HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-05-29, Page 8TIP TOP TAILORS GREAT MID-SEASON. SALE of Made -To -Measure SUITS at 20% discount Choose. from Hundreds of import-, ed suitings iu the shade and pattern of your choice—tailored to your individual measure, at a discount of 20 per cent. Sale starts May 28, ends June 16, Here 'is your chance to save $13.00 on a fine tailored suit. REGULAR PRICE $65. pN SALE AT S52.00 Deluxe Ling, reg. $75, for $60 CLEARING SALE! ONE OF A KIND ONLY READY-TO-WEAR SUITS REGULAR 89.50 TO 59.50 One of a land suits left from regular stock that . we must clear out sit discount up to half price. — All colors but limited size range of 36 to 42 only. ' Buy now and save at S plll"e"1,1111.1.1"ae„11111111,IIa1„IIIl,la,lea„1111,1,1111IIIlII,1,I,,,11u,1a1111111111,,IIIIII„1l llll,lllllllil 11„111, .ANNOUNCEMENT We have purchased the General Store Egniondviile from Clair Haney, taking possession on June 2, 1958. We will try our utmost to give the same friendly and courteous service as Mr. and Mrs. Haney have in the past. Rose & Aubrey Eickmeyer ✓ Thank You ! • This week we say farewell. May we take this opportunity to thank all our custom- ers for their patronage and loyalty in the past eight years. We are sure Mr. and Mrs, Eickmeyer will give the same efficient service that was our aini and cordially invite your patronage on their behalf, Clair & Mildred Haney P.S.--Since Mr. and Mrs. Eickmeyer are taking over on. June 2nd, all accounts owing uie must be settled before this date. ,,,1.1t1101111114 lllll 11,111..11/1111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11/11.11111111111,1111111111111,11$1111111111111 iiiiiiii 1111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiii • WINTHROP The CGIT held their May meet- ing in -the basement of the church. The meeting opened by the inert bers siuding their Wenn and repeating their 'purpose.' The business was then' discussed, the offering was then taken fol- lowed by the response. The theme of the meeting was He set the Solitary in Families, Hymn '17 wassung after which Jean Hillen lecl in prayer. A medita- tion was :given by the president. Elaine Beattie read. the Scrip- ture and Sharon Somerville gave a ,short prayer. Hymn 587 was sung and the meeting closed With "Taps". Refreshments were ,serv- ed and enjoyed bY all. The Re -Affiliation service was held in the church on Wednes- day evening, May 21. Theme of the worship service was "What are they among many?" 'Shirley Dolnlage read the scripture and Grace Doig led in prayer. 'A short meditation was given by Mrs. Wm. Little. Hytrin 270 was sung. The Re -Affiliation cere- mony was then conducted, Hymn 261 was sung, followed by an in- teresting-filur on Japan. This was followed by the offering and re sponse, Hynul 241 was sung and Mrs. G, Blanchard pronounced the benediction. HENSALL Amber Rebekah Lodge 4t349, Hensall, had as their guests members of Morning Star Lodge, Brussels, and Monkton Star Lodge, Monkton, N. G. Mrs. Wm, Caldwell presided for the regti lar meeting. An invitation was accepted to attend the 25th anni- versary of Brussels Lodge, June - An invitation from Pride of Huron Lodge for the Vice Grand, Warden and Color Bearer to at- tend "Friendship Night” at their lath anniversary on June 4 was accepted. Vice Grand Mrs. Inez McEwen, reported for the visiting committee, Mrs. E. Chipchase, Warden, reported for the 0,P. and T. Committee. Miss Mebane Whiteman, res. see., announced a number of Past Gl'and's' accept- ing the invitation of Mrs. Mary Suitor, who is entertaining the district Past Grand's at her home in Clinton on May 28th. An invi- tation was received from the I.O.0.71'., Bruoefield, to attend Di- vine worship in Ontario Street Church, Clinton, on June 1, The Rebekahs to meet at the church ,at 7 pan. Greetings from Monk - ton Lodge were extended by Mrs. Ruby Young and Mrs. MaeTag- gart and Miss Jessie Litt 1 e P.D.D.P. extended greetings from Brussels Lodge. A. social hour was enjoyed playing bingo con- ducted by Mrs. G. Parker, Mrs. H. Ferguson and Mrs. G. Clifton. Refreshments were served at the close. Prices at Hensall Community. Sale on May 22nd. Weanling pigs $15.75 to $18.90; chunks $20;10 to $23.75; feeders $26.00 to $34.50; sows $90.00 to $131.00; Holstein cows 9150,00 to $185,00; Durham cows $175.00 to $210.00; Holstein calves $12.00 to $36.00; Durham calves $30.00 to $62.00. 570 pigs and 150 cattle and calves were sold. McKILLOP The regular meeting of the MIS was held at the home of Mrs, Gordon Papple on May 21 at 2 o'clock, with a good attendance, $ $ Only At $ $ This Store Do you get so much for your "Footwear Dollar" Willis Shoe Store DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS ! FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY'- SATURDAY, MAY 29.30.31 RED SEAL -- FANCY 7% oz. RED COFIOE SALMON 3 tins SWIFT'S TEMPT DOG FOOD 12, 15' oz tins 5l AND ONE TIN FREE ! 'VEGETABLE OR TOMATO. AYLIVIER • SOUPS 8 10 oz tins Si AYLMER QUALITY 11 oz TOMATO CATSUP 6 bottles $1 St. Williams' - Assorted, Jellies 9 oz. JAM or MARMALADE 5 jars Si SWIFT'',S GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 4 1 lb pkgs 1 GARDEN PATCH - TENDER CHOICE PEAS 8 15 oz tins Si APPLE JUICE -Allen's Vitaniinized ,7, 20 oz tins $1 KLEENEX TISSUES—Regular 200's 6 boxes for $1 FRUIT. COO1 TAIL_ Aylmer choice 4 15 oz. tins $1 BABY DILLS---Bjck's Pickles 3 16 oz. Jars $1 PEANUT BUTTER—Ellnzarr pure 3 16 oz jars $1 LIGHT BULBS -Westinghouse 25-40-60 6 for $1 TOILET TISSUE --White Cross, 8 large rolls $1 "CHEERY MORN".COPIFEE—Fresh Ground 1 1b. bag 77c APPLE SAUCE—Smart's Choice Quality 2 20 oz, tins 33c DAINTY RICE—Economical 1 lb. pkg. 17o S18ISCIAL K—Kellogg's Cereal pkg 28o JELLY POWDERS—Jello 3 pkgs. 29c IRISH STEW—Clark's 15 oz, tin 31c FRESHIES—Make your own soft drinks ....... 5 pkgs. 290 SMITH'S GROCERY UNITED BUYERS STORE PHONE 12 SEAFORTH WMMS president, Mrs. L. Pryce, opened with singing of hymn 521, Roll call was A book I have read. Literature sec„ Mrs. Arnold Scott took her part of the meeting. Re- port from Clinton was given by Mrs. Eldon. Herr, We are invited to Kinburn on June 18. Mrs. Pryer:, then closed the meeting. The W. A. part of the meeting was taken by Mrs. Mac Scott and Mrs. R, Gordon in form of a sil- ent auction. Next meeting is to be at home of Mrs. R. S. McICer. cher on June 11. Meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer, A delici- ous lunch was served by the host- ess and the lunch committee and a social half hour was spent, 4-H BEEF, DAIRY, SWINE CLUB A very enjoyable second meet- ing of 1958 was held on May 20 at Mr. Wm, Turnbull's for the Brussels, Beef, Dairy and Swine Clubs. The members of the 4-1-I Clubs first went over to Nir•. Mar- tin Bean's. After judging a class of 4 Ayershire heifers, we re- turned to Mr. Wm. Turnbull's and placed a class of 4 Shorthorn heiNrs and a class of 4 York- shire sows. The club members wish to thank Mr. Martin Baan, Wm. Turnbull and NIr. D. Rose of Clinton Agricultural office for their effort and kindness in help- ing to prepare them for judging at the Seaforth Fair grounds, on May 24th. 441 SWINE CLUB The May meeting of the Sea - forth 4 -II Swine Club was held at the farm of Mr. Scott Ciuff. The meeting began with the 4-i t Pledge followed by the roll call. Two classes of Yorkshire sows were judged, Mr. Robt. McMillan and Mr. Arthur Bolton gave the official placings on the classes. It was decided that the next meeting would be held on Juue 26th. Fronde Hunt thanked Mr. Muff for the use of his barn and Pigs. Lunch was enjoyed and the meeting was adjourned. ...so both are building up Every. 1 seconds during banking hours last year a new deposit account was opened in a chartered bank. And to millions of Canadians a bank is not only the best place to keep savings—it is a financial service -centre providing services useful to k,C is cc everyone in the community. A visit to a chartered bank is the way to handle all your banking needs. Here you can deposit money, arrange loans, cash cheques, rent a safety deposit box, buy travellers cheques, transfer looney—all safely, simply, easily. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY - BORN Daltympie-At Scott Memorial Hoepi- tal 011 Mny 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Will- iam Dalrymple, Seaforth, a son Driscoll -At Scott Memorial Hospital on Muy 24th, .to Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Driscoll, nn4 Walton, a son Savauge-At Scott Memorial hospital on May 24011, to Mr, and. Mrs. Ronald Savauge, Seaforth, a daughter Verhoevo-At Scott .Memorial IIaspital on May 20, to Mr, and. Mrs. Sebastian]; Verhoeve, Mitchell RIO, a son. Boshart-At .Scott Memorial Hospital on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lowis floshart, Seaforth, a daughter CARD OF THANKS I wish to thunk all those who visited me and sent treats and cards while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- Cattle 7 Holstein and Dur- tal, also to Father McDowell and Dr. ham COWS; 1 Jersey Cow, ail Stapleton and the nursing . staff. Also fresh, 6 yearling heifers, 3 year - the neighbors who helped so generously with the seeding. ling steers, Holstein & Durham. JOHN MOYLAN 8 spring calves, Holstein & Here - CARD OF THANKS Yord. Town of Seaforth Applications Wanted for a Ohief of Police • Preferably with three to five years' experience, and for a Police' Constable Apply in writing to D. H. Wilson, Clerk -Treasurer, Seaforth, Ontario Applications to be in by June 14th, 1958 NOTICE The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich, an Tues- day, ;Sone 10, 1958, at 10 A.M. All accounts, notices of deputations, etc., should' be in the hands of the County Clerknot later than Saturday, June 7t1, 12,00 noon.. A. II. Erskine Clerk, County of Huron FOR SALE Girl's medium blue suit, size 14. Girl's light blue dress, size 16, in vory good eonditimr. Can bo seen at :Flannery Cleaners FOR SALE Rangette, used 8 summers. Phone 882x3 TENDERS WANTED For installation of • forced um .oil furnace at SS- 13 Mc1illop. Tenders re- ceived until May 31st, Work to be cam. Dieted by July 31, 1958 • -W. 2. McDowell, Seo. -Tress„ Sea - forth IRR 2 TO RENT Two new apartments for rent. Gor don Nobel, phone 71 w Clearing Auction Sale Of valuable farm property, live stock, cattle, hogs, slay, grain, farm machinery and household effects, On Saturday, May 31st, 1958, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock sharp DST. Property will be off- ered at 8 o'clock. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, May 20, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON P,hyalcian and Surgeon - Phone 90 - Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A:, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone S -W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC ,E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Intern, P. L. Brady, M.D.. Surgeon: Mae Hours, 1 p.m, to 5 p.m., dap/ except' Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are ' desirable TURNBULL & BRYAN& VETERINARY CLINICe J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M.,"V.S. W, R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G, DRENNA'N, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105' Seaforth JOHN 10.. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth dully except Mon., 9 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM' to 12.30 PM. Thur. ey$ by appointment only. Clinton EU -2-701Q. above Hawkins' Hdwe, 'Mon..0 to 9.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks et Farm consisting of 58' acres, tested at lowest rates iu Firsts more or less, in the Township of Class Companies Hibbert, Lot 17, Concession 1, on No. 8 highway, r/- Mile west of the village of Dublin. On the. premises there is a 114 story frame house with fnsull bl'ick siding, and full basement, large sun porch flout and back with storm and screen windows, 3 bed rooms upstairs, kitchen, dishing room and bedroom downstairs. Barn 36x200 ft, long, 2 decks, would make beautiful broiler building. Cattle barn 38x30, ties 20 head of cattle. Implements shed 82x20; granary 2Sx20, with cement door; drilled well, press- ure system in barn, hydro throughout. I wish to thankall my friends and neighbors who remembered me with cards, fruit and flowers during my re- cent illness. Special thanks to Dr. Stap- leton and the ladies who helped in our home. Evorything was very muchap- preciated. MRS. ALEX MacDONALD IN MEMORIAM Burns -In loving memory • of Mrs. Lucy Burka, who died May 31st, 1066, The rolling stream of life goes on But still the empty chair Of one who always sat there. -John J, Burns and. Family PLANTS FOR SALE :Salvia, Zinnia, Asters, Snapdragon, Petunia in ten varieties, Geraniums, Tuberous Begonia, Sweet Peppers, Hy- brid and other tomatoes, Celery, and a complete line of other garden and Hower plants. Open every evening. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Center FOR SALE 800 Rhode reland Red pullets; 41/4 months old. Apply Pat Givlin, phone 87158 Dublin FOR SALE 2 chicken range shelters, and Mc. Cormick Deeringcream separator. 1 Massey Harris mower, 0' cut, & Massey Harris hay loader, Frank Murray, Sea - forth. - FOR SALE 6 sows, including 2' Jersey, 1 Guern- sey, 1 Ayrshire and 1 holstein, all fresh around a month. Also 2 chicken shelt- ers. Gordon McGregor, Londesbar°. Phone 27811 BlytI, EN Approxiim N 0y 100D steorR with at least 80% tillable lan, god barn, house and venter supply, hydro preferred. P0S-' session of land around July, and build- ings in the fall. Cur guarantee posses- sion for at least a year. Apply at The Neave office ESTRAYED • . Holstein cow °strayed to Lot. 29, Con. 7, .Hibbert. Owner can recover same by paying expenses. Phone 43R25 Dublin FOR SALE 80 rods of No. 9 wire fence, new. Will sell below cost.. An allsteel wash- ing hand machine; nearly new. DeLaval. hand cream separator in good condition. Also good canvasses for Massey Hama 6 foot cut. binder. George Colelough, RR1 . Clinton,: or phone HU 2.3208 FOR SALE 3 burner .electric stove, large oven, heavy wired, good condition. Price 926. 'Edward S. Amens, Brodhagen. Phone 681013 Dublin Good potatoess,m ason SALE Pick up garbage every week. Gordon Nobel, phone 71-wv Seaforth TENDER Tenders will be received up to noon on the 011 day of June 1968, for the supply and installation of an oil furn- ace fn S.S. # 9. Work to be completed by 15th of July 1958. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. P. Roberts, ,Sec.,-Treas., Tuck- ersmith School Area, Seaforth RES Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to noon on the - Oh day of June 1958, for the interior decorating of schools Nos. 9 and 4. For particulars contact Mr. Clair Haney (53.9) and Chester Neil (SS.4). -W. P. Roberts, Sec,-Treas., Tucker- smith School Area, Seaforth RR8 Furniture Sale Private Bedroom suite, vanity, dresser, chiffonier, dining room walnut suite, table, buffet, china cabinet, chairs, Malcolm walnut linen ca- binet, antique side board, antique chest of drawers, walnut; kitch- en, table, 2 garden tractors with attachments, garden tools, H. G.-MEIR Phone 306, Seaforth NOTICE Your Dealer of WATKINS PRODUCTS Henry Stryker, ,has changed address to !CLINTON, R.R. 4 Phone HU=2.9857 Pigs — 10 pigs 180 lbs. S pigs 160 lbs. Seed — 200 bales of mixecl hay; quantity of baled straw; 250 bushels of feed barley; couple ton of feed beans. Implements 1 Case model D tractor with starter and lights, power lift with standard and row crop equipment. 1-4 row bean scuff -ler; 1 bean puller for same. 1-3 furrow Case tractor plow like new. 1 Case power drill,. 10 run in good condition. 1 Case 3 section drag barrow. 1 McCor- mick Deering stiff tooth cultiva- tor. 1' set of 3 section harrows and steel pole. 1 set 5 section harrows. 16 feet of chain har- rows. 1 Smoker bale elevator, 30 feet long, with 1 horse electric motor. 1 Massey Harris 12 ft. mother in good condition. 1 M. H. No, 27 self propelled combine with 12 foot head, floating pick up for grain and beans. 1-82 ft. extension ladder. 1 wheel bar- row. 1 rubber tire wagon and fiat rack. 1' spraymotar weed sprayer with 22 ft. boom with 8 horse motor. 1 IHC cream sep- alatol. 1 quarter horse electric motor. 1-1956 Pontiac coach like new, 1-1951 ton Ford truck with rebuilt motor. 2 big steel water tanks, 500 gallons capacity. - Poultry Equipment — 7 new steel chicken feeders, never used. 10 pressure water fountains never used, 10 used 50 191 feeder pails. 5-6x12 new roosts for hens. 1 box of• 50 lbs. Finn's mineral, Household Effects — 1 wood & coal stove. 1 bedroom suite; 1 dining room suite. 1 chesterfield suite 3 Pc. 1 dresser '& stand. 8 cupboards. 2, rocking chairs. 1 couch. Dining room chairs, quan- tity of sealers. Miscellaneous — Forks, pails, shovels, rakes, tools, hose and a host of other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms on. property, 10% on day of Bale and balance in 30 days, on chattels, cash. Property offered subject to re- serve bid.. Auctioneer's decision final in case of dispute. Estate of the late Rowland Kleinfeldt, • John E. Siemon, Clerk J. L. Ryan, Auctioneer RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, ei TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppo.lte Dick house, phone 347R, Seaforth NOTICE If you -want gravel. sand, top soil on excavating rust phone 864 Seaforth ED BOYCE FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE Repairs to all makes of vacuum clean- ers. Reconditioned cleaners of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna - Phone Hensall 6061 2 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sao,-Treao., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L, - Malone, 3eatortit; J. H. MoEwing, Blyth; W. S. - . Alexander. Walton; E. J,-.Trewartha, ..Clinton ; J. ]A - Pepper, Brucedeld O.W. Leonherdt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; $ Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents- Wni, L•lper Jr., Londe/it/can;J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seafortb. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will.be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverage W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 640 Insure Co-op Way Auto, Accident and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. "PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2-9357 Co-operators Insurance Association 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS'DUNDAS CIL2MPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY ".".,.•' Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART. Office Shone 784 - !Res. 286 Old horses wi nted at 33Ac 111., and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink. Ranch. Phone Collect 1483J4 or 14837-1 (Goderich)' SEAFORTH PROPERTIES FOR SALE Storey & half dwelling with new gar- age, .Goderich St, East. Ultra modern. Three Bedrooms. Full basement. Oil Beat. A 'good buy. - Largeframe dwelling, West End, Outside town limits. Taxes $30. Three Bedrooms. Modern kitchen & bath. New 011 Furnace. Separate apartment part- ially : completed. Priced - right for Quick "ll modern one storey frame dwelling, GODERIOH ST. west Built two yeas. Two bedrooms. Large living room. 011 heat. Lovely location. Worth- invest!. gating. Other properties also listed M. A.REID Real Estate & Insurance Phone 214 Seaforth NOTICE For artificial insemination service or more information, telephone the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton ILU 2-8441 between: 7.30 and 0,30 A.M. We -supply service to top Quality-. bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poli, Hereford (polled and horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Charolaise breeds. The coat is low. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district,; Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 Notice Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND Township of Tuekersmith Dumping Ground will be open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons- from 2 to 6 o'clock and evenings 'from 7 to 9 o'clock, until further notice. B. P. Chesney, Clerk