HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-02-20, Page 1The Seaforth News WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 80 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1958 $1.80 a Year Authorized ;,s Second Claes mail Post Office Dent., Ottawa Snowdon Bros., Publishers TAXES DUE ON JUNE 1 AND DEC. 1, COUNCIL DECIDES (Breaking with a ,century . of tradition .Sealforbh town council HURON HOSPITAL on Mangy evening ;decided that . MAY COST $9 MILLION the 'ever increasing taxes should ;Estimated cost oia the new be payable twice a year .in -,hospital for mentally r•ebarded stead of using the time. honored . children which the ;Ontario gov- -•cn temr of paying once :a year.1ernm'ent will (build in (Huron 'Other important ;business in'eluil- county 'seas,guven this .week at ed a 'decision to budget $3600 ;between $7,000,000 and $9,000,- for payments to bhe 'arena this , 000, This: was the information year, and :makinga substantial I given John W. Hanna, [Progres increase ,in council's grant to sive Conservative member for the 'Lions ;Club, !Huron -Bruce, who is looking All members of, council were 'after the interests of the riding present at the ;meeting held in of Huron follownig the 'death of the council chamber. Mayor B. Thoanas Prtyde, who had •r•epre- 5'. Christie'presided. 'Councillors ;Ball and Brady and Town Clerk Wilson said they ;had visited Clinton and GodericJ}i and discussed the sys- tems used by these towns in collecting taxes twice e year.. They said Mitchell •also• collected taxes twice ra year. After discussing the matter In ;Clinton taxes are due en .with 'Ontario ;Department of Jure0 n 3 and Dee.'15, and in Public Works officials, the IGaderioh the two payments are member learned the institution somewhat earlier. • will contain '900 beds, not 500 'Town ;Clerk Wilson told +coun- as previously stated. ell that if bhey wanted to col- A by-election to fill Mr. leen taxes earlier council would Pryde's vacant seat in the legi- have to set the tax rate in •Ap- ril. At ,present the estimates .of exlpenditure's are not made until July or August land the talc rate McNaughton, prominent Exeter set from these. man, may seek the nomination Council agreed this was a for 'tlhe } rogressive-+Conaerva- problem but thought they could have the tax rate °set in six weeks to bring the plan into operation.. Town 'Clerk Wilson explained that tax notices ;would only have to be sent out once as at,presc at but an extra coupon would be placed on tlhe notice which could ibe removed with the first payment. The second coupon would be removed with the fin- al payment. 'Council agreed` that collec tion charges would be nearly doubled, ;but after the plan was in 'operation there should' be a reduction in _. intelesb" charges ant of course in prepayment re- bates. The practise of issuing pre- payment receipts will be die- continued. Full payment of tax- es may'! be made with the first (payment if the taxpayer so de- sires but no rebate will be al- lowed. • Overdue taxes will carry a penalty of 4 % a month. The . . •csouncillors :explained -that a ;penalty mazy be rebated but if interest were charged it would have to be collected and could. not be rebated. ;Council after debate deckled that payments on June 1 and December 1 maid he • most suited to the requirements OF the town- .3fayor Christie asked Council- lor ;Baldwin to make a .report on the arena. Councillor Bald- win aldwin said two of the creditors, a Stratbroy firm and the ;Bell In= dustthes, were pressing for pay- ment of their accounts. 'Mayor Christie said he bad received a phone +call before the sheeting that the board needed $11500 right away. sented the riding in the Ont- ario House. Mr. Henna said the govern- ment- had acquired 400 acres of land as a site for the hospital and believed that a start would be made on ,construction •this year. stature will be ;held in the spring. According to a Toronto despatch it was reported that Charles Lives. Dr= E. A. McMaster of. Seaforth has announced that his hat will be in the • ring. W. I. EUCHRE There was a real goad turn- out at the W. h euchre in the community centre on Friday, night, with 24 tables playing. The winners were: ladies, Mrs. Bob Dalton, Miss ;Margaret Sin- clair; men's,Mac 'Wil•son, W. D. - Wilson. Ladies' low, Mrs. Ar`t Valley; men's low, Wm. Ryan. After some ,discussion coun- cil ouacil sorted out the ,payments that had previously been made to the board. Besides what had' been paid in 1951- council had anade a payment of ;$1500 this year towards the [floor, and had ag- reed to make another payment on this ' ;moonlit in 1959. • ;Councillor Baldwin explained that the money now needed was for repairs to the ice plant. ;Council