HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-12, Page 4Name Delegates To Convention The quarterly 0.F.U. County meeting was held hi the board rooms Clinton, Bob Taylor was chairman, bars. Alf Nesbitt, the Secretary, The meeting : opened' with' "0 Canada". The president of eaelt local was asked to give "a brief report, Air. Robt, Armstrong introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Frank Donnelly, lawyer, from Ccoderich. He spoke on criminal GARDEN PARTY AND DRAW AT ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH DUBLIN 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 TUMMY R IiAbI SUPPER Adults $1. Children 500 - atoon, July 7 and S were as fol 0111111111111111111111111111111111111 ttttt 111111111111111111111111t1I/111111111444111111/1111 t44441111114411u41144111111W taros with jury and how they were selected, He thought more women should be pn the jury. lie also spoke on 'Wills, he stressed that everyone should .have a Will': and explained: why, and. the trouble." it would solve' it ry eveone' had a 'brill'. He asked if anyone wished to ask any question, a •number were ably an- swered. The Chairman introduced Mr. Vaughn Douglas, farm reporter from OKNX Wiugham, lie stated he was glad to attend the farm meeting and give any help he could at any time. He said he knew Albert Cormack, Hon. Pres of O.F.I"., very well, and had in- terviewed him several times oner Guelph radio, on Sarni problems. The delegates appointed to at tend C. F. U. Convention in Sas klows: Gordon Hill for Ontario; Bob Taylor,' Mrs. Alf Nesbitt and 'Carl Dalton for Huron, A special, ,car to" leave Toronto with approx-i linlately 30 delegates front Ont. The chairman asked for all reso- Ilutions fro -allocate ' be sent to the :Head Office, Guelph, this month. A barn dance this. Saturday , night is arranged for, the women will have a'booth, A leter from the Cancer Society was received 'thanking. Farmers' Union for 'their Variety Show, - with pro- ceeds to Cancer Fund, Annual IConvention 'for O,F.LT. will be in Memorial Hall, Guelph, in Octo• • : ber, watch for date later. C.F.U. picnic will be held in Godericn on July 20th. The chairman ask- ed for every hog producer to see that his name is on voters' list. - Court oe Revision will: be held on July 4th and 5111 in each twp, at Clerk's Office, polling booth for McKillop will be twp, garage at Winthrop. was left in chs IA appointing Orucefie1d United Church GOLDEN JUBILEE SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 15th 11 A.M. AND 7.30 P.M. Guest Preacher, Rev, 0. A. Mustard. B.A„D.D,, Toronto • Special Musicale Selections by`Augmented Choir tttt HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUPPER MONDAY 16th Served from G - S..",I RM. Tickets—Adults $1.25, ehiidren 75e Short Program by local talent EVERYBODY WELCOME ,111111111111„4,,,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ttttt III ttttttt 1111 tt I ttt itgx11 at11t114114,t11a 114n144r about purchasing new choir gowns and see' what repairing. needed to be clone. It was left with the Walton group to go ahead and buy what- ever they wished tor the Sunday School- room with the donation of $201 from their group. $25 will be given the CGIT to defray the camping expenses. The girls go- ing to camp are ,. Marion Turn bull, Mary Lou Kirkby and Anne Achilles: Mrs. A, McDonald opened the MIS IS with the call to ` worship I "Freely ye„have received, freely give". The Couimnnity Friend- ship Secretary, Mrs, W Broad - foot reported on calls made and cardss sent. Mrs,Mrs, C. Ritchie, Chris- tian Fellowship Secretary read an account of "Jack Miner's Bird Missionaries. Mrs. R. Bennettw had the roll call which was en- sered by "A parable of is- • Bi- ble". The nominating committee i'go a new CGIT leader to commence WALTONin Januar,. NYS. N. Schada, Lit. I Sec., Would like auy names wish - The W. A. of Duff's United rn -to secure "Missionaries Re- Church held their June • meeting !in the church basement on Thurs- . day, June 5th. Mrs. 13. Johnston opened the meeting with hymn 383 "Lord speak to me that I may speak". The reports brought back Porting" and "Facts and Fig ares". The McKillop group. bad charge of the topic and wag Presented 'by showing slides from the Nisch() Church in Japan. Mrs. McMichael from the Huron Presbyterial W. introduced the pictures by giv- A, held in Wingham were: given lug a summary, Mrs. N. Reid by firs, N. Marks- anti Mrs. Tor- showed the slides. 'ranee Dundas. Mrs, L. Oliver chose for scrip- ture reading St. John 1: 1-9 and the secretary's report was given by Mrs. R. Bennett, also thank-, you cards read. Mrs. A, Coutts gave the financial report. .firs G. McGavin conducted the busi- ness, A committee of firs. A. Coutts, blrs. N, Reid and bIrs, H. Travis was appointed to see Jas. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. ,Joe Youngblut of Londesboro visited Saturday with Mr. and firs. Charles Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm-. Dale •atteiid- ed.a banquet for ex -wardens and their wives held at the Ritz Ho-` tel in Bayfield last Thursday evening, June 5th. Visitors on Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. George Addison were Mr. and Mrs. Jack'Tebbutt, Patty and Wayne of Clinton. Mr. Ronald Riley of Toronto was a •weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Doug- las. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster of St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale and family' attended a twilight meet- ing of the Western Counties Guer- nsey Club, held at the Caverliill Farm at Ilderton, Friday, June Oth. Mrs. Dale Won the 1st prize in ladies division for judging and reasons, and Miss Wilma Dale won first prize in the class for 4-H Club members. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter vis- ited Sunday with birs. Dexter's sister, Miss Lily Adams of Clin- ton. Mrs.' Pollard, who resides with 31r. and Mrs. Dave Millson cele- brated her 80th birthday on Sun- day. Mrs. Pollard, who is very active for her age was very pleas- ed when the following friends called Sunday to help make the day a memorable event: :lir. and Mrs. F. Baker, Debra and Dianne of Lambeth; Mrs. Glazier and Mrs. Daynnan of Hensel]; lir. and Mrs. Herb Glazier of Stratford; bir. and firs. Don Pickard, 1Ir. and Mrs. Harold Glazier of Clin- ton, and Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Lee and family. The community wish- es her many more happy birth- days. Mrs. Florence Chowen of Clin- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox of Londesboro visited with lir. and Mrs. Jas. Dale on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszcator on the ar- rival of a baby daughter early Monday morning in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth. _lir. and Mrs, W. G. McMillan CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dale, Thel- ma and Cheryl attended the Guernsey judging 011061 held at Glenville Farms, Newmarket, on Friday, May 30th. Mrs. Ethel Stephenson and Mrs, Roy Lawson of Seaforth were re- cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Enjoy low-cost hot water with an Automatic Electric Water Heater For only a few cents a day, you can enjoy plenty of hot water for your household needs, with an automatic electric water heater at special low Hydro flat rates. Live better electrically—safe, clean, modern ,ONTARIO o titCt, HYD R& Electricity does so much costs so little THD SEAEORTII , NIdWS—Tblii'Ifla,Y, .J11Ue 1.3, 1050 REGENT, THEATRE, Seaforth &'RI. SAT. TI N STAR :[ionry- IPondit; Anthony PerkinsTHURS. PERRI A Walt 2 -^ Meetly Animal. Fanttasy COMING June 16 to - 1 31Jiglits only: Thmw. 9 . & Sat, 1 show 1315(11 - 0 0,m, h't. of Loudon visited. Monday at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. Il'arvey Taylor, Mr. and Mips, Verne Dale. and Mr. and Mrs. Darr Lawson, Mr. John Ferguson of Clifford was a visitor 011 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor and family. lonaC�t Ladies Coact t Coats 11,11111114, 41111/1111 t ,,111111111111110111111111. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D- Leslie Elder Minister 11 A,SI.—The Sacrament of Communion -The Fellowship of Broken Things" Music Senior Choir "0 Saviour of The World" Friday. June 13, 8 P.M.— Preparatory Service • IL A. EEAD?STER Organist & Choir Leader Egmondville United Church Ina The Institution and 01:1115115 installation of a new Ladies Court Constantine will take .place Friday evening in the 0,0,10, hall. here. After the main business of the evening takes place lunch will be served and a dance will) a good orchestra will be 'enioyoci to which everyone is welcome, Mr. Wm, Jewitt is this week attending County Connell at Goderich. Messrs Wilbur and WM. Jow- itt motored to Mallon Airport cin Tuesday morning where they met their mother, Mrs. Mary I0, Jew- itt of Hazenmorea and their sister. Mrs. Leslie Fox and her daught- er Leslie of Regina, who camp hi by plane having left the West on Monday. They will be spending some time here among relatives. The members of Constance W. A. are catering to a lunch counter on Friday afternoon June 13, at puunnu ulluuttttttmuumu,,ttttt nu411114n441 Dr. J. SEMPLE, Minister Lyle Hammond, Organist & Choir Leader Flower Sunday. Babies .. Buds and Birds Wonderful Decorations. See the Gates. 11 A.M. LIVE LIKE THE FLOWERS” Music: — Junior Choir: "In the Garden" "Bless This House" Miss Edythe Platt, Central Church Choir, Stratford "Beautiful. Garden of Prayer” Sharon Strong, TV Star Sacrament of - Baptism. Those haying flowers to present. com- municate with Mrs. Watson by Friday 7.30 P.M. Brucefleld Golden Jubilee Guest Minister. Dr. C. A. ]bustard. Meeting of Official Board close Morning Service Holy Communion, June 22nd See You in Church Sunday Northside United Church Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Hall, B.A., B.D., S.T.M, 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m.. Morning Worship, con- ducted by the Minister. Nursery for toddlers. Jr. Congregation. Hawwell. do you know ormTAR.Io? Check your knowledge by identifying this map °WV 41 Irt maw: gm However well you . know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resorts ... see. Ipperwash Provincial Park and the area surrounding shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing ' the coupon below: KNOW ' ONTARIO BETTER • 1 ONTARIO TRAVEL, I' 652 PARLIAMENT BLOCS., TORONTO, ONTARIO SendFREE Literature and RoadMap. Name ....»..».... Address ».»..»..»» Post Office OoSerio Department of Travel & PnbOcity I Hon. Bryan L Cathcart, Minister J L TC a Guernsey Salo had, at the farm of Mr. and Mein, Wm. Dale, The tt SPn lScho01 Amity . d` sail of Cen(tanee dinned Church w1)1 170 held on Santfe;y, Jane `15 with Mr, (;]navies Scott of Au - burrs IIR spoolal speiikot' and"there will be Hitoolal ei11M10'by the Jr, Choir," I-IENSALL M•rR, Alae (:Ilene of London'vis- 1l,ed (Ile week with her mother, bitmm, 11 IJonthvon, . AND NOW WE HAVE THE. LARGEST SELECTION OF Summer Footwear and The Best Values in any Town Wallis Shoo Store The Little Store with the • Big Values - nn t ttt ttttttt 111111111 ttttttt u1 o, 111114n114n,. A large selection of Diamond Rings, Watches, Silverware 'and Jewellery to choose from. Come in and see the new Bulovas J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER Plane 599w ' Seaforth Res. 218 Watch repairing a specialty 1111ant., guano gin. ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, t 41,1,1,.1,11, 4111"111„111,11114 t 41 n t 11111 n 4111, 414 t t 4 t 4 t 4 n n t n 1114"111 Fishing ... and the Future "Saving made this holiday possible. Continued saving will help me look after Debby's future. She's one good reason I save regularly at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE" MORE THAN 775 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO. SERVE YOU Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager Dublin Branch: E. J. Dean, Manager Il NOTICE Town- of •Seaforth All persons in the Municipality `owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1958 lic- enses for same on or before June 20, 1958. Licenses will be issued from the Treas- urer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harb- orers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags.