HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-19, Page 1Seaforth WHOLE SERIES, VOL, 80 More Letters for Hibbert Itetanion Stratford., :Ont.—Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Haggerty are pleased to accept your kind invitation to attend the Fiftieth Anniye'sary of S.S.S, 4, Hibbert on June 28th 1958. Angela Haggarty (Angela Moore). Stratford, Ont,—Thank you and the committee for the invitation. Because of plans we have made for the last weekend - of June, from Friday evening, I am not able to accept the invitation. Best wishes.Wm. H. Bulger, Mon/oton, Ont.—We are delight- ed to receive and accept your in- vitation to School • Re -union on June 28th. Tom and Alice Cost- ello (nee Alice O'Reilly). Detroit, Miceli.—Thank you for the invitation to attend the 50th anniversary of the founding of our school. I plan to attend, Mar- ion McIver. Toronto, Ont.—Thank you kind- ly far the invitation to attend the S.S.S. No. 4 School Reunion on June 28th. Scott and I hope to be there sometime during the day. I don't suppose school will. he over promptly at four because I imagine there will be several "detentions" that dayil Please accept oar small dona- tion for the occasion or for a treat for the children. Wishing You every success, I remain. Mary McIver Coffin "(Mrs, E. Scott Coffin). Detroit, 114iclt.-1 want to thank you' for the invitation to the 50th Anniversary of Hibbert School, it reminded me of allthe yeara I spent there. I am sorry we will not be able to attend as Jack won't get his vacation until late' in the summer. I hope the weath- er is favorable for the occasion and a good time is had by all. Claire 'Unsworth (Claire Jordon). Dia! Zin, Ont.—I thank you tor your kind invitation to attend the 50th Anniversary of the founding of S.S.S, 4, Hibbert, on Saturday, June 28, 1958. Helen and Jinumie Krauskopf (Helen Flanagan, a former teacher), Sebringuille, .Ont.—Thanks very much for the invitation to Anni- versary of the School. We're look- ing forward to attending it and hope it 'will be a big success. I have a small picture here of the 1932 class, it you'd care to have it for the event, as Anna said you had been in home looking for pictures. You can let me know. Gen. Brown (Genevieve Atkin- son). Dublin, Ont.—I wish to thank you for your kind invitation to attend the celebration being beta at S.S.S. No, 4, Hibbert on Jame 28th, in honour of the 50th Anni- versary of the founding of the sohool. The other Sisters of our community join with me in ex- tending our .best wishes to you and the other members of the executive on this happy occasion, Mother M. Evangeline. Auburn, Ont,—We received the invitation to the Ribbert 50th Anniversary, June 28th. We -will be there if possible. Gus and Mary Redmond (Mary Hastings) afortla, Ont.—It gives Russel and I great pleasure o attend at the celebration of the anniver- sary of the school on June 28th, Thank you very much for your' kind invitation. I realize this ey-, ent involves a great deal ot work and planning but it surely is a time for all of us to renew our acquaintances with s0 many 1 have not seen for years, and this opportwrity is marvelous. I will be looking forward to the date in as big a way as I did to my first day of starting tc�school. Russel. and Rose Pringle (Rose O'Reilly) ry Seaforth, Ont.—It will be the greatest of pleasure to attend the 50th Anniversary of S.S.S. No. 4, Hibbert. Joe and I wish you every success in your undertak- ing and if 0 can be of any assist- ance toyou in the work entailed y feel free to .contact me at-. any time. Teresa Lane (Teresa Atkin- son). Dublin, Ont.—Thank you for the invitation for Jim and I to the 50th Anniversary of the founding of S.S.S. 4, Hibbert. I hope to be able to attend. Please allow not,more than one minute on your program for my talk of which you spoke. We wish you the biggest suc- cess in everywayon Saturday, June 28th 1958. Marie Morrison r (Former teacher). BewlSoiton, Ont. ---Thank you for the invitation to the School It Reunion, I •am looking forward to attending. I know it will be a wonderful get-together for all the former pupils. I realize the am- ount of work involved in organ- izing such an affair. You will be ready for a ,good rest after, I'm sure, Margaret (Atkinson) Wall- ington. Detroit, Mick—Thank you for the invitation to the 50th Anni- versary of S.S.S, 4. I realize the time and work involved on your If part along with your committee in _contacting all the pupils` that have attended that school in the past 50 years. We know too• that some have passed on to their 1 eternal reward, Therefore some will recall sad memories anti'oth- ers pleasant memories. In conclusion I will make every effort to. be present and again thank you. Johnnie Williams. London; Ont,—Thanks for ask- ing us to attend anniversary cel- ebrations at good" old No. 4, on S June 28. We are lookingforward to the event with much pleasure. Denny and Angela Walsh (Ang- ela O'Reilly). dontinnedon Page -4 1(."•--.•,. Se SEAFORTI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1968 51.50 a Year Authorized 'as Second Case mats, Poet Office Dept., Ottawa Snowdon. Bros., Publishers Victory Dinner' At Northside Church A pot luck Victory Dinner was held by the congregation of the Northside--Unitecl Church on Fri- day evening, celebrating . paying off approximately 840,000 ohurgh. debt for renovations. The last of the debt was paid off June 1st which was the elate set when the bonds were issued in June 1953. Mr, Sam Scott, chairman of the Building Committee gave -a re- sume of the successful fulfilment of the plan, and further" com- ments were added by other mem- bers, Dr. Brady, Ross, Savauge and Mrs. J. M. Scott. Three numbers were rendered by the choir and then a presenta- tion was made by Dr. 3. C. Mac- Lennan, the pastoral committee chairman, to Rev, and Mrs..Bruce W. Hall; who are leaving after being with the congregation 2P years, The new pastor, Rev. J. C. Britton, ' was introduced. Mr. Britton -will move to Seaforth on July 2nd and his induction will take place on July 4th. Rev. John Stinson, a former minister here, was` -also present. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The annual dinner meeting of the Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary was held •at the Victorian Inn at Stratford with a good attendance. Court Whist was enjoyed during the evening with first prize go- ing to Miss Janet Cluff and se- cond prize to Mrs. E. A. McMast- er and Mrs, Alice Stiles, Consola- tion prize to Aire. J. Orion. Three members had perfect at- tendance during the year, they were Mrs. Don Brightrall, Mrs. V. Graham and Mrs, Don Stew- art. In a draw Mrs, Brightrall won the attendance prize. Mrs. R. Bethune won the mystery box. Other special prize winners were Miss Bess Grieve and Mrs, D. Brightrall. The following is the slate of officers for 1958.59: Pres., Mre, 14. Whyte; vice- pres., Mrs. S, Gordon, Mrs. G. Boussey; sec., Mrs. 3. Langstaff; treas., Mrs. el. Siliery; Ways and Means, Airs. H. Free, Mrs. D. Whitely, Mrs. T, Atkinson; cor- responding sec,,, Miss G. Thomp- son; buying, Miss V. Drone; cont- tuittee, Miss F. Laidlaw, Mrs. R. Wright; social convenor, Mrs, D. Minder; membership, Airs. D. Brightrall; press and publicity, Miss Bess Grieve; mystery box, Miss D. Parke. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Freed McClymont wish to announce the engagement of their slaughter Margaret Elia. abeth to Douglas Stewart Robin- son of Toronto, son of Mrs. Gret- to Robinson of Toronto, Aiarriage to take place July 5th in Varna United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mts. Gordon Dale, of Plymouth, England, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, June, to Dr. William Douglas Munn, son of Dr, and Airs, Janice A, Munn, Seaforth, Ontario, the •wedding to take place June 28, 1958, at St. Bud- eaux Parish Church, Plymouth, England. FOOTBALL Clinton football team defeated St. Columban 3 to 1 at Clinton on Monday. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Stanley Rumble, Toronto, is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Airs. T. R. Mur- doch. Miss Beth Murdoch is not as well as we would like. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery, Mrs. Wm. Wright, Seaforth, is visiting for a few days with firs. C. Ham andi Miss W. Swan, Air, and Mrs. Mac Aikenhead. Mr. and Mrs. D. Aikenhead, Dr. Wm. Aikenhead, Toronto, were guests at the ,tome of their sist- er, Mrs, T. B. Baird. A memorable day was marked for a great many people on Sun- day, June 15th when Brucefield United Church congregation cele- brated their 50111 anniversary, The church was filled to over- flowing. In the morning when a former Brucefield boy, Rev. C, Mustard of Toronto, assisted by the Rev. S Davison were in charge of the service. The church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers while a lovely basket t ' of Chrysanthemums, in memory of the late Rev, Mr. Bremner, Mrs. Bremner