HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-04-03, Page 1The Seaforth WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1958 31.50 a Year Authorized as Second Claes mail Post Office -Dept., Ottawa Snowdon Bros., Publishers CARDIFF SWEEPS HURON WITH OVER 6,600 MAJORITY "Wows" was the one -word tel- egram a western Ontario mem Iter sent Prime Minister Diefen- baker on 'Monday night. It best expresses any 'comment nn the federal e1,ection ,results, which shattered all. records. Starting, from any poll in ,Seaforth to anywhere you look records were' broken: ]Elston :Cardiff's alt -time m joriby of nearly 4000 last June in Huron 'was increased to 61647 according to the unofficial results. Final result will not he known until after the official count and the soldier vote ia'an- nounced next week, but no sub-'. eb ntial' •change is expected. No municipality in Huron gave a Liberal majority, but Hay township The Conservative Government under JohnDielfenbaker now hold 209 seats, Liberals 411, and COF 8. !Social Credit was wiped out.. • 1On •Monday night when the results became known the band -assembled and 'after a• parade on Main street 'went to 'Glinton. where they awaited the arrival of Mr. Cardiff, with a lenge number of supporters in the, victory tour. ;This was Mr. Cardiff's sixth federal election and sixth win. TAKES OVER HERE (Provincial +Constable John MMDonve+ll of Kitchener took over the duties here on Tuesday from Corp. Helmer: Snell, now stationed at IGod'erich. ,Con e a le 'McDowell expects to- move his wife and 1111 -year-old son here soon. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Hospital Auxiliary will meet next Tuesday at 8.15 p.m. at the Nurses' residence, Will nnembers kindly turn in their penny sale money or tickets. ST. THOMAS' W. A. On 'Puesdlay afternoon the re- gular monthly meeting was held in the vestry. Mrs. Bruce Mc- Lean opened the meeting by reading the 5-11 verses of 2nd Philippians. The President, Mrs, McGavin 'led in the Litany and the Member's and Lord's Prayer were repeated in unison. The book, chapter of the study summarized Opportunities Un- limited", was read' by the secre- tary. In answer to the roll call members made their 'Thank- of- fering donations which were dedicated by repeating the Un- ited Thank -offering (Prayer, Members were reminded of the Annual W. A. meeting to be held in Windsor, April 22, 2'3, 24. (Special train farefront Lon- don on 'the evening of April 2+1 has been arranged. An invita- tion has been extended by St. George's, Godenich to all those interested ,in viewing this'year's study book slides, in the parish hall, Tuesday afternoon, April :15th at 0 p.m. The only report made was the Social Service by Mrs, E. Case. Following the ded- ication of the offertory Mrs. McGavin closed the meeting with prayer. W. I. • The annual meeting of Sea - forth W. I. twill be held Tuesday, ,April 8 at 2.15 sharp, at the Home of Mrs. Gordon McKenzie. We would like to see as many out as possible. (Roll call, pay- ment of fees. Co -hostess, Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Motto, Begin Well and End Better; 'Those who miss a meeting, amiss a lot. Please remember to bring arti- cles for the bale; children's sweaters and articles for a lay- ette. Lunch: ,Sandwiches, Mrs. Andrew Crozier, Mrs. Wm. Col- lins and MTs. tErlin Whitmore; relishes, Mrs. Harold 'Hugill. GROUP MEETS Thd'regular monthly meeting of 'Group 3 of the W. A. of_ the Northside United Church was held at the home of Mrs. John Talbot with 213 present. Miss Albbie Seip opened the meeting with a .pecan `Silence". Hymn 485 was sung and the Lord's• (Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. B. 'Christie conducted the busi- ness. A. sumaner project for the General W. A. was discussed. Mrs. Christie had tickets for sale for the Blossom Tea group 2 are having on April 16. The meeting was .then conducted by (Mrs, N. 'Schneider and several games of crokinole were• ,played. The :winners were Mrs. J. Pryce, Mrs. C. Cochrane and Mrs. C. Barber, Mrs. ,Byerman won the leaky chair prize, Mrs. .Schnei- der moved a 'vote of ,thanks to Mrs. Talbot for the use of her home. +A. social tinne was -spent. Lunch was served by the .social, committee. - ENGAGEMENT' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kleber wish to announce the engage- ment of their eldest • daughter ISbirley Lis to Mr. Rex Ernest Brantley, of••,139 Palaver Ave., Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs'. Walter Smalley, 'Glassville, IN. B. The marriage to take place on April 12th. RED CROSS The regular meeting of the -ReB 'Cross 'Society 'will be held' in the library rooms ion Friday, A,pa11°"111, at 3 p.m. Please note change of 'date. ERNEST WETTON Bandmaster of the ,Seaforth Highlanders Band for• the ipast three years, 'Ernest' Wetton, •'70, died at the home of his son; Ernest Wetton, Jr., .F o, r e S t, early this week. Mr, Wetton, who had recently retired as bbe Ibandmraeter, .bad continued in the employ of the CrawnlHard- ware until he became ill two weeks ago lad, ISabturday and. was taken to wrest by his son, who is (bandmaster there. The late IMr. (Wetton,+had lived in many parts 'of, Canada where he condakdbd bands. His wife pre, deceased him some years ago. He is survived by , one 'S011 and one daughter, Ernest, Forest, and Mrs. David Fisher, iPowas- san. Mr. and (Mrs. Mervin Nott, Mr. and Mrs. Ed 1Boyes'.and MT. and Mrs. iKeibh !Sharp are at- tending the funeral service at Forest on Wednesday at. 8,p.m. Burial takes ,place in Lundy'e Laine 'Cemetery, Niagara S,Ta11s on Thursday afternoon. McKillop F. of A. Has Grade A Plan The directors of 1VIdKillop Federation of .A'gricultare meet at S. IS. So. 6 on March 2.6th. Gilbert ,Smith gave a report en. his interview with Me'Killop township council concerning the grant. G. Elliott and James Keyes moved that we sponsor the 4-(11 (Grain Club.. The following directors were named to repre- sent McKillop: Cream Produc- ers, F. Hioknell;. Beelf iProduc- ers, James Keys;" 'Poultry tProdu- cens, 'Gordon.Blanchard; Wheat Producers, Murray•'Dennis'. !Carl Hemingway p a ss e d around iRural Co-Opevator lists which were revised. Vice Pres. Kenneth Stewart brought up the idea of a contest to encourage an increase in the percentage of Grade A hogs produced and the following re- solution was formed: "McKillop Fed. of .Agr. would like to start a contest to increase the per- centage of Grade A. hogs pro- duced and that this anatter be taken up by Huron F. of A. and that they seek the co-operation of the Dept. of Agric, and also the Hog {Producers." Mr. !Hemingway spoke about the 'brucellosis situation in Hur- on and the advantage of becom- ing a free area at the earliest date. R. Bolton spoke en the Wheat (Board. PASS TESTS .The .'follewinge, Passed their figure skating bests at 1Seaforth Arena on 1Mond'ay night. Ten skaters took the tests. Judges were Joan Finnegan, Stratford; Faye Love,; (Seaforth; Albert Dyer, +Stratford; Mr. Bourke, instructor, was also present. Dutch Waltz — Joan Teall, Mary Crich, Betty _Inn Butters, Joanne 'Stapleton, Katie IScott. Canasta Tango—Mary Crich. Swing (Dance Kathy Eckert. Willow Waltz—Judy !Crich; Pa- mela (Stapleton, Fiesta Tango— Kathy Eckert, Margaret Staple- ton. - CALL MEETING Mayor Christie has called a public meeting to organize -a lo- cal 'branch of the Cancer 'Soeie- ty, for Tuesday evening, April 8th at 8 pen., in the town hall. A. large attendance will be ap- preciated. Mr. Fred Dobbs and Mayor Ted (Pooley of (Exeter will be present. CLUB GIRL STANDS ON GUARD lOur first i e'eting was held at the home of Mrs. N. Whyte, at 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, 1Vlarch 27th. We opened our meeting by singing "0 Canada". The following officers were elected: Pres., Erma Townsend; Sec,, Carolina Ross; Pianist, Gloria Carter; Press Reporter ISuane Haugh. We discussed the front of our record book, our first aid kit, and suggestions for making the same. (Mrs. Whyte gave us notes on "The Club Gini as .a Canadian Citizen" and how fortunate we are to live in a country like Canada. Home Assigns encs: Begin plans for our first aid kits. Be- gin our note books. The roll call for next meeting is a suggeston" and color for the outside cover • . of our record book. Group work was checking good signs of health in mein-. ber's pamphlets on page 2. Aft- er a delicious lunch we adjourn- ed by singing "The Queen". The regular 'meeting of the C G I.iT. of the First 'Presbyter- ian 'Church held on Monday evening, March '311, took the form of an Easter service, The ,meeting was opened .:with the singing of hymn 210 followed by the Lord's Prayer and the Purpose. The service was led by' Betty Jean (Andrews. The scripture was read by !Carol and Dianne Dennis. The prayer was read by Agnes Carter. (Mrs. K. [Sharp read an +Easter story which was followed iby hymn 5617 and the Benediction. The business was conducted by Bet- ty Jean Andrews. The meeting closed with "Taps". Salary Increases ;Stall Tax Cuts (Seaforth Public ' School Board at their 'April meeting. this week learned that additional provin- cial rovincial grants this year of anore than ,$110,000 pray reduce the bax rate slightlen however, the big increase in grants will be partly offset lby salary increas, es to the teaching staff, 'which are still being negotiated. ;Skating Carnival Successful Event `IA good turnout of Seaforth and !district 'residents watched the ISeslforth Figure ,Skating Clu'b's eighth. annual ice show, "Ice Time '50," in the iSeaforth Memorial (Arena. Part ene of the show was a coloiiful :presentation of "Snow White .and the 'Seven Dwarfs," under the direction of the club's profetlonal, Arthur Bourke, of the iStratiford Figure 'Skating Club. Solo parts were taken by Margaret Stapleton, as Snow' White; :;Pamela` Isbapleton; as, Prince Charming 'Kathy Eckert as the (Huntsman; Judy 'Grid. as the 'Witc'h (Queen; and Faye Love, as the iFlower Ballerina.. Others taking part were Lynn Wright, Mary Aloggarbh, Bar- bara Box, (Patricia Stiles, Susan Madison, 1R1his al lie +Dachatiane, Elaine 'Oke, Ann -Rivera, Cheryl Muir, Mary (Ann, Snowdon, Mary 'Sills, (Elaine 'Eckert Connie 'Ec- kert, Joan Teals, ,Mary Crich; Barbara Scott, (Betty Ann But- ters, Pauline Stapleton, Joanne Stapleton, Susan McLean, Diane Kirk, Cheryl Madsen, Mary Ec- kert, Mary 'Lamont, Ann 'Sills, and Catherine Scott, Part two of the program, "Around the World," featured Skaters in national costumes: England, Judy Crich; ' United 'States, ]Pauline +Stapleton, Jo- anne Stapleton, Betty Ann But- ters, IClaine''Eckert, Joan Teall, Elaine Oke, Barbara Scott, Ann Sills, Mary Eckert, !diary La- mont, Katie (Scott, Rosalie eharane, Mary 'Crich Mary Ann Snowdon, 'Susan, McLean, Diane Kirk, Cheryl Madso,i,.•and Susan Madsen; sailorettes, Faye Love, Margaret IStapleten, Judy Crich, Connie Eckert, •;Kathy Eckert, Pamela ,Stapleton; H o 11 a n d, Pauline IStapleton, Joanne 'Ste- piston, Betty Ann Butters, Bar- bara Scott, Mary Eokert, Mary Lamont, ]Elaine Eckert, Joan Tea'll, Mary Crich, Ann. ,Sills, Katie Scott, Mary Snowdon; Up and 'Coining, Kathy Eckert; Ire- land, Mary Crich, Joan Teals, Barbara Scott, Betty Ann But- ters, Elaine Eckert, Pauline'Sta- pleton, 'Connie Eckert,Joanne Stapleton; pair, tMangaiiiit. Ann and .Pamela 'Stapleton; preci- sion, Connie :Eckert,' Joan Teall, Maly Crich, Barbara Scott, Bet- ty Ann Butters, Pauline Staple- ton, Faye (Love, Joanne•IStaple- ton, Judy Crich, Kathy Eckert, Pamela and (Margaret Stapleton. . Others taking part in the pro- gram were Wayne Graham, Miss Patsy Saunders, and Arth- ur Bourke, all of Stratford. (Eris "Shortie" Munroe was master of ceremonies. Assisting :with the presentation were members of the ,Seaforth Figure 'Skating Club: J. 0. Crick, presi- dent; :Orval Oke .and Mrs. IR. S. Box, vice-presidents: Mrs. G. H. Snowdon, secretary; Mrs. A. Y. McLean, Treasurer. GENERAL W. A. MEETS 1 The regular ,meeting of the A large and appreciative 'General 'W.A. of Northside Un- crowd attended the 0 -act corn- ited Church was held on March edy, ".A Pair of Sixes", staged 26th in theSunday School lin St. Columban parish hall on room. Mrs. Roy Lawson openedFriday evening by a group of the meeting using hymn 918. local young people. The roles of The devotional part of the meet- Mr, Geo. Nettleton and T. Boggs ing consisted of a commentary Johns, partners in a Digestive on Psalm 16 and a prayer. Mrs. Pill Co. were well played by Helmer 'Snell welcomed those Edward ]Rowland and Frank present. The corresponding sec- ;Malone, with Miss Mary Melady rotary, Mrs. Close reported 14 as their stenographer; Joe Mur - boxes and 8 sympathy cards sent phy as bookkeeper, and Jimmie and 11 thankyou notes received. Malonev as office boy. The The .visiting committee reported parts of Mr. Applegate and 61 hoarse and 94 'hospital calls, Tony Toler, salesman, were ta- ken by Ron Ryan and Don Moy- •len. The role of Mr. Thomas J. Vanderholt, lawyer for the part- ners was played by Leon, Ma- loney. Miss Anne Morris play- ed the role of Miss Florence 'Cole, Mr, Johns' fiancee. 'Mrs. Nettleton was staged by Miss Catharine Ryan, while Miss Bayfield ;Couple Married 40 Years Mr. -and Mrs, Fred' Watson of Bayfield were- guests 'of 'honor at -a family ,dinner at the home of their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and (Mrs. W. 3. Leem- ing; near" Walton; to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on 'March 27411n, Their son and 'his, wife,. Mi., end Mrs,: John 1Walison, were', also ceiehrating a wedding `anniversary. The couple farmed far 39 years on the Bronson dine, Stan- ley township. ;They moved to Bayfield a year ago, 'their son taking over the farm. They have - two sons and a daughter, John on the farm, Stuart of Dundas, and MTs. (Leeming of Walton also 'five grandchildren. - The ionored;couple were pre- sented with a television from the family." NORTHSIDE W. M. S. Northside Spring Thandtoffer ing (meeting o'f'VMS. Mrs. Wan. Ball opened the meeting with a poem. We were very glad to rvvelcolne the llSgmondviile and Kippers ladies as our guests. 'Hymn '502 was sung and min- utes' were adopted as read. The 'Community Friendship reported 07 hoarse and '102 hospital calls. Groups 2 reported 119 'home and S5'; hospital Balls, The callers for April for group 3 are Mrs. Moffat and 'Min. Travis, Hymn 261 was aung and prayer by Mrs. 'B•radbhaw, Mrs. Moffat gave the scripture, (Matt. 28. Miss Lawrence gave a talk on the stamps she had sent to Dr. Stewart Allen. Mrs. Harry Caldwell of IKippen gave a very lovely reading. MTs. Hall intro- duced a special ,speaker, Mrs. McKim of -1 Ontario St. Church, Clinton. She spoke on New- foundland, the story of the Un- ited Church and their way of 'worship. Mrs.. Jas. (Stewart Sav- ored favored Keith, sisals.„ Mrs. J. Scott thanked our speaker'hnd soloist and all who helped make the meeting a success, The Mizpah Benediction was repeated and a social hall hour was spent. GROUP 2 W. A. •The April meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Scott with 16 Members and four visit- ors present. Mrs. Jack Carter opened` the devotional part of the melting by reading a poem. This was followed by singing hymn x103. Mrs. R. Bryans read the scripture lesson from Matt. 28 .and (Mrs. Leeining led in prayer, Mrs. B. Walters then took over for the business part of the meeting. After the roll call and the reading of minutes of the previous 'meeting, Mrs, McMillen re nor- 'il- re the pro- ose'd •tea."1t was 'decided' to have an afternoon tea and bake sale on the afternoon of April 16th, in the church 'basement, Mr. EIeimri'ch of Stratford to speak on interior decoration and a tea and bake sale to follow. MTS. D. Livingstone sang a solo "The Holy 'City" very beauti- fully.The guest o8 the evening, Mrs. Jas. F. Scott gave a very comprehensive talk on the Eas- ter theme, which was much en- joyed by a1L The meeting clos- ed with the singing of hymn 86 and the (Mizpah Benediction re- peated in unison. A social hour followed with lunch being serv- ed by 'Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Shannon. ST. COLUMBAN [Parsonage coamanittee reported minor repairs in the ,bathroom butno large projects at ,present. Group reports were ,encourag- ing. Group 2 reported a Tea on April 16 with a guest speaker. Mrs J. 141. Scott reported for the Building Fund. The W. A. decided to give a minimum of $600 and ,more if possible to Anne Maloney played the Eng - the Building Fund. An Baster lish maid, Coddles. Between Lily will he .purchased for the acts the pupils of H i.b b s r t School .wider the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Jos, Melady, performed the following .dances: "The (Lancashire Clog" by Shaa on Burke, Mary Lou Murray, Geraldine Malone, and:Joanne Mornay; "The Waltz Clog" by Mary Ellen Doyle, Jean Moy- Ian, Mary Lou Coyne, !Elaine Murray and ,Anne (Shea; "T'he Primrose !Danes" by Mary Lon 'Coyne; "The Irish Tilt" by Billie Feeney, Don Coyle, Jean Moylan and Mary Lon Coyne. Songs were sung by Jim Fl•ana- gan'and ,Glen (Butters, accom- panied on the guitar by •Glen Butters. Church. A summer project was dia.'ussed and it was decided to have it discussed at the group meeting's and reported to the president. A letter of apprecia- tion was mead from Mrs. Knight for the donation of $50 for the WMS. The meeting was greatly saddened` when (Mrs. ISnetl'told of the necessity to resign as presi- dent. She thanked everyone for the cooperation she had received during the recent difficult months and wished for the new president the same kindly so - operation. (Mrs. Hall spoke of her sorrow in losing such a val- uable worker and friend and wished for her the very best in. her new hoarse. (She welcomed Miss (Gladys Thompson as the new president andextended the good ravishes from the group. Miss Thompson 'spoke a few words of appreciation to Mrs. Snell for her'geed work and her willingness to -help her in any way while still in (Seaforth. Meeting Closed with hymn 112 and the Mizpah Benediction. • ENGAGEMENT Mr. and (Mrs. Arthur Lund Hey, of London, wish to an- nounce the, engagement of their daughter, Joyce Amy 'Hilda, to James Milton Hopper, son of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hop- per, of 'Ssaforth, ,Ont. Wedding to bake place 1Saburday, May 3, 1958, at +2.30 o'clock at West London Kingdom Hall. 40th Anniversary Of Wedding ,On Thursday evening, (March 27, a number of friendsand neighbors held r a party to honor M'r. and Mrs, 'Harry 'Chesney, of Tucker. mith, who were tele-. Ibrating their 40th 'wedding an- niversary, The couple were mar- ried on the 27th of March, 1918 by the Rev. M. Heuston of S"tra_tfeed. The bride was the 1oiijier ;Jennie 'Clyne of Eng- land'and the groom is the son of the late MT. and 'Mrs. Ches- ney of Tuclkeisanith. They have a family of three daughters and three sans: Mrs. C. ,Lennon '(Peg- gy) ],Seaforth; Mrs. Ken Hart ((Margaret) of Galt; 'Mrs, Jack Clank: (Dorothy), Lapeer, Mich.; Pearson, of Toronto; William at home and Harold who was killed: while serving in the arm- ed forces. They have resided in "Peaceful Valley" for the past 1+8 years. The evening was spent playing cards, winners were 1st prize, Mrs. Ivan Forsyth and Bob Charters; lone hands', Mrs. tRoy MnGeoch and Harry Wei- land; consolation ,prize, MTs. Ross Nicholson and Mike Wil- liams. ,After lunch. had been served 'Mr. and Mrs. Chesney were asked by Mr. Art Nichol- son to come to the platform and Edwin 'Chesney read the fol- lowing address; Dear Jennie and 'Harry,—'We have gathered .tonight to join with you in celebrating what was probably the greatest event in your lives, your marriage. The wheals of time have turned forty years since that event, but we must admit you make a distinguished bridal couple as you stand here tonight. In fact, several strangers who stepped in for a short time saw you here and remarked that you were a handsome bride and groom. Harry has informed us confi- dentially that he does not feel any older than be did 40 years ago, and we feel assured that his buoyant spirit has been en- hanced throughout the years by the tender loving care of his charming wife. You have Veen highly esteemed citizens of the community all your lives, Tends' and willing to lend a helping hand where it was needed. Our sincere wish for you to- night along with our congratula- tions is that you will both enjoy many years of healthful and hap- py life. Will you kindly accept these gifts as a remembrance of this happy evening. Your friends and neighbors. 'Messrs. Art Nicholson, Wilson Allan, Elmer Cameron and Jim Brown presented thein with a lovely chrome table and chair set. They also received a bottle el' perfume and .a pipe respect- ively. an.. Chesney t h an It e d those 'present for the lovely gifts. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing with music being supplied• by Mr. Wilson McCartney and Georgene, Mr. George McCartney, Mr. George Armstrong and Warren Shera. A delightful time was enjoyed by all. CROMARTY Mrs, T. Macintosh who spent the winter months with relatives in Toronto and Acton returned home on Monday. ;Miss Nettie McCurdy visited on Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Isabella 'Park, Hensel'. •Mrs. T. L. 'Scott was guest speaker at the .Easter Thankot- fering meeting of the WMS of -Seaforth (Presbyterian Church on Tuesday. Mr. Cleve McDonald and family and Mrs. E. McDonald, Kitchell, visited on 'Sunday with Miss Olive Speore. Mrs. James Ramsey and sun Steven are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sorensen at Georgetown. Mrs. M. Houghton accompan- ied by her grandson Billy Houghton, 'Mitchell, visited on Sunday with Mr. and (Mrs. John Houghton, Mildmay, and also with Mr, and Mrs. Len Hough- ton, Teeewater. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, Mrs. ;Grate Scott, :lies. !Sarah Scott, (Mr. and (Mrs. Andrew McLachlan and lir. and Mrs. X. McKellar were entertained at a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning, Mitcn- ell, on Wednesday, the occasion being the 39th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs 'Tr. - Kellar. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen, Mitchell, ulhr. and Mrs. 0. IR. Fi'ancis, of Woodstock; Mrs. Ruby Routley and (Mrs. A. Crago, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen of Mitchell visited on Friday with airs, 'Sa'rah 'Scott. MT. and Mrs. 'George Wallace visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 'Donald Wallace and fanc- ily, 'Carlingford. Mrs, D. McDonald, Hensel', will be guest speaker at the Easter meeting of the WMS in the church on Good Friday morning. DUBLIN Dr, Frank Stapleton of Galt, with Mr. and '- Williaan Stap- leton. Mr. and " T' hn Flannery, ' : "' in London • '-erl lite in Rochester, ' er. Mrs. Rose ,^.T"'" Zurich. Mr. ' N.V. • Those 09 Mics STE NEW ORIGINALS £4 8Y CORO.... Collie in and see our display of the newest Coro Spring Jewellery, necklets, earrings, brooches and bracelets at $1.00 each pricer] Costume Jewellery to complete Ensemble at $2.00 to $5.00 Also higher your Spring SAVAUGE'S JEWELLERY - GIFTS - FINE CHINA SFIAFORTH Mr. and Mi•s. Dan Costello. • Miss Margaret Flanagan will spend 'Easter- in Boston, Massa Mr. .and Mrs. Joe Dill, Karen and Billie in St. Marys with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken Dill. Mr. Norman 'O'Connor held a successful clearing sale and will move to Toronto in the near future. Mr. Gordon Pethick enter- tained at a party in honor. of , Mr. Glenn Pugh who is leaving to reside at Clairmont. Mr. and !Mrs. Sylvester Ryan and daughter, iSebringeille, with Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy. Hugh Pugh, who has been as- sociated with Dublin Creamery i and poultry packers for 12 years; is returning to Clair- mont and the lease to the plant has been taken over by Peter; Hutton Ltd., Toronto. John Wells, who spent nine years with Canada Parkers, will act as manager. His wife and four daughters will come frons Ham- ilton shortly to reside in the Creamery apartments being va- cated by the 'Pughs, Buuck on :Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Diegel and family, Stratford and Mr. Franklin Moors, Princeton with Mr. and Mrs. R. ISholdiee. • Miss Marleen 'Diegel, R. N., of Stratford at her home for a few days. I Miss Grace Fischer of Kitch- ener with her parents for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe attended the Confirmation of Larry ,Hinz at Seebach's Hill Church on !Sunday and were gue's'ts of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Ahrens and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prueter visited sirs, Louise Hit- lebrecht in Kitchener on Sun- day. Messrs Ford Dickison and Mervin 'Leonhardt attended the Warm neat Training School held in London this week. Mr. and Mn. Jack Sillick of Teeswater visited Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Smyth teem ,Stewards of the: Christian Home met in the Church :base- ment. on Thursday evening. Mr. and IMr . Gordon filogk Mr. and tins. Glen 'Meek, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt were in charge of Devotions, the top- ic was "Where seek ye the Christ". Pastor Fischer con- ducted bible study. ,"Mrs. Ross Leonhardt and Robert Beuer- man sang a duet. The President, Wilfred Ahrens .presided for the business, The plays 'are to be , presented April 21 and 22. The same committee as in charge of devotions served lunch, BRODHAOEN Two Easter Lily Plants ad- orned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday in memory of 'Fred 'Hinz who .pase- ed assay 19 years ago, They were placed by the family. Mr. 'Edward Scherbarth Sr. underwent en eye operation in Stratford 'Hospital on Thursday. MT. Fred !liarloff hes been con- fined to Seaforth Hospital. .sirs, Herman Leonhardt was confined to Stratford Hospital .for a few days recently, and has returned home. Dirs. Charles Rock under- went an operation in . Seaforth Hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Ricks spent a few days on a trip to Northern Ontario. Members of Luther League of St. Peter's Lutheran Church will pr sent a play "Buddy Buns an Orchid", and variety pro- gram in the Church basement next Tuesday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kressler and Mrs. John C. Diegel. Stratford, with .lir. and Mrs, W.L. Queren- gesser 011 Sunday. Mrs. Idora Diegel, Mitchell, spent the weekend at the same home: IMr. and Mrs. 'Martin 'Buuek and David of Milverton with his parents, iii'. and Mrs. Reuben HENSALL Mr, .and Mrs. Allan Townsend and family and Mrs. Brock of Mitchell were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock. Amber rR.e'bekah Lodge 349 are holding an afternoon tea and bake sale in the lower lodge hall on Saturday afternoon, Ap- ril 5th. Miss Jean Lavender of Hamil- ton, NIr. Bill Lavender, London, and Mi. T. La wt:rder, Waterloo, were weekend visitors with their Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lavender. Mrs. Wm. Taylcr returned home from South Huron Hospit- al, Exeter, where she was re- ceiving treatment for the past week. 'o .11r1 •"i oni, with I 5' • Mr, and Mrs. Align .Beverley Grigg seen following their wedding in Kipper United Church. The bride, the former Elizabeth Ann Sinclair, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jolur Sinclair, RR 3 Kippen; and the bridegroom's parents are Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Grigg, RR 1 Goderich. til k y v ;'• lei t •1 1