HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-04-10, Page 1tr.•z--• The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1958 $1.50 a Year Authorized as Second Gluas- man,,. Post Office Dept., OttaWii'" Snowdon Bros., Publishers BY-ELECTION IN HURON RIDING WILL BE HELD ON MON., MAY 12 A. by-election will be heldin the provincial riding of Huron on May 12 to fill the seat left vacant by. the •death of the rate member Thomas Pryde. :Russell Balton of McKillo has been appointed, returnin g officer' for the election. Mr. Bolton has appointed W. E. Southgate election clerk. This week they are making up kits for the enumerators who will prepare the list of voters for each poll. The political pot is starting to boil with the announcement that the 'Conservatives will hold a nomination meeting in Clinton on Wednesday evening, ,April 116th. (Definitely in the contest for the Conservative nomination are Charles elacN,aughton of:lExet- er; ;presid'en't, of the Huron Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion, and Dr. McMaster, former Mayor of'Seeforth. De. McMast- er is waging an active campaign for support, has been prominent in Lions Club work and in the Slid ' Western Ontario Develop- ment Association. m ItJa e's heard of others who may be nominated •at the con- vention, though so far they ,have made no . announcement, are Mayor Miller of 'Clinton, and George Feegan of Goderiali and Wan. J. 'Dale, (both former war- dens of Ewen County. There will be three voting (delegates from each poll, and the chairman of each municipal- ity will have a vote at the con- vention, So far -the Liberals have made no announcement of plans for a nominating convention. April nth is official nomina- tion day. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Kee, Toronto, announce the en- gagement g t of their daughter, hter g , Joan ,Doreen, to Mr. John Gor- don Wilson, son of +Mr. and Mrs. David Hall Wilson, The mar- riage will take place on Satur- day, April 26th, 1958 at 1,1 o'- clock ina i St. MarksAnglican Church, Toronto. BUYS WINTHROP STORE Stanley tM. Gillies of Cedar- ville has 'bought the Winthrop store from Austin eDolmage and took over the business. Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dolmage will move in a week to the MacFar- lane propen'•ty at Winthrop Which they recently purchased. •IVIm, Gillies who is a bachelor will occupy the quarters at 'the store. SEAFORTH MERRY MAIDENS Our second meeting of the "Club Girl Stands on Guard" was opened at 2 o'clock, Satur- day, April 5, at. the home of Mrs, John Broadfoot. Roll call was a suggestion for the out- side cover of our record book. Minutes were read, moved and adopted. Since we had neglected at last meeting electing a vice president, we elected Ruth Cro- zier. We decided to name our club "Seaforth Merry Maidens", 'We are to have our next meet- ing a double one on Thursday, April 10, at 10 o'clock of the home -of Suane ,Haugh. Mrs. Whyte gave suggestions on How the Club Girl keeps fit ment- ally, also on different ways to spend our time -off wisely and all the qualifications for a good first -aider if a person was in- jured. Home assignments. First, bring a favorite reading book to the next meeting and for roll call, .name it, give the author and tell something about the book. Second, list the way you spend your time -off. Third, continue work on your record book. Fourth, add more to your first-aid kit, After a delicious lunch we closed with "The Queen". EGMONDVILLE Mr. Fred Scotehmer, who spent the winter months - with his sone at 'Galveston, Texas, last week visited with his,broth- er,. Mr. Wm. Scotchaner and Mrs. Seotchmer, He left on. Friday to visit friends at Bayfield (before returning to his ,home at Rich- mond Hill, :Mir.` and Mrs, Oliver•Yailuip and son Jim of Agincourt visited with Mrs. Yallup's parents; Mr. and Mrs. Win, Scotchmer, Mr. Yellup returned home on Sun- day and Mrs. Yallup and Jinn re- mained' for a longer visit. Mr. Billie Wallace is spending the Easter holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, IScotohmer, Mr. and Wire. Arthur Erick- son of Waterloo visited on Tdes- day with the latter's another aced bee -thee, Mrs. Messenger and Melvin. Mr. and Mrs. James Balfour and Mr. and Mrs.' Ab Hey of Thames 'Road called on IMIa, and Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple.. on Satur- day. Mrs, Geo. Pearce of Monroe who visited with Me. and. Mrs. Dalrymple last week, left Tues- day morning by plane fromMel- ton for a thiiele-man4he' visit with relative's and friends in rEngiand. 'l Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson, Lorne Park, with his mother, Mims. Jarnes'Finlayson. Hereford and Jersey Shows for Fair At -a meeting this i . week Sea - forth s forth IAAgricu'ltural (Society fur- thered (plans for the 1113th an- nual fall fair, .Sept. 18-19 elHur- on County's oldest fair). •. Tike Ontario Hereford Re- gional Show and the Jersey Par- ish (Show will he held in con- junction with this year's fall fair. Gordon IPapple was named representative to the (Huron County Federationof Agricul- ture. 4-13 Clubs to operate in con- junction with the fair -are a Swine Club, sponsored by the Seaforth Junior Farmers' 'Club; a Poultry Club sponsored by the Seaforth Lions' Club; Grain Club sponsored by McKillop Federation of Agriculture;'Hus- king Corn, sponsored by the Tuckersmitlh Federation; and the Beef Calf and Dairy Calf Clubs to be sponsored by the Seaforth Agri. 'Society. The so- ciety also plans to sponsor a 441 Clwb in Parkland Barley as well as Rodney Oats and Husk- ing Corn Field Crop 'Competi- tions. The fair twill •also be the setting for Championship shows for the •4eH Swine Club and Beef Calf 'Club. Tb k e permanent im�Frovemen s made in 1957,. for which a grant has been received, were shutters o r fr h- for the showhouse a e es menu booth and fencing.Presi- dent 00. W. 'Campbell pesided. CHAMBERS — CAWKWELL • Rev. J. H. James officiated at the marriage of Marion Jean 'Cawkwell, Seaforth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cawk- well, Marton, (Middlesborough, England, to Raymond Douglas Chambers, son of Mrs. Almura Chambers Egmondville, in St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Sea- forbh, Thursday afternoon, Ap- ril 3rd at 2 .p.nr. Given in mar- riage by 'Charles Friend, the bride wore a full-length white n th grosgrain gown featuring an appliqued lace -covered bodice. She wore a lace pill -'box hat, and a French illusion finger-tip veil and carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Doreen Elizabeth Hedley, of Cumberland, Eng- land, attended the 'bride. She wore a full-length gown of two- tone blue silk organza over tae - feta, and a matching headdress. She carried a bduqueet of yel- low roses, Willbur Chambers of Preston was best man andthe ushers were Junior Storey and Ross IKohle.: Me. Geo. B. Clarke was organist playing traditional wedding music, and also accom- panying the choir singing two wedding hymns, "0 Perfect Love" and "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden", The re- ception was held in Egmond- vilie where the decorations were pink and white. The bride- groom's mother reoeived in a blue and white silk dress, white hat and accessories. Assistants were Mrs. Wilson Little, Mrs. Frank Johnston, Mrs. Russell Bolton all of Winthrop, For tra- veling in the United State's, the bride chose a matching blue dus- ter coat and dress with navy and white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers will reside in Eg- mondville. Guests at the wedding: Mr, and Mrs. James Veil and fam- ily from Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Chambers from Preston. HENSALL Mrs. Wesley Venner return- ed hone on •Saturd.ay from Vic- toria Hospital, London, 'here' she was receiving treatment: Miss Wanda Baker of Lon- don was a' weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and fancily of Windsor were week- end visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. C. Cook.' CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dow of Cromarty were honored at a dinner' at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Butson, Staffs, on their 40th wedding anniversary. The honored couple were mar- ried ait•the Presbyterian manse, Cromarty, April 3, 1918, by the late Rev. David Ritchie, of that Church. Mrs. Dow is the former Annie Christie, daughter of the late David and Margaret Cheis- tie. Since their marriage' they have resided east of Cro,narty. The table at the anniversary dinner was centred with a wed- ding cake- and sweet pews and chrysanthemums were used foe decoration:, They were the recipients of a gift of money from their child- ren: Elmer and Mervin, Cronin arty; Mrs. Lorne 1(Vellina), Doupe, Science' Hill; (NIrs. Eldon °1G'ladys) Allen, Cronnarty • Mrs. Jack )(Wilma) Butson, 'Staffa Mrs. 