HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-19, Page 5THE $ AFORTH NEWS—Thursday; Juno 1s, 1958 AfinginggsmognewsimillMilmul SUPERIOR SPECIALS LIBBY'S DlEP BROWN PORK AND._ Bl&ANS ST, WILLL4.o S ASSORTED JAMS - 20 oz, tins 2 for 37c 9 -oz. jars 2 for 450 19"S PICNIC TINE AGAIN! OLIVES --8 oz. jar . , 29c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pings. for, ....., . 350 DEL MONTE UNSWEET- ENED ORANGE JUICE Lange 48 -oz. tiu;,..... 37c REDPATH WHITE SUGAR 5 ib. bag .. 49e IVORY LIQUID DETER- GN,NT— Large',!size till , 44e Giant. size tin ... , , 86c Bring ;our Coupons to no and sane on this ,milts. vaew' cietergenit, • SANDWICH SPREAD - 8 -oz. bottle 28e MOTHER PARKER'S INSTANT COFFEE - 4 -oz. jar 83,c FRESH BUNCH BEETS 1 bunch 10c FRESH WATERMELON Each 996 LARGE CANTELOPES 2 for 450 FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING DAILY Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Dancing Saturdays • • Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra GARDEN PARTY .at Walton. Community Hall Sponsore5 by Walton Women's Inst'!$gte Thursday, June 26 SUPPER SERVED 0 to 8 P.11f. Variety program to follow Admission for supper & program Adults $1, Children 50c Dancing to the music of Ian Wilbee's Melody Makers ' Admission 50c $ $ TO -DAY .A DOLLAR won't buy much BUT YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE -- AT TH E Wallis Shoe Stre The Little Store with the Big Values GARDEN PARTY AND DRAW AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH DUBLIN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 TURKEY & HAM SUPPER From 5;30 to 8 p,m, Adults $1. Children 50c TOWN TOPICS Mr. and -Mrs. Louis 'Williams, and,Lois Anne of Silver Springs, Maryland1iave returned home after spending a two -week's va. cation with Mr. and Mrs. 112. liams. 32rs. W. E. Southgate, Sr., spent the weekend with her brother-indaw; and sister, Rev. Peandrry Mrs. H. E. Pelletier at Port Mr. -and Mrs. Joe Moylan of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mrs. Jean Fortune. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams of Florida have returned a f ter spending two weeks holiday with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and, daughter Deborah • of Kitchener are spending a two week's vaca- tion with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wil- liams, Dr. and Mrs. Bud Smith and Miss Dorothy Smith of I3amilton are holidaying at their home here, Dr. Smith will go to Oleve- land to a post -graduate course. Mrs. Flynn, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs.. T. Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Len Gillespie and son, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. F. Ryan over the weekend: Mr. and Mrs. John Reilly and family, of Galt, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoth-. am, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dearing, of Exeter, spent the weekend with relatives: Mr. James Henderson and El- eanor left Tuesday on a trip West to attend the Calgary Stampede. Mr. Vagn Christensen, of St. Catherines is visiting with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ryan and fam- ily, Galt, visited last Saturday with Mrs, Frank Ryan. Mr. Ry- an has been appointed an Inspec- tor in the Windsor School Area. Miss Gladys Thompson is spending a few days in Detroit. Mrs. Peter Bannon returned home last Saturday after spend- ing the past six weeks at her home in Scotland. Mr. Bannon and their four daughters met the plane in Melton last Saturday. Due to the storm which was brewing, Mrs. Bannon's plane, re- turning via Greenland, was five tours late. Mrs. T. Habkirk is visiting with her daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. D. Huddleston in Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coffin and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beoliely of Toronto, NIr. and Mrs. J. Wright H.F.A. 1 FOOTBALL Walton vs Winthrop Friday, June 20 COMMUNITY PARK WINTHROP Game time 7.30 No. 4 Hibbert