HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-03-27, Page 1The
Seafaitth afoz'th' News
Authorized as Second Class mail.
Post Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
W. I. Observes
30th Anniversary
A every successful 30th ami -
vena -TY 'p'arty' was held by the
(Seaforth IW. R. in the (Memorial
Centre on Friday evening last.
BO tablle,,'s were in play sat the
euchre. The prizes going to la-
dies, first, 'Mrs. Roy Brown, se-
cond, Mrs. Cecil Oke, con., Miss
Nancy Pepper. (Men's first, Rus-
sel Daimage; second, Lorne Slay
and con., (Guy D.crrance.,.
The shall was .prettily ,ecorat-'
ed with Institute colors :'' blue'
and gold. A birthday c cen-
tred the platform. A d ieious
lunch was served follow by
;dancing to Norris •Orches't'•
'Our Institute President ,of 30
years ago, Mrs. , George Me
Cartney was presented with a
small gift. A. prize to the gentle-
anan coming the longest way to
celebrate our ,anniversary went
to Cecil' Oke., (Best old time
waltz: 1st Mr, and Mrs. R. J.
Doig; 2nd prize to Mr. and Mrs.
gee :MeLellen.:Best Step Dance:
Ladies, Miss 'Sharon ]Strong;
Men's, R. J. Doig; Best Stock 'n
:Roll: Misses (Betty , and Mary,
(President (Mrs. R, d, Doig and
the members of the Seaforth W.
I. wish to thank the public who
attended their parties this win-
ter. It .all helps to make our eu-
chre and dances a success.
NMeanlbers . of (Goderich and
Wingham Rebekah Lodges join-
ed with the regular meeting o8;
Edelweiss 'Lodge on (Monday
evening :when 'Mrs. Ada Fri'tzleY
of •Goderoeh; D.D.P. of District
23 .paid her official spring visit.
'Mrs. Wm. Dalrymple was
named representative and Mrs.
LAlllbert 'Harrison, scholar, to at-
tend Rebekah 'Assembly in
Toronto in 'June. ±Mrs. J. IGrum-
enett and Mrs. 'Alex Boyes were
named alternates.- (Miss Jean
Scott was appointed social con-
vener for the next three months.
An inspiring address was giv-
en by Mrs. Fritzley on "The Vi-
tal Lodge". stressing 'attend -
ante, fellowship, pride and
faith. 'On :behalf of the Lodge
she 'was presented with a bou-
quet of spring flowers by Mrs.
Past Noble Grands were re-
aninded of the district meeting
in 'Goderich on' April '9th
lAlbout 30 were in attendance
and' Mrs. Hugh .Thompson pre-
sided. Winners of prizes were
Mrs. 10. T. Walker -of Wingham;
Mrs. E. Murray an.d Mrs. John
Nerwcomlbe of 'Goderich.
Seaforth Girl
Wife of Columnist .'
The death of J. V. 'McAree,
well 'known columnist' ,.of 'tho•,
•Toronto !Globe arid" Mail,` on Sat-
urday is of special interest here
because his wife is the former
Margaret Elizabeth Stewart,
daughter of the late Andrew
ISte:vart of :Seaforth. ,She was a
nurse, leaving Seaforth about
40 years ago and was married
to Mr. 'MeAree about 25 years
".ago. Milton :Stewart and 'Mrs.'
Theobald orf !Seaforth are cous-
ins, also +Elmer Stewart otf RJs-
borne township. Mr. and Mrs.
McAree visited in ,Seaforth oc-
(Attending the 'funeral of the
late Mrs. 'Gilbert Bechtel in Kit-
ahelner on Wednesday, afternoon
were Mr. and (Mrs. C. E. (Smith,
Mrs. Claire Reith, Miss 'Hattie
Murray and 'Miss ` Louella Mont-
gomery. Mrs. Bechtel died at 3
o'clock (Sunday morning after an
illness of some time. Mr. and
Mrs. +Bechtel moved to Kitchener
- from ISeatforth 'last fall. They
had resid'e'd here 13 years. Be-
sides her husband Mrs. Bechtel
is survived by one son, Wilson,
in the Navy, and one daughter,
Mrs. Snyder of (Kitchener.
Jack Sproat of North Bay
was the guest of his brother,
Russell Sproat.
!Miss Hilda Kennedy of Lon-
do'n spent the weekend ,with her
mother, 'Mrs. R. Kennedy.
Mr. and (Mrs. Don, Barber of
Kitohener were weekend guests
of 'Mrs. J. Matthews.
IMr. and laths. Alex Aubin of
1Brueetfield agent a few days
with 'Mr. and Mrs. John Aubin
Mr. Ron (Sills and Miss Pat
Reynolds of Kitchener were
weekend guests of 'Mrs. C. P.
• IMr. and Mrs. :Alvin Regier
and family, Russell, Ont., are
spending two weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. John Regier.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton
and daughter, Whitby, spent the
weekend :with Mr. Hamilton.
Rev, L. L. ,and Mrs. Lawrence
from Hamilton visited 'Misses
Annie and Pearl Lawrence last
week, :and renewed acquaintance
with several friends in town.
Miss Ernestine White of Tor-
onto was a guest at the home of
MrYand Mrs. E, H. •Close last
Mrs. Arnold Colclou'gh spent
bhe we'kend in Toronto to visit
Barry Bennewies, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Bennewies of
'Sealforbh, returned home on
Friday from Sick 'Children',s,
Hospital, Toronto. He was a :pa-
tient there since Feb. 18th and
was, operated: en for a' heart de-
feat on Feb. 261:h.
R. W. Campbell Re
Elected`Co-op. Prexy
The enamel meeting pf Sea -
forth Farmers 10o -Operative
was held in Egmondville United
Church on Thursday evening
last when a turkey banquet was
,provided by the ladies of the
Guest speaker was 'George
McCaig of Earriston, vice-pres.
of the U.C.O. During the even-
ing •apresentation was anade to
JMns. (Homer Hunt who retired
'from the Co20p last year after
long and valuable service, The
finance committee report, given
by R. 1S. McKercher, showed a
decrease in the volume of, busi-
ness for 1957 -end no dividends,
will be paid this year. Robert
W. Campbell. president, presid-
ed .over the eneelting.
Ted 'Milady :was, elected a dir-
ector, takicvg the place of Arth-
ur Devereaux who had served
his, years on tie board. Peter
,Simpson was re-elected a direct-
or. ,Alt a'diirector's meeting Mr.
:Campbell was re -appointed pres-
ident and Murray Roy, secre-
Mr. and Mrs. (William Roger-
son, TTuckessmith entertained
the family and nephews and nie-
ces of
ie-ces:of their mother, Mrs, Walt-
er Rogerson, on the occasion of
her '8'5bh birthday, on (Monday,
March :24th. Progressive euchre
was played. Winners, high, Mrs.
Orville Dale and rlir. Pete Dun-
lop; low,'Mrs. Ken Rogerson and
Mr. 'Glen 'McClure. A sumptu-
ous birthday lunch was served.
Mrs. Rogerson received numer-
ous birthday gifts, flowers and
Mrs. Rogerson lived in Tuck-
ersmith until moving to Seaforth
in 1930. Before her marriage
she• was Elizabeth Dunlop, and
lived in SHullett,
!G-ood'Friday, 'April 4, and
EasterMonday April 7 'being
Statute 'Holidays the Post `Of-
fice ,mn door will be open
from 7 -a.m. to 6 p.m. standard
time. On both days the wickets
will be . open for all phases of
business, on Friday from 12
noon to 1 p.m. only, and on
:Monday .from 1.80 p.m, to 5.30
pin. only. All into; and out-
going meils will be .: andled as
usual. Rural patro are re-
minded tluere will b o.delivery
on the days mantic.
The (present sche
;of mails
is re-'published•.for yo Conven-
ience: Mails for Despatch; going
West, close at 11 a.m, and 8 p.
m,; going East close at:1.45 p.m.
and 3.15 pa'r't To ;effia' tly
handle 'all anaili a these. • ing
hours +for De- be
maintained. r els'
and rleane,d ,1 i6 ;p m. +and 39
p.m. fromi.Monday to Friday.
On Saturday there is one collec-
tion only at 1:15 p.m. and on
Sunday one only at 5.30 :pan.
Mails are scheduled to arrive
at (Seaforth from the East at
6.15 a.m. and 114.33 am.; from
the West at 2:17 p.m. and 6.59
p.m. On the arrival of the mails
from the East at 11.38 a.m, the
wickets will be closed for sort-
ing and distribution, re -.opening
at approximately 12.;1'5 p.m.
To avoid possibility of error
please have outgoing mail ad-
ddressed clearly and in full with
no misleading abbreviations, on
all mailings show your return
address. On incoming snails
please have your mail addressed
in. full to box number, general
delivery or the correct :.,rural
route nuanber.
The :afternoon auxiliary of the
WMIS of the First Presbyterian
Church held its spring thankof-
fering meeting in the church
schoolroom on Tuesday after-
noon :with Mrs. T. 1. Scott of
Cromarty as guest speaker.
Mrs. 'Scott gave a vivid descrip-
tion of our mission work in the
foreign fields and stressed' the
changing conditions in work
there. (She reminded . us .that
here at home the purpose of
our society is to !gather OUT wo-
men together for prayer and
study and from that to service
of our Lord in our hones, com-
munity, country and to the ut-
termost parts of the earth. ' [n
closing she mentioned that for
the many benefits received we
Should first of all give our-
selves, then bring a •thanksgiv
ing, an offering which costs us
something in eacrilrice. The
speaker was introduced by Miss
Jessie Fraser and thanked by
MTS. W. John Thompson.
The President, Mrs. J. F. Bell
presided and opened the meeting
with the poem "My :prese'nc'e,
shall go with Thee". ;Mrs. E.
Butt read the scripture mes-
sage followed with comments
by Miss Hattie Murray, and
prayer by 'Miss Belle •Campbell.
A suitable Easter solo "'tNeeth
the old 'Olive Trees", was sung
.by Mrs.
F. (Cling, • accompanied
Ibv Mrs. E. Geddes. At the close
of the meeting lunch was serv-
ed Iby Mrs. TW. Drover and her.
(Mrs. 'Walter Carpenter of
Dublin has rbeenr in Scott Mean -
oriel Hospital since Thursday
site suffered a dislocarhed hip
and other injuries in a car acci-
dent while driving the rural
D. D. G. M. Visits
Fidelity Lodge
D.D.IG.M. :George 'Falconer
paid an 'official visit to Fidelity
Lodge 2.0.I0.F. 'Seaforth, at
their regular meeting, March 19.
About 100 members were in at-
tendance with visitors present
from Clinton; Hens'all, Exeter
and 'Goderich Lodges:' N. G. Vic-
tor Lee (presided. The Clinton
Lodge :presented the trave'llin'g
gavel to. Seaforth Lodge, who
will in turn present it to Hen -
sail Lodge. 'In his ad:dress D.D.
G.M.Falconer spoke on the
1.0.10,11. ho,me at (Barrie and of
the progress being made in the
construction of 'a new wing,
when completely overhauled ac-
commodation will be available
for approximately '80 residents.
At the 'close of .the meeting a
delicious lunch was served by
;Bro. Wilfred Cameron_ and his
The lady bowlegs bridge club
met .at bhe home of 'Mrs. H.
'Whyte on 'Monday evening (with
7 tables in :playa Prizes donated
by 'Mrs. P. L. Brady and (Mrs.' 0.
Larone, were won by Miss Dor-
othy :Parke and Mrs. W. 32.
Hart. The hostess was assisted
by (Mrs. E. 0. Chamberlain,
Mrs. 3. Patterson, Mrs. J. A.
!Stacey and :Mrs. A. 1Silleiy in
serving a delicious lunch. The
April bridge will be 'held' at the
home of Mrs. E. A. &VLcMaster.
The 'death of Mrs. John Mc-
Nichol occurred in Victoria Hos-
pial, London, on Monday :March
24th about 2.130 ads., sifter a
short illness. Mrs, MelNiehol was
in her 6811 year. She was 'born
in McKillop, the, :former Isobel
Stoa�ey, and also married in Mc-
Killop in 1819. She was a mem-
ber of !Blyth United Church.
Surviving, a son, Aubrey Mc-
Nichol, M'or'ris tag., two broth-
ers, (Sam Storey and Wm. Storey
of McKi11op, and three grand-
• The funeral was held Wednes-
day, March 2'6 from the home of
her son, .Aubrey .McNichol, lot
13, con. 3, !Morris Imp.Rev.
Charles Scott of Sarnia officiat-
ed. Interment was in Brussels
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.:Andrew !Houston were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred :Cole and Mr. end
'Mac. Charles Stevens of Exeter,
and their cousins Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Coward from B.C.
11122.. and Mrs. [Frank Young
and family were at Avon :last
week attending the funeral of
the Iformer's father, 'bhe late A.
,Young, who passed away sud-
denly .on Tue'sdeyJ;-'Mar. 18.
li'Ir. G. Ii.. Keyes of 'Wind•sbr
spent the :weekend ,with his aro
tier, Mrs. Nelson Keyes.
Mr. and ,Mrs. [Russell Erratt
of )Stanley were Sunday visitors
with the latter's mother, Mrs
D. J. (Ste3henson, and Mrs.
Margaret Erratt with :her :broth-
er Mr. Thos. Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Clark
and family of Muirkihk„were re-
cent visitors with Mrs. 'J. S.
Watson, also Miss Jean Watson
of Toronto, and :Miss Alice Wat
son of :London spent the week-
end with their mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant (Houston
and -son of Ayton with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Houston on Sun-
Mr. Wan. Hamilton had a very
happy reunion with his sister
Mrs. Brandon of Winnipeg
:when, after an absence of 40
years, they :were re -united. ,Mss.
Brandon hopes to spend the
next few weeks with her broth-
Mr. and Mrs. !Toni :Seotchmer,
Jim, Lynn, of !Guelph were Sun-
day visitors with the forsner's
parents, Mr. and ±Mrs. •William
Mrs. Mae Vincent of (D.ublin.
was in the village on Tuesday
visiting friends.
Mrs. Jim Brolwn is at present
a patient in Seaforth Hospital.
(Thursday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Mellis included:
Mr. (George Gibson and children
of Wroxeter, also Mr. IR. Gibson
of Nielson, BC.
.Gommunion service will be ob-
served next Sunday at St. And-
rew's 'United Church at •111 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed (Wahl of Lis-
towel were weekend guests of
Mr. and 'Mrs. N. Dickert.
Mrs. Gibson Sr. of Wroxeter
is visiting with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and (Mss. W.
L 4VIellis
Mr. Herb 'Stephenson's condi-
tion was reported to be slightly
improved on Tuesday of •this
Mrs. :Gordon Wien, who, has
been ;hospitalized for 10 days in.
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
is progressing favorably.
Mrs. Mob Perkins of RCAF
Station at Clinton visited re-
cently With -MT. and Mrs. Long.
(Miss Lily (Schultz, nurse -in -
training at•StratfordGeneral
Hospital was admitted Sunday.
to South Huron 'Hospital.'
Pallbearers were Laurie 'Scott,
Jim Phelan, Bob' Wallace, Chas.
rSouch, :Clarence Johnston, Chas.
'Nioh'oleon. Flowerbearers: Ev-
erett Storey, Bill Storey, Wal-
ter McClure, 'Ralph McNichol,
]Percy Dalton, Ross MdNiekol.
4-H ' Clubs' Begin ' Call Extended to
Season's Work
The organization meeting of
the (Seaforth Daily Calf Club
took place on Tuesday night at
(Seaforth District. High School.
There ere 33 'members. 'Officers
are: (Pres., Dennis Jletwitt • vice-
pres., Edith. Boyd; sec., 'Laurel.
Sale; :mess reporter Donald
Carter. :The learners have been
Wm.•'Boyd and I•iwin Trewarthla.
The •Club is sorry to know :that
Mr. Tr ewarbhe is seriously El, in
1St. Jos. Hospital, ,., , ndon.
The organization meeting of
:rheISeafortfh 4-2 Corn Club was
held on IM•aa,Gh 25th. at 8.30 in
Seaforth District Hiig+h. •School.
Officers .arca Pres,. Jack Broad -
foot; vice-pres... 11.11 Campbell;
pea-treas., 'Bob f 8otheringlharn;
press reporter, Robert Scott. 4-H
Corn Club are notcertain as .to
how many members there will
be, as they ate looking ;for more
:members and a-'alulb leader has
not been named -As yet.
The: •organizatignal meeting of
the district 441 t lwbs was held
on Tuesday eve 'ng, March 25
en the IS.D.H.IS. he Swine Club
was •organized .0 der the 'direc-
ti'on of Robert c31illan and
Ken Stewart at: are again the
elu'b leaders. The fcllowingwere
•elected to the titers: Pres.,
Doug Jamieson; dice pees., Mac
Stewart; sec.-treas., Laurence
Taylor: press rIporter, Brace
Coleman. • ;Anyone (wishing tc
join the swine: club or any 4.11
club are 'welcome todo so be-
fore May 1st.
The 'Constance Canadian' Or-
der of Foresters . held a very
successful euchre and dance on
Friday evening. Prizes for the
euchre went to the following:
High lady, Mrs. Robt. Jamieson;
lone hands, Mrs. i 'Harvey Del -
mage; low, Mrs.) Ken Hulley.
High inan, Harvey IDolmage;
lone hands, Gary 1 Jewitt; low,
Toni Whyte. Lunch was served
and the remainder of the, even-
ing was spent in dancing.
Golden Link Miss -on Band
The Golden ink Mission
Band was. held ; unday, March
9th in the S. S. gloom and was
opened :by repeating the Mission
Hand T'unpose. The minutes
were lead and ro call answered
by 13. (Scripture •lesson by De-
anna Dale. .Collec ion was taken
by Linda Preszca r, after ,which
Mrs. McJ'lwain .4i7:., a. the study
book and close ^t the meeting
with :prayers
Constance Young People
The Constance United :Church
Young People met at the home
of Mr. and (Mrs. Ross MadGreg
or on Sunday evening, and the
meeting opened with a, sing-
song. The business transactions
Were: The members decided not
to enter in the Drama. Festival.
IMr. Wm. Jewitt was appointed
teacher for the Young People's
Sunday (School Class ,with Laur-
el Dale as 'assistant The 'Spring
Rally is to be held in 'Goderich
in April and tickets will be
There will be a film on Mar-
tin :(ether on March 30th in
The young people's union are
invited to enter bhe denomina-
tional sing -song on Winghaan
T. V. March 30 at '5 o'clock.
:A hymn was sung followed by
scripture by 'Marilyn Taylor and
prayer by John Hoggart. The
leader, Mrs. W. L. Whyte gave
an inspiring talk as wall as the
Rev. T. White. A hymn, and bhe
program closed :with the bene-
diction. :A recreation period fol-
lowed with Toni Whyte as lead-
Mr. Wim. Dale, last Tuesday
attended a Farm Tour of Ban-
ner •Counties (Guernsey Club tak-
ing in (pants of Oxford, Brant
and Perth 'Countie's.
Mrs. Art Bromley of Kitchen-
er visited and spent last Wed-
ednesday With :her .parents, lir.
and 'Mrs. _Jamies Dale.
' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson
spent last Thursday in London.
IMr. and Mrs. T. McMichael
and Miss Evelyn of Goderich
spent last 'Monday with Mr. and
'Mrs. Wan. Dale and faenily.
Visitors on Sunday at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. William
Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Jewitt were, Mr. and Mrs.
Knowles McLellan and daught-
ers ,of (Kitchener, and Mr. Sidney
ISlpringall of Kincaid, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert John-
son and son Bruce orf Grand.
Valley visited with Mr. and Mrs.
James Medd on Sunday.
Celebrated 48th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. James Medd
were taken by surprise on Sun-
day when their son 'and daught-
er-in-law, Mr. and (Mrs. Lloyd
"Medd were host and 'hostess to
their parents and immediate
family at a dinner to honour
M•r. and Mrs. Medd on the occa-
sion of their 418th wedding anni-
versary. The table was centered
with an anniversary cake
with an anniversary cake
brought by their daughter, Mrs.
Robb. :Johnson of Grand ` Valley.
The community extends congrat-
ulations to 'Mr. and Mrs. Medd
on : iuilt occasion and hope they
are spared to enjoy :many more
years of wedded bliss.
Rev. D. L. Elder
A :call was extended to R;eiv.
D. Leslie Elder, of Vernon, Ont.,
at a congregational meeting of
First Pneslbyterian tOhurch on
Monday night. If the call is :ac-
cepted Rev. !Mr, Elder will like-
ly (become minister here about
May list..
.. ,miscellaneous shower in
honour- of Miss Marion Gawk -
well, ,Seaforth, :whose marriage
to Mr. Ray 'Chambers of Dg
mondville is an event of April
3rd, was sponsored by MTS.
Charles Friend end the nurses
of the (Scott Memorial [Hospital,
at bhe home of Mrs. ,Friend, on
Saturday evening, March 22nd.
About 20 friends assembled to
extend felicitations to the pros-
pective (bride. 'Games were play-
ed during he evening and the
bride Was presented with a
beautiful corsage of 'Chrysan-
themums and many handsome
and numerous gifts for her new
home. A .delicious lunch was
served by the sponsors.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ackroyd,
Mary, :Rath and Betty, olf Tor-
onto, with Mrs. Jr4ary ,O'Rourke
and Frank.'
Mr. and 'Mrs. O. P. Monogihan
of Kitchener with IMr. and Mrs.
Lloyd McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. :Kraus-
kopf and :Mrs. James Krauskopf
in 'London with Mr. and 'Mrs. J.
'Mrs, MacDonald, of London,
with Mrs. E. Joa'clison.
Mrs. Ed IStaple'ton in Detroit
with IMr. and 'Mrs. Fred ,Sander-
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon
and daugihter, !St. (Thomas with
Mrs. Dillon and Dorothy.
(Mrs. .Loretta 'Moiyneaux re-
ceived word of the death of her
brother, Mr. Maurice Griffin in
Akron, 'Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ruston at Stratford.
Mr. M. Fraser visited with rel-
atives in Stratford over the
Miss Ruth Anne' Ennis, Kitch-
ener, spent the weekend with
her .parents.
The March meeting of the
Walton group was held at the
home of Mrs. Emerson Mitchell
on 'Wednesday 'evening, Marcia
19th with 27 members and two
visitors present. The vicepresi-
dent, MRs. Art' ,Busby was in
charge of the meeting which op-
ened with hymn .1'00 "In The
Cross of Christ +I Glory". Mr's.
Luella Marshall read the scrip-
ture lesson frosm Matt..11; 28-30
and -Rev, 3: 201. after• vol± e'h'Mrs.
Busby commented on the pas-
sage. Prayer was offered by
Mrs. Earl Watson and an East-
er poem read by the le'sder. The
topic entitled "God means us to
be Happy" was given by Mrs. T.
Dundee, Mrs. 4N. '_Barks reported
on the Feb. meeting and called
the roll which was answered
with an Easter :verse. Treasur-
er's reports :were given by Mrs,
Ronald Bennett and 'Mrs. Earl
Watson. During the business
period members were reminded
that a bale would be sent the
end of April from the church,
and arrangements were made
for the (bazaar to be 'held March
2.6th and the Easter Thankoffer-
ing on Monday evening, April
14th. Hymn 10'3 "The Day of
Resurrection" was sung in clos-
ing and the Benediction repeat-
ed. During the social period :the
Christmas cards were prepared
for mailing and bazaar work
marked. Mrs. H. Travis, Mrs. A.
McCall, Mrs. E. Mitchell and
Airs. T. Dundas served lunch
A progressive euchre party
was held in the community hall
on Friday evening. Prize win-
ners were: Ladies high, Mrs. A.
;Busby; lone, Mrs. R. [Bennett,
low. Mrs. Margaret Turner. The
gent's high, Harold Bolger; lone
hands, Graeme Craig; low, !Brian
The March meeting of the
W. I. will be held in the com-
munity hall on Thursday even-
ing March 27 at 8.30 p.m. Co -
conveners, Mrs. Jack rBryans and
Mrs. Ross McCall. The roll call
is wearing something old and
telling of its origin, also a
donation suitalble for Unitarian
Relief. A euchre party will be
held on Friday evening under
auspices of the Institute.
The following are the results
of the Winter Examinations of
the (Western 'Ontario 0Conserva-
tory of Music, London, held at
the ;home of Mr. and :Mrs. •Louis
D. Thompson, Brussels, on Fri-
day, March 7th. The girls :were
froan the vicinity of (Walton.
Piano: Grads VI, Joyce Ham-
ilton, honors, 811 marks; :Grade
IV, Geraldine Dennis, first.
class honors, 81 marks; Barlbara
Turnbull, first class honors, 86
marks; Grade two, June Hillen,,
first 'class, honors, 86 marks.
'Singing: Grade VIII, 'Senior,
Faye Love, first class honours,
80'% marks.
The COLT met Sunday after
noon.,in the church basement.
The meeting opened by singing
hymn 115. A talk on Japan was
given by Rosa Marie Bolger, all -
ter which .the scripture lesson
was rend` by Catherine 'Buchan-
an. Hymn 287 was sung, follow -
Ma this.!Rose ',Marie :Bolger Jed,
in prayer,.
The business part of the
meeting opened 'with the CGIT
"q„1111 1 llll 11 l ll 111101.11.11110.11$111111 llll l 1111.1011111111 llllll iii 111111 iiiii 11111 i 1 iiiiii iiiiiiiii , 1,, ......,,11,
-sjilenzational dierky
regular price receive
4th for ONLY $1°0 more
NOTE: The above items apply to Prelude • Joan of Arc • Enchantress
(Rhapsody & Royal Danish slightly higher)
J„n„Nanm,a,1an„u„n,Ue 1:11,11„"""na,ai u,,,,,,,,,,11„n,.n.,,,,.,,,,,,n,n,n0,,.,",,,,,,,,,,q„a,,,pUr:
Purpose, and hymn. Mary Lou
Kirkby read the minutes of the
last meeting and the treasurer's
report was given by Anne Ach-
illes. 'Further plans were naad,e
for the affiliation service and
bazaar which is to be held on
Apr. 9 at 2 o'clock in the church.
A number of ladies from the
Walton W. I. attended a "Salad
Course" at Cranbrook on Tues-
day afternoon.
'Mrs. Ivor IMargon, Toronto,
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Keith McLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick,
Sharon and Donald, London,.
were weekend visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. John Wallace.
Miss Margaret Boa, Chisel-
hurst, spent the weekend with
Miss Alice Walker.
Mr. end Mrs. Wilbur Miller
visited on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. George :Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fulton and
Mrs. Christen•a McKellar, Mit-
chel& visited on Saturday with
ID. and Mrs. Andrew McLach-
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Otto 'Walker were Mr. and
;:Mrs. 'Garnet Cockwell, Dash-
wood, and Mr. and rMrs. Gerald
Cockwell and sons Glen, Nelson
and Ray of Exeter.
The regular meeting of the
Y.P.IS. was :held on Sunday ev-
ening with the ,president, Mr. A.
Meilale presiding, The scripture
lesson was read by Mr. Phillip
James, and Miss' Mildred Howe
gave the topic. The tweeting
closed with Lord's Prayer in
The Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary :net at the home of
Mrs. Gerald Carey for their
IM•areh-meeting. Mrs. Eldon Al-
len presided and Miss Wilma
James read a passage of scrip-
ture. Mrs. Lorne watt led in
prayer. The topic was given by
.Mrs. ',Frank Jlamilton and 'Mrs.
Lloyd Miller had charge olf the
study book. TIM meeting closed.
;with the Lord's !Prayer in unison
Mr and Mrs. James !Dinsmore
were in Palmerston recently
where they visited 14I'rs. Brod-
bagen at the ':Hospital, and also
attended the funeral of their
niece, Doreen.
NIT.. and Mrs. Robert Duch-
arse and daughter of-Saa•nia,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Martindale,
visited with ,lir. and Mrs. Oscar
Ducharme on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. (Robert Madge
of Hillsgreen and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Graham and son David of
Hensel: visited • with Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Finlay and. family.
The Goshen Line W. A. are
Holding a ,bazaar on Saturday;
March 29, 1958, in the Goshen
Line :United Church.
Mrs. E. Faber and Mrs. R.
Faber of Kippen spent Tuesday
quilting at the home rof Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Desch.
Mrs. :Mary Jane Hey and Mrs.
Normallustard are getting set-
tled in 'Blake after being at the
Wildbvood Motel, near Bayfield.
Mr. Mustard has taken a job in
London, so spent the weekend
with them. Their sons are at-
tending school on the Blue Wat-
er Highway until after Easter.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McBride
were at Ripley recently where
they attended the funeral of
their aunt, Mrs, Tout.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman and
family of Zurich were recent vis-
itors with r. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Miss 'Rebecca :Stickle and sir'
ter Edith are spending a few
weeks with their sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Adri-
an Webber of Wallenstein.
'Mrs. M:enno Stickle has re-
turned after spending a week
with her daughter and .son-in-
law and family.
Mrs. Lawrence Regier visited
her husband Mr. Regher who is
taking treatments in the interest
of his health at the St. Joseph's
[Hospital in :London.
Sales on farms are the order
of the day, many` farmers aro
attending the local sales.
Dr. Harry Joynt and Mrs.
Joynt of Toronto .were weekend
visitors :with the lfonner's moth-
er, Mas. Alice Joynt.
IMr. ands Mrs. Clare Zuefle of
Toronto were weekend visitors
with the foarner's aunt. Mrs.
Ellen 'Buchanan.
Mrs. 'HLes'ne and children of
St. Catharines visited 'during
the past week with Mrs. Herne's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
• Mrs. Don, ,Gooding, De'b'bie
and ''Donnie • of Parkhill, are
spending e few clays this week
with 'Mrs. Gooding's parents,
MIr. and. Mrs. 'Edgar Munn.
Mr. Jack 'Brintnell kas been
confined to St. Joseph's 1.lospit-
al London, Where he is receiv-
ing, treatment.
4 Knives
(Dessert Size)
4 Forks
(Dessert Sizr)
4 Teaspoons
3 x 7.00
_ $21.00
3 x 7.00
= $21.00
3 x 3:50
_ $10.50
r+ $1.00
_ $22.00
+ $1,00
_ $22.00
+ $1.00
= $11.50
$ :50
NOTE: The above items apply to Prelude • Joan of Arc • Enchantress
(Rhapsody & Royal Danish slightly higher)
J„n„Nanm,a,1an„u„n,Ue 1:11,11„"""na,ai u,,,,,,,,,,11„n,.n.,,,,.,,,,,,n,n,n0,,.,",,,,,,,,,,q„a,,,pUr:
Purpose, and hymn. Mary Lou
Kirkby read the minutes of the
last meeting and the treasurer's
report was given by Anne Ach-
illes. 'Further plans were naad,e
for the affiliation service and
bazaar which is to be held on
Apr. 9 at 2 o'clock in the church.
A number of ladies from the
Walton W. I. attended a "Salad
Course" at Cranbrook on Tues-
day afternoon.
'Mrs. Ivor IMargon, Toronto,
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Keith McLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick,
Sharon and Donald, London,.
were weekend visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. John Wallace.
Miss Margaret Boa, Chisel-
hurst, spent the weekend with
Miss Alice Walker.
Mr. end Mrs. Wilbur Miller
visited on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. George :Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fulton and
Mrs. Christen•a McKellar, Mit-
chel& visited on Saturday with
ID. and Mrs. Andrew McLach-
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Otto 'Walker were Mr. and
;:Mrs. 'Garnet Cockwell, Dash-
wood, and Mr. and rMrs. Gerald
Cockwell and sons Glen, Nelson
and Ray of Exeter.
The regular meeting of the
Y.P.IS. was :held on Sunday ev-
ening with the ,president, Mr. A.
Meilale presiding, The scripture
lesson was read by Mr. Phillip
James, and Miss' Mildred Howe
gave the topic. The tweeting
closed with Lord's Prayer in
The Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary :net at the home of
Mrs. Gerald Carey for their
IM•areh-meeting. Mrs. Eldon Al-
len presided and Miss Wilma
James read a passage of scrip-
ture. Mrs. Lorne watt led in
prayer. The topic was given by
.Mrs. ',Frank Jlamilton and 'Mrs.
Lloyd Miller had charge olf the
study book. TIM meeting closed.
;with the Lord's !Prayer in unison
Mr and Mrs. James !Dinsmore
were in Palmerston recently
where they visited 14I'rs. Brod-
bagen at the ':Hospital, and also
attended the funeral of their
niece, Doreen.
NIT.. and Mrs. Robert Duch-
arse and daughter of-Saa•nia,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Martindale,
visited with ,lir. and Mrs. Oscar
Ducharme on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. (Robert Madge
of Hillsgreen and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Graham and son David of
Hensel: visited • with Mr. and
Mrs, Harold Finlay and. family.
The Goshen Line W. A. are
Holding a ,bazaar on Saturday;
March 29, 1958, in the Goshen
Line :United Church.
Mrs. E. Faber and Mrs. R.
Faber of Kippen spent Tuesday
quilting at the home rof Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Desch.
Mrs. :Mary Jane Hey and Mrs.
Normallustard are getting set-
tled in 'Blake after being at the
Wildbvood Motel, near Bayfield.
Mr. Mustard has taken a job in
London, so spent the weekend
with them. Their sons are at-
tending school on the Blue Wat-
er Highway until after Easter.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McBride
were at Ripley recently where
they attended the funeral of
their aunt, Mrs, Tout.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman and
family of Zurich were recent vis-
itors with r. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Miss 'Rebecca :Stickle and sir'
ter Edith are spending a few
weeks with their sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Adri-
an Webber of Wallenstein.
'Mrs. M:enno Stickle has re-
turned after spending a week
with her daughter and .son-in-
law and family.
Mrs. Lawrence Regier visited
her husband Mr. Regher who is
taking treatments in the interest
of his health at the St. Joseph's
[Hospital in :London.
Sales on farms are the order
of the day, many` farmers aro
attending the local sales.
Dr. Harry Joynt and Mrs.
Joynt of Toronto .were weekend
visitors :with the lfonner's moth-
er, Mas. Alice Joynt.
IMr. ands Mrs. Clare Zuefle of
Toronto were weekend visitors
with the foarner's aunt. Mrs.
Ellen 'Buchanan.
Mrs. 'HLes'ne and children of
St. Catharines visited 'during
the past week with Mrs. Herne's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
• Mrs. Don, ,Gooding, De'b'bie
and ''Donnie • of Parkhill, are
spending e few clays this week
with 'Mrs. Gooding's parents,
MIr. and. Mrs. 'Edgar Munn.
Mr. Jack 'Brintnell kas been
confined to St. Joseph's 1.lospit-
al London, Where he is receiv-
ing, treatment.