HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-08-07, Page 10CROMARTY
Miss Alice Walker accompan-
led by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc-
Ghee of Loudon, and Mr. and
Mrs, Roy McGhee. and Connie of
Staffa . are enjoying two week s
vacation at Bancroft, Ont.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. Harper, ac-
companied. by Mr. and Mrs. Doug,.
Gale, Mitchell, and Mrs. Clara
Hackney, Exeter, spent the week-
end in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Sorsdahl
and Connie visited on Sunday
, with Mr. and Mrs. John Chessell,
Mr. David Chalmers of Lon -
•don spent the holiday weekend
with lair, and Mrs. T. Laing.
Mr. and Mrs. F.-Cadiok and
Donald, London, spent the week-
end with Mr, and Mrs. J. Wallace,
Sharon Grace, who had been hol-
idaying at the Home of her aunt
and uncle returned home with
her parents.
Mr, and Alr's. Harry Burns of
Rexdale were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Hcl Dick.
A11 members of the family of
Mr, Frank 'Harburn, now of Mit-
chell, called on their Mather on
Sunday to offer their congratula-
tions on his 84th birthday,
Airs, J. Howe, Stratford, , spent
the weekend with ivir. and lira,
Jack Hoggar'th. '
• Among those from this district
who attended the Bfillantyn'e re
union in Lions' Park, Seaforth,
on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs,
W. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. k.
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kers-
lake and children, Joyce and
Brenda Kerslake, and Mr. and.
Mrs. R. D. Sadler.
We extend our congratulations
to Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner
whose marriage took place at
Rostock on Saturday.
Rev, Mi'. Barclay of Avontou
will have (large of the service
here on Sunday .next. in the ab-
sence of Rev. S. Kerr who is on
Mr. and Mrs. John Hooking
had as their guests on Sunday,
Mr. James McClennand, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley McClennand, Mr.
Mr•1. Airs. Will McClennand and
son Lyle all of Norwich, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Harper and Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Miller, John and
Margaret, of •St. Paul's, •
Quite a number from this dis-
trict went to Stratford on Thurs-
day to see Princess Margaret.
NOW --
AT COST — and Less
Willis Shoe Store
The Little Store with the
Big Values
Hearn, Rev. A, M. Williams offi-.
crated at the nuptial ceremony;
Mrs. Gordon Rowland Wits 'organ-
ist and lvliss Doris Selieveauwas
soloist who sang: "0 Sacred
Heart, 0 Love Divine", "Pants
Angelicas" and "Ave Maria".
Yellow and white chrysanthe-
mums formed the setting for the
wedding of Marilyn Yvonne Lotz
and Edwin Joseph O'Hearn at
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic
Church, Stratford, on July 26th.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Lotz, Gadshill,
and the bridegroom is the son of
Airs. Anna O'I-Tearn, Stratford,
and. the late Mr. Edmund 0' -
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride' wore a full-length
nylon, tulle and lace gown, The
bodice of imported haud-appli-
qued Alencon lace, was fashioned
with long sleeves, sweetheart
neckline and buttons • down the
back. Her veil was bordered with
matching lace and fell from a
tiara of pearls, She carried a cas-
cade bouquet of red yule -tide ro-
ses, myrtle and stephanotis. The
matron of honor was Mrs: Bev-
erly Tuhr, Gadshill, sister of the
bride, who was gowned . in
shrimp pure silk 'organza, over
ruffled nylon net with organza
flowers on each side of the full
skirt. Her large shrimp net hat
was styleed with rhinestones and
velvet flowers and she carried a
,crescent bouquet of yellow I7liza-
abet! roses. The bridesmaids,
Mrs. Shirley Zimmer and Miss
Connie Forsythe, Stratford, wore
gowns similar to that of the
!Haid of honor, in blue and pink
respectively. Their headdresses
were bandeaux ofrhinestones
and flowers in matching shades
and they carried crescent bou-
quets of yellow Elizabeth roses:
The flower girl was Debbie Mor-
ey, Shakespeare, in. a full-length
gown of yellow nylon. net with
matching bandeau, and she car-
ried a basket of blue Lester Hib-
berd roses. Joseph Costello, Dub-
lin, was best man, and the ushers
were Lloyd Longman and Ken-
neth Lotz,
Following the ceremony there
was a wedding dinner and recep-
tion at the Optimist Club, which
was decorated with _yellow and
white chrysanthemums and red
roses. The guests were received
by the bride's mother who wore.
a powder blue lace and taffeta
dress with pink accessories. She
was. assisted by the bridegroom's
mother, who wore a dress of na-
vy nylon sheer with navy and
pink accessories, both had cor-
sages of pink feathered .carna-
For the boneyinoon trip to
Montreal and .the Thousand Isl-
ands, the bride chose an orange
ice linen dress with plaid jacket,
white accessories and carnation
corsage. Mr. and Mrs. O'Hearn
will reside in Stratford.
Local Juniors Win
Ont.rQyie. Bus Tour
Dorothy Keys, rr. 1, Seaforth
and. Bruch Coleman, rr. 4, Sea -
forth have been awarded -tours to
Eastern Ontario and Quebec.
These tours are awardedannual-
ly to Duron County Juniors with
outstanding, achievement in the
Homemaking. and Agricultural
Clubs and competitions, states
Arthur S. Bolton, assistant Agri.
'Miss Dorothy Keys 1s daughter
of Mr. ad Mrs. James F. Keys,
Con. 7, McKillop twp. and attend-
ed S. S. No. 10', 'McKillop and
Seafortli High School. During
the past two summers she has
attended a Short Course for Pub -
lie School Teachers in Toronto
and will continue teaching this
'fall She is 19 years of age and
hos an outstanding record in 4'-H
Homemaking Clubs; 4-1-1 Agricul-
tirral Clubs and in Junior Insti-
tute work She is immediate past
President. of the Seaforth Junior
Tnstittite, She has completed 14
4-1=I Homemaking Clubs; was....a
member of the Seaforth 4-11 Beef
Calf Club for six years . and in
1955 stood second in the Club
and represented the Club at the
4-15 Inter -Glob Competitions at
Guelph. In 1956 she was a mem-
ber of the McKillop 71-H Grain
Club, stood' third in that Club
and represented the Grain Club
at the Inter -Club Competitions.
Mr. Bruce Coleman is son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Coleman,
Con. 4 H.R.S., Tuckersmith twp.
Brune graduated from the West-
ern Ontario Agricultural School,
Ridgetown, in 1956 and at the
Present is farming at home with
his father. During the past two
years he has taken part in all the
Seed and Livestock. Judging Com-
petitions held in. Huron County
and accumulated.a.grand total of
2,729 points in the 4 Competi-
tions. This' was the second high-
est score in the- 4 Competition's.
In 1957, Bruce was a member of
the Royal Winter Fair Judging
Team, which represented Huron
County. The' team. stood third in
competition with 27 other coun-
ties. Bruce was a member of the
Seaforth 4-11 Beef Calf Club in
1952; Seaforth 4-H Swine in
1956 and 1957; . McKillop 4-13
Grain in 1957 and 1958. and this
year Bruce is a member and Jun-
ior Leader of the newly formed
Tuckersmith 4-H Corn Club.
Bruce is an active member of the
Seaforth Junior Farmers and is
Secretary of that Club this year.
Here are the
about exchanging your
3% wartime Victory Bonds
1. What is the Canada Conversion Loan of 1958?
It is an offer to replace all unmatured 3% wartime
Victory Bonds with new 25 -year 41A% Canada Con-
version Bonds. (Other bonds of shorter term, bearing
interest rates of 41/4%, 334% and 3% are also available.)