agreed to the payment. • +Council decided to budget for i$a500' for the ,arena to provide an extra 0500 if further funds were needed this year. An early request: for an in- creased grant by the Lions Club brought rich results when their grant was increased (:our humid- ' red per sent. Other years the club's requests have ;been re- ceived late in the year when the financial ,culplboard has - been nearly bare. Reeve .IScoins re- minded. council that a financial statement of the club's ;affairs requested Iby last ,year's • council had not ;been received. ;council also •anode grants to the Salvation tAnmy and to :Scott' Memorial Hospital. IA. bylaw setting out the am- ounts ;to be spent o`n- street work for the year was passed. This is necessary to obtain the provincial grant on the work,, 'Council turned down a re- quest of the ;Huron seed flair for a grant. It was decided to have all bhe town's. phones listed in the new directory under the one heading. At present the +num- b:ers are scattered. ;Conrail raised the rate paid to Mrs, Aany Horn as part time assistant in the town clerk's of - :Hee. DENIES RUMOR Asked concerning a report that the anove to collect taxes in Seaforth•-twice a year, will re- sult in the tax rate being doub- led before long, Mayor Christie stated to The ISeaforth News that there is no truth in the ru- mor. 'The only way taxes will in- create is if citizens demand more services from'' the toiwn", he said. "They must expect' to. pay for :additional services". G. Smith Heads McKillop Federation Theannual meeting of Mc- 1{iallop Federation orf Ageicu1 ture was held in the auditoriu of ISeaforth !District H r g .S:ebool. Mr. Gillbert Smith, Chair man, .welcomed those +pretaent 'After the minutes Were readan adopted, the financial repo was given by A. R. Dodds an 'adopted, Winston Shepton, E x e^t e r Huron County ;president, spok on the farmers' pension' plan Mao he emphasized the fact fanners should give their mark- eting plans more support and - stressed there should be more promotional work in Huron County. !Douglas Miles, (Huron Agri- cultural Representative, spoke' 'briefly •concerning farm man- agement. James Keys introduced the guest speaker, Clayton Fray of 1Sarnia..Mr•. Fray told of bhe methods farmers had us- ed to improve their condition and ;help `themselve's. IHe stress- ed the advantages of thinking collectively. Gordan Papp 1 e thanked &Ir. Fray for his fine address. Carl Hemingway, secretary and fieldsman for Siuron, told :what ;Huiton Federation had done during the past year. Gil- bert Smith reviewed the, work of Mall* Federation in 1957. A duet was sung by Misses Margaret and Jean Hillen, ac- companied by Elaine ;Smith. Stanley Hillen reported for the 4-H Grain Club. Bert Lobb, president of Hur- on County ;Hog Producers, told what hail been acconyplished to date. .After a singsong Roger Schwass of ;Wingiham showed films of his trip to Peace River and California, covering a dist- ance of 14,000 miles. The election of officers took place'. Gillbert Smith was nom- inated president on.motion of S. Hillen, 1R. Bolton and R. .Campbell moving that nomina- tions be•closed, and Mr. ,Smith was declared president. Ken- neth Stewart was nominated vice pres.; by James Keys; and G. Elliott and G. Papple moved nominations World Day of Prayer Service on Friday The World Day of Prayer ser-. - vice will ;be held Friday,, Fe+b. m ,21st at 5 • pat in 'First Presby - h terian Church.' Miss Jennie `Hogg !will give the address. The wo-. , men of the.community ' are' , in - d vited to join `•the thousands rt around the world. who will wor-. d ship and spray for Ipeace and un- deilsltandtng Iaanong fall 'people. Bring your friends and share e the blessing. �� ., •ua=u ♦cru, ;Stewaiit was declared vice pres. James Keys was nominated ,2nd vice pres,, on motion of Ken ;Stewart, nominations being dos- ed ;on motion of IS. Bilden and C. 'Hemingway and J. Keys was de- clared 2nd vice pres. Gilbert ;Smith was appointed Hog Pro- ducers' Director on motion of G. Parole and A. Anderson. -G. ;Elliott will be alternate direct- or. (After singing God Save The Queen the meeting adjournedon motion .of J. Boyd and A. And etson. Lunch was served in the basement. The directors were appointed at an earlier sheeting, one for eaoh school section, by the sec- tion: Fergus Kelly, Francis Old Time Winter i Here. Second `Week A renewal of last week's old time winter tied up traffic on Monday and Tuesday with be- low zero temperatures and +hliz- zard conditions. About 76 pup- ils of bSeater% District High School had to stay in town on Monday night as the' school biasses were unable to snake the after school rounds, ;On Tues- day there was school but it closed •early as the busses left early and a number of parents came in for their pupils. Wed- nesday ;the .school was closed. all day following heavy snow again Tuesday night. Egg grading sta. tions are working short hours las few eggs have come into town this week and they egg gathering trucks are unable to make their rounds. Mail service I has been going through on the highway without undue delay', but rural mail terriers 'have been hampered Iby ;blocked roads. MRS. PERCY SMITH Margaret Lapslie Kerr, 'belov- ed wife of Mr. Percy ;Smith pas- • sed away in Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, F•eb. 18th. She was in her 86111 year ,,and Iliad been in failing health for the 'past year. Born in McKillop tali. she was .married in 1906 to Mr. Smith. They continued to 'live in McKillop until retiring to Seaforth in 1954. She was a member of Duff's 'United Church, McKillop. Surviving ;be - side's her husband are two daug- hters .and three sons, Janet, Mrs. +Carl Dalton, ISeat£ortil; Mary,,'. Mrs, +Wyman Griffin, Albany, N. Y.; 'P,apalie, Toronto; Alexan- der. and Archibald, :McKillop. Also • two brothers, Archibald and William Kerr. The funeral will take place on Friday, Feb 21st at 2 p.m. at the Box funeral home, High at., with Rev. W. H. ISummerell of- ficiating, assisted Iby Rev. B. W. [Tull. Interment will be in Maitland'bank ceanletery. Pall- bearers are Robert, Percy, Mur- ray, Douglas Dalton, Barry and Bryan Smith. nell, Gordon Miller, (Gordon El- liott, Harry Palin, Gordan Pag pre, Gordon Blanchard, Oliver !Bryce, Murray 'Dennis, Walter ;Somerville. A. 58. Dodds, See.- u1reas. Midgets To Meet Port Elgin With a 7-5 win. over Exeter on Friday night Seaforth Mid- gets took the round in two straigght. They will meet Port Elgin here Thursday night in the next round and the return game will be prayed at Port El- gin Saturday night. It is pro- posed to take a bus load to Port Elgin leaving bete- albout 5.30 p.rn. if enough persons wish • to go. ,, Spotters for Seaforth against Exeter were Leary Dale 13, Ray Scoine 'L, 1Bidl (Pinder and Har- vey,Dale 1 each. Assists to Bob Elliot, Larry Dale, -Bill [Pinder, Doug 1Rowcliffe and Bob Reitir. Exeter Spotters: Bev Irvine 2, Frank Boyle 1. HOME AND SCHOOL ;The Feb. meeting of [Home and ;School held Tuesday night, owing to the bad weather at- tendance was small. Opened with "0 'Canada" followed by Lord's Prayer. After a short (business discussion ;Miss Ruth Cluff an- swered the question of the month, being able to name the title "bf the song played by Mrs. J. 'Oardno on the piano. Mr, Widdis grade was awarded 51.00 for having most parents in at- tendance. Founders' ;Candle Lighting service with Sirs. J. B. Russell reading the hone .and school creed; Miss B. Grieve reading bhe life of the Founder, Mrs. ICourtice and lighting a candle in ,her honour; Mrs. J. A. Munn telling of National Federation and, lighting a candle; Mrs. F. J.:Blechely telling of the Provin= dal Federation and lighting a .candle; Mrs. W. S. Olay, two minutes silent prayer, then light- ing a candle; Mrs. A. W. Moore giving the duties of council, and lighting a candle; Mrs, J. A. Wlestcott, Home and (School As- sociation, lighting •a candle. with Mrs. L. Dale giving the 'closing 'words. Miss Rubh :Cliff, accompanied by ;Mrs. J. 'Cardno, very pleas- ingly sang Mrs. Courtice's fa- vorite "My Task". Rev. 3. H. James gave a very inspiring addrless, comparing ed- ucation in Russia, its advantages and its faults. How higher edu- cation should be tree and 'felt it .would not be abused. All ehil- dren are not alike and we shouldn't feel that anyone; with a university education being any better, es long as each serve to bhe best of their ability ;for Christ and the ;betterment of the community. The meeting closed with God Save The Quelen. it. social half hour over a cup of tea. W. A. TEA The members of St. Thomas' W. A. wish to thank all those who so generously contributed to making the Valentine Tea and Bake Sale a 'Success. Miss Luella Montgomery received the Valentine Cake. ELECTION CAMPAIGN GETS UNDER WAY With the campaign for the federal' election of March 31st warm- ing up, the vario'u's party leaders are ` taking to the hustings. Above is Prime Minister Diefenbaker being greeted by Young Conservatives at Brantford on Monday', At the extreme left is Clare Westcott, who is assisting in the campaign. ,;,1111,111111111II 1111111 10111,.1111111111111111111!111111111,1111„1 i,,.i„i,l i i„i,1,0 1111„(111100 lll11,r, 1 llllli111111 IIIIIIIII,l CHOOSE FROM OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF LOVELY NEW SETTINGS Vittlactft SAVAUGE'S JEWET,T;RE•Y - GIFTS SEAFORTH Dinner Marks 50th Wedding iA family dinner was held on Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams of Egmondville on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were mar- ried by the Rev. Mr. Smith at Hensel' on Feb. 18th, 1908. The bride was the former Kathleen Baker and they have lived ever since in Seaforth and 'Egniond- ville. They have a family of three sons, Alvin, at home; Ce- cil of Goderich and Kenneth of Slane oe. - • Plan Holy Week Services Dr. Semple, Secretary of The Ministerial Association announ- ces the ;following plan for ;Holy Week Services: All services in St, Thomas' Anglican Church. IMissioner: Rev. Dr. Nkomo, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham. Meetings Tuesday through Friday. 'Time 8 p.m. Music: Lo- cal arrangements. Pray for the success of this Mission. RETURN TO SCOTLAND ;William 8, and Robert 4, sons of Mr. 'and ;Mrs. Robert Porter, James St., left by air. from Mel- ton on Saturday to return to Glasgow, ;Scotland, where they will Tive with their grandmother. The family came to C'anad'a last May. The parents plan to also return to ;Scotland in a few months. Mrs. (Porter is a sister of Mrs. James Watson. .Mrs. Watson's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Roselli and two children leave on Thurs- day to return by boat toScot- land, having been in ;Canada since last May. TO HOLD MEETING 'The McKillop Telephone sys- tem will hold their annual mieet- ing on Friday afternoon, Feb. 21, in Carnegie library, Sea - forth. 'The system 'has increased its rates and is in much better 'financial shape than it has been for a number of years. Plans are under way to extend the un- derground cable from Grieves' bridge to the north side of the cross road at Winthrop. The cable through the village will be Haid behind the .buildings•' Tfhe system will borrow 510,000 through MdKillop township to pay for the work. ,When the cable is installed more circuits will be put in operation. Lines 'which have more than ten Sub- scribers will have the number reduced, HENSALL Mr. and ;Mrs. Lorne` 'Chapman were recent visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis at .Clinton. Mrs. Reid returned to her home •at Tiverton after spending thepast week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. •Clarence Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reid' 'and Mr. FINE CHINA and ;Mrs. John Reid. Mrs. Alberta dMacBeath and Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, Zurich, celebrated the latter's birthday when they were enter- tained at dinner at the Bedford Hotel, :Goderieb, by ;Mrs. Rath - well, of Moosejaw, who is visit- ing here with relatives. Larry Jones, who spent sev- eral days last week in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, receiving treat- ment was able to return home on Saturday. Mr, Thomas Lavender of War- terloo College, and Miss Jean Lavender of Hamilton, Mr. Bill Lavender of ;Western Universi- ty, London, were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavender. Mrs. Amelia 'Schroeder re- turned home after spending the past two months with relatives at St. Clair (Shores, Mich. Mr. !red 8' orminton of West- ern University, London spent bhe weekend with his parents, Mz. and Mrs. E. INorminton. ROBERT ARCHIBALD NAMED PRESIDENT Robert Archibald, r.r. 4, Sea - forth, was named president of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insur- ance ;Co., at the annual meeting held Friday in .Seaforth. Mr. Archibald succeeds William Al- exander, 'Walton. ;Other officers named are vice- president, Allister Broadrfoot; manager and sec.-treas., M. A. ;Reid. The three retiring direct- ors, J. L. Malone, W. S. Alex- ander and C. W. Leonhard[[ [were all re-elected. Other direc- tors, are Allister Rroadfoot, E. J. Trewartha, John Ii. 'McEw- ing, ;Harvey Fuller and J. E. Pepper. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary •was held in the nurses' residence with the president, Mrs. Harold Whyte in charge. The penny sale is to be held from April 12 to 19th with Mrs. R. Box as convenor, Miss D. Parke and. Mrs. R. Nott as co - convenors. The "Gingham Dance" which was held Feb, 7th in the Mem- orial Arena was a d'e'cided suc- cess. Lunch 'was' served by a committee of Mrs. Harold Free, Iiiss Alice Reid, Mrs. T. Cosford and Miss Dorothy Parke. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae and family at Wyoming with Mr. Tian and Mary O'Connor. Miss Anne Dennome, Dundas, with Mr. and :Mrs. J. O'Rourke. Mr, and Mrs. John 'Cleary of London with Air. and Mrs. F. Evans, Mr. Jim Newcombe, of Port 'Credit with Mr. and ;Mrs. Wan• Stapleiton. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and Mary Margaret, [Seaforth, with Mrs. Louis ;Dillon and 'Dor- othy. Mrs. Geo. Holland, St. ;Cle- ments, at her home'.