HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-04-24, Page 7TIH11 SDAFORTH N2IWS—Thursday, April 24 1963 Your Sunerior Soecials 'Ln5 DEL MONTE FANCY GREEN GIANT TOMATO JUICE NIB LETS 48tin z o is 290 . z.i O L ti l S 2fof 33 c CRISCO 3 ib Tins only 99c SWEET JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 390 CARNATION MILK Tail Tins 2 for 290 WHITE CROSS TISSUE (Interlake) 2 rolls for 23c Monarch Chocolate Cake Mix Monarch White Cake Mix FREE Cake Decorator with 2 pkgs. choc. or white 2 for 66c BETTY CROCKER BOSTON CREAM PIE MIX Pkg. 37c Imported Holland Gladioli Bulbs. Pkg. 59c T -Rose Bussesassorted in colors. Some climbers T Roses 79c MANNINGS TEA TIME ASSORTED COOKIES .... 1 lb Bag 370 32 oz Bottle 25c Wright's Sri veil SBLF SERVICE r Food Market FREE DELIVERY BORN 1VldNicbol-At 'Scott Memor- ial iHospital on April 17, to Mr. and Mrs,' Ralph MeiNd'ehol, rr4 Walton, a daughter Rose- ,At Scott Memorial hos- pital on April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. (Fred Rose, rr1 Walton, a s011 Wilson --'Ab 'Scott (Memorial HIospital on April 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Stewart W'']son, l3rucefield, a son TOWN TOPICS Mr. and 'Mrs, Bedford Dnngey and 'Brenda spent the weekend in 'Col'lingwood with Mr. 'and Mrs. 'James HIogg. 'Mr, Hogg who has been quite i11 is recovering satisfactorily. sfacto •d lY. Mrs. Ross Sproat spent the weekend with relatives in De- troit. IMr. and Mrs, Gratton ]Flana- gan, (Hamilton, ,spent the week- end here. ;Mr, and 'Mrs, Donald Stewart were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. Reitz, Preston. Mr. and Mrs Edward.Molver and Cathy, IStxatford, spent the weekend 'with Mrs. H. Mcffver, 1Vfrs. Margaret 'Devereaux and 6Iiss Joan Devereaux, Tor- onto, 'visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Stills Sr. Mrs, 'Devereaux is remaining here till the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Coffin and Mr. and Mrs. M. J3edhely were weekend visitors at the h•om:e of Mr, and Mrs.' P. McIver. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 'Etre were at the funeral of the for- mer's brother, iMr, C. Etue-in Drysdale last Friday. • Mr. C. Etue was electrocuted in Tor- onto nasi Tuesday. TUCKERSMITH Turner's •Church W. A. net in the church basement on Wed. April 16 at 2:30 p.m. with 118 members and one visitor pres- ent. The roll call was answered with a verse of 'an Easter hymn, The scripture was read by Mrs. 3L E. Johns, devotions by Mrs. Win. Rogerson, and the topic "Easter" was ;given 1by Nies. John 'Turner. An invite - Charlie MacNaughton A *47 -year-old South Huron businessman, Charlie Mac - Naughton, was chosen the PC candidate in Huron by an enthus- iastic, overflow crowd at the Clinton nomination meeting last week. 'Delegates from all sections of the riding recognized that his practical experience and achievementinthose activities which vitally affect representation of Huron in the Ontario legis- lature made him an outstanding candidate. Here are his recom- mendations: As managing -director of Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd., Charlie MacNaughton has been Intimately associated with Huron's farming industry for 15 years. His sound Judgment and fair treatment of farmers is reflected by the growth and expansion of this local industry. His position has given him wide experience in both domestic and export marketing of farm products. He was a member of the Agricultural Sub -Committee at the convention which drafted the Diefenbaker farm program, including the new Agricultural Stabilization -Act under which 1958 price supports have been put into effect. He served as trustee and chairman of South Huron District High School Board fors nine years. He was•one of the founders and continues as a director of South Huron Hospital He has given active support and leadership to many community betterment activities, both in his home town and throughout the riding. Vote For Charlie tion was accepted from Ontario St. W,A„ to attend their ser- vice May 6 at 2!30 pan, Also an invitation from 'Goshen W.M.S. dor May 8 at 8:30 pan. It wee voted that desk lbe purchased to11 bo1ds IS.. S w lies,. pp' Invitartions are being 'sent to the ladies of 'Varna, Wesley - Willis ('Clinton), 1Holmesville and (Burns Ohurehes to attend the visitor's d'ay service at Tui. ner's Church on May 21 at 2.30 p.m. Mts. W. L. Whyte of Sea - forth will be the guest speaker. HENSALL ;Complimenting Mr. and Mrs. reicck Corbett on their 25th wed- ding 'anniversary, members of the former's 'family gathered at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett on Tuesday evening. ' presentation of gifts was made b-- Mrs. Harold (Parker and Mrs. Jas. Sangster. The accompany- ing address was read by ;Ed •Cor- lbett. DUBLIN The annual meeting of the Dublin C. W. L. was held Tues- day evening April 22 in 'Du'blin 'Continuation IS'chool at 8.20 p. sn. 