2. Why is the Government making°this conversion offer?
In order to reorganize the national debt 'on a longer
term basis and thus reduce the volume of Government
refinancing over the next few years. There is widespread
public and business agreement that this is a sensible
idea and will help protect the soundness of the Canadian
3. What interest will I receive on the new bonds?
On the 25 -year bonds the interest rate is 41/2%—this is
50% greater than the old Victory Bond rate. The in-
crease on the 14 -year and the 7 -year bonds is also
4. As a Victory Bond holder, will I be required to make
any additional payment?
No. On the contrary, you will receive an immediate
cash adjustment.
5. Do I have to convert my Victory Bonds?
You may, if you wish, hold your Victory Bonds until
maturity and on the due date you will be paid their
full face value. The Conversion Loan offer is open only
to Victory Bond holders; and the "right" to convert
gives Victory Bonds a special value until' the offer
expires. This is because there are many people trying
to buy them in order to invest in the new bonds.
6. What will be the total of my cash adjustment?
It will depend on the type of exchange. For example, a
$500 8th Victory Bond exchanged for a $500 Conversion
Bond paying 41/2% will give you $8.75 in cash im-
mediately: This. includes earned interest.
7. Does this offer apply to Canada Savings Bonds and
other Government ,of Canada Bonds?
No. This offer is limited to unmatured wartime Victory
Loan Bonds only.
8. What steps should I take if I am away from home on
vacation and wish to take advantage of this offer?
You, should write immediately to your bank, investment
dealer, stockbroker, trust or loan company, requesting
literature and application forms.
9. Does it matter that the Victory Bond I hold is very
Every holder of a Victory Bond, even though the amount
held may be only, $50, should take advantage of this
offer. It is in his best interests as well as in the best
interests of Canada.
10. How long is this offer open?
Until September 15, 1958, but it to your advantage
to convert as quickly as possible and have the benefit
of' the immediate cash adjustment.
11. Where can I exchange my Victory Bonds?
At any bank, investment dealer, trust or loan company,
or through your stockbroker,
don't delay convert today
Recent visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Walter Broadfoot and MI'S.
Fern Patterson were: Mrs. Edith
Weir, Windsor; Mrs. Gladys Gar-
diner, Prince Albert, Sask., Mrs.
Ella Farquharson, Bill Farquhar-
son, London, Miss Amye,Love, of
The community of Walton was
shocked to hear of the sudden
passing of Orval ` McNichol on
Sunday. July 27, 1958 in his 49th
year. Mr. McNichol had not been
in -the best of health for a num-
ber of weeks' but he had - been
confined to bed for only a week
before his death, Mr. McNichol
was born in Walton. He was the
son of Mrs. James McNichol and
the late James McNichol. He
spent all Ilia life in McKillop and-
Grey twp. FIe • farmed for a num-;
ber of years, operated a trucking.
business andworked as;'a carpen-
ter. In 1937 he was married to
Hulda Querengesser, Grey twp.,
who predeceased him in 1949. He
is survived by his two•sons, Louis
and William at home, his mother
of ,Walton,• one sister Annie. of
Belgrave, and four brothers, An-
drew of Seafodth; Ross of clip
'ren, Lorne, Stratford; and Geo.
of London. One brother Duncan
predeceased him in 1954. • •
The funeral service was con-
ducted by the Rev. W. M. Thomas
of Duff's United Church, Walton,
from the ,.D. A. Rann funeral
home, Brussels,`on Tuesday, July
29th at 2 p.m. The ,pallbearers:.
Iiarvey Craig, Roy Williamson,
Herbert 'Williamson, W. Thamer,
Gordon 'Murray and Lorne Hal-
ley. Flowerbearers were Ralph
and Glen McNichol. Interment
was made in Brussels Cemetery,
The home of Mi', and Mrs. Mel.
vin Webster, Varna, was lovely
with flowers on July 26, when
their daughter, Lois Elizabeth, be.'
came the bride of Sanies Clifford
Hart, Brussels, Son of Mr, and
Mrs. George Hart, of Brussels.
Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna, conducted
the double ring- ceremony at 12
noon, Given in marriage by her
father, the 'bride wore street
length .crystalette styled along
princess lines, and accented at
the empire waist by a bow and
streamers. Her corsage' was of
blue carnations:
Mrs. Joyce Scotebnler, Bayfield,
was her sister's matron of honor;
and she wore blue embroidered
nylon over taffeta, and a corsage
of pink roses.
Robert Hart, Brussels, was
groomsman for his brother. Mu-
sic was by Mrs. T, J. Pitt,
For a reception at the Little
Inn at Bayfield, gladiolus was the
the flower chosen.
Leaving for a wedding trip to
Northern Ontario, the bride wore
a beige dress with codec tone
duster, and accessories. Upon
their return they will live on the
groom's farm near Brussels.
We wish to exiuess our heartfelt
thanks and appreciation for the many
kindnesses, messages of sympathy, and
for the beautiful floral ,tributes receiv-
ed from 'kind neighbors, friends and
relatives . during our recent sad be-
reavement, We extend special thanks to
the Rev. W. M. Thomas of Welton Un-
ited Church, and Mr, D. A. Rann fune-
ral director. Your kindness will always
be remembered.—The family of the late'
Orval - McNichol
The family of the late Stuart Evans
wish to express their sincere thanks to
relatives, :friends and neighbors for
their kindness, sympathy and cards dur.
ing their recent bereavement. It will al-
ways be remembered
1053 'Chevrolet sedan, good condition,
reasonable. Phone 692R
Upstair apartment in Egmondvllle,
available now. 8 or 4 rooms as requit-
ed; partly.furnm
ished. 'Newan Garrett,
3 doors south 'of Egmondville - Church.
Phone. 6491:24
Holstein steer calves.- Norman
Schede, phone 842x3 or 846,82 Seaforth
Custom swathing and combining done.
Two S.P. swathers; two S.P. 90 com-
bines. Grain put in granar1. Carl J.
Walker, Cromarty, phone-. 1413 Dublin
bunches of .suckers. Bob Dalton,
Phone 85`br81 Seaforth
21 pigs twelve weeks old. John. E.
MacLean, RR3 Seaforth. Phone 665r21
. Wanted to WANTED tons mined
grain. Roy Lawson, phone 660r16
Purse found in Dublin recently. Ap-
ply at News Office - •
Thursday, August 7, 198
Funeral Service
Prompt and Careful Attention
Hospital Bed -.. "•
Flowers for all occasions
Phones: Day 43 Night 696W
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 90 Seaforth
Physician • and Surgeon
Phone 6-W Seatorili
r B.A. McMaster, B.A.„SI,D., Internist
P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon
-- Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily
except Wednesday and Sunda
Evenings nTuesday, Thursday and Sat.
arday .only 7-9 p.m.
Appointments made in advance an
10 acres of alfalfa hay. Gordon
Wren, liippen.. Phone. 674x3 Hensel
19 good pigs seven weeks old. Joe
Nolan, St. Columban. 84r16 Dublin.
About 8 ton of mixed grain, over half-
barley. John Flannery, 'Lot 2, Con. 8,
Protestant teacher to teach 12 pupils.
at S.S. .$k 10 Tudkersmith, duties to
commence Sept. 2, 1068,. Modern school
with conveniences. Apply in writing,
stating qualifications and salary ex-
pected to Verne Alderd(ce, See.-Treas.,.
r.r. 2, 8ippen
Seven good pigs, 6 weeks old, half
Landrace. Harold Penhale, Bayfield
The Seaforth District High School
Board invites applications for the posi-
tion as Secretary -Treasurer.
Applications, stating qualifications
and salary expected shouldbe mailed to
the Acting Secretary, L. P. Plumsteel,.
by August 16th
Wanted a practical nurse,or woman:
capable for semi -invalid- and light house
work. Apply to The Seaforth News
40 choice purebred York chunks. Call
Jonathan . Hugill; .667,10 Seaforth. HU
2-0822 Clinton
Murray—At Scott -Memorial Hospital
on. August 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Murray, R115 Seaforth, a ,son
Young'—At Scott Memorial Hospital
on August 4, to Mr, and -Mrs, Francis
Young, Seaforth, a daughter
Scott -At Scott. Memorial- Hospital on
August 5, .to Mr.. and Mrs. James Scott,.
