HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-03-20, Page 8OL e `/ CiAttiak) t y'k Aptimg -11 SPRING COATS COMPLETELY RiGHT FOR EASTER Newest fabrics, tailored with that completely right for Easter look— beautiful ook beautiful new silhouettes that are the nicest, we "think, that we've shown in years. Drop in today and try a few on. We know you'll r like them and you'll like the low prices too. 39.50 to 49.50 There's a new and different look in suits today, with their shorter coats, cute belt trims and delight. ful new fabrics and designs, This group budget priced at EASTER MILLINERY Flowers, printed silks and new metallic fabrics adorn these new high fashion hats for Easter. You must come in today and try on a few. — Your Easter hat is waiting for you here 3.95 to 6.95 NEW SPRING SUITS 29.95 OTHERS TO 49.50 Stewart Bros. CONSTANCE Mr. and. Mrs, Glanville of Cent- ralia visited Mr. and Mrs, How-, and Preszcator last Friday. The members of C.O. F. here. held a very successful euchre and dance In their hall with 23.. tables playing. Prizes going to high— Mrs, Ivy Johnson of Sea - forth and John Maim of Goderich. Lone hands, Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Neil bolmage. Low — Mrs, Janes McClure and George Car- ter. Lunch was served after, which dancing was enjoyed to music supplied by the Elgin Nott family. Two rose trellises donat- ed by Bordon Brown -were drawn on lucky tickets and were won by Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and Miss Joyce Jewitt. Another 'euchre will be held this Friday night. Everyone come and enjoy another evening. Miss Helen McIllwain of Lon- don spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, George Mc- Illwain. Miss Janet McGregor of Ford- wich was a week end visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Franck of near Wingham. Mr. Murray Dale of Listowel was a week . end visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorn- dale, visited with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Jewitt over the week .end. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and fancily on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Crediton, and Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Elliott and Julie Ann of Staffa Farms Change Hands 'Tiwo local farms change own- ers this week when Mr. Ellwood Clarke sold his fauna' to Mr. Whl. Storey, and Mr. 91, Master -man, who 'purchased the farm awned Iby IMr. FJphaaann Clarke of sea- fourth, one year ago, has sold his farm to Mr. Hayter of neor Ar- thur, and Tuesday had a sale at has farm with fair 'prices for all stock erre. We are sorry that. these two farmers are leaving our community. HENSA LL Mr. and Mrs. Morris uMIcliwen and family o8 Goderi'c'h were re- cent visitors with the former's aunt, Mrs. Inez McRWen. iNlr. and Mrs. Wm. iSimapson of Detroit were weekend visit- ors with the former's mother, Mrs. Louis Simpson. u14r. Jiln Baynham of Guelph visited recently with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence IBayn- ham. eenimmt Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister Passion Sunday Morning Subject: "THD STONES WOULD IMMEDIATELY CRY OUT" Evening Subject: "SOMEWHERE A VOICE IS CALLING" Followed by two films in color. The Last Journey to Jerusalem., The Meaning of Holy Communion. Sunday Evening of Palm Sunl Taster Pageant "Seven Days with the Saviour" SED YOU IN OHURCH THE BANK and small business MR. A. T. LAMBERT, Vice -President and General Manager, The Toronto -Dominion Bank. This is otr lending policy... "The charge has been made that the small businessmanhas suffered more from the policy of monetary restriction than have the other segments of the business community . as far as (our) bank is concerned this is not true ... our policy has been to take care of the legitimate credit needs of all of our customers . , . we made a survey of our loan accounts under and over $100,000 as at June 30, 1957 and June 30, 1956 ... in this period the number of our loans under $100,000 showed a greater increase than the number in excess of this amount and in total there was no significant change in the pattern." Excerpt from the 1957 Annual Meeting address of Mr, A. T. LAMBERT, Vice -President and General Manager Lthe recent period of strong credit demand, the consideration and understanding shown by The -Toronto -Dominion Bank to customers old and new has resulted in a strengthening of the loyalty of our present customers and is attracting many new ones to us. We invite you to see the manager of the nearest Toronto -Dominion Bank. He will be pleased to discuss your business problems with you. TOR TO -DOMINION THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch BANK 1I-7287 UNITED BUYERS FOOD SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY 7% OZ TIN Maple Leaf Sockeye SALMON 45c 1 LB. BAG • CHEERY MORN COFFEE �9 C.• 11 OZ BOTTLES Heinz TOMATO CATSUP 2 BOT 45c 485 OZ TIN LIBBY'S TOMATO- JUICE 29c MINNETTES choice Quality Toinatoes 28 oz tin 21c CLARK'S Beans with pork .. 2 15 oz tins 29c GARDEN PATCH Choice Peas , 2 15 oz tins, 25c NATURES BEST Kernel Corn ..........2 Tins ,27c PURE MAPLE SYRUP .... " . , , 16, oz. Jug 41c s GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE , , ,..... , . 25c :Tb CATELLI MACARONI , ..... ...17c pk TEMPT DOG FOOD 3 Tins 25c INTERLAKE TOILET PAPER 3 Rolls 39c DUTCH. ,CLEANSER .........,,2 Tins 23c •! UNITED . BUYERS STORE PHONE 12 SEAFORTH • WE DE/LIVER IN MEMORIAM Pepper—In loving memory of a.. dear son andbrother Bill, who passed away March 21st, 1952 This month comes with deep regret, It brings back a.. day I'll never forget, You fell asleep without saying goodbye, But memories of you will .never die. - —Lovingly remembered by mother and sisters CARD OF THANKS Kindly accept nay many thanks and appreciations to friends and relatives,. .for all the cards surd treats, also gifts and flowers I received while a patient in Scott .Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, Rev. Bruce Hall, Dr. J. Semple and the nursing staff. PEARL LAWRENCE - CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my' friendsand nei- ghbors for cards, gifts and visits while a patient inthe hospital. And those who helped in any way. Special thanks to the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, Dr. Gilson and Dr, Corwin. It is all deeply appreciated. ORAS, MaoKAY CARD OF THANKS I would like to show my appreciation by thanking Dr. Stapleton and the oth- er doctors and the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital and also my friends,- relatives land neighbors for the beautiful cards and treats that I have received during my illness. They were - deeply appreciated. Cecilia Feeney CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards, treats and flowers and special thanks to the nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital and the doctors of Seaforth Clinic. Mrs. Florence Flood TENDER TOWNSHIP OF TUCIiERSMITH Tenders aro invited by the Township of Tuekersmith for the construction of the Second Concession Municipal Drain under by-Iry #12, 1067, consisting of 1060 lineal feet of tile drain, 1 catch. basin, 1 field stone protection. Tile will be supplied by township and contractor must supply all other re- quirements. A. marked cheque for. 10%, of the amount of tender must accompany each tender, and contractor is asked to state earliest passible starting date. Tenders to be in the clerk'shands by 4 Pan, April 1st, 1053, Plans and specifications may be seen at the cleric's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, R. R, #4, Seaforth, Ont. TEACI-IER WANTED Attractive position offered experienced teacher, Protestant, instructing grades 4 to S. School adjacent to town, Modern facilities, Duties to commence Sept 1st. W. P. Roberts, Sec.-Treas. Tuekersmith School Area Board R.R. #3, Seaforth, Ont FOR SALE Used electric stove and washer. Bos Furniture Store FOR SALE Started chicks, 0 wits. old now. 200 Red Rocks and 160 Red Sussex. Will keep till 12 weeks 'old if desired. Apply Leo Ryan, Dublin 4014 FOR SALE A Holstein brill one yenr. old, Also 6 York hogs ready to work. Phone 37x6 Brussels FOR SALE Building for sale 10' x 20'. Apply at Tho News office FOR SALE Choice Rotatenn heifer, due March 20; 2 purebred yearling Hereford heifers with papers. Phone 862r21 Tenders Wanted Clareteker• for S.S. # 9 McKillop school from April to December inclus- ive. Tenders to be in my March 2699. For further particulars about contract apply to Wm: --Dennis, Sec.-Treas., Welt- on, Ont. Phone Seaforth 043r3 Just $.100 wllOb R Sa Frigidaire large - size stove in excellent condition. Phone 10, Seaforth E Five heifers and two steers. suitable for grass. Gordon Scott, »hone 800r36 Between HallettOandr McKillop bound- ary on Wed., March 12, large dog, part police and collie, black and tan, answers to the name of Cub, Anyone knowing Ills whereabouts iilease phone Robert Malley Sr., 831,16 SeaforthOR .. 8 Hereford yearlings, ALE your. bred Hereford bull. Fred Buchanan, phone 841r4 Seaforth PROPERTY. FOR SALE On No. 8 highway, 4 miles east of Seaforth, 1 acre of Land, frame house,. 2 storey, .kitchen, dining room, 8 pe bath, 1 bedroom dawn, 2 bedrooms up, garage, full basement, ' oil furnace, new; never failing well. small barn, close to school, church and store. Leo Murray, St. Columban, phone 84r8 Dublin FOR SALE Jersey cow to freshen April 1st; also Co-op milking machine; Rodney oats fit: for seed. R,- J. Doig, phone 840,11. A used bass fiW1A, ED a saxophone, Phone. 602R13 Mitchell or 58r8 Dublin Certified GaFORe$ALE J. L. Ryan, Dublin, phone 40r4' a, bus. • BUY' THE BEST Registered No. -1 Garry seed, oats,. cleaned, graded, treated, hogged, and government sealed, Apply Spencer Jeff- ry, Stafln, Ont. Phone Dublin 11r10 FOR BEST VALUES IN WORK BOOTS AND RUBBER BOOTS IT'S Willis Shoe Store FOR SALE Good used clothing — Boy's Ronne blazer size 12; •boy's white dress shirt neck 12%. Boy's oxfords size 4. phon 480w FOR SALE FarHao township on 84 highway of 126b acres of choice lands; consisting. of a 9 room house. Has modern kitchen with built in cupboards. Has rock well two pressure systems with both hard and soft water on tap throughout build ings. Has double garage, hen house and pig pen. Ninety-five acres under'cultivn .tion, balance in bush and pasture. Thi farm is located three miles west of Hen sail. Apply Urban Ducharme, R,R. # Brussels, phone 93x7 Auction Sale Of Farm Machinery at lot 8, con. 2 Tuckersmith twp. 114 miles East of Hensall and 34 mile North, Saturday March 29th at 1:80 p.m. Machinery—Disk, 6 -ft. binder, side rake, hay loader, manure spreader, land roller, seed drill, wagon and reek. fan- ning mill, set scales. cutter, bob sleighs buzz saw, woven wire, haycar and rope sling ropes, hayfork, sling chain, pig orate, sugar kettle, hand ,.force pump coal heater, washer, root pulper, forks team harness, logging chains. clippers sap pan, drums, walking plow, 4 -section harrows, hay and straw. 1 team black mares. Terms—Cash. ..Prop.. Louis Clark Sr. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk. E. P. Chesney. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farms, Farm Stock and. Machin- ery at lot 19, Maitland con„ 2 miles North of Holmesville on Wednesday March 26th at 12.80 p.m.. Cattle -26 Holstein cows and hailers, some fresh rest flue in spring and early summer; 2 Hereford cows with calves at foot; 9 Hereford steers 2 years old; 6 Hereford heifers ; 2 years old; 14 Hereford year lings • 3 Holstein heifer calves ; 1 Hol stern hull 18 mos. old; 225 hybrid hens 1 year old. Mochinory—Ford Tractor, . newly over hauled plow and cultivator; 24" George White thresher; 86 bu. Cockshutt tract- or spreader (nearly new) ; 3 -furrow plow; set spring -tooth harrows; hay loader,; dump rake; mower; 7 -ft, Cock Shutt binder ; rubber -tired, wagon and rack; farm trailer; 2 -unit milker •; 18 sans; 220 feet hay fork rope; cattle' de - homers; quantity hay, grain and ensil- age. FARMS—Parcel 1, Lot 22, Malt. land Con„ 160 acres, 96 acres workable land, remainder grass, bush. Parcel 2— Lot 28, Maitland Con, 86 acres, 65 workable land, remainder in bush and grass. Terms -10 per cent down, balance in 30 days. Chattels—Cash. Prop., Orval Blake & Son. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Sale will be held under -cover. ESTATE Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery at lot 26, Bayfield Road 2 miles res of Brucefiold on Wed., April 2 at 1 p.m Cattle -4 Holstein cows due time of. sale; 1 I•Iolstein cow fresh with calf at foot; 1 .Jersey cow due In May';' Brin- dle cov-duo in May • 2 Hereford heif- ers .bred; 4 Holstein heifers due time of sale, Machinery -8 -ft. M. M. Combine with motor fully equipped ; Oliver 70 tractor on rubber; Ford tractor and new Ford plow; spring-tooh tractor cultivator; Di- amond harrows; 2 -row Ford cultivator M. H. 4 -bar side rake; 6 -ft. mower rubber -tired wagon. and Stein bow; Chev- rolet truck withgain box; bean cook- er; 2 colony houses; 2 electric brooders' HemmEn milking machine; 2 single -un- its, 8 milk cans and pails; emery; 12 -ft. plywood boat, 4 to' 5 outboard motor forks, shovels; chains, etc. Hay and Grain -500 bus. Rodney Oats; - quantity baled hay. Farm will be offered for sale if not previously -sold. 90 -acro farm, good buildings. hydro, furnace, bath. Terms—Chattels,. Cash. - Property 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days. Estate of the late Yeoman Aldwinkle. Auctioneer. Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery and house- hold effects at lot 6, con, 5, Hpilett twp. 1 mile south of Constance or 5 miles East of ..Clinton and 23 North on Friday, March 28th at 1 p.m. Oattle-81 steers Durham and Here- ford 6 to 7 cwt.; 18 heifers A to 6 cwt, 6 calves, 4 Durham steers 9 cut Pigs -50 chunks, 7 York chunks 10 weeks old, 6 young sows due In March and May, 1 registered hog 6% months old (Turnbull Breed). Hay and Grain—Quantity of hay and gram. Machinery—International S up e r 0 Parmall tractor and muffler; McCor- mick 16 -run Fertilizer drill, Internation- al 8 -furrow plow, 8 -ft. M. H. binder, M. H.. side rake, M. H. horse mower No, 87. with tractor hitch. (Above ma- chinery is like new), D Case tractor, International manure spreader, Interna- tional 32 plate disk, rubber -tired wag- on,- McCormick horse mower,. Bann wa- gon with. grain box, harrows and stretchers, 2 rollers, 2 row bean puller, Lex grinder (new), grain grinder, .flat hay rack, cutting box, stock racks, M. H. No, 9 electric cream . selr'mator, hay loader, fanning mill with bagger, set. light sleighs. buggy, mutter, root pulper, steel wheel barrow, pig crate, scales, 2 coal brooders, stoves with hoovers, 2 shelters, 2 large water fountains,. Auto- mate water fountain, quantity of good feeder troughs, snow fence, iron pig troughs, hay fork, hay knife, slings, blocks and ropes, poste, 51 tile, 4 -gallon tank sprayer, stone boat, garden- muf- fler, steel posts for electric fence, .elect trio motor, 160 feet cable drive belt, fertilizer,: planks, ho,,_nests, Woods out roller, 1 horse motor, electric fencer, 30ft. ladder,. Snort of other articles ,too numerous' to mention. Household- effects-Diningroom suite, bedroom suite, 2 couches, fernery, coal 'heater, 8 -day clock, pair men's skates size 10, antique writing,' desk, antique lamps, Maxwell electric washing Ma- chine. Terms—Cash Prep., Ellwood Clark Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P, Chesney.. No reserve. Farm sold. Clearing Auction Sale 09 Farm Machinery at Lot 10. Con. 2,. Stanley twp„ 114 south and 11/,y west of Braeefield on Saturday, April 6th at 1 p.m. M. 11.,„.44 tractor with starter and lights, A=1 condition. 8 -furrow McOot'- mick plow, McCormick tractor disk, Ma. Cormick stiff tooth cultivator; 6 -section of harrows, McCormack tractor spread- er (like new), McCormack side rake (like new), McCormack power drill (like new), 3 drum roller, 2. M. 11. corn scuffler, Gekl hammer mill, power grain grinder, 9 -ft, M. H. binder, White silo filler complete, 20-46 White threshing machine with critter, Biddle bean mar chane, 2 bean cookers, 1 electric .and wood; 2 drive belts, 120 feet and 40 6t 0000 Ib scales. 1e- H. P. motor (B new), drop head haylotder, quantity lumber, 2 rubber -tired, wagons, 2 16- flat hay racks Other articles too num-' Brous to mention. Dump rake. Good cora crib, Terms cash:' Prop., John -Murdoch Auctioneer, Harold Jackson.. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. THE SDAFORTH NEWS Thursday, March 20, 1969 BOXBO Funeral Service AMBULANCE l: Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all. occasions . Phones: Day 43' Night 596W 1 MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon 16-f flat 90` ' Seaforth' JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A,, M.D. Physician and Simeon' Phone 5-W Sealer* t ESTATE Auction Sale OfeParan, :Farm Stook.and Machinery. Will ire held at lot 21 and 22, Con. 14 McKillop twp., on Tuesday, April 1st, at 12 o'clock sharp. Farm 'consisting of 160 acres more or -less, good dad 1 land, exceptionally well drained, 1 story frame. house, covered with' asph. shingles, ; lanae. bank barn.: silo, garage, hen liouse, new steel drive shed, hydro, good water supply. Cattle -16. Hereford cows with- calves at foot and duo to feahen in April ; 17 Herford year-olds, ,steers and, heifers, a number ready for market; 1 registered Hereford bull, 3 yrs. old. , Piga-2 York sows with litters; 2 York Sows bred; 18 York chunks. Machinery—No..40 Cooksliutt tractor ; Willys jeep ;. 1965' 12 -ft. Cookshutt com- biner 6 -ft one-way disc; Cookshutt 8 -ft. tractor disc; 10 -ft. cultipacker; New Holland forage harvester with. hay and corn attachments; new Holland hay or ensilage blower; power mower 7 -ft.; power lido rake; diamond harrows; manure loader; snow blower; tractor manure spreader; 3 -furrow plow; 16 disc :fertilizer drill;-spry4ymotor. weed sprayer; . stationary power plant; 45 H. P. Forage harvester, wagon unloader; 4 -section. drag barrows; 2 steel water troughs; 2 forage harvester racks with unloading aprons; .hammer mill and drive belt; milking machine; cream Sep- arator; ensilage cant, straw cart,' scales, grain auger and motor, fanning mill: extension ladder; 1966 fire dome Hard Top; Desoto Sedan car ; tilt bench saw and motor.; electric drills, full line of meehanie's tools. The above machinery ds practically new. ' Heavy duty - farm wagon and box. Mottles cash Grain -700 bus.. spring grain, wheat, Red Clover seed, some hay. Estate of late. Lindsay Stewart, - For further particulars apply to McConnell & Stewart, Solicitors, or Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sale Of Farms, Farm. Stock and Machin- ery at Lot 22, Con. 2, Hibbert Twp. 1% south ;sand Bili miles west of Dub- lin, on TUESDAY, MARCH 26th at 12 o''olook shatp: 5 Holstein cows fresh and due to freshen; 2 black cows fresh and due in May ;- 8. white face and black cows, fresh and to freshen in spring; 2 Hereford Shorthorns duo in April and May ; all cattle are - bred Hereford ; '1 poll Hereford calved fresh (twine); 1 Guernsey.and Shorthorn. bred Guernsey ; 18 yearling steers and heifers; 11 two-year-old steers & heifers heifers ready for' market. 5. calves. Cows MU bred artificial to Oxford Unt All young cattle from Oxford Unit bulls 1 good. work mare. 2 sows (York) carrying 4th litter, some chunks. Machinery—OK ensilage blower, oon- veyer belt type (2 yrs. old) John.. Deere forage harvester with cora and hay attachments, 2 wagons and masks (forage) self unloading, 16 ft long; 1 Case 4 bar eidorake, Mc. Deering' fer- tilizer drill; Otaco 8 furrow plow on. rubber, 9 ft Fleury Bissel cultivator; 'Case grain separator, all steel body, new George White grain thrower and ore - lone; hose snuffler;. 1l'ahbanks Mcrae hammer mill ; roller, walking plow, 8 - section harrows, Viking cream separa- (sUghtly used), National milking machin ; ia'go nlilk oar strainer -(new), Ford Major tractor (overhauled in Dec.) rubber- tired wheel barrow, post hole auger, scythe, ensilage fork, hay car, 50 ft. garden hose,. hors collars, 1952 Ford coach in good condition, other ar- ticles too - numerous to mention. Farms. Parcel 1—West half of Lot 10, Con. 8, Hibbert twp., consisting of 60 acres clay loam, 30 acres plowed, 7 acres hard wood bush, .remainder in Pasture. Good water supply and well fenced. Parcel 2—West half of Lot 24, Con. 2,Hibbert twp., 50 acres of clay loam, 8acres plowed, remainder in gram, good water supply. Terms 10 per cent. down, balance in 80 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Mettles cash. NORMAN O'CONNOR, Prop. Hasdid Jackson, Auet, Edwin Ches- ney, Clm k. Sot 2000 Ib. scales, 2 electric fencers, electric brooder. 200 chick; 40 ft. end less belt, .steel land. roller, 3 section harrows, 2 wheel trailer, quantity baled ling. SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster. B.A., M.D-, Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p,m. to 6 paw., daily ' except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sao urday only 7-9 p.m. loam Appointments made in ; advance are alt desirable FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm near Walton. Large L shape barn, frame house, implement sheet, new drilled well and pressure sys- tem. Electricity and water in buildings. Half of barn is partly equipped to hold 11,500 broilers. Automatic feeder and waterers. Excellent well drained land. 08600 for cash or will give easy terms and immediate possession of buildings to experienced poultryman. George W. Stone, RR1 ,Seaforth, phone 535193 FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull one year old; also several Shorthorn- cows with calves by side. Frank Falconer, phone Clinton HU 2-9128 60 acres choiicce la ,l en- main road, hydro, never failing whter supply, good. buildings, large barn. Easy terms. Ap- ply at The News office COAL FOR SALE Stoker coal and hard coal. Phone 30r13 Dublin- Krauskopf Bros. WANTED 25 or 30 head of cattle to grass for the season. George Fox, Wal- ton, phone 330r33 TENDER McIILLOP MUNICIPAL - TELEPHONE SYSTEM Tenders for digging a Trench ap- proximately 840 rods long by 26 inches deep and deeper at cross roads, for underground cable, will bo received at the office of the Secretary up to March 26th, 1958. Tender to state price per rod and to be completed, weather permitting, an the month of April. A marked cheque of 3100.00 to ac- company tender. Lowest or any tender notnecessarily accepted. Further particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. J. M,_ ECKEET, Secretary 5.11.1.. Seaforth, Ont. Tax Returns Make appointments NOW a and 'avoid last month, rush. H. G. MEM Dominion Bank Bldg. 3. . Prompt WATCH REPAIRS uring Savauge's March Sale Fred H. Savauge '(Cerlbidled Watchmaker) SANTE '$mOO Bulovn Transistor Radio reg. 109.95, now 1419.19'6 TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL,' D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S.. Phone 105 Seaforth_ JOHN H. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon.; 9 to 6.80; Wed9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. erg by appointment. only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 '.to 9.89 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of'Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • fire • Auto' • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages" W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACH 0I5 DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 382-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE--SEAFORTH, 2ST'eio' Officers—President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vico-Pres., R. . Archibald; Manager and. Se‚-Treas., M. A,. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J, L. Malone, Seaforth; Z. H, McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 3.H.• B. Leonhardt. ornholm; 59. elFullerr. Goderlaah; It, Archibald, Seaforth; Allieter Broadfoot Seaforth, Agents — Wm, Leiper Jr., Londesloro1 3. P. Prueter, Brodhagen Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance oe transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post. offices. AND FUEL QI, WILLIAM M. HART Office 'Phone 784 ` - Res. 586 ADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO, REPAIR. Opposite Did( House, phone. 24710, Seaforth NOTICE H you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth ED BOYCE NOTICE For artificial insemination informs. - tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-8441 between 7.30 and 9.80 A.M. We. have all breeds available—top quality at low cost. FOR SALE Authorized agent for Viking Crean Separators, Seaforth, Dub- lin, Clinton and Hensall district. Repairing a specialty. A few good used ones' on hand, Basil O'- Rourke, Bruceefild. Phone Hun- ter 2-9131 WANTED Old -horses wanted at 3c lb., . . and dead cattle at value. If dead phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. Phone collect "148314 or 1483J1 (Goderich). BERT PEPPER .LICENSED AUCTIONEER Now booking Sales for the coning sea 10.5t #3 Phonsone Clinton Seaforth HRT 2-7584' FOR SALE Half Price -30 Aluminum com- bination windows, several wood- en stormm doors, various sizes. Jackson Homes Ltd., Seaforth FOR .SALE, Gary and Rodney seed oats, also Gary oats mixed. with Brant barley. Timothy seed and baled hay 20c a bale, John W. Thomp- son,, phone 83'3r31 TEXACO PRODUCTS PROMPT FARM -- DELIVERIES Walden & Broadfoot Phone 686w Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47