School 50th ANNIVERSARY JUNE 28 IS THE DAY In the Morning -- High Mass in St. Columban Church at 8 a.m. dst. Bell rings at School at 9 a.m. Reminiscences, Roll Call, In Memoriam. Luncheon 12 to 1,30 Afternoon Speeches, Music, Sports, Refreshments STRAWBERRY • SUPPER Cold Roast Pork at Northside United Church THURSDAY, JUNE 26 From 5 to 7 P.M. Adtclts 81; Children 50o Sponsored by the General W. A.. BETHEL W. A. PIE & ICE CREAM SOCIAL at the home of Roy Wildfong Friday eve, June 20 Ball Game 7.30 P.M. Programme 8.45 P.M. Admission Adults 60c. Children 300 In case of rain or colt], program, will be in No. 9 actual Here We °Go Again! Chevrolet Dealer Annual June DEPENDABLE - SAFETY CHECKED Don't Wait . • YOU CAN BUY NOW AND SAVE NO FREE GIFTS .. NO COME-ONS JUST FAIR PRICES! You'll find your "CAR WITH A FUTURE" at MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone 186 Seaforth Motors Phone 541 or 542 GORDON FAWM Salesman Seaforth and Mitchell ANDY DUNLOP Salesman Sales&Service, Chevrolet Oldsmobile, Vauxhall & Chevrolet Trucks of Sarnia, and Miss Margaret McIver, 'Kitchener, visited fast week with their parents. 112,• and Mrs, Dan Williams leave on Friday for Jacksonville, Florida, after enjoying a very pleasant ? two weeks' v e vacation among their, friends, W. E. Southgate and son Bill spent the weekend at the Ontario Camp Leadership Centre; . Bark Lake, .Ont„ where he conducted the aspects of camp life on bud- geting and maintenance. Mr. Southgate is manager of Huron Ohuclt. Camp et Bayfield. BORN Garrett—At Clinton Rosi, thl, to Mr, and Mrs. Murray Garrott (Margret Collins)' Clinton, ou Monday, June 10, a daughter Brown—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 15, to Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, 'ihrmondvllle, a eon Sander —• At Scott Memorial I•Iospital op- June 14, to Mr.. and Mrs. Mahlon Saucier, Zurich, a son CONSTANCE A successful Guernsey heifer sale was held at the Dalevista Farm on. Friday, June 13, when 57 head were sold to buyers pre- sent from Kingsville, Sarnia, Simcoe, Oakville, Newmarket, Niagara Falls, Kitchener, Owen Sound, Durham, Plattsville, I1d erten, Paisley, Winglham, Strat- ford and many other points as well as a number from the 'sm'- rounding district. Mr.' Bert Gib - binge of Clinton, purchased the top heifer at $315,00. Officials of the Ont. Guernsey Association were pleased with the overall average of approxi- mately $196,00: Heifers ranged in age from 6' months to 2 years. Mr. Bert Pepper of Seaforth was the auctioneer. Mrs, J. Whitehouse of Exeter is spending the summer with her granddaughter, Mrs. H. P.reszca for and Mr. Preszcator. Mrs, E. F. Warren and daugh- ters spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley and Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Mer• vyn Godkin and son of Winthrop spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Woods and Debbie in Ajax. Mr. and Mrs, C. Montgomery spent the weekend with NIr. Mont- gomery's aged father at Dundalk and also visited with friends while there. Mr. and Mrs. H. Preszcator and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Glanville of Cre- diton. Mr. John Whyte of Oshawa spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Mise Joyce Jewitt of, Thorn dale spent the weekend with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs.. W. Jewitt. Mr. John Knox Of -Wingham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley.- Mrs. James Medd spent a cou- ple of days last week .with Mrs. G. Laytbn of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Borden .Brown and daughters spent Sunday aft- ernoon at a family gathering with Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. Thomas Brigham, at the home of Mr:- and Mrs. .E. Brigham, Hanover.-. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd' and! sons visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, and Bruce of Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd of Seaforth. Mrs, Mary Jewitt, Mrs. A. Fox and Lesley visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. McMillan on Monday. The Constance Sunday School held their Anniversary Service Sunday afternoon with a fair a.t- endance, The Jr. Choir rendered several beautiful anthema with Airs. Wm. Jewitt as organist. Charles Scott of Auburn was the peaker for the afternoon and rought to the attention not only o the children but also to the arents how to follow in the foot- teps of Jesus. TV.A, and W.I.S. Mrs. Verne Dale presided over he W. A. meeting of Constance U C. on Wednesday evening une 11, and opened with hymn 03 followed by the Lord's Pray- r, rayr, roll call and minutes were ead, Business regarding the cat - ring of sale and the bazaar for he Open Meeting was discussed. letter of thanks was read from he Christian Home in Quebec for our donation of $25.00. wMS and opened with a hymn Sirs. Brown presided over the nd followed by prayer. Scrip- ure lesson was read by Mrs. Ken ulley, from Acts 13: 38.52. Bus- ess matters were transactea. he members sent a bale valued t $148.50 to the, Unitarian Ser- ies in Toronto. They also decid- d to bring in used Christmas cafds to the next meeting and embers please note, bring the arcls as they are, which will be nt to Korea or England. A ymn was sung before Mrs. Mae- regorpresented the study book silted by Mrs. D. Buchanan and re. Ken Ridley, on Life in Jae - touching on evangelism and e home and family. A piano to by Mrs, Wm. Jewitt, How eat thou Art". Stewardship a per 'was given by Mrs. Brown Stewardship and the Farmer, t a b p s t J 1 A` it a H in T a v ec m se h G as M an th so Gr 1) 0n HULLETT The Hallett Township Federa- tion Directors sponsored a bus trip to the Farmers' Week at the O.AC. Guelph on Thursday, June 12th. 46 directors and members' of the Federation took in the trip, 30 ou the bus and 16 in hree cars. The directors also went out on the Cancer Canvass in Hallett and proceeds amounted to $395.35 With one more section to hear from. The directors also urge every hog producer 3n the twp. to get out and vote on the hog vote that is coming up in July. HENSALL Mrs. Harris of Detroit, was a weekend visitor with her broth- er and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs, S. Rennie and family. ing Out�t'Business Since ill health demands the disposal of our business at the earliest possible date, we have again slashed our prices to promote this sale. Absolutely no refunds or exchanges Kiddies' Shop vasamedoccet Seaforth, Ont. Coat SPECIALS Spring Coats with matching hats — 4 - 6:c, up to 18.95 7 -12, no hats, up to 22.95..11.95 Odd Styles & Sizes Reg. up to 12.95 4.95 Boy's Spring Top Coats Checks & Plains -- 4 4 - 6X reg. up to 12,95 4.95 All Weather Coats — Navy blue, brown, tweed 4 - 6X up to 12.95 7 -12 up to 14.95 8.95 NLVAIVE, 7.95 Toddlers Spring Coats with caps & bonnets — Tweeds & gabardine -cord sizes 1-2-3, reg. up to 8.95 .. 4.95 Jackets, assorted reduced to .. .. 2.39 and 2.99 • Carol Ly Shop Seaforth, Ont. SPECIALS Slacks, reg. up to 8.95 reduced to 5.95 Dressing Gowns — Long & Shortie styles wool, rayon, satins 7.49 Cord Jackets 5.95 Pedal0100.1 Pushers, Shorts, Slim Jilns Assorted materials Greatly reduced in price Dresses - Lingerie Special Prices Car Coats - Suede Jackets while they last Reduced to cost Gloves, all sizes & Colors Purses - Hats Reduced in price "you'll never run out of hot water --with GAS!" Heats water faster—for less! No matter how high the dishes stack up, how long the dishwasher runs, there's plenty of hot water, plenty hot, with a Gas water heater on the job. How so? Gas heats water as fast as you use it, keeps up a constant supply. And a Gas water heater costs less to buy, install and use. Tubs of hot water all the time! Hot baths' for the whole family—even on washday --with an automatic Gas water heater planned to meet your family's needs. Enough hot water is such a comfort—and it costs so little! LOOK AT BOTH—AND YOU'LL BUY GAS! UNION COMPANY sal O F CANADA, LIMITED 85 Downie. St. Stratford