HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-12, Page 5linninMEINISUOMISINIONIISION THE SEAPORTH NEWS—Thursday, Tune 12, 1958 SUPERIOR FOOD MKT. CARNIVAL OF VALUES SWIFT'S BEEF STEW .. 24 oz. tin . 35c SWIFTS PREM 12 oz. tin 41c SWIFTS JEWELL SHORTENING ,.,., 1 lb, Pkg. 29c PARD DOG FOOD 15 oz. Tins. 2 for 25c ALSWEET MARGARINE .,,,,, . 1 Ib, 29c SWIFTS GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 1lb. 25c CHOICE LEAF LETTUCE Large bunches 10c ORANGE PEKOE SALADA TEA BAGS . , Box of 60s 73c CHEERY MORN INSTANT COFFEE , .6 oz. jar -15 off 95c DpL MONTE CATCHUP 11 oz. bottles. .2 for 39c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. tin 38c CALIFORNIA ORANGES ...,Good size 45c: doz.. HOT HOUSE TOMATOES 1 ib. spec. 39c Jelly Powders, asstd. flavors .. 3 pkgs 25c FRESH STRAWBERRIES arriving daily Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY IIIMEZSIMMINIVMEWEREIP JUVWVVVIA DUBLIN LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND 0 • Dancing Saturdays • •• Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra winsiowymnsytnamattmuvw KIPPEN EAST Beg that Graduation'. Gilt at West cott's Jewellers Annual June Sale, 2E% Discount on watches, rings, & jewellery Kippen East W, I. will meet at. the home of Mrs. Jack Sinclair on Wednesday, June 18th at 8.30, Co -hostess, Mrs. W, Workman. The roll call, "What you would Mrs, McBride and, lair, and Mrs. grab first in case of fire'.'. The Gordon Block and family, Zurich, speaker, Mrs. J. F. Scott, Motto and Mr, and Mrs. Don Bell, Exet- will be given by Mrs, Jarrett, and er. Mr: and firs. Bell received Current Events by biro. James many beautiful gifts including Drummond, music by Mrs. Sin- clair, Lunch committee, Mrs. E. 'Whitehouse, Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Airs. J. McNaughton and Mrs G HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By R. Flannery Classes, aS 811011, are finished for the school year and this week is being spent studying for the final exams which are next Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. School will be over on Wednes- day and our Graduation Supper is on Thursday evening. The Graduation ceremonies will be held the following -Sunday, June 22 at 2 pm. in St, Patrick's Church and everyone is welcome to attend. Father Durand has kindly consented to speak HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, llarold Bell cele- brated their 25th wedding anni= versary at their home on Tues. clay evening, when they were Honored by a family dinner ar- ranged by their slaughters and son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell of Exeter. The table was centered with the anniversary cake and spring flowers. Those attending were Mrs. Barrie Bell, Exeter, TOWN TOPICS Mr, James Hogg and 'Robert Spooner of Collingwood visited overthe weekend with Mr, and Mrs Bedford Duugey and Brim, da Mrs Hogg who has been vis- iting here the past week returned hoine:with them. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. llarold Wilson of Sea - forth, ,and Mrs. Loretta West of Mount Forest; leave on Monday to spend a month 011 a motor trip as far west as Victoria, B.C. Messrs John McGowan of Tuck ersmith and Peter McGowan, of Roxboro left last week on a mo- tor trip to Saskatchewan where they will visit relatives. • Miss Ann Downey and Mrs. Jerry Smith and Randy of Lon- don spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Dick. Mr: and Mrs, Alvin Grummett, Maxwell, and Mn and' Mrs, Sams, MoDermid, Ceylon, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Grummett Mn and Mrs, T. Grunriuett spent Monday at Wingham. A Picture of Jan Westcott, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare West- cott, Toronto, was in Monday's Telegram. He was getting the autograph of a speaker at the YPC Conference at Lake Couchi- shrMr.ug, and Mrs. F. Maloney, Gait, were weekend guests of Mrs. F. Maloney: Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Williams and. daughter and Mr. Ron Williams of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: M. Williams: Mn Joe Lanclenbach of Tor- onto, with his parents Mr, and Mrs. L. Laudenbach over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reid, Wat- erloo, shoat the weekend here with friends, Mrs, P. Taber and daughters, Detroit, spent the weekend with relatives, Mrs, Henry Mayer and Miss Kate Lynch spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. IOd McIver, Strat- ford. trayford. CROMARTY congratulations and gifts from the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Carter, Slavin. Kitchener, who were unable to attend. • unuunnuu..anu,u"u"nu",",u"mn"...m,nnn. u..nnnnaun,nnuuni"uauuu.0 a an.a.". nun n. You are welcome to attend Ballet Recital CLINTON LEGION HALL -Kirk Street SATURDAY, JUNE 14th 8 P.M. Instructress, Mrs. T. Zablocki ---.:- Admission 50c Children 25c 12 years or under and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl, Alice and Connie and Mr, and Mrs. J'. Chessell were guests at the And. erson-Lamont wedding in New St. James' Presbyterian Church, London, on Saturday Mrs. Annie Thompson, and her sister, Mte: Hunt visited friends in the village on Friday. Mrs, T. L. Scott, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. G. Carey attended -the public' spealting - contest which was held in A.vonton Presbyter- ian Church on Tuesday. evening. Mr. and Mrs: George Wallace visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Carlingford The Home Helpers meeting of the WMS was herd in the Sunday School room of the Church with a good attendance. Mrs, Houghton presided and led in the devotions. Mrs. T. L,'Scott had cbarge of the' Study Book lesson with -Mrs. C. McKaig and Mrs, M. Lomond assisting. Mies Carol Ann ,Dow favored with a piano solo, A film strip showing work among the Koreans in Japan and one en the' life• and work' of Dr. 'Albert Sweitzer in Africa were shown. Mrs, M: Houghton attended the Flower and Bird service in the United. Church, Mitchell, on Sun- day and also visited with rela- tives, KIPPEN We are sorry to report Mrs. R. McBride is in fail'i'ng health. Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wing - ham was the guest 'of leer moth- er, Mrs. R. McBride, a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Weaver of Chatham were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs,' Lloyd Lovell and family. Mrs. Wm. Winder is visiting with relatives in London. Mr, and Mrs, W. L. Nellie ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Bissett of London spent Sunday with relatives in Wroxeter. Mr. Hugh. McGregor of Detroit visited a few days with his sist- er Mrs, Wm, Deite and other rel- atives. Mr. John Doig and his friend Mr. St. Clair Edison of Grand Rapids, Mich„ spent the weekend visiting Mr, Doig's mother. Mrs, Lydia Doig and sister Sanet. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Lovell on Sunday were bliss Doris Foster, Mr. Wm. Jenner and Mr, and Mrs. James Bed- ford, all of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs, R. Cornish and fainly were Sunday guests of the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. On Saturday several ladies from the village and surrounding area attended the trousseau tea at Mrs. Alvin McBride's home, Exeter, iu'honor of her daughter, Donna, bride -elect of Saturday, June 14th. Miss Marlene McLachlan of London spent the weekend visit- ing her parents„Mr. and Mrs, W. McLachlan. Complimenting Miss Donna Mc- Bride of Toronto, a former Kip - pen area resident, bride -elect of this month,' whose marriage to Kenneth ,Wood of Toronto will take .place in James 'Street Unit- ed Church, Exeter, Saturday, June, 14th; 80 relatives, neighbors and friends met at SS. 14, Stan- ley, on Tuesday evening, June 3 to honor her with a'nliscellaneous presentation, The guest of honor was seated in a decorated chair and a presentation address read to her. by Mrs. Wayne Tuckey, and Karen and Kathy Hendrick presented her with many lovely and costly gifts from a beautiful- ly decorated basket. Donna ex- pressed her thanks in a very fit- ting manner. An enjoyable pro- gram was featured consisting of an opening number "School Days". Solo. Mrs. W. Thomson, accompapnied by Mrs. H. Jones; reading, Gwenneth Hendrick; a trumpet solo, Mrs. Clare McBride, accompanied at the piano by her daughter Gwen. Mrs. Wilmer Jones directed contests. Lunch- eon was served. Mrs. Ken McLel- lan and Mrs. Ed McBride ar- ranged the presentation. The W.M.S. held their June meeting at the church on Wednes- day evening, June 7th, bars. Rus- sell Consitt chaired the meeting. Hostesses were Mrs. H. Finkbein- er• and Mrs. Robert McGregor. "Christian Giving" was the theme for the meeting and a brief talk was given by Mrs, J. Anderson on "Facts and Thoughts on Christ- ian Giving". Mrs. Russell Consitt and Mrs. Ralph Turner were ap- pointed to visit the shut-ifis for the month of June. The Supply Committee reported a good size hale had been packed and sent to Toronto. Mrs. Bruce McGreg- or read the last chapter from the study book entitled "Youth for the News". It was decided at the meeting not to have a strawberry supper but a canvass would be made instead. Buy 'that Fathers Day Gilt at West - cat's Annual Juno Sale—and save Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Will Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and fam- ily, Staffs, and Mr. and Mrs, D. Scott and family, Mrs. Alai Somers and Mrs. Ruby Routly, St. Marys, 'visited on Sunday with Mrs, Sarah Scott and Mr. and Mrs. A. 'McLachlan. Mr. C. McKaig is attending the 84th session of the General As- s e m b l y of the Presbyterian Church, .as a delegate, in Glen- view Presbyterian Church, Tor- onto, Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. E. Moore were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and family, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Armstrong, of Milbrook. Mrs,. Lloyd Sorsdahl and daug- hters, Mrs. John Chessell and Miss Alice Sorsdahl attended the trousseau tea on Tuesday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont in honor of their daughter Isabel, whose marriage took place in London on Satur- day. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Allen on the arrival of their chosen son on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hough- ton, London, visited his mother, Mrs. M. Houghton on Saturday. Mr, James Miller Sr. is a pa- tient in Seaforth hospital suffer- ing from pneumonia. lair. and Mrs. Mac Lamond, Mr. Here We Go Again !, Chevrolet Dealer Annual June S L 1. DEPENDABLE - SAFETY CHECKED - Don't Wait. YOU CAN BUY NOW AND SAVE NO FREE GIFTS .. NO COME-ONS JUST FAIR PRICES ! You'll find your "CAR WITH A FUTURE" at MITCHELL Phone 186 GORDON FAWN Salesman SEAFORTH Seaforth Motors Phone 541 or 542 Seaforth and Mitchell ANDY DUNLOP Salesman Sales&Service, Chevrolet Oldsmobile, Vauxhall & Chevrolet Trucks FIRST zt'isth most fmd best World ,Veins Sports News Financial News �Il� I"i2 .lobe CANADA'S NATIONAL •NEWSPAPER 3 Goin Utof Business SALE CONTINUES UNTIL ALL. STOCK IS SOLD GREATER. REDUCTIONS ARE •-EING OFFERED Kiddies' Shop Seaforth, Ont. SPECIALS DOLLS - DOLLS - 'DOLLS TOYS Greatly Reduced. Buy now for Christmas • KNEE SOCKS Sizes 4-01k Reg. 85cts. .,,,,,. for 69c Reg. 55 cts. for 39c SCANT' - PANTS Reg. 1.35 99c BOY'S V NECK CARDIGANS WOOL - NYLON Sizes 2 6X Reg. 2.98 1.99 Reg. 3.95 2.95 Sizos10.12.14 Reg. 4.95 3.95 Carol Lyn Shop Seaforth, Ont. SPECIALS SKIRTS Cotton 3.99 Taffeta 3.99 Summer Wools as low as 5,69 SWEATERS - Wool & Orlon Cardigans 5.69 Pullovers r 3.89 Shorts 1.59 & 2.19 Pedal Pushers 2.29 House Dresses 2.40 - 3.20 SUMMER SPORTSWEAR T —Shirts, Suntops Greatly Reduced you'll never ru hot water wit Heats water faster — for' less! Let the kids splash away in bath after bath— there'll still be plenty of hot water for Pop ! With a Gas water beater on the job, you're sure of a constant supply because it starts heating more water as soon as you turn on the tap. And the wonder is—a Gas water heater costs less to buy, install, use. Planned to meet your family's needs! Modern families use more hot water than ever before. Automatic washers, dishwashers gulp it by the gallon. That's why you need' a Gas water heater designed to keep pace with today's stepped-up hot water needs. Let us fit one "to measure" for you, G LOOK AT BOTH—AND YOU'LL BUY GAS! UNION COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 85 Downie St. Stratford