HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-07-03, Page 5THE S13AT'ORTH NEWS-T1lnrsday, 'Julys 3; 1908
Y ur Superior Specials
15 -oz. tins
2 for 25c
1 jar reg. price,
1 jar Flan Price
2 FOR 47a
Icing and tin enclosed.
All for .....,.... 25c pkg.
Wash and wax in one
operation .... S -oz, bti. 45c
Millmic Dinnerware.
Lge. 42c, Giant 830
King size $1.49
St, Williams Strawberry
(New Pack) Jam
24 oz Jar 45c
Bean or Fresh Ground
1. lb bag 69o.
12.oz. tin 43c
11 -oz. bottle. , ... 2 for 45e
New giant size
Pkg. 35c
SUE— •
4 large rolls ... , 45c
Wright's Su eri
St, Joseph's' Church, Kitchener
was the setting for a beautiful
wedding on Saturday, June 21st,
When IViariene Suzanne Olieniek
became the bride of Fergus Pat.
rick Flanagan.
Rose anti white peonies formed
the setting as they adorned the
altar. Rev. R. M. Haller perform.
ed the marriage ceremony and
sang the _Nuptial Mass while Sis-
ter M. Patricia, organist directed
the children's choir. Rosemary
Lane, St. Columban was soloist,
singing Ave Maria at the Offer-
tory, Penis Angelieus at Com-
munion,Mother At Thy Feet I'm
Kneeling, while the bride placed
a bouquet of flowers and • kuelt
before the Blessed "Virgin's Alter
and, Ott This Day Oh. Beautiful
Mother, at the signing of the re-
Mr.' and Mrs. Anthony plianiok
of R. R. 3, Kitchener are the par-
ents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs,
Patrick Flanagan, 170 Eighth
Avenue, Kitchener, formerly of
'Dublin are the parents of the
Appliqued flowers banded the
scoop neckline of the bride's for-
mal hooped chiffon gown. The
bodice was sheered with brief
sleeves, A shirred back panel
draped to a chapel train. A tiara
of sequins and pearls held her
embroidered french illusion
veil. She carried a cascade of red
ttpseta-cnnd 'stephanotis bordered
with'white carnations as she en-
tered the church on the arm of
her father. Mrs: Walter Salni was
maid of honor and bridesmaids
were .Mrs. Laverne Chambers,
All Season
Lionel Thornton
and his
''`easa Royal Orchestra
Dancing every Wednesday, Friday
and Saturday
until Labor Day
• •
Wednesday, July -30
Glenn Miller's Orchestra
Wednesday, August 6
Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra
r Food Market
IMiss Juno Olieuick and Miss Rita
, Olienick, all sistersof the bride.
They wore identical nylon chif-
fon gowns with draped sabrina
Inecklines, shirred torso bodices
and Lull length panels on the
back of the skirts in ballet blue,
orchid, apricot and `lemon. re.
spectively. Their matching plat -
nee hats were scattered with se-
quins and they wore matching
gloves, Deep pink roses, white
carnations and pastel pink snap-
dragons formed their cascades.
Penny Olionick, Kitchener, was
flower girl for her aunt in a
sashed bouffant nylon sheer over
taffeta marked with tiny bows
on the sleeves and skirt. She
wore a tiny matching picture hat
and carried a_ miniature bouquet
modelled after the bride's.
Gordon Salm, Kitchener, neph-
ew of the bride, was ring bearer
in a navy blazer and white pants.
He carried a heart -shaped cush-
ion of lace over satin.
Mr. Robert Flanagan was best
man, Mr, Ben Flanagan grooms-
man and Mr. Austin Flanagan an
usher. All are brothers of the
bridegroom and of Kitchener.
Mr, Lloyd Clienick of Waterloo,
a brother of the bride, also usher-
ed. Dinuer was served in the
Burgundy room at Stone's of
Rockaway Inn and at 8 in the ev-
ening about 200 guests attended
the reception. Receiving, the
bride's mother wore dusty rose
French lace over taffeta wiyh
white accessories and corsage of
pink roses. Deep pink roses and
carnations formed the corsage the
bridegroom's mother wore. She
wore pink accessories with her
aqua blue crepe gown fashioned
with french lace panels.
