HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-06-05, Page 1'n
The following letters are some
of the replies received . by Mrs.
Marie 1tftlaily, ,teacher, to, the in-
vitations sent out for the school
reunion to be held at S.S.S. '4, in
Ribbert, the latter part of June.
Birmingham, ,, il2 talo I am 1oo1C-.
ing forward to 'attending the 50th
anniversary of SSS No, 4 on
June 28, 19'58.'—Alfred 3'. Rees.
Ohathant, Ont.—It is our iu•
teutionto be present for Fiftieth
'Anniversary of S. S. No. 4, Ilib-
bert. Thank you" (The former.
Florence Coyne)..
We/iaceb%rg, `Ont.—"I received
Your kind invitation to the Fif-
tieth Anniversary of S.S.S. No.
4, Hibbert, ou June 28 and am
happy to be :able to accept it. I
am looking forward with pleas-
ure to seeing; my former class-
mates and .also my pupils. I hope
everyone is able to get home to
make the reunion a success.
The picture of the school was
lovely. You should have been
standing on the steps or walk!
Don't tire yourself out getting
ready for the day. (Agnes Coyne,
a former teacher).
Toronto, Ont.—"On Friday we
received the invitation to the
Fiftieth Anniversary reunion at
the school. The picture of• S. S.
No. 4 is especially good and one
that I am going to put in my al-
bum later on. It recalls many
happy memories. It is just won-
derful to Have an opportunity to
returnand see the folks again.
Thank you for tile invitation.
Tom and I are certainly looking
forward with much pleasure to
attending ou June 25th, Mary
Flanagan (the former Mary At-
Brantford, Ont.—"Your kind in-
vitation to attend the 60th anni-
versary of S.S.S, No. 4, Ribbert
on June 25th of this year, receiv
ed, and gratefully accepted. B
assured, Mrs. Melady, it will be
a great pleasure for my wife and
I to join you, and the others of
good old. S.S.S. No. 4, on such a
happy occasion.
If I'can assist in any way to
assure the success of this anni-
versary be sure to' ask me, Jim
_ Atkinson,
4►Y ' Kitchener, Ont.—"Blanche and
I cordially accept the invitation
to attend the. Fiftieth Anniver-
sary of the founding of S.S.S. No.
4, Hibbert, on Saturday, J'nne 28
Martin and Blanche Feeney.
London., Ont,—"I regret I will
not be able to attend the celebra-
tion of the Fiftieth Anniversary
of niy former school. Thank you
very much for your kind invite -
tion. I congratulate the School
Board in sponsoring this enter-
prise and wish you every success.
It would be most enjoyable to
meet my former classmates and
again express my' regrets at not
being able to attend at this spe-
cial time." Sister M. Felieitas.
(Laura Barry).
Twpperriile, Ont.—Your lovely
• invitation arrived today. It all -
pears that you -might be in a
Whirling planning stage. I can
imagine how busy you must' be.
This is one girl who intends to
be there. It will be a great reun-
ion won't 12!
T have been teaching high
school in Chatham since Christ-
mas, and really like it. My sub-
jects are Science and English.
Next year I expect to have P.
and Health, Working for my B.
A. degree has paid off.
Well Marie, we will see you in
June. Geri McFadden (Geraldine
Brantford, Ont.—Thank you se
much for the invitation to the
Fiftieth Anniversary of S. S. S.
No. 4, Hibbert. We certainly are
looking forward to being there.
NIr. and Mrs. A. Riches (Hannah
Hamilton, On,'t.—We were very
pleased to receive your very kind
invitation to the school's anni-
versary on June 28. We will cer-
tainly make every effort to be
there. We hope you have every
success in this undertaking dnd
many thanks for the invitation.
Mr. and. Mrs. John 1'. Morris.
Antigonisi, N. -S.—Some days
ago I received your very kind'in-
vitation to the celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of the found-
ing of S.S.S. No. 4, Hibbert;.
thank you very much.
I regret however, that I will be
unable to be present because of
my duties here in Antigonish.
The academic year of St. Francis
Xavier University finishes this
week and next week I begin field
work with a group of foreign
priests on the different types of
co-operation. This work will very
probably not be completed: before
the end of July.
My best wishes to you and to
all who will be able to be present
to celebrate the occasion; my
thoughts and prayers Will be with
you. John J. McIver S.F.M.
Ingersoll, Ont. Your kind invi-
tation to attend the Fiftieth An.
niversary-of S.S.S. No, 1,•Hibbert.
has been repeived. Thank you.
We may not be able to attend
promptly at 9 a.m., but will 'do
our utmost to be with you as
early as we possibly can.
This week, May 5th, 6th, 7211
and 8th; my schools, (alp 19 of.
), are taking
• lar in the 1 Rotary Music Festi-
val hi Tillsonburg. I have some
212 entries in this Festival this
year, just twice as many as. last
Continued on Page 4
I1 N
Town To Have
Nev Police Force
Seaforth's two-man police force,
Chief Ehrhardt and Constable
Martin, have resigned their posi-
tions and council is advertising
for a chief of police and consta-
ble to replace them,
- 'The present force took over the
job of policing the town from the
provincial police on Jan. 1st.
Since that time there have been
a number of discussions between
council and police and which
endolL In the resignation of the
While the resignations are ,to
be effective July let councillors
say it may be August before a
new force is ready to take over.
Asked why the town was ad•
vertising for a police force, both
police and councillors have re-
plied that the two men Italie re-
sfgned. Further official informa-
tion on the reason for the resig-
nations is lacking.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, Nicholson,
Lucknow, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Donalda
Joan, to William Richardson
Smith, son of Mrs, Christina
Smith, Egmondville, and the late
William D. Smith, the' :carriage
to take place Friday, June 20 at
2 p.m, in Lucknow Presbyterian
The engagement 1s 011000nced
df Mary Immaculate, slaughter of
Mrs. James Morey of Seaforth,
and the late James Murray, to
Eldon Doering, son of Mrs. Doer-
ing of New Hamburg, and the
late Mr, Doering. The wedding
to take place in St. Joseph's
Church, Stratford, on Saturday,
June 28th.
The work of surveying out an
extension at the north end of
West William street is continu-
ing this week under direction of
B. M. Ross of Godericir. Grading
and laying service mains can
start once the levels are deter-
Councillors expect a report on
the sewer will be received before
Monday so it can be presented at
the meeting that evening.
Mr. :and Mrs. Gilbert Murray
of McKillop were In Windsor on
Saturday to attend the gradua-
tion ceremonies at Assumption
University when their son Jos, J.
Murray received the degree of
Bachelor of Science. Joseph is en-
tering medical school at Toronto
Mrs. J. Wm. Thompson of Mc-
Killop was the speaker at the
meeting of the Barbara Kirkman
Auxiliary of First Church Tues-
day evening when she gave a re-
port of the Synodical held in
Leamington last month, Members
of the McKillop WAIS were pre-
sent also.
The Pres., Alms. W. 0. John-
ston, opened the meeting with a
poem and after the opening hymn
led in prayer, During the bust-
nese session it was decided to
send a delegate from the Auxil-
iary to the Training School to be
field in Belleville this summer..
The June meeting will be in
charge of Mrs. R. Wright and
her committee.
Mrs. C. Reith presided for the
devotional part of the meeting.
Miss Minute Habkirk read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. R.
"His Eye is on the Sparrow" was
Charters offered prayer. A solo
sung by' Mrs. Ila Dorrauce, ac-
companied by Miss Jessie Fraser.
The offering Was received by Mrs.
P. Malcolm and Miss J. Cluff and
dedicated by Mrs. Reith. While
the offering was being received
Mrs. M. R. Rennie,: pianist for
the meeting, played a piano in-
strumental. -
Mrs. Johnston introduced the
speaker and Mrs. Thompson gave
a most interesting report of the
Synodical, the - theme of-whic,e
was "Truth Which 'Worketh - by
Love." -
Mrs. Thompson and others tak-
ing part in the meeting were
thanked by Mrs. K. Sharp on be-
half of the members of the group.
The meeting closed with a hymn
and the L'ord's Prayer in unison.
Eleanor Marie Bowman,'daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow-
man, McKillop, was a recent
graduate of St, Mary's School of
Nursing, Kitchener.
Annual Awards Day
At Seaf®rr'th DHS
Award Day was held ,at Sea -
forth District high School on
Friday afternoon at a special as•,
sezubly, Princitial L. 1'. ; Plum -
steel ` presided and presented . the
awards, -
Presentations were made . to
the four' teachers who are leav-
ing the staff, Miss Rinaidi, Mrs.
Skelton, Mr. Manse, and Mr.
Schmelfske, by Student, Council
President, Frank Bryans.
Girls' Championships — Junior
Champion: Pearn McLean; Inter-
mediate Champion: • Mary- 'Cath-
erine, Roach; Senior Champion:
Faye Love.
Boys' Championships — Junior
Champion: Neil Dolmage;' Inter-
mediate Champion: Robt. Reith;
Senior Champion: Louis Murray.
Keith Pethick. '-
Special Trophies — Duncan
Cup—I-Iighest Scoring Girl: Faye
Love; Barber Cup—Highest Scor-
ing Intermediate or Senior Boy:
Louis Murray, Keith Pethick;
Ballantyne Cup—Highest Scoring
Junior Boy: Neil Dolmage; Sills
Cup—Outstanding Athlete in the
School: Robert Binhendyk, Rob•
ert Govenlook. .
Rifle Shooting — Strathcona
Award—Best shot in the school:
Donald Tremeer.
Whyte Cup—Awarded to the
student accumulating the most
Points in the Poultry High School
Section of the Seaforth Fall Fair:
\Villianr Nlillsor. •
McGavin Shield—Awarded to
the outstanding student in Agri-
culture: Thomas Love. -
Public Speaking Awards—Jun•
poi' Champion—Savauge Trophy:
Pearn McLean; Senior Champ-
ion—McLean Trophy: Marjorie
G. A, Whitney Award—A, writ-
ing desk, donated by Mr. G, A.
Whitney to the student with the
highest marks on the Christmas
and Easter examinations (by re
version), Robert Shari].
Sciholarship 1F/'liners
Alumni Memorial Scholarship
(value $261, Charles MacGregor.
Students' Council Citizenship
Award for outstanding school cit-
izenship (value $25), Joy Mont
niou-Provincial Bursaries,
University* (value $600), Barbara
Boyd, Ronald Ennis, Ruth Sills;
Teachers' College (value $250),
Marion Hemingway, June Smith;
Gracie XIII (value $100), Marilyn
]2iley, Charles MacGregor, Clem
Bursary from Women's Auxil-
iary to Scott Memorial Hospital
(value $125), Alice Christie.
Legion Award (value $50), Mar-
ilyn Riley.
C. 7I. Smith Memorial Trophy:
To be awarded to the student ob•
tailing 'the highest marks in the
school at Christmas and Easter:
Jean Millen.
Academic Shields—To the stn
dent from each grade with the
highest marks on the Christmas
and Easter examinations: Grade
IX—Robert Sharp; Grade X —
Jean Millon; Grade XI—Margar
et Wood; Grade XII — Marjorie
Pimple; Grade XIII — Charles
School Crests
To students of the second and
third year who obtain the re-
quired academic standing: Shir-
ley Bolger, Joyce Munn, June
Munn, Jean Hilton, Mary McIo'
tosh, Margaret McKenstor, Lynda
Savauge, Yvonne Pollard, Lyncla
Dobson, Arm Shortreed, Corinne
Smith, Marjory Smith, Antoin-
ette Van Den Hengel, Bonnie Mc-
Leod, Betty Muegge, Carolyn
Neil, Margaret Wood, Thomas
Love, 'Brian Brady, Robert El-
liott, Kenneth McLeod, Robert
Govenloek, Lewis Knetsch, Wil-
liam Van Den Hengel, Glenn
To not more than one student
for contribution to music in the
school—Carolyn Neil.
To not more than two girls and
two boys for athletic attainment:
Corinne Smith, Eleanor Boa, Ro-
bert Govenlock, Robert Binnen-
To not more than three stu-
dents 'who have made a worthy
contribution to school activities
generally — Joan Dick, Robert
Reith, James Scott.
School Letters
To students of Grades XII and
XIII who obtain the required ac-
ademic standing—Joy Montgom• .
ery, Marilyn Riley, Douglas Jam-
ieson, Charles MacGregor, Clem
Steffier. .
To not more than two girls arid.
two boys of Grades XII and XIII
who obtain the highest standing
in athletics - in the school—Violet
Rakewieh, Lou Murray, Mary
Catherine Roach, Howard James.
To not more than two students
of Grades XII and- XI1I who have
made an outstanding contribution
to Dramatics, Music or. Art: John
Scott, Rosemary Lane.
To not more than three -stud-
ents of Grades XII and XIII who
throughout their eonrse, have
been outstanding in leadership,
or "who have made -.a tvortlry con-
tribution to the student activities
in the school—Marjorie. Papple,'
Faye Love, Kenneth Thompson..
1 Winthrop and St. Columbau
played to a one -all tie in Win-
throp last ast 'Friday night: Ken Mc.
(lure scored ed for
the home team
M the first half and J. Sloan tied
it for St. Columban in the sec-
ond half. R. Murray and G Mc-
Clure were penalized late in the
second half for roughing, ,
Poultry Club Visits
New Laying Barn
A meeting_ of Seaforth Lions
4-1-I Poultry Club was held at the
farm of B. R. Thompson, 3rd 'con.
Tucicersmith, on Tuesday even-
ing. A full attiendance of mem-
bers Was Conducted on a tour of
the barns recently converted to
poultry laying ,pens. Much inter-
est was showni'fin the efficient
manner in wirioh Mr. Thompson
Manages his laying flock. The
club appreciated' the use of Mr.
and Mrs. Thohpson's home - for
their meeting at which the' fol-
lowing officers •were elected:
Pres.,. Bill 241118on; Sec,,: Ron-
ald McKercher.. Messrs R. White-
ly, J. NI. Scott ds club leaders and
Don Rose of the Ontario Dept. of
Agri. werein charge of the meet-
ing. - A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. Thompson. Next meet-
ing will . be held June 27th at
Seaforth D.H.S. -
There is room for more mem-
bers. Those interested contact
Mr. Whitely or Mr. Scott,
Past Noble Grande held office
at the last regular meeting of
Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge with
NIr's, Ila Dorrauce as N. G. and
Mrs. L. McClure as Vice Grand.
An invitation was accepted to at-
tend Friendship night at Exeter
on June 4 with -Mrs. Scott Hab-
kirk, Miss Jean Scott and Mrs..
C. Reeves' as official representa-
tives. About 12 signified they
would attend a meeting of the
Brussels Lodge ou June 10, on
the occasion of its 25th anniver-
sary, Members were notified that
the annual Church service waulcl
be held on June 15 in the inorn-
ing, with a decoration service to
be held at the cemetery in the
The 65th session of the Re-
bekah Assembly 18 to be held in
Toronto, jure 16-18 with Mrs. J.
Grummett and Mrs. Alex Boyes
as official delegates.
Following the meeting the re-
gular officers and members en-
tertained the past glands and
served a delicious lunch.
Twenty-two children received
their first Holy Communion at
St. James' Church, Seaforth, on
Sunday morning at 8.30 Mass.
They are;: Paul Reyna l d s,
Douglas Philips, John Eckert,
Anthony Van Loon, Brian Leon-
hardt, James McGrath, Arnold
Van Miltenburg, 'Patrick Flan-
nery; Yvonne Feeney, Rosemary
Bedard, Jane McConnell, Bonnie
Johnson. Patricia Etue, Mary
Swinkle, Susan Legeza, Maureen
Bannon, Anne Verbakel, Mary
Hagan, Angela Devereaux, Maria
Willems, Mary Price, Dawna
The death occurred at Victoria
Hospital, London, on Tuesday
evening of George Munro, a form-
er resident of Egrhondville. Mr.
Munro had been in the hospital
for the .past three weeks in a
coma having received a concus-
sion in a fall. He was about 70
years of age. Born and raised in
Egmondville, son of the late Jas.
Munro, pioneer salt worker, he
went to Oshawa 40 years 'ago
where ho was employed by Gen-
eral Motors for many years. A
hockey enthusiast he had coach-
ed a team at Oshawa -at one time.
For ten years he was a patient at
Beck Memorial Sanatorium at
London, and recovering he had
been employed there for the past
two years. He was the last sur-
vivor of a large family.-14h•.14un-
ro was not married: One niece,
Mrs. LaBlanche of Montreal is
his only known living relative.
Funeral will take place at St.
James' Church, Seaforth, Ar-
rangements incomplete. -
Mrs. William Manson, 78, Eg-
mondville, died Friday in Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, fol-
lowing an illness -of about three
months. Mrs, Manson was born
in Tuckersmith 'Township, and
received her education in Sea -
forth. In 1910 •sire married Frank
M. Kling who died in 1913. For
many years she was a dressmak•
er in the Seaforth area, and
taught many the craft of dress-
making. In 1923 she married Wil•
liam D. Manson, who survives.
She was a member of First Pres-
byterian Church, Seaforth, and
was very active in church organ-
izations and was a life member
of the WMS, She was also a past
noble grand of the Rebekah
Lodge. She is survived by a son,
Frank Kling, Seaforth, and a
daughter, . Mrs. 0. J. (Mary)
Smith, Ancaster, and by four
grandchildren. The funeral was
Heid on Monday from the Box
Funeral home, conducted by Rev.
D. Leslie Elder. Burial was in the
Maitlandbank Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Roy _.Mc-
Geogh, Allan Nicholson, Frank
Case, Gordon Papple, John Flynn,
Norman MacLean.
Flowerbearers were: Carmen
Rowcliffe, Alvin Sillery, R. B.
Holmes, J. E. Keating, A Y. Mac-
Lean, John Mocteland.
. W. 1..NOTDS
The .7n
;tine meeting of the Sea -
W. Li
w 11 not be held On
the regular date but will be held
on June 25th in the community
centre at 2 o'clock when the :30tH
anniversary of the Institute will
be celebrated.
Sinclair Dram
.Bylaw Adopted.
.Tuckersrnith Municipal Council
met in the Town Hall, Seaforth,
on June 3rd at 8 pan. All mem-
bers were present and the Reeve.
Presided. Engineer's report on
the Sinclair Municipal Drain was
read and provisionally adopted.
Clerk was instructed to prepare
•a. cash by-law on the same.
Robt. Campbell on behalf of.
the Seaforth Agricultural Society
attended the meeting and council
made a grant of $2255 for 1958.
By-law #3, 1958, re Union Gas
distribution. was given its. thirxl
reading and passed, signed and
By-law #6, 1958, governing
Water Rates, ete„ in the hamlet
of Pgmondville was passed, sign-
ed and sealed.
By-law #'7, 1958, including. S.S.
No. 10' in the Township - School
Area was given its required read-
ings and passed. This By-law will
come into force Dec. 25, 1958,
-minter Broaclfoot, Warble Fly
Inspector, completed his return
of collections and was paid wages
of '$325.80 and mileage of $163,-
$163:90., this included total sprays of
6$97 and 720 cattle were brushed.
The clerk was instructed to ap-
ply for the grant available on.
the inspector's wages and mile-
age and cost o8 war'bicide,
A letter from the Brucefield
Fire Dept. requesting that the.
said Dept„ be set up under the
name of Stanley and Tucker
smith, was read and a bylaw will.
be prepared accordingly.
Accounts passed included:
Dump; $22.50; Fox bounty $15.;
Advertising and supplies 522.27;
hospitalization $1.53; - legal $92.-
25; supplementary allow a n 0
$35.00; roads $7072.47; salary &
allowances $234.48; Rec.-General
of Canada $7.15; postage 45,00;
drains $1090,00; warble fly con-
trol $1440.59; tile drainage loans
On account of ,Tuly 1 falling on
a Holiday„ council will meet on
July 2 at 8 p.m,
The marriage took place on
May 31st at 2.30 p.m. in Esmond-
vllle United Church, of Marlene
Marie Dalrymple azul Joseph
Glen Jacklin. The bride is a
slaughter of Mr. and lirs, Garnet
Dalrymple andthe groom's par-
ents are Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Jack -
lin of near Brussels. Rev. Dr,
Semple officiated. The church de-
corations were white lilacs and
tulips. Olvn in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a waltz.
length wedding dress of white
nylon net and lace over taffeta
with matching lace jacket, Her
flowers were pink roses and lily -
of -tire -valley. NIrs. Lorne Thomp-
son, of Brucefield, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a
ballerina -length dress of powder
blue nylon net aver taffeta with
matching lace jacket Her flow-
ers were lily -of -tire -valley and red
roses. Lloyd Jackli.n of Moles-
worth, was best man. For the re-
ception the bride's mother wore
an aqua taffeta dress with yellow
rose corsage, and the groom's
mother a blue crepe chess with a
pink rose corsage. After a honey-
moon in Northern Ontario, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacklin will reside at
Brussels. Guests were present
from Bluevale, Molesworth, List-
owel, Ethel, Brucefield, Win-
throp, Hensel. and Exeter.
Miss Nancy Nott B,A„ has re-
ceived word that she has success-
fully passed her year at Library
School, Toronto, and received the
degree of B.L.S. She began work-
ing at the Kitchener Public Li-
brary last Monday. -
We opened our eighth and
last meeting by singing "0 Can-
ada" and then repeating the 4-H
Pledge in unison. The roll call
was answered by each member
reading the menu she had plan-
ned. Now we discussed the good
and bad points of the menus.
Then we judged _menus and gave
the reasons for the placing. We
decided the Last minute details
for our record books and first
aid equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Addison,
Mrs. Ken Hulley accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt and
Mr. Carman Tebbutt of Clinton,
to :the funeral of their cousin,
Mrs. Walter Wallace, of Simcoe,
on Saturday. Mrs. Wallace was
formerly Miss Oral Finnigan of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods and
Debbie of Ajax were weekend
guests of kir. and Mrs. Frank
Miss Muriel Dale of Brampton
was 'a weekend visitor with her
parents, iltr. and Mrs. Verne Dale
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald and
sons of Midland, Mich., spentthe
weekend with the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jamie-
son. -
Miss ,Joyce Jewitt of Thorn -
dale spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Dexter on Saturday were Mr. and
Mrs. L. McClinehey, Mrs, Guy
Cunningham and Miss Christine
of Auburn,
u u•
Miss' Janet MacGregor of Ford-
wich spent the weekend with
her parents, 'NIr, and Mrs. Ross
Miss Helen Mclllwain of Strat-
ford is spending a few days this i1
.01.50 a Year
•Vtith,rlr.,•d n,.,! Clara mai!,
I'ovt (pal e... pest:, ''Ottawa'•
tihnw-nnn Hi+,:,. f'ubnshera
as low as 92.93
TIE BARS from 91.Oe ee
on Cuff Links -and Tie Bars pnrebao,-d at
.www aaaaaaawwwwwww"",num,""""",nn,n,mnnn"n"„mmtt"""n""",bmq„nnn""n""nin.
F. Kling Purchases ivies are visiting their family in
Detroit, Windsor and Ruthven,
Former Daly Garage ! Mrs, 'Henry Boehler of Mount
Recent property I T orest spent a week with her
1 1 Y sales uegotisi
ed by Joseph McConnell; Seaforth.'both andMr. Scherbartlt
daughter, Mrs, Edward &her-
Farni of Mrs. Margaret Murray I Mr. and Mrs, N. Rode, Detroit,
2114 con. McKillop, to Bernardwith Mrs, Elizabeth Rock.
Westerveld of Blyth. I Mr. and Mrs. C, Leonharclt and
Norman O'Connor farm, 2nd Mrs. Barbara McLeod, Mitchell,
concession; Hibbert Twp., to Jelinwith Mr. and Mrs. C. Ahrens.
Fenian of Clinton. s, L. Hillebrecht of Kitch-
Daly Garage property on Main I Dl'anal with Mn, anti Mrs; 1}'iiired
street, 'warehouse and property: Ahrens.
in rear to Franlc Kling. I Meows. Fred and Henry Scho-
ol 1pnngalow property of barth of Detroit visited relatives
F'• I- Kling )former Rice) over the weekend.
North Maiu st., to Eclutund Daly 1 Visitors with Mr', and Mrs. L.
Wilmer Cuthill has pm-ehasecl I Wolfe were Miss 0. Wolfe anis
an apartment builclmg aril also a Mrs. June Beuermann of Detroit;
residence in Goderich. He will Mrs. Robt. Rolfe, Calif„ Mr. D.
continue to live in Seaforth. Mine,. rliuz, Mildmay.
Joseph, Kurpinski of McKillop Mr. , Beuermann has taken
Twp., has imrchased the Allan l 10'
a position at Central Chevrolet
McDougall farm in Fullerton 1'p. Garage in London.
The sympathy of the commun.PEEWEES TIE
Seaforth and Ntitch Peewees ity is extended to the family in
played a 7-7 tie exhibition game 1 the ',dL.
Mrs. i Bach,
at the . recreation grounds on I �lz'. Bennewies has pnr-
11Tonclay night. Seaforth: 0 -3 -2 -0 -land chased land from Rock brothers
0.0.2. Mitchell: Runs is erecting. a house.
for Seaforth: 11eLean 2, Patter- 1 Baskets of flowers were placed
son 2, People 1, Sillery 1, Akker in the church on Sunday from
1. Mitchell: Vipond 2 Fuller 1, Ithe funeral of Mrs. henry Hinz,
Rintoul 2, Osborne 1; Malcolm 1. The following attended a trous-
Umpire: Archie Hubert. The scan tea for Miss Audrey Green
in Clinton on Saturday. Mrs.
teams: Seaforth, Toni Phillips c, Dalton Hinz, Miss Marie Meyer,Pete Sillery 2, Ben Akker 1b, Kim Mrs. H. Leonharclt, Mrs, Wilbur
McLean p, A. Patterson ss, B. Hoegy, Mrs. 14, Tait, Mrs. Ross
Papple 3b, J. Sills if, J. Dick, cf, Leeming, Nhs. M. Beuermann,
J. Hall rf, D. Wright 1f,_H. Drag- Mrs. Wm. Diegel, Mrs. L. Wolfe,
K. Campbell rf. Mitchell:
er et K. R. Sholdice.
Vipond, Fuller, P. Deitz, Rintoul, Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt, Mrs. G.
Malcolm, B. Deitz, 13 t c k n e r, Mogk, Mrs. H. Mogk, Mrs. Ross
Pugh, Osborne, Leonhardt, Mrs. Dan Beuermann,
Mrs. R. Beuermann attended a
trousseau tea for Miss Yvonne
Rose in Sarnia on Saturday.
the library rooms on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Querengesser
June' 0 at 3 p.m. their t�grandson, Confirmation
son of Mr. nad Mrs. D. Staucic,
EGM ONDVILLE - Kitchener, on WhitSunday.
Miss Jessie Frniaysou, Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Don Orchard of
Stratford with
Neilson and Anne of Lorne Park Mr. and Mrs. Jim
were weekend visitors with Airs. Simmons on Sunday.
Jas. Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hehn, r•.r, 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyes and
family, 2015. Alex Chesney and
Margaret were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyes
of Orillia.
Dr. J. Semple and Mr. John
MoCloy are Attending the annual
Conference at Chatham this week
Weekend visitors with Mr: and
Mrs. E. Stephenson were Mr, and
Mrs. Paul Jahn and Mrs, Verna BRUCEFIELD
Greenbury of Minton, Mich. Miss Eleanor Fisher, Graven -
Mrs. Andrew Houston has re- horst, visited for a Yew stays with
turned home from a pleasant vie- lien sister, Mrs. Walter Moffatt
it with relatives in Detroit, . and Mr. Moffatt.
The regular meeting of the
Red Cross Society will be held in
ding anniversary' at the home of
Mitchellcelebrated their let wed -
Mrs. Hehn's great grandmother,
Mrs: Rosina Miller; others visit-
ing at the same home were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Fischer, Keith and
Brian, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs.
'Morris Brown, Stratford, Miss
Shirley Brown, Kitchener.
Air.' and Mrs..D. Hinz attended
the Sippel-Sl:owby wedding in
Stratford recently.
The final Evangelism Bible
Study was held at St. Peter's Lu-
theran Church on Friday even.
Ing after which lunch was serv-
Mrs. is Chris R.u]
Leo march spent
last week v e in Sarnia with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Benne-
week with her parents, Mr. and
Irs, Geo. Niclllwain,
Rev. S. Davison preached anni-
versary services in Whitechurch'
on•Sunday. He was accompanied
by Mrs. Davison and spent the
day with . old friends. Mr. and
Mrs, D. Beecroft.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs.
Routledge spent a few days with
friends in Windsor and Detroit. -
Mr. anti Mrs. L. 'A.. Anderson'
and daughter
Toronto, were
nests of Mr.
g and Mrs, A. Pater-
son over the weekend.
Mrs. Glen Swan, Barbara, Dou-
glas and Paul and Mrs. H. Berry
attended the annual Flower Sun-
day hi Wingham 'United Church
on Sunday. -