HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-08-14, Page 8KIPPEN •Sunday service in St, Andrew's United Church was represented by a fair attendance. The Choir rendered an anthem, Mrs, 'War - roll Thomson singing a solo. Rev. MOMillan selected his sermon on "Christian enlistment based : on the Master'scall for service", and said there is a great need today tocarry the old fashioned religion into all departments of the world's life, econpnically, industrially, socially, religiously RIGHT THIS WAY TO FOOD SAVINGS All prices good till Saturday night, Aug. 16. Redpath Granulated SUGAR 5 ib' bag 49C VAN CAMP'S Improved BEANS with Pork 2 15 oz tins 27c SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP ige 32 oz jar 73c GOLD SEAL =- FANCY RED SOCKEYE .SALMON 73/4 ea tin 45 c CHEERY MORN -- Pure 15 off Ileal INSTANT COFFEE ige 6 oz jar 97c CHEESE SLICES -Kraft Canadian 8 oz pkg, 35c BABY FOODSHeinz 3 tins 31c CERTO - Liquid Bottle 30c PEANUT BUTTER-Ellnlarr 16 oz. jar 35c POTATO CHIPS -Hostess . , , ige 10 oz box 55c TOMATO JUICE -Fancy Quality large 48 oz tin 29c SODA CRACKERS-Christies 1 lb box 35c CARNATION MILK 2 ige tins 29c HANDIMILK-Silverwood's Powdered 1 lb pkg. 41c APPLE SAUCE-Snart's Choice Quality.... 2 20 oz. tine 35c POPPING CORN -Top Crop , , , 1.6 oz poly bag 17c TOMATO SOUP -Aylmer 2 10 az tins 25c CORN SYRUP -Bee Hive 2 Ib Tin 31c ASST. FRESIIIES-mules your soft drinks 5 pkgs. 29c PALM PICKLES -Sweet mixed large 30 oz jar 49c TOILET T1SST,Tl0-W'Isite Cross 3 large rolls 39c SARDINES -Brunswick 3 tins 29c COFFEE -Cheery Morn fresh ground1 1b tin 77c SMITH'S OR UNITED BUYERS S t 3 A t F PHONE' 12 SEAFORTH i VaM,Mtla,MYR,,,,Mt18-,,,INWIE=MMMOW/M55t1E'S.NIAZIMILOTIMMirsieZT141910 draw for s 95 Buy your Western Fair Tickets NOW! Only Advance Sglo lickot holders aro ollglhlo to draw on thew froo ears. Tiekon mast ho in by 9430 p,m. 5etordey, Sopt,13, to be eligible for draw:', Prow will bo made at 10430 p.m. In front of grandstand.e!,�sts Each Ticket admits 1 adult or 2 children • PONTIAC • lour door Siraio•Chlei e RAMBLER • four door deluxe sedan • METEOR • Niagara 300 0 !„C THE ;ATV-'sti.4 9. is J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager' Seaforth Branch and politically. patty in the new land of Canada, It appears that we may have and their neighbours, the Eng- as followers in service .grown lax 'lisle, the Germans and the Irish, or indifferent iii upholding the with the characteristic vitality Meals and basic principles. Too of each race .and with tile coin• often we have been sidetracked mon -spirit of the pioneer and the into pursuing. lesser objectives frontiermaii, had brought their and less worthy ends, What few belongings and their faith in Christ cattle to establish does not God to the new land with the conte quickly, it requires pati- hope that their eflorte might ecce. A few years ago, the slogan prosper. was "The World for Christ' in this John Dolg, father of William generation". It didn't materialize MaoLaren Doig, was, born at for the forces' of evil continried Thornhill, Scotland in 1820, and to 'combat the onward xnai'eh of even: at that ,time the name' Doig truth and righteousness. It is dated, back many centuries In difficult sometimes to be a fol. that locality. It: may be interest - lower right at home and :in the ing to note that 1.111s name'' is of sphere in which we move for Gaelic origin and o r i g i n e 112 "The Carpenter' of G a 1111 e e" meant "death", The poem "Oran every laud, in every- age, gas still clown the the streets again, 1 and Doig", or "Song of Death", may be found among the works is building men, o1 the immortal Scottish bard,' At Christmas time we hear' a 'Robert Burns, According to tracli- knocln, He goes from door to tion the name Doig was bestowed door, "are any • worknen out of on a certain Highland warrior, worn;:?: The carpenter n e o'd s who had' distinguished himself more". Christ is still today as in among his clansmen, the yesterdays calling us, you and, me to His service. His church to- FALL 3"AIR DATES SET day is not a beggar by the side A list of Ontario Agricultural of the road, waiting for people to Societies' fairs for 1958 includes throw in. a coin, but an institu the following: tion serving the needs of the Arthur -September 23, 24 commnunity, and entitled to our Bayfieci-September• 24, 25 support in the legiance. •It's an. Blyth -September 16,.17 _ opportunity for co-operation tin' Brussels -September 25, 26 the eternal plan, and as we serve Clifford ---September 10,. 11 and give we are blessed. Our. re- Coiling'wood-October 2-4 sponse to Him is voluntary, "Be- Dungannon -October 3 hold I stand at the door and .Elmira -August 29; 30, Sept. 1 knock". Ile will not forge him- Exeter -September 17; 18 self upon us, what we do rests Forest -September 16, 17 • entirely with us. Harriston-September 17, 18 Olcl Chinese Proverb -"If there Kincardine -September 18, 19 is righteousness in the heart, Listowel -September 22, 23 there will be beauty in the •char- Luoknow-September 23, 24 actor; If there be beauty in the Milverton -September 19, 20 character, there will be harmony Mitchell -September 23, 24 in the family home, If there is New Hamburg -September 12, 13 harmony In the home, there will Owen Sound -October 8-11 be order in the •nation: When Port Elgin -September 12, 13 there is order in the nation, there St. Marys-Ootober 7, 8 will he peace in the world. Seaforth-September 18, 19 WILLIAM J. PENNER Stratford -September. 15-17 The death of lir, Win. J. (Pat) London Western Faiir-Sept, 8-13 Venner occurred Friday morning Tavistock -September 5, 6 at the Queensbury Nursing .Route Walkerton -November 5, 6 n llensall, lir, Veneer was in Zurich -September 20 and 22 Seaforth Hospital When first he became ill, and later removed to FEDERATION' NEIPS i ipPen at the home of his daugh- By .7, C. Hemingway er, Mrs. Wm, Kyle where he re- Some time ago the Government m eines• for 4 months, and on announced a set of Stabilization W taken prices These have received ap- o the nursing home in HensonHensonproven in some quarters and whilo he died on Friday Morn- ser- ious opposition in others, Your ng. Ile was born in Oronlarty in Federation of Agriculture feels 878, was the eldest eon 0f the that this is an important subject ate Thomas and Susanna Venner, and is vitally concerned in learn- t the age of 16 years he moved Ing the opinion of producers of o Cliiselliurst boundary farming the different commodities. there till moving to Henson one If a stabilization price is too ear ago, 'Ills wife, the late Mar' low it is of no benefit to the garet McLeod passed away six producer. It it is too high we run ears ago. He is survived by one into surpluses that have to be aughter (Florence) Mrs.. Wm. disposed of in some manner. The Gyle of Kippen and two sons problem is to discover what is oycl and Jim of Hensall, one right, There are those who say it on Norman died In infancy. Five is unnecessary and hsrmfnl to randchildl'en and two great production. randchildren. One brother Wes- The latter part of August meet - :1' of Ilensali, and one sister ings will be held for members of Irs, Archie Ryokntan of Exeter. the Federation jointly with re - e was predeceased by two silt- presentatives of the. Commodity rs and one brother. groups to arrive at a definite poi - The funeral was held from the icy that can be supported by the onthron Funeral Chapel on Sun- Ontario Federation of Agrieul- ay, Aug. 10th, Rev, C, Daniels titre, =ducting the service. A niece, You, the producer, know better i1 a, Geo. Woodcock of Dearborn, than anyone else the effects of Itch,, sang Beyond the Sunset" support prices on your income. nd "Face to Face". The floral We hope you will consider this ibutes were beautiful. problem as it affects yon and let The pallbearers were six nepll- your representative kifaw your ws: Roger Venner, Wilmer Dal- solution; It is only in this. way mule, Wess Ryckman of Exet- that your organization ran best Conlon McLeod of Parkhill, serve you. alines Ryan, Detroit and Ken- eth McLeod of Parkhill. In- rment in McTaggart's Cemetery. 1 1 A d 1 ILl 8 g g le H e B d e :l .l a ti, e 1`;t1`;ter, J n 50 KIP.PEN W. 1i. Doig,'a man of many in- terests, School Teacher, Farmer, Lawyer, lie made his nark in varied fields of action. Following is a biography of the late William MaeLaren Dolg, of liii,pen, who passed away Marcfi 19th, 1933. William 1TacLaren Doig, the eleventh child and youngest son of John Doig and Janet MacLar- en Doig, was born on the family homestead near Kippen on .liar. 12th, 1859, at a time when the country was a virgin forest and the pioneers were removing the timbers from the fields which have since become fields of Men ty. Among his earliest recollect tions was that his mother bad carried him many times from the log cabin, when his father was felling the giant elms and maples thereabouts, lest the cabin be crushed should a tree fall upon it. IIe also recalled vividly his attendance at meetings of county council there in the "G0's" with his father who was then Reeve of Tuckersmith when the policies of Huron and Bruce counties were being shaped by men who were not only rugged frontiersmen but shrewd political leaders. At that time, the hardy Scots had just left their comfort• able homes in the okl land to hew for themselves and their children forever homes of peace and pros. WESTERN FAIR TICKETS Western Fair advance sale ad- mission tickets can now be pur- chased in Seaforth and adjoining towns and villages in strips of two for one dollar. Only holders of these advance sale tickets are entitled to participate in the draw Saturday night, Sept. 13th, for three beautiful 1958 four door sedans-Metor, Pontiac, and Nadi Rambler. This purchase of a strip of two tickets for a dollar gives the hol- der six chances to win a car - truly a bargain. Von don't have to be present to win one of these sedans. Western Fair, Sept. 8 to 13 at Queen's Park, London, is Che ma- gic show of Western nOntanio, with a thousand and one attrac- tions for the entire 'family. Don't forgot the dates, 'Sept. 8 to 13, and don't forget to buy those' ad- vance admission tickets for the. entire family. You .may win a car. One adult ticket will admit two children up to the age of 12. HURON -WILL GET SOME PTIEt1.RANTS' The lands and forests depart- ment aisuouneetl Thursday it has allocated this year's crop of pheasants raised at the provincial game bird farm at Cotrington, 19 miles west of Belleville. The crop amounted to 36,000 pheasants and about 34,000 of them will be released in the Lind- say, Huron, Tweed, Simcoe and Rideau districts. In addition, sev- eral hundred adult birds will be distributed to bird clog associa- tions for the training of retriev- ens. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who visited me, eent made and treats while I was a Patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, 'London. A special thanks to .the neighbors who did my haying. Everythingwassincerely appreciated. ART ANDERSON.' CARD OF THANKS The -family - of the late H. E. Smith wish to -express theirsincere thanks to the -neighbors, -friends, stall of Scott iAlemorsl Hospital, nurses; and doctors their kindness, sympathy, cards, and for floral tributes during- theirrecant sod bereavement. It will always be rememb- ered. Mrs. H, E. Smith and family IN. MEMORIAM Harburn -In loving Memory of . our dear wife and mother, Mr,. F. Harburn,: who passed away one year ago, August 16th, 1057. - Suet :away where no shadows fall, In perfect peace awaiting all; Lodging, nueknew, in her love to say, I am not .dead, Ian .just away, -Always remembered by her husband and family._ FOR SALE One-way disc for 8 point hitch trac- tor. Sam McClure, Seaforth RR. 2 •WANTED First Mortgage. of $1000.00 on modern residence adjoining Seaforth, Interest 6%. Repayments to suit lender. Apply - McConnell & Stewart, - Seaforth, -Ontario. Telephone 174. FOR SALE Large, Fess all 0pace heater. Matt. Iie71y, Harpurhey, RR2 Seaforth ,.. I can look after ono NOTICE or two children at my home. Flilda Christensen, Railway 1 street FOR SALE General Electric refrigerator, Meblary 4 plate electric stove, electric washing. machine, treadle sewing machine. Phone 2$5 Seaforth FOR SALE Large frame building, also three large round elevated water tanks, located at the Seaforth. Salt Co. property, Sea- forth. Apply Dr. E. A. MoMaeter, phone 26 Seaforth TO RENT, Heated apartment, Apply Dr. E. A. McMaster HONEY NOTICE' The early sowing of buckwheat near my apiary I am sorry that I cannot auln- ply pure clover honey this year. Will have clover and asmall quantity of buckwheat mixed 'followed by golden and light amber later, Any one that does not want this kW of honey, pleasecall and get their container any time, Ebner. Shade, Dgmondville WANTED Man for steady travel among consum- ers in Huron Comity. Permanent con- nection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- neigh's, Dept. 11-304.131 4005 Richelieu,. Montreal, Que. FOR SALE Three pups, also two tractor tires Ox 24 and a• tube, suitable for implement use only. Alfred Buchanan, phone 541x4 Seaforth, 1st farm west of Kinbuun WANTED TO BUY Grade Jersey heifer calf. Ambrose Addley, Ord house east of Milburn on south