'Mrs. John Flannery !presided and opened the meetingwitlt the League Prayer. Mrs. Catherine Feeney read the minutes of the •previotrs meeting and eorreS- pondence. The treasurer's re- port nwas given by Miss K. Sta- pleton which showed a very sue. cessdul year. Rev. A. Durand gave the Nominating ;Committee report and installed the slate of officers, and recited. the Act of •Consecration. They are as rol- lows; Pres., Mrs. D 'Maurice; 1st vice pins., Sirs. Joe Shea; rogr In 3rd Tice pres., Mrs. 31. 'O'Reilly; 'Secretary, Ms. Clayton lLoolby; treas., Mrs, J. P. Krauskopf. A vote ori thanks was tendered the out -going offdcers.'It was decid- ed to raise the fees to 75e. The meetiin was adjourned u�rt ed an the 1 d lunch served. (Mrs. 'Elsie Jordison in An - easter with Mr. and .Mrs. A. Jordison, •Mrs. John' Nagle in 'Kitchener With Mrs. J. IDantzer. Mr. and (Mrs. J. Cleary, Lon- don ;with Mr. and Mrs. (Frank Evans. • Mr. arid (Mrs. Billie Feeney in Toronto to see' Mr. Nicholas Krauskopf 'who .had the misfor- tune to fall from a scaffold nwlllae repairing: a baize on the term of Mr. W. i!-1. IPugih at Clairmont. Mr. ICrausloopf is confined to St. Michaela Hos- pital. (Mr, and Mrs. Wells of Scar - bore with 'Mr. and Mrs. John 'Welds. Mr. and Mrs. Steve ;Gaunt of 'Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. G. Holland, MVIiss Margaret Flanagan, iMiss Mary 'Morrison, 'Kitchener, at. their homes. Miss Rosa Marie Feeney, Mr, and Mrs, F. Maloney, Kitchener with Mrs. Catherine Feeney. Mr. Allan 'Butters, Newcastle with Mr. and Mrs. T. Butters , Mrs: A. 'Looinans and three children have left to spend two months at her home in 'Holland, ear. and Mrs. Michael Nagle of Dublin, on Wednesday, .April 16, celebrated their 40kh wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Nagle were married on (April 16, 1918 at St. 'Columban R. 0, Church, St, Coliimbam, by Rev. Father Burke. Mrs. Nagle was the former, Mary :Stapleton, daughter of the late Mil. and Mrs. Patrick Stapleton. They .farmed in Hibbert twp, for a numiber of years, later moving to Dublin w'b' xn w er h e they have since resided. Mr. an d¢�I M rs. e a1 have two eons, Leonard and earl of Stratford and one daughter, Mrs. Wm, 'O'Rourke (Marie) of Dublin. A. $amity dinner was held at Wakes Res- taurant in Stratford. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. 'Nagle were surprised at their home when their neighbors, first cou- sins and the family gathered to swish them congratulations. Mrs. Catherine Feeney read the ad- dress and Mrs. P. Jordan pre- sented 'Mr. and Mrs. ‘Nagle with an electric fry pan and •a set of 'batch towels. The dewily present- ed them with a platform rock- er. Euchre was played and a de- licious lunch was served by the ladies .in change, HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Bk R. Flannery Wo are selling tickets on a portable radio, a chenille bed- spread, a doll 'dressed in money and a dresser set all of which will he drawn for at our school reunion on May 16, Tickets can be oibtadned from anyone in the high schonl. We have sent for the movie, David Copperfieid, which we hope to have Friday afternoon. After studying the book in Eng- lish class for the past month and a half, it should be interest- ing to see a 'portrayal of the characters in real life. We want to welcome ,Sheila :Malone back after her trip out West. We were surprised not to see her dressed in cowboy clothes this morning, s Contin URON. The Frost Government's hospital for retarded children, announced last week as a tribute to the untiring efforts of the Iate, beloved Tom Pryde, will be the first pro- vincial institution erected in Huron. To be located on Lake Huron's shore, two miles from Goderich, this hospital will provide employment for hundreds of Huron people and will contribute many thousands of dollars to Huron's economy in the purchase of supplies and equipment. New Road building Paving of No. 84 highway from. Hensall to St. Joseph is due for completion this sununer. Reconstruction of the Bluewater Highway, including 26 new culverts, is well under way. County and municipal road grants are at an all-time high. New Hospital Facilities Frost Government grants, to Huron hospitals in 1957 and 1958 will total nearly $300,000 to assist in the erection of major additions and nurses' residences, to pro- vide other important improvements, and meet rising maintenance costs. New Tax Relief New 1958 grants to Huron municipalities for education, roads, welfare services and for un- conditional purposes are the highest in history. These grants will reduce property taxes by as Much as 50 mills ! Support Good GoverMSI., rtyemit THE FROST TEAM INSURES CONTINUED PROGRESS IN ONTARIO Huron PC Candidate Provincial By -Election - May 12 McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS The McKillop Busy Beavers held their second meeting of "'The 'Club 'Gini Stands on Guard" on April 9th at the home of Faye Little. e opened the meeting by singing "O 'Canada the minutes of the last meeting were read, end we then had the roll call which was to bring your record book. 'We' •decided to have 'blue •boodc covers with gold letters for our record books. Mrs, Keys and Mrs. IPapple gave us some notes and the meeting was closed by repeating the 4 -IH Pledge. After a few games the club went on rwbthh a third meeting which was opened by singing "The Institute Ode", the min- utes of last meeting were .read. We then had the roll call tiv'hich was A book a would like to own. Some notes were dictated and the ,meeting was closed by sing- ing "The Queen". A 'delicious tench was enjoyed by all, Boll call: A defect in my posture. Horne Assignment: Cheek your posture as you wont and play, put the defects and good points in record book. Work on record book and first aid kit, The McKillop -Busy 'Beavers held their fourth meeting of "The Club 'Girl Stands on Guard" on April .15th at the hone of Joan IPryce.•The meet- ing was opened by singing the Institute Ode and repeating the 4-431 .pledge. The minutes of the last 'meeting were read and we then had the roll call which was a common defect in my posture. Mrs. Dale, the nurse, explain- ed about open wounds, frac- tures, fainting and artificial re. spiration. We got our (book cov- ers and closed the meeting by singing "The Queen". A delici- ous lunch was .served. 'Roll Call: The name of the person whose story 1 have writ. ten in my record book. POLICE REPORT 0.,P.P. report for March for District No. 6—Accidents 106, fatal 5, fatalities 6, injured 52. Vehicles .checked 4780, charges laid 2988, most charges rate of speed 180. CROP REPORT Seeding is general throughout the County with farmers report- ing that seeding operations are the nicest they have ,had. There is an ample supply of all grain and small seeds, says D, H, Miles, 'Agri. Rep. for Huron County. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and itis. Robert Campbell of :McKillop, announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Dorothy Catherine to Mr. William Douglas Keys, only sore of 'Mr, and Mrs. James Keys of McKillop. The marriage to take place on Saturday, May 3 at 2 p.m, in Duff's United Church, McKillop, Northside United Church Minister, 'Rev. Bruce W. Hall, B.A., .B.D,, S.T.M, Daylight ISavine Time. 10 a.m, Church School and Adult Bible Class, 11 ani., Morning 'Worship, conducted by the Minister. Re- presentatives of the South Hu- ron Camp of the Gideon Society odesauNursery for special guests. congregation, (Evening Services withdrawn until the ('all. 8 pan., Northside Youth Fellowship. We have the largest stock of Spring & Summer FOOTWEAR we ever had and the best values Willis Shoe Store The Little Store with the Big Ye lues Rummage Sale Ladies. Guild of St. Thomas Anglican Church is holding a Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 26 h'ronr one o'clock to 5 O'clock Featuring the Largest Wide Screeeen. in Boron County THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 24 and 25 "12 Angry Men" Henry P'ouda Lee J. 0,14) (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY and MONDAY April 26 and 28 "The Indian Fighter" Kirit Douglas -- Elsa Martinelli (Color) (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY April 29 and 30 Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (Color) (Cineinascope) Jane Russel - Jeanne Crain Allan Young (Two Cartoons) Two :Showa Nightly, Bain or Clear Box Office Open et 8 p.m. First Shot' at Dusk Children under 12 in :cars Free