HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-05-08, Page 5THE SIOAT+Ol?.TH'NEWS—.Thursday,. May 8, 1958 SUPERIOR SPECIALS ,,BLUE & GOLD FANCY TENDER PEAS— - 1 15 -oz. tins 2 'for 33c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. Jar 47c ., DOLE'S FRUIT COCK- (TAIL- 20 oz. tin ..... ,..,.. • 31d, DARE'S SPECIAL —, agree Coaster 'Wagon Buy a pkg of Cookies or Candy. Write your name on the a otthee to winflag wagonn to leo drawn at a later clate. New DUTCH CLEANSER Giant size. --8c off 2 tins 2 tins ....,....., 33c HYBRID T ROSE BUSHES 2 yr. old Tants ..,.$$1x19' SHERRIFFS CAKE MIX DEAL White 2 pkgs 49c Pan and Icing in ctn. ASSORTED SHRUBS 2 -years old /......,... $1.19 — -. HEAVY WAX PAPER 200 ft. roll. . 590 AFRICAN VIOLETS SOIL SOILBAG — ...,.. 35c DOMESTIC SHORTENING ...... 1 lb. ctn. 30c 1 3c off savings WRITING PADS 2 for 25c 1c BOOK MATQI-IES 50s 29c Wright's Sup ricr P I • '14 d Market SIDLE SERVICE FREE DELIVERY roomiiiomnilllll 1111.1111111111111111111111‘111111111111,111111iiim i noun ,noun un n n , POWER ILL BE oFF SUNDAY, MAY 11TH from 7 a,m. to 9 a.m. EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET FROM GODERICH STREET E. TO CROMBIE AND SOUTH MAIN STREET nn",111111.aaun.auni,,'llld.a'"am,nae.pa 7 ll I lllll I llllll1111111111111111111.111. lllll ,401111.11111111111114111.0 ,./............I. l l lu,9)'q ,..III„II,1 ll 111110.1111111,1,111111111111111.1 llllJ n, Ptll,la)1111111,,.1„ THE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY WILL HOLD A MAY DAY TEA FRIDAY, MAY 9TH 3 to 5 P.M. At the Nurses Residence The public is invited TAG DAY ON SATURDAY, MAY 10TH llllllllll llllllllll lllllll ll I ll 11111111111111 lllll II lllllllllllll ll ll umnunnauumo TOWN TOP!CS Mr. W. J. (McKay, Seattle, Wash., is (visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. .Basil Duncan, Toronto, was a weekend guest of his mo- ther, 'Mrs. W. J. Duncan. IMr, and Mrs. Jas. •Malieaux and family of Toronto spent the weelaem'd with their saint,' 'Mrs. J. 1MeQuaid. IMr. and Mrs. Ray...Hutchinson and family, Kitchener, .spent the weekend with •Mrs. T. Ban- non. Miss !Elizabeth Coyne, Miss Marguerite Coyne, and Mfrs. Ro Hayne, Detroit, were here at terilding the funeral of their glint, Miss .Ella !Duffy. Col. and Mrs. IBradlbrook of Saskatoon and Mr: and Mrs. [Preston Bradbrook of Chicago, and (Mrs. J. M. 'Smith of Hami1,. ton spent. (Saturday (with 1VIrs. Ada Reid and Miss !Galbraith, Goderich street. Mr. ancl 'Mrs. Aalbrey �Elc- nleyea' of 'Stratford have purch- ased the. Tlaney store in Eg•- mondville and will move here this month. Mr. G. H. Wambold. and Miss Norma +Wamlbold orf 'Kitchener were guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. E. H. Close on 'Sunday. BRODHAGEN Mr. Lloyd IPuschel'berg has 'been confined to •Seafor'th Hos- .pital with blood 'poisoning in his leg. Mrs. Win. Diegel spent the past week at IEdgelwood Camp, Eden Mills, with her :son (Calvin, who is •oanvp supervisor there for the simmer. Mr. Gary ISholdiee spent the weekend in Waterloo as guest of '.Mr. Philip ISchaus. Miss 'Ellen E;dmonston R. N., and Miss Marieen Diegel R.N., of Stratford at the' "home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iDiegel. Pastor and Mrs. 1. J. Fischer, Mrs. IMinnie \rock, (Mrs. George Mlogk and Miss Glendon Miller and Mr. and (Mrs, Russell Shol- dice attended the (Sunday School Teachers' (Convention at Welles- ley on Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. L. Bunch and girls, Ellice, with Mr. and (Mrs. 112.:Buu ok. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanek, Warren and Janet of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. A. •Queren- gesser. IMr. and Mrs. C. W. Leon- hardt, .Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Leon- hardt Kim and (Kathy, visited IMe, and .Mrs. 'G. Jacob in TlUteh- e'nerjon Sunday. Mrs, Jacolb just returned home from London Hospital .;after ;an operation. Mr.. and Wit. H. 'Tomlinson I(Ruth,'Hinz) of Kitchenercalled on Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Albert and • William Querengesser recently. (Mr's (Milton 'Eiclemeir, (Roger and'Gary of (Detroit with Mr. .and (Mrs. Geo. Eickneir for the weekend. Clarence Magic and Arlene of London visited at the home ;02 Mr. and (Mrs. G. Mogk recently. Rev. and Mrs. 1E. J. Fischer spent 'Monday and Tuesday op- ening up their cottage' at Port • Elgin. Mrs. Joseph rDiekison and son 'Glen of Teeswater with Mr, and Mrs. Ford Dickison on (Monday. Mr. Charles Johnston of Lon- deslboro is 'with his g'randinother Mrs, A14na Pusehcal'berg. (Ml'. and Mrs. L. (Hine, 'Sandra and Robert of Chatham with (Mr. and Mrs, ILavdrn 'Wolfe: IMr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Mr. :and Mrs, (Manuel Beuer- mtann with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clif- ford Watson, (Centralia on Sun- day and also called on IMe. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson and Me. and IMLs. Wes Wittmer, Exeter. A be-sleetofflowers from the funeral on Wednesday of (Shar- on Rose, and a hydrangea plant in memory of Louie THillebrecht, i who passed away two years ago, were placed in the chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on. Sunday by their families. ion Sunday, May 1,1th at 10.- 80 the public examination of the [Catechumens will be " held and !Mother's Day observed at St. (Peter's Lutheran Church here. The class of Catechumens aro Elaine iBennewies, daught- er of ,Mr. and (Mrs. Norman B en- newies, Dorothy Hinz, daughter of IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Hinz Jr., Shirley Trentowsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Trentowsky, Arthur Diegei, son of Mr. and (Mrs. 'Wan. Diegel, Robert Ahr- ens, son of Mr. and (Mrs. Wil- fred Ahrens, Gary PriestaP, son of Arthur Priestap, RAY Rock, son of .Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Rock, (Larry IBeuerinann,_ son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bauer - mann. On Sunday, May 18th at 11 a.m. will be the confirmation of this class. Plans are (being made for the 100th anniversary of St. Pet- er's Lutheran !Church here on (Sept. .14(17. !The-IBrod'hagen and District Chamilber of Commerce Com- munity (Park has linen levelled, cultivated and seeded. (On Monday evening, May n a meeting is to be held at the Fhurch sheds to form a !ball team for boys, ages 10 years to 15 years, also a practise for the :Sr. team at the school grounds at 7 o'clock. Anyone interested should attend. WALTON The f1'fth annual Huron Pres- ,byteny W. A, meeting will be held in Wingham United Church on 'Wednesday, May 7th. Mrs. J. X. Kinnan, London, W. A. Pres- ident of the London Conference will be guest speaker in the aft- ernoon. Delegates appointed to attend are Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. !Bert Johnston or Mrs. N. !Marks. It was decided to try an auc- tion sale, date to be set later, about the first week in Septem- ber with - following* +committee in charge. +Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs. G. (MoGavin, Mrs. K. McDonald. This committee can form other coanmittees as they see fit. The 'bulletin board for S. S. presented by Mr. and Mrs. E, Mitchell was acknowledged by the ladies. Plans were made to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the W. A. with a social even- ing for the whole congregation. The program committee to con- sist of Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs, A. Bushy and Mrs, Ethel Hackwell, the date to be Friday evening, June 6. Lunch to consist of sandwiches, pie and ice cream, the charge to be 40c and 200 with (Mrs. A. Coutts and 'Mrs. R. Bennett as doorkeepers. Hymn 187 '(Break Thou the Bread of Life"- was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. BORN Kinsman—At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 00. to Mr. and Mra, Robert Kinsman, R13.2 Kippers, a son Coombs—At Scott Memorial Hospital on May sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coombes, Egmondville. a daughter Tunney—At Scott Memorial I•Iospital en May 6th, to. Mr, and Mrs, George Tunny, Seaforlh. a daughter Thompson—At Scott Memorial lIosiN- tal, on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Thompson, 1t2 Se forth, a daughter Miller—At. Scott Memorial Hospital. on May 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller, RRA Sesforth, a daughter Eckert --In Toronto on April 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Con J. Eckert, a son, Timmy Joseph Northside; United 'Church Minister, Rely. Bruce W. Hall, IB.'D., S.T.M. 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class, 11 a.an,, Morning Worship conducted by the Minister. 'Sao rament .of Infant Baptism. Nur- sery for 'toddlers. Junior Con- Fegation. Congregational meet- ing immediately following the service, Northside Youth Fel- lowship.. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, _Minister. Lyle Hammond, Organist and Choir Leader. Services appropriate to Mo- ther's Day, 11 a.m., Public 'Worship of God. Subject, "The (Foolish Mo- ther." 10 a.m., Church School and .Bible Classes. 11 a.m., Nursery Class 111.30 a.m., Junior 1Church. 'The Sacrament of Baptism at Morning Service. Parents kind- ly advise the Minister. Flowers in loving memory of the late Mrs: Weiland. See you in Church Sunday. SEAFORTH MERRY MAIDENS The sixth meeting of the Sea forth Merry 'Maidens was open- ed at 1VIrs. W. L. Whyte's home at 2 o'clock, May 3rd by sing- ing f9Q Canada" and repeating the 4-H pledge. The roll call was answered by one accident hazard in the club girls' home and how she was going to recti- fy it. 'Bttsiness related chiefly to projects to be finished for Achievement Day, July 3rd. Dis- cussions under Mrs. Whyte and Mrs. Broadfoot's leadership were numerous, we could all eliminate accident - hazards in thedifferent rooms of our home. Health will benefit by wearing suitable, •wellafitting clothes .and shoes at all times, and our eyes repay us many times for 'the care we give them. Alter singing "The Queen" as usual we enjoyed our social lunch time. RECEPTION for Mr, and Mrs. 'Nally Maxwell (June Dupee), Ttnn Hall, Varna SATURDAY, MAY 10 Good music supplied. Ladies please provide lunch RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chambers in. Winthrop Hall FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 9 Music by Bruce's Orchestra Ladies supply sandwiches Everybody Welcome Coming to. the Pentecostal Church For four days only, Mae' 13 to 16, inclusive at 8 P.M. THE KING'S MINSTRELS Rey. Clinton Ward and wife A Forceful Preacher, Top IAght- ning Artist, and both first class musicians they play 8 instruments You are invited to any or all of these services H. KENDRICK, PASTOR. 6.iC'-.aMt7 Brownie's D EVE -IN Clinton Fca Wring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 8 and 9 "THE FUZZY PINK NIGHTGOWN" Jane Russel — Keenan Wynn (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY and MONDAY May 10 and 12 — Double Feature — "THE HALLIDAY BRAND" Joseph Cotton — Betsy Blair "STAR OF INDIA" (Colour) Cornel Wilde — Jean Wallace (One Cartoon) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 13 and 14 — Double Feature — IiORR'OR SIIQW "THE BLACK SLEEP" Basil Rathbone—Akin! Taaniroff "The CREEPING UNKNOWN" Brian Donlevy — Jack Warner (One Cartoon) Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office Open at 6 p.m. First Show at Dusk Children under 12 in care Free It's More Important Than Ever ! Charlie MacNaughton will .be a valu- able addition to the Frost team. He will be heard at Queen's Park. KEEP HURON ON TH F T TEAM Huron Needs Goverrnnent Representatve To Look After Its New $10 Milhion Jndustry THE FROST TEAM'S CONTRIBUTION TO HURON RIDING IN 1957 ROADS EDUCATION HOSPITALS WELFARE MUNICIPAL GRANTS $516,173.00 $876,822.00 $300,000.00 $201,400.00 $100,000.00 SUPPORT GOOD GOVERNMENT Heretofore Huron has had no provincial institutions of any kind. As a result of the untiring efforts of the late Tom Pryde, a 1,300 -bed hospital for retarded children is to be built on the shores of Lake Huron, near Goderich. The election of Charlie MacNaughton as a member of the Frost team will insure that full benefits from, this huge project will be derived by the entire riding. Here are a few of the impor- tant benefits it can bring to Huron: ► Employment -- From 600 to 800 Men and Women Payroll -- Over One Million Dollars Per Year ► Food Supplies -- $350,000 to $400,000 Per. Year ► Maintenance Expenditure Over $200,000 Annually CHARLIE MacNAUGHTON WILL WORK FOR HURON Vote Progressive Conservative Monday May 12 4 4 41 3