The Seaforth News, 1958-05-29, Page 1Sea�orth WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1955 Schedules? For Engineers to Study Sewer Program The town sewer committee met last Thursday ,;with a representss tive of the MacLaren engineering firm of Toronto to discuss the firm taking charge of possible extensions to the town sewer system. The engineer ha's taken nsaPs'baok with ]tint and will sub- mit the firm's ideas for, sewer extensions in ,Seaforth for con- sideration by the committee and countiL ,Top priority for sewer work is the new .industrial development on tate West William street ex tension. Sewers are very much- needed uchneeded also for the hospital and. • nursing -hone, and for the high school. Council Hopes that satisfactory Plans can be made to connect all these areas with the sewer al-. readyJaid from the disposal plant along both Sidesofmain street as far north as Goderich street. • T. ALBERT HARRISON The death of Thomas Albert Harrison, 68, occurred at his Moine in Seaforth, Saturday, fol- lowing a, short illness, Mr. Harri- son was a McKillop twp. farmer, having •come to this district in 1924. Recently, due to poor health, he had sold his farm, .He was born and educated in Goderich twp., and in 1924 married Annie Menzies of Wingham. He was a Member of First Presbyterian Church; Seaforth and for six years was a member of MCR`illop twp. counoil. He is survived 'by his wife; by two sons, Kenneth, Brantford, and Keith, Calgary, and by one daughter, Mrs. W. A. (Lois) Hodgert, Seaforth; by seven grandchildren, by one bro- ther, James, Clinton; by six sisters, Mrs. Mary Smith, Grand Bend; Mrs. George Proctor, God- erioh; Airs, William Scotcltmer, Egmondville; Mrs. Ernie Towu- shend, Bayfield; Mrs. John Wil- liainson, Vancouver; lairs. Lorne 'Marlow, Goderich, The funeral was held Tuesday from the Box funeral chapel, conducted by the Rev. D. L. Elder: Burial was in Bayfield Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Ken Murray, Joe Murray, Frank Murray, Gra- ham Herr, Gordon Elliott, Con Eckert. Flowerbearers: Carl Dal- v-sa''Sr.s Ed Boyce, Gerald van den Hauge', Russell Pringle, John An- derson, Gordon MacKenzie. Sam Scott Heads North Huron C. of C.E. North Huron 'Council of Chris - tion Education at its weekend Sunday School convention in Knox United Church, Belgrave, re-elected Sam Scott of Seaforth as president for another term. Other officers named included past president, Frank Raithby, Auburn; first vice - president, Harry Snell, Londesboro; second vice-president, Keith Webster, of Blyth; secretary, Mrs. Francis Powell, Clinton; treasurer, Mrs. Wellington Good, Blyth; girls` work secretary, Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft, Belgrave; boys' work sec- " ' ietary, Russell Zurbrigg, Wing - ham; temperance secretary, Mrs. Ear] Raithby, Goderich; young people's union secretary. A. Wal- ters, Galeria.; missionary , secre- tary, Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton. - The slate of officers was given to the convention by Earl Ilam- ilton, of Wingham. The associa- tion is composed of Sunday School leaders and teachers from United, Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist Churches. Upwards of •100 delegates heard addresses from Rev. Horace C. Burkholder, general secretary of the Ontario Council of Christian education, and Mrs. J. A. Mur- ray, children's work secretary. Rev. Charles Krug of Belgrave had charge of the opening wor- ship period. GOING TO BANFF Louis Knetsch, cadet lieuten- ant, high schoel cadet corps, nas received word that he has been accepted for the camp at Banff this summer, HENSALL Mrs. Jean Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs; • Ross Ferguson and family of Toronto were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Mr. and lairs. Harry Gibson and son of Sudbury were weekend visitors with Mrs. Gibson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. Mc. Naughton. Miss Bernice Dilting of Sarnia was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. billing. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCloy and family of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. McCloy's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess Mrs. Edna Corbett was a week- end visitor with Mr.. and Mrs, G. Parker, Rickey and Cindy. Mrs. W. Dilling was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, ` this week where she is receiving treatment. Mr. and Airs. Thompson of Toronto visited over,`the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Fisher. ' Mr. and Mrs: H. Jordan of Lon- don were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr, and Ml's. Herb Kercher. ICIIN ASHTON TO SPEAK The claims of the Christian Ministry will be presented in Egmonctville next Sunday, Kepi Ashton, a candidate for the min- istry will speak. Young people will assist in the service. Surveying _Street Extension This Week An extension for West William street is to be surveyed for the town this week. The surveyor, B. Al, Ross of Goclericlt will be here on Thursday when he will deter- mine where the lines for the ex- tension run, It is expected the street will bo extended as far as the Meir property Mr. Ross will also take levels on some of the adjoining industrial land. The town plans to bring in a water main in the neat future, and later a sewer. LARONE - SPITTAL Rev. Jack H. James officiated at the wedding of Nancy Jane Emily Spittal, Toronto, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. James R'. Spit- talk Seatorth, to Kenneth Joseph Larone, Don Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Laroue, Seaforth. in St. Thomas' Anglican Church, on Bator dey, May 24th at 3 p.m. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of imported Swiss Alencon lace featuring a fitted bodice, a scalloped sabrina neck- line embroidered with pearls and long lily point sleeves. The full bouffant .skirt was styled with a ruffled bac]: of hand clipped lace Sweeping into a chapel train. She were a matching headdress em- broidered with seed pearls and a fingertip French illusion veil and carried a white prayer book top- ped with white Poses and lily of the valley. The maid of honor, Miss Dorothy Booth, Stratford, wore a waltz -length gown of mint green nylon tricot over taf- feta featuring 01 shirrred torso top and streamers at trio back, Sho wore a.matehing picture hat and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses and yellow shasta daisies. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Barbara Oldfin, Toronto, and Miss Mari- anne McKibben,-Wingham, wore identical gowns to that of the maid of honor in an apricot shade. They wore matching pict- ure hats and bouquets the same as the maid of honor's. The flow- er girl, Mies Robin Eastcott, wore a mint green nylon tricot dress with a full skirt and a • scalloped neckline. She wore a matching head baud and carried a nosegay of Talisman roses and yellow Shasta daises. Russell Eastcott, Don Mills, was best man, and the ushers were Peter Spittal and' William Jamieson. For traveling to Washington, D.C., and. Atlan- tic City, N.J., the bride chose a Pale -blue satin linen sheath dress, matching duster coat, royal blue shoes and bag, and white lace picture hat and gloves. Mr, and Mrs. Larone will reside in Don Mills. The bride is a graduate of Victoria School of Nursing, Lon- don. Flowers on the altar were calla lilies with' two standards of white gladioli, snapdragon and carna- tions. The sol ist was Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart, who sang "The Wed- ding Prayer" and t'I walk with God". Mr. Fred Jenies of Strat- ford was organist. The reception was held at the Little Inn, Bayfield, Guests were present from Toronto, Don Mills, Windsor, Kitchener, Mount For- est, Chatham, Wingham, Mono= ca, RA„ Preston, Stratford, Lon- don, Brampton, Brantford. SHERBROOK-CREIGHTON A pretty wedding was solem- nized at Londesboro on SaturdaY May 17th when Elizabeth Mar- garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Creighton of Hespeler was united in' marriage to Doug- las LaRoy, Son of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Blyth. The Rev. J. T. White officiated at the doublering ceremony. The bride was lovely in a light blue nylon chiffon. over taffeta street -length dress, with white accessories and corsage of red roses. Mrs. Robert Ashton, Goderich as bridesmaid wore yellow taffeta with white accessories and corsage of mauve carnations. Groomsman was Mr. Lorne Carter, Clinton. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the groom's parents on the Ma< of Hullett. About 30 close friends and relatives were present from London, Brucetield, Seat o r t h, Cromarty, Georgetown, B 1 y t h, Londesboro, Clinton. For travelling the bride donned a pink pussywillow tweed suit and carried white gloves and a hand bag. Mr. and Mrs, Shobbrook will reside in Toronto where Mr. Shobbrook is on the staff of The Royal Bank, St. Clair ' and Oak- wood. TWO FIRE CALLS The fire brigade- had calls to two minor local fires during the week. A car fire at the Scorns' residence on Thursday was quick- ly put out: Fire in a pail of var- sol at K. Sharp' repair 'eliop, at Harpurhey, on Monday was ex- tinguished. Mr. Sharp was away at the time and it is not known what startedthe fire. ATTEND MEETING Mr. Gordon Hili, President of Ontario Farmers' Union, Mrs. Cr.' Hill, Mrs.' Alf Nesbitt, Bob Tay- lor, Carl Dalton attended a board meeting in Oshawa, Tuesday, to ]yelp draft a brief to Present to Parliament on Wednesday in Ot- tawa, along with members of the I.F.O,C. from the West. County meeting on Tune 6th in Clinton with Jim Donnelly as speaker. Hullett Horrors Retiring Clerk , The members of Hullett Coun- cil, former members and employ- ees and their ladies meet in the. community hall, Londesboro, on Monday night, May 26' to honor Mr, and Mrs. George Cowan. Geo. Brown read a very nicely worded. address thanking Mrs: Cowan for her hospitality and 'kindness, and for the many delicious meals she had served to council mem,. bers. Mr. Cowan who has served asclerk and treasurer tor 13 years and had resigned because. of ill health •was thanked for Isis prompt, efficient and courteous manner in which he had dis- charged his duties. Reference was made to the feeling of good- will which had always existed in their work and social contacts. William Jewitt, reeve;,' presented the, honored couple with a beauti- ful floor lamp while John Arm- strong, former reeve, presented a couple of TV tables. Mr, Cowan replied fittingly on behalf of his wife and hhnself. Progressive eu- chre was played with the follow- ing winners: most games, Mr. H. Tobbutt and Mr. Geo. Cowan; lone hands, Ml's. Geo. Carter, G. Brown; consolation, Miss Jean Leiper, Archie Young. A very de - Helens lunch was served by the ladies. Cadets Inspected Here Tuesday The annual cadet inspection took place at Seaforth District High School on Tuesday after- noon before Brigadier Pocock, who complimented the cadets on their smart showing. Major. Craig Willis was awarded best cadet officer; best cadet, Cpl. Fred Flewitt; Best members of band, -Drummer, Faye Love; Bugler, Catherine Buchanan. After the inspection the cadets paraded up Main Street and . were treated to pop and ice cream bars, welcome ou the hot afternoon. Girls' Awards: Capt, Roach, best girl officer; Gloria Boyd, best girl cadet. - Stratheona Trust best shot crest, Sgt, Donald Tremeer. In charge of demonstration squads were C.S.M. Ron Uhler, Bren Gun Squad; Cadet Serg- eant, Don Morris, rifle squad; Cadet Lieut. Lewis ISnetsch, map reading, and Glen Coutts, sig- 'nals display. Cadet officers are: Boys, Ma- jor, Craig Willis; Captain, Roy Dimgey; Limits., Ron Eyre, Lew- is Knetsch, Howard James, Ray Scorns; Sgts., Toru Somerville, Don Morris, Don Tremeer, Bob W r i g h t; Quartermaster Sgt., Glen Coutts- Corporals, Fred Flewitt, Bob Reith, Reid Hack - well, Jacob DeBoer, C,S.M., Ron Uhler. Girls, Captain, Mary Catherine. Roach; Limits., Marjory Papple, Betty Mnegge, Marlene Cboper, Sandra Doig, Sgts., Marie Sinclair, Maycla Beuermann, Frances