HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-05-15, Page 1Th aforth WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTI-I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1968 $i.50 a Year Authorized as 'Second Class roan. Post Office Dent., Ottawa Snowdon .Bros„ Publishers 3.8 MILL TAX''':EDUCTI N F',R PUBLIC SCHOOL RATEPAYERS The greatly increasedprovin- cial governeieit,grants to edu cation are reflected in a 3,8 mill tax redaction to public school ratepayers this year as council. struck the 1958 tax rate !Monday night. The school (board' reduced their rate by 4,4 mills and des- pite higher library and high school.rates, council ;was able to lower last year's rate. An increase in the separate school isr Midget will. raise their rates about four mills. The lengthy meeting ended on the stroke 'of midnight. Mayor Christie !presided. Highlights of the meeting in- cluded authorising the industri- al eom mittee to proceed with aequiring Laud .60 feet wide be- hind six clots on the quest side of North Main street, and to open a street in connection with the site of :proposed development. Opening of the street !word' also make available some_kuild- ing lots. The !Dalton, ivI,cliwain and ,other properties are inyoly ed. A meeting with the McLaren engineering firm _ and council !will take place on May 22nd to discuss extension of the sewer system in (Seaforth. Council are terminating the services of A. !Bushie who is on a monthly basis, and he will be eligible for hire by the' hour. the will be asked to vacate the shouse at the old waterworks on 'C'ole- man street. In :response to a petition, the council will assume 80 per cent of the accounts of four firms which gave credit to the defunct ISC Construction, sewer contrac- tors, on the assumption this amount would -cover actual costs. The sewn had been com- pelled to ,;'icy into the receiver- ship a hold (back intended to protect local firms, who had ex- tended credit on a verbal guar- antee of a councillor at that time. Council agreed to pay a fur- ther $500 to the arena oornmit- tee, being the balance of $3:500 budgeted. R. S. McDonald, the �y.i l easure'r, stated :this sum would tide the arena over to the end of the year. (Reeve'Scoius point- ed out the council had got off easier this year without a Jr. B team than in years, when it operated. Councillor Baldavin reported the ice machines nad. been torn down ' and inspected and repairs will not be more than $65. Building permits were confirmed to Dr. McMaster, converting garage; on Louisa St. at the former Swan :Smith !rouse;'^ 4rrto' a dwelling; $`400; Win. O'Shea, residence, on lot purchased from E. H. Close, $8,000; Prank Lamont, alters - tions to C. E. Smith store, $2160. Chief of ;Police (Ehrhardt re- ported nearly even opinions on Main street para11el1 parking, but conditions are greatly im- --- •- prayed. There has not been even a scratched fender reported, he said. In the property committee re- port, Councillor Baldwin said the old waterworks house could .be used for storage and save the town rent. Councillor Rivers said the building is sound and could be fitted up for a house or apartments and rented. !Councillor Habkirk reported routine work for the streets, and said a bigger sign !pointing to Victoria street or the park might. help parking.' On Saturday night cars line up for bloeks on John and Market streets, whilethere is always plenty of parking spaceon Victoria street, which is brightly lighted. Lawn rolling out of town was a Iosing business even at.S3 an hour and the customers - were unhappy about the higher rate, so there will be no more rolling. Reeve IScoins said the county intends to resurface the north road to Winthrop- and. hoped, Main street might • be included. The county engineer will be asked to, inspect the condition of the street. 'Councillors were invited to a meeting on Wednesday when '•10 - cal business men - and industri- alists would .be present. HOME AND SCHOOL The -Home and School will meet Tuesday, May 120th in the public school at 8!15. The in- stallation of officers, winners of the music festival and a pen- ny sale will be features. 4-H GRAIN CLUB The second meeting of 'Sea - faith 4-H Grain Club in the Seaforth District High 'School on May 7 with a good attend. anee of the members. The meeting was opened by aepeat- intg. the 4-I3 pledge. Our leader !Earl : McSpadden gave an inter- esting talk on fertilizer and how to use it, The members judged a class of oats ansi (barley with official placingbeing given by Bruce Coleman and Earl Mc- ISpa!dden. Tihe meeting adjourn- ed and lunch was served, ENGAGEMENT 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byers, Dublin, wish to , announce the engagement of _their e:1 d est daughter Geraldine. Evelyn to !Mr. Ervin Maxwell Johnston, son of Mr.. and. !Mrs. Bob John- 'stop, 'Clinton. The marriage to take place in June, 1958 TAX RATE The following are the vatwious mill rates which make up this year's tax rate in Seaforth. Public School Separate Bus. Res. Bus. Res. Sewer 2.8 2.8 2.8 2,3 County .. 12.1 121 12.1 121 Library 1.8 1.8 1.6 1:6 High school 7. 7. 7. 7. Pup, school 22.6 22.6. Sop. school 24. 24. General ... 37,7 31.7 37.7 31.7 1953 Totals 83,8 77.8 85.2 79.2 1957 school rates .. 27. 29. 20. 2.0. 1957 taxes 87.6 81.6 80.6 74.6 POSTAL INFORMATION Victoria Day and the Queen's birthday being celebrated oh Monday, 119 -May is a statutory holiday. The !Post Office main doors will'be open from; 7 a.m. 1(EDIST- to '6 p.m. !(EDST). The ickets will be open for all pha- ses of business from 1.2 noon un- til 1 p.m. only. All incoming and 'outgoing mail will be hand- led as usual. No rural -deliveries will be made on this date. The street letter boxes will be clear- ed once only on. the 5.30 sched- ule. :Patrons are again advised that mails for despatch close et noon, 2.45 p.m., 7.15 p.m. and 8 pan. 'lo ensure proper delivery address your mail fully, clearly and without misleading abbrevi- ations and place your return •ad- 'ress in the upper left hand Cor- ner •of the article being mailed. Please have your incoming mail. fully addressed to your post of- fice box number, to general de- livery or 'to the proper rural route number. ' BAPTISMAL SERVICE During the Service of Wor- ship last 'Sunday morning at (Northside !United Church, the Rev, 'Bruce W. 1Ha11 administer- ed the (Sacrament of Baptism to l'e'ry Alan, son. of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. )Broome, Deborah Anne, ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnston, ]Brenda Lynn, •daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. T'. Ii. Sav- auge, Heather Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Ears. D. G..Seiganil- ler, and Arlene ,Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams. PUT OUT BLAZE The firemen put out a blaze about 7 a,ni, on Wednesday in a shed under outside stairs at the rear of Hugh Thompson's shoe repair. The tires were 'burned on a bicycle and the shed interior scorched. Fire (Chief Scott said garbage in a box may have heated up; or a smouldering fire -cracker Louis 2.Iernberger gave the alarm. C. W. L. The regular monthly meeting of ,the C. W. L. was hold in the school on Tuesday evening with 16 members present. The presi- dent, Mrs. M. Etre opened the meeting with the League Pray- er. The secretary's report was given by (Mrs. J. Hotham in the absence of (Miss IRI.' Fortune. The ilst vice president, Mrs. J. Malonely reported 80 members. Correspondence was read by -Mrs. 1.. Leonhardt and Treasur- er's report by :Mrs. A. Stiles. The Librarian IEtrs. L. Rowland reported two new books. Mars. M. Etue and Mrs. J. Meagher twill attend the Annual .C.W.L. Convention in Leamington ton May 20 and ;2a. It was decided to hold a homebaldng sale on May '31st with Mrs. C. Malone, Mrs. J. Devereaux convening. (Mire. A. Devereaux recited a prayer. Mrs. J. Fortune sang a solo accompanied by IMrs. A. Stiles. The mystery price • was won by Mrs, L. Rowland. The meeting closed. with prayer aft- er which lunch was served by Mrs. M. Williams and !Mrs. G. Reynolds. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Drager wish to anima -ince the engage- ment of their daughter Erma Annie to Bernard James Cost- ello, son o3 Mr., and Mrs. Dan Costello, !Dublin, Ont. The wed- ding to take place in 1St. Pat- rick's !Church, Dublin, early in June. GROUP 4 W. A. Group 4 W. IA. met at the home of Mrs. Harold' Wilson for their May meeting with a good attendance. Mrs. Wilson 'opened the meeting with a poem "What Is .Spring?' The devotional per- iod consisted of a well known hymn, scripture reading by lilies Joyce Wilson. and Mrs, Westcort led in prayer. It was decided that the fee for. the Nursery School would be 25c per child. The program was conducted by Mrs. Pollard and centred on the theme of (Mother's Day, Mrs. Bell favored the groap with two solos. IMrs, Pollard read some appropriate poems and Mrs. McKercher addressed, the group on the duties of .different members of the family. Mrs. Hudson moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. 11VIcKercher, Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Wilson. -'The meeting closed with Mizpah 'Benediction after which lunch was served. Kirkby Family Honored by Friends lOn Friday evening May 10th a social gathering was held in Leadbury School, to honour Mr. and &Irs. (tom Kirkby and their daughter !Dianne who hove sold their farm on the lith• con. of Me0{illop and are moving in the near future to their new home in Brussels. Euchre and Lost Heir were played, the winners in euchre were ladies high, Mrs. Dave Watson, :Gent's high, D. Watson. Lone hands, Charlie •MeGavin. Ladies consolation, Edna Shannon. Gent's consola- tion, Leslie Reid. The winners in Lost 'Heir we'r'e: girl's high, Teresa Ryan, boy's high, Bobby Shannon, girl's •consolation, Lin- da 'Somerville, !boy's consolation, Jack McCall. A. short program followed which included two chorus num- bers by boys and girls of Lead- bury School directed by Mr. G. Willis, and an instrumental by Dianne Kirkby. Ernie Toll ask- ed 'Ruth, Tom, and Dianne to be seated in the chairs of honor and Mrs. E. Toll read the fol- lowing address'. Dear Ruth, Tom and Di- anne, -We your friends • and neighbors are .gathered here to- night to spend a social time with you, andrto show you in a small way how • we have enjoyed and appreciated your frieardahip,' You have spent all of your mar- ried life in our community and we have always found you will- ing to give a helping hand when needed. Your efficiency as a snow blower operator will long. be remembered'. We are going to miss you all. in our neigh- bourhood. We are happy to know that you are not going very far away and that we shall still see you quite often. We trust that in your new home there may be many Pleasures in store for you all, and be as- sured that the good wishes 'of your many friends go with you. We trust that this occasion will imprint on your minds that there are no friends like the old friends. Dianne, your kindness and winning ways will always be remembered by your school pals of Leadbury. 'Their , best wishes go with you for contin- ued success in whatsoverthe future holds in store for you, whether it Ibe music or other- wise. We just could not let you go without giving you a little remembrance that will flash Leadbury to your minds- and now to touch the lighter side. - We all, came here tonight to bring you these little gifts, to brighten up your life. When evening,comes and work is done. May these gifts help remind. youof all the people back home that you have left behind you. We ask you Ruth and Tom to accept these gifts and Dianne, this gen and pencil set, not so much for ,their value but for the feelings that go with them. May you all be spared to enjoy many more years of happiness together, and may God guide, prosper and bless you, The presentation of three lamps and a large mirror to (Muth and Tom was made by Ar- chie and Walter (Somerville and a pen and pencil set was pre- sented to Dianne. by ;Sharon (Somerville. Tom expressed his appreciation on 'behalf of Ruth and (Dianne. Lunch was served. BOY SCOUT NEWS The 1st ;Seaforth troop .held an interesting game of softball at the High 'School for this week's weekly meeting. 'Last Saturday the Boy Scouts passed out packages of string to every household. The. purpose of this string is to tie up the old pap- er's for the Lions Club salvage drive. The !Boy Scouts meet every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. over the Post Office building. The Scout (Master is Keith Sharp. ROYAL ROADS GRADUATE A graduate of the Canadian (Services College at (Royal Roads near Victoria on Vancouver Isl- and, B.C., is !Cadet Robert P. Spittall, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. IR. M. Spittall, !Seaforth. Born in Wingham, Cadet !Spittall was educated at the Seaforth Dis- trict High School. He is a form- er member of the Seaforth Army !Cadet Corps and plans on serving with the Canadian Army on completion of his studies. NORTHSIDE GROUP 3 W. A. Group +3 of Northside W. A. held their May meeting at the home. of Mrs. M. Berger with 20 members and 4 visitors present. Miss Abbie (Seip opened the meeting with a poem "Consola- tion" Mrs. B. Christie conduct- ed the business of the meeting. The devotional part was con- ducted by Mrs. N. Schneider. The hymn "I love to tell the 'Story' was sung. 