HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-08-21, Page 1Ion
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$1.60 -a Year
Authorized as Second Claes math
Post °trice Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
At the regular August meeting e_
of Seaforth town council Thugs-. Milk Board Reserves
clay evening, local milk producers
asked councilfor, help against en
outside "aggressor" dairy.
Present were Councillors Pleb-
' kirk, Turnbull, Rivers, Brady,
Baldwin, Reeve Scoins. Mayor
Christie presided.
The delegation of milk proclua
ers, P. Simpson and C. Eckert,
and dairy owner H. Traviss, told
council that Brussels dairy had
applied for peI'iinission to distri-
bute Milk here. They feared that
Brussels producers would- supply
all the milk.
Producers said they had–matte
big .investments in order to sup-
ply milk and would lose heavily
if theirmoutlet were cut off. Mr.
Traviss said he had considerable
Under questioning by council-
lors 1Mr. Traviss said he had an
offer for his dairy. He said the.
Exeter dairy which made the
offer had promised to keep the
staff here and get milk from Me-
al producers. However pasteuris-
ing would be done out of town.
Council thought that if they
passedrestrictive measures the
town might be left without miik
They agreed to Meet the group
later and if advisable attend the
hearing in Toronto,
Appoint Third Policeman
Police Chief Elmer Hutebison
told council he had hired AndY
Calder to assist police with Lions.
carnival. Council promised Mr.
Caper would help the police two
days a week and for holidays un-
til end of year. Next year provi-
sion would be matte in budget
for third man on the force. This
would reduce number of hours of
duty, Men have been en duty 12
hours a day seven days a week
most of the summer; it was said.
Councillor Baldwin reported
town cement mixer had been
rented to contractors for a few
days and asked about rental
Mr. Baldwin said it Was pro-
posed to build a garage at old
water' works residence. Council
debated selling residence and
building a garage on town pro-
perty nearby. It was decided to
clean place up.
Douglas Scott told council his
car had been damaged to extent
of $15 a couple of weeks ago
when wind blew a sign on Main
St. Council agreed to see if town.
insurance covered it,
Councillor Habkirk said weeds
had been cut on streets. Harold
Maloney had spent good, deal of
time going with contractor laying
the gas lines.
Reeve Scoins told council a
hospital patient who had been
nearly off the town's list had re-
turned to town and was now back
on a 50.50 „basis.
Sewer Dead Issue
Councillor Turnbull declared
the sewer a dead issue. However.
`--^ Councillor Brady reminded there
had been a strong complaint.
Council debated how relief could
be given in this case which was
in serious shape.
Among the town receipts was
au item of over $10,000 for tax
Mayor Christie said the PUC
had two applications for water
service outside town, to ' D.
Brightrall on Harpurhey road,
and the other to J. Sturgeon, Eg-
mondville. The Mayor said the
town could not supply manymore
services beyond town limits.
Councillor Habkirk said the
town would lose the taxes and
assessment on houses built out-
side the town limits and supplied
by town water service.
Council decided to exchange
Victory Bonds held by town for
25 year 4/% Conversion Bonds.
Bonds are hypothecated to the.
bank for loans.
Building permits granted ' by
Seaforth town council include:
Don Muir, res., Railway St.,
$3000; C. Dalton, res., $1000; J.
Lansink, enlarge barn, $400;`. J.
Beuerntann, north •-E. William
St., res., $6000; Henry Ziter, res.,
Jarvis St; south of CNR, $8000.
John Delaney, 3.year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney,
McKillop, was taken to Scott
Memorial Hospital Sunday even-
ing suffering from three broken
ribs following a car accident. The
Delaney farm le on the third con.
11,4 miles north of, Dublin, and
John was in the car with his
mother taking cattle to a grass
farm on the 2nd con. When they
reached the field Mrs. Delaney
got out and the car which was on
a slight inclinestarted to roll
back. In some way John must
have got out of the,;vehicle, and
fell or was knocked by the door
under the leftfront wheel which
passed over his body. He was
taken to hospital and as far as
could be determined the three
broken ribs were, the only in-
jury. "If there is . nothing more
serious he is .a lucky little boy"
said Constable 3. McDowell of
the, OPP who investigated the
Decision At Hearing
A hearing of theOntarioMilk
Board was field in Toronto on
Tuesday with Judge Currie of
the Supreme Cotirt, presiding on
the application of Roy Cousins
of Brussels to distribute_ milk
throughout Seaforth. .
Attending to oppose the appli-
cation were Harvey Traviss, 'of
Maple 'Leaf Dairy, Seaforth, and
milk producer's Peter Simpson,
Con Eckert and Gordon Reyn-
olds, also Mr. Stanley Of Exeter
Councillor John Baldwin was
Present at the meeting as an ob-
server for Seaforth town council.
Decision on the application was
reserved by the boarclfor a few
Fireside Forum
Picnics Here
The Fire -Siete Farm Forum pic-
nic was held at Seaforth Lions'
Park with 48 present. All had a
very enjoyable afternoon with
sports and a bounteous picnic'
Girls 5 years and under: Joan
Hoggart, Kathy Dalton; boys 5
years and under: Rae McClure,
Tan Hulley; girls 7 and under.
Connie Howatt, Blanche Dalton;
boys: Clyde McClure, Neil Mc-
Clure; girls 11 yrs. and under:
Betty Hoggart, Connie Howatt;
Boys: Garry Preszeator, Jimmy
Tlaxler; ladies race: Mrs. Jini
Mowatt; Men's: Mr, Hugh Flynn;
Balloon Blowing—girls 8 and un-
der: Joan Hewett, Blanche Dal-
ton (tied); boys 8 and under,
„Tinnny Traxier; Men: Joe Bab -
cook; eldest lady. Mrs, Geo, Car-
ter': eldest man, Mr. Bert Hog-
gart; youngest baby: Larry
Flynn; three-legged race: Sally
Babcock and Betty Hoggart; kick -
the -slipper: girls 8 and under,
Connie Howatt; • bays: Robby
Donald; ladies: Mrs. J. Hewett;
men: Mr. Hugh _Flynn; spot
walls: Mrs. Geo. IIoggart; throw-
ing ball in basket: Mr, R. Jamie-
son; ladies dropping clothes pins
in bottle; Mrs. B. Hoggart; re-
lay race with pillows and pillow
cases; peanut scramble for child-
ren. A donation was given to the
Lions for the use of the park,'
Mr, I•Iarold Porterfield, Milton,
announces the engagement. of his
daughter, Patricia Marie Scott,
to Stuart Robert Wigg, son .01
Mrs:. Frederick W. Wigg and the
late Mr. Wigg, 'The wedding „to
take place in Knox Presbyterian
Church, Walkerton, in mitt -Sep
teniber: ,
Mr, and Mrs, Cameron Vivian,
of Staffs, wish to announce the
engagement 'of their daughter,'
Margaret Joy, to Mr. Duncan
Thomas Scott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James 'M. Scott, of Staffa.
Ike wedding will take place on
Saturday, Sept. 6, at 2.30. puri., in
Staffa United . Church, Staffs.
Mr. and Mrs. Mines Doig, Sen -
forth, announce the engagement
of their daughter Catherine El-
eanor to Edwin Gerald Buuck,
son` of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Buuck Brodhagen. The wedding
to take place Sept. 5, 1958 in St,
Peter's Lutheran Church, Brod-
The regular meeting of Eg-
mondville W. A. and WAIS. was
held in --the Sunday School room
of the church on Wednesday,
August Oth with a good attend-
ance. Miss Frances Houston, our
WMS President took the chair
and opened the meeting with
Hymn 575. The devotional topic
was "Time of Refreshing". Mrs.
E. Stephenson took the scripture,
Miss Rena McKenzie took the
topic and closed with prayer.
Hymn 649 was then sung. We
then had the W.A. treasurers re-
port. Mrs. A. Boyes then took
the chair for the W. A. business,
It was decided to make another
quilt for bazaar and sell the' one
that is - made. 'The gas line, was
discussed. A thankyou note was
react by Airs. Kruse.'`Miss Hous-
ton theft' took over the choir for
the WMS meeting, A 'quartette
'consisting of Barbara Nott, Lois
Tyndall, Marilyn Miller, Anita
Hillman gave a selection. The
minutes" of the last meeting were
read followed by the 'Roll Call.
The meeting was then opened for
business. Friendship Sec., Mrs.
McLachlan gave her report. The
treasurer's .report was given by
Mrs. R. . AleGonigle, The offering
was then. received. The quartette
then favoured with another num-
ber. Miss :Frances Houston then
very ably tonic the study book,
"Facing Tomorrow". She men-
tioned that in Japan 1 otit of
every 200 people are Christians.
They welcome help. She also
mentioned that they are .disowned
by their own people for being
Christiana. The meeting was
closed with hymn 252 and pray-
er, after which a social 11011 hour
was spent with lunch served by
Mrs. Brown's group.
H. S. Board Names
Secretary -Treasurer.
W. E. Southgate was appointed.
Secretary - Treasurer of Seaforth
District High- School . Board " on
Monday night, succeedingthe
late M. A. Reid. There were six
Frank IGociin, of Fredericton,
N.B„ new teacher here o1 boys',
P,T., is expected in town early
next week, to get a house.
Mixed Double Tournament on
Friday evening, Aug. 15th..
1st Mr. and "Mrs. McLaren, of
Goderich; 2nd 14r, and ,Mrs,
Sci•iunegour, of Goderich; 3rd Mr,
and Mrs. Ruston, Mitchell; 4th
Mr. and Mrs. hunter, Goderich.
Rinks from Goderich were
skipped by Bisset, Harris, "Mc-
Leod,. Baker, Baeckler, Hutman,
Sale, Townsend.'
Rinks ,from Stratford were
skipped by Atkins, Moffat,
Rinks from Clinton were skip-
ped by Gray, Colclougb, Nott,
Rink .from Tavistock was skip:
ped by Zimmerman,
Rinks from Seaforth were skip.
ped by Eric Mc0ue, Jack Muir, F.
Sills, Dorn Dale, B. Christie, G.
Muir and L. bale.
Bouquets 'al white gladioli and
fern with candelabra, formed the
setting in Egmondville United
Church Saturday, Aug. 16, at 8
P.m., when Alice B.1izabeth,
slaughter of Airs. John S. Watson,
R, R, 3, Seaforth, and the late
John S. 'Watson, became the bride
of Donald Edwin Andrews, son
of Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Andrews,
Clinton. Dr. J. Semple officiated
at the ceremony. The organist,
Mrs: 11. R. Bennie, Seaforth, ac-
companied the soloist, 'William
Andrews, Toronto, who . sang
"The Lord's Prayer," and "This
Hallowed Horn". The bride was
given in marriage by her broth
er-in-law, Albert Clark, Muirkirk,
Slie wore a floor -length gown ot
white silk organza, fashioned
With scoop neckline, short sleeves
and chapel train. The skirt and
necklinewere appliqued with
guipure lace flowers. Sire wore
short gloves. A pillbox headdress,
trimmed with pearls hent her
French pure silk illusion, finger-
tip veil. She carried a white
Bible crested with a yellow-
throated white orchid, Miss Jean
Watson, Toronto, sister of the
pride, was maid of honor, and
the bridesmaids were ,Miss Doris
Pullman, Seaforth, and Miss El-
eanor McCartney, of Brucefield.
They wore cocktail -length dress-
es of silver green crystal charm,
featuring bouffant skirts, droll
waistlines, styled - on princess
lines, and pleated bodices. They.
wore small matching. Pleated hats
and carried white New Testa-
ments crested with .white roses.
