HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-05-08, Page 1Seaforth News WHOLE SI]RIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTFI, ONTARIO, TI3URSD#, MAY 8, 1958' 22,500 Voters Qo To Polls Monday. ' (Everything is now ready for next, ;Monday's by-election in' Huron when it is expected a large percentage of the 22,500 voters in (furor riding will go to the polls to elect a successor to the late !!Tom IPryde in the Ontario:Legislature. The candi- dates, C. e. INLacNanghton and Dr. Addison .axle both condnct- ing active campaigns. Three advance polls will be open. 'Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday. One is located at M. E. Clarke's service station, Sea - forth, in change of D. L. Reid. .Advance polls are also in Exet- er and Godea'iclh. - Russell T. B'oSton, returning° officer, will receive the returns on -Monday night at the office of W. E. Southgate, election clerk. The polls close art 8 pan. (DST). WILSON-KEE In a double Lung ceremony at 15t. Mark's 1Anglican iChurcn, Toronto, @Joan Doreen Kee, daughter of Mn .and Mrs. Rob- ert J. Keeexnhan'ged vows with John Gorden 'Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wilson, Sea- forth. Canon E. J. Tucker offi- dated, Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a sheath style !ballerina -length gown- of heavy 'corded silk with bouffant over -skirt of -matching material. Her floral cap held a fiinger-tip. illusion veil and she wore a gold cross, gift of the !groom. She carried a white leather prayer book with a •cascade 'of red ro- ses and stocks attached to white ribbons. Matron of honour, Mrs. Len Rloness, wore a princess line gown of rose peau de soie with matching hat trimaned witli seed pearls, and carried a ores - cent -shaped bouquet of pink carnations and sweetheart ros- es. Bridesmaids, (Mrs. Wm. Stew- art and Mrs. Peter Jones 'wore princess line gowns of bluepeon de soie with matching hats 'trim- med with seed pearls and car- ried bouquets of pini carnations and sweetheart roses. Grooms- man .was Stuart Wigg, Seaford', and ushers wean Hugh Riddell, allierna,Barrie and 'William 'Stewart of T'oronte. 'Receiving at the Sea- way Hotel the'i bri'de's mother wore a navy blue jacket dress 'with white accessories and a ',corsage of red carnations- and pink rose's. The -room's mother assisted in a peacock blue dress with pink floral hat and cor- sage, of roses and carnations. For going away the' bride chose a beige jacket dress with tur- quoise accessories. Following a trip to Northern 'Ontario the couple will reside in Toronto. W ILL' MEET The ,Hospital Auxiliary 'will hold !their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 1.3, at 8.15 in the nurses' residence. Recreation Park Is Readied for Baseball The "rec" on (South Main St.. Was -scraped this week with the town scraper to put it in supe for 'basejba1i. (Boys, armed, with hoes, have been putting on the finishing touches evenings. Scene of historic football, Se- er osse and baseball matches in years gone lby, the "rec" has been idle tor a number of years. There was talk at one time of using the land for housing de' velopanent. This year howetver, the Mid- gets, Peewees and, Juvenile ball teams will use it. The "rec" is, owned by the town and admin- istered by the :cou'ircil. HOLD EUCHRE • The property committee held a successful euchre in the Orange Hall on- Friday, May 2, with prizes 'going -to the follow- ing: ladies first, IM's'. !Seeord' .MclBrien, lone hands, Mrs. Bet- ties, con„ Mrs. A. (McMichael, Men's first, ISecord MclBrien, lone hands, Albert O'Reilly, and con., Joe Smith. EDELWEISS •REBEKAH LODGE MEETS Members of (Edelweiss Rebek- ah .Lodge received an invitation from the ISe'aforth [Hospital Auxiliary to attend a May Day tea at the nurses' residence on May 9th. Also an dnvitationwas accepted to attend a meeting of. Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, on May 211, at which tinhe the :Degree of 'Initiation 'willl be ex- emplified. Et is eospected that 'be- tween 25 and 130 from 1Se'aforth will/ attend. Miss Mae Smith for C. P. T. 'Committee announ- ced that an additional wheel chair for loan had arrived. This brings the number of 'chairs purchased to date to seven. Oi'ollowing the regular meet- ing, the past N.G.'s with Mrs. Ila Dorrance in- charge, held a brief meeting, followed by a so- cial time with the past glands entertaining . •the officers and nnemlbers. Winners of the various prizes were SOrs. Mae Dorrance, Mrs. Mac McKellar, Mrs. A. 'Camp- bell, .Mrs. Everett 'S'mith and (Miss Mae Smith. ANSWER CALLS ,A. tractor fire at the farm of Mrs. James 'O'Sullivan, St. Co - Jungian, and ra chimney fire at the 1Haney residence, 'Egmond- ville, were responded to by the .Seaforth fire brigade during tne 'week. AT GRAND LODGE Mrs. Maly Bcyes and Mrs. Ei- leen Smith of the L.O.B.A. are M Toronto this week attending the grand lodge 'of 'Ontario 'West W. I. NOTES The May nesting of Seaforth 'W. T. will be held at the homre of Mrs. R. M. !Scott on. Tuesday, May 13 at 2 o'clock. The roll call will be "What I would like to do for recreation', and the Motto "Hurry is making some of us mushrooms when we were meant to be oaks", 'will be tak- en by 1Mrs. S. 'Hudson. Our spe- •tial speaker for the day wilt! be .Mrs. G. Wilson of St. M'a'ys, who will speak on her trip to A.0W.W. Conference at Cey- lon. - lon. The program will be in charge of IMrs. Earl Dapple and lunch ;committee are Mrs. Gor- don Elliott, Mrs. (Graham Kerr, M•rs. 'Gordon iMciKenzie and Mrs. L. (Strong.. Anyone having esti- des for the bale, . chiid'rens' sweaters or articles ,for Pay-ettes, !please bring them to the meet- ing. DUBLIN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By R. Flannery Last Wednesday night we had the movie "A Tale -t Of :Two Cities" in the high school with a good crowd in attendance. We were very pleased to have Mother 'Carmelite, (Supervisor orf high schools visit our school this weep. ,She 'took Geometry peri- od with ars on Monday morning and I am sure that by now there is no one in grade' 1111 or 12 who cannot draw a mean proportion- al between two given straight lines. !Question of the wee!ic: Are you running a Post and found department Bea? Weather Instrument Lands at Walton Mr. Martin Baan found a ra- diosonde instrument with a par- achute on the back fence of his field of his farm at 'Walton, one day last (week. The instrument hadabeen sent up with a balloon on !Aril 20th from Flint, Michi- gan.. The inscription on the in- strument says the balloons go up to a height of approximately 16 miles or about 815,000 Meet and then burst' as the gas in the baiilon expands in the rarified air. The parachute was about five feet in diameter. ST. THOMAS' W. A. On Tuesday afternoon the re- gudar monthly meeting was held in the 'vestry. Mrs. iG..MeGavin, the pre'siident, opened the meet- ing re'adin'g the 1t611 chap. 'of St. (Mark, the .Gospel for •Ascension Day. This was followed by the Litany lead by the President and special Iprayersfor'the'd'ay. Mrs. James gave a very :inter- esting report on the slides shown at Goderich explaining the Study Book. A short discussion period took place before con- tinuing with the fourth chapter of the book, headed "Post -War adventures of the Canadian 'Church". Minutes of the April meeting were read and adopted. In the absence of the treasurer, (Mrs. M;elGavin presented the report. Social Service --On be- half of the Secretary, MNIrs. 'Case,. the president .gave the report. ]Dorcas -The articles to be Tacked in the bale were very neatly .displayed, reflecting a great deal of work and effort had been put forward by the Sec., Mrs. 'O'Shea and Mrs. (Moore assistant, Under general business a bake sale was arranged for Friday afternoon, June ;6ith conuinenc ing at 3 pap., in the !Parish Hall. The following committee ap- pointed: Mrs. K. Chambers, Mrs. J. 