The Seaforth News, 1958-05-29, Page 4OROMARTY Mrs. TT. Moore returned home last week after visiting in Tor- onto and Lindsay, - Mr, and Mr's. Donald Wallace, Keith and Kenneth, Carlingford were 'Sunday visitors with.' Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. , Mr.' and. Mrs. G. E. Abbiss, of Georgetown, spent the weekend with the Carey families here. Mr. and Mrs. John McLachla and Mr. and Mrs. H. McLachlan, Seaforth, visited on' Satdrday evening with Mr. and Mrs. A. Me- Lachlan. Recent visitors with Mr, and 1Mrs, R. Gardiner were Mr. and The Trhlder, iandiup Heart and the Human Touch Somebody's daughter .. . It couldn't, of course, be YOUR daughter. This girl has no one to care for her and her unborn child. Both face a future dark with shame and bitterness, fruit of folly and betrayal. But not without hope. In the havens, homes and hospitals of The Salvation Army the unwed mother and her babe are given compassionate care and the chance to build virtuous and happy lives. Aren't you glad there is a Salvation Army? To all who 'have fallen by the wayside from whatever cause, The Salvation Army offers refuge and hope. To equip its faithful workers for these tasks of mercy and restoration, it relies confidently on YOU. 6)6(./e, (kw/Ste //ea/ THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL. YOU MAY GIVE YOUR DONATION TO THE CANVASSER Mrs, H. Snell of Clinton, and Mr: and MrS. S. Dunn of Summer Cove; Saskatchewan.. Mr, and Mrs, H. Carey spent Monday in , London. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller and Mrs. Grace Scott visited friends in Seaforth on"Siuulay. ' 'Mrs. W. McLaren Sr„ Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren, ,Wanda and .Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Har- ris, Beverly and :Patricia were guests at the Willarcl•Ifading wed- ding in Grand Bend United Church on Saturday Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. McKenzie, of London, visited on "Sunday with Mrs. T. McIntosh and Mr. and Mrs, A, Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald .'Cookwell and sons, Exeter, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Walker. Mrs. Robert Laing and baby daughter have returned Thome from Seaforth Hospital. Mr's. J. E. Taylor spent a few days visiting friends in ;Toronto. Mr. W. Miller received word of the sudden death of his brother- in-law, Mr. Herman Dayman in London. Mrs," Hayman is a sister of Wilbur's, being the former' Winnie Miller. The regular Ladies' Aid meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. M. Dow, with the president, Mrs. W. Miller in charge.. She opened the meeting with a poem, ' The Living Need Flowers", followed by scripture reading and prayer. Reports were given by the secre- tary and the treasurer. Mrs. G. Carey favored with a reading and the remainder of the program consisted of items of business. The flower committees wore ap- pointed and Mrs. Dow and Mrs. Carey were named as a 'commit- tee to buy paint for use in the church basement. Lunch was served by the hostoss and com- mittee appointed. The Marion .Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Eldon Allen on Tuesday evening with Mrs. 51, Dow pre- siding, Mrs. Gordon Scott read the scripture lesson which was followed with prayer by the pre- sident, Mrs. L. Elliott, who, also had charge of the study book. BRODHAGEN Messrs. Jim Simmons, Peel Boyd, Wilbur 1•Toegy, Frank Eich. nneir, Norman Rock arid W. Hill were on a fishing trip to French River over the weekend. Miss Joanne Rock attended the graduation of Mr. Douglas Aitch- eson of Mitchell, at Western Un- iversity on Saturday. Mrs. Aug Hillebrecht aeon), panted Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welt - creel of Bornholm to Hamilton on Sunday visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Mueller and Mr. Muel- ler and her -granddaughters Ruth Anne. Mueller and Grace and Marilyn Wietersen. The following prizes were won by Brodhagen School pupils at 'the-Monkton Music. Festival held last Wednesday: Jr. 'Boy's :solo- Bobby Rock, second 85 marks;. Junior Girls' solo -Beverley Shol. thee, third 86 marks Junior Chorus, second 86. marks; Two- part Chorus, 1st 85 marks; Uni- son Chorus, 2nc1, 86 marks; Inter- mediate Boys' solo, Larry Kist- ner, 2nd 86 marks; Duet; Rose i7va Buuck and Barbara Hoegy, let 87 marks; Senior Boys' solo, Roger Sholdice, 2118 86 marks; Senior Boys' solo, changed voic- es, Richard Leonhardt, 85 marks. Swing bowling has started on the courts, on the church grounds with 5 ladies' teams and 5 linen's teams competing.