HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-05-08, Page 10Re/wee/Fake SUNDAY, MAY 11th MOTHER'S DAY Mother loves pretty things, especially if they're from Stewart Bros. We've made a special effort to provide the dainty, prac- tical gifts that are sure to please Mother on her special day. We're happy to provide gift boxes too, at no extra charge. New Handbags Leathers, plastics, fabrics and summer straws in a wide choice of sizes, shapes and colors 2.95 to 9.95 S New Spring Gloves Sllortee, regular and. three quar- ter length in washable summer' nylon simplex fabrics. Black, white and pastel shades ; A Popular Gift ! 1.00 to 2.95 Sweaters Orlons, Banlons or cashmere sweaters in pullovers, shrugs or cardigans- in 28 different shades 3,95 to 9.95 ? 444:-4...+. ..**ew.e, Give Mother A New Dress Standard or new chemise style dresses in a wide range of new- est fabrics, patterns and designs -styles for young or older mothers 9.95 to 25.00 Dainty Slips and Lingerie Crepes, nylons and drip dry terylenes in straight cut, lace trimmed slips or half slips in Pretty Blouses Dainty washable blouses in cool whites and pastel shades - whites and pastels ) sleeveless, short sleeve or long 2.95 to 6.95; sleeve styles 2.95 to 6.95 BUSY BEAVERS The fifth meeting of the Me- Sillop Busy Beavers was held on April 23rd at the Seaforth District HIigh School. There were three clubs present. The meet- ing was opened by singing "0 Canada" and repeating the 4-111 Pledge. The roll call was an- swered and then Constable Hardy from Goderich spoke on Traffic Safety and he also showed us a film and gave some accident numbers in the pro- vince of Ontario. The meeting closed by singing "The Queen' and then each club assembled for tneir roll call and home as- signment. Roll Call: One acci- dent hazard in any home and what I'm going to do about it. Home Assignment: Read "The Motorist's Manual". B e g i n chart, '"Myself and My Home". Complete first aid kit and bring it to next meeting. IStudy traf- fic laws. 'Fill in Page 8 in Mem- bers' Pamphlets. The sixth meeting was held on April 28th at the home of Loretta Connolly. We opened the meeting by singing "0 Can- ada" and repeating the 4-73 Pledge. We then had the min - CLEARANCE SALE DRY GOODS BOOTS & SHOES REDUCED TO CLEAR C. HANEY PAINT Gift Umbrellas New shapes, clever handle de- signs in good quality umbrellas that make a popular gift ....3.95 to 5.95 Transportation Specials 1948 Mere Coach 1946 Plymouth Sedan 1949 Mercury Coach 1948 Dodge Sedan 1946 Chev Sedan 1948 Chev Coach 1947 Mercury Sedan 1950 DeSoto Sedan 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1949 Meteor Sedan 1949 Chev Panel 1950 Meteor Sedan 1949 Dodge Sedan 1951 Ford Coach 1950' Chev Coach 1950 Plymouth Sedan 275.00 1948 Plymouth Sedan 125.00 Make us an offer -no reasonable offer refused at SF MOTORS 100.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 75.00 125,00 150.00 250.00 100.00 275.00 150.00 275.00 275.00 350.00 250.00 Seaforth Phone 541 Mitchell Phone 186 New Spring Shade Nylons Seamless, standard seamed or stretch types. -- New spring shades including new colored sizhose,es All 98c to 1.50 Towels or Towel Sets Guest size or bath 'size with matching face cloths -checks, stripes, fancy borders Singles 96c to 1.65 Sets of 3 4.25 Satin Bound Blankets Sunny spans or Kenwood all wool blankets in a wide range of lovely pastel shades, all satin bound 5.95 to 19.95 Pretty Lunch Cloths Imported screen print lunch cloths in a wide aseortment of Patterns and sizes 2.95 to 5.95 Quality Sheets and Pillow Slips Muslin or percale qualities. Plain hems or 'hemstitched sheets. Per pair 5.95 to 9.95 Pillow slips, per pair 1.59 to 2.25 Stewart Bros.. Utes of the last two meetings and the roll call was answered. The next meeting, which is to be an extra one will be held on May 5th at Marguerite Scott's. We had notes on Helpful 'Cloth- ing and Care of the Body. The meeting closed by singing "The Queen" and lunch was served. Roll Call: My average food score for one week. Home Assignment: Make food socre selection for one 'week. Work on charts, thyself and My Home. Make inquiries about public health which is available in your community. Work on re- cord book. NORTH McKILLOP The BethelW MS and W. A. held their meeting on Thursday evening, May 1, at the home of Mrs. Wan. Dennis. Mrs. Ross Leeming presided. After a short prayer hymn 20 was sung. The scripture lesson was read from The Missionary 'Monthly and fol- lowed with prayers of interces- sion. The meditation entitled "To Walk 'Humbly", was read FOR SALE Two male Pups G,armnn shepherd and collie. Phone 17r4 _Dublin. J. O'Connor • WANTED 'first Mortgage of $2500,00 on 125 acre farm property with buildings, Me- Killop, Township. Interest 0%. Ropay- ments to suit lender, Apply McConnell & Stewart, Seaforth, Ontario- Telephone 174, .• TO RENT 100' acre pasture land in Township of Hibbert. Apply -McConnell & Stewart,' Seaforth, Ontario -Telephone 174 Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stook, Machinery' and House- hold Effects, At Lot 0, con. 10, Grey tp. r/ 1miles east of Brussels on .Wednesday, Miay 1400, at 1 P.M. dot. Cattle Durban cow, Holston caw, Jersey hei- fer. 4calves, steer 800 lbs. Sussex Red hens. Pigs-Sowdue rune. 150. Implements - International Farmail M tractor. Waterloo threshing maoh-. ins, Ebersbl self feeder, 18' high eleva- tor. 4 furrow Internastional plow. 4 sec- tion eation dreg oultvator. 32 plate M -M' disk. 13 disk. International seed.. drill. Case packmow- er. Pollard row -maker nal 7side rake,rwagon „with rade, International 8' ft. binder on rubber. Massey Maxie tractor spreader.. M -M hummer mill, McCormick Deering milking machine, 2 single. units (like new). MoCormiok Deering cream'.. sep- arator (760 lbs.).. Circular caw, fanning mill, turnip pnlper, turnip plow, set 1200 lb. scales, corn crib, 7 ft. high, 5 .ft. wide, 20 ft, long. Colony house .10 x 12. Jameaway oil stove. 3 ehieken shelters, number hen feeders. 2 ton r. Aluminum wheel poultry sett barn framng tools. 2 steel pig troughs, ;copper kettle, 200' gal creel septic tank, side scraper. slush scraper. 2 hay ram, ropes & pulleys, -small boat, steel posts, cedar posts, snow fence. lumber, forks, shovels, hoes, tools, truck tires: & tubes, 12x8 truck tarp (new). 1051 Chevrolet 3 ton truck, with 7/ x 13 stock„ mak and turnip rack, steel cable, pulleys, chain hoist, 20. sheets steel roofing, cement mixer, steel water trough. Household Effects - Garden tractor 21/4 E.P. Jacobsen power lawn mower. Roger's Majestic frig. 4 burner electric range, .electric rangette,. 9 piece dining room suite, desk. 3 kitoheh chair's, table, kitchen - cupboard. 2 cook stoves, Pipes, 2 beds, springs, child's crib, wash stand, 4 congoleum rugs, meat grinders. Rorke' meat slicer, safe, girl's bicycle. Other articles too num- erous to mention. No reserve. Terme cash Prop., Lloyd Alcock ; oust:, Herold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney 4444 7 by Mrs. Glen McNichol. A piano solo by ,Geraldine Dennis was enjoyed, Mrs. Wm. Roe present- ed us with some Temperance (Facts which were very enlight- ening. The -topic on "Race Rela- tions" was in charge of Ethel Dennis, who was assisted by Mrs. Mills, Mrs, Thornton and Mrs. L. Leeming. There was al- in London. so a discussion period on this Mi'. and Mrs. Ivan Wren an COMING EVENT Garden. Party and Draw at St.- Pat- rieks Ohi11•ch, publin, Wednesday, June 25th. 2 i;key cad ham supper; Adults 81, children 50s COMING EVENT Bake Sale, St. Thomas Anglican Ohurdh Parish hall, Friday, June Gth commencing at 2 P.M., amsl':ices The Woman's. Auxiliary FOR SALE Large Waterloo golden tractor, 5 horse, .with added wheel weights, culti- vator, plough and sjckle bar; also Roto hoe with mower attachment. Spray - motor wheelbatmow sprayer, fertilizer and other garden tools. H. C. Meir FO'R SALE Twenty 'head or cattle between 000- - 700 Iba. Dave Shannon, Seaforth FOR SALE A Singer drop head sewing. machine. Hand saws, hammers and various other things. II. Kendrick, Centre street FOR SALE Power lawn mower in brood condition, Apply to The News office THE 'SEAFORTH NEWS S Thursday, May 8, 1958 Watson & Reid INSURANCE 'AGENCY MAIN ST., SE4iFORTIi, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First• Class Companies FOR SALE'.' Day bed, falling leaf table, 4 dining room cholic, 2 reeking chairs, child's rocker, piano stool, dishes, quart sealers Mrs. Wes Nicholls, Chalk St., .Seaforth WANTED TO RENT Wanted to renta house with modern conveniences, Egmondville preferred,' by. Juno 1st or before. Apply by letter to Box 127, The Seaforth News INSURE THE CO-OP WAY Auto, Accident: and Sickness, Liability, Wind, Fire and other perils P. A. PETE" ROY, CLINTON Phone Collect HU 2.9857 Co-operator's Insurance Association TO RENT Three new heated apartments,- avail- able June 1: Gordon Nobel, phone 71W FOR SALE Choice quality .potatoes for eating or planting, $2.50 'per bag. Also many kinds of ornamental evergreen trees. We have a power mower, will cut.; lawns, Gordon. Nobel, phone 71•W FOR SALE Floor length white nylon chiffon flow- er girl dress wth crinolines, fit girl 6 or 6 years of age. Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Brodh68103agen.Dublin Phone 6020018. Mitchell, Clearing Auction Sale Of good dean and some nearly new p'urniture end Household Effects, at Trafalgar street, 2 blocks north of the Royal' Hotel, Mitchell, just off No. 8 h highway, Saturday, ch May 10t at 1 o'clock sharp. Beach coal and wood stove. 4 burner electric stove, kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs, Plhilco fridge, studio couch, dining loom table, 6 din- ing room .}hairs, •arm chair, leather chair, rug, china cabinet, bedroom- suite of bed, springs & mattresses, dresser & stand. Wooden bed, springs & mat- tresses. 2 dressers and stands. 2 iron beds, springs: & m,attresses. Chest of tru k 1a2 odds chairs,e. Wardrobe, 4 3, good ,rocl rockers.wooden 2 radio cahnets. 2 small tables. Singer sewing machine.: 2 fortuity stands, vac- unm. cleaner. 2 electric lamps. Beatty electric washing machine. 2 wash tubs & stands, electric hpn, a host of books, 2 cupboards. 6 feather pillows, .cushions. 2 tool boxes, garden tools, jardiniere, flower pots, crocks, 1 clothe. 3 Pairs lace curtains, 8 Pr drapes, lawn mow- er. Lot of fancy dishes, some antiques, Dishes of all kinds granite wear, kit- Chen utensils,semen doors,. cross :cut saw, and host of other articles. Everything will be sold to wind up Estate of Mrs. Geo. Graham. Property is sold. Terms cash. Don Graham, Miss: Maly Graham, Executors. Fred W. Ahrens. Auctioneer KIPPEN Mrs. 21ailb !Whiteman and daughter Margaret of Toronto spent a few daye with .Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Malbelle Whiteman, and on Monday 'of last week Mr. and Mrs. 'Oliver Whiteman of Toronto and In vellhuron were guests of theirs. Mrs. Rena Cald'weli, her son +'in -lane and daughter, •Mr. and Mrs. Verne Alderdice, motored on Sunday co Toronto to meet Jack who flew from- 'Eng -lana, having been away three nveeks. Mr. and 'Mrs.- Arthur Tooth and son Glenn of Winnipeg via- ited a few days with an aunt .and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis, Mr. and Mrs. IRoss Chapman of London have returned to their farm. Mrs. Robert MoGregor and Ars. Dickert spent 'Wednesday important ,subject. MargaretHil- len favored us with a piano solo The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Glen Mc- Nichol, wvith VSirs. W. Roe pre- siding. Hymen X3777 was sung fol- lowed by closing prayer. Mrs, L. Leeming opened the W. A. nneeitin,r with prayer. The nninutes of last meeting were. read and roll call taken with 16 members -present. It was decided to accept an invitation to meet 'with the ladies of the 'United Evangelical Church, McKilap, on Thursday, May '8th. A. bake a i sale s to be held at our next meeting to defray expenses of sending the 'bale of clothing. The coppers are to come in at the next meeting. MOTHERS DAY GREETING CARDS GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS GIFT WRAPPINGS FOR ALL OCCASIONS LARONE'S SEAF RTIC[ 5c t $1®06' tTRE STATIONERY GIFTS FIREWORKS WILL BE ON HAND FOR VICTORIA DAY d Laurie of Hanover spent the weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wren. 1VIrs. Wren. returning to her home with them since visiting .the past two weeks in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Penhale of Bay- field were ISunday guests with Mrs. Pothole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber. Ernest IW hitehouse has 'Mrs. E t been confined to her bed on ac- count of illness.. IHer neighbors and friends wish her the best st of health. 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs`, Bob Tinsman for the gift Y �bo of a bob 1�1 nib Y born April in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seasorth IOn Friday morning Dianne Faber obtained a mark of 80 at the Huron County Music Festi- val at Goderich. She played in the 10 years and under class along nvith 7 others competing. Grant Jones also played during the morning and he too obtain- ed a mark of 80. He competed with 10 other children. Both children are pupils of Miss Gre- ta Lammnie, Hemsall. IMr. Wilfred Veneer is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital in London. Mrs. IMoClymont, who is with her 'daughter, Mrs. Alice Gook of London is showing no signs of improvement 'in hearth. IMr, and Mrs. Robert (Stokes and (Larry of London visited on Saturday evening with the lat- ter's father, Mr. RSdberS Thom- son. We are pleased to report Mr. Elston Rowson who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the past week, re- burned to his home on Sunday. Mr. •and Mrs. IN. Dickert vis- ited Sunday With relatives in Clifford. Fig /Sgt. BobIiPerkins and Mrs. Perkins and boys of RCAF Station, Clinton, visited au ev- ening last week with Mr. and IVirs. Long. INSURANCE • Fire e Auto O Accident • Liability • Weather..' Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate "Phone 334 Res. 540 WANTED Grass cattle - wanted for the summer. 117 acres of grass withfresh water. Phone 88102 Seaforth Fred Glanville FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, -Quebec heater, elect- ric heater, Congoleum rag, 2 Chesterfield. chairs, piano stool. Phone 84 Seaforth. TO RENT .A four roomed apartment, furnished or unfurnished, Mrs.. Marie hickey FOR SALE Peterborough boat, cedar strip, 11 ,S ft. long, life H.P. Vikng outboard, both in good condition. Also 1 new set of overhead garage door hardware. Very reasonable. Apply Max Carter, Damon'- villa, phone 454 Seaforth FOR SALE Ten good Tam and York pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply to Francis Coleman Jr. Phone 38842 FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet. Prone 60W or 8113 CORN PLANTING WANTED I have a 4 -row mounted carp planter with fertilizer attachment. George Stone, phone 886x3 FOR SALE Durham cow, to freshen soon. Lot 8.. con. 14, McKillop. Sam Bolton FOR SALE A few dozen Hemlock scantling. Phone 130J. Lorne Hulley, Seaforth. Tenders Wanted Tenders wanted for six cords of hard wood, Maple or Beech for S. 5. No. 12, MoKillop. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. - Wm. Church of. R. R. 4, Welton. HELP WANTED We have en interesting proposition in stocic for you. We need ambitious repre- sentatives eprosentatives to sell our well-known prod- ucts in: Dashwood, Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth, Zurich, and surroundings. Do not :hesitate, write without any obliga- tion for details and free catalogue to T. Gardner, 0. P. 68, Station C, Montreal. SEED CORN Order your supply of Funk's G. IIy- brid seed corn now. for .e. good 1968. corn crop. W. A. Haugh. and Sons, of Brumfield, .668 r 28 Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm; Farm Stock, Machinery and household effects at lot 23, con. 2, Me- If111oP twp. 11/4 miles north and 1 mile east of Seaforth on Tuesday, May 18 at 1 p,m. DST. MACHINERY - Ford. Tractor fully equipped with pulley, Plow and cultiva- tor. Dearborn mower and snow blade; M.11. 7 -ft binder on rubber (lilce Ceukshutt side rake; Cockshutt 13 -disk fertilizer drill; drophead hay loader; 8 - drum steel roller, tractor disk ; dumP rake ; 4 -section harrows; rubber -tired wagon ; l0 -ft flat hay. rack; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack; power 050017 and motor; Fairbanks Morse. hammer. mill; cutting box; bey fork and ropes; colony house ; rubber -tired mature spreader (like now) ; aluminum wheel barrow ; pig crate ; DeLaval electric cream separator ; electric pail water heater; 2000 lb scales double heavy team harness; sot light driving harness; string of 80 belle and team bells. PIGS -1 York sow bred; 6 York chunks; Co -Op steel pig feeder; quan- tity lumber andcedar posts. GRAIN -Quantity of mixed grain POULTRY -300- IIy-Line yr -old hens GATTLE-Durham .cow due in May; Durham cow recently fresh; 2 black cows with .calves' 10 registered Here- ford cows; 6 with calves at foot; 3 young calves; 1 3 -year old Hereford bull ; 3 Durham steers 000 lbs. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 3 piece -ice modern wal- nut • 9 e Mid p chaste nut ndining-roomcai;suite; extension table; kitchen chairs; studio couch ; day bed ; writing dusk 1 2 Quebec heaters occa- sional chairs rockers, cheatof drawers; beds; springs; new spring mattress; G. E. De Lux table top stove; G. E. 9 - ft frigidaire; Electro Lux vacuum cleaner. Other articles icles too numerous to mention. FARM -100 -acre farm: all workable land good buildings, excellent water supply, steel drive shed. Parcel 2 -Part lot 78 Bayfield line Goderich two., 80 4151CS hardwood bush, 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Bey- field. TERMS -Property 10 per cent down, balance in 80 days. Chattels cash. Sale called on account of poor health. Prop., Albert Harrison Auet., Harold Jackson Clerk, E. P. Chesney. 'blue coal' the solid fuel -for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE hoeA7or38P63 2- AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 Res. 206 RADIO REPAIRS . Quick, - inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO - REPAIS. Opposite Dick House, phone 8478, Seaforth NOTICE • If you want gravel, Band, top .soil -or excavating just " phone 864. Seaforth, ED BOYC.E NOTICE For artifloial. Insemination service or. more Information, telephone the Water.. loo Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton. HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and • 9.80 A.M. Wo supply service to tOp quality bulls of the Holstein, Jersey. Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn, Angus and Gharoiaiee breeds. The cost is low. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking - Cieam Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and I3ensall district.: Repairing a -specialty. A few good used 'ones . on hand. •Basil O'- Rourke, Bruoee61d. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 EGMONDVILLE Y. P., U. The regular im.eeting of the Fegmondville Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening, May 4th. It was opened' by singing .hymen 4816. The Faith and Evangelism 'convenor, Jim Forrest was in Notice Township of Tuckersmith DUMPING GROUND. Township of Tuckersmith Dumping. Ground will be open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock and .evenings from 7 to 0 o'clock, until further notice. E. P. Ohesnoy, Clerk change of the devotions. The scripture Was read by Don Tre- neer following which 'Carolyn Neil led in prayer. 0)r. Semple Was the guest speaker and he told of his experiences as Chap- lain in the reformatory at Guelph. He was thanked by Jian Forrest and then hymn 4387 was sung. Margaret Wood then took the chair' and 22 members an- swered the roll call by "telling what they thought was most in- teresting nteresting in Dr.-Semple's sexper- iences as !Chaplain at the refor- matory. The meeting closed with the singing of hymen 441 and a period of recreation followed. SEAFORTH PROPERTIES FOR SALE Storey & half dwelling with new gar- age, Goderich St. East. Ultra modern. Three Bedroom's. Full basement. On Heat. A good buy. Large frame dwelling, 'West End,. Outside town limits. Tuxes $80. Three Bedrooms, Modern kitchen & bath. Mew Oil Furnace. Separate apartment part- ially completed. Priced right for quick. sale. A11 modern one storey frame dwelling, GOD/MICH ST. west. Built two Two bedrooms. Large living room. Oi1. heat. Lovely location. Worth investi- gating. Other properties also listed M. A. REID Real Estate & Insurance Phone 214 Seaforth V I R NA A special lMothea's Day Ser- vice will be herd next Sunday, May 111 in the United Church with the pastor, Rev: T,tJ. Pitt in charge. [Mr. and Mrs. Don (Barker and family of Ring are visiting at, the home of ;Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'iVlcClymont. Word was received last week of the death of Mrs. Mary Ann Keys of 'Nashville ,Tenn., a'for- mer resident of Stanley bwp. Mrs. T. J. iPitt visited her ,daughter in St. Cathenines last week. SCOTT FARMS Complete Dispersal Sale of Dual -Purpose r Shortho u Cattle 2 HERD SIRES - 12 BULL CALVES 65 FEMALES To be held MAY 14th, 1958 at the Farm AT 1 P.M. Featured in the sale will be the get of such outstanding sires as:. Templereagh Royal King' (imp) Mileham Dollar (imp) Sanford Ballysudden Culkeeran Gay Boy (imp) The herd was established iu 1934.• The females have all beenbrred• on the farm and from outstanding' imported double dairy bulls. HERD FULLY ACCREDITED FEIVIALES VACCINATED R. 0.'P. TESTED For catalogue write: James M. Scott, Scott Poultry Farms, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. -. TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden & Erroadi:oot Phone 686w Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47