HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-03-20, Page 4CROMARTY •Mr.'Kenneth Walker, London, and MT. Howard Byron, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'Otto Walker, (Mr.. Frank, Stagg and Mrs. M. Houghton visited on Sunday Y with Mr: and Mrs. (Reg. 'Stagg, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clemens, Regina and Mrs. Alma Clemens, Moosejaw, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andresw 'McLachlan on Saturday. Several 'Croanarty relatives attended the funeral of Mr. Neil McGill in (Exeter, ion Tuesday. The 'Hilabert &int Club with their wives and lady friends en joyed a social eveningg' in Far- quhar Hall on Tuesday night. The evening was spent playing progressive euchre and dancing. The regular meeting of bhe Ladies' Aid ,waa held' at the home of Mrs. T. L. Scott with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Will Miller, presided and opened the. meeting by reading a few verses of poetry, followed Reith a 'hymn, scripture reading and .prayer. Reports were :given by the secretary and the treas- urer. • During 'the !business period bhe-.ladles d'ecided to paint the !wails of the •church basement. It was also decided bo !purchase material to make .layettes for relief work, Program. 'and flow- er !committee were appointed and the meeting, closedwith the !Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served by bhe hostess assist- ed by Mrs. iT. Laing and Mrs. Grace ,Scott and a social hour was much'.enjsyed by all. The 'March meeting of :Roy's, Ohuroh, W.M.S. and W. A. was held at 'bhe home of Mrs. Gord- on ;Parsons. Mrs. Murray Chris- tie was in charge of meeting and opened with a Lenten poem. Mrs. C. Park read a passage of. scripture • and Mrs. Andrew Christie offered .prayer, Mrs. N. !Dow- gave a reading and Mrs. H. Dow favored with a .musical esuanlhert ".Mrs. Ross MciPhail gave a missionary reading and Mrs. John .docking gave the topic on Jasfan. (Mrs,' T. •Coiqu- houn ,and Mrs. R, Miller 'were appointed progitam committee for •Aipril'meeting which•will be held at the home of Mrs, Cliff Dow. Mss. rC•armran - !Hark was appointed treasurer for bhe W. A , A quilting will he 'held in the near future and an apron and baking sale is 'being arrang- ed to be held in May. (Mrs. Mur- ray 'Christie closed the meeting with prayer, HULLETT On .March lit7, 19 ,adults of the Fireside !Farm Forum net at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter. 'The topic was "'Canada's Role in World Affairs". We are interested in this subject` but feel that we .need,;a 'great deal more information. In 'progres- siva „guchr,e most games, Mr. and Mrs:Harvey Taylor; lone hands, 'Mrs. Geo. 'IToggar-t and. Hugh Campbell; consolation, Mrs, Robt. Jamieson and NOlvver Anderson.,Mrs.,^^Jos. Babcock in= vited the group for `.the final meeting, when pie and ice cream will be served. BLAKE The !Red Cross'Group met on Friday, .Manch 14, 1958 at the Blake School S. IS. No. 9, Hay and !Stanley for their 1St. Pat- rick's !meeting. Opening song, ")MyJWild (Irish Inose", and then bhe !business' was taken. A reci- tation by 'Charles Mb, a contest by (Ralph 'Gingerich, 'another song hby (boys and girls, "Galway Bay". A recitation by (Michael Corriweau, another contest by Evolyn Due1earmekk' a recitation by Pearl Ann Erb, song "Lon- • • whose sure, skilled hand is needed now to guide Canada outof this. period of difficulty and doubt. He is the man of peace, the man of action who in times of emergency comes through with positive, workable solutions. "... NOT TO THE POLITICIAN OR TO THE SECRETARY. OF STATE AS SUCH. BUT TO THE MAN LESTER PEARSON BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL QUALITIES. HIS POWERFUL INITIATIVE, STRENGTH AND PERSEVERANCE. DISPLAYED IN ATTEMPTING TO PREVENT OR LIMIT WAR OPERATIONS AND TO RESTORE PEACE." -Ya•,e: Price Prize citation speech, Oslo, December 10, 1957, Now he is proving it again. Lester B. Pearson is ready with a practical, all-out program to bring back employment and trade -restore confidence and faith—meet Canada's present emergency with the Pearson Plan for immediate action. VOTE LIBERAL for constructive leadership NOW with LESTER B. ARSON NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE In Huron the man is Bill Cochrane who supports the LIBERAL TEAM headed by LESTER B. PEARSON A vote for Cochrane is a vote for Pearson --- the Man of Peace, the Man of Action ! See and hear Bill Cochrane CFPL-TV --- Thursday, March 20th AT 6.20 P.M. CKNX-TV --- Friday, March 21st AT 7.00 P.M. Published by Huron Liberal Association donderry Air", a recitation' by Faye Desch, a contest by Finlay, *idles xIRobert IOesoh , The meoting..olosed by singing God Save, Iflhe Queen, A. collec- tion was taken. Those,; .on' the. program were Emma" Ikinlay,' Ralph lGingerich, Bohby ° 0eseh and °Evelyn'Ca harine." The next meeting will 5l be in charge of Paul and Mervyn Fait Mary Finlay and Mary nVlargaret Oeach. (Rev. !Ephraim Ginlgerich was the guest speaker at the (boys and girls fellowship meet - 1i1 in the E. N. B. Church in !Zurich, on Sunday evening. %Mrs. Barrel]. land Fred of Kincardine were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. H. (Finlay and family, it being their wedding anniversary. • ,Mr. and (Mrs. Peter Ginggerich and QVIr, and Mrs. Roy McBride visited with Mr. and (Mrs. Will Sparks in ISealforth one evening. IM•rs. Harald Finlay received a telegram from Moose Jaw last Monday, March 10, of the death of her uncle, -bhe ;late Mr. John T. •Bonthron, a former resident o11 Hensall. His late father, Mr. James B:opthr'on, one time as- sessor of Hayt'wip. in the .earlier days. Mr. Will !Clarke, who' spent bhe winter months on construc- tion work with his brother-in- law, Mr. Lloyd :(Finnigan, re- turned to his home on Tuesday last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd !Guenther and family of Dashwood and, Mr. and Mrs. !Carl Desch of !Baden, visited their (parents, Mr. and Mrs. (David Oesch. - Mr. and (Mrs. Carl Houston of Goderieh, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. V. lOesch and David. Many, attended the auction sale of Mr. and Mrs. !H, Pha'ff of near Dashwood, en 'Wednes- day last. Mrs. Phalff, the dormer Rota McBride, lived on the Town Line years ago. dilr. Joe 'Baechler and sons purchased a threshing machine. (Mrs. Leon Je8ferey has not been well lately. A. number of ladies •of the district .attended the 1 a d i e s' meeting in the Presbyterian Church in (Hensall on Monday nigh and also the Daffodil tea in James St. Church, Exeter, on Wed. afternoon, in aid ,of the Cancer Society. Died: Mr. John L. :Bonthron of Moose Jaw, Sask., formerly of 'Hensall, Ont., passed away at the General Hospital, Moose Jaw on (Monday, March 10, 11958, in his 73rd year. COMMUNICATIONS [Editor, The ,Seaforth News, Dear 'Sir,—.Last night I was at a meeting for the Women's Conservative Association and heard something about the com- ing election and Mr. Diefenba- ker. One Of the best thin's I heard was "He is a 'Christian", and 'I think that is the best thing you can tell about any- body, for a christian likes al- ways to do the best things for his fellow man. A New Canadian (Seaforth, March 18th. Northside United Church Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Minister 10 a.m., Church 'School and Adult ;Bible Class. 11 am„ Morning Worship conducted by bh.e minister. Nursery for Toddlers, Junior Congregation. 7 p.m., "Bible Knowledge College". Bring your Bible and a friend. 8 p.m., Northside Youth :Fel- lowship. Palm Sunday !peening; March 20bh, Sacred Cantata, "Darkness And (Dawn" presented by mem- bers of the 'Senior Choir. Every- one invited. First Presbyterian Church The Rev. 0. Leslie ,Elder, of Vernon, Ont. 10 a.m., Church School 11 a.m.. Morning Service 4.30 p.m., Vesper Service H. A. I{empster, Organist and Choir Leader. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister 11 a:m., Are you doing your part? 47:30 p.m., Sosne one is call- ing you. You had better listen. Two 'films: The Last Journey to Jerusalem. The Meaning of Holy 'Communion. 10 a.m., Church 'School and Minister's 'Class. 11 a.m., Nursery Class 11.80 Junior Church The Church M'ernbership Class and Junior Choir Rehearsal at close of morning service. At the close of the .morning service the choir will be .photo- graphed. THE SBAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, March 20, 1958 .REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth E IHURS. FRI. SAT, MR. ROCK AND ROLL Allan Fried• Rocky Graziano, It's the biggest rock aiiti-kit and the story of !row it all began NOTICE — Starting on,March 31st this Theatre will operate nightly JUST IN WHITE BUCK TIES FOR LADIES $4.95 S''OR MISSES' $3.95 THEY'RE TOPS THE NEW OXFORDS & LOAFERS FOR MIEN $6.95 $7.95 $8.45 WILLIS SHOE STORE SEE SPECIALS ON 1IACICS i EASTER LILIES - POTTED MUMS - HYDRANGEAS CUT FLOWERS, ETC. Yon can leave your order and be assured of top quality plants. Orders taken in advance get personal attention. We will have a large stook to• choose from for your baster• Gift A11 Flowers cash Support your Canadian Red Cross, Give generously when the canvasser calls Wright's Superior Food Market SELF SERVICE FREE DELIVERY These men know sound investments --ftm•••-% .. Huron & Erie -Canada Trust Debentures and Trust Certificates. On units of $100 or more both these safe investments pay 41/2% interest for periods of 1 to 5 years. Why not call in and ask for details? Huron &Erie • CanadaTrust Head Office - London, Ontario District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Hensall; Watson & Reid, Seaforth 1957 CHEVROLET STANDARD SEDAN 1957 CHEVROLET COACH 1956 CHEVROLET COACH 1955 CHRYSLER HARD TOP 1952 CHEVROLET COACH 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1952 MONARCH SEDAN, A. T 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 METEOR COACH MAKE US AN OFFER No reasonable offer refused at Seaforth M otors Phone 541 Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS "We enjoy many new comforts, thanks I to a Personal Loon" You can do so much with the help of a PERSONAL LOAN Getting a new furnace ... new home furnishings ... a new car, or refrigerator ... payment of educative.' fees ".. these are among the many worthwhile objectives youcan reach more -easily with a Personal Loan . For .details,. see our nearest branch — we have more than 775 to serve you. 1 THE CANADA.-• ANK OF COMMERCE SEAPORT FI BRANCH: G. C. IIIRIGHTRALL, MANAGER N:!88 DUBLIN BRANCH: E. J. DEAN, A4,ANAGER