HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-04-03, Page 8► • 2 3 4 5 6 B► 1 • 2 BF' 1 2'. 3" EASTER DRESSES Newest Chemise and regular style dresses featuring polished cottons, linens, printed silks & cotton tweeds. One and two piece sheaths, regular or full skirts. 13.95 to 2.2.95 ,s+ Lovely SPRING COATS New spring pastels in plains and tweeds in straight or semi chemise styles so popular this spring 39.95 to 49.95 sc - art EASTER MILLINERY Dainty and chic as they Should be for Easter in smart straws and fabrics, gaily trimmed with, flow- ers and novel fabrics 4.95 to 8.95 s New Spring Gloves New Nylon Suede, Cham- ois Suede and kid gloves "rn a wide, wide assort- silent of shades and styles 1.25 to 3.95 • Smart HANDBAGS All the new shapes in plastic. leather and cordo bags in black, navy; brown, Panama, red, pink, white and blue 2.50 to 8.95 LADIES DEPARTMENT OPEN FOR SATURDAY NIGHT SHOPPING H ENSALL iitr. and Mrs. Jack .Peebles and family of London were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Noakes and family. Bride and Groom Honored A large number of relatives and friends assembled in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday evening in honor of !4 Ir. and Mrs. Gerald Flynn. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Des- jardine's orchestra. Mr. Doug Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister Special Easter Services 11 a.,n. Subiect. "The Easter Garden" Music: Anthem "With Jesus" Soloist, Miss Alice Watson "I know that my Redeemer Liveth" De Armond 7.30. Music: Anthem "All Hail Redeemer" Soloist: Miss Nancy Pepper "The Robe of Calvary" Pageant: By the Young People's 'Union "ON TETE ROAD TO EMMAL'!S" Public cordially invited to all our services WE REPEAT - FOR BEST VALUES IN WORK BOOTS AND RUBBER BOOTS IN THIS TOWN OR ANY OTT -T R TOWN IT'S Willis Shoe Store The Little Store with the Big Values Cooper made the presentation and read the accompanying ad - I dress. Refreshments served, HULLETT The 'Hullett Township Feder- ation held a card party and dance in the) ondesboro hall on -March 28th with a good crowd in attendance. Everyone report- ed having a good time. Norris Orchestra supplied the music for the dance. There will be an- other one on April 11th. The prize winners for .the cards were women's high, :Mrs, Jim Howitt; law, Miss .Reta Flynn; lone hands, Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt; men's high, John Riley; low, :El- gin Nott; lone hands, +Russell Dolmage. CONSTANCE Fourteen new members last evening joined the Constance Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters here. The -d e gr e e team made up of members of the Court under the leadership of Mr. James Neilans conferred the degree in a very capable manner. Eleven ladies of the Constance W. A. and WMS attended the Walton 'ladies' afternoon tea and bazaar last Wednesday and all enjoyed a social hour after- -ward. Mrs. G. Addison and :firs. W. L. Whyte, delegates of the Con- stance WMS attended the Hur- on Presbyterial of WMS in the Ontario St. IJ.C. Clinton, where Mrs. E. Hansuld First Vice Pre- sident of London Conference Branch was special speaker of the afternoon. Mrs. Ken Hulley and Mrs. Borden Brown also at- tended. Miss Joyce Jeaiitt of Thorn- dale spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jewitt. Mr. John Jewitt and Mr. D. Riley spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Root. Woods of Ajax and friends in Toronto. The Easter Thankoffering SATUAY NIGHT S OPPNNG o Seaforth Merchants will resume regular Saturday night shopping, commencing Saturday, April 5th MERCHANTS COMMITTEE SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE J meeting will be held at their re- gular meetingof the WMS in the Church asement on Wed. April 9. The young girls of the Willing Workers and Live Wire 'Classes are cordially invited to attend. aMrs, ?Rev. T. White will be the special speaker. The W.A. will be holding a bake sale in Clinton, ;Saturday morning and afternoon, April 5. Everyone please keep these dates in mind. Mrs. Arnold •Colclough re- turned home after spending the past week with friends in Tor- onto. BLAKE Quite a number from this community attended the; funer- al of the late Mr. John )McBride Sr, of Zurich, on Sunday after- noon, March 30. The heartfelt sympathy of the many friends in this community is extended to his son Roy McBride and family. Mr. Bedard and son of Detroit and brother of '.Sarnia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam oesch of the Goshen Line North, and took in the sale on Friday afternoon. They also -visited Mr. and MTs. Russell Oesoh and daughters. Mr. Teddy Jeffery spent the weekend in Windsor with his brother, Mr. and (Mrs. Lloyd Jefferey and Agnes. Mr. Hugh McBride of London spent the weekend at the home of his par'e'nts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ;McBride and also attended the funeral of his grandfather, Mr. J. Mcl34ide at Zurich. Mr. )Elgin McKinley motored to Wing -ham on Sunday after- noon taking a carload of young people to the 'Sing -Song Time' of the United Church Presby- tery at Wingha'm CKfNX TV. Mr. Hardy of Goderich Pro- vincial. Police spoke to the pup- ils in S.S.1No. 9 Hay and Stan- ley Townships, on )Safety Rules; and also showed a film to the pupils and teacher, 'Mrs. Claire Deichert. Mr. John McBride The death occurred in Zurich at his late home of Mr. John MdBride on )Friday, March 28, a former farmer of the iniad Line, Hay twp. now owned by 2fr. Clayton tS'teckle. iHe was in his 95th year. He leaves to mourn his loss this sorrowing wife, three daughters, Mrs. Har- old Bell ()Edith) dieneal'l; Mrs, G. ,Block -('race) Zurich, and Mrs. Pearl Love -of Varna, and a son Roy McBride of Gosh- en Line, Zurich, a brother Jas. McBride of Clinton, and a sist- er, Mrs, Mary Ann Stephenson. of (idensail, and Mrs. Maud Snell of Saskatchewan, also sur- vive. For many years the de- ceased -attended the Blake 'Unit- ed Church ,beforegoing to Zur- ich. His pastor, Rev. Piot of Go- shen Line Church •conducted the funeral service from. the West- lake F''uneral Heme, on Sunday afternoon, (March 30, and at the graveside at Bayfield Cemetery. SAVINGS ---EASTER FOOD SALE WED., THURS.,SAT.., APRIL 2 - 3 - 5 GREEN GIANT NrBLETS CORN 2 14 OZ TINS 33 c DEL MONTE - -Fancy Quality FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 oz tin 31c TRRESWEET -' )FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE large 48 oz tin 39 c PETER PAN --'SWEET MIXED PICKLES • 16 oz jar 25c GARDEN PATCH CHOICE TENDER PEAS 2 15 OZ TINS 25c NESCAFE•Instant Coffee, large ;6 oz 20c off jar 1.24 TUNA -Sarco Fancy White Meat.... 7 oz. tin 27c TOMATO CATSUP -Del Monte .. 2 11 oz bot's 39c CHEESE SPREAD Ingersoll. Sc'off. ..8 oz jar 32c GRAN. SUGAR -Dominion 5 ib bag 49c ANG -EL CAKE MIX -Robin Mood. 151/2 oz pkg 55c JELL-O JELLY POWDERS 3 pkgs 29c WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE large 24 oz bottle 39c SPRING CLEANING NEEDS JOHNSON'S PASTEWAX 1/3 :extra deal .... 11/3 ib tin 69c BON, AMI -Jet Spray Bombs 14 oz. size 69c NEW DUTCH CLEANSER -3c off deal 2' 14 oz tins 23c JAVEX-Liquid Bleach. 16 oz bot. 15c. 32 oz bot.26c SPIC AND SPAN large pkg44c. giant pkg. 79c Smith 'sGrocer UNITED BUYERS STORE PHONE 12 SEAFORTH - WE DELIVER Mr. John Robinson ;andIMrs. Ea - ;more Hayter rendered a -duet in song. (Phe flower bearers were six great' grandchildren, Ronew Westlake, )Wayne (Love, W. Mc- Bride and Betty and (Shirley Bell, and J. Westlake. The pall- bearers 'were six grandsons, H. Wesley, Leith, John MclBride, James 'Love and Donald Bell. The floral tributes were most beautiful and our hearhfeIt sYm- pabhy goes out to the sorrowing family. Those from a 'distance attending the funeral were from Auburn, Xippen, Exeter, Varna, London, and Hensall. CURLERS CLOSE, SEASON Two rounds of the playoffs for the Friday -Saturday night six-week draw were played Fri- day night after the annual meet- ing and were convpleted Satur- day night, resulting in a victory for Bill Ball's rink. Dr. Munn's rink was 'winner of the second place rinks. '12onday night the trophy for the men's competition was won by Bill Campbell's rink in a close finish over John •Cardno's rink. Last Wednesday's local bon - spiel had tavo draws. Frank (fling's rink won the 2 o'clock draw and Dr. Brady's rink the 4 o'clock draw. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Charles Eggert wish to express sincere thanks to all for the many kind expressions of syn pathy extended to them; also for the many flowers and missioncards receiv- ed and to those who assisted in any way at the home during our recent be- reavement. It was all greatly appreci- ated and will long be remembered.. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Scott Memorial Hospital and nursing staff, also my spe- cial nurses and doctors of the Clinic, any my many friends who were so good. in sending treats, flowers and cards. Thanking you all dgain, your kindness was deeply appreciated. JOHN GORDON FOR SALE Westinghouse combination coal, wood and electric stove in goad shape. Phone 4413. John Pryce FOR SALE Well bred Jersey bull, ready for serv- ice. York boar 1% yearn old. Large quantity of wood. Will do custom work any where with tractor, circling or chain saw. Would like to buy small portable sawmill. Will draw ashes, etc. Burns, »hone 6911 HONEY FOR SALE Offering balance of 1957 crop of honey, amber 31.00; clover 32.25 in 8 Ib veils. Wallace Ross Apiaries BOY 1VANTED Boy wanted to help on farm (luring Easter holidays. Apply to The News I have tuWreA aT D t 30 head of cattle. Phone 24x3 Dublin. Cluis..Kleber FOR SALE Three yearling heifers around 700 lbs., 10 pigs weaned a week, and 300 bales of oats straw. Eldon Kerr, phone 836r6 FOR SALE Studebaker car radio, push button, with aerial. Phone 665.2 Seaforth. Alex Townsend FOR SALE 22 Yorkshire weanlings from puree. bred stock. Gordon Elliott, Brumfield, phone Seaforth 64131 Cattle for WANTE good grass and ]alga quantity of water. Also 86 acres of crop ]and to rent on Frank Murray farm in MoKillop. Apply Bernard West- ervelt, phone 2245 Blyth CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John. MoBride, Zurich, wish to express their sincere:' thanks to friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, flowers and mission cards, etc., during their recent bereavement. Speoiai thanks to Goshen United Church and Carmel Presbyterian. Church, Hen. salt, for floral tribute, aim, to. Mrs. El- mer Hayter, John Robinson mid Mrs. George Stephenson, for their message in song. Also Rev. Pitt of Vena, NOTICE Fleury Bissell discs and packers ar- riving now. Get your order in as supply will be limited, V, J, Lane, Seaforth Inc 6, Phone 46012 Dublin FOR SALE 6 York Piga ready to wean. George Blake,: RR 4 Seaforth, Phone 354r51 ORBrant seed baarlley $1.30 bus. Phone 46r12 Dublin, V. 7. Lane, RR8 Seaforth TEACHER WANTED • Qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. #7 Hulled, duties to commence in Sept, Applications stating salary expected to be in hands of secretary by April 12th, Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Sec.-Treas., Blyth RR FSome clove end S SALE seed ; also. some baled hay, Chas. Lane, phone 647 1,12 Seaforth FOR SALE Quantity Timothy seed. Clarence Mal- oney, Phone 4600 Dublin FOR SALE 10 pigs, seven weeks old. Phone 847. 31. Wm. Livingston FOR SALE 19 York chunks. 1''rank. Maloney, Lot 7, Con, 6, MoKinop. Phone 40x8 Dublin DEAD STOCK REMOVED 315.00 and up paid for ofd, sick or dis- abled horses or cows. Highest cash value paid in surrounding district for dead stock. Prompt sanitary disposal in winch equipped trucks. Phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 158, collect FOR SALE 170 bushels, certified seed Garry oats. Last year's registered seed 31 a bushel]. Phone 46.4 Dublin. Wm. A. Ryan SSW WANTED BOOKKEEPER Male or Female Typing required Seaforth Sewer Tile Seaforth HELP WANTED (Female) The London Life Insurance Company has vacancies for CLERKS and TYPISTS preferably ages 17 to 25, with High School Graduation diploma 5 -day week Opportunities for advancement -excellent working -conditions cafeteria - recreational facilities staff pension and insurancebenefits- WRITE to the Personnel Deportment;. or GALL at the Head Office, Duifcrin and Wellington, London, for a personal interview Be ready for the I 0 h Paper Drive WEDNES., APRIL 9th For those wishing to have their papers and maga- zines collected for the Cancer, Polio and Tuber- culosis Fund, kindly call or leave at HICKS GARAGE. ' BRODHAGEN ALLAN CAMPBELL WINTHROP, DDD. ANDREWS SEAFORTH. '. VICTOR LEE SEAFORTH DAVID MCLBEAN SEAFORTH OTTO WALKER - CROMARTy KYLE STORE KIPPE'N MEL WEBSTER VARNA ODD FELLOWS AND 1ZI2BRKAHS Your papers go to buy Wheel Chairs and Hospital': Beds and Crutches for anyone wishing to use salve. This is a good cause so get behind the 1. 0. 0. F. paper drive 100 per cent Please tie the bundles tightly Y - For Sale Immediate. possession of 100 acres level Olay loam farm, buildings in good state of repair, located -on highway, full Price 37,000, Down payment 32,300, Very well built cement home, extra large bank barn, suitable for broilers, hen house, garage, including milk route with truck. Income about 35,000. yearly. Takesa few hours a day. Pull price only 310,500, about half cash. Milk route can be bought separately. JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St, Goderich: Phone 1108 Salesman, Jos. McConnell, Seaforth, phone 266 FARM FOR SALE 50 acres with 60x60 ,barn and silo; 2 story stucco house, Harold Ryan, lot 28 con.2, Logan. Mitchell 11118 FOR SALE Girls summer coat and ghat, 3X, ankl strap shoes, electric radiator, 2 girl' .winter coat sets, 2 and SX. Wanted to swap or buy, electric, jig saw. Apply to HU 2.9178, Clinton. central 5 SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, I E. A. McMaster B.A., M.D.; Internis . M.D., Surgeon Office Houre, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., drib except Wednesday and' Sunday e Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday: and Sat. n urday only 7-9 p.m. ' Appointments made in advance are desirable THE SEAFORTH NEWS- Thursday, April 3, 1958 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention' Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones : Day 43 Night 696 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and, Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. "GORWILL, 13.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon' Phone 5-W Seaiorih FOR (RALE A number of yearling Hereford . oattl about 500 lbs. Jos, Malone, 64r8.Dubli FOR 'SALE A quantity of mixed grain and 600 bales of hay. Percy Dalton, phone 831r8 BUY THE BEST ltegiatered No. 1 Garry seed oats, cleaned,. graded, treated, bagged, and government sealed, APply Spencer Jeff- ery, Stalfa, Ont. Phone Dublin 11r10. PROPERTY FOR. SALE 0n No. 8.:highwoy, 4 miles east of Seaforth, '1 acre of land, fraato. house, 2 storey, kitohen, dining room, 3 pc bath, 1 bedroom dawn, 2 bedrooms up, garage. full basement, oil furnace, new ; never failing well. small barn, close to school, church and store. Leo Murray, St. Columban, phone 84r8 Dublin. FOR SALE Building for sale 10' x 20'.. Apply at The News office FOR SALE Red clover seed, cleaned at Landes bole seed mill. Manuel Beuormann, Brod. hagen. Phone Dublin 58r2 _. FOR SALE Maple syrup. Also Timothy seed.' Louie Bolton,840r22 Seaforth Seed grain,F Huita barrlley, ideal for mixing with late oats, 32 bushel. Brunt barley $1.76 bushel. Gary oats $1 buahei, These seeds were all grown from regist- ered seed last year. Lewis P. Coyne, Seaforth rr5, phone 641.16 Dublin FOR SALE Quantity' of good baled hay, Torrance Dundas, Walton, phone 001.5 Brussels FOProperty of Ibe l tteASydney Dolmage, West William St., Seaforth. Lot has a frontage of 68 feet and depth of 150 ft. On the property is a garage 12x24 feet. Apply to Ron Dolmage, Seaforth, Phone 224.7 or Mrs. Ross McNichol, 11.R, 8, Kippen, phone, Hensall 679' r 18, FOR SALE I have been fortunate in , scour- ing the Mountain Way Herd of Guerra. soya from Nova Scotia, purebred and. vaccinated, .milking cows and heifers now at the farm. The Avon Valley Herd will arrive filet week in April. Wm. J. Dale, r r 1, Clinton. OPPORTUNITIES Operator wanted to operate gas sta- tion .on Main St., Seaforth. Apply to P. 0, Box 07, Seaforth. WANTED TO RENT 25 or 50 acres if seeded down, with buildings, house mrd barn. Apply The New Office. FOR SALE Timothy and red clover seed. Ken L, Thompson, 833 r 13, Seaforth. 14 mile east of Kinburn. FOR SALE 1950 G.M.O.' 1 ton pickup truck in good condition with 6.50x16 6 -ply tires, May be seen evenings or Saturday. Max Carter, Egmondville. Phone 454 FOR SALE Red Clover seed. Dan Beucrmann, Phone 62 r. 19 Dublin. Clearing Auction Sate Of Farm Machinery at Lot 10, Con. 2, Stanley twp., 104 south and 1% west of Brumfield on Saturday, fApril 6th at 1 p,m, M. H: 44 treater with starter and lights, A-1 condition, 8 -furrow McCor- mick plow, McCormick tractor, disk, Me. Cormick stiff tooth -cultivator • 6 -section of harrows, McCormack tractor spread- er (like new). -McCormack side rake (like new), McCormack power drill (like new), 40 drum roller, 2. M. IL corn scuffle., Gekl hammer mill, power grain grinder, 7 -ft, M. H. binder. White silo filler complete, 26-40 White threshing machine with cutter, Biddle been ma- chine, 2 bean cookers, 1 electric. and 1 wood; 2 drive belts, 120 feet and 40 ft., 2000 ib scales, 154, H. P. motor (like new), drop heed hayloado', quantity of -jumber, 2 rubber -tired wagons, 2 16 -ft. flat hay racks. Other articles too num- erous to mention. Dump rake. Good corn crib. Terms cash, Prop., John Murdoch Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk, D. P. Chesney. Clearing•Auction Sale Of Durham cattle at lot 20, con 11, McKilldp Cep., 1% miles north and 1 mile Eaat of Winthrop. on Tuesday April 8th et 1 p.m. Cattle: 2 Durham cows with calf at foot; -1 Durham cows due July. 1st; 3 Durham cows due in April; 3 Durham cows due in May ; 1 Durham cow due in. June; 3 yearold heifer due to fresh- en; 1 farrow cow; 8 Durham steers ris- ing 8 years old ; 7 2 -year-old steers ; 6 2. year old heifers. PIGS: 1 sow due on April 9815, 3rd litter; 14 York pigs 126 lbs. Terms -Cash Prop., James Morrison Auot., Harold Jackson Clerk. E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale In the village of Dublin, oneblock east of the Telephone Office, on Setue- day, April 5, at 1.30 P.M. 1%/a story cement brick house and kitchen with full basement, now oil furnace, 3 piece bath upstairs,. 2 piece downstairs. Built in cupboards, four bedrooms. IIard and soft water. Storm. window, and there is 0. small barn and a large lot. This house is on one of the best streets in Dublin, close le church and school. Household Meets 2 rnngettes, 2 burner electric stoves (Sunshine and Mc - Clare). Wingham coal & wood range with water jacket, small size. Fridge, S cubic feet, like new. Simplicity wash- ing :machine. Chrome kitchen., table & 4 chairs, nearly new, 6 kitchen chairs. 8 rocking chairs leather rocker chair; leather arm chair. 2 small tables. Ches- terfield and 2 chairs. 4 small - dining tables coffee table; 2 large table lamps; floor lamp; card table; dining table and 5 ohairs,. nearly new. Admiral television set 17 inch, nearly. new. Buffet, corner table, fern stand, 3 dressers. 3 stands;. Domer cupboard, eleetrle clock. - 2 ice boxes. Singer sewing machine; cabbage cutter, meat grinder, sausage machine. 20 ,gallon stone' crock with lid. 3 iron beds, springs & mattresses. Linoleum rug 7x9, 3 cords dry slabs. Drapes, cur- tains, dishes, pots, pails, garden tools and a host of other articles. Terms wish on chattels. On house, 10% day of sale, balance 80 days.' Reserve 'hid on house. James lOausle pf ,Estate, Ellecutor, James P. Krauskopf Joseph L, Ryan, Auctioneer John E. Siemon, Clerk Notice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM JAMES DUNCAN, All persons having claims against the Estate. of William James Duncan, late of the Town of Seaforbh, in, the: County oe Huron, Retired Manufacturer, de- ceased, who died on the 8rd day of January, 1069 are hereby notifiedto. send in full particulars of their claisns to the undersigned 00 or before the 18th day'- of April, .1.968, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regardonly to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 2511, day. of March, 1958.- • McCONNELL & STEWART, Seafot•l.h, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY OLINIC J.O. TURNBiiLL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAiN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth JOHN H. LONGSTAFF . Optomrtrls Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. eq:- by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 1.89 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAtF'ORTH, ONT. Ali kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected tfected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort 'WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Pbone 573 or 332-1/ The McKillop Mutual Fire - Insurance Co. HEAD OTPICE-SEAFORTH, 0 Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander) Vice-Prea.. 11, Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A, Reid, Seaforth, Dheetore--J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. 24. Mcl;wing, Blyth; W. S. .Alexander.. Pepper' B,ucefield; 0. W. Leonh0adt. Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; 19 - Archibald, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot. - Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeabore 1. J.F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn. Baker, Brussels, Eric . Munroe, Seaforth.. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will he promptly eettended to by application to any of the abovenamed officers oddreased to their respectivepast offices. AND FUEL Cl' WILLIAM Mt HART Office Phone 784 - Res, 286 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all ideas of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Diol) House, phone 24703, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE NOTICE. For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from alt breeds of cattle. Phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Ac• sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 .and 0.80 A.M. We have all breeds available -top quality at low cost. FOR SALE • Authorized agent for Viking Gleam Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones on hand. Basil O'- Rourke, Bruoeeflld. Phone Hun- ter 2-.9131 WANTED Old horses wanted at 314ac ib.,' and dead cattle at value.. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect 148334 or 148331 (Goderich) BERT PEPPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Now booking Sales for the coming season R.R. #3 Phone Clinton Seaforth RU 2-7684 ' FOR SALE Half Price 30 Aluminum com- bination windows,. several wood- en storm doors, various sizes. Jackson Homes Ltd., Seaforth FOR SALE Gary and Rodney seed oats, also Gary oats mixed with Brant barley. -Timothy seed and baled hay 20d a bale. John W. Thomp- son, phone 833r31 TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM DELIVERIES Walden & .Broadfoot Phone 68.6w Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47