and Edna, was placed on the communion ta- ble. The choir rendered. two very beautiful anthems assisted by Mrs. W. Murdoch, Hamilton. The annual decoration service will take place at • Baird, Ceme- tery on Sunday, June 22 at 3 o'- clock under the auspices of the I.0.0.2'. The Rev. S. Davison -of Brucefield and the Rev.. T, Pitt of Varna will be guest speakers, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Burdge • and Mary Ellen • of Cobourg spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith- and family of - Stratford agent : the weekend in the village and at- tended the McBride -Woods wed- ding in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Brock, Hen- sel] were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mr, and Mrs. D. McBeath. • of Windsor were guests with Mr. McBeath's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .7. W. McBeath, Mrs. L. Forrest, London, 10 vis- iting with Mrs.' A. McQueen and Margaret., 30th Anniversary For W. Institute Seaforth W, I, are celebrating their 30th anniversary on Wed- nesday, June 25th in , the com- munity centre at 2 p.m. Mrs, 10, Desjardine of Grand Bend, the district president, will he the speaker., Tnvitettone have • been` sent to all past members of the Institute. If anyone has been. a member and not received an- in- vitation, Please accept this as an invitation as your name has been overlooked. The lunch. convenors are Mrs. 'Leslie Pryce and Mrs. Ross Gordon, • Provincial Police Take Over The town' this week is being policed by two ,Provincial Police, Helmer Snell and John Westover, both from the Goderich detach- ment. Constable Westover has Just been transferred from Owen Sound where his family iso still residing. The former town police force finished their duties here 'at mid- night Saturday and are reported to have gone to Elliott Lake. The town expecte to have Ito own police force operating in two or three weeks. Seai'ortir's official police ear arrived this -..week. It is a black six cylinder Chov, coach with the name of the town in large letters on the side. BARN FIRE A large L-shaped barn and hen house on the tariii of Campbell Eyre, four miles east of Hensel,, burned to its foundation last week with loss of about 16 pigs, 160 hens, farm implements and machinery. Loss was estimated at more than $15,000. The blaze was discovered by a son, Mervyn Eyre, 23, after flames appealed to have broken out either in the adjoining 36 by 20 henhouse o1' the adjacent part of the baric, a 76 x 32 foot struc- ture with a 54 x 36 wing, Mem- bers of the fancily .were in the house at the tune, Mr, Eyre said it was possible that some sheep anti lambs might also have died in the flames, Among contents destroyed were a grain blower, spreader, wagon, 80 bushels of wheat and 70 bush- els of ,nixed grain. Two sows were driven to safety. Firemen from FIensall and Sea - forth pumped water from a near- by farm pond to• save a large sited and a row of pine trees, BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kanter, Grosse Pointe, Mich., are spend- ing two weeks at their cottage. George Telford, Stratford, . is spending a week's holidays at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Merner of Detroit, are vacationing at their home. Mr, and Mrs. Eric Earl, Lon- don, spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Will, of London, spent from Friday to Sunday at their, cottage. Mrs. Ohas. Toms and Mrs, E. Marshall are patients in Clinton Public IHospitaI. Their friends wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard of London spent the weekend with her father, Harold Brandon. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Twenty - man and three children, Wawke- gon, Illinois,. are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Paul Cleave. Mr. and Mrs. James Day and three children, Pieasant Ridge, Mich., spent the weekend at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sltirk and family, DetroitItwere at their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. L. M. Sprague, Detroit, is at her cottage for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker and Bonnie, Scarboro, spent the week- end with Mrs. John Parker. Mr. and Mrs. G. Greiner .and family, Detroit, were at their cottage over the weekend, Trinity Guild The Ladies Guild of Trinity. Anglican Church met on Tuesday evening the at le h one of Mrs. E. A. Featherstene, 10 members were present. The meeting opened with prayer by president, Mrs. P..Weston. The secretary's re- port was read by Airs. Merton Merner. Tickets were sold on an apron, the winner being Mrs. L. W. Scotchmer. The meeting, was closed with prayer by Mrs, W. Parker. The hostess served dain- ty refreshments. George Weston is spending two weeks in Ferndale, Mich, Mrs. A. Bricker and Airs. G. Weaver, Waterloo, spent last week at 'Rev. H. Langford' -s .cot- tage. Miss Brenda Making returned to her home after spending last week in London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid, Varna,• spent Sunday with 1)ir: and Mrs, E. A. Featherstone. Mr. and Mrs. B.' Stephenson and Barbara, Toronto, and Mise Ada Bingley, Detroit, spent the weekend at their home. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mre. W. C. Oke returned on Saturday from 25 days in hospit- al at London where she under- went an operation for repair of a heart valve. This is a new op- eration and it was the first time the surgeon had performed it. Mrs, Oke while still convalesce. ting, feels much better, • Pepper Re'union Held Saturday The Pepper Family Reunion was held at the -Lions Park, Sea - forth on Saturday, June 14 with approximately 100 persons at- tending, An intereing lineup ot sports was conducted by the committee, Mr. and Mrs, A. Crich and Mr. and, F. Falconer. The results of the races and re- lays are as follows: Children 5 years and 'under; Dennis Rutter, June Falconer; girls 6 to 8 yrs., Joyce Falconer,` Joan Pepper; boys 6 to 8 yrs, Arthur Rutter; girls 9 to 12 yrs., Donna Gordon, Marie Elliott; boys 9 to 12 yrs., Grant Pepper, ;Larry Barker; young ladies, Gloria Ann Pepper, Bonnie Barker; young omen,' Don- ald Pepper; married ladies, Mrs. Kay Pepper, Mrs. Lois Barker; married men, Mr. Freddie Pep- per, Mr. Ross Gordon; grand- fathers' time race, Mr. F. Pepper Sr., Mr, Howard Crich; grand- mothers' spot race, Mrs. F. Pep- per. Sr.; kicking the slipper, Bon- illa Barker, Ronnie Crich; calling the men to dinner, Erma 'Crich, Eleanor Falconer; ,catling the cows, Cliff Pepper, Glen Pepper; animal bag race, Laura Pepper, Glen Pepper; 1Ife-saver race, 14far- garet i-Iiggerson'e • ieani; jelly bean race, Doris, Pepper, Ruth Crich; persons coming the tenth - est distance, Mr, and Mas, Percy Rutter and sons, Piston, Ont. Oldest person attending, Mr. F. Layton, Clinton. Lucky no. sign- ing the register, Mr, Ernie Pep- per, Sarnia. Peanut scramble at- tracted the children under 12 yrs. of - age. At a suitable hour a bounteous picnic supper' including straw- berries and ice cream was enjoy- ed with the committee, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Exeter, , and Mrs. Ethel Stewart in charge. During the supper hour the busi- ness was transacted. The presi- dent, Mrs. Carl McClinchey, and the sec.-treas., Mrs. Clifford Pep- per were re elected for another year, Sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. T. Matheson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor; lunch commit- tee, Mr, and Mrs. John McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pepper, Mr. and Mrs, N. Pepper. - It is hoped that all relatives will plan to attend . next year's picnic on the 3rd Saturday in June, 1959, at the Lions Paris in Seaforth, Ont. Honored on Their Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Daniel X. Wil- liams of ' Jacksonville, Florida; celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary en June 9th, A High Mass of Thanksgiving was cele- brated at St. Columbia] Church by Rev. J. McCeweg, and after- wards a dinner and reception for approximately 50 relatives was held at the Armstrong Restaur- ant, Exeter. Mr. Williams is the son of the, late Mr. and Airs, • Michael liams, Hibbert twp., and Mrs. Williams was formerly Catherine Walsh, slaughter of the late Mr. anti Mrs. John Walsh, Alcliillop. Mr, and lira, Williams have two sons, Louis of Washington, D. C., and Daniel 3., Jacksonville, Flor- ida. The Papal Benediction was received by the Jubiiarians as a gift from the fatuity and rela- tives. Among those attending the Golden Wedding:- Mr. and Mrs, Dan Williams, Windsor; Ah'. and Mrs. John Williams, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, of Flint, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. Joseph O'Connor, Toronto; Mrs. Cecil O'- Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'- Connell, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus KeIIy, Mr, and Mrs. A. Kelly, Stratford; Mr. •, and Mrs. Geo. 141 r ott a m Lon- don; AIrs . W. Maloney, Mrs. John Flannery, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. Clarence -Hubert, St. Agatha. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were mar- ried in June, 1908, at St. Colum- ban Church, by Rev. F. McKeon. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. C. Hill and Dr. J. Prendergast, Chicago, with Mr, and Mrs. Martin Klinlchamer, Mr, and Mrs. Pat Burns, of De- troit, with Mr. and Mr . Flan- agan. s W. 1 - , an a an. g Mr. and Mrs. Fred Overdulve and children, Hamilton, with Mrs. Mary. Feeney. Mr. and Mrs, John Nagle and Billie Dantzer attended the grad- uation ceremony of their niece, Jai.ot Dantzer, in Kitchener on Friday. Mr, and Mrs, T. Butters and family attended the Butters -Lea - less wedding at Munro on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bader, De- troit with Mr. and -Mrs. Lorne Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Neekon, of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Feeney. Mr. Dean, manager of Bank of Commerce, moved his family here' from Hamilton on Saturday. Mn , and Mrs. Frank Evans at Chippewa. Mr. Mrs. F. Maloney and MissRose Marie Feeney, Kitch- ener, with Mrs. Catherine Feen- ey, Raglan St. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters, St. Thomas, with Mr, and Mrs. T. Butters. • Pat McGrath, Newcastle, at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly in London. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Feeney, Miss Leona Krauskopf. and Ken- neth Feeney at Toronto, Ancient .Ha'penny Gomes To Light John Forbes who lives 01 the Zion corner 11,4 miles east of Dublin on the highway, last week found an old half penny, while hoeing potatoes. The copper coin is about the size of the present 60 cent piece. On the face is "1844" and "half Penny," and on the. reverse "Province of Cana- da" and "Bank Of Montreal", The token has a hole punched through. the top which suggests that some one may have had it as a lucky penny. Mr. Forbes told The News he was born near the corner 85 years. ago and he can remember a log house being located near the spot where he found the coin, There was much more bush at that time. FIe eau remember many of the different people who Have resided near the corner during his lifetime. Mr: Forbes spent last winter in. the rest home at Mitchell and he is count ing on returning there in the fall. CROMARtY .141r.. and Mrs, 3. Ramsey and Steven accompanied by Airs. T, McIntosh spent the weekend with relatives at Georgetown and Acton. Mr. Roy Luxton of Calif„ and his sister, Mrs. A. McLean of Filmore, Sask., visited last week with Mrs. L. Sbrssahl, Mr, Eugene Haste of Ridge - town spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, H. Haste. Members of the family of Air. and Mrs. W. Hamilton enjoyed a gathering at the home of their parents on Sunday. Miss Agnes Hyslop, mission- ary on furlough from the Bhil Field, India, spent the weekend visiting with her friends Mr. and lin. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. E. Moore. Mr. and .lies. J. Wallace and Air, and Airs, W. Russell -enjoyed a trip to the 0,A,C., Guelph, on Thursday Mrs. Nelson T-Iowe is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, hav- ing undergone surgery last week. Mrs. T. Guest of Kincardine is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J, E, Storey. Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Scott, Airs. E. Moore and Miss Agnes Hyslop visited on Sunday with Miss Mary Currie, Woodstock, and Rev. and Mrs. R. G. McKay, Thames ford. A large crowd was in attend- ance at the dispersal sale for the estate of the late Ntr, Archie Mc- Kellar, on Tuesday. Mr. Kenneth Walker, London, is on a two week's vacation at his home here. The pupils of S. S. No. 5'and 6 accompanied by their teachers and trustees enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara Falls on Tuesday. The June meeting of the WA10 and W.A. of Roy's Church was held at the home of Mrs, Roy Dow with Mrs. G. Neil in 'the chair. The meeting opened with a poem followed with hymn 319. The worship service was taken by Mrs. M gray Christie follow- ed with prayer by Airs, Mocking. The program committee appoint- ed for next meeting are Airs. C. Christie and Mre. G. Neil. An in- vitation from the Munro ladies to attend their meeting on June 26th was accepted, Current Ev- ents were given by Mrs: Hocking and a reading, "The Future of Man" by Mrs. Gordon Parsons, ATrs, E. Dow played an instru- mental "The Sweet Bye and Bye". Mrs. Neil gave a report of the Perth Presbyterial Executive which was beld in Stratford: The topic "Facts about our Church" was given by Mrs. N. Dow. Busi- ness of the W. A. was discussed and the meeting closed with a prayer by Mrs. G. Neil. KiPPEN The Rites of Holy Baptism were administered to the follow- ing babies on Sunday morning. Gregory James Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Campbell; Kevin Lloyd Lovell, son of Mr. and Airs, Leonard Lovell. ATGordonrlcn ss Mr. and Mrs. Go don H e and family of Parkhill were re- cent visitors of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Saturday visitors of Mr: and Mrs. listen isten Dowa on included Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cooke, and Mr. Wm. Cook of Goderich: on Sun- day, Air-. and Airs. Wm. Mere, of London; Mr. and Mrs. W. Moro. of Zurich and Mr. 17d Foster of Zurich. Sunday 'visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell included Mr. and Mrs, Allen Parker, Air. George Parker and Miss Pat Creston, all of Chatham. Saturday evening visitors with Mr, R. Thomson were. Mr, and Daviel Moir and Adeil of Parry Sound; Mr, and Mrs, L. Schnei- den' and family of Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Priestap and family of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs,. R. Stokes and Larry of London; Mr. and AIr. and Mrs, David Moir and Mrs. Bert Thomson and family, Adell spending the weekend. ' Air. and Mrs. Allan Grigg of London and Miss Margaret Sin- clair of Egmondville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Sinclair. Mrs, Lydia Doig spent Mon- day in London. Messrs. Dwight Fischer of Guelph and Russell Butler of Cromarty called Monday after- noon on Mr. and Mrs, N, Long. 111,1,...,111111111111111,111111i11111.11111111,111111 lllll tttt ,Its,11,141, tttttt 1 fI, II 1,Ii,,,lllll"1U111111,11,,,e TW EiE SMART gM� NNERWARE - PATTIt'rtiNS By Johnson Bros., nngZaatd Friendly Village Each highly -glazed piece of this smart new design, has a scene from "The Friendly Village" Open Stock Cup & Saucer 85c 20 pc. Starter Set 10.95 Old Mill This quaint design features the "Old MEI," mostly in lovely brown tones. Open Stock Cup & Saucer 65c. 20 pe. Starter Set 7.50 Complete 94 piece Dinner Set 46.95 Rosemore Our most popular pattern featuring an attractive rose design. Open Stook Cup & Saucer 59c 20 pc, Starter Set 6.95 Complete 94 pc, Dinner Set 39,95 SELECT YOUR DINNERWARE & TEAWARE FROM MORE THAN 125 DIFFERENT PATTERNS AT SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA S.CAFORTFT 1111,I11„llll,11.11,l,1111111111,1111,111.4111,1i111,111111111111111,1111,11111111111111111111,1111,111„1,1„Ill ll,,,,,1„111,,,1,111,' 40th Anniversary of the W. J. Fells Air, and Mrs. Wilbert J. Fell were feted with a complete sur- prise family gathering Sunday afternoon in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary, they ware married by Rev. R. Cr. ATcKay now of Thamesford (cousin of the bride) on June 12th, 1918 at the home of the bride's parents, the late AIr, and Airs. Joseph Wortley, The honored couple attended morning Church service and were dinner guests at the home of AIr. and Mrs, Lisle Worden, arriving hone in mid-afternoon to see the livingt'ocm door open and there awaiting their arrival were 3h•. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, Bruce - field; Miss Edna Fell, Goderieh;. Mr, and Airs. Alvin Wooden and family; Mr, . and AIrs, . Russell Worden and family, Staffa; Mr. and firs. Arnold Alton (Lois Fell) and June of Lucknow; and Lorne Fell at home. ,lir, and Mrs. Lisle Warden arrived shortly with a twinkle in their eyes. Their granddaughter, June Alton and Mangy Lynn Worden pre- sented the guests of honor with a carnation corsage and button- aire. At five o'clock, invited and ushered to the dining room by Joanne and Billy Worden, where a long table daintily decorated for the occasion with a three-tier wedding sake occupying the entre, white candies in silver holders on either side, floral ar- raiuientents of lily -of -the -valley and choral bell providing a love- ly setting with seating space for all members of tb.e party to en- joy a delicious turkey dinner with Rosanna, Romano, and Kaye Worden as waitresses. The happy couple were the re- cipients of two lovely aluminum porch chairs and many good wishes for the future. 25TH ANNIVERSARY Air, and Airs. Nelson Reid, Wal- ton, are observing their 25th wedding anniversary on Satur- day, June 21st. They will be at home to relatives, friends and neighbors from 2 to 4 in the aft- ernoon and 7 to 9 in the evening. BRODHAGEN Mrs, Louise Hillebrecht re- ceived word of the deathI f her o sister, AIrs. Henry Querengesser (Ella Gardner) at Edmonton, Al. berta, Mr. and Mrs. H. Leonhardt, Richard and Earl and Mr. Henry Hinz. and Janet visited Mr, and Mrs. N. Wilson, Neustadt, re - Mr. R. Seherbarth, of U.S.A. Army visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seherbarth•Sr, Mr, Ford Dickinson is on a fishing trip to French River for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rock, Gwen, Joanne and Jane with Rev. and Mrs, Sunday, R, Rock, at. Walkerton on Mr. and Mrs. R. Sholdice at- tended the 40th wedding anniver- sary celebration of the former's. brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. T. Mose; Milverton, on Sat- urday evening., The Brocihagen Band paraded at the Spring Fair, Clinton, and Band Tattoo, Atwood last week. Wm. Henry Seherbarth, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scher - berth Jr, was baptized during the Sunday morning service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church'. Mr. and Mrs. L. Prueter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Elligson were the sponsors along with the parents. Flowers adorned the altar in memory of Wm, lloppenrotlt, who passed away 10 years ago, June 16, placed by wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. W, Diegel, Arth- ur, Air. George Diegel, Miss Ai- leen Diegel et Edgewood Camp, Eden Mills on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, K. Newton and Diane of Toronto with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew clicks. Air. and AIrs. II. Koehler. -lit. Forest, with their daughter, Mrs. E. Seherbarth and lir. Sclterharth on Sunday. Brodhagen District Chamber of Commerce held their monthly dinner meeting at St, Peter's Lu- theran Church on Thursday ev- ening with the McKillop Group of the United Lutheran Church women catering, Tlie guest speak- er of the evening was Mr. Whyte, Agri, Rep., of Perth County. The monthly meeting of the ULCW was held with 31 mem- bers present, Devotions opened with a hymn, psalm and prayer. A topi0, "The Wooten with a costly offering” was read by :firs. R. Sholdice, Mrs, Geo. Mogk anti Mrs. Lew Flicks. Devotions clos- ed with hymn and prayer. Previ- ous meeting was taken by Airs, J. Rock, Airs. AL Beuertnarut and AIrs. L. hicks. A topic was read, Food for the Body and Spiritual Food. A love gift of 825.00 was sent to Hiss Edna Weielcel, Han- over, for Missions, Airs 1T, Beuer-- mann and Mrs. F. Young gave a report on the 16th annual con- ference of the II.L.C.\1', which was held in First Lutheran Church in Port C'o1hnt'ne, Ont- Meeting closed with common doxalogy. EGMONDVILLE Miss Jessie Finlayson of Lorne Park spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson, Mr. Ivy Henderson is spending a few days with his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Churchward, Toronto, :lir. and Mrs. s. E. Stephenson, on ,lir. T.Robinson and Mr. and firs R. Robinson and AIrs. Margaret Erratt met at a tannin gathering on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr: and Mrs, J, Burchill, Hib- bert. Plower Sunday was observed at Egmonsiville Church Sunday rirorning. Music was furnished by the Junior Choir. Solos by Miss Sharon Strong and Miss Edythe Platt of Stratford. A number of our people attend- ed the o denub' J gleeer ' s ureas at Bru efie c Id on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston and Mr. and firs.. Harvey Moore spent weekend at Owen Sound, VARNA Mrs. Mervyn Hayter was in Toronto on Thursday last attend- ing the funeral of her cousin, Thos: C. Glenn. The members of L.O.L. 1035 are co-operating with the 1.0.0.F. of Brucefield in holding a decor- ation service at Batrd's cemetery on Sunday afternoon, June 22. A number from here attended the SSOth.unday. anniversary service at the Brucefield United Church last The friends of Mr. Ivan Cole- man wish him a speedy recovery from his recent accident. Plans are being made to hold a "Vacation Bible School” the, first 'week in July in the United' Church. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle and son Roy of New Liskeard spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Russell Kyle in St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stratton and family of Liman, and Mr. and Mrs. J. MacFarlane and son of Forest were recent visitors with. Mrs. Minnie Sangster.