'Mrs. Schneider read a poem "If I had prayed" and then led in prayer. The scripture Psalm 7137 in hymnary was read in unison. Donna. Mao and INancylBeriger favored with a lovely duet. Mrs. Berger in- troduced the speaker, Mrs, Jos. Grummett who spoke on "The' value of a hobby". Her hobby is making aprons and she had 50 aprons on display. They consis- ted of 10 classes from large work aprons to _dainty hostess aprons, Mrs. Berger thanked Mrs. Grumrtre'tt for her most 'in- teresting talk. Mach light°n Is Viet ::r Huron 11b7 Mal'4irity Monday's by-election in !Hur- on resulted in a majority of 1,167 for Chas. MVlacNaughtonof Exeter over Dr. Alex. Addison of Clinton. The voting followed the`' broad pattern of previous provincial elections, although a bit lighter, being a by-election. Not quite 57% of the total pos- sible vote was east. The result was tabulated on Monday night by Returning Of- ficer !Russell T. Bolton, in !Sea - forth rapidly at the office of W. E. )Southgate, election clerk, where the results were announc- ed over a loud, speaker and marked up on a !bulletin board as received by telephone from the deputies at the polls throughout the riding, Ali re- turns were in about 9.130 p.m. Three other !by-elections were held in Ontario the same day, in Cochrane North, St. 'George's, Toronto, and North Renfrew, allbeing won by the govern- ment. Later in the evening a vict- ory tour started from Exeter and came to !Seaforth. After a parade on Main st., led by the band, they went on to ,Clinton and Goderich, ROLAND KLEINFELDT Roland Kleinfeidtt passed a- way suddenly on Wednesday morning at his home a mile vest of Dublin on No. 8 high- way from a heart attack. - Mr, Kleinfeldt had Ibsen in failing health for several years. He had attended the funeral of his mother-in-law, .IMrs. Seth Brown on Tuesday afternoon at Exet- er. The remains are resting at the 'Heath -Leslie funeral home, Mitchell, where the funeral ser- vice will be held on Friday at 2130 p.m. with Rev. :Mr. Day - nerd of Staffa officiating. (Born in Hay township on May '31st, 1894, son of the late John ICeinfeldt and Hanna Schroeder, he was married 139 years ago to Laurette ,Brown of Exeter. For nine years they lived at Staffa and for the past 30 years had farmed near Dub- lin. He was a member of !Staffa United Church. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons and one •d'aughter, !Harold Edward, at home' Gordon Victor, of Streetsville, and Doris, IMrs. `Ii. Butler, Jr., Lucan, There are also nine grandchildren, three brothers and two sisters. tl;Te was predeceased by pne sister. WILLIAM.,!. PIPER The 'death occurred in :Scott Memorial Hospital early Wed- nesday morning of a :well known resident of Seaforth, William H. Piper, following a short ill- ness, in his 9.1st year. Born in England, he came to this coun- try in 1)872, living at Exeter where he received his early ed- ucation and 66 years ago .came to .Seaforth. He was married here to 'Mary Laura ;Barnett, who predeceased him on April 24, 1981. Surviving are two sons and a daughter: John of Toronto, and Russell and Violet ofSeaforth• also a grand- daughter. A� daughter, Olive (Mrs. E. liillebrecht of_ 'Hamil- ton) died in July, 1957. Also surviving are two sisters: Mrs. 73. Roadway, Detroit, 'and Mrs. Harry !Weis, Cleveland. The funeral will take place on Fri- day, (May 116, at 2 ,p.m., from the G. A. !Whitney Funeral Horne, Goderich Street, :Seaforth. Rev. Bruce W. Hall of Northside II/l- ilted Church will officiate. In- terment will be in Maitlandbank 'Cemetery.. FARMERS' UNION MEETING -The- Farmers' Union meeting was held on the usual night of the month with a fair attend- ance. The secretary read previ- ous 'minute's and correspondence and also the financial reports, The president read, a letter from Municipal (Board. (the new egg support price is as much bene- fit to processor as the producer, 2 cents for each. President de- clared all offices vacant and asked Mr. Bob Taylor, !Director for Huron to address the meet- ing and conduct election of of- ficers. Mr. Taylor's address touched on several subjects. He said Mr.. !Cardiff stated there was no need to give processor 2 cents per doz. as their cost is no more now than before. A re- solution had been sent to Agri. Minister -asking' for compensa- tion on brucellosis be increased. Milk powder was ,decreased 2 cents per pound. Election of Of- ficers: Pres., Carl Dolton; vice Pres., Ken 'Carnochan; six Dir- ectors, John Thompson, .Edward ISchextbarth, !Orville Storey, John Henderson, :Milton 1Deitz, Wm. Govier. A good discussion period was held. Arrangement ,for amateur and variety shone was in order for Friday night in (High School. :Next County meeting, June 5 in Board room in Clinton, Mr. Jim !Donnelly as guest speaker, from !Goderich. Barn dance on June. ,14th in Henson arena. W. I. NOTES Any further .donations for the bale far• Ceylon !