HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-04-24, Page 6WALTON chaired the meeting and opened with hymn 4,34 "Saviour like a Tfhe Walton 'group of the Un- Shepherd Lead Us", accorn.pan- ited Church held their April ied 4y Mrs. H. Travis, The meeting an the schoolrooms of scripture, St. Matthew 21 - the church on. ,Wednesday even- 25 was read by Mrs. IE. Mitchell .ng,„ Mrs. Art Busby, vice-pres. and, ,comments on it were given -itst•dewo,3,:rk OF 47.43 5itd IL60 Cronin Sales anode Wir ity ril Commencing at 2 P.K. Livestock must be inspected and at the sale by 2 PM • Phone 4, Dublin Sales will be held every Wednesday by the leader, Mrs, Wan. Ben- nett led in prayer. The topic for the evening was taken Iby Mrs. C. Lydiatt entitled "Words Fitly Spoken". 'She stated that words are the comm(Mest means of expressing ourselves. Words are signals and ways of commun.. ieating our feelings. A ,Christian is one that has to study his words, We can make a habit of speaking the right word at the right time only by exercise of a- bounding charity, and s.ympabhy, by training in firm sell -control and unfailing courtesy. It is the •evil of unclean and indecent speech which so marks the char- acter. It should therefore be adorned with fitting thoughtful- ness With restraint and dignity that it may Ibe al becoming part of the life that is Christian. The roll call was answered by nam- ing, an apostle and minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. N. Marks. The treasurer, Mrs. R. ,Bennett re- ported that 8188.07 was made at the group bazaar and. Mrs. E. Watson ,313.6,5 for the citiT,M,S collection. at .was decided to keep 4,30 for running ex5enses an the ,group and hand the re- mainder in to the W.A. of the church. MTS. C. ILydiatt thanked the ladies for the willing sup- port that was given her with the bazaar. Articles left over from the bazaar were displayed ancl afterwards put up for sale. The offering Was received by Mrs. E. Watson. The closing hymn "0 Master let me walk with Thee" was sung and the Bene- diction pronounced. A number of amusing con- tests were conducted by Mrs. C. 'Mitchell. Lunch committee con- sisted of Mrs. G. McArthur, Mrs. •-• ``""" • W. 'Bennett, Mrs. B. Bennett and Mrs. W. M. Thomas. The Bfaillop .group • met at the home o1' Mrs. Gordon Me - Gavin on 'Wednesday evening April 16 with 1.8 members and three visitors present:. Mrs.N. Sehade opened the nieetingwith hymn "Jesus Christ is risen to- day" and Mayer. The scripture Passage was read by Mrs. J. Bosnian from 1st Cor. 116: 12- 20, Phil. 3: 7-12. IMrs. D. Wat- songave a reading; on "The Beauty of the ,Lily". The usual reports were .given and business conducted. A sale of everyday cards was held and Mrs, R. Bar- rows .gave (Missionary 'Month- ly review. A...splendid topito en- titled "Lord teach us how to Pray" was 'gtven by 1VIrs..R. Mc- Michael. She also gave a review of our Perfect prayer "The Lord's .Prayer".. The meeting closed ‘with the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies on the 14th concession west. 'The regular. meeting of the 17th and boundary group of Duff's United ,Church was held at the -home of Mrs. D. Binhan- an with 16 members .and one vis- itor present. The -meeting open. ed with the singing of hymn 500 and prayer offered, by the pre- sident. Mrs. Buchanan read the scripture and also gave a very interesting reading. After the discussion period the meeting was closed by singing hymn 390 and the Mizpah Benediction. A successful bazaar was held and a sociable half hour spent. A lunch was served by the hOstess, Mrs, Roy Williamson and Mrs. 1). Armstrong. The April meeting; of the W. L will be held in the community • Itt 4.111.it • • • ••.W • • tit hall on Thursday evening when officers der the coming year will be installed. HENSALL Mrs. W. 'R. Davidson of Port Credit visited this week ' with Mrs, W. B. Cross and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. ;Wane ISanith and family were recent visitors with the former's 'parent's, Mr. and 'Mrs. Smith an lEgmondville. Mrs, Keyes of, Brucefield is' spending a few days •at the borne of her son and .daughter- in-law; MT. and ,1VIrs. 111, Keyes. Miss Alma Bell of Toronto was a recent visitor with her father; -Mr. W. R. Bell and bro- ther Robert. Menibers of Amber 'Rebekah Lodge 349 were guests at God- erich Lodge on. Tuesday even- ing.'when the Assembly Presi- dent, Mrs..Patterson of Brus- sels was present. The sHensail degree 'team conferred the de- gree for the..candidates. Mrs. IH. Keyes spent a few days in London this week ow- ing to the illness of ber father, Mr. W. Stephenson, -who under- went an operation in. Victoria Hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. Bert Arnold returned to her Imam in London after spend- ing a few days with her ,son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bin Fink and infant daughter, Kimberly Joy. Mr. Hugh Rose of Toronto visited recently with his aunts, Misses Mary and Agnes McEwen Mr. Al Kerslake' of London called on friends here on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes returned home on Saturday af- ter spending the winter in Ari- zona. They travelled home by the West Coast and through Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and family and Mrs. Etnalie Parker visited recently with rel- atives at 'Mitchell. Mr. H. McEwen Passes Suddenly Mr. Hugh dVLcIEWen passed away suddenly in Galt on Wed- nesday in his +Nth year, A na- tive of Hay twp. Mr. McEwen is survived by his widow, the' former Helen Bell, and ,two sons Hugh Jr. and James, both of Hay. Funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. C. D. Daniel on Saturday from. the .Bonthron funeral home. Interment in Ex- eter Cemetery. Miss Joyce Peters of London spent the weekend at the- home of her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. F. Peters. HULLETT ion ,Aipril 19th Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid entertained rela- tives in honour of her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. George Garter on the occasion of their 40th wed- ding anniversary. 