side. Phone 333x4 TO RENT Rooms suitable for couple. Apply and 6 p.m. Mrs. Wm, 0. Kelley, East Wil- liam street Blacksmith 0 SALEvice, wrench- es and complete outfit, quipment. Apply to Art Bushey at Town Hall, Seaforth at 1 o'clock, Saturday, Aug. 18. FOLIND jackets in good condition, one blue, size 6, one brown size 4. Phone 67731'25 HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring clover honey at 25, a Pound in your own containers, Wallace Ross Apiaries THE ELECTION ACT Statement of Elections Expenses of Charles S. MeoNaughton Postage 6260.14, Signs 840.50. Advertising 0178081. Goderieh expenses 6116.58. Exeter expenses, 520.94. Clinton expenses 641.00. Seaterti, expenses 924,24. Total- 6272 Gordon H. Bloch, Official Agent of Charles S. MacNaughton Township of Tuckersmith DRAINAGE TENDER, Tenders are invited for theconstrac- tion of the Sinclair Municipal Drain. consisting. of 1211 Ilnen1 feet of open drain QOM 01, yds,) in the Township of Tuelteremith. Bond in the form of 11 marded cheque for i0, of the raider price must a8compony each tender or tender will not be 'considered, Contractor to state earliest possible starting date. Tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 9 p.m., August 28, 1033. Plans and specification§ may be seen at the clerk's office. Lowest or any telt- der not necessarily :tempted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. "•4, Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE Custom .swathing and combining dare, Two S.P. awathors; two S.P.90 com- bines. Groin put in granary. Carl 7. Walker, Cromarty, Phone 12r18 Dublin Navigable Waters Protection Act RSC 1952, Chapter 193 ,ONTARIO NATURAL GAS STORAGE, AND PIPELINES LIMITED hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said AM, deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and in the RegiStty Office for the Reg- istry Division of the County of I'turon, at - Goderieh, Ontario, plans end descrip tions of two sites where Ontario Nat. ural Gala Storage and Pipelines Limited proposes to construct a gas transmission pipe line over the Bayfield :River, at the following two locations: Lot35, Concession 1, in the Township of Teckerkmitlr in the County of Huron Lot 39, Concession 1, in the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron And take notice that after the e-vpir- Mien of one month from the date of publication of this notice, Ontario Nat - Ural 'Gas Storage nerd Pipelines Limited will, under . Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works for approval of the said sites and plans. Dated of Chathom, Ontario, this 121,h day of August, A.D. 1958. ONTARIO NATURAL GAS STORAGE. AND PIPELINES LIMITED Ohatltano, Ontario - Sealed Tenders For Heating Tenders for the supply of fueloilfor the Huron County Home, Clinton, will be received by the undersigned' until Monday morning, August 25, 1950.. Tenders- are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents, Specification for fuel oil is as follows: "#5 oil, viscosity between 400 and. end 600 Saybolt Units: Complete spec-. ilicetion to be supplied with each tender." Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. G. BERRY Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderieh, Ont. Sealed Tenders For Heating Tenders for the supply of fuel oil for the Huron County Court House, Goiter- ich, anti the Humin County Registry Of- fice, Goderieh, will be received bythe undersigned until Wednesday, August 27, 1055. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. Tenders may be for each of the -above, or they may be combined into one tender. Specification for fuel oil is as follows: +' 2 light industrial fuel oil" Lowest or any tender not necessarily ecceptcd. J. G. BERRY Clerk -Treasurer County of Iluron Court House Gaderich, Ont. Sealed Tenders For Heating Tenders for the supply of coal fon the Huron County Jail, Goderieh, will be re- ceived by the undersigned until Wed- nesday. August 27, 1958. • Tenders are to be sealed and cleanly marked as to cmltents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 2. G. BERRY Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goier4eh, Ont. APPLICATIONS WANTED The Seaforth District High School Board invites applications for the posi- tion as Secretary -Treasurer. Applications, stating qualifications and salary expectedshould be mailed to the Acting Secretary,' L. P. Plumsteel, by August 10th FARMS WANTED We have