The Seaforth News, 1958-03-06, Page 1e Seafarth News
$1.60 a Year
Authorized as Second Class mail,
Post Office Dept,. Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishes
Announeement was made last
week that Scott Memorial Hos-
pEtial, ISeaforth will receive $7,-
800 special rehabilitation grant
from the Provincial Govern.-
overnmeat. Them granits -are based on
$200; abb'ed and are to ibe used
for capital puts ores. This grant
is in 'addition to lite regular
maintenaneei grant.
According to Hospital !Board
chairman Scott Hat:kirk the
grant is earmarked for the new
laundry for the hospital. The
modern 'au'tomatle equipment
has •alreadty ,been ee rethaseld and
it is expected that finial installa-
tion plans twill be tomlpleted
The advice of an architect
was obtained regarding a suita-
ble location tfor the new laun-
dry to besb conform to plains
for future possible .e tpan!si'on of
the hospital. IIt .is considered
likely the laundry will be locat-
ed in the basement unelee the
annex connecting the new wing
to the old hospital.
0?ermission to use pre'sen't dis-
posal facilities has been obtain-
ed until such time connection
can be made 'to the •town 'sewer.
The marriage took place in
First IPre'eiby'teriaa, Ctere'h, Sea -
forth on Saturday, March 1, at
2 o'clock, of 'Patrieaa (Gale,
daughter of Mr. and Wire. Erle
(Munroe, ISeaforth, and Arthur
Francis Dark, son of 'Mrs. 1Chas.
Dark of London. Rev. ID. J.
Lane of 'Clinton performed the
ceremony. The church flowers
were white and• yellow mums.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father and wore a bro-
caded white •satin 'waltz -length
gown. A Matching. headdress 'held
her finger -'tip veil and she car-
ried red roses and Jwhite sweet
peas. Miss Ruth Teale Was maid
of honor, gowned in blue peau
de sofe and Miss Ruth Park of
London was 'brides'tn!aid, wear-
ing yellow peau de sole, both at-
tendants' flowers .being 'chrysan-
Mr. Harold IR1obinsoll of Lon-
don was (best men and ashes
were 'Malcolm Munroe and Ro-
bert Munroe, 'Earl R. Munroe of
London, uncle of the 'bride was
soloist, and sang "Reeanse".
The wedding music was played
by Mrs. iKemps'ter, church :or-
The reception following the
ceremony was held at Arm-
strong's, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs.
Dark left for a honey4moon to
New York the 'bridle wearing a
pale blue wool siherubh dress cath
matching :accessories and white
orchid corsage. They will reside
in London.
'Ou't of town guests were from
Perth, (Smith's Palls, Teeswater,
Merritton, London and CIinton.
The March meeting of Group
3 of W. A. of Northeide'Uni'ted
Church was held at the home
of Mrs. Austin :Matheson. 16
members answered roll call and
six visitors present. Miss A'bbie
Seip read a poem "Choice".
Owing to the absence of the
president, Miss Seip conducted
the business. A bake, apron and
candy sale is being held by
Group 4 in the former. 'Oke of-
fice on IS'atnurday. The regular
meeting ni!glht floc April falls on
the opening night of Passion
Week services so tit was deciidted
to (hold the meeting on the Mon-
day previous.- tMrs. Bradshaw
conducted devotions and read a
prem "1f He Forgot". (Prayer.
by Mrs. Knight.' Scripture was
read by Mrs. •ISpwrks• (Glenda
Matheson and Ruth Ann Wilson Norman Dow Heads
favored with two tap dance
nun'Ibene. •1)helma Bigie .intro-
duced the speaker 'Mrs. Gordon
MacKenzie, who spoke on the
ohanactenisties •of a good W. A,
member. Mrs. Bradshaw moved
It vote of thanks to thehostess
and Mose taking paint. A s'oc'ial
half hour was !ggpent.'
IG.arrieft ICaanpbe'll; famed Can-
edi+an Curling 'Crhaanlp•ion, will
vied ISeaforth (Curling Club on
d'Ihursdlay, March 113, from 10 to
12 in the roaming and 2 to 4 in
the afternoon. This will the an
opportunity to see an •expert in
action and to have individual in-
stru'ertiom The ending clwb' is ex-
tending an invitation to all in-
terested in aunling to 'come.
ISeaferth ladlles'ohtib will have
eigiht out-of-town rinks at an in-
vitation 'bonepiiel Thursday aft-
ernoon of .this week.
mihe regular meeting of the
Hospital Auxililaay will be held
next 'Tuesday, March 111, in the
Nurses' Residence at '8.115 p.m.
Euchre and bridge will follow
the meeting. A good 'turnout is
looked for.
The regular meeting of the
Red (Cross iS'oeietty will 'be head
in the library robins on Friday,
M'arch 7th at 3 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. 'Beater,
Mr. and Mrs. John, Camino and
(Mr. W. C. IRaa'ber, 1St.' Thomas,
were at Acton on Saturday at-
tending the funeral of Mr.. Bar-
ber's brother, William D"Alton
Bahiber who died on Thursday
mor'ninlg, pleb. '27. He. had been
living in 'Guelph for the winter..
The 'late Mr. 'Barber had farmed
at Acton rr 1. for 35 years. Born
at Rothsay, Ont. he was the son
of the late Mr .and elm. Williams
Barber: Tie was a member of Ac-
ton United
cton'Unlited Ohureh .and Wa staunch
Conservative: Fop .15 years Mr.
Bamber was a member of the
Milk Producers Association, He
was a veteran of thep'iese World
War, having enlisted .w'it'h the
1644th Battalion an Dec. 1915.
'Oaf Friday night 1106 comrades
'paraded from the Acton legion
hall 'to the 'Ruimley Funeral
Hume where a service was held.
•Besides one brother Charles A.,
of ;Sea'forth he is survived by
!two sisters, Mrs. James Ballan-
e and Mrs. ID•an IMo'ore of
1 eorgetown, and five sons. and
a daugrh!ter, besides his second
(wife to whom he was married
nine months ago.
The ftinera'l service .o•n'Satur-
day was in change of'Rev. Gor-
dan IS. J. Adams, .assisted by
[Rev. A. H. 'McKenzie of Acton
and Leslie Manson, student
.minlister of iKnox Presbyterian
.church, 'Guelph.
A successful euchre was head
on Friday evening in the Orange
hall with '14 tables 'playing. The
prizes were won by: ladles, Mrs.
Frank Riley, lone bands, Mrs.
B. Bildelbrand, low, Mrs. Walter
!Scott; gents, Joseph ISanith,
lone hands, Firan'k Riley, low,
Walter (Scot
and an hour's dancing enjoyed.
(Music was provided by Ball Col-
lins and Mrs. Gladys Vara g-
The IMarch meeting of Group
4 W.A. of the United Church
met at the home of Mrs. John
Turnbull with 18 members and
five visitors -present, The devo-
tional period was conducted by
Mrs. Dalton and consis'te'd of a
scrupture reading by IM•rs. Hul-
ley • and e reading by Mrs. Bali -
ton and tw'o' well-known: hymns.
Business centred mostly on the
Bake,Sale on Otis) Sat. for which
all arrangements were complet-
ed. The program was conduc-
ted by Mrs. nun .an!d Mrs. ;Guth
i'll. This included two piano solos
by Karen Biel and a very'd'niter-
eslting talk by Mrs. Hall 'based
on the sub'je'ct "Silence is (Gold-
en". Ma's. Dill moved a vote of
!thanks to Mrs. Ball; (followed by
a very 'appropriate poem "Fiord.
ring God". This was followed by
a contest on Irish names which
concluded the program. Two
tea 'tolwels land a sleep/rise pack-
age were auctioned off. The
meeting :closed with the IMizpaih
Benediction followed by lunch.
Mr. ansa (Mrs. Roland Achilles
of Walton wish to announeeihe
engagement of their daughter
'Margaret Jean 'to IWi'lliare John
Taylor, son a Mr." and Mrs.
Garnet Taylor orf Staffs. The
marriage 110. take place on March
8111 in. Duff's Churcih, WWalton.
Hibbert Dairy
At the annual meeting :of the
Hibbert ' Co -(Operative Dairy As-
sociation held in Staf'fa, Febru-
ary ,27th, Victor 'Jeffery of Ex-
eter was elected a director m-
plaeing Wellington Brock who
had served for the past 11 years.
The 'Company had a very suc-
cessful year manufacturing 4,
1120,9,2!2 lb's 01£ bunter, )and paid
a patronage bonus of 453;87,1.-
50 to patrons.
IOffioelrs for 1,9E5: Pres., (Nor
man 'Dow; Vice Pres., W. J.
191e11; (See. Trees., J. M. jSlcott;
Directors, Arthur Kemp, Victor
Jeffery; 'Manager, Gerald Agar.
Contracts Awarded
In Tu'ckersmith
Tuakezrsmith council met in
ISeatforbh 'March 4 with all mem-
bers present end the reeve pre-,
siding. George Turner and Wm.
Pepper requested a grant, for
Huron IClentral Agn'i. Society. -A
!grant off $75 was made.•
Wan.. Rogerson, John (Broad
foot, Alex. MIcIGregor. and Alex.
Boyer appeared in the interests
of the Fed. of Agri.. and a grant
oe '$700 payable by let. 1 was
promised. Ooun+cill made a grant
of $'500 to Bruicefield Fire Dept.
Tenders for 'crushing' and haul-
auling gravel were' received from
Geo. 6+'. Elliott, 'Clinton, 6'6 4c
per cu. yd., ILavis Contracting
Co. 64c. The tender Was award-
ed to Levis i0onttvrcting Do. at
64'c pet cu. yd. ssebjec)b to atp-
proval 'of • Dept. of Highways.
;Only. tender received for sprray-
ing }cattle for warble fly control
was (Hubert 'Oooper of Exeter
at. 1I2e per head per Wray and
tender was accepted. •Council
will id -large 15c per 'head per
sprey`for •spraying and the price
of, powder was set at 15c lib,
half i'b. 40c.
lAplplication for tile hahnage
loan by A. Binnen'diykwas ap-
proved. 4Oouncil joined IAssoc-
iatien of Mayors and (Reeves.
kin complaint from A. 'Binnen-
d'yk, J. Sinclair •a.nd R. MdGreg-
or the township .engineer will be
ramie -Awl to report on repair
of -the Sinclair Drain. Council
instructed Clerk to advertise for
tenders for constru'ct'ion of the
'Second •Ooncession: Muniiciipal,
Drain. Expenses of $25 each
were allowed .delegatels to Good
Roads convention. 'Scott Mem-
orial !Hospital was made a grenit
of x$125. IByle'w 4 appropriating
$40,000 for road expenditure
was read and passed. Treasurer
was instructed to pay subsidy on
Big Municipal Drain to eligible
parties when same is received
from Toronto. ,
IAt a previous meeting council
authorized an agreement with
Union Gas Co. giving permission
to instal a pipehine through the
township, and for •transernssion
of gas.
Accounts: Grants 4600.00,
roads $3'580,84, E'gmnonddilie
welter I$75, supplies $'56129, pos-
tage $5, re'gis'tering biriths and
deaths $4.25, fox bounty $.3,
hospita$iza'tllon $1,&1, supple/lie
ontary allow. .$3'5, 'membership
fees $10, travel exp. $50, .salary'
and allow. $234.4'8, [Receiver
Gen. $7.'16, sundry $30.
Mr. Ivy 'Henderson is spend-
ing a few days in Toronto with
his daughter, IMr. and (Mrs. Gee-
don 'Ohurchward and family.
''llMiss Laura MacMillan .accom-
panied by her friend Miss Vera,
Palmer of Toronto, spent the
weekend at her home here.
Miss Alice Watson of London
spent the weekend with her ano-
ther Mrs. J. IS. Watson.
Mr. Andrew Houston and Me.
Ivan Forsyth subtended/ the 1Good
Roads' convention at Toronto
last week.
iMrs, Andrew Houston slpent
a few days with relatives and
friends alt Exeter.
IMr. 'Stuart N. Keyes of i0ril-
lia 'Went ' the weekend with his
mother Mrs. 'Nelson Keyes.