'Oldfield, Mrs. James and Mrs. Bruce iMeLean. The members have all been extended an invitation from the W. A. of 'Scott Memorial Hos- pital to attend their "May Day :Tea", Friday, May 9th. Coming Events A :Deanery meeting will be held in ;Gonne, May 20th. A spe- cial request has been made that each Branch be well represent- ed. (The W. A. weekend. workshop to be held in (Huron College, London, commencing Friday ev- ening, May 30 to 'Sunday morel- ing, June 1. Thie workshop is for all W. A. members of the Diocese and interested (Church women who can attend and there is resident acconnnmodation at the College for two hundred. The Theme' .of the 'Workshop is "'Opportunities for the Women in the .Service of the Church". Following the dedication of the offertory the (President dos- ed the meeting with the Bene- diction. . HOPPER - HEY The wedding took place at West Kingdom Hall, London, on May '3 at 2.80 pan., o f James .Milton Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Hopper, Seaforth, and Joyce Amy 'Ilil.da 0 -Tey, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. (Tey of London. Mr. Clarence Leeson officiated. Given in ma- rriage by hex lather, the bride wore a (ballerina length gown of white ponthdesprey lace, embroi- dered with seed pearls, under- skirt of white bridal satin, fing- er tip veil fastened to crown of seed pearls and crystal beads, single strand of pearls. She car- ried a white Bible crested with red and white roses and steph- anotis. Mrs. James MdLellan of Belmont was matron sof honor, (wearing a blue taffeta dress, ov- ieaskirt of blue chiffon, 'Hatch- ing headpiece and shoes, pink nosegay bouquet. Miss Linda (Marilyn Hey, niece of the bride, London, was bridesmaid, in pink emlbroider,,ed satin, with over- skirt of 'pink nylon chiffon, and matching headpiece and shoes, yellow nosegay bouquet. • Dart 'Hopper, 'Seaforth, bro- ther of the groom was best man and •uelhers' were Win. Neil Hop- per,- brother of the groom, and Thomas A. Hey; brother of the bride. (Organist was Miss L. Trashy, London. The evedding reception was held at Latin ;Quarter, London, IThe bride's another •wore a:tur- quoise dress 'with pink and white accessories,:eorsage of pink car- nations. The ...groom's- mother' 'chose a (beige ensemble with or- ange ice accessories and corsage of bronze alums. The happy couple left for a honeymoon in Northern Ontario :the bride wearing a beige sheath dress with turquoise and white accessories and corsage of yel- low roses. iT'hey will reside in Seaforth. 'Guests were present from Kitchener, (London, ;Seaf- orth, Belmont, ,Gorrde, Sarnia. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' AID Miss Jean Stott, president, occupied the. chair for the 'May meeting whish opened with two poems suitable for Mother's Day, read by Mrs. W. iC'oleenan. Reports of treasurer and secre- tary 'Were read and adopted. Several new projects were dis- cussed. Mrs. ,Coleman introduc- ed the speaker for the alter - noon, ; Mrs. J. 53-rummett. Her subject was "The Value ,of a Hobby." She discussed) a num- ber of hobbies.. and showed how they were valuable both to ehil- dhen and -adults. They help people make _new friends and forget all their troubles. Mrs. Grulmmlett's hobby she brought with her, 50 aprons, „all sfiapes and ;sizes. They were, divided into 10 classes and modelled .by some of the' ladies. Her talk was enjoyed iby all. A. vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Messenger to the speaker and soloist. Mrs. Rolbt. McFarlane sang` a solo, "My Task," accompanied by Mrs. 'McGregor. Lunch was serv- ed'by the ColeananeMeseetuger 'group who had charge of the meeting. PROPERTY CHANGES Recent 'property c h ant e s through the office of M. A. Reid of. Seaforth, include: The prop erty of Arthur 'Wright, East William ;St., to Miss Anna Stew- art of Walton; property of Mr.. Fred Parkehm, West St., to Mr. Don Eaton of IS'eaforth. Kenneth .Coleman has receiv- ed word that he has successfully completed his first term at the Western Ontario •A•gaiiccultin al School, Ridlgetown. S. S. No. 10 To. Join Twp. School Area Tuckersmith Council met`. on May 6th at 8 p:in. All' members were present and the -Reeve presided. Bylaw. 