(new or used children's sweaters or layette articles) may be left at Mrs. John 11VI Gregor's up until Sat- urday of this week. EGMONDWI LLE Mr. and Mrs. !Albert Clark and family of IMuirlcirk were re- cent =visitors with IMrs. Clark's mother, ;Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick • Me - Lean Jr. of Kitchener evere Sun- day visitors with his parents, Mr. and: Mrs. 11. MacLean. Visitors :with Mr. and Mrs. J. (Hay on Sunday were members of their family Mr. and IMrs, L. 11'Iay of Hensel!, fVIr. and Air's. .C'alvin Horton of Stanley and Mrs. Lorne !Pepper of Niagara. IMr. and Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Anahiein, Calif., are visiting their brothers and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley Mrs. C. Hawley, Mi. and Mrs. Zack Mc- ISpadclen and Mr-. and !Mrs. W. G. )MdSpadden. DUBLIN • The May meeting, of the Dub- lin Subdivision of 'the C.W.L. was held on Monday evening at 8.30 in the !Continuation (School with 25 members present. Mrs. Dan O'Rourke, the newly elect- ed president opened the meet- ing with the League prayer and a hymn was sung. •Mrs. Clay- ton Looby read the minutes of the !previous meeting and cor- respondence. Mrs. Janes Kraus- kopf gave the treasurer's re- port. Preparations were discus- sed in regard to the annual sup- per and social to be held in June. Mrs. James JCrauskopf gave a very interesting reading EIonor !Mary Thy 04c:ther". Mrs. Dan O'Rourke and Mrs. L. Ryan will attend the !C'onvention to be held at !Leamington this month: The retiring president, Mrs. John Flannery was present- ed with a gilt by Mrs, 3. 'Shea, Mrs. Leo ilyan reading the ad- dress. .A. travelling, apron will be started, proceeds to go to- wards the Mercy Shelter at Chatham. !Mrs. Fergus Horan and Mrs. John E. Murray were named as convenors for the lunch committee. 'The meeting closed with the National An- them and lunch was served. WALTON Rev. W. M. Thomas was in charge of the Mother's Day ser- vice in Duff's United Church last Sunday morning. A moth- er's choir led in the service of song and rendered an anthem. Mrs. !Herb 'Travis. and Mrs. D. +erased sang "My Mother's Pray- er" as a duet, The following in- fants were baptized during the service: !Anne Marie, .daughter of Mr. and IMrs. Gerald Watson, Patricia Anne, daughter -of Mr, and Mrs, Donald !McDonald and John Robert, soar of Mr. and Mrs. an Van Vliet. The annual Young !People's Anniversary will be held next Sunday morning when a young people's choir will supply spe- cial music and conduct the ser- vice, Rev, Thomas will give the address. Mrs. Russels Barrows attend- ed ,the 40th annual W. 1, 'Offi- cern Conference at Guelph last week as a delegate from the Walton :Branch. Miss Ione Watson is spending the summer months at'Ch lean. 'Visitors with Mrs. E. Ennis over the weekend were Mrs. !Mary Dressel, Toronto, 'Mr. G. DresseI, Langton, Mr. Cosby En- nis, London and Mr. A. Kelly of Toronto. (Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamont and family of Loudon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lubnow of London visited with the Tat- ter's mother, '.Mrs. R. W. Hoy on Sunday. GROUP 2 W. A. The regular May meeting was held May 611i at the home of Mrs. McDonald with 19 mem hers and one visitor present. The devotional ;part of the meet- ing was opened by a reading of familiar verses from the Bible by Mrs. E. Clarke. The singing of hymn 148 was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Shannon. 9fi's. W. Dundas then gave a reading "The Co-IOpeinajtive Garden". Mrs. B. Walters .then took bhe chair for the business. After the roll call which was answered by "Sing, speak or Pay", the min- utes of the previous 'meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. Storey reported that a substan- tial amount had been realized from the tea and bake sale. .4 notion to the effect that the 'group were in favor of the whole auxiliary having a tea or supper in June was passed. Mrs. Dundas read an article by Hugh Garner entitled "If Christ ;were alive today". .A lively discussion followed. The meeting closed with . the singing of hymn 297, after which 1VIrs. Dundas re- pepated the Benediction. !Games were followed Iby a bountiful lunch provided by Mrs. Michel. and Mrs. 