HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-03-06, Page 8WEEK END SPECIALS
Car Coats
Only 14 left, in. plaints anal stripes
-newest Styles, best colors:
Good range of sizes left.
Regular 16.9.5 to 29.50.
This season's coats, all
Chamois interlined
Values 29.50 to 65.00
To clear at
Regular quality that
would sell at 2.25 pair
Special-- 1 365 pair
Cowboy Kings, Ranch Boss,
"B" and
ghies ,
other makes in navy and
light blue denim,
To clear at
Heavy weight, large size
Canon towels in plain
shades or gay stripes_
Buy several at this
low price of
1 .1 9
Stewart Bros.
We don't write our best ads
Sismans of course
Willis Shoe Store
The Little Store with the
Big Values
Candidate in Huron
says: Vote Liberal on March 31
and enjoy the benefits of the far-
seeing Liberal program, as well
as lower taxes.
Vote Liberal
Vote Cochrane
(Published by Huron Liberal
Prices at Hensall Community
Sale on Feb. 27th.
Weanlings '$13.00 to $15.75:
chunks $17.29 to $120.00; feed-
ers $--23.00 to $32.25; sows $74.
to $1112.00; Holstein cows $140.
to $176.00; Durham cows $160,
to $1x90:00; Holstein calves $15.
to $33.00; (Durham calves $28.
to 142.00
Kippen East Women's Institute
Euchre - Dance
(Last dance of the season)
Hensall Town Hall
Friday, Mar. 14
Euchre starts at 8.30
Norris Orchestra. Admission 75c
Ladies please bring lunch
Lucky lunch prize
During Savauge's March Sale
Fred H. Savauge
(Cesitified Watchmaker)
:SIAiVIE $20.00
Auiova Transistor Radio
reg. 169.95, now $49.95
History of the ,b
later in he :'Albertaberta CllFOR SALE
Edmlonton, the later wasoinetiege ruin -
I A good strong Holstein bull
mental in pioneering in wilt-! calf. Also 3 Tamworth boars 4
Lawrence family. p g momths old. Francis Coleman Jr.;
listing a small IElcperimental 838x22 Seaforth
(Much of this information of Farm ((Buena Vista C,ardeoe); LOST
fLd lit White (tock, Piro :and rim 5.50x16 lost' !Mon
B.IC., 11v9
Hie following story prepared in .e' (passeon day ,night either.in Seaforth or
March 1958, by Annie •C, Lawr- half mile east. Ring 6731'4. Dale
encs, was gathered and -awn: Annie thenext in dine, attend° masa
piled by Mr. Arthur .Lawrence, ed '311e (Seaforth Co15egi'wte, The FOR SALE
Model . (School in (Clinton the 11 York, pigs ready to wean.
Photographer amain of •Bixble, Mani-. Ottawa; Normal 'School in the Leonard Learning, lot 13, 'Con. 13,
feta; (Canada. I McKillop. Phone 831r12
year 111898. Phere!being,.an Atm -
During an imatigration from dance of !teachers in !Ontlario, Gary and Rodney seed oats,
the central Europe, .actually she went to the Western Prair- also Gary oats mixed with Brant
from Germany, William Lawr- ies, taught' in yummier schools. barley. Timothy seed and baled
mice and his father came across It was in the time of the early hay 20c a bale. John W. Thome
sou, 'phone 833,31
the Channell and settled in Ire-1-setttlemtent of the (West, pioneer) FOR SALE
land. It was •in the' year 181316 I work, no automobiles, and fen, I One ;Holstein heifer' dire now.,
that William took unto himself horses, many of 'the ,013,ers' One Viking electric cream sepa
a wife whose name was•:Kather- came in covered wagons drawn gator 2 years Old. Elmer Town
send, 665x2 Seaforth RRA
ine (Semple and entered into by oxen. The children of these FOR SALE
holy wedlock at Tipperaa+y, Ire- sections were 'fromt many differ- I One used 10 inch hammer mill
land. . ent parts o& the continent, in good condition. Verne Alder-
IW08h a faonily of three boys some from 'Ontario,some from dice, E ippen
and three' girls, it )became hard different States,and a few lo- I 'FOR SALE
g ,400 bales of .choice mixed hay,
to provide for them an this land ca'ly. These had to be graded timothy and alfalfa.. Square bales.
