HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-03-06, Page 7'GREEN op,T111111113 Go'ra of smith It won% rte long now. In a few weeks, perhaps ]ess, in most of Canada the last snow will be gone, the soil warbling up and soon ready for the first seeds and plants., But the wise gardener while waiting for this necessary, warmth will get a lot of pleasure as well as value out of planning bis operations in advance. For this planning a good Ca- nadian seed catalogue is invalu- able. And Canadian is used in .no narrow sense because these catalogues are especially pre- pared with Canadian climate and other conditions in mind. There are all sorts of flowers, vegetables and fruits that will do well in the southern states, or in England or France. But they would only he a disappointment in this country. Only varieties suitable and tested for our cli- mate, for our shorter but rapid growing season, for our soils, are listed in the Canadian seed cata- logue. Basic Information In addition to the pictures which are actual photographs,. the seed catalogue tells us pre- cisely when, where and which to plant. It informs of the hardi- ness and special likes in the way Of soil and location of each flow- er or vegetable. We then know which will be best and most -sat- isfactory for our particular gar- den, _It also tells us the colour of the bloom in the case of flow- ers and the days to maturity for the various vegetables. This again is vital information in planning. Heights are also given ofmost plants so that we won't have some big flowers hiding little ones or try to grow great bushy annuals like the bigger salvia, zinnias and marigolds in little teeny beds. With the in- formation of the seed catalogue before us we can go ahead and plan and dream a perfect garden even if it is still 10 below out- side: Why Lawn Seed Mixtures Grass is just grass to a lot of people but for a good lawn it must be very much more than that. To stay green all summer, to resist drought, crowd out weeds, • to stand traffic, to re- main fine and velvety, we need not one variety of grass but sev- eral. That is why lawn seed comes in mixtures. In these mixtures there will be some quick growing hardy varie- ties tomake a showing early in the spring. Then there will be later growing sorts to fill in and provide colour and fineness after Ma early varieties have died down and are resting. There is also a percentage of long living or permanent grasses that will take over and continue the col- our and texture for years. If only one variety of grass was sown then at some season of the year it would start to mature, set seed and lose its colour. For special purposes, there are different mixtures. If the loca- tion is very shady it is useless to sow grasses that must have plen- ty of sunshine. So we use mix- tures especially adapted to grow- ing in shade. For bowling and putting greens, for damp loca- tions or very high, it is also ad- visable to get mixtures or varie- ties especially suitable. THANKS. FOR THE MEMORY In Jefferson City, Mo., when Circuit Judge Sam C. Blair vis- ited the state penitentiary, the prison band honored him with the tune, You Send Me. B RD SEEDY—"Shouldn't have put the tux away without moth' balls", this emperor penguin might wellbe thinking. Actually, he's moulting at his new home in Portland, Ore. The warm weather in the city isn't at all to the liking of the bird and his forlorn companions who are among the survivors of a shipment of 63. Most of the others succumbed to a rare disease en route. Number Thirteen Lucky, Unlucky? Snow was falling heavily and r the wind. was bitterly cold as the ecstatically happy' young couple of Irish newlyweds 'arrived in a taxi at their honeymoon hotel in New York, Nothing seemed able to mar their complete ahp- piness. They were both twenty- five and rapturously in love, The auburn -haired bride look- ed radiant in green as she waited in the foyer while he made ar- rangements about their luggage. For, unlike some girls, she was not a bit superstitious about wearing her favorite colour. It had always been her .boast that she was only superstitious of one thing: the number thirteen, which had always been an un- ulcky one in her family. The shock came when they • reached the door leading to their suite: number 13. The pretty young bride's face clouded, "Darling," she exclaimed; "we can't possibly start our honey-. moon in room 13. I feel it's a bad omen.' Her husband hated making a fuss. But he realized she was in deadly earnest, so he sent a bell boy with a message to the hotel manager, who took prompt ac- tion. The hotel was pretty full. but there was one other small suite vacant: No. 58, Would that do? It certainly would, said the - bridegroom gratefully. And what a wonderful honey- moon they had. They toured New York by car, went dancing, enjoyed shows and returned to their newly bought home with- out giving another thought to number thirteen. It was not until the following spring that it suddenly occurred to the newlyweds that the digits of room 58, the hotel suite they hod stayed in, total thirteen when added together! "Well, I neverl" smiled the girl. "Perhaps thirteen does not bring bad luck after all!" "Fancy ever thinking that it does," replied her husband, kiss- ing her tenderly. But the fact remains that com- paratively few large hotels in the United States today have a room 13. Many leave 13 . out al- together. Some call it 12a. There are some very large hotels where AIMING HIGH—Little Eric Edwards seems to indicate that his future is going "'thataway" into the wild blue yonder of jet travel, Eric's 'horse 15 a CJ -805 jet engine. The engine, pro- duced by ,General Electric, will power the new Convair 880 passenger airliners. the problem is solved very sim- ply by starting the numbers at 101 and. progressing a hundred to each floor. The manager of a small Lon- don hotel told me that he has a room 13 because he has found that a lot of people, especially Scots, consider it to be their lucky number. "We even get re- quests for it," he said. That thirteen can cause bad luck is one of the commonest superstitions, in the world.. It exists throughout Europe, espe- cially in France,' where there is hardly a town or a city where you can find a house numbered 13. When it was officially decided to renumber the houses in one English village street, the num- ber 13 was placed on 'the door of a certain woman. She pro- tested strongly and when the authorities ignored her protest she took the matter to the High Court. Evidencewas given by house agents that there was no doubt that number thirteen was dam- aging to the Woman's property. They said it was almost impos- sible to let a house numbered 13. So the woman won her case. But there was a dramatic sequel the following day. She died sud- denly' from a heart attack .. . Incidentally, . there was one High•Court judge who believed in the thirteen superstition. When he was practising at the Bar it was known that he would never accept any brief marked tihrteen guineas. A. solicitor who knew of this one sent him a brief marked "Twelve and an- other." It was sent back to him, The producer of a popular seaside show decided to .try to dodge number thirteen. 'Know- ing how superstitious stage folk are, he decided to call it the fourteenth annual production, although it was really the thir- teenth. It made no difference. First the pavilion where the company performed was burned down, all the props were de- stroyed and 'many of the per- sonal belongings of the cast lost. The show went on in a smaller hall. Then a woman star in the show slipped and hurt her arm so badly that she could appear again. Next, another star was taken ill with gastric trouble, and yet another lost his voice. Others in the company were in- capacitated by minor mishaps. And the show manager collapsed on the verge of a nervous break- down. Uneasily, the cast realized that the show's band numbered thirteen, that the principals num- bered thirteen, thirteen songs were featured . .. and the show had reached its thirteenth week! Sailorsdon't like the number thirteen. The departure of a new 45,000 -ton tanker on speed trials from Hamburg was delayed re- cently because its captain and crew though that Friday the 13th was a bad clay on which to leave. Students of superstition have called this fear of Friday the lath, triskedekaphobia - for reasons best knownto them- selves. On Friday, December 13th, 1957, one London woman confessed that she was so afraid. thot some ill would befall her that she 'decided'. to remain in. bed all day rather than "run the risk of venturing out of doors.? After an explosion in a fire- works manufacturing firm in South America, in which eight ITCH SNAA JPPED IN IFFY or money. back Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves .raw red Itch—caused by eczema, rashes. scalp irritatloh, chafing—otheritch troubles, Greaseless, stainless. 39trial bottle must satisack. Don't suffer. yourf druggist for orty DA, 0. PRESCR PTION. Mk • CLASSIFIED ASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEDICAL PATENTS Patent Attorney ,Establis ed 189 't n y 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all conntrles, AGENTS WANTED,' GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell our exciting- house- wares,watches and other products not found'in -stores. No .competition. Profits up to 500% Write now for free colour catalogue and'. separate confidential wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. - ARTICLES FOR SALE HELBROS Men's' Wrist 'Watch, 23 Jewels, self-winding, $110.00 retail. 949,95 ,Prepaid. Free Wholesale Cata- logue. Moen's, 3625 Stevens, Minne. npolis. 8, Minnesota. CHROME RUST REMOVER THE latest rust remover paste manu- factured on base of silicones Is an ex- cellent product to remove rust and protect all chrome objects such as car bumpers, household appliances, etc. Quick Cnromolin is exempt of acids, anti -corrosive and does not affect the hands. Available, in two sizes: 590 and 11;49 Canadian Trade Co., 6375 Moun- tale. Sights Ave. Montreal. BABY CHICKS CHICKS for -maximum profits on profitable markets. Pullets — (Ames In. Qross — low overhead, high .produc- tion). Dual purpose cockerels, Com- plete list, prices, see Local agent or contact Bray Hatchery, 120 John N„ Hamilton. FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE INSUL brick seven rooms, Hydro, lots water, three barns fifty acres,eight miles west Strathroy on Highway. M, Gough, Strathroy, R.R. 3, Ontario, INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lessons -503. Ask for free circular. No 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MACHINERY BATTERY operated electrical portable crane on rubber wheels, swing turn- table, 20 -foot boom, 4 -wheel drive. Gatchell Auto, Sudbury, Ont. ' FOR sale all makes and models of rebuilt chain saws from $50.00 and up. Write for our latest listing to: Miller Power Tools 519 Simpson St.,Fort William, Ont. - ' MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS SAVE $$ on expensive ring job! Vermi. •culite "Compression•Seal" seals rings ' pistons. Gives new motor performance. Proven product — guaranteed. $3.95, • Burman's Enterprizes, Dept. G. Camp. bell's Bay, Quebec. DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PARTS AND SERVICE POR Bryce,Caterpillar, Ford, C.A.V., American Bosch, etc. Denis Ltd., •Thornhill, Ont. employees were killed, the pro- prietor said that the number 13 . appeared to have dominated the tragedy. The company's street number was. 13, • :the explosion occurred on the 13th of the - month ' and the number of em- ployees had been increased from eleven to 13 that very day.. But there are 'many instances when it can be claimed by the superstitious- that thirteen is an extremely lucky number. A Berkshire widow who died some years ago had' the reputation -of being thehappiest and most con- tented person in, the village, where 'she had lived for many -years. She left a fortune of - £13,000. f£13,000. She was born on the 13th of the month, lived at a house num- bered thirteen and had thirteen children who, like herself, lived happy lives unclouded by mis- fortune of. any kind. Sir Hall Caine, the novelist, used.to point out that. 13 seemed, to be a lucky number for him. Four of his most successful novels were - published • on the 13th of the month, one of these dates being also a Friday. A ARTHRITIS, Rheumatism! Rapid, last- ingrelief from pain. Now possible at home. Simple, pleasant diet practice, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Johnson, Box 2373' Juneau, Alaska. A TRIAL — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD' TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, - OTTAWA. $1 25 Express -Collect.. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze ma; acne; ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 9100 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St 'Clair Avenue East OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN JOBS and Opportunities in 011 Capitol of World. Sunday ad section of Tulsa World 81.00. J. Stone, Box 2104, Tulsa L Oklahoma. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write. or Call MARVEL HAIRDESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PRRSONAL 91.00. TRIAL offer. Tweutyfive, deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue included, The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. SWINE YORKSHIRES 'For Sale — Boars from qualified parents; two second and fourth litter registered sows due April; five bred gilts. Wilfred /theme, Routo 1. Moorefield, Ont. WANTED WANTED — old oelored pictures puh• ,shed by Currier and Ives, Send titles: for offers, Also paintings by the Cann - than artists Krieghoif and Kane. ALFRED R. DAVISON East Aurora N.Y, ISSUE 9 — 1958 SLEEP TO -NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOIISNESS ' TO•MORROW1 To be happy and tranquil Instead of nervous or for a good night's deep, take Sedkin tablets according to direction% SEDICIN® 51.00—$4.95 Drag Starts or!yt TABLETS 4 -f Olivetti Lettera 22 The neatness of correspondence typed on the Letters 22 adds a corn• ailment and extra courtesy to every piece of personal .writing. Quietly offlc!ent, so light end sae, to operate, the Lettere 22 calls for no more skill than the beginner already has, just at Me finger tips,.. The Letter" 22 has a natural, rightful place In the modern home. oa....aL..S...SU........SS■.a..e.a.la Olivetti (Canada) Ltd. TORONTO -237 Yong. Street—Tel.: EMpire 2-2781 Branches at: HAMILTON -398 Main Street East—Tel.: JA. 9-3370 KITCHENER-93 Ontario Street South—Tel.: SH. 5-4731 Olivetti dealers in all cities across Canada. Write for the name el' your nearest dealer to Dept. A. Olivetti (Canada) Ltd. 237, TONGS STREET, TORONTO. CUNARD'S vi® SYLVANiA • CARINTHIA • IVERNIA • SAXCNIA THE HALLMARK OF OCEAN TRAVEL -,r Enjoy the luxury of crossing to Europe in one of these 92,000 -ton Cunarders! Equipped with stabilizers for smooth sailing, these magnificent liners were especially designed for the St. Lawrence River route and form part of the greatest passenger fleet on the Atlantic headed by the world's largest liners, QUEEN ELIZABETH" and "QUEEN MAR Y". Go Cunard and arrive relaxed and refreshed for your business or vaca- tion. Frequent sailings frotn New York and Halifax in Winter and Montreal and Quebec in Summer -modern accommodation -traditional service and cuisine—round,the.clook sports and entertainment—all' the' good things of life for your enjoyment. When you go Cunard ... Getting There Is Half The Fun! - See Your Local Agent—No One Can Serve You Better 0 Cw-ard Corner Bay & Wellington Streets, Toronto, Ont. Tel: EMpire 2-2911