'Russel 1(!eIargaret) 'Miller, dtaffa, and Roger at home. Mrs. Dow was presented with a red. rose .corsage, and Mr. Dont/ with a boutonniere, besides individual gifts from 'their 16 grandchild- ren. {Aliso present for the occasion was the bride's sister, Mrs..Clif ford Dow, IStaffa. Cardiff Official Majority Is 6,557 • The off majority aJ tY ori for Di- eter' 'Cardiff an east week's elec- tion in Hann is 6,557. This in- cludes the soldier vote. The of- ficial count of the ballots took 7pace on Mon a Y by Returning 10ltficer J. K. iHunter of ,Goder- ich The totals are Cardiff 14,- 107, Oochrane 7'550. The sold- ier oldler vote gave a majority for Co- chrane being, Cochrane, 2187,` Cardiff 11182. (Mi.,'Cardiff will be.:offrelall declared elected by the return rng officer next Monday, as un - dr the enlection Act six days must elapse after the official count 'before the candidate is declared elected, . There were 2213 rejected bal- lots in the riding, the 'highest number (being at 1Bdyth No. 1 poll, with I11 rejects'. Exeter 21B had 9 rejected ballots. There were 1111 rejected 'ballots in Sea - forth, with 8 in No. 2 poll, 5 in No. 4 and '3 in No. 6. • CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION Facts about two of the candi- dates for the 'Conservative nom- ination in Helicon: Dr. E. A. McMaster has 'lived in Huron County for ;34 years, 24 years in ISeaforth, where he organized the Seaforth Clinic with which he is associated, Dr. McMaster bases his appeal on community service, having serv- ed 11 years on Seaforth council, 7 years as elayor, He also serv- ed several years on the hospital board and High School hoof oa d A past president of ISeaforth Lions Club and Lions Deputy 'Governor, and since the Mid- western Industrial Development Association was organized he has been a member of the exe- cutive. Charles McNaughton came to Exeter from Western Canada in 1944 and is a member of the firm, t i of Jones, McNaughton Seeds Ltd. He is 46. Mr, Me- Naughton's interestin politics was aroused by the late Tom Pryde and he became president ofh b e HuronYoung Pr o xsnv e Conservative Association. Later when the Federal riding of Hu- ron was re -arranged he was ap- pointed preeeident of the Feder- al Association for 'Huron which he still holds. He was 9 years on Exeter High 'School Board, 2 years as chairman, and was a founder of the hospital at Exe- ter. He is a past president of Exeter Lions Club and a past IMaster of the /Masonic Lodge. • • HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Flynn and Miss Joyce Flynn were re- cent visitors with :Mr. and Mrs. Don Avery in 'Sarnia. Mrs. Grace 'Harpole returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell at Chiselhurst, Mr. Geo. Ottelrbein of Galt spent the weekend holiday with his father, Mr, Win. Otterbein. (Mrs. Margaret 'Evans and family of Waterloo spent the holidays with the, fornmer's -u•- ents, Mr. and Mrs. •IR, Y. Mac - Laren, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman and family were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daug- hter, Mr. and Mrs, Joe DeLodge in 'Sarnia. .Miss Joyce Peters of London was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Peters. Mrs: Chesney of Toronto vis- ited over the weekend with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dougall, Mr. and Min. J. McCloy and children of Toronto were holi- day visitors with Mrs. McCloy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Mr, and Mrs, Ron Moir and family of Strathroy were week- end visitors with 'Mr. and Mr s, Wni. Lee, Mr. and Mao. James Clark and Mr. and Sirs, George Moir. ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie of Toronto were -weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. John IMc- 'M•urtrie and Mrs. Mary MclIur- tris. • Mrs. Ann Hopkins of Chicago visited this week with her sist- er Mrs. Mary McMurtrie. SEEKS NOMINATION Dr. E. A. McMaster of Sea - forth, who will be a candidate for the Conservative nomination, in Huron riding, I Harpurhey To Get Street Lights The regular Meeting of Tin ckeisntith council was held in town hall, ISeaforth on April 1 Wath all members present. The auditor's report as submitted by A. M. Hamper, C.A., was read b 'np , >Y the clerkand ad'o ted'. The fee of '$400 was ppada ed paid) and the clerk msteucted to ,bill the Tuckersmith Telephone,ISystein, 100; ,Sc I hoof Area 1 3 76 IS.S. r and 1 I 10$15 each, as their res- pective share of the audit cost. Rates of pay ,for labor were raised as follows: (Road supt. $1 per hour; grader opemator other labor 90c. Charles •Eyre was appointed weed inspector- at '90c per hover plus rice per anile for use of car while on duty. Council acknowledged a peti- tion for street lighting in the hamlet of Oianpurhey and ins- tructed the clerk to proceed with negotiations with the HEIPC. ,Tender for construction of the Second Concession Drain was awarded to 'Robert Row- cliffs, Hensall, 'Ont, at tender price .of $2185,00. The Reeve was authorized to sign a (warrant to holdto a x sale of properties eligible. The (Reeve and clerk were au- thorized to proceed with 'sale of debentures under -authority of By-law aw 10, I1916.7 ({Egmondvalle Water), which was, given its Srd and final reading. Aeoounts p a ss e d included: Schools, !*3,000; 'salarie's and al- lowances, ($6134,148; eolyertising, $3'6.45; fox bounty, $2.00;. drains,3 6.58 aU $ lementar a I I Divi ane e, 1$25 00; roads $13180.2'6; Relc.-Gen. $7;15; Aus- •able Conservation, $100.00; postage, $5.00; rebates, $2.40. 'Council adjourned to meet on May 6th at 8 p.m. E. 'P. Chesney, Clerk. CHIMNEY FIRES The free brigade responded to two calls for chimney fires. On `Saturday about ,6 o'clock they event Itoilbur Drager's, MoKillop '('the feimer Lawrence farm) and on T uc"sdY a night to Geo. Eaton's, Seaforth. Both fires were brought under con-, trol by the res}dents without damage. WALTON • Mrs. D. Watson 'had charge of the WINS part of the Easter meeting. Hymn 1103 "The Day of Resurrection" was sung. Mrs. A. Coutts read the soripture from Chronicles. The Thanksgiving meeting will he held April 14th, Monday evening commending at 8 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. !Bruce Hall, ,Seaforth. Lured.: is to consist of sandwiches and tarts, The McKillop group will serve and Walton clean up, The report from the delegates was given •by Mrs. IK. McDonald for morning session and .Mrs. N. Reid the afternoon. Any bale articles are to be in by the end of April. Mrs. H. Smalldon fa- vored with a solo and Mrs. H. Bolger gave a reading. The Sth and e16'th group was in charge of the topic on Japan with Mrs. C. 'Martin, Mrs. J. McDonald, 'Mrs, R. McDonald and Mrs. W. Turnbull taking part. 'Sunday IScho'ol will be held at 10.30 a.en. next Sunday in Duff's United Church and the church service at 11.30. .Mis- sion .Band will meet during ser- vice. This will be the beginning of the summer schedule. 'Mrs. Frank Walters under- went an operation in 1St. !Mary's hospital, Kitchener, last week. Mr. and Mrs. b'', Burke, Wing - ham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Art McCall on Sunday. Miss- Isabel Lydiatt of Lon- don spent the week end with hear •parents, Mr. and' Mrs. C. Lydiatt. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins wea•;e Easter visitor's at, ,the 'home of Mr, and Mrs. C. 4lan•- tin. Miss Jennie VanVliet of 'Stratford visited with her par- ents, Mr. and (Mrs, J. VanVliet. Wayne McMichael of Wind- sor spent several days with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. 4i. 'Mc- Mic'hael. (Mrs. Douglas Lawless, Diane and Murray, Simcoe, are holiday visitors with IMr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Turnbull. ,Miss 'Olen Dundas and Miss Mary Whyte are vacationing in New York with the former's aunt, Miss Tillie Dundee. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Marshall and daughter of North. Bay vis- ited with IMrs.:L, Marshall and Mr. M. Fraser over the week end. Mr. Ronald Smith (has return- ed home after attending 0.A.C. at Guelph for two years, FIRESIDE FARM FORUM ion 'April 741 Fireside Farah Forum held a party in Forest- ers' hall, Constance. ••1Rodger ISchwass,' Winigham, showed his colored slides of his trip` to the Peace (River 'District and U.IS. which were greatly enjoyed. ;Progressive euchre was played with the (winners: most gaanes, Mrs. Nelson McClure and Ron Jewitt; lone hands, H ,u g h Flynn, Don Buchanan; consola- tion, 'ethe.- Tom McMillan, Wil- bur Jewitt. Lunch was served. Police Find' Clue In Local Robbery For the '.m second ti e 'thin a w month the safe was stolen from Cleary's iGA store early 'Sun- day moaning. The safe from the pffice of Reliance Petroleem Products was ,also taken. There was no currency in the 'latter safe and it is understood there was only a small amount of cash in the, Cleary safe. On 'Wednesday certain olue8 are (being investigated' with the assistance of RCAF and Provin- cial Police. 'Chief of Police Edward Er- hardt discovered the robbery at the Cleary store while making his rounds. He had checked the front doors of the stores includ- ing Cleary's about 3 a.m. and everything appeared normal. After making a tour of the town up by the arena he •drove down the hack alley on the east side of Main street. The door at Cleary's attracted his attention and upon investigating he found it open and the safe' miss- ing. He notified Constable Geo. Martin and Mr. Cleary. The po- lice then rwent out to the gravel pit at the "mountain", where 'the safe was taken a few weeks ago. There they found the miss- ing safe, ,together with a second safe. 'Business papers in this safe showed it to be from the Reliance office. (How entry was gained at 'Cleary's appears to be a myst- ery. Police were of the opinion, someone had remained hidden in ,the store at closing tiane,. but this was ruled wed out by the staff. The onlyother visible mean sof entry being through a very nar- row space, it was thought entry might have been made by a very small person. Entry at the 'Reliance office was gained by twisting off a hasp and padlock at the door. But again there is a mystery how the safe was removed. It seemed as if it must have been heaved up on a small oil tank and boosted over the high wire fence, which would be a feat requiring considerable strength. Frank Young, who has been manager of the Reliance office for hepast four stated tears. std e Y that it is against company rules to keep currency in the safe. He gave credit to the local pol- ice for their efficient handling of the matter. Nothing was stol- en at either place except the safes. There is every indication that the thefts were the work of the same gang as before as the safes were opened in exactly the same manner, FARMERS' UNiON MEETII.G Local 284 of Farmers' Union heId its monthly meeting Tues- day night with a good attend- ance. ttend ance. Previous mtnutea and cor- respondence were read by Sec. President read list on agenda to be discussed, and also hate chairman of each committee re- port on tickets for prizes that will be drawn at Amateur and Variety show being held Friday night in Clinton, Each Local seems to have no trouble...get- ting its share of talent. A copy of Ontario Livestock Shippers Association brief was read and a discussion started immediate- ly. This brief contains a 7 -point plan with a five cent per hog deduction, and hogs sold from stable and delivered to packer of producer's choice. A. report on beef producers' meeting in Clinton was given and discussed, it was felt that the 10c per head deduction for slaughter cattle was not necessary at this time. A few questions ,were asked about import of millions of The of New.- Zealand boneless beef New support prices came under fire, it 'vas felt that deficiency payments would be better than too high a floor price. A floor price that the average farmer could get by with would be a boon to the large producer or contract farmer. It ''was asked if their was any information on the hog vote that was promised. The ,president stated a iettelr from this local had been sent to Mr. Goodfellow foie informa- tion as to vote, but no word has been received as yet. The next meeting in 'lay will be our annual meeting. .. iiiillilllilll 1111111111111111,1 1 1111111111111 11111111111 iii11111111i 111,111• 1111111,, �!A BIJLOVA s wiTH DIAMONDS A,low„%4gso GODDESS OF TIME "B :;:;_ 17 Jewels ,1•ii „ 2 Diamonds ....: 8495iiiiii ,: ii Ailaradiht iii i 15755 iiii 88'...':.... 881..8:•• ii:i::..3..i.... f° � mitquird ,6•.:: Ei2e ees"' iiii■'i::::u. I uia'e. .:t:6•.' .: F i.1r.:.i � 'si:ease�ii '::• s •s•• 11 „ i ii GODBES1 O We sME D E@='1' r• rpf{i 2 Piamopd$ ,_� . Expansion Bracelet $645° f a 1i s 4 �I at dd •. ro it 3 i S i g'1EtP 3iRis:!a:; J:ie Inns it 8011 . ie=... �, P i' .: f . -:f !i . l;l. t llinitter ".ts..:E:i:FBi... GODDESS OF TIME "F" 17 Jewels 4 Diamonds Expanilan Bracelet s79so Heavenly � LOVA oddess p Set with Diamonds � 11 Jewels SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINID CHINA SEAFORTH Il iii,11111,n11n 111111111",111„11'11111111„IIIIli1p1111111111IIUIInU1111111111,❑11111111iiii ii1i1111111i1,11111111"1111n1,o, KIPPEN The W.M.S. Easter Thank - offering meeting was held Wed- nesday. afternoon, April 2nd at the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. A. MacMillan, Ilderton, with 18 anembeera, and 8 visitors present. The 'President, Mrs. Russell Con- sitt chaired the meeting. Order of service was the special Eas- ter as ter program entitled Christ's Legacy of l'eace". Hymn 286 was sung. Mrs. R. J. Elgie con- ducted the Invocation, assisted by Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs, W. Thompson, Mrs. A, Johnston, Mrs. Bert (Faber, Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mina Irene Turner. The meditation was conducted by Mrs, Bussell Consitt. Reports from Presbyterial in Clinton were given by the two delegates Mrs. J. A. Cooper and Mrs. J. Anderson. Four visits were re- ported by Mrs. Ralph Turner. Mrs. Bert Fiber and Mrs- Ross Broadfoot *ere appointed visit- ors for next month. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot favored with a piano solo. Rev. MacMillan spoke on the subject "Baster Past and Easter Present". A poem "You'll Know it is Spring", was reed by Mrs. Allan Johnston. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. John Sinclair to Rev. and lies. 'Mac- Millan and all those helping with the program. Closing hymn 514 was, sung and the Benediction, prdnounoed by •Rev. MacMillan, A social hour followed, lunch was served' by circle 8. Miss Evelyn Hyde spent Tuesday in London. Mr. Harold Jones has been hospitalized the past week in South Huron Hospital. Me. and Mrs. Roy Hillier and John of Tillsonburg spent the (Easter week end visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie. .ler. and Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich., spent the 'weekend with. Mrs. Love's father, Mr. R. Cooper, and on Sunday his fam- ily met at his hone to celebrate a, belated birthday. Miss Louise Hyde oe the Bap- tist Bible 'Institute, London, vis- ited a week with her parents, Mr. and (Mrs, Alex Hyde. Mrs. Amelia `McClyanont is a patient in 1St. Joseph's (Hospital, London, Her many friends and neighl'ons wish 'her b e t t e• r health. Mrs. Joseph LelGard, Sari -Sue nd Billy of (Downsview ase vis - ting Easter week with an aunt. and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Nor mein Long. Mr. Allan Johnston was the ucky winner of the "Flower of the Month" quilt sponsored by enema. Rebekah Lodge No. 34:9, Hensall on which the draw was made .last (Wednesday evening by the ist'riip,t Deputy Presi- dent, Mrs. Arta Fritzley, of Gad- erich. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell SEEKS NOMINATION _ Wm. -J.IDele, former Reeve and Warden, ,prominent Hullett farmer, who is mentioned as a possible Conservative candidate in Huron. sold the winning ticket and also got a prize. Guests on Good Friday with Mr. and 'Mrs. N. Dickert in - eluded Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mey- er and 2 children of Kitchener, Mr. and 'Mrs, Irven Dickert, Ronny and Murray of Clifford, Messrs Douglas Watson of Grand Rapids, Mich„ and John of Toronto visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grid- zak and fancily. IMr. and Hz's. Richard Cornish and family of Goderich were Easter Sunday visitors of Me.. Robert Thomson, EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. •Ernie. Cook and family of Kingston were ,holi- day guests with Mrs. Cook's parents, Sin and Mrs. Harry Weiland. 'Mrs. Wesit;v 'Olayter and son Ralph of Webber•ville, Mich., were weekend visitors with her mother, (Mrs. Jas. Finlay -on and Miss Jessie 'Finlayson, also with friends in Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Boyes of Orillia and Mr. and Mrs, Snider of Preston were visitors with Mrs. Robt, Boles 'Sr., and Miss Mary 'Stobie, also with their relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. G. R, Keyes and daughter Joan and friend Col- leen McCrea of Windsor are spending a few days with the f ormer's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes. Miss Laura MacMillan of Tor- onto is spending the 4iolidays at her home here, and Miss Alice Watson of London with her mother, Mrs. 3. S. Watson. •Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephen- son, Grace and (Pahl spent the holiday weekend with relatives at Flint and Detroit, Michigan. iMr. Jas. M. Reid of Weston visited with 'his brother-in-law, .iiz, T. Robinson and family. Mrs. C. (Hawley, who has spent some months in California• has returned to her home here. Dr. Jas. 'Semple is spending a few days this week at Rochest- er, New York, HENSALL Mrs. AlbertiiShirray and Bruce spent a few days this week holi- daying in Fort iEluron, Mich. Mrs. Emma Sheppard visited this week with Mr. and Alis. Morley Sanders and sons in Ex• eters Mr, .and rMrs. (Edgar )Munn were weekend visitors with their son -inn -law 'ani daughter; Mr, and Mrs. Don Gooding and fan'- ily in Parkhill. :Miss Wendy Moir visitod over the weekend' with her another, Mrs. Mansell Mason in Grand (B end. Mrs. Inez McEwen spent the weekend visiting with her moth- er, Mrs. Sparrow at Paisley,