of failure of crops, a land of and put in proper classes. These' Norman Rowland, RR 1 Walton
famine, they decided to embark schools were often 1100 miles or 1 APail of Rouen ducks. Apply
for the New Country that they more from any town or raid- to Harold Penhale, Bayfield
heard about across' the great road. It was an opportunity for I FOR SALE
ocean. They secured' passage on the teacher to organize a (Sun- Colony house in A-1 condition,
a little sailing vessel, which took .clay !School, to have a meeting size 10x12'. Also 2 electric brood -
eleven weeks, on a stormy sea place for the ,pIRce of fellowship ers, Dominic Murray, 46x9 Dublin
to bring this hired and venture- for the 'Scattere'd population. l COAL FOR and h hard coal and hard coal.
some family to bhe new land. This service was often held in Phone'- 26r13 Dublin.. Krauskopf
Arriving in what was knoovn as the school house or in a good Bros.
Upper Canada, they otayeid a neighbor's 'house. FOR SALE
short time with some friends at One year she (taught in a for- I Tont bushel B choice. & mixed' grain
'Streetsville, before hittingfor ei'gn settlement walkin • two suitable for Beeley i Ajax Obts)
, g suitable seed. Price 85c a bus:
the Huron 'Tract. Following the miles from her boarding house.' Also 2500 bales choice alfalfa &
Blazed Trail to Huron, they set- This was not too bed excerpt timothy hay. Apply Urban Du
tied in IMc iliop twp. on the when ft happened to be 45 de- charms, RR2 Brussels
5th concesoion buying50 'acres Tees ;below zero,which did :not raglan!' E
gElectric also 'dinette
of land, 'William died en this happen too often. Again, another cupboard. Phone 668R22
foam in 1880 and his wife in experience she had teaching in I WANTED
1876. a yearly school, located in the 25 or 30 head of cattle to grass
John, the eldest son was a foot -hills of 'Southern !Alberta, for the season. George Fax, Wal-
ton, phone 830r33
, _ infromPincher Creek about 30
Wal -
school teacher in Huron �Coun
IPF clr alb
ty, later studying for the min- miles, the school chairman met DEKALB STARTED PULLETS
MDT, he reached in Vermont, the teacher in Pincher •Creek FOR SALE
y,p A number oP Dekalb started
Rice !Lake, Christian Island and with hie sleigh and horses, but pullets, vaccinated for Newcastle
Walpole Island. In the year he had to keep his horses trot- and bronchitis, ready for immedi-
1863 he mrarried Miss Martha ting nearly all the way to have ate delivery at 16 to 18 weeks
Parker, 'Goderich, Ont. and had snolw• .(the 'Chinook Wind cane cage.on largeePrjce ast on request. Dis
a family of four children, one behind melting the snow). 1 count Moore's Poultry :Farm
girl, :Elizabeth, who married W'or about seven years and RR3 Seaforth, Ont.
These men are wise
They invest
in Huron
& Erie-.
Canada Trust
Debentures and
Trust Certificates,
earning 41/2%
interest for periods
of 1 to 5 years.
Ask for further details.
Huron & Erie • CanadaTrust
Head Office - London, Ontario
District Representatives
F. G. Bonthron, Hensai3; Watson & Reid, Seaforth
Kindly accept my sincere
thanks and appreciations for the
kindly cards with words so cheery
and bright, also gifts, flowers and
parcels, Many thanks to Dr. Gor-
will"and „the• nursing staff of Scott
Memorial. Hospital.
Burton 0. Muir
Knight r- In loving memory of
Norman Knight who passed away
3 years ago, March 8, 1955.
This month is here, withdeep
regret, -
11 brings back a day we'll never
He fell asleep without saying
But memories of him will never
-Elver remembered by his
wife and family
William (Walther rof Depot Bar- one-half she taught on the -west-,bor, where alibis )(as she was ern prairies, then went as a. Notice to Creditors
In the Estate t ate of DANIEL
affectionately known) was talc- Missionary Nurse to the 'Gemer-
en to her heavenly horns. Wes- al Hospital, Hazelton, BC. All persons (raving claims ag-
ley the oldest boy died early in where sine served six years and ainst the Estate of Daniel Patriclt
life. Arthur, an expert photogra- afterwards spent a year in Post- Cronin, late of the Township of
pher lived and died at IBirtle, Graduate work in the California McKillop, in the County of Hur-
Manitoba. Hospital, (Los Angeles, Cal, uShe on, Farmer, deceased, wino died
ou tire 21st clay of Tansue y, 1968,
Levi Lewellyn, went to Uni- then returned to her home in are hereby notitied to send fn full
versity, and followed. in .his fa- MclHillop. !Particulars of their claims to the
ther`s profession preaching at In the year 1910, 'much of the., undersigned on or before the 14th
Newmarket, Toronto and other sickness was taken care of in 1 day of March, 1958, after which
date the assets will be distribut-
circuits and now is serving in 'homes and she served the peo- i ecl, having regard only to claims
First United (Church, Hamilton, ple of Huron County, as gen- then received.