sold many tarns lately in Huron and Perth Counties. Good prospects for quick sales. List with us now FOR ,SALE • -- 2 choice farms in Tucicersmith. Twp., ono mile from highway. low clown Pay'nments. Modern home in Seaforth, 01000 down, balance on good terms. , JOHN BOSVELD Read Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St„ Gaderich. Phone 1108 Salesman, Jos. McConnell, Seaforth; phone 266 - x.;us.e:'."W<t.3 COMPLETE TEXT BOOKS FOR GRADE 9 TO 13 AS REQUIRED FOR SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Binders and Fillers for Every Need We have the popular new king-size plastic -covered books with three large rings. Size 814" x 11" x21/2 Clip Boards, the handy size; Dictionaries, Binders and Refills;; .Indexes, reinforcements. Note -Your name printed on. your Binder free of charge. Binders include free index and fillers Math Sets, Rulers, Pencils and Erasers, Mucilage and Clue, -Work Books, Pads, Typing Pads, Inks, Art Pencil Crayons, Globes and Maps School Bags, Lunch Boxes, Waterman Pen & Pencil Sets, Ball Point Pens, Paper Mato Pens, Script() Pens and Pen- cils. ® FOR SCHOOL SEEDS SEAFORTH 5c to $1.00 STORE Stationery, Gifts THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, August 14, 1201 BOX' Funeral l Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth e.®m SEAFORTH CLINIC E. 4, lIe00aster, B.A., M.D.,: Internist P. L`. Brady, M.D.,, Surgeon Office Hours,. 1 p.m, to 5 p.m., ,daily except Wednesday. and Sunday Evenings:. Tuesday, Thursday and Set. arday only 7-0 p.m. App ointments made In advance ere desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist Phone 791.. Main St., Seaforth Heurs-Seaforth daily except Mon.. 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. erg by appointment only, Clinton 11U--2-7010. above Hawkins'. Hdwo, Mon. 9 to .5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 834 Res. 540 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT.. Officers --President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Seo.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J• H McDvving, Blyth; W. S. Alexander, Penner. Brucefield art0. Clinton; eohardt,• Bornholm; H. Puller, Ooderieb ; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, Agents - Wm, Leiper Jr., Londosboro i J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous 2a effect Insurance or transact other business, will be R attended to' by application to a09 of f th above named officers addieesed to their respective post offices. RADIO REPAIRS Rules, Inexpenalve and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppozfe Dick House, phone 347R. Seaforth WANTED Old homes wanted at 8l.tc lb., and deadcattle at value. If dead .phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mims Ranch. Phone collect 148$34., or 148371 (Goderieh)CE .., Por artificial hlflsemi na ion service 'or more information, telephone the Water- loo. Cattle Breeding Association collect atc, Clinton HU 2+3441 between 7.80 and 9.30 a.m. week days, 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not eall for service on Sunday. Cows in heat. on Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily on. Monday. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Gum - nor. Brown Swiss, Red Poll. Tier'eford (polled & horned) Beef .Shorthorn (poll- ed and horned) and Dual Purpose-Sh.ent:. horn, Angus and Charolnis breeds. The 0002 is low, SEE The new Resulta adding mach- ine (printing) at 79.95, adds end substrects, Regular Restilte. at 49.95 (with adding only at 39.95). Savauges, Seaforth NOTICE Dublin Community Sale of Livestock. Cronin Sales barn, every Wednesday commencing at 8 p.m. Livestock must be inspected and at the sale by 5 p.m. Phone 4, Dublin. Sales will be held every Wednesday. Notice Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuckersmith Dumping Ground will be open:. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock and evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until further notice. E. P. Chesney. Clerk Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association `blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE. 010. DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office 'Phone . 784 • Res, 286 D : 4 n Rrightrall CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. Dealer and Distributor of Petroleum Products Gas, Stove and Furnace 0i1 Prompt Farm and Home Delivery PHONE 354, SEAFORTH, ONT.