HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-08-07, Page 9:r - or es by ne es; TS e os Or- T- ete in le- .e - for •a - for Rare Old Volume Tells How To Swim So you think you know how to swim; ' But can y o u, for instance, "turn' in the w ate r like a roach; "swimme witn hands and feete upward," or execute a "bell turne?" • Have you tested your abilty "to strike the superficies of the water" lately? And how about maneuvers such as "to .swimme with the hands together" or "to make a circle in the water with the feet'?" Swimmers everywhere — and even a few non-swimmers—will be, interested to know that Yale University has just added to its library shelves a book crammed with instructions in all these and still other watery skills. The book is not for sale, though. Only one other copy is known to exist. Yale officials say it is the oldest English-language book on the art of swimming yet to be discovered. It was printed in 1595, bearing the title: "A Short Introduction for to Learne to Swimme." Despite its age, tee book de- scribes a few tricks swimmers of today might find wondrously new. Perhaps you would 11 k e to amaze your friends with this one, for example: "There is also a turning which is called the bell turne, as when one swimming on his bellie shall suddainely pull in his feet', and in stead of striking with thein as is aforesayd, he shall heaving backward with his foreparts strike forward with his feete, which motion will turn him upon his backe, and because he may at his pleasure turne to upon his backe and belly as hee will, it is called the bell turne, resembling also a bell when it is ringing... ." If that's confusing, you can al- ways consult t h e illustrations. The book contains 43 full-page woodcuts showing a swimmer in the various positions describ- ed in- the text. Another alternative is to con- ,ee - suit the original of the work, written by one Master Everard Digbies, in Latin. The 1595 Eng- lish version — the one Yale has — reveals that the material was. "gathered out of Master Dig Ivies Booke of the Art of Swim- ming. And translated into Eng- lish for the better instruction of those who understand not the Latin tongue." (The 'translator was Christofer Middleton.) The Latin original is slightly more available tart the transle- SHOWS OFF HIS PRESENT— Boston financier Bernard Goldfine appearing before the House Influence Investigating Subcom- mittee in Washington, peels off a watch and calls attention to the inscription which reads "$.A. to B.G., January 20, 1953." Goldfine told the committee that he believes a run-down of gift exchanges over the years between the Goldfines and• the Adomses will show the Goldfines were the bigger beneficiaries. tion. Five copies of the Latin are on record, only two of the English. Actually, Yale has the oniy existing "complete" copy of the English version. The other known copy — safe, ensconced at the Bodleian Library of Ox- ford University in England — is imperfect. Yale's edition once rested in the private library of a York- shire lady, was acquired by a London auctioneer in 1862, even- tually passed into the hands of a New Haven firm and was Drought to this country in 1956 writes Mike Livzzi in The Chris- tian Science Monitor. How did Yale come by the book? Through the affectionate remembrance of a former man- ager of the varsity swimming team who found a way to pay tribute to his old coach. John M. Schiff of New York City, Yale class of 1925, donated the volume in honor of Robert J. H. Kiphuth, the Elis' renowned. swimming mentor, The book has many delights„ but none of them are likely to be practical to Kiphuth, whose teams have been undefeated in dual meet competition since 1945 and whose fabulous record A MESSAGE to ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS Before you go to vote on July 25, these thoughts should be brought to your attention: 1. Federation of Agriculture officials are wrong In stat- ing a "no" vote means the end of marketing plans. It does mean the 'end to schemes such as we are under at the present time. A "no" vote means future plans will be established with this warning in mind. 2. Before voting take notice to Section 6; Clause A, un- der the delegation of powers in the marketing plan sent to you by the Farm Products' Marketing Board. 3. People in Eastern Counties should inquire about com- pulsion• before voting it to power. 4. All hogs are assembled without a date of killing at the producers' expense until killed and graded in some packing. plant. - 5. Are you sure the packers are as opposed to this plan as your Marketing Board leads you to believe., 6. Have you considered: are you supporting a valid scheme; have you cohsulted your dictionary as to the meaning of the word "scheme"? 7. Have you considered: a "yes" vote is not only sacri- ficing your freedom, but it is also, taking away the individual freedom of your neighbors. 8. Are you aware that' under the present set-up, there is only one selling agency for all hogs marketed in Ontario. Did you ever attend an auction sale where all"hogs aresold at one price? Vote for free enterprise and save democracy.. for Canada! VOTE AGAINST COMPULSION VOTE NO ON JULY 25 This advertisement Is sponsored. by Rog Producers who are opposed to. •the compulsion plan, and paid for from funds contributed at'a meeting betd at Tavlsteck, Ont. MERRY MENAGERIE "Oops, pardon me! You're not "s '. 11"l in 'nevi!" includes several national cham- pionships, Coach Kiphuth will probably never use this passage to in- struct one -of his backstrokerst "When one lying upon his back with his body stretched foorth, and holding up his breast 'as much as hee can, that his back may lie hollow, which. will keep him from sinking, and lifting easily one foote after an- other above the water, and so drawing them forceable towards him under the water, they will .put his body backwards, ,.as in this example is shewed." Strange indeed to the, modern ear, but in the 16th century, a milestone. As Yale officials re- mind us, it brought to the ver- nacular English-speaking world one of the most popular sports ' of all times. And even non -aquatic schol- ars, it is presumed, will find much of lively interest in the book other than "td Learne to swimme." But if perchance you, too, be- come fascinated by the prospect of "turning in the water like a roach," you can always write to the Yale University library. Who knows, it might come out in paperback. Head Shrinkers Along the Maranon River (as the tipper Amazon is called) in Peru, is the Zaruma and Jivaro- country, both tribes being head- hunters, who perform the head shrinking in a highly different manner. To the south side of the river along this portion there sie anthropophagi (cannibals) and savages, On up above, how- ever, up to the very source, one strikes milder aborigines in pro-, gressive stages of tameness until the conquered 'and spiritless Quechuans are reached in the high Andes. The head hunters use bows, spears of ehonta palm and poisoned arrow blowguns. The poisoned arrows are used for stunning game or killing it, as the poison does not make it unfit to eat. Most of the heads they take as trophies are cut trom enemies killed in raids. The cannibals south of the river eat their enemies taken captive in battle. HAPPY DAYS Bailsmen were once held di- rectly responsible when the per- son for whom they'd put up bail failed to show up in court. Un- der old English law, the meri who put up the bail were promptly arrested, tossed into jail, and handed whatever punishment the missing defendant would have received., HAPPY TIMES! In. England, when Oliver Crom- well.wais its "Lord Protector," it was a crime to celebrate Christ Xmas in any manner, Even the hanging of a child's stocking was considered illegal. . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. BABY CHICKS AGENTS WANTED GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exciting .house. wares, watches and other products not found 1n stores, No competition. Prof. its up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence Montreal CATTLE BEEF CATTLE Sale .of Aberdeen -Angus Cattle, Horn. Friday, August lot. The cMilton o pletepherd of E. F. Brain. Three bulls and 45 fe- males; purebred and registered, Send for free catalogue to C. McTaggart, Sale Manager, Box 308, Aurora, Ont. BABY CHICKS CHICKS supplied on short notice, all popular egg and dual purpose breeds. Our most popular- by far for egg pro. duction, K-137 Kimberehlcks. They lay 'more eggs on less feed than any other egg breed we hive to offer. Also good for eggs, Red X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Red, California Grey X White .Leghorn, Warren Rhode island Red. Our best by far dual purpose breeds, Light Sussex X Red, Red X Light Sus. sex, Red X Barred Rock. Also available .,Barred Rock, Light Sussex, Broiler Chicks, Turkey Poults, Landraee Swine, Aberdeen Angus Cattle, Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove the silk easily from corn when prepar- ing it for canning . or for the table? A. Use s small hand brush. It performs the work much quicker and easier than the fingers. Q. How can I make certain that cream will not curdle? A. If the sweetness of cream seems uncertain, stir a pinch of soda into it. This will prevent curdling even in hot coffee. Q. How can I get rid of red ants? A.Place a saucer containing a little paregoric neat the haunts of red ants, and they will soon disappear. Q. How can I restore the gloss to sateen? A. If borax water is used to wash sateen garments, it will restore the gloss. RICH HAUL In St. Mary's, 0., thieves, who (using hatchets, hammers, .crow- bars) labored for hours trying to break• into an office safe, nearly blew their tops when, upon finally breaking into the safe, they discovered that all it contained was — 14 cents: PULLETS for top egg production, lower cost widechoice, dualpur- pose, Dayold and started, including Ames In•Cross. Fall brollers should be on order. Mixed chicks. Get complete list, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N„ Ham- ilton or Local agent. DOGS CHOCOLATE and white, English Springer Spaniel puppies. Can be reg- istered. Parents good hunters end pets, D. r. Murton, am, 3, Ifarrowstnith, Ont. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE —. Case self propelled Com- bine, four years old, in excellent con. dition. Gordon Houghton, Shedden, Ont, FOR SALE -$1,200 -Massey -Harris For- age Clipper with own motor, corn and grass heads, blower, belt and pipes. N. R. Lamont, R,R. No, 2, Brechin, Ontario. .FOR RENT TO RENT. $150. per month. Small well equipped Repair Garage, with furnish- ed living accommodation. Ideally lo- cated on No, 3 Highway. B.C. near Lake. Stock dngoing $3500. Inimedt- ate possession. Write Box No. 172, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE FREE CIGARETTE LIGHTER WITH . first order. Send for nupower $L50. Adds 50% more life to new batteries. Revives old batteries. Saves you half the cost of a new battery. Willis Ga. rage, Kootenay Bay, B.C. SUMMER Property,' 129 acres of land which joins two lakes, good for Pri- vate or commercial business. Two new cottages with, hydro, price. 98,500.00. Half -way betwen Ottawa and Peter. "borough, near No, 7 highway. Box 171 — 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE MORE JOBS as Stenographers and Typists open, than in any other work, Daily papers confirm. Train in 10 weks Home -Study thru ABC System. One week's pay will cover the cost of Training. Free Folder. Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest. Toronto. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 500. Ask for free circular No. 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa. $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze• ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema win respond readily tothe stainless odorless ointment 'regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post .Free an. Receipt of Price PRICE 3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES !MS St, Clair Avenue lest TORONTO le ■ 0M ORTN ANDI WOMENR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profeeslonl good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or. Call MAR aE8 AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS r Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton ez Rideau Street, Ottawm PATENTS rETHERSTONHAUGB & Campo n Patent Attorneys Established 1880, 400 University Ave., Toronto Patents 511. countries. PERSONAL 51.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluitc personal requirements. Latest Cat logue included, The Medico Agency. Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. PIGEONS S a• ssn t Strain.r $ 5Pigeon a each, q MrkeIt. Sperle, Heron Bay South,. Ontario. 1& PLUMBING SUPPLIES Heat- ing • Materials. on Plumbing catalogue. Verheyden's Supplies, R.R. 3, St. Thomas, Ont. SWINE REGISTERED Landrace from veterin- ary supervised herd, top quality, In months old Sows 1100, Boars $75. mgHanna, R.1, Shelburne, Ont. VACATION RESORTS FOR early reservations) Write, Old. n 8Maine, Improvement ro tme li . tion,Wel s, terature. An ideal place to spend your Maine Seacoast vacation. ISSUE 30 — 1958 STGP1TCHBites-4 NeatRasb Qutckl Stop itching ofinsect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete'' toot and other externally caused akin troubles, Use quick -acting, soothing, antiseptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. oeffr.u or money back. Deisuestainless. drug. asst has D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 1-9 SLEEP TO -NIGHT J00 RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS swear TO -MORROW To be happy and tranquil Instead of nervous or fora good night's sleep, take Sedleln tablets according to direction& SEDICIN® TABLETS $1.00—$4.95 Drag Stora Odyl H DISCOVERED Olivetti PORTABLES? Type a sample page en these internationally famous Olivetti portables, and discover their big -machine 'Heel" and features. Note the special Olivetti features that save terve and make for neater typing: half-line spacing, which lets you type numbers above and below the line, es in formulas and footnotes, and also lets you insert extra words between single- spaced lines; half -letter spacing, that neatly inserts an omitted letter; an extra key that types 4 and c. Foreign keyboards available. Price includes case, dust cover, cleaning kit and choice of Elite, Pica or Lettere type. The Olivetti Letters 22 is complete; it provides all regular fea- tures of office -size typewriters, plus special Olivetti features mentioned above. It is light, truly the portable portable, yet it doesn't "creep" while you type. It is handsome,.and has been seen in many good -design exhibits: a smart travrl case is included in the price, The Olivetti Studio 44 is for students who prefer a heavier machine, yet wish to retain the convenience of portability. It is often the choice of those who do most of their typing in one place, at home, for example. It provides all Olivetti features, and comes in,en attractive carrying cage. Olivetti (Canada) Ltd. - Toronto 237 Yonge Street - Tel.: EMpire 22781 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS DIVISION & SHOW ROOMS 22 King Street West - Tel.: EMpire 2-2695 KITCH, NER - 93 Ontario Street - SH, 5-4731 HAMILTON - 398 Main Street East - JA. 9-2370