5 1providinlg for an increase in pay to the road superintendent to '$1.00 per hr, was passed and will Ibe submit- ted to the Minister of^Highways for approval. Council hired ;Joseph Heigill to reinforce cobicaete bridge at lot '7, con.' 12 iBBtS, at '$$665.00. Township will supply cement and steel required. An carder for 85100 lbs. ofet lacido and 35 gals. of h.esibat-, amine 80 was placed with Chip- man Chemicals". for tweed slpray ing and Hubert Cooper was ;em- ployed at $4.50 per hour to spray concessions. The clerk was instructed to contact REPO to request additional street light in the Egmondlville system. Council acknowledged request from S.S. No, 10 to have such school included in thetownship school area and a by-law Will be dealt with at next regular meet- ing of 'council, Council also decided to have the Adams Motor 'Grader over- hauled and this work will be done at their plant in Paris. A grant of $50 was made to SAI. Aglic. ,Soc. with the under- standing that $4.00 be paid to each boy or girl from Tucker- smith •showing cattle ° at the fair. !Campbell Eyre was paid 160i .for sheep killed by dogs on valuation by Alex. 'McGregor. Accounts passed: Fox bounty $1+3; fire protection .$116; Eg- mondville water $13.27; adver- tising. $3.8.85; Huron Co. Mun. 'Officer i20; ,dustup, $$2'2150; war- ble fly spraying $'14'S; supplem. allowance 1$25; sheep killed $65; grants x$50; salary and allow. $1234.4.8; rec.-gen. $7,15; roads $3,035.71; sundry $10. Council adjourned to aneet June 3 at 8. CROMARTY The RIay meeting 0f the AVMS was held at the home• of Mrs, Frank Allen with Mrs. K. Mc- Kellar presiding and leading in the ;worship period. Eleven members answered the roll call with a verse on faith. After the !offering was received Mrs. Sar- ah 'Scott led in the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. M. Lamon'd had !charge of the Study Book chap- ter dealing with Korean !Christ- ians ih Japan. Her assistants were Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. W. Harper. The Glad Tidings prayer was read by !Mrs. Grace Scott. The topic ewas_ given by Mrs. Will Miller.iThe meeting 'closed with the Lord's (Prayer in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess and the comanittee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitzman of Niagara Falls, U:S.A. visited with friends in the community last ,week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gookwell and daughter Neva, iDashwoad visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. (Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar were Mrs. R. RRoutl and 1VIrs. Alan Somers, St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs, W. 'N. Binning, Richard and Robert of (Mitchell. Mr. T. L. Scott had the mis- fortune to have a bone broken in his foot' while operating the tractor. Mr. !Garry Irvin, Byron, and Mr. Kenneth Walker, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Otto .Walker. Mr. William Chappel is suf- fering from an attack of Jaun- dice. (Mins. W. 1Sid'lery, Exeter, Mrs. A. 'Morgan, Hensall, and Mr. D. Prebble, 7lierton, !called on sev- eral relatives and friends here ion Monday. Mr. Alex ,Meikle, president of the Y.P.S. presided at the meeting on Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Coleman read the scripture lesson and the topic Wes given by Miss 'Alice .Sors- dah1. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered to a large congregation on 'Sund'ay. New members received by con- fession of their faith were Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Taylor, and (!rough and David !S'cott, and by certifieate, Mr. and •Mrs. •cooper Forrest. Next Sunday Christian Fami- ly 'Service will Ibe !observed and the prepared program will be followed. IThe singing will be led by the. junior 'choir. Mr. and Mrs. T. !Gillespie and daughters Margaret and Anne and Mr. Grant, 'Komoka visited with the Laing families and Mr. and Mn's. T. L. Scott and family on Sunday. Miss Alice IOald!well, Bruce. field visited last 'week with Mr. and ;Mrs. Robert Laing. MRS. HENRY WEILAND Mrs. 'Henry 'Weiland of Eg- aiion'dville 'died in (Stratford General Hospital Friday night. She was 91. (Born in Antrim, Ireland, she was a daughter of the late 'William ;Beattie and Liza :Graham. She is survived by four sons, Starry, Egmond- ville; Roy and William, both of Toronto; Ralph, Boston, ;Mass.; '10 grandchilden, and one great grandchild. Mrs. Weiland came to Canada about 74 years ago, and she married Henry Weiland in 1890. Mr. Weiland predeceas- ed her. She had livedall her life since coming to 'Canada, in .Egmondoville. She was the form- er Sarah Ann (Beattie. The. funeral was held on IMon- ,day. Rev'. Dr. Semple officiated. Burial was - in Maitlan'dbank ,Cemetery. The (Pallbearers were: Ernest Cooke,' Don Finlayson, Robert Neilson, William Weiland, Mur- ray Weiland, Douglas Weiland. BRUCEFIELD 'Miss !Marguerite McDonald, London, spent a few days with Miss Kathleen and Mary Elliott. Mrs. ;Stackhouse .and Mrs. IMac Wilson visited with Mr. Wm. IMd5onald, Westfield,. on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Baird spent Friday in London. 'Mrs. John 'Cairns " spent the weekend in Clinton with her niece, Mrs. Howard Currie. (Miss Mary Broadfoot and Miss !Bambara Taylor spent the weekend with their parents. Mrs. S. McKenzie, Mrs. Jas, Thomson, Mr. Geo. Baird, Mr. T. Baird, air. 'Stewart Baird, MMr..Seldon Ross attended the funeral of their cousin- in De- troit on ;Monday. NORTH`McKILLOP Mr. and "Mrs. -Frank ,Glanville, Richard, 'Murray, 'David, Muriel, Elaine, and Kathy of Crediton spent 'Sunday with Mr: anal Mrs. 17d Regale and Mr. and Mrs. L. Regele. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Glan- ville and Joyce and Caroline of Crediton with Mr. and 'Mrs. 1', Glanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait of Brodhagen with 'Mr. and . Mrs. Ross Leeming. Mr, and 'Mrs. G. Thornton of Brussels spent .Sunday evening with Mr, and 'Mrs. Ed •Regale. Mr. .and 'Mrs. Jos. Thornton spent !Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley Sr.. EGMONDVILLE 'Miss Laura MacMillan of Tor- onto, who spent the weekend at her home here, was visited on Saturday by: her sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Stan- ley Gray and son (Bob of S4rat fond. Miss Jessie Finlayson; Mr. W. J. Finlayson and, son Don, Lorne Park were weekend visttorswith their anSlther, Mrs. J. Finlayson. Mr,' and Mrs: G. R. Keyes of Windsor spent the weekend with the former•'s mother, 'Mrs. Nel- son Keyes. Mrs. [Hamilton of Auburn spent a few 'days with hen sist- er, Mr, and !Mrs. A. C. Rout- ledge. David •Sterphenson spent a few 'drays lash week with her daughters inStanley. Mr. and Mrs. Will 'McKenzie of (Exeter were (Sunday visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Hugh Mc- Lachlan. Miss Alice 'Watson of London spent the weekend +with her mo- ther, 'Mrs. J. S, Watson. iMr. and Mrs. J. Wright of Sarnia wrens Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, B. 'Stephen- son. Friends and 'relatives from a distance who attended the fun- eral of the late (Mrs. Weiland: IMr•, and 'Mrs, Wm. T. Weiland of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weiland and Ralph and :Maly Lou, Toronto; Me. Ralph Wei- land, 'Neyland, (Mass.; Douglas and Bill Weiland, Toronto; Mur- ray 'Weiland, London, Ont„ Wan, Finlayson and Don Finlay- son, Lorne Park; Mr. and (Mrs. W. E. Cooke of Kingston, Ont.; Mrs. !Lloyd Geiser, Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Rolbt. Neilson of Lorne 'Park; Mr. Cecil Tuck, of Richmond Hill; Mn.1Henry Cof- fey, Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs, John C. Bell and Patricia, St. Marys, CONSTANCE Mr. Wm. Dale attended the West. Counties GuernseY Club Friday at London. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ronald Collison of Wheatley spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong and other relatives. ,Mr. Leonard !Campbell of Scarborough visited (Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Borden, Brown. Leonard, a nephew of Mrs. ,Brown, was enroute by motor to the West coast for a month's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaw of Wroxeter visited Sunday with Mr. and ;Mrs. 'Wen. Dale and fa- mily. Miss Gale .Shaw returned home Wirth them after spending the eveek end with Miss Laurel Dale. ;Miss Janet 'MacGregor of Fordwich spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor. Miss Inez .Brown, R.N., of Guelph, 'firs. J. Brown, Miss Lynda Weis and Master Larry Weis of Hanover visited !Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and IMr. Jas. Neilan's were in Kitch- ener on 'Saturday and attended the district' rally and banquet of the ;Canadian Order of Fores- ters. Mothers Day services will be in order in Constance U.C. on Sunday at the usual hour of 2 o'clock, Mission Band 1 o'clock. Baptismal rights 'will also be part of the service. IThe W.A. and W.M.S. of the 'Constance U.C. will hold their regular meeting on Wed., May 14th in the basement of the church. Roll call will be a name and author of a book read by the members for the literature convener. All members to (bring in their clothing for the bale. The report by delegates of the iPresbytenial held in 'Clinton will be given and business regarding the open meeting. Will all mem- bers please try and attend. - Court Constantine Organizes The ladies of Court Constan- tine met in 'Constance C.O.F. hall Monday evening for their' or'ga'nization tote the Court. Bro. Drage, Brantford, Bro. Hawk - show, Kitchener, and Bro. Matt- zanke, 'Chesley, 'district Heldman were present for the election of officers, as follows: Pres., !Sister Mary (Riley; vice ores., 'Sister 'Jane Case; chap- lain, .Sieber Myrtle Babcock; conductor, Sister Nona Pipe; financial sec., Sister Muriel Mc- Clure; treas., Sister Marjory ,Anderson; rec. sec., .Sister Elena Jewitt; 'warden, Sister. Betty Hulley; inner guard', Sister Ella Jewitt; outer guard, Sister Viola Riley. (After the business session lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. ' 1 meeting for the initiation •of members will be held in June. WINTHROP The 'Mission, Band will meet in Cavan Sunday School on Sat- urday afternoon, May 10 at o'olook. Their mothers are in- vited to join with them at this meeting. •Mrs. Church will ;be our speaker. A family get-together both spiritual and social is planned for Cavan 'congregation on. Fri- day evening, May 16th under the leadership of ,the !Christian Education committee. 'For !iris!' Circle !2 and 3 are (bringing• tarts and .1 and 4 °sandwiclvee.. Come and bring the family, $1,60 a Year Authorized. as Second Claws mail,,. Post Office Dept Ottawa Snowdon Bros Publishers all„111,1„1„", 111/111111111111111111111111111111111 ,,,, 1 I ,, 11111111 lllllll l llllllllll111a111,1a 11111111111111111' "Make it a ha•ppY•. Give IIer JEWELLERY I Coro Costume Jewellery necklets, earrings, brooches, $1.00 & up Pearls, beads $1.00 & up Smart necklet ez earring e sets $200 & up Birthstone rings $5.00 & up Cultured Pearls, $28.75 & up Diamond Rings, $25.00 & up Smart ladies 173watches $19.95 & up She'll love SILVERWARE Bon Bon dishes " 2.25 & uP Flower 'Centres 3.50 & up Relish Dishes $4.50 & up Sugar & Cream and tray set $5.00 & up Community Plate and 1847 Rogers Flatware pieces $1 up Gifts of ALUMINUM are popular! Marmalade dishes, 1.65 & up Lazy Susans .... $5.00 & up Trays $2.50 & up Cake Dishes 52.25 R up 2 -tier & 3 -tier Cake Plates • . $3,95 & up Bun Warmers 3.95 & up She always needs more ; CHINA ! Cup & Saucers $1.00 & up (over 200 different designs on display) Teapots 51.00 & tip Cake Plates 50c & up Fancy pieces 25c `& uP "Angel of the Month" . $1.00 "Flower Girl of Mouth" $1.00 Vases & Planters 500 & up China Flowers in bowls $1 up Wall Plaques, per pi'. $1.50 up 20 -per'. Starter Set in Dinnerware $4,95 & up Bone China. & Semi -Porcelain Dinnerware in Open stock. Over 100 different patterns to choose from. She Might Like a New PEN Ole PENCIL! Sheafter Pens from 51.95 upup Shaeffer Cartridge Pens $2,95 Sheaffer Ball Poiut$1.95 & Pens lip Sheaffer Snorkel Pens $8.95&up Waterman Pens $1.95 & np Waterman B,P, Pens 9Sc up Parker"61" Pens $25.00 up A Smart New BILLFOLD? Yes, we've a heal selection for Mother's Day .. $2 up SEP 'OUR MUTTS HALLMARK MOTHER'S DAY CARDS. from 5c to 50c SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CIiINA SEAFORTH „1,,,n11111111111111111,p'1,1, 11111111111111111111111111111 iiiii 11111 iiiii 11111111111 llllllll 111111111111111 umu1111111111 lnmm bale, in charge of Mrs. 'Clarence 1 KEYS -CAMPBELL Duff's United Church, Mc- Killop, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday aft- ernoon, when ,Miss Dorothy Ca- therine Campbell and William Douglas Keys exchanged vows. The bride is the younger daugh- ter of Mn.land Mrs. (Robert W. Campbell, and the groom is the son of 'Mr. and Mrs. James Hays, all of McKillop. Rev. W. H..Summerell, of Duff's Chulcly-- and Rev. D. Glenn ;Campbell, of Hamilton, officiated at the double -ring c e r e m o n y. The church was decorated ,with stan- dards of white mumps and palms and white tapers in tall candel- abra. These were lit thy Gordon !Pryce, nephew of the bride, Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor - length gown of. silk organza and net over Duchess satin, fash- ioned with a softly moulded bo- dice, scoop neckline of pleated silk organza, appliqued', with Chantilly lace and re-embroid eyed with irridescent sequins and seed pearls, short sleeves and matching mittens.. The full bouffant skirt of silk organza and net over satin was caught at the back with a large self bow, cascading to a slight train. Tier headdress, a crown of seed pearls and irridescent sequins, held a double silk illusion veil. She carried a white 'Bible' and mauve orchid, the Bible being a gift from Duff's United Church. Attending her sister as matron of honor, Mrs. Leslie Pryce wore a waltz length gown of -French blue crystal charm with, match- ing mittens and a feather head dress. She carried a cascade of yellow mums. Wearing similar gowns Of coral crystal' charm, matching mittens and feather headdress, the bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Keys, sister of the groom and Miss Joan Price, The flower girl was Miss Chris- tine Pryce, niece of the bride, wearing a dress of yellow crystal charm. She carried blue mums. The groomsman was Murray Maltby, of Harriston, and ushers were Kenneth Campbell, brother of the . bride, and Gorden Engel, Cranbrook, cousin of the groom. The ringbearer was Garry Long, Brussels, a cousin of the .groom. Miss Doreen Long, Brussels; -. cousin:In the groom, played, tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, William Campbell, . brother of the bride. He sang, "Till the End of Tinie" during the lighting of the can- dles,- "Wedding Prayer" before the ceremony, and "My World" during the signing of the register. Following the ceremony a re. ception was held in the parlor of the church- Receiving the guests were the bride's mother, who wore 'a dress et air force blue satin with pink and navy - acces- sories and a corsage of pink car- nations, and the groom's mother wearing a powder blue sheath dress with matching duster, and white and black accessories and a pink carnation corsage. Martin will be packed and sent away as soon as possible. A collection will be taken up in each group to defray expenses sending the bale. It was decided to leave the +ordering of more "World 'Friends" with (Mrs. N. 'Sehade, 'Literature Secretary, and the ,Mission Band Leader,. firs. Walter Bewley. The topic "To Study Problems of Preju- dice and race relatives in .order to discover how we can help those who are working toward reconciliation" was taken' by the 1.Oth and boundary 'ggroup, the following ladies taking part. Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mrs. Martin Baan, Mrs. H. Craig, IMrs. C. Ritchie. The meeting closed with hymn 878 "Rise Up 0 !Men of (God", and a prayer' by a Bantupastor, Hymn 148 "Breathe on ane .Breath of God" opened the W. A. session with Mrs. David Wat- son .at the piano. Mrs. 'Gordon M'dGavin had meditation taken from Psalm .1119, I will medi- tate on the statutes, followed by Inlayer. Mrs. R. Bennett gave the secretary's report and also read a number of appreciation cards. The kitchen committee halve the extra articles on dis- play that had been purchased. Mrs. A. Coutts stated that there was a balance on hand of $1.221.- 36. 1221:35. All who have flowers through the month of May are asked to !bring them to the Sun- day service, then the following groups will take their turn: for the month of June -McKillop; July -8th and 116th group; Aug- ust-- 17th and 'Boundary; Sep- tember -Walton. Mr. M. Joliffe passed away at the home of his daughter and son-in.'law, Mr. and Mrs. John Bosnian early 'Wedne'sday .morn ing. The body was removed to Leamington where the funeral was held Friday afternoon. WALT ON The May meeting of Walton Duff's 'United Church was held in the church base- ment on Thursday, •afternoon May 1. 'Mrs. 1E. ;!Mitchell, '3rd Vice ;President opened the meet- ing by the use of hymn 20, "Lord - of All Being" and pray- er. 'Scripture and connments were .based onThe World is One in Prayer". The minutes of the April meeting were read bY. Mrs. R. McMichael, also the Thankofferinig' meeting, roll call and thankyou 'cards. The treasurer, 'Mrs. R. Achilles gave the financial statennent.' The Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett of Clinton visited in the village on !Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Dundas left on Sun- day to spend a week in Toronto with her son and daughters. Mr. Ivy Henderson of lEg mondville visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfoot on Sunday. Ron 'Ennis of Western Uni- versity is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis, Mr. 'Glen Oliver of Western. ''University spent (Sunday with his parents. A special Family Day pro- gram is being prepared' iby the Superintendent, Mr. IM. !Baan and the e teachers of Duffs' Unit- ed .Church Sunday school for next (Sunday morning' to be held in the auditorium of the church at 110.30 a.m. All parents are dordially invited to attend as a number of children will take part in .the service. A. Mother's Day service 'w'ill be 'head at 11.30 a.m. when the Sacrament of Baptism will be observed and a . Mother's Day choir will simply special num- bers under the direction' ;of the choir leader, Mrs. 03. (Brown. 'Despite the cold weather, many in .the village have ''been busy gardening during the past week. 'Mrs. D. McDonald and baby daughter returned home from Clinton hoslpital on 'Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Walters, Jean and '.airy spent Sunday with Mrs. Walters parents •in The couple will take up resin - London. ence at 129 William St. N., Cha- Ione Watson and Isabe'1 Cole- than, where the groan will be man of Toronto;' Verde Watson assistant agricultural represents, • of London spent the weekend tive of Kent County. 13e is it gre- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.` D. eluate of the 1958; Degree -Course Watson. at 0.A.C., Guelph. -Guests- were present from Cle- veland, Ohio; Listowel, London, St. Thomas, Ilderton, Palmerston, Waterloo, Aylmer, Harriston, Go- clei'ich, Toronto, Brussels and Hamilton. For a wedding trip to the Un- ited Slates the bride chose a light blue flgiirecl . sheath dress and matching 'duster coat with orange ice and beige 'accessories. Her corsage was of bronze mums.