- Neighbors of Mr, Manuel : Beu- erman . celebrated his birthday at his home on ' Saturday evening. Rey; and, Mrs. E; J. Fisher, Mrs. George Moak; Mrs. Wm. Diff gel and Mrs. Toledo Beuermann attended Music Rehearsal of the new Lutheran Hymnal at .New Hamburg Lutheran Church on Sunday. Plans are being made for Sum- mer Vacation Bible School to be held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church here every morning July 14 to July 18, and also the Stin- day School picnic, July 20th. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr, fleury Binz and. Janet and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Rock and family in the death of Mrs. Henry I-Iinz, Mr. and Sirs. Henry Leonhardt visited their daughter, Mrs. E. Drager in Seaforth on. Sunday. The annual meeting of the Lu- ther League of St, Peter's Lu- theran Church was held recently, the following are the executive: Miss Carole Rose, Pres., Warren Sholdice, Vice Pres., Miss Glenda Miller, Sec„ Mr. Gary Hinz, the treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Townsend and boys of Tavistock with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. Scher barth. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer- man and Donald Wolfe accom- panied Wayne Beuermann to the Annual Inspection of the Perth Regiment in Stratford on Mon- day evening. 'Wayne being a mem- ber of the Regiment. Mr, Lloyd Pusohelberg is eon - fined to Seaforth Hospital for further treatment to his leg. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Janes Black of Belmont; Mr. and Mrs. T. Scotch - mer of Guelph; Mrs. J.. Wild of Clinton, were in town on Tues- day to attend the funeral of their uncle,the late Mr, Albert Harri- son. Mr's. Reg. Clark, of Glencoe, visited with Mrs. Robert Dalrym- ple and Charlie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hastings of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mrs. T. Barton. Mr. Wm. Hamilton is at pre- sent confined to his bed through illness. WEND F TY t Less t an "Hew Car" a Prices S E 1 " 139LVL"M L Price is no longer a barrier to enjoy- ing Nylon Super -Safety — Thanks to Canadian Tire's Wholesale Dis- count Prices. Yes, you can save $13.95 to $20.55 on each tire you buy, depending on the size. Con- venient Terms to suit your budget. FAR BETTER THAN ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT — AT ALMOST HALF THE PRICE. Super-Lastic Nylon '`120 - Level" Tires give the priceless extra margin of blowout protection. If you're looking for the best possible tire buy on the market with Nylon Cord super -safety and latest improved Polymer Cold Rubber Treads Here's your buy Super-Lastic DeLuxe "120 -Level" Nylon Tires. 5 -YEAR GUARANTEE --plus FREE ROAD HAZARD INSURANCE SUPER -LA` TIC PASSENGER TIRES are Road Hazard Insured against Blow- outs, Accidents, Glass Cuts, Stone Cuts or other normal hazards which make a tire unfit for further service ... in ad. clition to a 5 -YEAR GUARANTEE against defects in workmanship and ma• terials. M LIST PRICE ANUFACTURERS' REG. a $28.85 With Your Class i,A" Trade-in SUPER-LAST9C "120" MfrsLEVEL Size r.r t P ice wit NYLO 67Q/1$. PrQtee floss •ph Mfr' 1.0/15 $28.85 �1e-'n Reg,s Discount 32.85 W �.9$ size crst Price with 750/ 14 x$31.7$ T Coae-r" .. 750/15 35.90 $ 5.95 rid eleSs or White 18.95 800/14 36.10 $14.95 Notesgdd SOcll rrres available 39.50 16.95 to above n many sizes 18.95 Prices for inst�llatlo$3 extra. Save Safely! 2 EASY TERMS: THE .SDAFORTII'NEWS—Thursday, May 29, 1955 REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth 'l, TTURS. FRT. SAT,—JOE DAKOTA JoJockMaloney -Crane Patten COMING — DOUBLE BILL He Laughed Last an Utah Blaine s 3 Nights only r --Thur,. Fri. Sc ,1. i. shore night 8 i?.hr, IN REGARDS TO .WORK., BOOTS OUR BEST, ADS ARE WORN — NOT PRINTED Results of Live Stock Judging The following are the results of the Huron County Livestock Judging Competition held on Saturday, May 24th at Seaforth. The total number of competi- tors was 215. Senior -6 competed. Open to all young men and women 23 to 80 years of age; as of May 1st and also to all those who have repre- sented the County on R 0 y a 1 teams and graduate of a two-yoar Diploma Course in Agriculture. Possible score 700. lst, Murray Gaunt, #1, Lneknow, score 647. 2645.nd, Ray Cann, #3. Exeter. scorn Intermediate -31 competed. Op- en to all young men and women between the ages of 18 and 22 as of May lst, who Have not repre- sented the County on a 'Royal Winter Fair Judging Team. Pos- sible score 700. 