Mrs. Hazel Turnibula spent the
weekend with her daughter Mrs.
H. 1Patiick and family of St.
-'Mr. and (Mrs. 'James Black,
Jim and Marilyn of !Belmont
were Sunday visitors with her
parentis, Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Della Wallace of Tucker -
smith was a weekend guest of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
MX. and Mrs. Earl Hastings 'of
Listowel were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Thos. Barton.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Glousher
and 'Stewart visited ISund'ay with
IMr. and Mrs. 'Henry :Glousher,
Mr. ,and Mrs. +Rob1, Grumoltby
spent Tuesday with 4od'erich
IThe Farm [Forem was held at
tbhe home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank
Raley, The discussion was en
the low income [farmer. Members
thought a program should be set
up to 'help Their farms income.
Prizes for euchre: High, Wm.
Jewitt and Ho'w'ard (Preszoator;
low, Mrs. Verne (Dale, Borden
Brown. Next week the meeting
will be at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Lawson.
Mrs. Ken Preszcator and Lin-
de returned after spending the
past week with Mr. .and Mrs..
Lawrence Hill, Exeter.
+Miss lToyce Jellvi'bt, Thorddele
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and Wins. Wm. Jewitt.
Douglas 'Riley of 'Eastwood
spent 'the weekend with his par-
ents, 'Mr. and •Mrs. F. !Riley.
Mr, and Mrs. Wi:lrner 'Gloush-
e1 were host and hostess to the
latter's ,parents, Mr. and NIns.
.Artrstire Dexter of Blyth on Sat-
urday evening and also the im-
mediate faitn]ly, Mr. and !Mss.
(Stanley :Ball and family of An -
burn. Mr. amid Mrs. John San-
derson, 1Blyfbh, Mr. and Mrs. Nel-•I
son'MGGlua'e •anld ICl'ayton of
near ISeaiforth.
Visitors on Sunday with '!Mr.
and Mrs. ',Por., Riley: Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Riley and, Mr. and
Mrs. (Wan. Blacker,' (Clinton. Mr.
Riley, who had suffered a heart
mete/cat a eouplle a weeks ago is
Still eon/fined to his Roane.
.Cheque Artist
Again Tlii. District
Another siisit to the. ''disiriet
was sn'ade 'by a cshoque artiiit en
Sat1Grday,feed mill's in the
Bru+cetfield and Walton districts
being the victims.
• At W'alJtonHerb Travies be-
came senepicit2 so and 'obtained.
the . ear license +wlhich he . tele-
phoned to
ele-phoned'to Oonstable (Snell at
Sea'Vorbh. Gdh kis police were
alerted and . is understood an
arrest was made alt Belgravey
with further' arreets likely.
In each cage the man present-
ed a chequel"aroumd $ 3'5 hear-
ing the name of a reputahle
London poultry firm. He would
make a small purchase of grain
and receive the 'balance in cash..
Apparently he dumped the grain
at the road'sirke before going to
the next feed trill,
IThe 'cheques were the same as
those used ori (previous occasions
to swindle district stores,
!Mr. end Mrs. William Haeni
ton, 'Crondamby, were honored a
a dinner at the home of Mr. an
Mes,IR: ID. :Sadder, gaffes, at be-
ing :the occasion of their 5011
wedding annisverrsary. The hon
ourees were =relied at the hem
of the (bride'% parents Mr. an
Mrs. 3, Ballantyne, Theme
Road on March 4th, 1908. Th
late (Rev. 'Colin. Fietcher per
formed the ceremony, Sine
their marriage !they have resided
at Cromarty the first 3.6 yeas
on the farm now occupied b
their son, the fast 14 years i
the village. The rooms were de
collated with golden enums an+
the table •een'tered with the wed
ing cake made by their Baugh
ter 'Gladys. They were the ree
pien'ts of a T.V. presented b
their children Mrs. Nelson Hun
kin (Elizabeth), Belmore; Mrs
Alvin Worden )(Gladys), ,Staffs
Frank, Cromarby; Mas, (Clif
'Miller (Margaret) Staffs; Mrs
'Beane Balfour (Mary), Saul
Ste (Mania; Mrs. Carl'y'le •Oornis
(Wilna),.1Seaforth; Mrs. R. D
Sadler ((Hazel), ,Stasffa.
Also present for 'the oceasiol
were their 4112 grandehildrenan
two great grandchildren, wh
presented the amide and "groom
with ind!ivid'ua0 gifts, ineludin.
the ibrides Ted rose corsage an
the groom's Ibuttonier.
Mr. and 'Mrs. ;Hamilton ever
at home to their friends -and
neighbors on Tuesday afternoon
and evening.
The March meeting of the
Marion Ritchie Evening Auxil
iary was held at the home of
MI5. Andrew McLachlan with a
good attendance. Mrs. Jame
Miller presided and 'Muss 'Olive
Speare had led in devotions
The roll dill was answered with
the name of a Biblical woman
Mrs. J. .E. (Shorey had charge of
the topic. The study book "This
is Japan" was in'troduce'd 'Iby
Mrs. Calder MoKaig with Mrs
Mervin Dow land Mrs. McLach
lar assisting. The business per-
iod was conthicte'd by the .pres-
ident, 'Mrs. Lorne Elliott. The
meeting. closed with the Lord's
Prayer. Lunch was served by
the committee in charge.
- Me. and Mrs. (Bruce 'B'alfour
and baby :daughter a Sault IS•te
Martie are visiting with her par-
ents, Mr• and Mrs. Wm. Hamil-
ton and other relatives. They
were present for the family din-
ner held in honour of Mr. and
Mrs. IH'am'illton's golden wedding
anniversary, . at the home 'of Mr.
and Mrs, R, B. ISa'd'ler, IStaffa.
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Neil Lamend of
London were Sunday guests of
Mr. end 'Mrs. Lloyd ISorsdahl
and family.
(Miss 'D.iane (Houghton, Mitch-
ell spent Mhe weekend with her
grandmother, Mrs. M. Hough-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank CIa'dick
and fancily of London, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and (Mrs.
'Wesley ]Russell and 'Margaret.
(Sunday visitors with .Mr. and
Mrs. 'George Wallace, nwene Mr.
and Mrs. Ed (Brooks :and George
of 'Steffa, •an•d 'Mr, and Mrs. D.
Wallace, ICarlingsford.
,Mrs. W. Crawford is Wetting
for a few +d'aye with her .daugh-
ter •and son-inlaw 'Mr. and Mrs.
S. ISararas, Strattforid.
Me. William (Patrick of 'Wy-
ominlg visited for a few days
with relatives and friends.
Bantams' lost to Shallow Lake
here Monday night. .They will
play the return game at Owen
Sound arena,
Recovering From
Heart Operation
!Barry IBennewies, son of Mr.
and MI's, Edwin IBennowie's, of
Seaforth, is recovering from a
heart operation at the Chi1,d-
ren's Hospital, Toronto, per -
foamed Iby Dr. Mustard and. Dr.
Bigelow. Barmy went to Toronto
on Feb. 1'8' and was operated on
the 1246th. Barry who is now SS,
has h•ad 'a heart 'ai'lment since
birth. His many friends wish
hien a speedy recovery.
'C. W. L.
The March meeting of the C.
sw,L, was held in the school
room on; Tuesday evening with
)19 members pretsent. The pres,
Mrs. M. Stue opened the meet-
ing with the League /Prayer. The
Sec, report was 'given by Miss
IM. Fortune, and treas. report Iby
Mrs. J. 'Bannon. Correspond-
ence was read by Mrs, 3. Dev-
ereaux. -
The 'annual meeting is to be
held on April 8lth with a pot-
luck at 6!30. The nomin-
ating eoanmittee for the year
are 'Mrs. J. •MdConoelll, 'Mrs. M.
Etue and Mrs. J. Meagher. Miss
M. (Dunn read a very enjoyal•le
:poem and the mystery prime was
won by Mirs. J. .Maloney. The
meeting closed with prayer.
The regular meeting ,olf the
ladies' Aid was held on. Tuesday
with Miss Jean 'Stott, president
hi the dhair. 'Mrs. ;Scott Ralbkink
opened the meeting with a (poem
" %in Town", 'The 'Sec. and
Trees. reports were read and
adopted. Mrs. Fred Willis show-
ed colored slides which were ta-
ken by her daughter, Miss Peg-
gy Willis on a trip through
'Spann, 'Scotland and England
while she was on the Teachers'
exchange for a year in England,
They were beautiful. One in-
teresting item was the garden
party she attended given try the
Queen !Mather, showing beauti-
ful pictures of her. A social half
hour 'was then spent and tea was
served by Holmes and Willis
group who were in charge of
the meeting.
The United Annusa ,Congrega-
tional meeting Was held in the
Church last (Monday evening,
gool reports were heard from
W.MJS., W.A., ISS., Y.P.U. and
other de'parten ents of the
church. A hearty vote of appre-
ciation was tendered to Rev,
and Mrs. T. J. (Pitt for their .• un-
tiring work during the year. •
:; ,Mi, .and Wes. Frank Hill of
St. 'Catherines spent the week-
end with relatives• here,
Mr. Woe MhAslh, Elmer Hay-
ter, John Keyes land Fred Mc-
Clymont' a'tte'nded the United
Church Elders' and 'Stewards'
meeting in Clinton last Wednes-
day evening.
Mr. Geo. +C'olemen, Mr. Doug-
las Robinson, (Miss Margaret Mc-
Clymont, a41 of Toronto spent
the weekend with friends and
relatives hese,
The death occurred in Victor-
ia Hospital, London, of Thomas,
J. !Stinson of Clinton, formerly
of Varna, on •Sun'd'ay, IMaicls 2,
airs. S. (McKenzie left on Sat-
urday to spend a few days with
her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Don McKenzie in
St. Thomas.
lDr, an'd (Mrs. John MaeGregor
and family of (Owasso, 'Mi•ch.,
were guests over 'the weekend
with Rev, and Mrs. S. Davison.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Mac Wilson,
Mrs. 'S'tackdtouse attended the
Neel -Munroe wedding in Londron
on 'Saturday. Miss Pat Neel is a
granddaughter of Mrs. Stack-
Mr. Morley Taylor, 'Sarnia,
spent the weekend :with his par-
ents •Me. and Mrs. V. Taylor.
.Mir. Mac Aikenbead and Mr.
and 'Mrs. Wally Hilton, London,
visited with Mr. (Aiken'head's
sister, Mts. T. B. Baird and at-
tended the (funereal of the Iate
Mr. Yeoman 'Aldlwlnkle.
IBruceffield .and comanuni'ty ex-
tend sympathy to the Aldwinkle
families im the .passing of the
!'aloe Yeoman Al+diwinkle.
ars. Thos. Butters was •host-
ess for the February meeting of
the Dublin W. 1. held Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Reuben Aikens
Vice Pres. presided for the bus -
Mess. an members answered the
roll call with "A law 1 'would
like to see more •strictly en-
forced". Mrs. Harold • Pethilc'k
gave the highlights of the ex-
tension course held at ISbaffa.
(Mrs. Charles Friend on the
S'umnsary day held at Attwood
for the toned mead. Mrs. Harold
Pethiek deanlon'sti'wted the mak-
ing of a dessert for the third
ieal. Mrs. Thos. Butters gave
the lopie "Citizenship and Edu-
cation", Mrs. A. Looby read the
current events and Mrs, A. Jor-
dis'on: the household 'hints. Miers._
•1.'.....,a.e O..u.Yn..,.,... Lllh.'..a.Ia11 ....annG n.....a„u1a1l„ , ..11111111111111111111111111M/
17 jewels, unbreakable
mainspring, expansion
bracelet, $19.75
A rugged 17 -Jewel, certl.
fled waterproof' watch for
today's active man; life.
Inci. unbreakable main.
spring, shock resistant,
anti•magnettc, sweep sec.
and hand, radium hands
and. d1aI Handsome expan.
Sion band with leather in-
sets, (Also available with
charcoal dial). $49.50
Superbly accurate 17•jewel
movement in a beautifully
sculptured bracelet, Life.
time unbreakable: main•
spring. ' 559,50
Of the value of the new watch you buy during Savauge's
March Sale. Select from our flee stock of Bulovas, Oruans,
Elms, Certinas• or Cornelis
Reg. Value $S0.00 Mel watch SALE
worth 20.00 PRICESO5Q0
Reg'. Value $50.00 Old watch SALE3., ��
worth 12.50 PRICE
Reg. Value $25.00 Old watch SALE
worth 6.25 PRICE 8.75
(Pins your old watch)
It will pay you to drop in and see our outstanding values in
watches, jewellery and China offered during Savauge's
;Reuben Aikens gave a helpful
talk and demonstration on the
making of !braided rugs. Mrs. A.
Looby offered her home for the
March meeting. The meeting
closed with the national •anthem.
Liuuch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane and
daughter, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. William Lane.
;Miss Lydia Jordison, Toronto
with Mrs. E. Jordnson and Mr.
and rhes. Charles Friend.
Mr. and Nlrs. Ronald Butters
and son of 1St. Thomas with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom 'Butters.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans in
Pembroke with Mr. •and Mrs.
G. )Dayman.
Mrs. Thomas Kelly, (Mrs. Jos.
Carpenter, Blyth, Jos. Carspont-
es., •Ghathams with Monaca Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtin of
Stree'tsville with friends.
Mr. and .Mrs. Jeroin.e Nichol-
son, London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Jannes 1C ausl.opf,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney,
Miss Rose Marie Feeney, Mr.
Kenneth Feeney, all of Kitchen-
er. Mr. and Mrs. Le'enard Feen-
el and two boys of St. Marys
with Mrs. Catherine' Feeney.
iMr. and 'Mrs. G. 1F. Gooding 1
a London with Mr. and Mrs. D.
up and changed periodically ac-
eordnng to circumstances, quot-
ed Me. Stewart. Many other in-
teresting points were ably dis-
cussed and in conclusion Mr.
Stewart stated, ":if you haven't
a will make one, and ie you have
one see that it is legal".
Mr. Joihn Nagle moved a vote
of thanks to 'Mr. Stewart for
his valuable information. The
meeting closed with the singing
of God save the Queen. Tickets
were sold on a cake which was
won by Albert Cronin,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bennett of
Deloraine, IManitob•a visited for
a few days recently with their
'cousins, _ 'Mr. and Mrs. Archie
(Mr. and (Mrs. Lorne Schneider
and family of Stratford were
'Sunday guests of Mr. R. T•hoan-
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrence
of Porter's Hill visited a few
days With Mr. Henry Ivdson and
]Miss Jean 'Toison:
We are pleased to see Mr. T.
Reid out again since recently
being confined to. his bed with
Messes Jim (McGregor, Tom
Consitt and. Lloyd Cooper have
returned home from their trip
to 'California.
(Mass Heather Reid ,celebrated
her .ninth ;birthday on Friday by
having 9 little friends to agility
in her 'honor.
•Mrr, and 'Mrs. Orville McCain-
c!hey. of Varna visited on Sun-
day evening with the former's
mother, Mrs. Amelia lV4'cCly-
A roblin was seen, by Mr. i0..
McLean at This fanon.
Mrs. Jennie Schilbe of 'Exeter
and her daug'bIter, Mrs, N. Fer-
guson (xi . Hensall went an tate •
erruoon 'last week with Mrs. A.
MdClymontt, who 'has not been
Miss Rose Many 'amid Frank
Flannery spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Pet Flannery
and family in Stralthroy.
P.T.A. Meeting,
The P.T.A. meeting was held
in Dublin ,Continuation !School
an March 3rd with the president
John Nagle in the •chair. 'Rev.
Dr, Ffoulkes opened the meet-
ing with the P.T.A. Prayer. G.
Goe'tbler, the secretary read, the
mmnutes' of the prely ions .meeting.
It was decided to d!i•strnbute en-
velopes to all members to col-
Iect membership fees. The treas.
report was read, by Louis Coyne.
(Mr. Don !Stewart of •Seafortih,'
'the palest speaker spoke on "The
Advisability of Making Wales".
A Will ahouad be roro nl iM