19 enjoyed a bounteous supper. Progressive 600 'was !played. Mr, and Mrs. JaCk 'Keller of (Seaforth showed their coloured moving pictures of family gatherings, local scenes, and their recent trip to New York. The honored couple received many beautiful and useful gifts. ‘.• ; THE SEFORTH NEWS—Thursday, April 24, 1958 REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth Thurs., Fri., ,Sat..--14Double Bill.; --Aide Ray, Anne Bancroft in "Nightfall". ' Also David Brians, May Wynam in "White ,Squaw." . . Mon. Tues. Night .Runner' ADULT. Ray Denton, Colleen Miller 'Wednesday, April 30th only—On'stage in parson, '"rhe Tomb of Terror', Hollywood's Frankenstein enct-lovely starlets. 7 & 10.30 Mon rues. Wed., 1 show, 8 P.M. Thurs. Fri. Sat, 2, shows -7.30 ancl 9.15 . „ ,. . ' . . ,. . ... ANNUAL . Huron County Town Hall, MONDAY, 8 P.M. 1 . Everyone is invited • E. D..BELL President ,, .. ..„,....„....,.... ,, MEETING . . TB Association Clinton APRIL 28th • • • to attend IVIRS. 3. B. RUSSELL Executive Secretary • ... . . , . . . • , . . .. , . . . . . . - . Seaforth TIME Town of Seaforth has Daylight Saving Time of Seaforth during the 1958 A.M. 26th, 1958 ' A.M. • • the citizens to observe - B. F. Christie Mayor Queen SIT29•521699 .. .r . - - - - • Town of Proclamation DAYLIGHT SAVING The , Council of the instructed me tolleclare adopted for the Town period of APRIL 27th, AT 12.01 to OCTOBER AT 12.01 and resPectfully request same God Save the Mrs. Gordon Wurclell, Ro-nald Hinz, Roy Siemon, Lloyd Pruet- er, IVIrs. I. Trueter, ,Mrs. Ed- ward Scherbarth, director. The cast in "The,Gossip", R. W. Hoegy, Mrs. R. Hicks, Mrs R' ' is' ' cve'a . Gloor, M - IL W If R Inl Gloor, Mm. R. Sholdice. - For( Dickison, with F. Dickison, th! 'BRODHAGEN A leadership training ,program 1-1.1E.L.P. for Luther Leaguers was held here at St. Peter's Lu- theran ,Church this weekend with the following leaders: Bob Ger- big, Carolyn (Braun, Edith Vogt and Philip ISchaus of Kitchener. These young people were billet- ed at the homes of Mr.and Mrs, Leslie Weitersen, Mrs. T. Heuer- ansmn and Mr. and Mrs. (Russell ,Sholdice. IDonald E. Hendersdn, infant son a Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- derson Was 'baptized ,by Pastor E. J. Fischer during the Sunday morning service with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean of St. Marys, the sponsors, along with the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dield-- son, Kenneth and genet and Mrs. J. Dickison of Teeswater with Ford Dickison and Mrs. Dickison, on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford and Audrey and Wayne of London ' with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rock. Mr. Ross Puschelberg of List- owel with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Eusehelberg. Mr. and Airs. John Hinz and John of Kitchener with Mr. and MM. Harry Tait on 'Sunday. IMr. and IMrs. John Miller and fRuth Ann of Hamilton with her mother, Mrs. A. Hillebrecht Mr. and Mrs. W. Rode of Palmerston with Mr. and Mrs. 'Milton Rock. Messrs Galvin Glick and Gal- vin Diegel students of Waterloo Seminary have been at there homes the past week studying for exams. • Mrs. ILavern Wolfe had an unfortunate accident on Mon- day when she hit her head on a garage door -weight requiring five stitches. Messrs Wayne ,Beuerman and Don Wolfe and Miss Doris Arth- ur of Kirkton, and MSS Beth Cole 'of 'Clinton motored to Nia- gara Falls on ISunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ISeherbarth, Mr. and Mrs. Drnie Haiti of Detroit with Mr. and 'Airs. Jahn L. tBennewies. • Two one -act iplaya, Deep Freeze and The Gossip and Var- iety program were presented at St. Peter's Lutheran Church 'basement on Mondlay and Tues- day evening by members of the married couples group :(IStewards of the Christian Home). The Variety pr o gr am consisted of dramatization in song the months of the yew.. Piano solo, IMrs. (Ron 'Hinz, solo by Pastor E. J. Fischer ,accompanied by Mrs. -Fiseher, duet by Mrs. Ross ILeonhardit and R. IBeuermann. The cast in `1Deep [Freeze", Mrs. R. Hinz, Mrs. Roy ISiemon, Mrs, R. Beuermann, E. IScherbarth, WESTLAKE FURNITURE ANNIVERSARY BARGAINS I BARGAINS Thursday, April 24 to Saturday, May 3 As in previous years we are giving away FREE -- 3 Valuable Door Prizes Draw will be made May 3 at 10 P.M. Every article in store reduced during sale. Values galore Remember the dates—Thursday, April 24, to May 3 WESTLAKE FURNITURE Phone 89 J ZURICH ditinittOr Ur, 10 1957 OLDS "SUPER" 4 DOOR HARDTOP very low mileage 1957 CHEVROLET COACH 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN ' 1955 OLDS SEDAN 1955 METEOR SEDAN 1954 .FORD SEDAN 1953 FORD SEDAN 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 FORD COACH 1949 OLDS SEDAN MAKE US AN OFFER No reasonable offer refused at SeaforthMotors Phone 541 Seaforth •