1st, Ken Alton, #7, Lucknow, score 649. 2nd, Har- mon Broclliagen, #2, Brussels; score 029. Junior -104 competed. Open to all young men and women 17 yrs. of age and under as of May 191, exeluding those who have partici- pated In the Inter -Club Competi- tion at Guelph. Possible score 700. lst, Ivan Howatt, #1, Bel - grave, score 619, 2nd, Peter Doig, Wroxeter, score 616. Novice -74 competed. Open to all young men and women 7 yrs. of age and under as of May 1st, who are entering the Judging Competition for the first time, and who have had no previous 4.131 Club experience. This class also includes 1958 1st year 4-13' Club Members. Winner of Canadian National Exhibition Shield; Possible scare 700. lst, Kathryn Simpson, #1,' Listowel, score 584. 2nd, J. Cart- wright, Blyth, score 581. Blatchford Feeds' Ltd. Trophy for individual with highest score in entire competition. Possible score 700. Won by Ken .Alton, .#7, Lucknow, score 649. Runner-up, Murray Gaunt, #1, Lucknow, score 647. Wm. Stone & Sons Ltd. Trophy for individual with highest score in Swine Section. Possible score 200. Won by Ken Storey, #2, Brussels, score 195. Runners-up, tied, Harmon Brodhagen, #2, Brussels, score 191; Doug Hugill, #2, Seatorth, score 191; Francis Hunt, #2, Sea - forth, score 191. Carnation Co. Ltd, Trophy for the individual with the highest score in the Dairy Section. The highest score, Ken . Alton, #7, Lucknow, score 196. The trophy awarded to Murray Gaunt, #1, Lucknow, score 188. Runners-ap, Garry Rintonl, of Whiitechurch, score 188, and Gloria Boyd, #2, Walton, score 188, In case of a tie as above Tro- phy winners' are decided by the scores for oral reasons in the sec - Willis Shoe Store The Little Store with the Big Values Highest scorn in Sheep Section, out of a possible 100: Murray Gaunt, #1, Lucknow, score 96; Ken Alton, #7, Lucknow, score 95, High scores in Beet Section, out of a possible 200: R. Lyons, #1, Lucknow, score 187. Runners-up: Toni Easton, #3, Exeter, scorn 185; Gerald Wallis, #1, Crouton, score 185. Special Challenge .Prize 515.00, donated by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, Paid to Junior Farmer Club in IIurmn County, which has ,the greatest number of Competitors compet- ing from their Club. Winner is calculated on the highest percent of members competing based on' 1958 membership gist. Won by the Colwanash Junior Farmers with 7 membera present or 28 percent of their members.. Runner-up,. Seaforth Juni o r Farriers with 16 members pre- sent or 27.15 per cent of their members. H,ENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Ellis of Clinton were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman and family. Mrs. Sam Dougall was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. Mary Chesney in Toronto, Mrs. Mac Greer, London visit- ed during the past weals with her mother. Mrs. B. Bonthron. Northside United Church ' Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Hall, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. 10.16 aan., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Annual Flower Service with the Sunday School in at- tendance. Topic, "Changed . Tnta gr.. ). Sellers of Flowers." Nursery for toddlers. Egmendville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister Lyle Hammond, Organist and Choir Leader. 11 a.m., First Sunday in June dedicated to the Claims of The Christian Ministry Ken Ashton,' candidate for the Ministry will preach. Assisted by the young people of the church. Subject: Christ calls to a life of great Adventure. 10 a.m„ Church School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m., Nursery Class 11.30 a.m., Junior Church Saturday 7,30 Y. P. meeting. (Ball Practise). Wednesday 2 p.m., WMS and W. A. tion in question. Murray Gaunt's The congregation is called to score for reasons was 49 out of a encourage young people in the possible 50. work of full-time service. 1957 OLDS "SUPER" 4 DOOR HARDTOP very low mileage 1956 PONTIAC SEDAN 1956 MONARCH HARDTOP, A.T., radio 1955 CHEVROLET COACH 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 FORD SEDAN 1954 FORD COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 FORD COACH 1949. OLDS SEDAN MAKE US AN OFFER No reasonable offer refused at SeaF* rtii Phone 541' otors Seaforth 'NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1958 lic- - enses for same on or before June 20, 1`958. Licenses will be issued from the Treas- urer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the ownersor harb- orers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags.