HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-05-22, Page 8NEW DUSTERCOATS
Duster coats are extremely
popular this year, but our
dusters styled by "Locash"
and "Lon Larry" area smash :
bit ivith every woman.
Styled in the best, quality
8 ply bengaline in semi-
'chemise, straight back or
flare back, the three best
styles for late spring and
summer wear.
Choose from powder blue,
cocoa brown, navy, black or
red in size from 10 to 20.
See them today at
STYLE 25.00
By Leo Danal
We're making a
feature this season,
of popular, high
styled Leo Danal
washable cotton
dresses. --
Choose from new
chemise styles, pop-
ular sheath numb-
ers and, of course,
regular styles iii a
grand, big range of
polished cottons,
drip-dry broadcloths
and smart ginghams.
Every new shade
and style is hero for
your choosing and,
what's more, we're
offering them at the
very special price of
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Franks and
Gale of Preston spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Anne Moore of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore and
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Moore of
Seaforth visited AIr•. and Mrs. E.
Koehler on Sunday.
Miss Mary Jackson, Seaforth,
visited Mr, and Mrs. N. Eggert
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barber
and family of Galt spent the
In Discontinued
Men's, Girls and Boys
Jack Thompson's
Footwear Service
(It is our business to give
comfort and save you
neumelnlnl1.,l ememel mn eumal,,l,e,aU,aa
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. J.
Doerr and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Mor•enz and
Brenda of Loudon, Mr, and Mrs.
11, Ische and Janice of Sebring-
vilie with Mr, and Mrs, Rueben
Rapiers on Sunday,
Mr. and Airs. Robert 'Vivian and
Kenneth with Mr. and sirs. K.
Roney, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrigan, of
CooksvilIe, Mrs. Jean Cairns, of
Brucefield, with Mr. and Mrs. R,
Miss Ethel Mae Norris, London,
and Mr. and Mrs. James Norris
and family, Toronto, with Mr.
and Mrs. 5. Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Agar and
Sheryl in St. Thomas.
Mothers' Day visitors with Mr,
and Mrs, W. Fawcett were Mr.
and Mrs. A. Fleming, Guelph,
Mr, and Mrs. R. McDonald, of
Nilestown; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Schauber and Mr. and Mrs. L.
McNichol and Jim, Stratford, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Fawcett, London.
Prices at Hensall Community
Sale on May 15th:
Weanling pigs $14.75 to $18.-
18:70; chunks $20.00 to $24.80; feed-
ers $26.00 to $32.00; sows 8118.;
to $131.00; Holstein cows $165.;
to $190.00; Durham cows $180.
to $200.00; Holstein calves $15.50
to $22.00; Durham calves 828,00
to $62.00. 640 pigs and 250 head
of cattle and calves were sold.
,,,1,111elleae4Oalle1e11amllla1111111 nlml l e,111111l,q
T. Pryde Son
The above firm will continue to operate
under the ownership of JaCk Pryde, who was long
associated with his father, the late Thomas Pryde,
Your continued patronage will be appreciated.
Seaforth Clinton
11111111111111111111111111111ee1111111111111111111111.11111.,111,11, „11.111 I11,11111111.11111111111111111111111/.11 llllll .11
Judging Meet Here
on Saturday
The Annual Huron County
Livestock Judging Competition
will be held on Saturday, May 24
at Seaforth. ' Registration will
commence at 9 'a,m., (DST) in
the Seaforth Community Centro
and following this, classes of
livestock will be judgedat the
Fair; Grounds.
The following rules and regu-
lations will apply in this Judging
1. Thiis. Competition is ,under
the direction of the Huron Coun-
ty Branch et the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture and the Hur-
on County Junior Farmers' Asso-
2. It is open to all young men
cud, women 12 to 30 years of age
r•ee1tling in Huron County and
who have not completed,: more
than two years in an Agricultur-
al School 0r College.
3. Three classes each of Dairy
Cattle, Beef Cattle and. Swine
and one class of Sheep will be
judged. One of the Swine Classes'
will be a class of hog carcasse0.
All competitors are expected to'
judge all classes and give oral
reasons on one class of each kind
of livestock.
4. Registration must be made
at the Seaforth Community Cen-
tre by 9.30 a.m., (DST) on Satur-
day, May 24th. Judging will com-
mence at 9.30 a.m„ sharp, (DST).
We would appreciate your being
on hand at least by 9 o'clock or
earlier if possible.
5. Prize money for this Compe-
tition is made available by the
Agricultural Committee of the
Huron County Council through a
grant to the Junior Extension
Prizes in each section: $5.00;
$3.00; $2.00 anti 24 $1 prizes.
Contestants will be divided in-
to four sections as follows:
1. Novice—Open to all young
men and womentl7 years of age
and under as of May let, who are
entering the Judging Competition
for the first time, and who have
had no previous 4-H Olub exper-
ience. This class also includes
1968 1st year 4 -II Club members.
Judging instructions will be giv-
en to these members in the morn-
ing previous to the competition.
2, Junior — Open to all young
men and women, 17 years ofage
and under, as of May let exclud-
ing those who have participated
iri the Inter -Club Competitions at
3. Intermediate—Open to all
young men and women between
the ages of 18 and 22 as of May 1,
who have not represented the
County on a Royal Winter Fair
Judging Teani.
4. Senior—Open to all young
men and women, 23 to 30 years
of age, as of May 1 and also to
the County on Royal teams and
all those who have represented
the county on Royal teams and
graduates of a two-year diploma
course in Agriculture.
The Huron county competitor
with the highest aggregate score
in the Grain and Livestock m rJudg-
ing o 1etro
' ns in 1D
and 1958
combined will be awarded a trip
to the United Nations and New
York in 1958 or trip of similar
value. Second highest will be
awarded a trip to Eastern Ont-
ario or an award of similar
The regular meeting of the
Winthrop Y.S'JIJ. was held on
'Sunday evening, Slay 11 in 'Ca-
van Church. The meeting open-
ed 'with the Y.?. Purpose follow-
ed by hymn 1394. The roll call
was .answered with .32 members
(present, followed by the min-
utes of 'the last meeting. In the
business part of the aneeting
the final preparations were
made in connection with the an-
niversary. The worship service
opened with hymn 249 followed
by the offering. The scripture
taken from Isaiah chap. 2: 2-5
was read by Merle Godkin. Mar-
garet Boyd led in prayer. The
topic "Is Christianity the An-
swer" was given by aVfargaret
Boyd. Hymn 564 was sung and
Mr. Sunnmerell pronounced the
benediction. Ellino'r :Christensen
was in charge of the !Bible
Study on "When 'Man Became
Free". Some questions were
answered by the members. Film
strips were (presented 'by Mr.
Summerell. Choir practice fol-
lowed. (Lunch was served and
the meeting closed with "Taps".
Holiday visitors were Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Kirkby of Burwash and
Ian of Scarboro with Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Kirkby.
Mrs. Fred Kerley. Toronto and
Miss Barbara Patterson (R.N.)
of Kincardine, with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Broadfoot.
Niles Olene Dundas, Kitchener,
with Mr, and Mrs. T. Dundee.
The regular monthly meeting
of the 17th and Boundary group
of Duff's United Church was
held at the home of Mrs. William
Coutts with 20 members present.
In the absence of the president,
Mrs. Harold Smalldon opened' the
meeting with prayer. After sing-
ing hymn 486 "Jesus Beep Me
near the Grose", Mrs. Harvey
Craig road the scripture taken
from Romans 13: 1-14. A poem
was read by Mrs, H. Smalldon. A
thankyou letter from the 'Unitar-
ian Service Committee was read
by Mrs. Clifford I-Ioegy thanking
Mrs. A. Clark and her helpers
for the wonderful work they had
been doing. Mrs. Clark gave a
very interesting reading on con-
ditions in Korea and the Middle
East and Mrs. G. Williemeon:
gave a report on what hacl been
sent to U.S.C. After the discus-
sion period the meeting closed
with the singing of hymn 400,
"Fight the Good Tight", and the
1Vlizpall Benediction. Lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs. Henry
Armstrong, Mrs, R, Bennett, Mrs.
W. Bennett and Mrs. M, Baan, Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Machinery,.. at. lot 0, Con, 9,
Grey Twp., 1 mile enst- of Brussels, on
Sat., May 24th, at 2 P.M. Meohiuery
—Dion threshing machine 28x48 fully
equipped, on rubber and 7 inch 120• ft.
belt. lYlinneapolis Moline (Waterloo)
tractor 7 years old. Waterloo disk '9 ft.
18 inch disk. International 8 furrow ace
bottom plow. International 87/4 ft, stiff
tooth cultivator. Minneapolis Moline
after which prayer was tittered. (Waterloo) llowcr mower. Mdnnenpalie
Mrs.• Bussell Barrows read the Morino (Waterloo) side sects 4 bet• (like
Scripture lee5bn from Samuel 2: novo Land toiler, 6 section diamond
l sorrows & double 'trees. -59 00. endless
hammer will belt. All above implements
are like new & in excellent condition.
7 ft. Massey Barris binder with new
sickle knife and 2 new canvasses. Inter-
national 13 run fertilizer. drill. Heavy
duty wagon on rubber. 16 ft hay rack.
MOsaey Harris hay loader. Clinton fan-
ning millwith pulley. 2000 Ib scales,
stook or' weighing crate. 21. finch Dower
lawnmower - with 4 cyclo motor, log-
ging - chains, 'pig troughs, snuffler, 8
small timbers, 2 rope heavy block and
tackle, other articles too numerous to
mention. No reserve, farm sold.
Terme cash up to 6501 over that am-
ount -6 months credit on bankable joint
notes: Threshing machine and tractor,
1/3;.down time of sale and balance in
18 months (1 'equal payments)
Fran., W. Elmer Dllacott, Auctioneer.
Harold Jackson.- Clerk, E, P. Chesney
and a sociable time was spent.
The McKillop group meeting
was held at the home of Mrs, T.
McCreath on Wed. evening, May
14 with 16 members present, The
President, Mrs, N. Scliacle open-
ed the meeting with hymn 662,
"0 God Our Help 1n Ages Past",
1.10. The meditation was given
by Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Follow,
ing the various reports a sale of
perennials and houseplants was
held. The W. A. anniversary
which is to be held in June Was
discussed. Mrs. Dave' Watson'
gave true topic entitled 'A Moth-
er's Gratitude", The meeting was
closed by singing hymn 394
"Happy the home. when God is
there" and the Mizpah Benedic-
ton repeated in unison. A delici-
ous lunch Was served.
Mrs. Margaret Humphries is
visiting with her daughter anis
son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. H, Rut-
ledge. London, Furniture Sale
Mr. M. Fraser Spent the week -'
end in Stratford with his sou and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Fraser. •
Miss Isabel Lyddiatt of Lon-
cion spent the holiday weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Lydiatt.,chest of drawers, walnut; knoll -
Mr. Glen Oliver has compleed en table, 2 garden tractors with
his third year at Western I.Tni- attachments, garden tools.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin.
attended the Graduation of their
son John ,at Guelph 0.A.0,, Fri-
day of last week.
On Friday evening neighbors
and friends of Mr. Win. Knox
gathered at the American Hotel,
Brussels. During the'evening pro-
gressive euchre was played aft-
er which Mr. Knox was present-
ed with .a radio.
Mr. and Mrs. John Icing. Joyce
and Wayne of Sarnia visited with
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jackson over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson, Lon-
don, visited with Mr. and Mre.
L. Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bennett over the holiday.
• Miss Donna Smith conducted
the YPU anniversary service in
1 Private
Bedroom suite, vanity, dresser,
chiffonier, dining room walnut
suite, table, buffet, china cabinet,
chairs, Malcolm walnut linen ca-
binet, antique side board, antique
Phone 306, Seaforth
Clearing Auction Sale
. 00 Household Furniture: Lind Village
Property at Ethel, on Snt., May 24-011 at
1 P.M. DST. A full line of Furniture
and electric equipment end dishes.
Terms cash on chattels; on property,
made known day of sale..
Arthur Henry, Prop.
Donald Dunbar, Cleric
Lew Rowland, Auctioneer
Two Holstein second calf hoifera, bred
Poll Hereford, duo to freshen in 10
days. Lewis - P, Coyne, RR5 Seaforth.
Phone 54816 Dublin
Some good York chunks, also 'a smart
young dog, A. It, Dodde, phone 888114
20 pig's, 8 weeks old. William T. Liv-
ingstone, irhene 847181
Extension' table, 6 chairs and buffet,
piano style organ and stool, mahogone.
Duff's .United Church on Sunday 1 Call 109.
evening, Others taking part were FOR SALE
Miss N. Hoegy, Victor 'Uhler and McCormick Deerrmit single horse scuf-
Ronald Smith. Rev. W. M. Thom- ( can17 n 1lawn in good
diton.Phone 3eooh
as addressed the young people FOR SALE
The choir' was composed of young nee Warmn It. I. R. pullets, Dight
people with Mr. Bob Binnendyk l weeks old, vaccinated against bronchitis
of Kippers as guest .soloist. and newcastle. Apply Alvin Deaermann,
Mr. Hugh Campbell observed Pllone 23116
his 96th birthday on Saturday,
May 17th.
Mrs. E. Euuis 'visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie, Eg-
mondville on Sunday.
The last dance of the season
was hell in Walton Community
hall .last Friday evening. Mr. ss.
Wilbee and his orchestra will be•
gin playing at Bayfield on Fri-
day evening next.
The seventh aneeting of Mc-
Killop Busy Beavers was held
on Way Lath at the home of
Joan Coyne. The meeting open-
ed by singing ",0 :Canada" and
repeating ,tile 4-11I Pledge. The
minutes of the last meeting
we're read. We had roll call
which was, My average food
score for one leek. The last
meeting will :be held at home of
Elizabeth Poland on May 21st,
and we are to bring our record
books. 1Mrs. Papple gave us
notes on !Public :Health Services,
Food for all the Family, Our
National Pantry Shelf and Gen-
eral Rules for Ilteat Planning,
We closed the meeting by sing-
ing 'God save the Queen and a Elliott accompanied by Mrs. Geo:
delicious lunch was enjoyed. Henderson; a quartet by Mrs. E.
iboll call—To show our record
Home Assignment: 'Fill in the
food score for second week.
Finish record book. Complete
first aids kit and also complete
the charts "Myself and My
Clearing Auction Sale
Of valuable farm property, live
stock, cattle, , hogs, hay, grain,
farm machinery and ; household
eifeots. On Setua'day, May 315t,
1958, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock
sharp DST. Property will be off..
el'ed at 3 o'clock.
Farm consisting of 53 acres,
more or less, in the Township of
Hibbert, Lot 17, Cloncession 1, on
No. 8 highway, 7 mile west of
the village of. Dublin. • On the
premises there is a 174 story
frame house with insult brick'
siding, and full basement, large
sun 'porch front and • back with
storm and screen windows, 3 bed
rooms : upstairs, kitchen, dining
roomand bedroom . downstairs.
Barn 36x200 ft, long, 21 decks,
would make beautiful, broiler
building. Cattle barn 3$x30, ties
20' head of cattle. Implements
shed 32x20; granary 2Sx20, with
cement floor; drilled well, press -
bre system in barn, hydro
Cattle — 7 Holstein and Dur-
ham cows; 1 Jersey cow, all
fresh;.6 yearling heifers, 3 year
ling steers, .Holstein & Durham.
8 spring calves, Holstein & ^Here-
Pigs --10 pigs 180 lbs. 8 pigs,
160 lbs.
:Feed — 200 ,bales of mixed
hay; quantity of baled straw; 250
bushels of feed barley; couple ton
of -feed beans.
Implements — 1 Case model D
tractorwith starter and lights,
power lift with standard and
row crop equipment. 1-4 row
bean ecuffler; 1 beau puller for
sante. 1-3 furrow Case tractor
plow like new. 1 Case power drill,
16 run in good condition, 1 Case
B section drag harrow, 1 McCor-
mick Deering stiff tooth cultiva-
tor. 1 set of 3 section harrows
and steel pole. 1 set 5 sectionr•
harrows. 16 feet of chain har-
rows. 1 Smoker bale elevator, 30
feet long with 1 horse electric
motor. 1 Massey Harris 12 ft.
swatlrer in good condition. 1 M.
H, No. 27 self propelled combine
with 12 foot head, floating pick
up for grain and beans. 1-32 ft.
extension ladder. 1 wheel bar-
row. 1 rubber tire wagon and
flat rack. 1 . spr'aylnotor weed
Sprayer with 22 ft. boom with 3
horse motor, 1 IHC cream sep-
arator. 1 quarter horse electric
motor, 1-1956 Pontiac coach like
new. 1=1951 ton Forel truck with
Dublin rebuilt motor. 2 big steel water
Kitchen cabinetS two chesterfield tanks, '500 gallons capacity.
chairs, eleetrio heater, piano stool, Poultry Equipment — 7 new
window blinds and curtains. Phone 84 steel chicken feeders, never used.
FOR SALE - 10 Pressure water fountains
Purebred Hereford bull, aervicenble never used. 10 used 50 Ib feeder
age. Harold McNaughton,
sal miles
Werth of Mltcholl, Phone 688x22 pails. 5-6x12 new roosts for
Price reasonable. Apply
Kippen. Phone Hensel] 694-16
12 pigs suet over 6 weeks old. Ell
Dorrance,. phone $381.22, R52 Seaforth
10 to 12 ton mixed grain end a num-
ben of 94% Land1•ace pigs, also semo
Phone 1040, ready to wean. James Soutar,
Begonias, Tuberous Begonia, Geran-
iums in nine colors, Alimited amount
of Hf, Fl, Hybrid tomatoes. They are
the earliest and have everything You
would svnnt in a. tomato. Also a com-
Greenhouse, and garden
Ga dePlanta, n
ter, Seaforth
A Winghmn Clipper rrmge, reasonable.
Phone 06641 Seaforth
Feed Oats. John W. Thompson, phone
888181 Senforth
60 acres of pasture, 25 acres could bo
cut for hay. J. W. Thompson, phone
580,81, Seaforth
Mother's Day and Baptismal
services were fittingly observed
in Brucefield United Church on
Sunday. The following infants
were baptized: Margory Louise,
daughter of Mr, and We, 3. Tay-
lor; Chas. William, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Proctor; Jeffery
Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Rev. and Mrs. E, R. Stanway
of London, spent one evening
with Mrs. C. Ham and Miss
Mayme Swan.
lvlr. and Mrs. Ross Scott at-
tended the wedding at Goderich.
of Miss 'Sammis and Mr. George
Beatty on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Harrigan of
Cookeville were guests of Mrs.
J. Cairns over the weekend.
Mr. and .Mrs, Geo. Pinkney and
daughter Doreen, of Walkerton,
spent Mother's Day with Mrs.
Pinkney's mother, Mrs. 7. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen, Ham-
ilton spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar .Allen.
Mrs. S. McKenzie visited for a
few days with her son, Mr, Don-
ald McKenzie, St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Hen-
sall, spent Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Corn-
Over 50 Iadies of Brucefield at=
tended the WMS meeting at Go.
siren Church on Thursday night.
Over 100 ladies attended the
annual visitors day at Brucefield
United Church on Tuesday, May
6th, when we had as our guests
the ladies from Seaforth North-
side United Church.
The meeting opened with all.
standing and repeating the W. A.
creed. The devotional period was
in' charge of Mrs. E. Thomson
and Mrs. L. ;Ayre. After • singing
hymn 152 Mrs. Broadfoot took
charge of the program. A musi-
cal trio by Mrs. McBeath, Mrs.
Mae Wilson and Mrs, Alton John-
ston; an a.cco•dion solo by Gaye
Williams, Mrs. Mac Wilson, Kra.
McBeath and Mrs, G. Richardson
was enjoyed by all. Airs, Lorne
Wilson then introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. Whyte, Constance,
who left us a very impressive
message. Rev. Mrs. Davison and
Mrs. C. Ham presented Mrs.
'Whyte with a gift of apprecia-
tion. The trio and accor'dian so-
loists favored with two more
numbers. The meeting closed
with singing the W. A, hymn
"Let the beauty of Jesus be seen
in me", and prayer, God be in mY
head and in my understanding.
Guests were then invited to the
school room where a very delici-
ous lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams and
family of Sinicoe were holiday
visitors with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Adams,
Mrs. A. Erickson and family,
of Waterloo, were here for a few
days with her mother, Mrs, Mes-
Mrs. Thomas Barton was in
Listowel over the weekend on the
occasion of the silver wedding
anniversary of her daughter, Mr.
and Mfrs. Earl Hastings.
A. shower was held for Marlene
Dalrymple last Wednesday night
at the home of her mother. She
was the recipient of many lovely
Cleary's ICA
hens. 1 box of 50 lbs. Finn's
Household Effects — 1 wood &
coal stove. 1 bedroom suite; 1
dining room suite. 1 chesterfield
suite,,3 pc. 1 dresser & stand. 3
cupboards, 2 rocking chairs. 1
couch. Dining room chairs, quan-
tity of sealers.
Miscellaneous — Forks, pails,
shovels, rakes, tools, hose and a
host of other articles too numer-
ous to mention.
Terms on property, 10% on
day of sale and balance in 30
days. On chattels, cash.
Property offered subject to re-
serve bill.
Aactioneer's decision final in
case of dispute.
Estate of the late Rowland
John K. Sienion, Clerk
J. L. Ryan, Auctioneer
This is a corn year. Don't rely on hay
for this year. A good field of corn w111
be your best bet. See J. E. Hugill &
Sons now. Phone 6671418
Rangette, used 3 summers. Phone,
For installation of forced air oil
furnace at SS 18 Maine:), Tenders re-
ceived until May 81st, Work to be com-
pleted by July 81, 1958
—W. J. McDowell, See.-Treas., Sea -
forth RR 2
Teacher. for SS No, 6 McEillop, 2141
miles east of Winthrop, Huron County.
Duties to commence Sept. 2, 1968, AP -
proximately 30 pupils. Applicant to
state qualifications, experience, religion
and salary expected.
Apply toLeslie J. Puce, Sec.-Treas.,
RR 1 Dublin
One interested in farming, or willing
to learn. Must be steady.' Jonathan
Hugill, 2 miles west of. Seaforth,- hwy 8
Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed
radio repairs to all kinds of radios.' at
Dick House, phone 847R, Seaforth
If you want gravel. sand, top soil or
excavating Met phone 854 Seaforth
Wo have ort interesting proposition in
stock for you. We need ambitious repre-
sentatives to self our well-known prod-
ucts in: Dashwood, Exeter, Goderich,
Seafor-tli, Zurich, and surroundings. Do
not hesitate, write without any obliga-
tion for details and free catalogue to T.
Gardner, 0. P. 58, Station 0, Montreal.
Don Brightrall
Dealer and Distributor of
Petroleum Products
Gas, Stove and Furnace Oil
Prompt Farm and Home Delivery
Hudson Sterling
'Phone 47
Walden & Broadfoot
Phone 686w Seaforth
Thursday, May 22, 1958
Funeral Service
Prompt and Careful Attention
Hospital Bed
Flowers for all occasions
Phones: Day 43 Night 596W
Physiclan and Surgeon
Phone 90 Seaforth
Physician'and Surgeon
Phone 5-W Seaforth
E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internlat
P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon
Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m„ daily
except Wednesday and Sunday
Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
urday only 7-9 p.m.
Appointments nude inadvance cos
desirable. -
.T. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S.
W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S.
W. G. DRENNA'iN, D.V.IvI., V.S.
Phone 105 Seaforth
TORN- B. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist
Phone. 791. Main St., Seaforth
Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon.. 9 to:-
5.00;Wed. 9 AM to 12.00 PM. Thur. evv
by appointment only.' Clinton HU -2-7010.
above Hawkins' Ifdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.89
Watson & Reid
All Muds of Insurance risks ef-
tfected at lowest rates in First -
Class Companies
The McKillop• Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Officers—President, Wm., S. Alexanderi
Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and
Sea-Treas., M, A. Reid, Seaforth.
Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth 1 d.
H...MoEwing, 51ytl1; W. S. Alexander.
Walton; E.J.-Trewartha, Clinton; T. E.
Pepper, Brucefield • 0.W. Leonbardt,
Bornholm; Ii. Fuller, Goderleh • B.
Archibald, Seaforth ; Allister Broeiltoot,,.
Agents —Wm. Leiner Jr., Londesboroo
3.70. Fenster, Erodhagen ; Selwyn Baker,
Brueaels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance or
transact other buelness, will be promptly
attended tobyapplication to any of the
above named offlcera addressed to dole
respective post offices.
• Fire
• Auto CE
• Accident
• Liability
• Weather ,-,%....„4;;;.
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Phone 384 Res. 540
Insure Co-op Way
Auto, Accident and Sickness,
Liability, Wind, Fire and other
P. A. "PETE"
Phone Collect HU 2-9357
Co-operators Insurance
'blue coal'
the solid fuel for solid comfort
Phone 673 or 332-R
Office Phone 784 - Res. 206
Old horses wanted ed at 31sfic Ib.,
and dead cattle at value. If dead
phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink
Ranch. Phone collect 148334 or
148331 (Goderich)
Storey & half dwelling with new gar-
age, Goderich St. East. Ultra modern.
Three Bedrooms. Full basement. Oil
Heat. A good buy.
Large frame dwelling, West End,
Outside town limits- Taxes $30. Three
Bedrooms. Modern kitchen & bath. New
011 Furnace. Separate apartment part-
lally completed.' Priced right for quick
All modern one storey frame dwelling,
GODERICH ST. west. Built two years.
Two bedrooms. Large living room. Ail
heat. Lovely location. Worth investi-
Other properties also listed
Real Estate & Insurance
Phone 214 Seaforth
For artificial Ninseeminaation service or
more information,. telephone .the Water-
loo Cattle Breeding Association collect eh
Clinton 05102-2441 between: 7.10 and
9.80 A,M. We supply serviceto top
quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey,.
Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown ,Swiss, Red
Poll, Hereford: (polled and horned),
Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned),
and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and
Charolaise breed,. Thecost is low.
Authorized - agent for Viking
Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub-
lin, Clinton and Hensall district.
Repairing a. specialty, A few good
used °.0nes on hand. Basil O'-
Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone Hun-
ter 2-9131
Township of Tuckersmith
Township of Tuckeramith Dumping
Ground will be open Wednesday and,.
Saturday afternoons from 2 to 6- o'clock
and evenings from 7to 9 o'clock, until
further' notice.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk