HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-04-24, Page 10New Drapery Materials TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME Ip" Choose from plains, fancy plains, moderns, flowered and stripes. In Bark Cloth, Sail Cloth, Velvets, Antique Satin, Fibreglas, Metal- lic Shags, Fortisans and Homesptins, A tremendous stock to choose from. 36" - 45" - 48" wide $1.00 to $4.95 ycl. Let Us Mak Y1:e'ur )rape } We pride otirselves on the care and Bialsh of all our drapes. If Stewart Bros. make your drapes they've got to be right, halting charge, regular 2.50 .pr Lined drapes • 4.50 pr Tailored and Frilled CU TAINS Marquivottes in. Demons, Nylons, Rayons and Trulons, Made with cheep frills and heals. In both fancy and plain. We can fit your win- dow, small or large 2.95 - 15.95 pr 1 Hallett Holds Musk Festival Pupils of 11 rural schools • onlpeted Tuesday in the 7th annual Ilullett Township Music '('estival, held morning and aft- ernoon in United 'Church audi- •orium, Londesb ore. Adjudicator .Earle Terry, supervisor of school music et iLondon, congratulated the two Hu11et music su:pelvis- 1 Irks 'Margaret Jackson, of De rave, and Mrs. William King of Brussels, on the quality of the singing, and the effeetive- nees of the music teaching in Hallett schools. The annual Hullett festival is afo.lsored jointly by. the 'Londes- o:o W. I. and the Hallett Fed- erasion of Agriculture. ,Prizes (von in the festival events are to he presented at a concert of the winners on Thursday evening. "Good work is being done by the music supervisors here; the children have a good idea of tonne," mid Mr. Terry, Planning and management of e festival was done by a group of four, Mrs. W. L. Whyte and Mrs. Arthur Colson represent, In • the Federation, and Mrs. J. $haiidick and Mrs. Watson Reid representing the Institute. Schools taking pals, were: S. S. 1, +1lrs. Ida Livingstone, teacher; U.S,S. 2, firs. 11. Tre- wartha; 3.3, 3, Miss .Shildey Hamilton; ',S +S 5, Mrs. Viola Van Egmnond; U.S.S. 5, Duncan MacKay; &S. 6, Ronald McHay; ,S.S. '7, Miss Dorothy Keyes; S. S. 8, Mrs, Ruth IShaddlek,• S:S. 9, Wilmer Errington; U.S.'8. 10, i1,irs, Dorothy Powell; S.S.'11, tlfiss Joanne Hodgins; U.S.S, 1.2, Mrs. Evelyn 'Million; U S.'S. 11, Mrs, Myrtle Youngblut. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. 'Semple, Minister 11 a.m., "Come and See". "Now I See". 2 p.m., The men of the con- gregation will meet at the Church, Proceed to Wingham and take dart in the "Sing - Time" over T.V. C.LN'.X. Be on time. (No evening service). 8 p.m., •Organization meet- ing of The BibleSociety. Pres- byterian Church. Your presence- will be greatly appreciated. 10 a.m, Church 'School and Minister's Bible Class. 41 a.m., Nursery School 11.80 a.m., Jr. Congregation Rural Life Sunday, May 4th. Special service. All services on ,Daylight time. "Yes, Doctor...Wednesday will be fine!" When it's time to have the dentist check daughter's teeth, Mrs. Smith naturally reaches for the telephone, that helpful "member -of -the - family" With the habit of getting things cldric. When you look back over your day, it's some- times surprising to realize in just how many little ways the telephone has helped you ...how it adds so much convenience and comfort to everyday living. - THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA • FEDERATION NEWS By Carl Hemingway iOntalio Poultry (Producers held their Annual -meeting in Toronto, .Aipril 15th. w. Tom (Robson was re-elected I resi- dent, Mrs. Evelyn .McCartney, let vice, and ,Albert Pond 2nd vice. the new Promotional. Plan was accepted unanimously. This Plan conies under Section 9 of the I8arn1 IProld ets 1VIarketing Act and authorizes the organiz anion +to levy'a fee for: 'educa- tional purposes and for the ad- vertising and proon9p12ion of the product. To ;make this plan ef- fective tihe 'Minister ' of :A+gricul taro must line assured thatat least 160 % of the producers 'age prove the (plan. The' Farm Pro- ducts 'Marketing Board will de- cide whether public meetings or petitions will be required. 11 the producers approve the plan a 1111axilnunl off 2c a bird on poultry and '2c on each 80 ;doz crate of eggs or portion thereof will be 'deducted at point of sale and will be remitted to the organization. A percentage of this will be returned to bhe counties and the rest will- be used to finance the Ontario Or- g'aniattion and to promote the better (handling and sale of eggs. In Ontario we must ,compete with western producers and this can most easily be done by ,pro - deicing only (nigh quality eggs and by taking the necessary steps to be sure that they reach the consumer in 'the saute good condition. A very large percent- age of our eggs are still produc- ed by flocks of 0.00 to 400 birds and too many o1 these produc- ers fail to gather eggs often enough and fail to cool (diem quickly. A few • dealers fail to provide refrigerated counters tout those who do have increased their sales greatly. In one store window in Toronto three large baskets of eggs were on 'display last (Sunday afternoon; These eggs must have :been sitting in the sun pant of Saturday, all day iSunday and I'm sure 'the purchaser on l'Ioolday wouldn't Iles pleased with the quality of the eggs. Finally with reasonable fin- ances available this organization Will be able to make al.e definite studies of markets and thus pro- mote more advantageous selling of poultry and poultry products. VARNA The' (Many friends of Mr. Wm. R. 'Stephenson and Mr. H. Soper Who are both in Victoria Hos- pital, London, wish them a speedy recovery . A, number from here attend- ed the 'funeral of the late John ]Parker of Hayfield on Tuesday of this week. The service: of the United Church neat (Sundaymorning will still be on standard time. A number of the ladies of the United Church visited with the ladies of Egmondville Church last 'Wednesday afternoon. W. L's Meet At Wingham Winghae, (District High School was the centre for a display of 160 (hooked rugs on Saturday, April 19th. All of the rugs had been made by W. I. members from Huron County,, who took part in the Leadership Training programsponsored by the Houle Econornios Service, Department of Agriculture. Last fall two leaders from each sponsoring Institute attended a two-day Training !Sc'hool and then re- turned to their local community to teach a group of women in- terested in learning the art of preparing :canvas, designing and dyeing and the actual technique of hooking. Miss Florence Wright of the Home Economies ;Sel'vice discus- sed the qualities of the colour and design present in the rugs on display. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. •Gordon. Greig of 'Wroxeter who gave a reading and Mrs. (Rad+Ford of . Clinton, who favored the large audience with a piano solo. Miss Isabel Leslie also of the Home Economics 'Service intro- duced a very enjoyable film "The Eye of an Artist." (Leaders taking part in the program included; Rippen .East—Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Kippen; .Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor, Kippen, •Seaforth—Mrs. Les Flyee, Mrs. Ross ,Gordon, Mos. Howard Wilson, ,Mrs. Evelyn 'Garter. 1Walton—Mrs. Margaret Hum- phries, Mrs. Torrance Dundas. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaford.' News April 1918 William ,Aement was elected president of the lawn bowling club. S. T. d olnies was named the chairman of Maitlandbank cern- etery and W. G. Willie, secre- tary. John Hart is caretaker. 'Sone a 'the roosters are de- ifying the governinent and crow every :morning on bhe old time instead of daylight saving time. Adam Hays has sold '(hiss resi- dence on Goderioh street now. occupied by Harry ;Charters, to James Barron of McKillop, R. Orr of the ;Salable Line has bought the feed store in Bay- fiekl. Mrs. Webb has returned after visiting her daughter'Mrs. Shob- brook' at Londeoboro. Mr. and Mrs. :Alex Monteith, Have returned to their (home at Kippen after spending the win- ter in the south with relatives. About 40 :pupils off the Colle- giate have enrolled for farm work for the summer. [Alfred ;Taylor has installed a new ccinent floor in the Rennie and Agur garage at IHensa+ll, McKILLOP The MoKillop WMIS a the First Presbyterian ,Church met in the schoolroom Thursday aft- ernoon. 9Ihe president, ' Mrs. Hel- en IMielMi+Nan opened 'elle meet- ing ,with a ,poem and a hyann Was: sung. During; the business period it was decided to take a special collection ' for the Pres- byterial supply fund at the May meeting'which is to be held at the home of Mrs. 'J, L. 'Bell, Mos. R. E. MoMillan's group Iliad charge of the program 1wh'icli .was pr'esid'ed over by +bhe leader. Hymn 734 was sung fol- lowed with prayer by Mrs. Har- old Agar, !Miss Jessie Praiser read., the scripture lesson oaken from 1Vhark 16:' 9420. (Mrs. Ila Dorrance f0vored with a lovely solo "The Valley of Peace". The offering was -received by 'Miss Jean ;Scott. +The chapter frown the study book, "'The Christian Church in the New japan" was taken by Mrs. It E. McMillan, Hymn 4418 lovas sung . . HENSALL Prices at Heneall Community sale on Thui8dey, April 17th. Weanling pigs +815.00 ho $117.-. 50; (chunks +$118.00 to $21.00; feeders 1$1215,00 to $31.00; sows 1$70.00 to $1012.00; ,Holstein cows 8175.00 to $185.00; Dur- ham cows $1180.00 to 18200,00; Holstein calves $116.00 to $20; iDuilivani calves 14215.00 to $69,00. On account of sending opera- tions there ,was a light run of both pigs and cattle. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Six Holstein cows due in one month. 2 cows with calves at foot. 5 calves, Hereford - and. Iloletein cross Lorne Tyndall. Phone Clinton HLT 24904 One ,double OR door veneered wardrobe and one large doll carriage. Mrs. Peter 'McIver'. FOR SALE Five choice young Yollcphiro sons, first litter, due from mid die of 'May to end of ,May. Geo: B+lake,, phone 5541.31. FOR SALE One Cockshutt garden tractor with 3% by Briggs & Stratton 4 cycle engine used very little. Complete with plow and culti- vator, 1 also wheelweights. i2' 1 dee very reasonable. Phone 44R CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the hospital staffs,.. Dr, Stapleton mud all fiuends and nei- ghbors for their kindness and assist- ance in our recent ead bereavement., Mys. Sohn L. Devereaux and family; CARD OF THANKS Wewish to extend our sincere thanks andappreciation to everyone who help- ed in any way during our sad bereave- ment.. Mr,. Robert Dalrymple, the Dalrymple and the Valley '-families WANTED TO BUY A A»ply butcherto 'pig,Phe notNmorsewsoi(iee than one lit, ter. Grass enttleFORele t SAE Bern- ard, Phone 834146 :Seaforth FOR SALE Baby buggy in good condition. Call 601,•41 Seaforth 81. Columban. FOR841010 DSAdl(LE 13 good Pigs. Apply to Joseph Nolan; , FOR SALE A quantity of .baled mixed hay and RR21 et1,rw,WApplyalton to Earl & Sant Bolton, FOR SALE Mixed Gladiolus bulbs -50. .medium 51.50. Not delivered. Murray 'Tyndall, Bruceiield, Phone Seaforth 640W2 FOR SALE Forage rack end wagon, Mansell Cook,: Londesboro 860x16 Seaforth FOR SALE 104e Dodge car in. good - condition for 5120. Apply 'after 5 o'clock, 1{ling's Apt., opposite the (lost office. Fred Deese.. All day Qat. & San.:. FOR SALE • Good used Spencer cook stove, ivory and black, wood or coal. Mrs. Winston Workman, R112 Ifispen TO RENT Apartment in Seaforth. , Available. May 1. Apply' Harold Jackson, 47, • Have pastureO for 20 each of cattle, ample grass -& water, Ph, 22R18 Dublin Auction Sale Falcone' Bios. Selo of 41 head of Scotch Slto}thorns, and Implements, on Wednesday, May 7th at 1.80 P.M, DST. At Falcon Swing Perms, Lot 44, -Con. Ttekersmith, second farm south o£ RCAF Infuses. 0. reg'd cows with cal- vee at toot, 3 bred heifers. 2 open heif- ers. 8 bulls, 1 year. old. 12 grass steers. 8 fat steers of top quality. Females vac- cinated, Implements — Massey (Harris binder, 8 ft. No. 5. McCormick Deering: drop head hay loader. New Idol mower,: 6 foot cut. Coeltehntt fertiliser drill, 12 .run. 2 section Fleury Bleach spring tooth cultivator. Massey Harris manure. spreader. 2 McCormick Deering bean seofflers and pullers; DeLevel creast separator, like new; stone boat and other •items. `Perms, cash day of sale. Proprietors, Falconer Bros. Sales Man- ager, ' Frank Faleoner. Auctioneer, Bert Pepper LE Aberdeen . AnOR gus envoi with calves. Phone 83301. J. W. Thompson, lot 34, eon.: 7, Meliillop FOR SALE 4 Collie pups, color. sable. Larry Scott, rr5 Seaforth, phone 83'5 r a+3 GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT AT Elliott 's DART - DELITE BRUCEFIELD NOW OPEN WEEK ENDS Friday P.M. through Sunday MALTS SHAKES SUNDAES CONES HOT DOGS SOFT DRINKS Have You Quality Eggs? If you have, and are interested in get- ting a premium for them, contact Seaforth Farmers Co -Op Produce Dept. - Phone 13 • We are now putting up carton eggs and .want good clean gality eggs. Phone us and arrange to have your eggs picked up 6 BIG DAYS MONDAY, APRIL 28 THRU SATURDAY, MAY 3 Keating's Pharmacy PHONE 28 SEA FORTH SCOTT FARMS' Complete Dispersal Sale of `Dual -Purpose Shorthoru Cattle 2HERD SIRES - 12 BULL CALVMS 65 FEMALES To be held MAY 14th, 1958 at the Farm AT 1 P.M. Featured in the sale' will be the get of such outstanding sires as: Teniplereagh Royal King (ilnp) Millham Dollar (inin) Sanford Ballysudclen Culkeeran Gay Boy (imp) The 11ei'd was established in 1934. The females have all been bred on the farm and from outstanding imported' double dairy bulls. . HERD FULLY' ACOREDITED FEMALES VACCINATED R. O. P. TESTED For catalogue write: James M. Scott, Scott Poultry Farms, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont, Auction Sale OF DAIRY CATTLE Outstanding sale of choice Holstein cows and heifers on Friday night, April 25th at 8 P.M, Hensel( Sales. Barn. 12. choice high 2irnde Holstein con's. 3 holstein cows, springers (fresh). 9- 2 -yr. -old vaccinated Holstein heifers, springing. 1--2-yeas•-old Holstein pure bred Bull with papers (1200 lbs). 1 new style DeLaval milking machine, h.p. motor, 40 ft. pipe, 2 single units (like new). Herd of Bsiige McQuiggan. Terms cash, Amt., Tlarold ;ninon, Clerk, E. y P. Chesne Trook will be available for delivery Clearing Auction Sale Of Perm, Fain Stock, Machinery and Household Effects. At Lot 23, Con 2 McE(ilee Tc•p., 114 north end 1. mile east of Seaforth on Tuesday, May 13th, ut 1 P.lal. D S. Time, Full line farm 'm,ie inert', cattle, houechekl otrecte, iilso. property, oonsist• iug of 100 acre farm, ell workable land, good clay loam, excellent water supply 50 acres in crop, remainder hey & pas-. tux's.. 1% Story brick house, bathroom, bank barn, steel drive shed 32x50. All buildings in excellent condition. Panel 2. Part Lot 73 Bayfield line, Goderich Two., 20 seres hardwood bush, 2 miles north of Bayfield and 1 mile east. Terms—Property 10rJodown, bal- ance 80 days:. offered subject to reserve b(d..Chesney Chntteis cash, Prop., Albert Har- rison, Auet., Harold Jackson, Cleric, E. P Clearing Auction Sale. Of Mum Machinery and Household Efforts. 21 miles south of Walton on North .Road, Saturday, May 814, at 1 P.M, Machinery—Allis Chalmers WD tractor. Power mower. Massey 3 furrow plow. Allis Chclmers baler. 6 ft. Allis Ohoimors combine. Ford. tractor & plow. 1s run Cockahult seed drill, 4 section harrows, oultipacker, 4 bar John Deere side rake, set heavy Cockslrutt disk. Wagon, 'heavy groin nailer & box. Wood oat roller. Woods grinder, Power (own mower. Household Effects--Molfaf el- ectric stove; Westinghouse 9 ft. refrig- erator, electric washing machine. 17 inch Westinghouse TV, radio, cheater - field and 2 chairs, gateleg table and 4 chairs. 2 beds, springs & mattresses, kitchen table, 4 shahs, quantity aline, kitchen utensils, other articles too num- erous to -mention.. Terms cash. Prop., Fred Sinclair. Mitt., Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale 00 Household Effects. To be held at the residence of. the late Wm. J. Proc- tor. on North Main St. at Brussels, Sat., April 20th, at 1 P.M. Sharp Square dining room table ; dining- room chairs... General Electric refrigera- tor; breakfast table; 4 matching chairs. Upholstered min chair (antique) ; wash- ing machine (electric) ; cook stove: electlio stove. Gerhard Rent:man piano (Al condition). Show case, drop leaf table, organ stool,folding ironing board, copper boiler•, large qucntitY of chairs. Medicine cabinet, bedroom toilet sets. Hanging lamps, .coal oil lamps & lent - erns, 2 floor lamps, table lamp. Several small- tables (1 antique), 8 high stools. Antiquekitchen clock. Side -board, couch, 2 wooden beds, 2 stands. Pr. pillows, rug, also floor covering, extension lad- ders, step ladder, ladder. Rocking chairs, dinner set of dales. Large number of other dishes & jars, Large quantity of silverware. Quantity of tools,number of pictures, buffalo robe. Numerous other articles. Terms cash, as property has been sold. Lulu Item, Executrix Robert Johnson, Clerk Lew Rowland, Auctioneer Gardens plowed DandC orkel with light tractor. William ;Collins, 067 r 12 FOR SALE Red clover seed and Garry oats for seed. Phone 841031 Seaforth. Clarence Montgomery NOTICE Boarders wanted. Men preferred. Mrs. Fred _Hoegy, Huron street FOR SALE An SO4 Case treetor, 8 years old, with three point .hitch, live hydraulic and • live power take off. SamSterey Phone 844 r 41 Seaforth OMixed baled ha cellAglover•, 'alfalfa and timothy. Also boat. 12 foot plywood with 5 h.p. motor. Wm. S. Storey, phone 844 r 41 Seaforth SEAFORTH PROPERTIES FOR SALE.. Storey 8c half dwelling with new gar- age, Goderich 5t. East. Ultra -modern. Three bedrooms, Full basement. 011 Heat. A good buy. Large frame dwelling, West End, Outside town limits. Tones $30. Three Bsaedle.rooms. Modern. kitchen• &- bath.. New Oil Pinnace.. Separate apartment part. ially completed. Priced right for quick All modern onestorey frame dwelling, GODERICJI ST. west. Built two years: Two bedrooms. Large living room. Oil 121211 heltt,05. Lovely location. Worth fnvesti Modern one storey brick dwelling, North Main St. Three bedrooms, hot water heating, oil fired. A lovely' home. Other properties also listed M. A. REID Reap Estate & Insurance Phone 214 Seaforth Notice Township of Tuckerslnith DUMPING GROUND Townshipi of Tueicersmith Dumping Ground will be open Wednesday and oal Soturdar.afternoons from 2 to 3 o'clock CC LibeLibel, evenings. from 7 to 9 o'clock, until( SEAFORTH LUQ l noticeM(3BR LTD.-. E. P. Cheney, Cleric Phone 47. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, April 24, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth, JOHN A._GORWILL, B.A., NLD;. Physician and Surgeon. Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E,. A. McMaster, B.A., MM., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D.. 'Surgeon Office .Hours, 1. p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday, and Sunday. Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday end .5,5- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance aim desirable.: TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC 3. 0. TURNBULL, DVM., V.S. W. R. BR.YAN$, D V.M., V.S. • W. G. DI1BNNAJi, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth 001104 E, LONGSTAFF - Optometrtet Phone 701,. Main St., Seaforth Hours---Seaforth daily except Mon,, 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur, ern by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' . Hdwe, Nlon. 0 ao• 5,80 Watson 8z Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAIORIFI, ONT. All hinds of Insurance rides ef- fected at lowest rates hi First - Claes Companies INSURANCE o Fire 0. Auto o Accident • • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 6hate "oar the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMIIPION STOVE AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFPICE—SEAFORTH, ,lsT21} `•'° Officero-President, Wm. S.'Alexander; Vice -Pres., 8. Archibald; -Manager and Sec.-Treas.. M, A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—j. L. Malone, Seaforth( J. H. MnEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. E. Pepper, Minefield; C. W. Leonliardt„ Bornholm ; Ii. Puller, Goderlob • 8t Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broudfoota Seaforth. Agent; —Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesbre)I J. P. Procter, Brodhagen;Sawn Baker. Brussel;, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous toeffect insurance or transact other business,will be promptly. attended to by application to any of tho above named officers addressed to their. respective post offices. AND FUEL Olt' WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone '784 - Res. 288 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S: RADIO REPAIR.. Opposite Disk Rouse, phone 847R, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE Por .artificial ria em nation service or more information, telephone the Water - loci Cattle Breeding Association collect at Clinton ECU 2-2441 between: -7.30 and 0.20 A.M. We supply service to top quality brills of the .Holstein, Jersey Ayrshire, Guevsey, Brown • Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned). Beef Shorthorn (polled and horned),. and .Dual Purpose Shorthorn,. Angus .and Oharolaise breeds. The cost is low. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty, A few good used ones on hand. Basil, 0' - Rourke, Bruceeiild. Phone Hun- ter unter 2-9131 Old horsesNANwa ted at 341,o lb.; and dead cattle at value. IP dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Phone collect 148334 or • 148331 (Goderich) BERT PEPPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Now boolcing Sales for the coming season R.R. #8 - Phone Gunton. Seaforth -HU 2-7664 DEAD STOCKREMOVED 515.00 and up paid for old, sick or dis- abled horses or cows. Highest Dash value paid in surrounding district for dead • stook. Prompt sanitary disposal in winch equipped trucks. Phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153, collect TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden 8z. Broadfoot Phone 686w Seaforth Hudson Sterling i