holy smoke," he cried. "I knew this man!" "A man from our town was troubled by a noise on the right side of his ear." "How did he get rid of it?" "He let her drive." Tales Of The Baseball Diamond KID STUFF Mell Ott came up to the Giants at the tender age of sixteen. He was a catcher. But the club was loaded with backstops, What manager John McGraw needed was' an outfielder. He asked the sixteen -year- old Ott, "Ever play the out- field?" Ott seriously replied, "Yes, sir, when I was a kid," * * * WHERE WAS MOSES Some seasons back, umpire Red Jones, irritated by some of the barbers on the White Sox bench, strode over to the Chi- cago dugout and ordered the entire bench cleared, Whereupon Wally Moses, the gentlemanly outfielder, asked, "Why throw me out? I didn't say a thing." Jones remained adamant. He shook his head. "It's just like a raid, Moses," he said. "The good go along with the bad." * * * BARGAIN HUNTER Because he believes that a ball player can't concentrate on the game without a contented home life, Branch Rickey en- courages all his young bachel- ors to get married. He once offered his shortstop; Stan Ro- jek, a thousand -dollar bonus if he would take himself a wife: Stan said he would consider it. The next day he approached Rickey. "Well," said the Branch, "did you pop the question?" Rojek grinned. "Sure," he said, "I relayed your proposi- tion to the one and only, and she told me to hold out for two thousand dollars!" O 5 * KIDNEY-ING AROUND When Dr. Bobby Brown re- ported to Yankee Stadium fresh from his intership, he was lav- ishly greeted by manager Sten- gel. "Am I glad to see you!" shouted Casey. "You're just the fellow I've been icloking for!" Brown was dumbfounded. He knew that B illy Johnson was hitting over .3.00 and that a rookie named Gil McDougald was scooping up everything hit within a mile of the bag. "Yep," continued Stengel, "I couldn't wait till you got here. Tell me, do you know any quick way to get rid of a kid- ney stone?" * * w 'FTE "5" HAS IT Same years ago George Mori- arty was umpiring a Cleveland - Detroit game. An Indian rookie was up at the plate. The rookie took one strike without protest. Then he took another. And then a third. Before returning to the dugout, he turned to the um- pire. I beg your pardon," he po- litely asked, "but how do you spell your name?" • Surprised, Moriarty obliged, spelling his name. The rookie sighed. "Just as I thought, sir, only one 'i.' " MERRY MENAGERIE "Poor Charlie! He's deter- mined to learn to fly!" CLASSIFIED ADVE TISINO AGENTS WANTED. DEALERS wanted to handle high qual. sty low priced German automobile. Replies kept confidential. Writs to F.O. Box 566, Postal Terminal "A', Toronto 1, Ont. GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exciting house• wares, watches and other products not. found in stores. No competition. Prof. its up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue andseparate eons• dential wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal, BABY CHICKS SUMMER prices, prompt shipment, Bray chicks, dual purpose, mixed pul- lets, some started. Also Ames dayolds,. for good production, low maintenance. Order October -November broilers new. See your local agent, sr write Bray Hatchery, 125 John North, Hamilton, ., WANT chicks in a hurry?" We can supply all popular breeds, whether you want special egg breeds, dual pur- pose breads. Our best by far for ntaxt• mum egg produoton on the minimum amount of feed is K-137 Klmberelliks, This breed outlays any other breed we have to offer. We also recommend for maximum egg production, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, Colifer. nig Grey X White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red,. Our best dual purpose, Light Sussex X Red,Red X Light Sus. sex, Red X Barred Rock. Can supply Non•Sexed, Pullets Cockerels. Also Broiler Chicks, Vantress X Nichols No. 105, Vsntress X Nichols No, 12. Tur- key urkey Poults, Registered Landrace Swine and Registered Aberdeen Angus Cat- tle. Catalogue. TWEDDLI:: CRICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, ONTARIO. CATTLE 5 ABERDEEN -Angus heifers registered accredited bred.to son of Evader of Agincourt selling 250 pound, Rod Green, 5th Concession, London, near Fanshaw. LIVESTOCK: Sale of Abertleen•Angus Cattle, Saturday, September INC. The complete herd of J.M. Argue, Shaw- vilte, Que. (north of Ottawa.) 80 head, all purebred and registered. Send for catalogue to Ar C, HeToggart, Sale Manager, Box 308, Aurora, Ont, DOGS IRISH Setter pupa end grown stock, $50and up. Wynfield Kennels, 1979 5th Line, Clarkson, Ontario. TAylor 2.0740. FARM FOR SALE FIFTY acres, 7 room house, instil brick, 3 barns; paved road, MATTHEW GOUGH, General Delivery, Stratltroy, Ont. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE; Power Corn Binder. on. rubber, conveyor sheaf carrier and loader. Robert Norry, Princeton, On- tario, USED Gehl forage harvester with corn and pick up. Continental motor, blow- er, Pipes, complete. Lloyd Clark, Beth- any, Ont, FOR RENT TO RENT. $150. per month. Small well equipped Repair Garage, with furnish- ed living accommodation. .Ideally lo- cated on No. 3 Highway. B.C. near Lake, Stock ingoing 03500. Tmme& ate possession. Write Box No. 172 123 Eighteenth Street. New Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 73 ACRES of investment property. Large barn, gravel pit, well drained. Bordering town of arrie, Ont. Box No. 173, 123 Eighteenth St„ New Tor- onto, oronto, Ont. FREE CIGARETTE LIGHTER WITH first order. Send for nupower $1.50. Adds 50% more life to new batteries, Revives Old batteries, Saves you half the cost of a new battery. WBlls Garage, Kootenay Bay, B.C. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I clean the nickel trimmings on stoves? A. Clean with kerosene and whiting. Polish with a dry filan- nel cloth. Common soda will also polish nickel. Q. How can 1 prevent mold from forming on the tops of the jars of preserves and jellies in the fruit closet? A. This will not occur if a bucket of lime is kept in the fruit closet. IT PAYS TO USE OUS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS INSTRUCTION. EARN morel BookkeePing, SalesmalL- ahtp, Shorthand Typewriting, eto, Le eons eons 50¢. Ask for free circular No. 3 , Canadian Correspondence Courses 1200 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY SUFFERSI OF RHEUMATIC PAiNS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema gashes and weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning 0025 ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardles of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free qn Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 5t. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES- FOR MEN AND WOMEN COLLECT Names, quarter for each! No selling. Include 54 for postage, Arthur Hodnesky, 277 Victoria Road, Hartford 14, Conn., U.S,A. MILLIONAIRE — Five years! Make, sell productspeoplebuy, use, with 500 Money. Earners, and this, ad.$1.00. Help Self Service, Box 35, Wood, Wis- consin. PHILIPPINE handicrafts! To give to sell, at etc discounts. Send $1 for sane pie and list. Teresa del Rosario, 784 Extremadura, Manila, Philippine Is- lands. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn hairdressing Pleasant, dignfied profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 308 Bloor 5t. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUGIO & company Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave„ Toronto Patents all countries. PERSONAL ADULTS: Send 100 for world's fun- niest novelty joke cards. Free cata- logue specialties, herbal remedies, vitamins,food supplements. Western Distributors, Box 24 -FC, Regina, Sask. ADULTS: Trial assortment 15 fine per- sonal ersonal requirements SIM, Western Dis- tributors, Box 24, TFC. Regina, .Sank. 81.00 TRIAL Offer, TwenlySve deluxe personal requirements. Latest rata. Logue included, The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal"Q" Toronto. Ont. PLUMBING SUPPLIES LEARN TO SAVE On Plumbing & Heating Materials WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Verheyden's Supplies, RA, 3. St, Thomas, Ont. VACATION RESORTS FOR early reservations: Write, Old- Wells-ByThe•Sea Improvement Assn• elation, Wells, Maine, far literature. An ideal place to spend your Maine Seacoast vacation. ofinsect STOP* Bi!'es--« Heatpasii, Quick! Stop itching of insect baec, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scahier, athlete's foot and other externally caused ,-lin freebies. Use quick -acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Stops Itch or money back. Don't suffer. Your drug- Exist ruggist bas D. D. D. PRESCRIPTLON, 1.4 SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS Mart TO -MORROW! To be happy and tranquil instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take Sedtctn tablets according to directions. SEDiCIN' $1.00-54.95 TABLETS Drug Starer Oeiyl ISSUE 34 — 1958 SUMMER TO BRITISH PORTS: First Closs from $274 Tourist Class from $179 TOE AND EARLY FALL At Thrift -Season Rates ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE AS $358 R SAILINGS TO FRENCH PORTS: First Class from $284 Tourist Class from $184 VESSEL From MONTREAL Te VESSEL Frain NEW YOM( To *CARINTHIA 1*IVERNIA *SYLVANIA t*SAXONIA CARINTHIA :IVERNIA SYLVANIA tSAXONIA CARINTHIA :IVERNIA SYLVANIA 15A%ONIA CARINTHIA :IVERNIA SYLVANIA Fri. FrL Fri, Fri. Fri, Fri, Fri. Fri. Fri. Fri, Fr Fri, AUG, 15 AUG. 15 AUG. 22 AUG, 29 SEPT. 5 SEPT. 5 SEPT, 12 SEPT. 19 SEPT, 26 SEPT. 26 OCT, 3 OCT. 10 OCT, 17 OCT. 17 OCT. 24 Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Llvatpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Greenock, Liverpool *MEDIA *MAURETANIA *QUEEN MARY TCARONIA *QUEEN ELIZABETH *PARTHIA MUEEN MA AURETANIA BRITANNIC CUEEN EL ARONIA 1ZABETH MEDIA QUEEN MARY MAURETANIA QUEEN ELIZABETH Pri, AUG. 15 Sat AUG. 16 Wed, AUG. 20 04 AUG, 22 Wed, AUG. 27 H. AUG. 29 Wed, SEPT, 3 7hun, SEPT. 4 Thurs. SEPT. 4 Wed. SEPT. 10 Thur,, SEPT. 11 H. SEPT, 12 Wed, SEPT. 17 Tues. SEPT. 23 Wed. SEPT. 24 Liverpeel Cobh, Havre Southampton Cherbourg Southampton Havre., Southampton Cherbourg, Soulhamplon Liverpool Cherbourg, Soullramplon Cobh, Havre, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Cherbourg, Southampton Hovre, Southampton Liverpool Cherbourg. Southampton Cobh, Havre Southampton Cherbourg, Southampton CRISES — CARONIA West Indies 17-800. 9 3-- Otl CARONIA OW Wodd iruisa-dgn. t0 12R1TANN1C lan.11 h!1 iledfterranaaa C(ui ICalls el Quebec *Summer Season Rates Apply, See your local agent— No one can serve you better CUM 1 LUCE Tek E/Vipire 2-2911 igring your relatives or frionels fro Eorope Pre tholr. panges in in uire about C eoaada Assist ,t pass aadlng Govontmeat 9le loan Sthemo Corner Bay & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. 508760'ifirY? i i a�-rdRol, ,ar