William R. Hearn, Clinton, was
best man, and the ushers were
Warden Raney,- Seaforth, and
Fred Gibson, Clinton: The wed-
ding dinner was served in the
Suinday. . School auditorium, Re-
eeiving, the mother of the bride
worecentennial blue crepe with
white accessories and white rose-
bud corsage. She was assisted by
the groom's mother, who wore
dusty rose crepe, white acces-
sories and white rosebud corsage.
For traveling to Northern On-
tario and Quebec, the .pride chose
a navy blue French worsted Crepe
suit with. navy and White acces-
sories and a white orchid corsage.
The couple will reside in Clinton.
Guests attended the wedding
from Toronto, Oakville, Fergus,
Stratford, London, Muirkirk, St.
Marys, Clinton, L o n d. e s b or o,
Brucefield and. Seaforth:
The death occurred in London
on Monday, Aug. 18, after a short
illness, of James C. (Dewey) Mc-
Kibben, in his 58th year. He was
born at Niagara Falls and was
married to Jean MacDonald in
Toronto in 1921. In his earlier
years he was a transport -.driver
and was a veteran of the first
and second world wars. He came
to Seaforth in 1952. He is surviv-
ed by his wife and a son and two
daughters: Donald, of Seaforth;
Airs. J. \MacFarlane (Shirley) of
Peterborough; Mrs. R. Pinkney
(Doreen) of Sans Souci Islami;
Georgian Bay. The funeral will
take place 011 Friday, Aug. 22, at
2 p.m. from the Box Funeral
Home, High St., Seaforth, Rev.
J. James of St. Thomas' Anglican
Church, officiating. Interment
will be in Maitlandbank Ceme-
tery. Legion services will be held
in the Chapel on Thursday even
ing, at 8 p,m.
' Mr, and Mrs. Walter Elliott of
Vancouver, B.C. visited last week
with lir. and Mrs, Geo. Walker.
Mr, and Mrs. Jacques and stn
are spending- a weeks vacation
at .Midland. .
Mrs, Hilda Pelley of Si. Clair,
Mich., visited this week with
Mr. and 'Airs. Louis Clark Sr•..and
1ie', and Mrs. .Frank Forrest,
Miss Bernice Dilling spent the
past week holidaying with friends
at Muskoka.
Airs. Edna Corbett spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Parker, Richey and Cindy.
Mr, and Mrs, E. Shaddick' and
Bill spent the weekend with Dr,
D. McKelvie, Mrs. McKelvie and
Ann in Essex. They were accom-
panied home by Robert McKelvie
who has spent the past two weeks
Lightning Causes
Hydro Wire to Fall
-When a hydro wire parted and
fell to'the ground causing spark-
ing, on James Street in front of
Angus MacLean's property on the
old public school grounds, short-
ly after 1 o'clock Wednesday aft-
ernoon, a fire alarm was phoned
in. Both fire trucks responded.
Power was shut off by the P.U.C.
and repairs made.
The wire parted during -a
thunderstorm. Earlier Sn the t161y
.a bolt of lightning bed's!' ck in
the vicinity. 1
Principal A.ctifreAses
Seaforth Insf thi)
Mrs. .Tames Kelea es 11hstess
to the Seaforth W )1. 'fok;4their
August meeting Tuesday even-
ing, Aug. 12_ The f , tembei!s an-
swered the roll call it,M1 `t'Sonne-
thing a. child has taught'.= the
Guest speaker Mr, L. P. Plum -
steel, principal of. SDHS was in-
troduced hy Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Kenzie. A$'. Plumsteel spoke of
the influence the home life has
on school life and stressed the
importance of parents tatting an
interest in the students' school
The committee appointed for
the booth' at Seaforth Fall Fair
is Mlrs. H. Hugill, Mrs. G. Papple,
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs. Rose
Gordon and Mrs. Andy Crozier.
A donation of $10.00 was donat-
ed to the Lions Club Swimming
Pool Funcl. A letter df thanks is
to be sent to Douglas.Keyes as-
sistant agr. rep. of Tend county
for arranging and colduct'i11g the
bus trip which was talcoujr•ecent-
ly. The date of the next yueeting
andwas discussed andwee 'Aeft un
to the hostess and conlnnittee in
.charge of the program,.,Letters of
appreciation were reatl-from .firs.
Wallace Tlaugh, Mr. -3. Gordon
and Mrs. Gordon Papple, The
motto "A drop of ink makes
thousands thine", was taken by
Mrs. J. Hillebrecht.'Miss Gloria
Carter entertained with two love-
ly accordion solos. *is was the
citizenship and education meet -
my convened by Mrs. R. M. Scott
'and Miss Thelma Elgie. The
meeting closed by singing "God
save the Queen". Assisting the
hostess was the co -hostess, Mrs.
Gordon McKenzie, and the lunch
committee; Mrs. Leonard Strong,
Mrs. H. IIugill, Mrs, James T.
E'cott and Mrs, James Dolg,
Mfrs. Frank Elliott, 84, died in
the Hamilton General Hospital
on Sunday morning. She had
been visitingat tit! home of her
son, lir. and _Mrs, Duward Elliott
in 'EIamilton for the past month.
The .former Ellen Agar, daughter
of -the late John Agar and Clara
Balkwell, she was born in Full-
erton in 1874. In 1894 she was
married to Frame Elliott and
they farmed in Hibbert twp near
Staffa until they moved to DO -
lin 13 years ago. lir, and Ml's.
Elliott celebrated their 63rd wed-
ding anniversary last December.
She was a member of the Angli-
can Church in Dublin. Besides
her husband, she is . survived hy
five sons: Lloyd, Staffa; Dm'-
warcl, Hamilton; Norval; Earl
and Lorne, I-Iibbert twp.; also
three daughters: Mrs. Howard
(Clara) Fletcher, Lambeth; Airs.
Harr y (Ada) Sehellenberger,
Clinton; and Mrs. Bonier (Ethel)
Jeffery, Detroit; one brother, El-
mer Agar, Keswick, Ont.; 19
grandchildren and 15 great-grand-
children. The funeral service
was held at the Lockhart Funer-
al Home, Mitchell, on. Tuesday
afternoon, Rev. J. James of Sea -
forth officiating. Burial tools
place at the Presbyterian Ceme-
tery, Mitchell:
Mrs. Joseph Dantzer and daug-
hters, Janet and Elaine, Kitchen-
er, with Billie Dantzer and Mr.
and Mrs. John Nagle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Regan, Ton
onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Gaunt, Stratford, with 01r. and
Mrs, Gerald Holland.
Mr. Tom Holland. and 1h', Les-
lie Gasper and two sons, Wind-
sor, with Matt Murray.
Mn, and Mrs. Frank Flanagan,
Kitchener, with Mr. and Mis. F.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Dillon
and daughter, St, Thorne's, and
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Sea -
forth, with Mrs, Louis Dillon.
Hubert Feeney and sou Jinu,
Kitchener, with Mr. and 11rs,
.Martin Feeney.
Mrs. C. Trott, Clinton, with
Mrs. A. 12. Looby,
Billie Cook, Long Branch, with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coyne.
Mr, and Mrs. Suprenant and
children, Montreal, with Mi•, and
Mrs. J. Lavoie.
Gregory Bloudey, Cha them,
with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Shea,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carbert and
family, Royal Oak, Mich., '`with
Mr. and ,Airs. Geo. E. Holland.
Mr., and Mr's, Billie Feeney
spent 'a week at Grand Bent
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Butters and
family are vacationing at Point
Mrs. Jim Newcombe and son
Jim, Port Credit, with Mr, anti
Mrs. WM. Stapleton,
Air. ancl Mrs, Jack. Kelly, Kitch-
ener, with Mr, and Aire. Fergus
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Meagher
and Miss Phonsine, Seaforth,
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meag-
Klarenl. and Billie Dill at Flint,
Entertains at
Trousseau Tea
On Wednesday, Aug, 13; . Mrs.
J. "Arnold Westcott entertained
at a trousseau tea, honoring her
daughter Blanche M. 'Wsstcott,
whose marriage to -Gerald Weber
will take'place Saturday, Aug.
23, at Northside United -Church.
Mrs. 'BTestcott was assisted In re-
ceivin:g•by her daughter; and the.
mother or the groom elect, Mrs,
iI. G. Weber, Stratford. Mrs, C.
W. Kestle of Clinton and Mrs. J.
Talbot, directed the living room
which was colorfully arranged
with garden flowers. The tea
table was covered with a lace
cloth and centered with a dainty
bouquet of pink sweet peas and
lighted candles. In the afternoon;
pouring tea were Mr's. T. Albion,
London, Mrs. :I. W. Hanna, of
Wingham. Serving were Mrs.
Emile Iszaeovics, Miss Doris Pull-
man in the dining froom and on
the lawn Miss Alice Watson and
Miss Eleanor McCartney. Pouring
tea in the evening were firs. An-
dy Grindley; and .firs. Howard
Moffatt, London, in the dining
room and ,Miss Margaret Durham
and `Miss Marian Laudenbach of
London, on the lawn. Register
attendants were "hiss Evelyn
Cardno fn the afternoon and in
the evening, \Liss Devine Ander-
son. Th Trousseau T ousseau was shown
11y .hiss Shirley McPhee, Toron-
to, in tate afternoon and hiss
Marlene Weber, Stratford, in the
evening. 'In the gift room during'
'flit afternoon was Mrs. Ronald.
Evans, Agincourt, sister .01 the
bride, and in the evening, Mrs.l
,Tumor Storey. Linens and show-
er gifts were shown in the after -1
noon by Miss Marilyn Hillis, Sea -
forth and Toronto, and Miss Car
men Weber, Stratford, during the
evening, The flower arangements
and decor were completed by
Mrs. 1-i. E. Smith. Others assist-
ing wore Mrs. P. Moffatt, Mrs. B.
Christie and Mrs, J. Scott, Out -
or -town guests were present from
London, Stratford, Clinton; Blyth,
\Linehan', Exeter and Toronto.
Also entertaining .at showers
for Miss Westeott were the lady
teachers of Northbrae School in
London, with firs. E. C. Cole as
hostess. Mrs. Ann Zacharias, of
London, also entertained at a
miscellaneous shower, The Misses
Marion` Chamberlain and Marian
Laudenbach entertained school
chums and many beautiful gifts
were presented to the bride -elect.
At the home of Mrs. E. C. Cham-
berlain, church fr ie n d s and
neighbours gathered with the
hostesses, Mrs, Chamberlain, Mrs.
Ross Saveuge, Mrs. P. Moffatt
and Mrs. J, Scott, and the bride
WEBS the recipient of "many beau-
tiful and useful gifts.
Presentations were given- by
The Northbrae Home and School
Association, London; lw the pu-
pils of hiss Westcott's Kinder-
garterr class and by her fellow
staff members at Northbrae
School, London.
In Seaforth, _MissWestcott was
also presented with a beautiful
gift from the neighbours and also
from Northside United Church
Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Dickert and
family of Clifford were Sunday
guests of 11r. and Mrs. N. Dickert
Miss Diana Veal of Byron vis-
ited a week with her friend, Miss
Katherine McGregor.
Rev. and Mrs. D, A. McMillan
were guests of Mr. 'Wm. Ivison
and Airs. Brownlee on Sunday at
their cottage at Drysdale.
The Misses Barnaby of London
visited the past ten days at Mr.
Wnr, Ivison's cottage, Drysdale.
Hiss Wilma Jackson is spend-
ing a week with Miss Linda Ball
of Goderich.
Miss Joyce . Hood is visiting iu
London with her cousin, Miss Di-
anne Perkins.
Recent visitors with Mr, and
1lrs: E. J. Roberts and family in -
chided: .Mrs, G. Proctor, Kath-
leen and Linda of Covina, Calif,:
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rawlings, Mon-
treal, Que., Mrs. K. Roberts and
Mr.' N. Hobbs of Loudon.
Mrs. Cliff Watson, Centralia,
and daughter, Mrs. G. Triebner
and Jeff of Parkhill spent Tues-
day afternoon with Mr, and Mrs.
Gridzak and friends in the vil-
Mips Alice Pfaff of Aylmer was
a recent visitor of.her .brother.in-
law and sister, Mr. and firs. R.
W, Elsie.
Mr.- Marshall Stewart of Sea -
forth and his uncle Mr, -Sam Cud -
more visited friends in the vil-
lage on Saturday.
• On Sunday morning a 1054
Ford Model car belonging to Ken
McLellan was stolen on No. 4
Highway at Kippen. It was re-
covered Monday abandoned near
Drysdale on the Blue Water
Would the people living in the
l8ippeu area kindly phone in any
guests or news to Kipper Corres-
pondent (airs. Long) phone, IIen-
salt 694-15.
• Mr. 'and -.Airs. Andre Garneaui
and girls wap resided the pest
five months . in I'h. Cudmore's
house, moved Friday to their, own
,home in' Clinton,
'' 11r. and Mrs, Tom Munroe left
Saturday for a trip by plane to
California. Air. and Mrs. John
Heitz accompanied them to De-
troit where they started their
The Tri County Youth for
Christ held a chicken barbeque
Saturday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elgar Mousseati,
Kippen, with 135 present. After
0111111111111,11111111111 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1111111111(141/11111,111/11111111.”.11111111111111 ,,,,,,,, 1111111111111,1,ur,,
64 Piece
Service for 8
8 only Knives 1 Taep
8 only Forks (piblesrcedoon)
8 only Teas (reg.) 1 Gravy Spoon
8 only Teas (small) 1 Cold Meat Fork
8 only Dessert Spoons 1 Berry Spoon
8 only Salad Forks 1Pickle Fork
8 only Coffee Spoons 1 Butter Knife
1 Tablespoon (reg,) 1 Sugar Shell
All the fine quality flatware
you'll ever need, in your
choke of beautiful 1847
Rogers Bros. patterns, and
at o price you can't afford
to miss.
Open Stock
r 7!f
deliellery, Gifts, Fine China
, ,anaa,u"uuau,anunonuun nnu"uueaunnnaaun,n,u,"uu euani"nun"nnnaunan,mu,n,
sapper was served, a programme EGM0NDViLLE
was given by the musical trio of Visitors last week with 'Airs. R.
Guelph, and a message by RevDalrymple were lir, and Airs.
Wright of Guelph. Alderson of C:arnturth, Lancast,
Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Kyle
attended a family picnic at Bay, er, England: Airs. Richard Tay -
field on Sunday. log, Hensall; Mr, and Mrs, Robt.
111. and Mrs. Elston Dowsou Varier and family of St. Cathar-
visited Sunday. with Mr. Lloyd Ines;
Mr. and firs, Albert .Hey
and O'itss Ella;_ Howson of near and Mr. and Mrs. dames Balfour
Varna. of Thames Road.
'Master Donnie Pepper of Stir,' Alan, Keven and James Bis-
spent the {fast two weeks with back of Kipper' are visiting their
itis aunt and uncle Mr. and Alva. grandparents, :Air. and Mrs, Hi -
Stuart Pepper,, Mr. and Mrs. fuer Shade.
Ernest Pepper spending the Marlene and Lorraine Erickson
weekend, their'- son returning who Have. been vaoutioniuz with
home with his parents• their grandmother. Mrs. Messen-
OCr. Robert Cooper is spending ger during the past two weeks,
a few clays in Cairo, Mich., at the returned on Sunday to their
home of his daughter and son -in hums in Waterloo.
law, 11. and .Airs. Grant Love.Mrs, Barton has returned home
!after spending a week at Point
1 Clark.
Mr. and Mrs, Glen Haase and BLAKE
family of Elliott Lake have re-' hiss Pauline Steckle, nurse -in -
turned home after visiting with training at the Kitchener -Water -
friends and relatives in the dis- loo Hospital is spending holidays
trio. with her parents, 011'. and Mrs.
Miss June Hackwell ot Strat- I Allen Steckle,
ford visited with her parents Mr. and _Airs. Lloyd- Jeffery
over the weekend. .and Agnes of Windsor, anent the
Mr. Tom Somerville has re- weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Leon
turned home after completing a . Jeffrey.
Teachers' summer course in Tor.' Mr. and Mrs, Earl Oeeeh and
family are leaving on a week's
onto. Mrs. Margaret Humphries vis -
vacation to Niagara Falls and the
ited with her daughter and son- United Statics.
Mr. Harold Finlay and family
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rutledge, spent an evening with lir, and
Courlast week.
Mr., and Mrs. Fred A. Sinclair Mrs. Leon ,Teffery. Mrs. Betty Carnie, of Tweeds .
of California returned to the dis- muir Hall, London, has returned
trict last week. � after a few weeks' holiday in
Air. Douglas Kirkby and AIr• this vicinity.
Jerry Dressel attended the IIuet- MrsAMary I3ey has returned
her -Webster wedding at alho• me after spending a few weeks
United Church. _ on Saturdayyt-
aft- with her daughters in London.
ernoon. Mrs. Jolur Steckle of Vineland
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews spent a few days this past week
of Toronto - visited with the fat- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. TEgli and Pantily,
Dundas over the weekend, T.
,lir. Harold Finlay and family
The Church services have been! Mr' Sunday afternoon with Mr..
withdrawn in both Walton and I and Mrs. Allen Steckle and fam
Moncrieff charges for next- Sun-
day, Aug. 24th. The PolioFving lir. Harold Finlayand family
Sunday Walton will join Mon-. y
Crieff in worship at 11 a.m.whenspent an evening with Air, Bert
Rev, Workman of Seaforth will Gibbings and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
-conduct the service. At a special ,Landsborough.of Clinton.
meeting it was decided to hold
the annual anniversary fowl sup-
per on Oct. 15th.
Miss Barbara Lawson of Credi-
ton spent last week's holidays
with her friend, Hiss Joan
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Barnett of
Toronto spent 'Saturday with. Mr,
and Mrs, Robt. Grimoldby.
Mr. Douglas Riley finished his
teachers' summer course in Tor-
onto and returned home Friday.
1Ir, and Mrs. Rebt. Woods and
Debbie of Ajax speht the weekend
with Mr. and firs. Frank Riley.
Mrs. Woods and Debbie remain,
ed for holidays.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Howard Preszeator were:
Al'r. and 'Mrs. Chas. Glanville and
Wayne, Mr. Gordon 'Kenny and
Mr. and .'Mrs. Saris Lawson, all of
Crediton,. Misr Barbara Lawson
returned home with then.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
and Elaine spent Monday in Tor.
The Varna Softball team play-
ed their last schedule game on
Tuesday evening losing the game
by one run to Egmondville, how-
ever, better luck next year,
Rev, and Mrs. T. J. Pitt are
spending their holidays at ' St.
Catherines this week,
Mrs. Fred McClynront has re-
turned home after visiting for a
week in Toronto,.'I7iss Ruth Bar-
ker of King City returning with
Air. and Mrs, Sam Rennie, Di-
anne, Howard and 51150 nn e
spent the weekend visiting with
the ' form;er•'s sister, Mrs.. Harris
in Detroit. '
Mr. and Mts. John Baker and
Air. and Mrs. Grant MacGregor
spent the weekend • at Lions'
Bead where they were guests at
their nephew's wedding.
Mrs. Charles Wilson, who un-
derwent an operation in Clinton
General Ilospital last week, was.
able to return home this week.