'McDonald which was much enjoyed by all, At :the con- clusion the hostess .and lunch committee were thanked by Mrs. L. Carter. ' WINTHROP Don't forget the Family Night in Cavan Church on !Friday eV - ening, May 16th. Everyone Wel- Due to the Young Peeples Anniversery'Sttnday, May 18th, our Sunday School will meet at 9.415 a.m, before the. Church service. u,,,, ,,,,nuuuu,unu u,,nu,i„u, n„unu,uwunuu,uu,nm„n,iu„nuuuuu,,,nuuut tot e e RINGS OV '1 x WITH THE GU„RA,NTEED VALUE PLAN Setthgs,,I,rk i to e1.o„ dein ! rr i When your choice is a Bridal Bel!, your ring will always have full tura•ia value on the purchase of a larger -diamond ring to match your future prosperity ... And whichever Bridal Bell you choose now, you are sura of incomparable beauty and value! SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FIN10 CHINA SBAFORTIl ',Midi ,,, 11104/1101.1111111 llllllllll 1111111 lllll lllllllll 1110,11.1 lllllllllllll llllll lyt$11.11/1/11.1/113.1,144/. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald and sons of Midland, Michigan, spent the week end with the Iatttr's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson, Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Preszcator and family over the week anti were Mr. Dou- aid Glanville and Miss Shirley Beaker of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Benham and family of Exe- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Had•. gins and family and Mrs. Flossie Smith, all of London. Miss Mary Moore and friend ct Toronto visited Sunday with her brother, Mr. 1,Vm. Moore. air, Borden Brown attended the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario Nest convention in Sarnia last. Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Preszeator and family spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Hil] Crediton. Miss Helen McElwain. nurse in training, has finished her duties in London and spent the ii'eek end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Mcll venin before starting back in Stratford to fin- ish this tern., Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and girls visited with friends on Sunday in Hanover. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ileiger of Goderich Township visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George McIllwain. Mrs. Clarence Montgomery re- turned home after visiting the past week with her sister in De- troit. Mrs. Kenneth Thompson re- turned home from Scott Mentor - Hospital Wednesday with her baby slaughter. WILL VISIT JAPAN (Miss Rena : ennell, of Sea - forth, will leave by air from Ed- monton on August 2nd on a six -weeks' trip to Japan. Miss Fennell will he a delegate to a world convention on Christian. Education to be held at Tokyo. MRS. SETH BROWN The funeral of Mrs. Seth !Brown, Ord St., took place on Tuesday afterifoon at 1.xoter. Mrs. Brown was 74. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Harold Jeffery, Us'borne, and Mrs, R. KleinfeIdt, Dublin. She was for- merly Lillie Rowcliffe of Us - borne. SEAFORTH MERRY MAIDENS The 7th meeting of the Sea - forth Merry Maidens was ,open- ed at Mrs. W. L. Whyte's home at, 2 o'clock, May X10 by singing "0 Canada" and repeating the 4-H Club in unison. We discussed. the making of .our charts and record book cov- ers. We were happy to have Miss Patterson, home econom- ist, with us, and she gave us. many excellent rules for gener- al meal planning in order to bal- ance the diet as well as make the food attraenv e looking•. Mrs. W. L. Whyte discussed how - nutrition is necessary for good health and without a properly balanced diet we cannot be as well as we should be. After our usual social time, the meeting adjourned to meet May 31, at Mrs. J. )3roadfoot's home. 4-H CORN CLUB The Seaforth 4-B (Corn Club held their first regular meeting in !Seaforth District high School Friday evening, May 9. JIr. A. Balton told a.mut the seed -bed preparation, planting and man- agement of corn. President, J. Broadfoot conducted the busi- ness part of the meeting. Mac Stewart was elected press re- porter. This is the first year for a corn club in this district. Anyone wishing to join may still do so as we would like more members. It was decided to hold the next meeting at Seaforth District High school Wednesday evening, May 21. Seed cern was given out by Larry 'Wheatley and the meeting adjourned.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordonordon Wilson, followingt1, Ir weddindrn-, •.t. St, Maria's Anglican Church, Toronto. The brick'. the fernier •s ran Doreen, Nee, is the daughter of Mr. ancl Mrs. tlohert Kee, Tor- onto, and the bridegroom Is the son of mr. aril 11Irs, Dnvicl H. ?ilson, Seaforth, They will reside in T n ife