HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-07-03, Page 7Safe -Crackers
Burglars recently attacked a
safe in an office in Tampa,
Florida, and after a good ,deal
of trouble blasted the door off,
Then they, discovered that the
combination to open the safe was
written on the outside all the
It is dangerous to explode a
safe in a confined space but a
London gang of gelignite burg-
lars took that risk in the offices
of a , mineral' water firm, When
the smoke cleared the gang
dashed forward eagerly—to find
only a few old ledgers and some
insurance cards.
Another mob which used too
much explc•sive blew the safe to
pieces—and all the money that
was in it.
Even legal safe -openers have
,to be careful. After a fierce fire
at their offices a firm recovered
a hot safe. Keys would not open
it so they called in a man with
a drill.
As soon as he had made a hoe
flames burst out of it. During
the fire, the safe had become red
hot right through. Immediately
et hole was made in it and air
reached the interioF,the contents
burst into flame.
Cheap Dollars
The jobless worker; collecting
his unemployment Insurance In
50 -cent` dollars, is getting a tra-
gic lesson on the meaning of
This money is not a dole. It
isn't charity or a gift. It truly
is insurance which is the work-
er's legal due. It comes from a
fund ,,built up ' by . regular pay-
ments from employees — money
the worker might otherwise have
received in wages.
' The national average of week-
ly payments is $30. Such an in-
come would have pinched, even
when the system was set up a
little over 20 years ago. But it
would have been at least enough
to tide a family over between jobs.
The cheapened dollar has turn-
ed this insurance into 'a mere
pittance. The worker who de-
pended on it is threatened with
the degradation of being forced
on relief to feed his family,
Labor unions In particular, it
seems to us, should think about
This before they hurry, to indorse
The quick euros for unemploy-
ment and business slump, now
hysterically suggested. - Eirm-
h gham (Ala.) Post -Herald;
Pulling Strings
To Keep Fit -
Toitlgue - tied children, and
others suffering front nervous
troubles; stammering, lisping
end excessive shyness, are find-
ing a cure for their afflictions by
playing with puppets.
Manipulating the figures, the
children become completely ab-
sorbed, their imagination Is set
free, self-consciousness removed,
and healing influences go to
work. Moreover, if the puppets
Themselves play heroic parts, or
show a strong personality, then
something of that personality is
transmitted to the children.
This curative power has been
brought to a fine art by Mr. S.
W. Salter, a master at Parkhurst
School,' Tottenham. He found
that a timid child soon becomes
self-confident when put in charge
of a fine robust character like
St. George, In time, such associa-
tions kill any inferiority com-
Mr. Slater encourages his pu-
pils not only to help in making
and manipulating the puppets, -
but to create their theatre, de-
vise lighting and scenery anti
even write plays for the mini-
At another London school,
H -year-old Vivien Goldstein has
bad success in writing 'puppet
,plays. She turns' out her, scripts
et home, using a home-made
theatre and puppets of her own
to work out: her scenes before
'writing, them.
be leaping for the crown at Tulsa, Okla., as he comes up from a
sighting of his ball on the seventh green during a practice
round. He failed in his quest.
Murder On Police Station Steps
Miss Esylt Newbery, lecturer
and, world traveler, has seen
some strange sights on her wan-
derings. In primitive Albania
she saw a woman carrying a
heavy wooden cradle containing
a baby on her head, on her back
was a big bundle of wood, in
lrer hands a distaff — and as she
walked along she was busily
In the middle of a broad high-•
way she saw two countrywomen
in picturesque costume sitting
chatting, with cars, bicycles, ox-
carts, omnibuses, horsemen swirl-
ing past them, .Feeling like a
gossip they had just squatted
down oblivious of all the traffic!
Miss Newbery, who writes
vividly of her nomad life in
"Parson's Daughter", also saw
something of Albania's vendetta
- feuds, for while she ..was in
Tirana an avenger killed his
enemy on the steps of the local
police station. -
If he were hanged his tribe
would at once try to level up the
• score to his house and all its
contents were burned down be-
fore his eyes. Only by leaving
him homeless with the long,.
hard winter reproaching would
he. wonder 12 the game was real-
ly worth while: This form of.
punishment Miss Newbery says, -
has done more to : end ,bloody.
[feuds than any other.
In Vladivostok where she
taught a Russian woman English,
she had to go to a doctor for
treatment after being stung by
a sting -ray; while bathing. When
he left the consulting room to
make up a prescription she ask-
ed her Russian friend what his
fee would be.
"Oh," she replied "you need
not pay him unless you like' there
is no settled fee, and . he won't
demean himself to 'ask you for -
"Then how does he live?"
queried Miss Newbery.
"Well, most people- pay. but
it would be very insulting for
you to give it to him personally..
You must hide it somewhere
about the room and he .will• find
it after we have gone,"
So she hid a ten -rouble note'
in a brass jar on his desk, then,
when he came back with the
medicine just shook hands,
thanked him, and left.
Miss Newbery was strolling
along a Vladivostok street when
out of the door of a house came
what looked like a Harrow white
punt with'deep sides, carried on
the head .of a small boy who was
completely hidden by it. Then
' name a ' robed priest 'singing
loudly, attended by two boy at-
tendants, also singing and carry-
ing lighted candles, Behind these.
came a shallow coffin borne
shoulder -high by six men in
dress suits,
Seated in it almost upright,
with hands folded, was the
corpse of a very handsome old
Family mourners followed, all
in masses of crepe, the men in
tall hats with long crepe stream-
ers; then a choir of girls singing
a dirge. When the procession
reaohed the street, friends and
neighbors joined it.
At the cathedral the coffin
was placed on a bier, a woman
stood by it with a handkerchief
to keep the flies off the old lady's
face. After the funeral service
all the mourners moved round
the corpse, each one kissing her
on the cheek.
She was then taken to the
churchyard and lowered into the
grave, the mourners passing in
an orderly file to take a Last
look at her sitting so calmly
down below, Sinally, the great
lid that resembled a punt was
lowered on to it, and the Rus-
sian funeral was over.
"Our ways with Death," her
Russian friend explained later,
are so much better than yours,
for we keep our dear ones with
us right up to the. end."
In • Japan Mis Newbery saw
quaint notices like these:
"Fur coats are made here from
Any skins, ours'Or yours."
"Here you can get dental
elumbing by the latest meth-,
"You are not allowed to com-
mit suicide here! If you•dp, you
will be punished with the utmost
penalty of the law."
At Kodzu she, saw a whole
family mother, father and three
children — returning from the
public bath without a 'stitch of
clothing on! When she herself
went to. bath,'a coolie was 'sent
with her to wash, her back. She
found six baths there without
partitions and at the door her
innkeeper, Fakude, 'arguing hot-
with two' young. men who
also wantedto' bath; at the same -
"I very clever man!' he ex-
plained when at last 'they'• -gave.
way. "I tell.them .English' lady
very peculiar, always takes six
baths at once!" It- took' her ten
minetes.to persuade the coolie to
leave without'•washing her ;back,
but immediately she had finished "
bathing'he was back again and`.
she wondered how..how.he .knew that•
Me was ready to leave! '
HARD RIDDEN WiNS EPSOM DERBY -As the Epsom Derby field rounds Tottenham Corner.
arrows point out Hard ,Ridden (center), winner of the race, and Alberta Blue (left) with
jockey Johnny Longden aboard, who was unplaced. Hard Ridden is the . first Irish -trained
Jlorste,to win the derby since Orby in 1907.
A Plea For Uniform
Car `Prices
It is heartening that the "You
Auto Buy Now"; campaign, tried
in a number of American cities,
seems tp be successful. Cleve-
, land;'"for one, has succeeded in
increasing sales in the last few
'months with this campaign, And
now it is trying to stimulate sales
still further by putting uniform
price ceilings on new cars. This
might be a model for manufac-
turers "and' -dealers throughout
the country to follow,
Turn, back the files of The
Courant for 25 years to May,
1933. Thanks to•the depression
there were few 'automobile, ad-
vertisements, Yet those that did
' appear. differed from the present
'ones, and not only because ad-
vertising techniques have been
refined since then, Inone ad the
most visible thing after' the pic-
ture of the "new and larger
Essex Terraplane," was the price
in conspicuous letters: 1505 for
the coupe, f.o.b. Detroit." Again,
all models of the Willys were
identified with a fixed price for
each. And the "new cushion -bal-
anced" Chevrolet 6 could "now
be bought for from $445 to $565."
To these free -on -board prices, of
course, one had to add freight
and extras. But they too were
easily accessible and the same
to all,
Why is it that a fair and uni-
versal f,o,b,price never appears
in the automobile ads any more?
The one thing that has distin-
guished American merchandis-
ing from Oriental haggling, and
that has made us successful
businessmen, is the fixed price.
Somewhere along the line we
have lost it as tar as cars are .
concerned, Of course much of the
'fault lies with the public, since
we Iove to boast we got $400
more on the trade-in than the
old bus was worth. Our grammar
school children could tell us that
most of the $400 carne not out
of shaving profit but out of the
price pack. Nor is it easy to find
out just what automatic trans-
mission, -power brakes, power
steering, undercoating, white
walls, power windows, autronic
eyes, and what have you cost.
The dealers have grown tired
of this, and favor the bill pro-
posed by Senators Monroney and
Thurmond to suggest a list price
for each model. President Eisen-
hower supports the idea. It could
be if we got out of the O:iaotal
bazaar and returned to the sim-
ple habit, of just buying a car of
known value, with the price the
same from Hartford to San Diego,
we would sell ourselves ' more
cars,= -Hartford Courant.
