HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-19, Page 829 ONLY - Ready -to -wear SUITS VALUES TO 55.00 Sale price 28.00. This is the last of over 1.00 suits put out on sale about two weeks- ago. There are 29 left in sizes 36 to 44 -all one of a kind. If you want a scuff suit, give these a look over now. They're a real bargain at this very low price. Sizes 35 to 44 28.00 Clearance! RO ULAR 27.50 TO 35,00 Sport Coats S23.50 53 only, this season's latest style Sport Coats in greys, fawn and winter whites. Two- or three -button styles in.shorts, regulars and talla. It's our entire stock that we've decided to clear out due to the cool late season. Sizes 35 to 44 only, VALUES TO .35.00 Sale 23.50 Il"S TIME FOR Swim Softs Choose from popular boxer style as sketched, or elastic woven skintite types in a wide choice of new colors and patterns in satins, cot- tons and fine wools.. Boys' sizes 1.59 to 2.25 Men's sizes 2.95 to 5.95 STEWART BROS. WEEK END SPECIALS MARTIN'S CHOICE TOMATOES 28 oz. tin 23 c CANADIAN FANCY COHOE SALMON 1/2 lb tin 3 a C . DELMAR MARGARINE 3 lb 89 e Aubrey Eickmeyer Phone 72 Seaforth General Store, Egmondville Formerly Haney's These men -of can relax in confidence Mr. and Mrs. George. Henry Blake are seen following their marriage in Missionary Alliance Church, London. The bride, the former Hazel Doreen Muxwoi:'thy, is the the of Mr. and Mrs Cephas • Muxwbrtlly, London, ,and the bridegroom's parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake of Tucker smith. The ; couple will reside in Tuakersmith . Court Constantine Is Instituted Friday evening the. Constance. C.O.F. hall was auzell filled to ca- pacity when the new Court Con- stantine .#L1842 was 'instituted into the field of the,C.0,9'. of this Dominion, Brother Matzanke'of Ohesley, District Manager, who has spent the past three months organizing the ladies of this district and who was present with Bro. Har- ry Phinn, Brantford, who acted as Iliglz Chief Ranger; Bro, John Borthwick, Assistant Superinten= tient, Brantford; Bro. Earl Par- sons, Dominion Executive of Lon- don; Biro. Hugh Galbraith, Prov. Field Manager of London'; and Bro, '11th. IIawkshaw, Supervisor of Fraternal Activities, of Iiitch- ener, and acting as High Marshall for the evening. 23 of the 30 ladies were pre- sented to the members of the Of- fical High Court and all wel;e smartly: dressed alike in grey skirts, white blouses and black bow ties and each Wore a beauti; fug rose corsage, donated by the local hen's court 4157. After the Official Institution of the Court was performed Bro. Hawkshaw, acting as High Mar- shall in a very dignified manner installed and presented :the offi- cers with their Badge of Office and escorted them to•,Wtheir re- spective chairs. After hich each Officer of the High Court poke in a few words of the Highlights and Principles of the Order and its importance to each and every member in order to make the Court a success. After the installation of Offi- cers, Sister Mary Riley (Presi- dent) spoke a few words of thanks to the members for elect- ing her as their President, and on behalf of the Ladies' Court thanked the High Officials ofor coming; then passed the remain- der of the meeting over to Bro. They know their savings are safeiy invested in Huron & Erie - Canada 'hust Debentures and Trust Certificates. Both these forms of investment earn 33/4% to 4% interest on $100 or more kr periods of 1 to 5 years. You can save with confidence too, with RECEPTION For Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bolger Friday, June 20 10 p.m. - Walton Hall Laclies bring lunch ZONSAOLOARARRNAROMMIVIIPOVIt JUNE SPECIAL Wedding and Engagement Ring With 10 Diamonds $175.00 Sale price $121.25 J. A. Westcott JEWELLER LLER Huron & Erre• CanadaTrust Brownie's DRIVE-IN Clinton Head Office London, Ontario District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; Watson & Reid, Seaforth AZZINWERININIIM Flannery Cleaners Take a suitcase full of "new" looking clothes. Look your best wherever your vacation trip takes you in clothes cleaned here. We make every garment look as fresh as the day you bought it. Our pick-ups and deliveries ai'a prompt . , our prices modest MAIN ST. - PHONE 87 Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 19 and 20 "The PAJAMA GAME" (Color) Doris Day and John Raid (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 21 and 23 "BOMBERS B-52" (Color) (Cinemascope) Karl Malden and Natalie Wood (Two Cartoons), TUESDAY and Wl9DNESDAY June 24 and 25 "THE BURNING HILLS" (Color) (Cinemascope) Tab Hunter and Natalie Wood (Two Cartoons) Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 8 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in cars Free Matzanke and Bro. Galbraith. Bro. Matzanke read letters of congratulations .from Bro. L. B. Hamlin. Sec.-Treas. of High Court, Brantford;'. Bro. • Scott F. D. Taylor, C.L.U. Supt. of the Field Department of Head Office; Bro. S. C. Berridge, High Chief Ranger, Brantford; Bro. M. S: Cole, M.D., Chief Medical Exam- iner, also of Brantford; and Bro. W. B. Gillespie, ghief Accountant of Brantford. Special thanks were given Bro. Matzanke for his untiring efforts. "The Queen" was sung With Mrs. Bert Irwin as pianist for the evening. Lunch . was served and after dancing was enjoyed to music supplied' by Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Nott and Glen. A draw on two bath towels were won by Bro. Hawkshaw, Brantford, and Bro, Borden Brown of Constance. WALTON The congregation of Duff's Un- ited. Church observed the 50th Anniversary of the W. A. on Fri- day evening. The following pro- gram .was presented during the first part of the evening with Rev. W. M. Thomas acting as the chairman: IIistorical sketch of W. A. by the president, Mrs. G. McGavin. "The Old Fashioned :Meeting" composed of old songs and dress- ed in old time costumes; Mr, and Mrs, Rae Houston, Brenda, Robt, and Glenna and Mr. and Mrs. D. Fraser and Caroline with Miss A. Hackwell as accompanist; duet, Pauline and Shirley Thomas; quartette, Mary Helen Buchanan, Ruth Ritchie, Aileen Williamson and Nellie Baan, Mrs. H, Brown as pianist; duet, Mrs. H. Travis and Brian; News Desk 1908, T. Dundas; accordion solo, Mary Dennis; duet by Graeme Craig and Brian Travis; reading, Mrs. J. Smith; piano solo, Joyce Ham- ilton; solo, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet with Mrs; Martie Baau at the piano; solo by Joan Hamilton, with Joyce Hamilton accompany- ing; piny, '"After the Church Sup- per" by the Walton group name- ly: Mr's. E. Mitchell, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. W. Bewley, Mrs. E. Hackwell, Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs, IL Travis and Mrs. T. Dundas, dir- ector. A, social period was enjoyed after which a delicious lunch of sandwiches, pie and ice cream was, served by the 17th and the boundary group, while the North group was in charge of cleaning up. Mrs. F. Walters presided for the June meeting of the W. I. held in the community half on Monday evening when membars brought guests. The meeting was opened in the usual manner with Mrs. Wm. H. Humphries as pi- anist The see„ Mrs. T. McCreath called the roll which was answer- ed with a verse from an old auto- graph album. This proved . very entertaining. Business letters were read and discussed. It was announced that Miss Margaret Brophy of CKNX Wingham will be guest speaker at the July meeting when slides on a trip to Bermuda will be shown. A discussion on the August bus trip to London left with the com- mittee in charge. Plans were made for the Garden Party to be- held in the community hall on Thursday, June 26. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. this to be followed by a variety pro- gram and dance. The district director Mrs. Rus- sel Barrows gave a report of the Officers' Conference held at Guelph in May. Co -conveners, Mrs. Ross Mc- Call and Mrs. Ronald Bennett were in charge of the second part of the meeting which was on His toricai Research. Mrs. Ronald Bennett gave the motto "Do not resist growing old". Many are denied the .privilege. Mrs. Mc- Call introduced Mrs. Ella Shur tie of Brussels who gave a very interesting demonstration on de- corating cakes with Mrs. Earl Cudmore assisting. A. gift was later presented on behalf of the Institute A "Make and Bake Sale"was held at the close of the .meeting which was a decided suc- cess. Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Gordon 11IcGavin, Mrs. Forest McKay, Mrs. Doug Ennis, Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Harold Bolger and Mrs, Geo. Love, Mr. William Bennett is visiting with his son and daughter-in-law Dr. and Mrs. John Bennett, New- market, Miss Elizabeth McGavin is hol- idaying with friends at South- ampton this week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Taylor of Staffs visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. Achilles on Sun- day. Miss Barbara Patterson, R.N., Kincardine, spent Sunday at her home here. RIGHT THIS WAY TO FOOD SAVINGS All prices effective Thurs. Fri. Sat. June -19-20.21 REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR 5 lb. bag 49 c QUEEN'S ROYAL SLICED PEACHES 2 15 oz tins 29 C ORANGE JUICE -Tree Sweet , . Lge. 48 oz. tin 430 BABY FOODS-Heiriz , ,.......- 3 tins 31c APPLE JUICE -Allen's ....... , .. 2 20 oz, tins 29c COFFEE -Cheery Mob. Pure Instant..6 oz jar 97c TOMATO CATSUP 2 11 oz bottles 39c AIR -0 TOMATOES 2,28 oz Tins 450 GOLDEN CORN -Cream Style 2 15 oz tins' 25c,' BEANS -with PORK -Clark's . ,2 20 oz tins 370 CORNFLAKES -Kellogg's .. Giant 16 oz; pkg 31c SWIFT'S BEEF STEW ...... Large 24 oz. tin 39c KADANA TEA BAGS- . , . , , 100 bag pkg. 79c JEWEL SHORTENING ..... 1- lb. pkg 29c GOLDEN DEW M',ARGARINE . , 2 1 lb pkgs 53c LIQUID 'JAVEX 16 oz. bot 15c. 32 oz bottle 25c TOILET TISSUE -White Cross 3 lge rolls 396 SODA CRACKERS_Christie's plain or salted .. 1 ib box 35c COFFEE -Cheery Morn Fresh 'Ground , . 1 lb. bag 77c FRESHIES-Make your own Soft Drinks , . . 5• pkgs 29c HANDIMILK-Silverwood's Powdered 1 lb pkg 41c DOG FOOD -Swift's Tempt 3 15 oz."Tins 25c SMITH'S GROCERY UNITED BUYERS STORE PHONE 1,2 SEAFORTH FOR SALE 03500 on second mortgage on valuable farm property. Apply at News Office FOR SALE 10 acres of alfalfa hay. Apply to Gordon Wren, Kipper:. 674r3 Hensall FOR SALE Two purebred cows fresh 2V/.-, months, one Ayrshire, ono Guernsey. 058,21 Seaforth. Than Cooper FOR SALE Beagle puppies, six weeks old. Phone 463 between 12 and 1 COMBING EVENT Bake, sale and tea Saturday, June 28, at 3 RM. in the Orange I2o11. Sponsor- ed by the W.A. of Duffs Church, Mc - Killen • PLANTS' FOR. SALE, Geraniums, tuberous begonia, zinnia, asters, snapdragon,border plants, dbr- aus begonia, foliages, tilled hanging Pots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, toma- toes, late cab'nge. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Center, Seaforth Good as neFOR SALE 01 h.p. electric motor, and root pulper.. Phone HU 2-7504 Clinton HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker and Patsy spent. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. -W. MacDonald at Brampton. Mrs, E. Shaddic'k spent a few days this week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose .and daughter Mary of Toronto visited recently with the fornler's aunts, Misses Mary and Agnes McEwen. Mrs. Wm. Petty, who recently underwent an operation in St, Jo- seph's Hospital, London, was able to return to her home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker and Rickey spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Charles MacArthur in Pontiac Mich„ and attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr: and Mrs. Alger Brown, in Oxford, Mich. Mrs. Geo. Petty of Detroit is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Petty and Ruth. Mrs. 'Wilson Gariile Mrs. Wilson Carlile, 75, Hen- sall, formerly Eva A, -Hudson of Hillsgreen, passed away at her home here on Saturday. Surviv- ing is one .son Walker, Hensall; three daughters, Mrs. Wes. Rich- ardson, Hensall; Mrs. H. Stokes; Victoria, B.C., and Mrs. Leeland Willert, Zurich; four sisters, Mrs. Annie Logan, London; Mrs. W. Douglas, Mrs. J. Consitt and Mrs. A. Harvey, Brucefield. The funeral services were at the Bon- thron Funeral Home on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment was in Bay- field Cemetery. ' Mrs. Una Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Corbett and Mrs, Ed Schroe- der were in Oxford, Mich., over the weekend 'attending the Gold- en Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Alger Brown. Mr. Percy Smate and daughter Miss Jean Smale R.N., of Wain- wright, Sask., are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stephenson. Mrs, Edna Corbett was a recent visitor with Miss Reta Rowe and Mrs. Holtzman in Exeter. Miss Peggy Stratton of Lucan spent last week with her grand- mother, Mrs: Minnie Sangster. Mrs. Kemp of Baraga, Mich.. is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elder. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Eyre and fam- ily wish to express their sincere thanks to Hensall. and Seaforth lyre Brigades, Hensall operator Mrs.Shoddier, neigh- bors and frlends who helped in any wax during the fire in which they lost their barn, our grateful .thanks to everyone for their help. and kindness CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friefds,efor their help, acts of kindness, Mass cards and floral tributes; also spe- dial thanks to ,Rev, Father Weber and Rev. Father O'Rourke and Dr, W. C. Sproat, nurses and stair of Stratford General Hospital t pall bearers and G. A. Whitney Funeral Home on the death of our uncle, Patrick Murray. -ICen, Joseph and Lawrence Murrey and Florence Devereaux' TO RENT Three room heated apartment in Es- mmi3ville, suitable for two adults. 3 pc. bath, town water, private entrance, furnished or. unfurnished. itvailablo now. Phone 0661121 Seaforth Storo on 1110 street, 9 eforth, to rent, Apply to the -News Office FOR SALE House in good location, 1 block from Main et.• New wiring, new plumbing, furnace, Will sell reasonable. Apply to P.O. Box 246, Seaforth. FOR SALE All steel stable equipment for pigsor cattle. H. McIllwain One Smoker FOR. SAator, 82 ft. Har- old Pryce, Seaforth phone 840,2 NOTICE Dublin Community. Sale of Livestock, Cronin o n Sn ea barn, 1 ba , ovary \Yednasday. -coe mtmnneccg atnd8 athe sLeesbtoyc. k8 mpm Phone 4, Dublin. Sales will behold every Wadnesday. International side rake in good condi- tion, Apply to Ed.. ,Smith, Lot 34, con. I1. Logan. Phone 521120 Dublin FOR SALE Pullets. Honegger Leghorn, 500 are 13 weeks old at 1.85 each. 1000 are 10 wks, old at 1.10 each, Will deliver. Apply Leo Ryan, Dublin 40r4 FOR SALE 2% acres choice clover and alfalfa hay field, h5urray Tyndall, Brucedeld.. Seaforth 640w2 Two 46 FOR SALE T gallon steel drums. Flannery Cleaners, phone 87 - Seaforth FOR SALE 12 good pigs, Ted Van Dyke, Mill Road, RR3 Seaforth • TO RENT A. bright eheey 8 room apartment, plus 3 piece bath and lots of storage. Art Wright, phone 1873 after 6.30 p.m. COMING EVENT I3am and Strawberry Supper Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Friday, June 20th, 6-8.30. p.m. Admission $1.25; Children 500. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in the town of Seaforth, James Street on Sat- urday, June 21st at 1.30 p.m.. Full line of household effects including chaster - field and 2 chairs, 2 bedroom suites, washing machine wash bench and tubs, vacuum cleaner (Airway), tables, chairs, rugs, grass rug, pictures, utility table, electric lamps, clothes line and pulleys, trunk, - diningroom tables, kitchen tables, buffet, dressing table, rocking chairs, dresser, eleetrie radiator, doors and wDr- dows, iron bed, sealers, wardrobe, drapes electric stove, GE refrigerator, end numerous other. articles. Terms cash. Prop., Rev. H. V. Workman Auer., Harold Jackson Clerk; E. P. Chesney FEDERATION NEWS By dart Heo ingwaii Huron County Federation of Agriculture held their Directors' meeting June 9th with the Pres- ident Winston'Sllapton presiding. In reporting for the Poultry Producers Carl Hemingway stat- ed that the Ont. Poultry execu- tive was informed that in order to get the Promotional Plan . ac- cepted by the Farm Products, Marketing Board a petition en- dorsing the Plan will have to be signed by a least 60% of all Poultry Producers, based on the Last census figures. Since 25% of the listed poul- try producers in Huron County have lose than 50 hens and since' about 505,, of the poultry pro- ducers in Ontario have less than 100 hens this 60% of all produc- ers seems unrealistic. There are several counties with almost 200 producers with less than 8, hens. I doubt if these producers have. any interest in the price of eggs. P12! SEAFOB.TH NEWS Thursday, June 19, 1958 There was also some differ- ence of opinion as to the mean- ing of other clauses in the peti- tion. Representatives of the exe- cutive will sleet with the Minist- er and the Farm Products