Menheere, Marg—Wood. Corporals, Marjory Boyd, Una Talbot, Ann Morris, Peg McLeod. Band Leader, Geo. Hildebrand. Lady Bowlers Plan Summer Games A delicious potauek supper and the final bridge for the season of the Seaforth Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club was held at the home of Miss Dorothy Parke, on Thursday evening, May 22, with six tables playing bridge and six playing euchre. The bridge prize donated by Miss Rena Fennell, was won by Mrs. W. M. Hart. The euchre prize donated by Mrs. L. Melanson, was won by Mrs. Tony Philips. The president conducted busi- ness following the cards. Several names were mentioned as pros- pective new members for bowl- ing. Ladies Day is to be contin- ued Thursday afternoon, nixed play Tuesday evenings and a pot- luck supper will be served last Tuesday of each month. LORNE H. ELLIOTT The death occurred on Wednes- day, May 28 in Scott Memorial Hospital after a short illness, of a well known McKillop Town- ship resident, Lorne H. Elliott, aged 71 years. Ile was predeceas- ed in 1937 by his first wife, the former Emily Barron, and was later married to Florence Smith, who survives him, also surviving, are four sons and a daughter: Gordon of McKillop; Helen, Mrs. H. Williamson, r.r. 4, Walton;' Roy, Bruce and Ross at home; also three brothers: William and Wilfred Elliott of Listowel, and Oliver Elliott of Atwood. Mr. Elliott was a member of Win- throp United Church. The funer- al ' will be, held . on Friday after- noon, May 30, at 2 o'clock, from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Rev. W, I4. Summerell, officiat- ing. Interment will be in Mait- land Bank Cemetery: FOOTBALL TIE The opening game of the Huron Football series on May 23, Clin- ton et St. Columban was a 1-1 tie. HENSALL Mrs, Pepper of Hanover visited this week with her sister, Mrs. B. Bontltron.' 51.00 a Year 1958 Baseball Baseball schedules were drawn up on Tuesday night in the W. O. A. A. All are "0" entries. PEEWEE June: .,• 13—Sebringville . at Mitchell 14—Exeter at New Hamburg 1.30 17—Sebringville at Exeter 18 -=Clinton at New Hamburg 20 -Mitchell at Sebringville 21 -New Hamburg at ,Exeter 23—Sebringville at Seatorth 23—Clinton at Exeter 24 -New Hamburg at Seaforth 25—Exeter at Sebringville 27—New Hamburg „at Mitchell 27—Seaforth at Sebringville 30—Mitchell at .Seaforth July: 1—Mitchell at Clinton 3—Seaforth at New Hamburg 4—Exeter at Mitchell 4—Seatorth at Clinton 4—New, Hamburg at Sebri'ville 7—Clinton at Seaforth 8—lvlitchell at Exeter 8—Sebri'ville at New Hamburg 9—Clinton at Mitchell 11—Seaforth at Mitchell 11—Exeter at Clinton 12—New Hamburg at Clinton 14—Sebringville at Clinton 14 --,Exeter at Seaforth 15 -Mitchell at New 'Hamburg 17—Seaforth at Exeter 18 -Clinton at Sebringville One team will be eliminated for play-off competition. When tile finish standing has been tab- ulated onJuly 19th the 1st anti Ord teams, lnd and 4th will play a 2 out of 3 series. The winners will play a best of throe series for the group ohamplonsllip and the right to enter O.B.A. compe- tition. Convenor of the group is Join Patterson, Seaforth. BANTAM SCHEDULE June: 9—Seaforth at RCAF Clinton 1.1—Mitchell at Clinton 11—Exeter at New Hamburg 18—Clinton at Exeter 18—RCAF at Mitchell 20 --New Hamburg at Seaforth 23—Mitchell at New Hamburg 24—Clinton at RCAF 27—Exeter at Seaforth July: 2—Mitchell at Seaforth 2—New Ilambui'g at Clinton 2—RCAF at Exeter 5—Clinton at Mitchell 7- RCAF at New Tlamburg 7—Exeter at Clinton 9—Mitchell at Exeter 11—Seaforth at Clinton 11—New Hamburg at RCAF 14—Exeter at RCAF 14—Clinton. at New Hamburg 15—Seaforth at Mitchell 17—Exeter at Mitchell 18-Seaforth at New Hamburg 21—Seaforth at Exeter 21—RCAF at Clinton 23—New Hamburg' at Exeter 23—Mitchell at -RCAF 25—Clinton at Seaforth 25—New hamburg at Mitchell 38—RCAF at Seaforth MIDGET SERIES June: 4—Clinton at Seaforth 5—Sebringville* at Seaforth 12—Exeter at Seatortll 30—Exeter at Seaforth July: 4—Mitchell at Seaforth 11 --Clinton at Seaforth 15—Sebringville at Seaforth 29—Clinton at Seaforth Away Games: Tune: 20—Seaforth at Exeter 21—Seaforth at Clinton 25—Seaforth at Sebringville 26—Seaforth at Mitchell July: 1—Seaforth at Clinton 9—Seaforth at Sebringville 18--Seaforth at Exeter MCKiLLOP Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muegge and family of Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. 10. Koehler 'on Sunday. Btr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and family with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I;uether at Morriston on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Taylor of Goderich with Mr. and Airs. H. Regele recently. Mr`s. Chris Eggert is spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. A. J. Huether at Morriston. Mr. and Mrs. N. Eggert, Carole and Juno with Mr. and Mrs, M. Bennewies at Stratford on Sun- day. Gordon Koehler, second son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Koehler suffered a slight concussion following a bicycle accident' which caused him to be hospitalized for a short time last week, EGMONDVILLE The CGIT of Egmondville Un- ited Church met on May 21. This was the affiliation service and the WMS ladies were invited. The meeting opened with call to wor- ship by the president, Margaret Chesney. June McLachlan read the scripture and Mary Ann For- rest the meditation. Helen Boyce led in prayer.. Lois Tyndall and Anita Hillman sang a duet. Fol- lowing offering. taken,bY Marlene Forbes and Gail Finlayson, plans were announced for a hike and weiner roast tor May 21st. Dor- othy Boyce gave a clarinet solo. `17Ile affiliation servicewas held with CGIT president, Margaret Chesney, WMS president, Miss Prances Houston, vice pres., Mrs. G. McGonigle, Mrs. J. Semple and CGIT, Ann McLean, Marilyn Pap- ple, Melia Hillman, Gwen Storey, Nancy Pepper taking part. All enjoyed two contests and lunch was served, the girls being treated to ice cream and cake by WMS. Victory Dinner Planned by WP A. A meeting of the.general W. A. of Northside United Church was Held May 21st. Mrs, Wm. Leem- ing opened the meeting. Theme of the worship service, "Christ - As-. signing us our Tasks". Mrs. Leeming led in prayer. Miss Gladys Thompson, press welcom- eit those present, Airs. Close re- ported 11 boxes, 1 plant, 1 book, and 5 sympathy cards sent atsd 11 thankyou notes received, Mrs. Savauge reported 73 hospital and 45 home calls made, Mrs. Mur- die reported several repairs are needed in the parsonage. The small bedroom will be painted or papered. Estimates on cost of the diningroom floor will be obtain- ed. Group reports showed all ac- tive. Mrs. Close gave the build- ing fund report stating the re- mainder of the fund will be paid off soon. A Victory Dinner will be held June 12th to celebrate this in the form of a potluck supper. A strawberry supper will be held at the eburch en June 26th. The price will be $1 for adults and 50c far, children. Since Mrs. Snell was unable to be present the group leaders and president were chosen to present her with a gift in appreciation of her leadership as president. ST. COLUMBAN The drawing for prizes an the Penny Sale sponsored by the CWL took place Tuesday evening in St: Columban hall, the results were as follows: Towels, Margar- et O'Rourke; cake plate. Karen Kale; towels;. Mrs. A. Wright: tablecloth, Neil Murray; man's nylon shirt, Mrs, 19. McQuaid; nylon mat, Frank Coyne; pillow cases, Mrs. Margaret Baligs; cas- serole, Mrs. T. Maloney; child's dress, Mrs. H. Price; water glass- es: Mrs. J. A, Lane; pyrex dish. Mrs, Evelyn Mills; pitcher and glasses, Mary Ann Snowdon; waste basket, -Mrs. 1Vestcott; a pair of socks, Mrs. E. Malone; dish tray and soap flakes, Mrs. Bit Austin; 20 lbs sugar, Mrs. J. O'Rourke; centrepiece, Mrs, F. Evans; towels, Margaret Cole- man; groceries, Ronnie McQuaid, Windsor; 6 cans vegetables, John Shea Sr., foam rubber mat, Mrs. Darrel Seigmiller; shoe bag, Mrs. Geo. Eaton; case of peas, Mrs. W. McQuaid; plat Mrs. Wm, Austin; canister set, Mrs. E. Papple; towels, Mrs. Art Wright; alumin- um saucepan, Mrs. B. Hayden, Toronto; vegetable cutter, Ruth Cltiff; plat, Mrs, Fergus :loran; thermos jug, Denise Perrault, of Toronto; clothes basket, Jas. Mc- Quaid; bat and hall, Jos, Walsh; centre piece, Mrs. J. Maloney; 15 the sugar, Mrs. J. Doig; car wash brush and chamois, Ethel Stor- ey; case of groceries, Peter Eo - kart; pail, Mrs. Bili Austin; bath towel, Mrs, Bill Austin; canister set, Marilyn Gibson; cake saver,- Margaret Coleman; bath towels, Mrs. Dennis Nolan; baby set, Mrs. Ken Lane; guest bath tow- els, Margaret. Smith; salaa set, Mrs. W. O'Rourke; cookie jar, Mrs. Wilfred .McQuaid; wabasso sheet, firs. J. A. Murphy; pillow eases, Matt Coyne; 7 lbs flour, Mrs. J. McLaughlan; boys' shirt, socks and tie, Ted Doyle; pillow cases, Joan Maloney; 25 lbs of flour, Mrs. Bill Austin; T,V. pil- low, Mrs, John Nigh; book carni- val tickets, Joe Rale; 2 plastic table cloths, Mrs. John F. Mur- phy; cup and saucer anti apron, .firs. M. Murray; pillow cases, Mrs. Angus Kennedy, A lawn chair, donated by Mr. 0, A. Whit- ney, was won by August Duch- arme. The president and executive wish to thank all those who help- ed make this event a success, also, Mr. G. A. Whitney for the use of his store. BRUCEFIELD A'Ir. and lvlrs. Wm, Murdoch of Hamilton silent the weekend with Mr. Misrdooh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murdoch. Miss Elizabeth Scott, Loudon. visited with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Ham tor a few clays. Mr. and Mrs, J. Streifler of Los Angeles, California, Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie, Angus and Jane Ann, St. Thomas, Mrs. W. Moffat visited with Mr. and Mrs. Simon McKenzie on the weekend. Mrs. Wm.' Sinclair, Clinton, vis- ited with Mrs. H. Berry over the weekend. One of the oldest landmarks .of the village was moved on Friday from the intersection to a lot in the western section of the vil- lage. This house was occupied by different (Motors through the years, and of later years was owned by Mr. J. If. Cornish. It was purchased by Mr. G. Clifton, he intends to make it into a mocl ern dwelling. Mrs. .Jas. Berry of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. MCBeath. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Caldwell and family attended the gradua- tion exercises at Victoria Ilospit- al, of their daughter Miss Alice Caldwell, in London last week. Congratulations to Miss -Alice Caldwell. 4-H CORN CLUB Seaforth 4-1-9 Corn ChM met in SDHS on May 21st. The pledge was repeated and 11 member's an- swered the roll call. Discussion took place and an experiment on method and cuht u'e. Next meet- ing will be held late in Juno. Authorized as'.Second Claes.-mail, Poet Mee Peet;, Ottawa Snowdon Bros.. Publishers. 1111111111$11111111111111111$11111 um"n1111t">„11, nu u"u"1111u11u. , , 1111,.1111111.11111.11111111.11111/1.1110, GIVE A FOR GRADUATION SENATOR 17 jewels, shock resistant, unbreakable mainspring, luxury expansion band. 93575 MISS AMERICA 17 jewels, unbreakable mainspring, expansion bracelet. 53975 PRESIDENT 17 jewel;, unbreakable mainspring, shock resistant 94980 (also available Nein miracle of THIN -THIN Watch des; n1 BULOVA "23" 23 jewels, precision adjusted, self-winding, certified waterproof*, unbreakable mainspring, shock resistant, anti -ma netic, all steel case, sweep second hand. 55950 (also available with charcoal dial) 's u s iiraSSIRe. BULOVA DIAMOND LA PETITE 23 Jewels • 2 diamonds, iprecision adjusted, unbreakable mainspring. $5950 wolem sol r lan9 V. IZ ,l :Imoe� cute mop nes• on�y u <Pmoetant I let tA.-�� .ePtate "y11u1 Pt ora tat . Other smart Bulovas as low as $29.75 Cornell Watches as low as $19.95 SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY- - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SEAFORTH ul"auatnat 011 iiiiiii111111111111.1111,11111111 tau,ututatang,tt„tq.unu,1111111 tu.tttt",11111"1 ttt11111111114n10 CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. J, Busby and Shirley of Chatham spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. 'Mrs, Lorne Lawson, Mr's, Geo, Hoggart ivith ,Mrs, Roy Lawson of .Seaforth spent last Thursday in London. 'Miss Mary Whyte of Guelph spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and airs. W. L. Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Youugblut, Mr. and :Mrs. Russell Good, Helen and Sandra of Londesboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. ",Vna. Parker and Mrs. John Whitehead of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard' Preszcator. Mrs. Frank Somers and Har- old of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Douglas. Mr, and Mrs, Wilmer Gloueher and Stewart attended the Auburn Sunday School Anniversary Ser- vices and visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClinchey of Auburn, Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt attended a presenta- tion at Londesboro in honour of Mr. George Cowan, retiring clerk,. and Mrs. Cowan, which was at- tended by former and present Council members and their wives. Mr. Cowan held the position as Clerk of Hullett for the past 13 years, and he with Mrs. Cowan were presented with a floor lamp and 2 TV snack tables, as a tok- en of his untiring efforts. The Constance YPU held their final meeting of the season in the basement of the church on on May 18. Meeting opened with a singsong followed by a hymn. Minutes of last meeting were read and 12 members answered the roll call. Collection was tak- en followed by business. Meeting was then turned over to Toni Whyte. A hymn was sung and Wilma Dale led in, prayer. Scrip- ture lesson was read by Kon Cook and topic given by T. Whyte. Recreation was conducted by J. 1-ioggart• Lunch was served and meeting closet] with a hymn and the benediction. Sec., Wilma 3. Dale. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Dale last Sunday. were lir. and Mrs. Mae McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flynn, Mr. and Mr's. Thos. Knox, Miss Vesta Coombs and Mr. Aienno Jackson. Mr. William Dale motored to Courtland. N.Y„ last Saturday where he attended the McDonald Farms Guernsey sale held on Monday. EGMONDVILLE 'Mr, and Mrs. F. Hutchings of Anaheim, California. have been visiting with firs. C. Hawley. Mr. Hutchings has returned to his hone, and Airs. Hutchings aecom- patiied by Bir. and Airs. W. E. Hawley leave this weekend for California, Air. and :tors. Sas, Hay are vis- iting with their daughter and son -hi -law, Mt'. and Sirs. Lorne Pepper of Niagara Fails. Aft'. and :Mrs. Elmore Stephen- son and family and firs. D. Ste- phenson visited on Sunday with .lir. and Mts. Clifford Talbot, of London. lir. and Airs. John McLachlan and lir. and Mrs. Hugh McLacn-' lan visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan, Cromarty, Air. and Mrs. Frank Young and family spent the weekend with Mrs. Young's parents, .lir, and Mrs. Cairns of St. Thomas. Mrs. Margaret Ematt of Stan- ley spent Saturday with her bro- ther, 'h'. Thos. Robinson DUBLIN The Forty Hours Devotion will open at St. Patrick's Church on Friday morning, will close Sun- day evening June 1. Mr. and firs, Billie Feeney, lir, and Mrs. N. Kramers, Air. Philip Krauskopf in Toronto with Mr. N. Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cronin and children, Stratford; Bliss Shirley Horan, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Horan. Miss Margaret Flanagan, MISS Mary Morrison at their homes, Mr. A. Jordan, Detroit with Mr. and Mrs, P. Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. P. Grosich, Miss Patricia Costello, London, Mr. 0. Costello, Toronto with. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Krauskopf and children, firs. Mary Kraus- kopt in London with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mayman of Pembroke with Mr, and Mrs. F. Evans. Ivlr. and Mrs, A. ISraners in Thamesville with lir. and Mrs. B. Casey. Mr. and Airs. John Lavoie at Farnham, Quebec. HULLETT bir. and Mrs. John Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs, George Carter. of Londesboro, motored to Peter - boyo on May 19, returning bray 21. Mr, Carter attended the con- vention for the Assessors of Ont- ario.