HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-19, Page 4L.a.B.'A.
rda'y, June 21.
eonunencing at 3 o'clock
Ill the Orange Hall, Seaforth
Continued from, Page 1
Toronto, Ont.—I regret in be•
Mg so Iate in acknowledging your
invitation' to the -reunion of the
pupils and teachers •.0f ,S.S.S, .4,
Hibbert, bb z , an June 28th.: IIoSvevoi•
•Josephine and myself' are ' plan
ping on attending it and looking
'forward to meeting many of my
old friends. Thank you for the in-
vitation. Frank and Josephine
Dublin, Ont.—Thank you very
much for your gracious invitation
to the celebration et the 50th An-
niversary of your school. I am
sure you are'vory busy planning
for this event, I with Yon i every
success and I also send my sin-
cere: congratulations! 'Mother
Mary o1 the, ,:Incarnation.
Flamilton, Ont.— Mr, and Mrs.
Louis M. Roach accept with pleas -
tire your .kind invitation to at-
tend •the 50th Anniversary of the
lotindtng of S.S.S, No. 4, Hibbert
on Saturday, June 28th,"1958,
sympathetic eyes
BA tic
Many banking problems require special care and skill in
handling. Estate settlements, many loans, business
transactions often bring up problems that ozily
experience and a completely sympathetic understanding
can solve,
We believe that you will find the intelligent reasoning
and the friendly, helpful advice you need at any
Toronto -Dominion branch. The Manager and his
staff will be pleased to discuss your banking problems—
no matter howlargeor small, or whether you are an old
customer or a new one. Why not drop in and talk it overs
J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth 'Branch
To save his life...
A boy's life hung in the balance—four-year-old Ron Tisdale
of Montreal. Ron had swallowed a quantity of sleeping pills.
Now he was in a coma. His breathing had stopped.
At St. Justine's Hospital, Ron was put into a resuscitator.
His stomach was pumped out. He was given every anti -
poison availabie, Still alive, he remained in a deep coma. It_
was feared that at any moment his life might flicker out.
At the Hospital, the doctor remembered reading about a
powerful new anti -poison —Megimide. But where could it be
obtained? Sister Catherine of St. Justine's, after trying sev-
eral local calls, finally telephoned the Poison Control Centre
of New York City. Did they have any? Yes -one half ounce,
recently received from Britain.
At that very moment, an Eastern Air Lines plane was
ready for its 11:45 takeoff for Montreal from New York.
Another phone call, and considerate airline officials agreed
to hold it; its passengers voted unanimously to wait. A car
raced to the field, and a Health Department worker handed
the precious vial to the stewardess. In a short while, a wait-
ing car rushed the Megimide to St. Justine's and little Ron
Tisdale was soon out of danger.
The world-renowned New York Times chose to tell in
detail on its editorial pages this dramatic story. For what a
story of human helpfulness this is—of people using tele-
phones, airplanes and automobiles—placing before all else
their determination to help save that most precious thing .. ,
a human life.
We also like to think that this incident demonstrates how
people turn to their telephone in times ofurgent need, Fast
and dependable, it stands ready to serve you too -at any
hour of the day or night.
Sister Catherine of St. Jus -
tine's Hospital in. Montreal
called local sources for rare
antidote required by doctor
—then called Poison Con-
trol Centre of New York
for emergency shipment.
Hasty phone call held New
York -Montreal flight piloted
by Captain Paul Abel. Stew-
ardess Patricia Repoli re -
mired vial of rare anti -
poison from New York
Health Department worker.
Doctor at Montreal's St.
Justin's Hospital helped
save Ron Tisdale's life with
Megimide — powerful new
antipoison which was Scal-
ly located in New York.
Louise Lnrocque, Long
Distance operator. in Mont-
real handled crucial call to
New York—one of count-
less telephone people wha
work behind the .scenes in
emergencies day and night.
Seaforth,, Ont.—With relerene
to the invitation previously r
ceived, we are pleased to accep
Annabelle, ' R,udolph,. 'E 1 a i n
Nlargo,Tand Rose Etue..
• Waterloo, Oat,—Just a line t
thank you, for your invitation t
attend the 50th Anniversary o
the School. It is our intention t
be present at the celebration, I-Iu
bort and Louise Feeney,
Ilderton, .Ont. — My father,
Frank McConnell ' asked me to let
you know how much he appreci-
ated the invitation to be,presenil
at the 50th Anniversary of S.S.S.
No. 4, Hibbert.You may be sure
he would be there if be were able
for he has so many pleasant mem-
ories, and has recalled numerous
happenings in your school sec-
tion. I have always told him of
the interesting accounts' of your
Christmas concerts, and of the
success of yourpupils in Public
So thanking you in remember-
ing him
emember-ing.him and assuring', you that
his thoughts will be with, you on
the big clay. Veronica McConnell
e 000.
e- In unity there .is strength .to
t.. meet our problems. Monsignor
e, Corcoran, Stratford, Regional
Director, moved a vote' of thanks
o to Father -I3airigan,
o A display of reading material
1 was sent by Mother St Maurine,
o 0 S'U. for different groups and
indivi°duals. Refieshzueri'ts were
Toronto, - Ont.—Please iiarclon
my delay in replying. I am so
glad to hear of the, celebration of
the 50th Anniversary of No, ' 4,
Hibbert, organized under your
efficient supervision. To date 1
did not knots whether it would
be possible for nie to attend, but
now I find that I can be at the
school Saturday morning, June
28th, and will .be glad to greet
all the friends and neighbors of
the Present and recall happy
iizewmithorus,ios of those who once were
Hoping to see you on June 28,
and with kind regards. Thos. S.
Brantford; Ont. — Thank you
very much for the invitation to
the anniversary of our school. I
am sorry for not answering Soon-
er, the reason we were not sure
whether we could snake it or not
However things have changed,
and we are looking forward to
seeing you all June 28. Thanking;
you again. Matt and Althea
Coyne and family.
Port Dover, Ont.—Thank you
for the invitation to the anniver-
sary celebration of S,S,S. No. 4.
If nothing unexpected turns UP I.
shall he pleased -to attend. I do
not expect to be Up that way
again until the afternoon of June
16th but then I shall stop to see
you.pil).F.r. E. A. Morris (A former
Mr, and Mrs. P. Groseck, Mi
Patricia Costello and Mrs. Ke
neth Wickens, London; Mr. an
Mrs. 7. ICrauskopf, Danny Cos
ello, Newcastle, and Gordon Cos
elle, Toronto, with Mr, and Mr
Dan Costeldo. '
Miss Anne Denomme, Dunda
with Mr. and -NIrs. S. O'Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Don McRae
tended the Gutteridge wedding i
Leamington on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Friend an
Mrs. Jordison at their cottage
Lion's Head
Mr, and Mrs, C;` IKistner
tended the MorrisbnI,Stoek we
ding at Kinkora Ane 14th.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Brown an
children, Sebring -vine, with M
and Aire. Geo, Coyne.
The Stratford Deanery Re
tonal Meeting of the P.T.A. wa
held at Dublin' Parish hall o
Sunday afternoon, John . Nagy
presiding. The meeting was op
ened with prayer by Rev. D
Ffoulkee. Representatives wer
present from St. Marys, ICinkora
Goderioh; No. 9 Downie, St. Jo
seph's, Stratford; St. Aloysius
Stratford; Immaculate .Concep
tion, Stratford, Dublin; also
visitor from Clinton not organ
ized. P. Hieltnell was presen
frons Hamilton P.T.A. The min
utes of the previous meeting a
Loretta Academy, Stratford, i
April, 1958, were read by tlr
Secretary, Mrs. Kennedy, St
Marys. A proposed Constitution
was also read by the •Secretary
and discussed in detail. It was
suggested that the executive re-
main in office for 1958.59, which
was spontaneously approved.
The Business routine was ad-
journed on motion of Sister M.
Daniel, Kinkora.
John Nagle introduced guest
speaker, Rev. Bernard Harrigan,
Holy Family Parish, Hamilton.
who is Director of the Provincial
P.T.A. who rendered a very in-
structive and humorous talk,
congratulating the Regional Ex-
ecutive on the passing of the
Constitution. The Posters in evi-
dence are an inspiration of the
work and function of the P.T.A.