For their wedding trip to Ot-
tawa, Montreal, Midland, Thous-
and Islands and Algonquin Park
the bride wore a mint green linen
sheath and coat ensemble with.
white accessories. Whitecarna-
tions and silver gilded roses
formed her corsage. On their re-
turn they will reside at 26 Wood-
land Ave. Out of town &nests
were present from North , Bay,
Detroit, Windsor, Sarnia, Toron-
oronto, Stratford, Seaforth, Galt, Pres-
ton, Dublin and Kinkora. '
The following are the Provin-
cial Police figures for No. 6 dis-
trict for the month of May which
includes the Seaforth area.
Vehicle accidents 132, fatal ac-
cidents 2, persons injured 40, ve-
hicles checked 7,008, warnings is-
sued 2,204, charges laid 556, for
rate of speed 234, for careless
driving 34, for rules of the road
70, for driving while intoxicated
3, for ability impaired 19, for de-
fective equipment 38,
Specials Galore
Willis Shoe Store
1957 Chevrolet "210" Coach. Back up lights,
washer, beautiful condition
1956 Dodge 8 Sedan, push button. Trans.
tutone Black & White
1956 PIymouth 6 Sedan, push button Trans.
tutone Maroon & White
1955 Buick Sedan. Dynaflow, Radio, etc.
A good one, Priced right
1955 Buick 4 door Hardtop, Dynafow, Radio,
washers, tutone Maroon & White
1954 Chevrolet Station Wagon _ .
1954 Ford coach 1954 Ford Sedan
11553 Ford Sedan 1954 Ford Coach
Many lower priced cars of all snakes.
No reasonable offer refused at
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service
air. Wand Mrs. Jack Nicholson
and family of Streetsville are
holidaying at Bayfield this week
and visiting friends in, Seaforth,
On Monday morning, Ron and
Pat underwent tonsil operations
in Scott Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fleming
and Barry and Lee are holidaying
this week at Algonquin Park,
Dr. Lou Matthews, Mrs. Matth-
ews and Janie,. Detroit, visited
with Mr, and. Mrs. J. J. Cleary
over the weekend.
blaster Tommy Sills of Palm
Springs, Calif., is visiting his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce W, Hall
left on Virednesday to spend a
month's holiday in Muskoka be•
fore going to Windsor. -
Mrs. Gordon Dick and Su-
zanne attended the Christopher-
McKinnon Wedding, on Saturday,
in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Gillespie and
Lawrence, Toronto, 'spent the
weekend With Mrs. Camilla' Ryan
Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Coffin, of
Toronto, Mr, and Airs: J."Wright
of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Morris and family, Tillsonburg,
and Miss Margaret McIver, Kitch-
ener, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McIver.
Dir. and Mrs, Garnet Cairns and
family, Merlin, visited with Mrs,
Josephine -Morris over the week.
Mr, and Mrs. P. J. O'Reilly of
Galt were weekend visitors of
Mr. and Mrs.. John Hotham Jr.
Mir, and Airs. Gratton Flauni-
gan, Hamilton, spent the weekend
at their summer home here.
Mr, and Mrs, Preston Tabor
aud family moved here from De-
troit last week,
Mr. and Mrs, H. Enzensberger.
Goderiolt, visited with the lat-
teir's parents, Mr, and Mrs. F,
Sills Sr. last weekend.
Mr, Ron Sills, of Kitchener,
Miss Mary Lou Sille, London, and
Miss Patricia Reynolds. Kitchen-
er, visited over the weekend with
Mrs. C. P. Sills.
Mr, and Airs. Michael Bechely.
Toronto, spent the weekend with
Mrs. F. J. Bechely.
Airs. Hugh Sproat, Cleveland,
is spending two weeks' holidays
with Mr, and Mrs, P, Tabor,
Mr. Jos. Laudenbach, Toronto,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Airs. L. Laudenbach,
Wroxeter United Church will
celebrate 100 years of Christian
Worship anti' Witness next Sun-
day, July 6th. Dr. Semple will be
the special Preacher at the even-
ing service.
Bennett — At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal on June 26, to Mr. and Mrs, William
Bennett, Seaford), a son
Walken At .Scott Memorial Hospital
on July 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker,
Cromarty, a daughter
The June meeting of the WMS
afternoon Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian Church was held on
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Orland Johnston. The
president, Mrs. J. L. Bell presid-
ed, and the first scripture lesson
and prayer were taken by "Airs.
D. Leslie Elder. During the busi-
ness period it was decided that
no meeting will be held in July.
A minute of silence was observed
In memory of the late Mrs. W. D.
Manson. Mrs. E. Geddes read the
second scripture message and
Airs. W. .J. Thompson then told
of the work being done by the
Presbyterian Church in Canada
among the Koreans in Japan,
and also mentioned several pres-
ent-day problems of these Kor-
ean Christians. Mrs. E. Butt
closed the meeting with prayer.
Refreshmentswere served by the
hostess, and the appreciation of
the members was extended to
Mrs. Johnston by Mrs. W. J.
The death of Mrs. Elmer Tuffin,
21 Carlton et., Kitchener occur-
red Monday night in St. Mary's
hospital there, following a mon-
th's illness. She was 47. Mrs.
Tuffin, the former Mary Mildred
Murray, was born in Dublin. Be-
sides her husband, she is surviv
ed by one daughter Geraldine
Margaret Tuffin, Kitchener; one
sister, Bertha Murray, Kitchener;
two brothers, Robert and Wilfred
Murray, both of Toronto. She was
a member of St. .Andrew's Angli-
can Church and for several years
was active in the Brownie move-
ment. The body is at the G. A.
Whitney funeral home, Seaforth,
where a private service will be
held on Thursday at 2 o'clock.
Burial will be in Egmondville
cemetery. Rev. W. k Jones of St.
Andrew's Memorial Church, Kit-
chener, will officiate.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Diegel who
have resided with their nephew
Gus Herbert for many years.
have moved to Kitchener, to live
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Schmidt.
Mr. Warren Sholdice Is Athlet-
ic Director at Edgewood Camp,
Eden Mills, near Guelph. for two
Mrs. George Mogk spent last
week at the home of her son.Car-
man'Mogk and Mrs. Mogk, 'St.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brickman,.
and Barry of Brampton with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bullet
and Rose Eva and Mr, and Mrs..
Leyeru Wolfe attended Decora-
tion Service at. St. Paul's Luther-
an Church, Ellice, on Sunday and
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie
bir. Don Wolfe has been holi-
daying in Northern Ontario,
Mrs. Nelson Anderson. Donna
and David of Windsor spent the,
holiday weekend with Mr. and
Airs. Harold Wurdell and other
Erie John Driscoll, infant son
of lir, and,•Mrs. Boyd Driscoll
was baptized during the Sunday
morning service. Sponsors ,along
With the parents were Mir. and
airs, Walter :Rode, Mr, and Mrs,.
Lyle 01)1000.
Flowers on the altar at the
service in St, Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday were frons the.
wedding of Joanne Rock and
Douglas Aitcheson whish was
solemnized on Friday. A. basket
was also in the chancel from the
funeral of Gregory Moore, neph-
ew of Mr. and Mrs, G. Jarmuth
and Mr. and birs. John . Moore,
and several baskets from the
funeral of John Rudolph.
Mrs. Harry Tait and Airs. Ross
Leeming, Linda and Randy are
spending this week at a cottage
at Port Elgin,
The Broclhagen Band Bold their
annual social on the school
grounds on Friday evening with
a very large crowd, The Milver-
ton Band opened the evening's
performance and Jack Kingston's
'entertainment of Hamilton pro-
vided the program and music for
open air dancing. Bingo and re-
freshment booths were well pat-
ronized. Draw for prizes was held
with the following winners:
Washing machine—Carl Schel;
tenberger, Mitchell; 3 -piece lug-
gage set—Gordon Mogk, of R. it.
1, Bornholm;; desk—W. Rock of
R. R, 2, Walton; wheelbarrow—L.
Mann, London; telephone table—
Gerald Ryan, Dublin; steam
iron ---Mrs. Dorothy Rowson, R.R.
3, Mitchell; bed spread—Wilfred
Hiliebrecht, Mitchell; clock—W,
Miller, R.R. 2, Mitchell; 5 gal. oil
—Bruce Beatty, Listowel, Pro-
ceeds to be used for Band sup-
Teachers hone for the holidays
include Miss Jessie Finlayson,
Lorne Park; Miss Laura Mac-
Millan, Toronto; Miss Alice Wat-
son, London; and bliss Margaret
Grieve, Centralia,
Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Gray and
son Bob of- Stratford visited with
Miss Laura MacMillan.
Mr. and Airs, G. R. Keyes and
daughter Joan of Windsor with
the former's mother, Mrs. Nelson
Air. and Airs, Edwin North and
son and Miss Cheryl Stevenson
of Freeland, Mich„ visited with
Airs. David Stephenson and at-
tended the Stephenson Reunion
at Bayfield : on Tuesday.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
airs. Harry Weiland were Air.
and Mrs, Harold Simkins and
Air. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of
Toronto and Dir. and Airs. George
Love of Goderich.
Dir. and Mrs. Ernie Vodden of
Woodham were holiday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cameron
and other friends in the commun-
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Ryan
and daughter, Sebringville, Mas-
ter Donnie Duffy, and Miss
Yvonne Duffy, Woodstock; and
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon
and daughter, St, Thomas with
Airs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy.
Mrs. N. Dele of Toronto is a
guest of her sister, Airs, Andrew
Bell and other relatives.
Dir, and Mrs. Grealis and Miss
Berea Sweitzer of Clinton were
Saturday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Hood.
Northaide United Church
10 a,m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., Opening Service of Rev.
J. C. Britton's Ministry in Sea -
Egtnondville United Church
Dr. J. Semple, Minister
Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir
11 a.m., Subject: "What is the
matter with our Religion that it
has ceased to give 'vitality to our
10 arm., Church School and the
Minister's Bible Class.
11 a,m., Nursery Class
11.30 a.m., Jr. Church
See you in Church Sunday,
First Presbyterian
Rev. D. Leslie Elder
* 10 A.M.—Church School
11 A,M. Topic
"The Price of Progress"
Music. Duet 'I heard the voice
of Jesus say" (Rathburn)
Miss Betty Simpson and
Mr. D. Stewart
Senior Choir anthem; "Lord
let me live Today" (Moote)
First Presbyterian and Northside Un-
ited Churches -Joist Services com-
mence in First Church July 13th with
Rev. J. C. Britton officiating
Organist & ChoirLeader
1,,1,11111111111111111111111#111nllllllll1lllllllllllll 111111,„
Those who registered were: Mr,
and airs. Frank Thompson, Tole
do, Ohio; lir, and Mrs, Vincent
McMahon, Detroit, Mich,; Air,
and Airs, Thos. 'Costello, West
i`ionkton; Air. and Airs. John O'-
Reilly, Stratford; Dir. and Airs,
Russell Pringle Dir. and _Airs.
JoAnn Shea, Sr., Mrs. James O'-
Reilly of Seaforth; Dir, and ,Airs.
Jos. O'Reilly, Air. and Mrs. Jack
O'Reilly, Louis, 'Pauline and
Douglas of Dublin; Air. and Mrs,
Dennis Walsh, London; Betty
Shea, Anne Shea, Sharon Sten of
Seaforth; Janet O'Reilly, Gary
O'Reilly, firs, P. Williams, Dub-
lin; Mr, and Airs. D. Williams of
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, J. Wil-
liams,. Detroit; Mary Margaret
McMillan, l+iint, Mich.; Mrs. A
Heaney, Niagara Palls; Thomas
Williams, Dublin; Mrs. Al Riches,
Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Williams, Joan Williams, Sea -
forth; 'bh•s,' T. Williams, Wind-
sor; Patrick Heeney, Niagara
Falls; : John McMillan, Detroit;
Mr. and :Airs. William McMillan,
Noreen McMillan, Danny McMil-
lan, Mr. and Mrs. 1I. Doyle of
Staffa; Anne Marie McMillan,
Miss Nell Doyle, of London; Mo-
ther AI. Theodore, Chatham; Ted
Doyle, Mrs. Mike Coyne Sr. Dub-
lin; ,Air. and Mrs. F. Doyle, Tor-
onto; Mr. and 'firs. John Smith,
of Detroit; Mary Ellen Doyle,
Jack Doyle, Rose Doyle, Air. and
Mrs. John Coyne, Flank Coyne of
Staffa; Mrs. Mike Coyne Sr.,
Dublin; lir. and Mrs. Jos, P.
Coyne, Margaret Coyne, Jimmy
Coyne, London; air and Airs. 0.
Coyne, Dublin; Alecia Coyne, ei
London; airs. Reg. Kahne, Anne
Kehue, John Kahue, Chatham;
Mrs. Walter KI'oskie, Toronto;
liother M. Alice, Wallaceburg;
Sarah Coyne, Matt Coyne, ,lir.
and birs. Thomas Coyne, Dublin;
Jos. J. Coyne, Jarvis; Sister St,
Basil, Woodstock; Mir. and Mrs.
Mike Coyne Jr., Dublin; :Air, and
Mrs, Matthew Coyne, Brantford;
Patsy Coyne, Kenneth Coyne,
Gordon Coyne, Joanne and Jean-
ne Coyne, Larry Coyne, Dir, and
Mrs. T. P. Morris, -Airs. Mary Mc-
Grath, Jack Morris, Jerry Mor-
rie, Anne Morris of Staffa; F.
Morris, Seaforth; lir, and Airs.
E. Malone, Dublin; Airs. W. Mor-
ris, Seaforth; John Morris, Ham-
ilton; Louis Morris, Staffa; lir.
and ;Airs. G. Kearns, Car o 1
Kearns, Anne Kearns, John
Kearns, Merlin; Fr. Ellwyn Mor-
ris, Sinicoe; Fr. William Morris,
Windsor; Air. and Mrs. T. Aior-
ris, Tillsonburg; Mir. and Airs. E.
Haggerty, Stratford; Mr. and
John A. Murphy, Seaforth; Air.
and Mrs. Jos, Burke, Sharon
Burke, Tom Burke, Staffa; Mr.
and Mrs, Angus Kennedy, River-
side; air. and Airs. Jos. Hastings
'of Staffa; Air. and airs. Gus Red-
mond, Auburn; Mrs. Monte Rees,
Detroit; Jeffrey Rees, Susette
Rees, Maryland; Alfred Rees,
Biriningham; Mr. and :Airs. Wm.
McIver, St. Columban; Thomas
McIver, Toronto; 'Marian McIver
of Detroit; Mr. and airs. L,
Iver, Staffa; Aix. and Airs. Peter
McIver, Seaforth; Mrs. Scott
Coffin, Toronto; Afr. and Mrs, E.
McIver, Stratford; Air. and Mrs.
Jack McIver, St. Columban; Air.
and Mrs. George Coyne, Dublin,;'
Mr. James Atkinson, Brantford;
Air. and Airs. Jos. Lane, Mary
Lou Lane, Seaforth; ' Mr. and
airs. Cyril Brown, Sebringville;
Alrs, Jack Wallington, Burling-
ton; Mrs. Thomas Flanagan, of
Toronto; 'Air. and Airs. 11. Feeney
Sr., Mr. and airs. John F. Aiur-
phy, Air. and airs. M. Barrie, L.
bir. and Airs. Michael Barrie, L.
Barrie, Jos. Barrie, air. and :Airs.
Peter Jordan, Jerry Jordan, Air.
and airs. M. Melady, Mary Melady
of Dublin; Air. and Airs, B. Bar-
rie, Jack Melady, London; ,Air.
and Mrs. Edward Melady, of St.
Columban; Air. and firs. Patrick
Ryan, Dublin; Air. and airs. C.
Steffler, Brussels; Anne Steffler,
Goderich; Clem . Steffler, Brus-
sels; ,Tames Steffler, Jos. Stef-
fler, Brussels; Mr. and Airs. H.
Feeney, Waterloo; Carl Feeney,
Seaforth; Mr. and firs. Lorne
Feeney, Dublin; air. and Mrs. hi.
Feeney, Kitchener; Air. and firs.
Victor Feeney, Waterloo; AIr. and
Mrs. Fergus Feeney, Billie Feen-
ey, Linda Feeney, Elmer Feeney,
Mr. and Airs. Jos. Feeney, Dub-
lin; Mr, and -MIrs. T. Feeney, of
Clinton; \h'. and -Airs. J. Feeney
of Kitchener; Mr. and airs. Louis
Roach, Hamilton; Father Harvey
Roach, Brantford; .Airs, Jos. Jor-
dan, Dublin; air. and Mrs, Frank
Jordan, Veronica Jordan, Sea -
forth; .Airs, D. J. O'Connor. Mrs.
