HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-07-03, Page 6"Dear Anne Hirst: When my sweetheart was ordered over- seas recently, he wgnted us to get married iinuediately. We bought the rings, and made ar- rangements with our pastor. A few days later he called up and said to forget it; he wanted a regi honeymoon and there wasn't time for it! "The other day he wrote and said he wants to end pur engage- ment. I couldn't believe it, and neither will his family. My par- ents -have been so generous that I can't bear to tell them. I wrote him and asked if there is another girl, and he denied it. "What am I to do? I simply cannot let him go, I love him too much. Without him, I don't want to live. I'll do anything to get him back! If I have to admit we are through, all my friends will make fun of me. And how can I tell my family? MADGE" IT IS OVER * The young man has broken * the engagement, and the bit- * ter truth is you will have to *'accept it. Tell your parents im- * mediately, they have the right * to know; they will .be as * shocked as his people are, but * at him, not at you. They, with * your pastor, will help you * through these sorry days. " Why admit you were jilted? * Explain to your friends that * you have changedyour mind, * and would rather not talk * about it. It is as simple as that. * Whether another girl is in- * volved really does not matter. * There is no getting the boy * back, and a girl who respects * herself will not try. There is * nothing so impressive as sil- * ence, so don't write him again; '0 it will only annoy him. The * book is closed, and for good. * You say you haven't looked * at another boy since you met * him. Well, begin to look * around. Your friends will * spread the news, and other * boys you've known will prob- * ably ask for dates. Don't make * the mistake of turning them * down; going out will give you * less time to mourn, and -keep * you in circulation. Unwelcome * as the idea is, believe: me- it * will lift your spirits after * " time, and soon you will realize ' * that the world must go on and * you must go with it. * n ,I ani so sorry! Giving up * your dreams of marrying the lad you love is the most pain- * ful experience you have ever '' known. But if you make the * adjustment bravely, and with n your head high, you will prove * what you really are — a girl Favorite Roses may° (ti „s' u Whai2f224 Dream gift for the bride or bride -at -heart! Beautify a bed Set, guest towels, scarf ends. Easy 8 -to -inch crosses use ,shaded etfect in 6 -strand cotton. Pattern 603: transfer of one 7 x 19% inch motif; two 53 x 12%; directi ns tor crocheted edging. Send THIRTY-FIVE 'CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note tor safety) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler. Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Taranto Ontario Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, sour NAME, & ADDRESS. As a bonus TWO coinplece patterns are printed right w our LAURA WT-IEFLER Needle. trait Book. Dozens of other de- signs you'll want to order—easy Iascin^ting handwork for your - elf, your home gifts, bazaar ems. Send 25 centstor your opy of this book today! F of character who, shows all her * friends how a lady ,behaves *' under stress. * * • "Dear Anne Hirst: I don't' know why my parents forbid me the privileges other girls mf age have. I'm a high-school senior,. and an only child. They . won't let me go anywhere with my girl friends, and I have nevEr had a date! I just attend school, come, home and do some housework and go to bed, Is this any way to live? "Why are my parents like this? I've never given them any trouble. I know it isn't because' they love me! I even thought of leaving home, but that isn't,right and besides, it might 'get, me into • trouble. Please advise me. MARGY" * I think you should certain- * ly, be given more privileges.. A * girl 17 and a senior who has' * never caused her family any " concern should be able to.ron * duct herself socially. * Whether you believe it or * not, the discipline that parents * practice is ,.based on their love * for their children. They want *'to protect a daughter, especial- * ly, from making the wrong * friends until she is old enough * to have good judgment. Yet if 4' you haven't at your age, when * will they exepct you to? * If you have been frank with * me, you should be allowed to * visit your girl friends, go with * 'them to movies and sports * events, and have dates with * nice boys your parents accept. * Ask your parents to read * this piece today. If your moth- * er would like to write me, I * shall be glad to have her letter. * * * When you feel your heart is breaking, keep it to yourself. Go through the motions of living, and before long they will have a meaning of their own. A let- ter to Anne Hirst will bring you comfort and fresh courage. Ad- dress her at Box 1, 123 Eigh- teenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Proposed Marriage From The: -Pulpit If you find a pr"Oposal of mar- riage in your next package of cigarettes, don't get alarmed. Cl. garette manufacturers are taking steps to end "proposlils by pack- age," the messages dropped into. packs by cigarette factory girls who plead: "If you're a bachelor, please, write!" Yet there's more than one way of snaring a spouse. A worker in a cardboard box factory knew there were plenty of budding brides in a margarine factory seventeen miles away. So he dropped a note into one of his boxes: "Lonely bachelor would like pen friend." The pen pals later met and decided to weed—and one of the wedding gifts was a box of margarine. In Montreal, newlywed cou- pies always thanked the parson and little guessed he was yearn- ing to share their happiness. Until one day he stood up in the pulpit and simply announced, "I'm lonesome, and I want to get married. If there's any willing lady present, will she please stand up?" The congregation stayed very quiet. No one rose. But there were three eligible las" in the vestry afterwards. A northern boy couldn't pro- pose -to his girl because he found himself too shy to talk to her. He was better on the telephone, especially when he found a way of calling her long-distance without paying for the calls. After his seventh free call, po- lice were waiting outside the box. He was fined sE10 for steal- ing electricity but had to admit ' that he thought the fine worth it. Love laughed at the coin boxes, for the seventh call was the time he managed to blurt out his proposal Another , bride was bagged during a high dive from the top board at a London swimming bath. Just as the athletic young man took off, a girl dived from a lower board. They crashed head on under water and were taken to hospital, Their friend- ship ripened during convale- scenro, : n i --.a trnv diving hoard was built on the wedding cake. DIAMOND) ADRIFT As she steeped from her car Miss Evelyn Brown of Feshtigo. floundered and fell headlong into a snowdrift. After clawing her way out of the snow she realized. that she'd lost one of the dia- monds from her ring. She reported the loss to toe police. Later an officer laborious- ly shoveled the snow •into an iron bucket and melted it. His labors were rewarded when later a bucketful of melted snow brom;ht the missing diamond to light. NOT'REVEALING PLANS -Pleading hands of newsmen confront Princess Soraya as ..she. prepares to board -the liner Queen;, Elizabeth in New York to sail for Germany. The former Queen divorced by the Shah of Iran after seven years of childless marriage, said that she "enjoyed" her stay in the U.S. Asked 0 she would ttll any of her future plans, she said simply, "Int very sorry.' We certainly have reason to be concerned about the present dry weather but at least we don't have to worry about grass- -hoppers as farmers do in the prairie provinces. And believe me that is something for which we should be truly thankful. Every few years' grain growers and. home gardeners out West are faced with tliis deadly men- ace to their crop's --and this year they are threatened,- again. No one, except those who have lived through such, an experience — as we did — can possibly ima- gine what a grasshopper plague can do. Unless controlled they can clean off a field in a -few days leaving it as bare as a reaper would do. 'Walk along the edge of a ;field of wheat or oats and a cloud of hoppers rise up ahead of you. r• It would seem that grasshop- pers have always menaced the prairie districts even as.far back as the pioneer days. In a history of the North-West Territory I .came across :this notation: "the summer was favourable and the fields soon assumed a promising appearance, but on the 18th July, 1818, the sky suddenly became darkened by clouds of grasshop- pers, and as they descended on the earth in dense swarms they destroyed every green thing be- fore them. The settlers managed to save a litt]e.'grain, but not a vegetable was left in the gar- dens. The .same thing hap- pened again, the following year, and the settlers had to move to Pembina for the winter, other- wise they would . have died of starvation." Well, it was a hundred years later, almost to the very day, that Partner and I started farm- ing on the Saskatchewan prairie. I think it was the following year we were almost eaten out by grasshoppers. An appeal on be- half of the farmers was made to the government and as a result poison bait mixed with sawdust, bran and molasses was made available to the farmers. This had to be scattered.• over the fields before daylight. Iso. well remember Partner loading the buggy with hundred -pound bags of bait and starting out for the fields. by 3 o'clock in the morn- ing. But that was. not all. In the afternoon he had to drive nine miles with wagon and team to pick up his supply of bait from the Depot ready for broadcast- ing the following morning be- fore daybreak. We managed 'to save some of the .crop but the loss was still quite considerable And epart from the financial loss it was a miserable e'm er':enco living among' the hoppers. They were everywhere. Somehow they would find access to the house and even to the food ready for the table, And if you were walk- ing near a field or even in the garden—the 'iinoact of the crea- tures would sting your face as .. they flew :up and around you Fortunately science has now de- veloped a new technique for dealing with the hoppers a DDT preparation in with water and sprayed cn ;nfected areas by weed sorayera frnm the ground or by ny'l"a of 1,,, canters from the air. It is sup posed to kill the insects on con- tact—so here's hoping it works. And now for news nearer home. Quite close to where 'we are living is the home of a well- known personality — known to thousands ,of women across Can- ada through the medium of ra- dio, books and magazine articles. No less a person than the one and only Kate Aitken. Yester- day Mrs. A. 