Even if we do know the aims of
the P.T.A. others don't. Lay
teachers as well as Religions are
a necessity. Instructions must be
given to units to unite old and
new members with the general
principles of the P.T.A., why we
have it that we may better edu-
cate our children. We must ad-
here to the aim and purpose.
Parish priests have a prime re-
sponsibility- in the education of
children. Pastors should organ-
ize a good executive. All persons
may belong to the P.T.A. because
of interest in children. Trustees
should be familiar with neces-
sary equipment for school boards,
tax problems and school revenue.
Teachers have a double function;
there is no time for personal
questions. The . manual for Pro-
vincial P.T;A. is recommended,
and becomes an active part in the
explaining the do's and dont's,.
diseuesions at the regular meet-
ings. The Provincial Diocesan
Regional Council needs your in-
terest; all should work toward
better education, showing inter-
est in all Councils and not be-
coming too parochial. Catholic
Action in Christ working through
you tor the salvation of others.
The advance of new units is the
responsibility of the Regional
Council. The Provincial P.T.A.
has ,grown from 20 to 300 units
under the sponsorship of Bishop
Cody, with a in of 32,.
t -
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas and
family of. Cromarty visited with
Mr. and Mrs. 'N. Eggert recently.
Mr. and Mrs. R.. Fisher and
family,, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beuer-
mann and Paul were in Toronto,
for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Flood and
Shiela, Aii1. .Art Hull of Walton,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Rock and
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe
and family, Logan with Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Rock. '
Mr. and Mrs. N. Eggert and
girls visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Airs. John. Foreman' at Galt.
Mrs. C. Eggert returned home
with them after spending S Weeks
with relatives in Guelph, Shef-
field and Morriston.- Paul Rock
also accompanied Mr. and firs,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dipple
of Kurtzville with Mr: and Mrs,
N. Eggert• on Thursday.
Children's Day is to be held at
McKillop E.V.B. Church, June 29
at 8 p.m, A special program is
planned. •
The W, A. 01 McKillop Rvan-
gelical Church meet at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. .Aniaelzer at
Zurich on Wednesday, June llth.
Mrs. H. Smyth and Airs. F-Dick-
ison were in charge of the meet-
ing. Tho theme on Life and Love
was given by Mrs. Diekison, who
also conducted a contest, Lunch.
was served by the hostess, The
groups are invited to be guests
of the Sebringville W. A. early in
July. -
The June meeting of the WMS
and W. A, of Duff's Church, Mc-
Killop, was held at the home of
Mrs. R. 5, McKercher on Wed-
nesday, June 11. ,Christian Giv-
ing was the theme -of the meeting
with Mrs. Aaron Jantzi reading
the scripture. A short talk was
given by our Associate Helper
Sec., Aire. Mae Hillebrecht. Mrs.
G. McKenzie gave the study book.
The' secretary was instructed to
send anapplication for one girl
to attend Alma College the last
week in August. Marjorie Smith
was the girl chosen to go. A
hymn was sung and a closing
pprayer was given by Mrs. James
Kerr. Meeting was then turned
over to the W, A. president,
Mrs. R. M. Scott. Scripture Was
read by Mrs. James Kerr. Mrs,
G.- Popple read an article on the
character of our children and a
short poem was read by Mrs.
G. McKenzie. The ladies decided
to have a bake sale in the Orange
Hall on Saturday, June 28. The
chair committee reported that 18
stack -up chairs had been bought
for the choir. Meeting closed -with
a hymn and the Mizpah Benedic-
tion. Lunch was served and a so•
eial half hour was spent.
The regular meeting of the
W. A, and WMS of Egmondville
Church was held in the Sunday
School room of the church on
June 4th with a good' attendance.
