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The Seaforth News, 1958-08-28, Page 7
9 34.1.4,0Etect395ue199,..36mer. mtft Elut .....t3tt,hetuut TED SEAFORTII NEWS—Thursday, Aitt 3. 191,. ;Itkt f II fr t walls® N 4. res ^3:1 tE r Your chance to save on your budget by shopping here. BUY NOW AND SAVE All Prices previously advertised still good t's Terms cash. Free delitrery. hte :41 r F od Market ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE PAID BY AUCT.lST 31 39 WOW '.;finitig;i1St"..t.01.QtaK-1.J3.'ea.f.tfife71 TOWN TOPICS Miss Annie C. Lawrence has sold herhouse on Goderich St. to Mr. ROY Lawson. M.iss Lawr- ence intends leaving in a couple of weeks for. Prescott where her niece, Mrs, Cecil Moore, resides. Mrs. E. C. Case, Miss Margaret Case, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Smile attended the •wedding of Mrs. Case's granddaughter at Roches- ter, 'NY. Mixing the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schneid- er are holidaying 'this Week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lapslie Smith and family at their summer cottage on Pigeon Lake and also visited with Mr, and Mrs. 'Victor Nimmo at South Monaghan. Mr. and Mrs, Claire Westcott and family of Toronto spent the Weekend at the home of the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott and attended the Weber. Westcott wedding. Mr, and Mrs. Ron Evans and family of Toronto returned Sun. clay after two weeks' visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcott, also attending' the Weber-Westcott wedding. Mrs. V. R. Peiffer and &Argil. ters, Jean and Diane of Ithaca, N. Y., have been spending the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. IL Iloggarth and sister, Mrs, Christine Brown. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maass and daughter, Windsor, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Ellen Bannon. Mr. Charles Hogan and daugh. tors Margaret and Marion of Chi. cage were visitors for a couple of days with Rev. and Mrs, 13. V. Workman and with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 0. McDonald at Walton, Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. L01110 Dale': Mr, Alvin Clines, of the teaching staff, London, and Mr. and Mrs, James Sims, also of Damian. Jimmy and John Eckert who have been holidaying with Mk. and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux and family have returned to their home in Aidgetown. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bleradden, Burlington, were weekend guests of Miss Davina Anderson. Mr. andMrs. E. j. McKonster and family have moved to Wood- stock.. Mrt MeRenster works with the E.E.P.C. or Ontario. Mr. Allan Ryan spent last week's holidays in Chicago: His uncle and aunt, Mr.. and Mrs. D. Molyneaux, of Chicago, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Taber and family attended the C.N.E. in Toronto last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. ,T. Eotharn Jr, vis- ited last weekend with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. W. Reil»'. Master Charles Eotham spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. D. Cooper, Rippen. Mrs. Orland Johnston enter- tained the ladies of the Lawn Bowling Club at her cottage in Bayfield last Thursday evening. Mr. D. Schpnck, Guelph, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J, McQuaid, St Thomas, 'visited Mrs. Jos, Mc- Quaid for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Miller, of Detroit, visited last weekend :with Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery and Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Cleary. EASY LESS N IN GOOD L OKS F R SCH'vOL DAYS Send your youngster back to school looking his best in clothes cleaned here. We make every garment sparkle "like new" again ...remove even the most stubborn spots and stains without a trace! Little girls; too, approve the results our superior Methods make in their Clothes. Flannery Cleaners PHONE 87 WEEK END SPECIALS Red Breast Fancy Cohoe Salmon Kleenex, reg. size Fresh Broiler Chickens IBEX FLANELETTE BLANKETS 70 x. reg. 5.95 Sale Price 5.75 pr. 4 lb tin 29 c 2 for 37c 45c lb Aubrey Eickmeyer General Store, Egmonclville Formerly Haney's Phone 71 Seaforth 441 e • • 0/".•'•••••••• • wart E y070r.: 25 YEAR N BI.DS ALSO AVAiLARLE: Sec: yourbank, inx,estment 14 YEAR it ciec.lier, trust or oan corn - 7 YEAR Etop4D,-, pony other 1./4 yEAR EtoNDs adviser TODAY ' • 90 99 and k additi r-ceive a ediate cash adjust ) ent Here's an example of the cash adjustment on a $1000*bond 'Other maculate In proportion. VICTORY 0ON05 41/3% 25 YEAR tt'A% 14 YEAR 336% 7 YEAR 3% We YEAR len v3.4 3% duo Jan. 1, 1959 520.00 52100 525.00 510,00 16Ih V,L) 3% Sum 222.50 52240 51.2.50 doe lune 1, 1960 1719 VII 30 51140 512.50 512.50 Not 61. go, 1, 'egg (with Aug. III tampon retained by owner) Exthanoealsto "t) 3% 517.50 517 SO duo Och I, 1963 Not Not Exchangeable Exchangeable 191h 0.1) 2% 515.00 515.00 Nei Nol dee 501"It It ME (Sept. 1st coupon mutt be attached) Exchangeable Exchangeable • ".then Mother said, `Let's give them a call tonight'!" Isn't there someone you'd like to Call...tight now? Telephone tonight* THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA *Long Distance bargain rates— nights after 6 and all day Sundae OF WHEAT - ATS BARLEY MXEI GRAINS WHITE BEANS Thnothy Seed © Clover Seed Check our prices before selling Now is the time to buy your winter supply of Feed Beans We have fast unloading facilities We have just installed a Hoist for unloading semi -trailers W. G. Thomps n & Sons t:ri). Phone 32 Hensall, Ont.