'entdrtained mem- bers of four women's organiza- tions to a tea at her home in the Credit Valley. I had been past the place dozens of times before but had never quite realized what a grand spot it is. From the road it appears just a nice house among the trees. But drive up to the house, explore the sur- roundings on foot and you im- mediately realise that Mrs. A. iso first and foremost a woman of vision. Sometime or other she must.surely have wandered along the banks of the Credit River and realised what a wonderful spot it would' be for a country residence. At that time there was onehouse on the property. Now there are two. Mrs. Aitken lives in one house, a married daugh- ter and her family in the other —in what used to be "The Spa." Mrs.. Aitken's- beautiful house is home and office combined. rut such an office! She calls it "the Green Room." One wall is en- tirely of glass overlooifng an expanse of trees, lawn and ower beds. A recessed area is obviously strictly for the busi- ness of typing, 'dictating and composing: Another recess is a sort of reading -room withsa,log- burning fireplace. Andof course, there are all kinds of books and bookshelves. I can't begin to de- scribe the other rooms—all very lovely, furnished with charm and functional simplicity. From .every window there its a magni= ficent view. From; the patio, steps lead down to a restful spot among the trees; more steps to a rustic bridge overlooking the Credit River, with great oaks and elmstowering overhead. There are many equally beauti- ful spots along the Valley of the Credit but it took a woman with ' Kate Aitken's imagination to realise what a home could be amid such surroundings. It would also require what it - takes to runsuch a place! But the vision came first. That 'is what really counts. Modern Etiquette .. by Roberta Lee Q. Is it considered in good taste to mail out handwritten announcements of a marriage? A, This .is quite all right ff'. the bride or her mother wish to take the time and .trouble to write them. However, if the mailing list is large, it - would seem that the stereotyped en- graved announcements would be preferable, Q. Is it alt right for a casual dinner guest to follow the host ess nut to the kitrhon while, the latter is ererrwalthe meal? A. Not unless invited to do -so How The. Queen Seleels Dresses When the Queen chooses new dresses, wire '`' plgurs does she favour? It #s"f,well known that greens ha ie S,ialways attracted her, but she' „is' also fond of so- phisticated newt colours, a Court fashion correspondent states. The Queelikes,„.for instance, Orange, corar lilac, sapphire blue and mimosa yellow. Yellow has long been her 'favourite colour for sunshine fashion. On her Commonwealth tour in 1953, six of thetwenty or more outfits she wore were .in yellow. They var- ied'from a sharp; acid yellow to a deep buttercup and the lovely 'Pale shade of an, organa party dress. Blue is anotherdress colour which clearly fascinates the Queen. On her visit to Nigeria in 1956 she chose clear colours. including many blues and pinks and a lot of .white because of the bright sunshine. When it comes to ,choosing clothes, the Queen, it is believed, has always been influenced by her :pother. Back in her child- ,hood hild-.,hood days as Princess Elizabeth, she was hailed in the United States as "the world's most at- tractively dressed girl.” Details of her latest frocks were cabled to America to be mass . produced. Everywhere, from New York to San Francisco, small girls wore short puff -shoul- dered frocks of the type favoured by the little' Princess. One New York store, I remem- ber, came out with a prominent advertisement: "Princess Eliza- beth frocks, inspired by the sweetheart of the British Empire. Every mother will want her lit- tle girl to look as appealing and as cute as the little Princess style arbiter in her own right." ` The dresses worn by the Queen during her early spring trip. to Holland this year were a tre- mendous success with the Neth- erlands queen and her two daughters. Dress experts prais- ed the Queen's exquisitely groomed appearance and mar- veiled at the smartness of her gowns. It hat always been a tradition in the Royal Family to avoid the ultra -fashionable, the extra- Vagant and the exotic in dress. ASKS DIVORCE — British -born actress Deborah Kerr has filed suit for divorce from her hus- band, film and TV producer Anthony C. Bartley. Miss Kerr, 36, has charged Bartley, 38, with extreme cruelty and asked .the Hollywood court for custody The Queen does not like H e r- ing 'extravagantly large hats; either, and there is a good reason for this. The smallclose-fitting hats she prefers leave her face coinpletely visible from all angles —a fact that women 'spectators et royal functions are alw ; s quick to appreciate. Her dresses at such highspots of fashion ,as Ascot are always just the thing for the occasion, and bring forth admiration from everyone who sees her. In such events she must be ever more discerning than usual, for net only must she be• fashionable but once again also rhas. to eater for the public. FIREMEN FORGOT The Tokyo fire brigade were half -way through their weekly spit and polish when the alarm went. The men raced off in their fire trucks to the scene of the fire and were almost there -- when when someone remembered that both the hose nozzles were back at the fire station being polished. Week's Sew -thrifty PRINTED PATTERN 4707 SIZES 2-8 vifes 4-141I la C. 4444 Quick, whip up these. sun `n' fun separates in a jiffy—daugh- ter will live in, play in, love them. Make several versions of smock, shorts pedal pushers in no -iron cotton, denim seersucker with our easy Printed Pattern, Printed . Pattern 4707: Child's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, Size 6 smock and shorts take 1% yards 35 -inch. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40e) (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern. Please •print plainly SIZE, 3 AME ,ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto Ontario. ISSUE 28 — 1958 LEAP ,INTO MARRIAGE -Showing what the well-dressed bride and ,'groom will wear -in one case—Alberto de Cristoforo ad- justs the parachute harness of his fiancee Bianca'Cappone, 19, in Turin, Italy. ,The couple will wed in an unusual manner this month when they and paratroop Chnl-lros Lino Basso jump from a plane. Bianca and Elba io hr to bu man and wife by the time they reach the g, mind.