Our president, Mrs. Boyes oPaned
the meeting with W. A. theme
song. The theme for the day was
"Go—Tell". The scripture lesson
was taken by Airs. W. Tremeer,
after which Airs. Ivan Forsyth
led in prayer. Hymn' 383 was
sung. W. A. minutes_of the last
meeting were read and adopted
after which the rail. call 'Was an-
swered. Mrs. J. McIntosh gave a
report on the Presbyterial held
in Wingham. Treasurer's report
was given. The meeting was then
opened for business. It was de-
cided to have a supper in the
near future. The first part of the'
meeting was closed with hymn
388. -
Miss Frances- Houston opened
WMS meeting with a reading
"What Colour - is your Tuner
Hymn 15 was then sung after
which the minutes were read and
adopted, and roll call. Correspon-
dence was read. The meeting op-
ened for business. A training
school is being held in St. Thom-
as. It was decided to hare the
August meeting, The treasurer's
report was given. Mrs. 75. Haney
gave her report on Stewardship.
Mrs. J. McLachlan on Community
Friendship. The offering was re-
ceived. Mrs. E. Durst favored us
with a solo which was enjoyed 17
all. The study hook was very
ably taken by Airs. Ed Boyes,
"Meeting 'today's crisis togeth-
er". Meeting closed with hymn
255. Miss Houston then led in
prayer, after which a social half
hour was spent with lunch.
EgmondvilIe United Church
Dr. J. Semple, Minister
Lyle Hammond, Organist -Choir
i1 a.m., Holy Communion: Sub-
ject, The Soul of the Sacrament.
Session Convenes at 10.30. Mb -
First Presbyterian
Rev. D. Leslie Elder
10 A.M.—Church School
11 AM.—
"The Rooyvinau of Religion"
Music . Senior, Choir
"Let Mount Zion. J2ejo0e "
Soloists: Mrs. F. Kling, Mr, D,
Sacrament of Baptism, Sun-
day, .lune 29th
H. A. FEldV hrend
Organist & Choir Le-ulor
THE-SEAFOR'I'i•I NEWS—Thuredgy, June 19, 1958
'hurts,' Fri. Sat,, PERRI. A Walt Disney Animal Fantasy
2 shows'nightly 7,30 and 9.15 ,
liters. Fria Sat., June 2027-28
Marfory Main -Parker Fennoily. 1 show nightly •- 8'P'.184.
ister's Vestry, Our Aim: Every
family represented at 1-Ioly Coin -
10 am., .Church Sohool
'11.30 a.m., Jr. Church
See you in Church Sunday
Congregational and Sunday
School picnic, Wednesday ;Iuly 2,
Congregational mooting at the
close 'of the morning service to
receive the report of the Offieial
Board, ;;tri V1
Any reasonable offer accepted on
our stock•on band of
New _tractors; PTO and engine drive baler's;
Bale elevators; pneumatic & stool Wheel side I'nkes;
power mowers; field Harvesters,
and the following used equtpnteiit: ll,t `llLO11C t' biwk
M.M. 36 H.P. Tractor
Farman C Tractor
9 ft. M.M. stiff tooth oultivulor `
9 ft. Coelcshnttt stiff tooth et/Riveter
McCormick -Deering 10 U. 'Voltam tilso
Cocksluitt 9 ft. Tandem disc
6 ft. McCormick -Deering one way
John Bach
I-1-1 Dealer Phone 17 Seaforth
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Just 10 Days Left
on Watches, Diamond Rings,
Phone 599w Seaforth^ • Res. 218
Watch repairing a specialty
iStrr"utlu„jd,"rt4rr,,,nl 1,IniWnnnn'
on this powerful Model 860
MFG'S. orae nal was $9995
with money bock,guaranks
New Beauty • light • Quiet
• Clip -On Tools • Paper
Dust Bag • Vinyl Hose
and Powerful '/e H.P. Motor
Dublin Electric
Phone 70-R-2 Dublin
Town of Seaforth
All persons in the Municipality owning
or harboring dogs must purchase 1958 lic-
enses for same on or before June 20, 1958.
Licenses will be issued from the Treas-
urer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the
Tax Collector, Harold Maloney,
After that date summonses through the
Court'will be issued to the owners or harb-
orers of dogs not having licenses.
All dogs must wear license tags. -