New Faces Send
Crooks, Straight
Women hospital patients are
being given facial' massage and
beauty treatment as a cure for
melancholia. Such patients tend
to let their appearances go, They
develop all too 'quickly sagging
chins, crow's feet and forehead
wrinkles, .while their hair be-
comes lank and listless. But after
treatment their 'self-respect re-
The -patient who was once full
Of misery and despair acquires a
new pride in her appearance
and her health improves mar-
vellously. That goes for men, too.
Such excellent results have'
been' reported of beauty treat-,
;ment experiments at•Goodmayes.
Hospital for Nervous Diseases
;that other hospitals' have now
decided to adopt a similar' tech-
St. 7,Ohn's;Hospital, near Ayles-
bury': the . Mendip Hospital,
'Wells; and Coney Hill and Hor-
ton Road Hospitals, Gloucester,
,will all soon introduce beauty
treatment •
Two nurses from each of these
hospitals are now being trained
„ in a'Bond Street beauty parlour..
This altering of faces as a cure
for'; old ills and encouragement
'to restarting 1Ife, is even affect-
-'ing ,convicts fin Texas. There,
,prisoners,• just before release,
are being..given the benefits of
plastic surgery.
• This greatly . assists their re-
hebilitation problems, and re-
moves old' prejudices hampering
their return to, society.
If you want to smuggle some-
thing;past -the customs the best,
way is to doit. openly. 'At least
,this is how 10,000 army boots
' formen were smuggled past the
••very vigilant French authorities
in Algerian before they tumbled
to it. '
Army boots for men are strict-
ly forbidden and customs have
strict orders to watch out that
none go past them for . rebels.
But boys' boots are freely al-,
lowed through.
For a year smugglers passed.
boots across the frontier by the
simple expedient .of marking
men's boots with boys' sizes; ft
required an alert French officer
recently to see that boots marked
"3" were in fact size 8!
Obey the traffic signs - they
are placed there for YOUR
for yourself. Sell our exciting house-
wares, watches and other products not
found in stores, No competition. Prof-
its up to 500%. Write now for .free
colour catalogue and separate confi-
dential wholesale price sheet, Murray
Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence Montreal,
HERE Is a profitable addition to your
lines, Sell Canada's leading bridal and
bridesmaids' gowns, veils, headpieces
and accessories. Beautifully illustrated
catalogue, and worthwhile information
help you to sell on sight,
Classy Formal Wear
1227 Phillips Square, Montreal, Que. -
BALE CONVEYORS — Iess under.
carriage convenient, low-cost hand.
ling bales. Adjustable guide rails for
round or square bales. Single chain,
complete with motor mount.
See this conveyor before you buy.
Rockwood, -Ontario.
BEAUTIFUL artistic pin-up photos of
gorgeous girls. 0 different large glossy
photos $2. Sample and price list 25¢.
Ed Provis, 77 Victoria St., Toronto 1.
ELEVATORS — portable 20" wide, for
hay, grain or corn. Heavy duty under-
carriage, cup -shaped flights, roller
bearings, motor mount or P.T.O. drive.
100 bus, P.T.O. combination spreader
rugged construction, Four bolts re-
moves beater for use as self•unloeding
trailer for grain, roots, etc. Tandem
,axle and forage sides available.
Rockwood, Ontario..
Gasoline and Diesel Generators: Also
Separate Generators.
Beaver, Delta and Stanley Tools.
Pumps for farms and summer cottages.
All at attractive prices. Write or phone
for quotation. Everything guaranteed.
2402 Dufferin St., Toronto 10,
or Box 482, Woodbridge, Ont.
PULLETS—Ames In -Cross, other high
producing stock. Dayolds. Limited
quantity started in some breeds Wide
choice Mixed Chicks, DUI purpose.
Order Sept:Oct. broilers.
Bray Hatchery
120 John N., Hamilton,
or local agent.
POULTRYMEN, there is -still time to
order chicks and turkeys. We can sup-
ply on short notice K-137 Kimberchiks
for maximum egg production. Also
Warren Rhode Island Red,Red X White
Leghorn, White Leghorn X Red, Cali-
fornia Grey X White Leghorn. For
dual purpose, Light Sussex X Red, Red
X Light Sussex, Bed X Barred Rock,
Barred Rock. Turkeys: Broad Breasted
Bronze, Thompson Large Whites, A 0.
Smith Broad Whites, 1st Generation
Broiler Chicks. Catalogue.
AN Instructive booklet dealing with
Bible teaching on Aide subject will
be mailed free: • Write Beretta, 294
Gtebeholme Blvd.,Torono 6, Ontario.
SWIMMING POOL1 32 foot. solid Ma-
sonry for $350. Can be built by hue-
. band end wife. Send $2 for book. P.O.
Box 97, Plymouth, Michigan,
Mr. Farmer:
Why should you face that hayloader
or handle bales again this year, when
you can take the backbreak out of the,
job with a McKee One -Man Shredder
Remember a McKee Shredder Has.
vester is not a "one -job" machine, aside
from making better hay than with
any other equipment, they are widely
used for -harvesting grass- silage, cern
silage, swathed grain and combined.
We have sold McKee Shredder Her.
vesters to over 3,000 progressive far,
niers in. Ontario.
Write us far literature and the
names of McKee owners to your dis-
trict, get the facts before you invest.
We have factory representatives in
your area ready to call and talk things
over, you are under no obligation,
Order yours to -day and keep it busy
McKee Eros. Limited, Elmira Ontario.
• HIGH producer 500 acres modern
building $35,000. Erma Mctennitt, Hol-
land Centre, Ontario.
How Can I?
Ry Anne Ashley
Q. How can I test dye to see
,if it is. a fast color?
A. Dampen a small piece of
the dyed cloth and then rub it,
' on a piece of clean white paper.
If it leaves no stain, . the dye is
Q. How. much cocoa must be
used when.it is being substituted
for chocolate?
A. 'If -one wishes to substitute
cocoa for chocolate, it is well to
' remember- that three table -
'spoons of cocoa are equal to one
square of chocolate. And a lit-
, tel more butter must be 'added,
as the cocoa isnot so rich as the
Q. How can I smooth soft; cus-
tard that has curdled?
A. Set it in a pan of iced water;
and whip with" an egg beater. It
will become smooth.
Q. How can 1 shrink thread
that is to be used for drawn
A. This can be easily done by
placing ,the spool of thread in a
vessel of boiling seater for about
an hour: It will not destroy the
Q. What is - the best way to
wash rugs?
A. Do not{ wring them after
washing. Hang them onthe line
and play the hose on them to
rinse. Then let them drip dry,
Q. How can I snake the whites
of eggs beat quickly?
A Add a little salt to the
whites of the egas when he firing,
and it will .make them froth
MEN and Women Wanted! To addre
envelopes type or long hand. Goo
ppay, spare or full time. Send $1,00 fo
Instructions Hurryl F. 8e:
Petree, 0
E. Livingston, Columbus S, Ohio..
EARN morel Bookkeeping Salesman
ship, Shorthand, Typewrittng, etc. Let.
sons 5041. Ask for free circular. No. 39
Canadian Correspondence Courses
1290 Bay Street, Toronto.
"ABOUT Polled Shorthorns" — Booklet
On request to Beefcattlemen.
Weight for age, quality carcass, horn-
less. Polled Shorthorn Club of Ontario,
51.25 Express Collect.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes - and weeping skin troubles,
Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint
you. Itching scaling and burning ecze-
ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot
eczema will respond readily to the
stainless odorless ointment regardless
of how stubborn or hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East
DO you want to make money part or
full time? Sell "CAPRI -50." The new
all purpose hand cleaner that removes
paint, tar, grease, carbon, etc., with-
out water. Write: Lemill Inc. P.O. Boa
147, Station "Youville," Montreal,
"HOME Business Digest" has money-
making Opportunities galore. Order
now. Sample 25,. Howard G. Roberts,
50.24 -31st Avenue, Woodside, New
READ, write, speak, spell, pronounce
perfect English in one hour. New ex-
citing Method, $1.00, Money back ar-
rangement Seegay, 107 University
Place, New York 3, New York.
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant, dignified profession; good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel Graduates.
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free.
Write or Call
356 Sloes St. W., Toronto
Branches: - I
44 King St. W„ Hamilton
72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
Patent Attorneys Established 1890.
800 University Ave„ Toronto
Patents all countries.
51.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe"G
personal requirements, Latest cats-
logue included. The Medico Agency,
Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont.
REGISTERED Landrace Gilts — Boars.
4Y., months; excellent breeding stock.
Three 1.year old Boars.
Huron Bay Farm
Bright's Grove, Ontario. D14-3921.
FEATHERS wanted. Duck and goose.
Best prices. No wing or tall feathers.
Coral Bedding Ltd., 475 Spadina Ave..
ISSUE 26 — 1958
"Come right back up, dear, or
you'll lose your nerve!"
To be happy and tranquil Instead of
nervous or for a good night's sleep,. take
Sedkin tablets according to directions.
SEDICIN® $1.00—$4.95
TABLETS Drea Stere, Odyl
You cant ga
IF you Feei
These days neat people work under
pressure, worry more, sleep less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lose—harder !w regain.
Today's tepee living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry—any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that 'tired -out" heavy.
headed feeling often follow. That's the
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better -sleep better—work
heater. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills 88
any drug counter.