C. Mcllhargey, Mrs. Rose Mc-
Ilhargey, London; Airs. Gerald-
ine Charters, Fort Erie; lir. and
Airs. Harold McFadden, Tupper-
ville; Bill Eckert, Chippewa;
Airs, P. Fitzpatrick, London; Mr,
and Mrs. P. Maloney, Joan Ma-
loney, Wilfred Maloney, Vincent
Maloney, Mr. and Airs. John Moy-
lan, Seaforth; Catherine Moylan,
Brantford; Luella Moylan, Jean
Moylan, Gordon Moylan, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Murray, Billie
Murray, Elaine Murray, Mary L.
Murray, Jos. Murray, lir. and
Mrs. T. J. Murray, Joan Alurray,
Record Brand Cream Style Corn -
2 tins 25c
Jello Powders and Pudding Powders --
3 for
Smith Brand Ketchup---
2 bottles
a �°
Phone 72 Seaforth
ossamonsetereswasamm&General Store, Egmondvilie • Formerly Haney's
Neil Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Malone, Paul, Pauline, and Sheila
Malone, Anne Malone, Gerry Ma-
lone, Mrs, P. Hickneil, Agnes
Hieknell, Dir, and Airs. L. Coyne,
Joan Coyne, Don Coyne, diary
Lou Coyne of Seaforth; Air, and
Mrs'. Paul Vogels, Cinth Yoga's,
Dorothy Vogels, Nellie. Vogels of
Dublin; Dir. and airs. Jos. Kale,
St. Columban; Mrs. Jas. Kraus -
kepi, Dublin; Inspector J. F,
Kinlin, Department of Education,
Toronto; Earl Dick,,; Reeve of
Ribbert Township; Air. and Mrs.
Vincent Lane, Mrs. Di, Murray, of
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, Auguste
Ducharme, Dublin; Sister Diary
Philomene, C.S,J., Woodstock; W.
Patrick, Wyoming; Mr, and Mrs.
D. Davis, Moose Jaw; Dir, Hugh
Butson, Munroe; Mrs. Art Dev
ereaux, Jean Devereaux, Tom
Devereaux, Patrick„ Devereaux,
Angela Devereaux, of Seaforth;
Lorne Cronin, Leonard Cronin,
Anne Denonlme, Mr. and Air's. F.
Harburn, Staffs; Dir, and Mrs. S
Smith and family of Ingersoll;
Frank Phillips, Seaforth; Air
Wallace, Seaforth; Jack Ryan, o
Dublin; Mr. and Airs. Patrick
Jordan; Mrs. Jos. Melady, Dub-
lin; Air. and Airs. Thos. S. Mel
ady, Toronto.
Specials Galore
Willis Shoe Store
Seaforth Lie
s P:,trk
The Lions Park Pool is Now Open
to the Public
Open Daily, Weather Permitting
'1.30 to 5.30 and 7to9
FREE swimming instruction for school children by
qualified instructors available each morning.
Registration now under way ,and closes July 4th
Classes are being arranged and students are asked
to report as follows:
Thursday, July 3, at 10 a.m.—
Pupils of Rural Schools and of St. James'
Separate School
Friday, July 4, at 10 a.m.—
Pupils of Seaforth Public School
Classes commence Monday, July 7th, at 10 a.nl.
Adult Swimming Classes
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
7.30 to 8.30 p.m.
Learn to swim with qualified instructors
A mininitmi of 10 lessons — $2.00 and admission
Ii sufficient interest is shown, classes will be arranged,
commencing Tuesday evening, July Sth. Make application in
person, or phone the Park. Phone 245.
Children under High School Age:
10 Cents, or $1.50 for Season's Ticket
Fourth and Additional Children
Season's Ticket in one Family — Free
High School Students
25 Cents, or $3.00 per Season's Ticket
25 Cents, or $4.00 per Season's Ticket
Children of One Family and Two Adults—$10.00
(In each case a checking basket is included)
Night Swimming
For the convenience of those who are unable to
swim during regular hours, the Pool will remain
open throughout tile evening on certain nights,
depending on the weather. Announcement will be
made over CKNX Entertainment Guide, or phone
245, Seaforth
For further information
Call the Seaforth Lions Park
phone 245
The Prairies, the Rockies, the B.C. Centennial... daily trains.
y 0ilthienta1
The ril!IT!iE/ITili
Forinformation and reservations phone ESO. 3.7011