RR/ Staffa, a son
Drennan—At Scott Memorial Hospital
on July 27, 8 Dr. and Mrs. William
Drennan, N. Main St., Seaforth, a son,
William Scott
Henderson -At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Ju11, 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
J.0. T•URNBULL, D.Y.M., V.S.
W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M.; V.S.
W. G. DRENNAiN, D.V.M., V.S.
Phone 105 " Seaforth
JOHN H. LONGSTAFF. Optometrist
Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth
Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to
6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 P11. Thur. erg
by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010.
above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks ef-
fected at 1 e 1 ate i Fi t
• Fire
• Auto
• Accident
• • Liability
• Weather •
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Phone 334 Res. 640
Quick, inexpensive and - guaranteed"
radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at
Dick. House, phone 347R, Seaforth
Old horses wanted at 83,4c lb., and
dead cattle at value... If dead phone at
once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone
collect 148514 or 148331 (Goderich)
150 Sussex and Now Hampshire pul-
lets a months old. Apply Norman Long..
Custom swathing and .combining done.
Two S.P. mothers; two S.P.90 com-
bines. Grain put in granary.
Walker, Cromarty, phone 12x13 Dubin
For artificial' insemination service or
more information, telephone the Water-
loo Cattle Breading Associationcollect
at:-. Clinton HU 2-8441 between 7.30
and 9.80 a.m. weekdays, 0 to 6 p.m. on
,Saturdays. Do not call for service 011
Sunday. Cows in heat on Sunday can bo.
inseminated satisfactorily on Monday.
We supply service to top quality bulls.
of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guern-
sey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford'
(polled & horned) Beef Shorthorn (Doll-
ed and horned) and Dual Purpose Short-
horn, Angus. and Charoluis breeds. The:
cost is low.
Mc0.aDeering 6 foot binder, in good
shape. Gordon Reed, Dublin
I- have a 12 foot self propelled com-
bine. will thresh all grains either stand-
ing or swathed. Arrangements can be
made toswath your crop if necessary.
Prices reasonable by the acre. Contact
Lyle Montgomery, RR1 Clinton. Phone
841r31 Seaforth
The new Resulta adding mach-
ine (printing) at 79.95, adds and
substracts. Regular Resulta at
49.95 (with adding only at 39.06).
Savauges, Seaforth
Dublin Community Sale of Livestock,
Cronin Sales barn, every Wednesday
commencing at 8 p.m. Livestock must
be inspected and at the sale by 8 p.m.
Phone 4, Dublin. Sales will be held -every
Township of Tuckersmith
Township of Tuckersmith Dumping
Ground will be open Wednesday and
Saturday afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock
and evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until
further notice.
E. R Chesney, Clerk
Insure Co-op Way
Auto, Accident and Sickness,
Liability, Wind, Fire and other
Phone Collect HU 2-9357
Co-operators Insurance
Cloven honey, 25c Ib. in your own
containers. Wallace Boss Apiaries
'blue coal'
the solid fuel for solid comfort
' Phone 573 or 382-R
Office Phone '784 - Res. 286
Henderson, . Mitchell, a> son
McQuaid—At Scott Memorial. Hospital
on July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mc-
Quaid, RJt6 Seaforth, a son Prium—At ,Scott .Memorial Hospital
on July 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Jan Prium,
RR2 •Seaforth, a daughter
Thachuk—At Scott Memorial Hospital
on July 80, to Mr, • and Mrs. -John The
chuk, RRL Staffa, a son
Vogels—At Scott Memorial Hospital
on July 27, to Mr,.. and Mrs. Paul
Vogels, RU2 Dublin, a son