HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-03-20, Page 5THE SHAI+'ORTI3'NEWS—Thursday, March 20, 1958 Your Superior Specials ST., WILLIAMS YORK ASSORTED JAMS, PEANUT BUTTER AND MARMALADE 4c oft Ice Box Tar 9 oz, jars 16 oz jar 35c LIBBY CHOICE TOMATO JUICE Large 24 oz. Bottle 33c •...•, 48 oz tins 27c .•.•, 2 for 45c HOME BRAND CATSUP SHEDDS SALAD DRESSING SLICED SIDE BACON -..: 32 oz. Jar 65c Kindless 1 Ib. 47c WESTMINSTER GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE TOILET TISSUE 2 lb, pkgs. 55c 10 Rolls 1.00 CATELLI READY CUT MACARONI 16 oz.-Pkgs., 2 for 31c FINEST QUALITY PINK SALMON 7% oz. tins 4 for 1.00 SIMONIZ NONSCUFF LIQUID FLOOR WAX 10c off. Q. 1.05 32 oz bottle 2'5 c ' FRESH EASTER CANDY A good assortment of Easter Candy and Chocolate novelties Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY PLAY "A PAIR OF SIXES St. "Columban PARISH HALL Friday, March 28 8.30 P.M. By permission of Samuel French ••tI•••••••••••••••••••••••••seeeeS 0 '11 • • • TAKE IT EASY • • • • • • If • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Euchre - Dn ce Foresters Hall, Constance FRIDAY, MARCH 21st Cards at 8.30 P.M. Admission 40c. Free lunch Sponsored by the C,O.F. Everyone welcome with step saving extension phones, A• 414 V • • 0 00 • 0 • • • • 0 • • • 0 • • 0 • 0 0 To order—call your telephone • • • 0 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••01,.00 business office. TOWN TOPICS fDr, Weir :of Auburn was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Me - Gavin and Miss Belle 1McCwlly.. IMns, (Henry ' Hoggarth, John St. +will oelebrate her 90th 'birth- day on March 30th. IMr. and Mrs. rLaughie IGear'of Feigns were ;weekend guests. of Mr. and Mrs. ''Russell ISlproait. Mr. Walter .'Barry of Detroit visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Michael 'Williams return leld home after spending the. weekend .with relatives' in (Wind sor and Detroit, IMr. and Mrs. John McQuaid of St. Thomas spent the week- end with his another, Mrs. Jos. McQuaid, (Miss Marion Laudetllbaoh, of , London, was a weekend guest of. her (parents, Mr. and . Mrs, L. Laedenbaeh, 1112r•, and Mrs. Len 'Gillespie and son, ,Dundas, spent the weekend with Mrs. •Gilleslpie's mother, Mrs. Camilla Ryan. IMr. and Mrs. Don King and daughter, (Sarnia were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John ,Ruston and Mts. King. Mr• and Mrs. Ken Lane, Lon- don, spent the weekend with Mr, and (Mrs. !R.. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. IMOManus, De- troit were weekend guests of Mrs, J. O'Reilly and Mr. Joseph (Lerner, !D'iOrlean iSSills left by Q)lane on Friday night for California bo spend a week with his brother Thomas and family at 'Palm •Springs. !Miss 'Gloria 'Carter has suc- cessfully 'passed her Grade 2 Theory,...lst class honors. Her teacher is Mrs. (Phyllis Nediger. In the recent Music Examina- tions at 5t. Joseph's Convent, Miss (Sharon 'Hothasn success- fully !passed Grade IV counter- point exam obtaining '90 marks and was also successful in .pass- 'ing her Grade TV history exam obtaining 188 marks. She is a pu- pil at ISt. Joseph's Convent and is the granddaughter of Mr. Stand SvIrs. John 'Hobhaso, Wilson reet. BORN Sehaaers—At Scott Memorial Hospital on March 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bchauors, of Mitchell, a son Melndy,In Alexander Marino Hospi- tal, Goderich, on March 13th,. to Dr. ;and Mrs. T. It. Melody, the giftof a daughter DUBLIN A. farewell party was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. (Norman O'!Oonnor at their home ;Sunday evening ,prior to their departure to their new home in Toronto. The evening was spent playing euchre. The !winners were: Miss Barbara Jordan, Mrs. Tom Mor- ris, IMr. 'Maurice !Ryan and ,Mr. Frank Jordan. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. Arthur Murphy read the address and Mr. iM'aurice Daltop 'present- ed Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Con nor, on behalf of all 'present, a The Globe and Mail is giving away S/(DARPe o. /SEW. e o "SPEEDWELL" BICYCLES TRICYCLES for the "small fry" -20" worth 023,95 — only 10 script!ons. CLUB RACERS with 3 -speed gears for the • sharp teen-agers — worth $57.50 — only 25 subscrip- tions. WHATz OFFER! size, sub- a bicycle E! IR el' • for EVERY age group and every purpose! All you hove to do is sell o few subscriptions for The Globe and Mall 1 Register in The Globe .and Mail Bicycle Club by sending in the coupon below—return it to us TODAY—and we will send you official subscrip- tion forms by the next mall. Meantime, show this offer to everyone you think might give you an order! Get on the phone! Call up your friends and relatives: Tell them how they can help your -to win a new bicycle!' Show this offer to Mom and Dad, and get them to help you, too! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DELIVER ANY PAPERS OR COLLECT ANY MONEY! OUR CARRIER BOYS DO THAT! Mu Glebe mnll I° ail BICYCLE CLUB REGISTRATION FORM Tho Globe and Mail, 140 King St, W., Toronto, Ont. 1 wont to win a "SPEEDWELL" bicycle,. Please register my none and send me supply of official order forms and rules of the offer. Name. Age..., Address City or Town Phone..........,. State size and style of bicycle.. , . Boy's.. , . You'll want your bicycle for early Spring so don't miss a minute Get to work with Morn and Dad NOW — and you should hove a lot of subscriptions ready`to be signed the minute your order forms arrive. Then, send in your orders AT ONCE and keep working until you have secured the number of orders required for the bicycle you want! STANDARD AND JUNIOR BICYCLES for boys and girls over 10 years .old—worth $47.50 —only 20 subscriptions. SIDEWALK BICYCLES for boys end girls 8 end under—worth $42.95— only 15 subscript -^- beautiful .coffee table and tri - light .101110 and •a purse of mon- ey. Mr. and . Mrs. ;O'Connor thanked one and all for their kindness and generosity, Mr. James O'Connor led the .singing of "For They are Jolly Good Fellows". 'Speeches were made by Messrs. John •Murphy, Aug. Ducinarme, Michael Doyle and Joe !Stapleton. The (party closed by singing Irish songs. IMr. and (Mrs. Don Miner and family 'of !Belleville, Mich., and Mrs. Agnes O'Connor 'visiting abrr. and Mrs. N. O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Falconer and family of 'Waterdown visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. VIConnor. '.p.m. The theme of the meeting M1•, Lou Doyle of Toronto was, Taking a stand as a Christ - with Mr, and Mrs. N. 'O'Connor. Ian. !Hymn 348 was sung. A 'short meditation was given by WINTHROP Blanchard. The scripture The CJG.LT. held their March was read 'by !Frances Blanchard meeting on Saturday da in the and the (prayer by. Eileen Smith, g Y The minutes of the last meeting basement of the Church at 2.30 were read followed by the roll call. The offering was then ta- 'ken followed by the response. 1 The !business was then discuss- ed: The 'Mission Band invited the .C.G.I.T. to their (Easter meeting on Wed. April 9. The I'C,G.LT. coin cards are to be in at the end of this month, The 'BibleStudy was taken by Mrs. :Blanchard, it was on 'prayer'. The Mission Study was taken by Mrs. !Little, on Japan. The meeting closed with "Taps". We had a Japanese tea: It consisted of green tea, sponge cake, ap- ple, dates and crackers, we also had to sit on the floor like the •Ja'panese do and try to eat with chap sticks, CANADA FOR CANADIANS Sir John A. MacDonald built the Canada of To -day.... Now, John Diefenbaker envisions the Canada of Tomorrow A Billion Dollar Program For National Development TO CREATE NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR CANADIAN INDUSTRY TO DEVELOP CANADA'S UNLIMITED NATIONAL RESOURCES TO EXPAND PROCESSING OF OUR OWN RAW MATERIALS TO PROVIDE MORE EMPLOYMENT FOR MORE CANADIANS TO ENLARGE HOME MARKETS FOR CANADIAN AGRICULTURE NOT A SPENDTHRIFT PROGRAM - A SOUND INVESTMENT IN CANADIAN PROSPERITY 'CARRY ON, ELSTON AND JOHN' Re -Flee !stall Cardiff HURON RIDING Published by Authority of Huron Progressive Conservative Association MARCH 31 BRUCEFIELD The monthly meeting of the W.M.S., Brutefield ti nit e d Church, was held Tuesday after- noon, March llth with 16 wo- men answering the roll call. The meeting opened with quiet music followed by the worship service. The theme being "In Everything by Prayer" conducted by Mrs. N, Walker and Mrs. F. Rothwell. Mrs. S. Davison took charge of the business session. Our Easter Thankotfering meeting is to be held on Sunday evening, April 13th with (Mrs. Whyte of Lon- deeborough as our guest speak- er. We decided to accept an in- vitation to ,Egmondville on Wed. P.M. April 16th, the occasion being their Thankoffering meet- ing. The girls' clothing required by the Supply Secretary to be in by May lst. Our allocation for the coming year is to be 8860.00. Mrs. J. Cairns and Mrs, W. Scott were in charge of the study book. The chapter taken, "The Church's High Hour". The meeting• closed with the hymen "!Take Time'to be Holy" and the Mizpah Benediction. KIPPEN Mrs. Wm. Bell was hostess for a miscellaneous shower on Tuesday evening when members of the Thrifty Kippenettes met to honor Miss Ann •Sinclair a bride -elect" of this month. Four different contests were enjoyed by those present. Ann was asked to sit in a gaily decorated ehair. She opened her many useful gifts. Elaine Ford of Exeter and Bonnie Kyle assisted the honored guest, The address was read by Miss 'Marie Jarrott, Ann made a fitting reply thank- ing everyone. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. 1.1..=elsiSSMS, .112•1111•1=11 Euchre m ace Seaforth Community Centre Friday, March 21 AT 8.30 Saafortll Vl'onseu's Institute will;.celebrate their thirtieth year or activity Norris Orchestra Adults 75e Shutouts 50e Lunch provided. Come and celebrate With us Special Prize's