HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-08-28, Page 10For the largest and best assortments of good looking, long wearing school clothes for every student BOYS GRADE 1 TO 8 SCHOOL CLOTHES DAN RIVER SPORTS SHIRTS 2.95 PLAID & CHECK DOESKIN SHIRTS ... , 1.95 89c REVERSIBLE WINDBREAKERS 6.95 IVY STRIPE JEANS 3.50 to 4.50 "COWBOY KING" JEANS 3.95 to 4.75 WESTERN RED STRAP JEANS 3.50 to 4.50 BLUE JEANS 2.95 to 3.95 BLACK SHEENO JEANS 3.95 DRESS SLACKS 4.95 to 6.95 SWEATERS 2.95 to 4.95 HOSE 75c to 95c WHITE "T" SHIRTS TEEN��ygAGE HIGH SCHOOL CLOTHES SCHOOL JEANS 3.95 to 5.95 DRESS SLACKS 6.95 to 9.95 SPORT SHIRTS 2.95 to 6.95 PLAID SHIRTS 4.95 DOESKIN SHIRTS 2.95 to 3.95 T SH I RTS 1.19 to 2.95 TAN OR BLACK "SHEENO" JEANS 4.95 SCHOOL WINDBREAKERS 6.95 to 10.95 JYM SOX .... 75c DRESS SOX 79c to 1.95 JOCKEY SHIRTS & SHORTS 75c to 95c GIRLS GRADE 1 TO 8 SCHOOL CLOTHES SKI RTS 2.98 to 7.95 BLAZERS , 3.95 to 4.95 DRESSES 3.95 to 6.95 SWEATERS 2.50 to 3.95 CARDIGANS 2,95 to 4.95 T SHIRTS 1.00 to 1.98 ANKLE SOX ........................59c to 75c COTTON PANTIES ...... . . ..... . . .. 59c to 650 JEANS, ALL KINDS 1.59 to 2.95 TEEN AGE GIRLS SCHOOL CLOTHES CAR COATS 16.95 to 29.95 SKIRTS 9.95 to 19.95 BLAZERS 9.95 to 19.95 DRESSES 5.00 to 7.00 JUMPERS 5.95 PULLOVERS , . , 4.95 to 6.95 CARDIGANS 6.95 to 9.95 T SH I RTS 1.95 to 2.95 LONDON LASSIE SHIRTS 2.98 to 4.95 ANKLE SOX .. 69c to 79c TEEN AGE JEANS 2.98 to 3.98 STEWART BORN Mars's Hospital, St, yiI% and Mrs, Lawrence I z ,.n August 2•, a daughter Scott Memorial Hospital on -1-. r 'i. u, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills if ash, a daughter Dinah 5inrg- t ,- At Scott Memorial Hospital _r. _ , to Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth ,Smith. m.,ndville.• a son OtAf'JVR.01es LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Dancing :[',' ,....,lay - Friday - Saturday Last Dans c ;;iiSlCrit.' Sunday, August 31t The "Miss Grand Bend Ball" 'lance bf the tif'a"Of lli;iuit•' -• Sunday, August 71st i ; sat ,7ur7!iing of Beauty COJltestants Be Here By 11 a.m. MondaY, Sept. tat ]r; Parfet,. t :riety Show (xlt.rrt there Pnppy Raffle BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pye and Brian and Mr, and Mrs. Ken Pye and children of 'Windsor are spending a week at one of the Path cottages. Suffragan Bishop and Mrs. Wm. Townshend and family, of London, spent the 'weekend at their cottage. Mrs, Milvena Irwin and family of Kincardine and Glenn Sttn'- geon, London, spent the 'weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willer'd Sturgeon. Harry Baker, London, spent the weekend with his wife and daug- hter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., are at their home for a few days. 11r. and Mrs. Claire :Mentor, of Detroit are vacationing at their home. Miss Sylvia Fitzsimons is spending ten days at Huron Church Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wyse Of London, spent the weekend at• "The New Ritz", Mr, and -sirs, Clarence Larson and baby, London, spent the weekend with his parents -lir and firs. R. J. Larson. Mrs. Fred Weston and Mrs. Betty McLeod and Lea Ann, spent two days last week at Niagara Falls Mr, and Mrs. Keith Pruss and two children, London, were with Mrs, .Tack Parker over the week best holiday picnics START HERE LABOR DAY Week -end Features AYLMER -- CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 20 oz tin 23 c AYLMER -- TOMATO CATSUP 2 11 oz bottles 3s c Maple Leaf -- Fancy Red SOCKEYE SALMON 7'4 oz tin 45 c ST. WILLIAMS STRAWBERRY JAM lge 24 oz jar 45c COOKED HAMS -Maple Leaf .... 1% lb tins $1.67 MUSTARD -French's Prepared ... 2 6 oz jars 25c TUNA SAICO, fancy solid white meat, 7 oz: -tin 31c I RESHIES-make your own soft drinks 5 pkgs 29c SWIFT'S PREM - Luncheon Meat , 12 oz tin 47c FOOD SAVER R HEAVY WAXED PAPER 100 ft roll box 33c SNYDI'R'S .- HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS Large 10 oz. Box 55c SALAD DRESSING--Shedd's Tasty.. 16 oz. jar 330 PINEAPPLE r -Sweet Treet 2 20 az tins 290 CHEERY MORN COFFEE • 1 lb Bag 73c CORN -Aylmer Whole Kernel in brine • 8 15 oz tins gi REDPATII GRAN. SUGAR 10 lb hag 95c KADAN,A TEA BAGS-o"e off deal -cello bag of 100 79c BP.ITNSWtN. SARDINES .3 tins 29c LIPTON'S SOTTP MIY--Chicken Noodle 2 pkgs, 25c INSTANT COFFEE -Cheery Morn,. large 6 az 15c off jar 97c DEANS with PORK -Van Camp's 2 11 oz tins 290 DOG .FOOD -Swift's Tempt 3 15 oz tins 25c ALL PRICES 0001) TILL SATURDAY NIGHT, AUG, 3t) UNITE PHONE 12 c BUYERS STt SEAFORTH end. Burleigh Farrar, London, spent the weekend with Thomas -Bailey Mrs, Hazel Murray, Toronto, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Rae McLeod. William Dunn, London, spent the weekend with his wife and family. Mrs, John MacKenzie returned dome after spending two weeks in Toronto. On Friday afternoon Kim Fel lows, Justin Lance, and Donald Burch held an auction sale at the home of -firs. Geo, Fellows. The sunt of $20. was realized and was donated to the Pioneer Park As sociation. Brigadier and Mrs, R. Beattie, of London, are spending a vaca- tion at William Metcalf's cottage. John Iilack, London, Spent the weekend with his wife and two children. Mrs. Jack Pease, London, was at her home over the weekend. Mr. and airs, John Gallop, Tor- onto, and Miss Florence Gallop, Seaforth, are spending a couple of days in the village. John MacLeod, Port Stanley, Spent the weekend with his par- ents 3.1r. and Mrs. L. H. McLeod. KIPPEN Mr. and \irs. Allan Johnson and family attended a birthday dinner recently for Mrs. McLean at Armstrong's Restaurant in Ex- eter. Guests were present from Toronto, Hamilton, L e n d on, Owen Sound, Ripley and Hensall. Mr. Stewart McLean of Elliot Lake visited with relatives at Kihpen, Hensel], and Exeter re- cently. KIPPEN EAST The Kippen East W. L held their Aug. meeting at the home of Mrs, Rena Caldwell on Tues- day evening, Aug. 26 with Mil's, Winston Workman as co -hostess. The meeting opened with Insti- tute Ode, Mary Stewart Collect, and Lord's Prayer. Al] joined in singing "Annie Laurie", Roll call was answered by, What dish to Leave for your husband when you go away, and proved very interesting. A survey on Radio and TV. programs was filled. in. Mrs. J. MeNaughton, convenor for Home Economies and Health, took over the chair. "Stars of the Sumner Night" was sung, then Mrs, Ross Chapman took the motto. A Merry f-Iea1't kills more ills than medicine, Mrs. A. Finlayson introduced the guest speaker, Miss Florence Elford, Home Economics teacher at SDFIS, who gave it very interest- ing talk on Canada's Food rules and the health of Canadians. Mrs, Ross Broadfoot gave a piano instrumental and Mrs. A. Finlay- son read a poem on "i -Tome". Ar- tificial respiration was demon- strated by 3 1-11 girls namely: Shane llangh, ,lean McNaughton and Gan Finlayson, Courtesy re - Marks were given by Mrs, C. Eyre_ Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 -1 0. P. P. REPORT Report for District No. 6 for July: accidents 195, fatal acci- dents 4, persons killed 7, injured 67, vehicles checked 4213, warn- ings 1317. Most charges, rate of speed 304. rimer D NCE At Layfield Pavilion ,1)10)lsrire7 Sy 1,0.0,P, and Rebekah& of Pe1foi'th THURS., AUG. 28th ADMISSION 50c Everyone welcome COMIN'O EVENT Hard Time Barn Dance Friday night, AIM'.29, at the new barn of Gordan Turner, )", mile north of Brumfield. Dancing 9.80 to 1.3n. Music 'supplied by Slew and his ,Csllegiates. Refreshments served by the Ladies Auxiliary of Brueefield United Church. Eceryhndy welcome • CROP REPORT Recent rains have been a boon to late sown crops. Turnips are sizing well, some damage of maggot reported. White beaus are beginning to colour. While blight has been noticed on leaves of the white beans, no blight damage is reported on the pods of the Sani- lac variety., Some damage notic- able on pods of other varieties, Pastures are perking up, help- ing mine flow which was begin- ning to suffer. Most of the threshing is com- plete-somo straw from combin- ing still to be taken in -high Yields of spring grain are re- ported. Some second cut red clo- ver is setting' seed. HENSALL -hiss Joyce Flynn is holidaying With 1liss Debbie Gooding in Parkhill this week. \Ir. and -firs, Charles Forrest of Sarnia were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs, T. Lavender, Mrs.- Alex Rousseau, who un- derwent an operation in St. Jos epli s Hospital, London, on Fri- day, is making a successful re- covery. Jerry Chapman returned home this week after spending several clays with his brother-in-law and sister, lir. and ,ITrs, Joe De Lodge in Sarnia, 111'.. and Mrs, D. Storey and family of Tiilsonburg were week- end visitors with .lir. and b1t's. Ed Schroeder and family. They were accompanied by Mrs. Amel- ia Schroeder and Marion Schroe- der, who spent the past two weeks in Tiilsonburg. Messrs Stewart Bell, Dave Sangster, Carl Decker and Wes- ley Richardson returned Monte front a week's holiday at Shoo Fly Lake and report a good catch of fish. Urs. Wm. Lee visited recently with her son-in-law and (laugh- ter, lir. and -sirs. Geo, Moir in Strathroy. WINTHROP The INNS and W.A. of Cavan, Wintlu'op, will meet on Wednes- day, Sept. 3rd in the Church. Circle 1 will have charge of the program and circle 4, the lunch, Please bring your, ratite boxes to this meeting. Townailip of Tuckersnlith NOTICE TO: RATEPAYERS IN THE HAiILET 013' PIAR.PURHEY Ratepayers in the hamlet of Harpu'- hey are requested to meet the Tucker - smith Connell in the Town Hall Sea - forth, on Tnesdny, Sept. 2n1. 1918, at 9 P.111. LOST) for the -purpose of con- sidering street lighting' costs for the said hamlet, E. P. CIESNEY, Clerk CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for visits, cards, flow- ers and treats while I was in the hospi- tal, also thanks to those who helped in our home. MILS. WILFRED TREMEEI2_ FOR SALE Pullets -900 Honegger layers (Leg - 'horn) yearly to lay. Vaccinated for New- castle end bronchitis disease. Debeaked. Will deliver. Leo Ryan, Dublin 40r4 FOR SALE goats, 1. male, 1 female, 4 mos. old. Edward S. Ahrens, Brodhagen, Dublin. 581.13 FOR. SALE Three Lnndrase hogs nearing service- able age. Phone 068r14. James Souter; Brueefield TO RENT Three room heated apartment in E. mondville. 3 pc, bath, town water, pri- vate entrance, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 666821 Seaforth SALES HELP WANTED MAN WANTED for Rmvleigit busi- ness. Sell to 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. H-864-5, 4006 Richelieu, Montreal, Que. LOST Strayed from Con, •I, McKillop. lot 21 mrd lot 17, respectively, a Yorkshire bout, and a Hereford steer .about 800 lbs Pinder please phone 88906 Seufortk. Robert M. Scott FOR SALE Chesterfield suite practically new, made by ICroebler, Treble covering. Phone 297R FOR SALE 6 young sows due in Sept, Bred to Landrum. Norris Sillety, ,7f 3 Seaforth LOST Largo Black and tan housed. If found, phone George 130er, 1938 Hensel] FOR SALE 100 pullets starting to lay; 250 are Leghmms; 955 Gsldmmeck Layers. W. E. Haney, phone 662,33. NOTICE Custom combining for white beans, Price reasonable. Lyle Montgomery, #.1 Clinton. Phone 84101 Seaforth. FOR SALE 150 Red Rock pullets, laying. .Don Crich, ,,. 3 Seaforth. Phone Clinton HIT 2-9252 TO RENT Rooms suitable for couple, APPLY lifter 0 pan, Mrs. Wm. 0. Kelley, East Wil- liam street FOR SALE Quantity of baled straw. WILFRED O'ROTJRKE, 37 r 0, Dublin. FOR SALE Peaches -Red Haven now ready; Ju- bilee and Vedette to follow, bring con- tainers and pick your own, priced right. GOVENLOCK ORCHARD ?. mile north of Forest. W. GOVENLOGH. FOR SALE Drop leaf .table. Connor washing machine; General Electric refrigerator;. General Electric stove; 0 kitchen chairs. kitchen utensils, dining room table and chairs; Marconi radio; chesterfield; double bed suite, complete; 1 single bed, complete; Occasional chairs; rug 9 ft. c In}._ ft. Lampe, mats, and num- erous other articles. bliss Annie Law- rence, Goderieh street. Seaforth Se Hig forth?.., ® _ r c Sch..,l OPENS TUE$DALSP 2 AT 10 A.M. All school buses will operate over the same routes as at the close of school in June. All routes will be revised upon completion of registration and may be revised at that time to provide maximum service Buses will leave Seaforth at 8.30 a.m, on Tuesday, Sept. 2 and subsequently at 7.30 each morning For further i3/01111OtiOn contact L P. PLUMS EEL, rincipal i0'i 4i .5"r, Y,.:•,. A .r,"04'+Jnl."' Ri THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, August 28, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Phyaician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A., M.D Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P.L. Brady, 30:10„ Surgeon 0(tice Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily nteopt Wednesday and Sunday lydEveniayonly ngs: 7-9. Tuesp•mday, Thursday and Sat . Appointments made in advance are desirable TURNBULL & ARYANS VETERINARY CLINIC j. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. i3'RYANS. D.V.M., V.S. W. G, DI ENNAN, D.V,M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 701. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 0, AM to 12;30 PM. Thur. .erg by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6,89 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFOItTH, ONT. 11 All kinds of Insurance risks et tectod at lowest rates In Flrst- Class Companies INSURANCE e Fire e Auto • Accident • Liability e Weather Complete -Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 640 The McKillop Mutual Fire • insurance Co. READ OFF2CE-SEAFORTIS, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. RAlexendor� Vice -Pres., . Archibald ; Manager an Sec.-Treas., AL A, Reid, Seaforth. D51. �'BSelxaMcEwiiy Blyth; Aexander. Walton; Brueefield; 0. W. LOeonhardt. Bornholm ; H, t0uller, Goderieh ; R. Archibald, Seaforth: Allister Broadfoot, Soaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr„ Londesboro 5, F. Procter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insuranee or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers nddresaed to..,. s9 respective post. offices. - 1. RADiO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed TEaluRY'S°tirs to RADIO 1 REPAIinds R. radios. Opposite. Dick House, phone 347R. Seaforth WD Old horses wanteedT 00 31.,t o 113:, and deed cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Phone collect 148314 or 148321 (Goderieh) NOTICE For artificial Insemnlnation service or more information, telephone the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect Ms- Clinton HL12-34.11 between 7.80 and 9,30 a.m, week days, 0 to 8 p.m. on, Saturdays. Do not call forservice on Sunday, Cows in heat on Sunday can be Inseminated satisfactorily on Monday. We supply service to top quality bulls of the holstein, jersey, Ayrshire, Guern- sey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled & horned) Beef Shorthorn. (poll- ed and horned) and Dual Purpose Short- horn, Angus and Charolais breeds. The cost is low. SEE The new Resttlta adding mach- ine (printing) at 79.95, acids and substracts. Regular Results at 49.95 (with adding Only at 39.95). Savauges, Seaforth E Dublin Commun W IC of Livestock, Cronin Sales barn, every Wednesday commencing at 8 p.m. Livestock must be inspected and at the sale by 8 P.M. Phone 4, Dublin. Sales will be held every Wednesday, Notice • Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuokersmith Dumping Ground will be open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 9 o'clock. and evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until further notice, E. P. Chesney, Clerk ‘Illue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 392-11 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office; Phone 784 - Res, 286 TEXACO .t O UCTS S PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON' Phone Collect HU 2.9357 Co-operators Insurance Association