Ont. In 1912 he married Miss era) duty nurse, or special I DATED at Seaforth, this 19th
Mildred Scott and three child nurse, or school nurse, until the' day of February, 1958.
ren,one boy and two girls ad- hospital avas established in 119'29 McCON Seaforth, & STEWART
g• ? Ontario
orned their home, Williams, Wil -in Seaforth. It has been her Solicitors for the Executors
da, and 'Evelyn. privilege and opportunity to
Mary the eldest girl of 'the serve in this capacity for over 'Ethel Ada married Mr. Lorne
Lawrence family was married to 50 years, these experiences of Webster, . Lucknow, Ont. and
Mr. (Sanford Stokes of 'Gorier- life fill her mind with many lived there for a number of
kb, (Ont in the year '1865. pleasant, humorous, and joyous years. Later they purchased the
They lived all their lives in memories. I Jaames 'Cowan farm in iifoKillap Sale
TWo children were Pearl Lawrence was an ac.. I, Where they resided until they For Sale
born to them.: Mary, who mar- caniplished dressmlaker, skilled moved into Seaforth where they A very good 100 acre level clay
ried Mr. William IMIctNevin, man- corder -the Misses Brine sisters,' now live, 1958. In 1956 they loam farm, all . workable; good
ager of the :Great :Western Seaforth, :Ont. She also :practis- celebrated their 50th. wedding dill pr barn, lygarage,0.1en down Pay-'
Flour Mild and !Elevator. They ed `hoarse -emu -sing' for a num:ber•' anniversary. Five 'girls graced melt $2000. Located on highway.
both passed to their reward in of years bringing joy an:d corn- their home, )Mae, Tear), Audrey teacher 120 acre farm located near Mit-
that town. Their other child fort to Many elderly people. f and the twins Lulu and Freda. chell,• good 7 room home, modern
Frederick, who married Miss 1)lizabeth Lawrence was al The youngest of the Lawr- kitchen & bathroom, large barn,
Agates Meddle of :Benmillei in fine student, a splendid mice family was Herald, who concrete stabling, water bowls,
p drive-in shed. Price 12,000. Down
the year 13.914 had a f!airily of and later a good mother. In the I farmed the home farm which 'payment $3000, no interest on
two girls :and three boys. Fred year 119115 she married Mr. Fred- was enlarged to contain 160 balance
went to war and never came erick Moult, of Edmonton, Alta.' acres. He married Miss Flossie200 acre clay loam farm, ideal
back. They had a family •ofi five boys, I Francis of Exeter, Ont, in bhe for beef- raising or dairy, lots of
James the second boy of the twins who lived only a few days, !year 19116. Threechildrenfbles-
brick home, bathrwater and oomood 8 room
sun porch cin
Lawrence family married Miss William who was the eldest was i sed their home, little (Charlie large barn, implement shed, dou-
Sarah drone Fosters, a native of a clever Electric Engineer, senv-i died as a baby, Alma the eldest hie garage, pig pen, only $13,000,
Drummond township Lanark ed in the Services during thel daughter received her high ,mortgage, can be arranged,
County ;at tha• IParkd'ade farm (a War, married a young
school education in (Seaforth, I General store, modern living
woman of , ,
namegiven to :the farm where South (Africa and now lives in' m (Seaforth. Ont., became 'a re -.accommodations, large turnover,
no opposition, garage and half
the .family first settled) on the that country, 1956. 'His younger lgrstered muse, married :1VIr• acre of land,. full price $9600,
24th of Dec., 1569, by the Oiev. I brother James, 'also an eleetric'Kenneth J•offre Doherty .of Tor- down payment $3000. See us
William Price. It might be here I Engineer, works with the Cana onto, Ont. where they now live about this safe, secure business.
I with their two children Joffe I On Main St. in Clinton, store
stated that Sarah Jane and her l dian General Electric, and olives and Robin. Maxine developed as with 3 apts. only $8400. Excep
father sponsored a large weav- with his wife and family oftionally good buy.
three boys in London, Ont. Ro- a !business girl, working In the JOHN BOSVELD
best, the second son died in' Canadian )Bank of IGoananerce, Real Estate Broker
19411. His another died in '1939. I Seaforth, Ont. for five years 40 Wellesley St., Godericb.
(Frederick James Lawrence I continuously and in the year Phone 1108
Salesman, Jos. McConnell,
Seaforth, phone 266.
Thursday, March 6, 1958
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Machinery,;)
Hay & Grain, at lot 2, Con. 7,
Tuckersmith Twp., 33/4 south and
2 miles east of Seaforth, on Wed.,
March 12th, at 1 p,m. Farman
Super C tractor with hydraulic
touch control and fast hitch. 2
i ow Internaotional cultivator. 7 ft,
International mower. (All above
3 years old). International 2 fur=
low plow (1 year old). McCorm-
ick 16 double disc drill on rubber
(2 years old). Letz grinder. Int -
emotional side rake. Viking
clean' separator. SI'oop sleighs
with flat rack.' 210 gal gas tank,
60 feet snow fence, logging chain,
forks, shovels,, hay fork, pig
troughs, lumber, fanning mill
Cattle -3 Holstein cows 4 years
old, fresh and rebred. 1 Holstein
cow 5 years old. 5 Durham &
Jersey cows, bred. 5 Holstein
cows, fresh and rebred in Nov.
2 Jersey heifers, 1 Ayrshire heif-
er, 2 Holstein heifers, all bred to
Hereford. All cows and heifers
vaccinated. 7 yearling Hereford
heifers, 8 yearling Hereford &
Durham steers, 7 Hereford calves
6 months old.'3 young calves; 6
Hereford steers ready for market.
Poultry 1 r Equipment 2 R ue
oil brooders, 1 poultry debeaker.
Hay & Grain -1000 square bales
mixed hay, 150 bus Rodney oats,
700 bus, Garry oats grown from
registered seed. Terms cash.
Prop., Earl McNaughton
Auct., Harold Jackson
Clerk, E. P. Chesney
NO reserve. Farm sold
One hundred acre farm in vic-
inity of Brucefield. Bank barn
and frame house: Apply to Harold
Jackson, Seaforth, phone 477
A quantity of mixed grain and
a quantity of pats. Also a mow of
hay. Apply to F. Murray, 11.1 Sea-
forth, phone 852-24
Funeral. Service
Prompt and Careful Attention'
Hospital Bed
Flowers for all occasions
Phones: Day 43 Night 696W
$6000.00 to assist in renovation
and expansion of substantial bus-
iness, Interest 7%. Principal re-
payments to suit lender. Apply,
McConnell & Stewart, Seaforth,
Ontario. Telephone 174
50 .suckers. Robert Dalton,
phone 850r31 Seaforth, or Carl
Dalton, 817 W Seaforth
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 90 Seaforth
• Physician and Surgeon
Phone 6-W Seaforth
. Four Shorthorn bulls, "2 horned
and 2 polled, good rugged bulls
11 months old. in ordinary fit.
This is a good time to replace
your herd sire. Win. R. Pepper,
Seaforth a163. Phone Clinton HU
E. A. McMaster B.A., M.D., Internist,
P. L. Brady M.D.,, Surgeon
Office hours, 1 -p.m. to 5 p.m., dans'
except Wednesday and Sunday
Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
urday only 7-9 p.m.'
Appointments made in advance. are,'
ing 'business in their home in
James a devout man, no mat-
ter how busy the work seemed 1946 she and `Mr. Cecil Moore
to be, he always had Bible -read- handicapped as a boy m this of the •Clinton '(Radar ISclsore
ing and the family all knelt in teens, was a good student, oh - I were married and in 19'68 they
family prayer before anyone taining his (high school educt.. had' la family of two boys rami a
went to school or engaged in tion in :Seaforth, and went to
daily routine. (indeed he often Western !Canada to teaoh, and gill, Frances, tEheir and David.
broke the snow -drifted roads for several years served as prin- I They live in their newly built.
for the horses that the whole cipal of schools in Vancouver," home ne Ilse banks of the St.
family could go 'to church on a B.C. In, bhe year 11914 he anar-i Ont. !Lawrence River near Prescott,
wintry Sunday morning, He ried Miss 4Vlinnde Pinkney, of • On't
passed to be with Jesus in the Seaforth, Ont. (She passed to be I (Completed next week)
year19114. His wife Sarah Jane with Jesus, Nov. 19611. Fred
also possessed a sunny diaposd-ilives in IKmtcbener; (Ont, USBORNE & HIBBERT
tion and a awam'an of highest I 'Malbthew Alexander was a MUTUAL EIRE
ideals was called up higher in farmer.,lad and went West to
July 19120. They lived all their' seek his fortune. For a time he
lives on ,the IPankdale farm. l served as Clhietf !Skipper for the
lOn this farm Were born a North West Biscuit 'Company,
haj py damily of five boys andand when; .business became slack
five girls, Ernest the eldest was,
he undertook 'landscaping lawns
an excellent farmer, but alt the l and gardens. In the year 1335
age of 'thlinty-five a severe sick- he met and married 'Miss Carrie Robert G. Gardiner, R.1 Cromarty
nese of ,pneumonia abtaoked him MldDougal of Nova Scotia. , 11 Milton McCurdy, RRl Kirkton
and he died in 11905: was in the year 19511 he and his Timothy )3; Toohey, RR3 Liman
(Herbert, horn in; 11873 was a • wife were going to a church Aar
Clayton Harris, Agents
Harry Coates, RBA. Centralia
Stanley Hocking, Mitchell
W. G. Cochrane, Exeter
Secretary -Treasurer
Arthur Fraser, Exeter
Head Office, Exeter, Ontario
E. Clayton Colquhoun, RR1
Science Hill
Vice President
Alex J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell
Directors •
Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin
missionary in East, Africa, ( across the•street 'when they were
where health'failed and he re- I both struck by a car, Matthew
turned home, he went to Alber-I was Lataily injure'cl and This wife
to and British Columbia, teach-, Was a long time im recovering.
ing for a time on the prairie and She now lives in 'Victoria B.IC.
W. R. -BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S.
Phone 105 Seaforth
By order of police. to facili-
tate snow removal or snow
plowing operations, no parking
will be allowed on the Streets
of this Municipality between the
hours of
2 A.M. and 8 A.M.
This order will be strictly
enforced in accordance with the
Highway Traffic Act--ISecltion
43, Subsection 9.
Notice is hereby given that
the said Municipality will not be
responsible for any [damages
caused to parked vehicles as the
result of snow removal or snow
plowing operations.
Hudson Sterling
Phone 47
JOHN H. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist
Phone 791. Main St..Seaforth
Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 te
6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. ev •
by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010.
above Hawkins' Edwe, Mon. 9 M 6.60°
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks et
fected at lowest rates in First -
Class Companies
• Fire
• Auto
• Accident
• Liability
• Weather
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Phone 334 Res. 640
'bine coal'
the solid fuel for solid comfort
Phone 573 or 332-R
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. -4.
Officers -President, Was. S. Alexander ti
Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager ands
Sec.-Treas., EL A. Reid, Seaforth.
Directors -J. L. Malone, Seniorth; .1.
H. McEwina Blyth; W. S. Alexander,.
Walton; E. J Trewartha, Clinton ; J. 1..
Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leonbardt.
Bornholdr; H. Fuller, Goderich; R..
Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot.
Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr., Londealoro P
.7. Pruetor, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker,
Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance or
transact other business, will be promptly.
attended to by application to any of the
above named officers addressed to their
respective post office..
Office Phone 784 Res. 286I
Chock, inexpensive and guaranteed:
radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at
Dick House, phone 847R; Seaforth
If you want gravel, sand, top soil of
excavating just phone 869 Seaforth.
For artificial insemination informs..'
tion or service from all breeds of cattle,
phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As-
eoclation- at: Clinton HU 2-8441 between:.
7.80 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breeds
available -top quality at low cost
Authorized agent for Viking;
Cream Separators, Seaforth, Dub-
lin, Clinton and Hensel' district..
Repairing a specialty. A few good,
used ones on hand. Basil O'-
Rourke, Brueeefild Phone Hun-
ter n-9181
Old horseWANTED
Want at 3$ c
and dead cattle at value. If dead
phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink:
Ranch. Phone collect 148314 or
148311 (Goderich)
Guaranteed radio and TV re-
pairs.'We give satisfaction. R. D.
Scott, Radio -TV service, opposite
Commercial hotel
Half Price -30 Aluminum com-
bination windows, several wood-
en storm doors, various sizes.
Jackson Homes Ltd., Seaforth
Walden & Broadfoot
Phone 688w