Mark- eting Board for clarification on these requirements. . Huron' County Hog Directgrs met June 13th to outline their campaign plan for the coming vote. A County ,Committee was appointed and it is their respon- sibility to see that committees are established, in each township. This vote presents the greatest challenge that has faced farm producers. If everyone will give a little effort to this campaign there will be a very large per- centage voting and success is certain. In Huron we are not in- terested In having 66 and 2/8 in favour; we want 85% in favour. Further arrangements were made for conducting the Huron County Federation of Agriculture Worship Service, July 13th, at the :United Church Summer ,Camp at Goderich, BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention. Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions. Phones: Day 48 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon- Phone 90 Seaforth, JOHN A. GORWILL. B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M,D., Internial .P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon 'Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daiip except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat - =day only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ars desirable .. TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY. CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V..M., V,S• W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M„ V.S.-.' W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M;, V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN B. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. eve by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80. • Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., "SEA/FORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather. Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association Prices . at Hensall Community Sale June 12th. Weanling pigs $12.00 to $15.70; chunks $17.00 to, $19.75; -feeders $22,25 to $28.00; sows $83.00 to $120.00; Holstein cows $180.00 to $195.00; Durham cows $175:00 to $200,00; Holstein calves $25.50 blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNA't l511 OIL DUNDAS & LONEY ;'hone 673 or 382-R .AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 286 s•••••A NOTICE For artificial insemination serviceor more information,. telephone the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton HU 2-8441 between: 7.30 and 9 80 AM. We supply service to top quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, P,."8 Poll, Hereford (polled and horned): Beef Shorthorn (polled and ' horned). and Dual Pur-ix,se Shorthorn, Angus and 0harolaise breeds. The cost la low. Notice Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuekeramith Dumping Ground will be .open Wednesday an& Saturday afternoons from 2 to 0. o'clock and evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock, until further. notice. Et P. Chesney, Clerk SEAFORTH PROPERTIES FOR SALE Storey & half dwelling with new gar- age, Goderich St. East. Ultra modern. Three Bedrooms. Full basement. 015 Heat. A good buy. Large frame dwelling, West End, Outside town limits. Taxes 530. Three Bedrooms. Modern kitchen & bath. New 011 Furnace. Separate apartment part - sally completed. Priced right for quick sale. All modern one storey frame dwelling, GODERICH ST. west. Built two years. Two bedrooms. Large diving room.- Oil heat. Lovely. location. Worth -investi- gating. Other properties also listed M. A. RID Real Estate & Insurance Phone 214 Seaforth 800 Rhode IslaOnd Redd puullets 4>.4 mths old. Apply Pat Givlin,' phone 37 r 8, Dublin. 8000 DEKALB PULLETS FOR SALE Healthy, well raised, vaccinated, for bronchitis and Newcastle, 12 weeks old June .26th and July Ord. Discounts on Large orders. Free delivery on all orders of 200 or more. Inspection invited, En- quiries promptly answbred. Call or write MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, R$k3, Sea - forth, Ont. Phone 64741 _ RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR.- Opposite Dick House, phone 84711, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top Boll or excavating last phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w Seaforth