HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-02-06, Page 4KIPPEN 1VIr, •Genalld Parsons 'and' Miss Marylon Wilkins of 'Themes - ford spent •Uteweek end with the forme'r's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie (Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eyre off Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray •Lee of Galt visited recent- ly witlh their parents, Mm.. and Mrs. ICaniplbeil •Eyre, • MT. °.Robert 'Cooper, this son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Gant Love of 'Caro, Mich., left Monday morning by oar for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Keri' of Winthrop visited during the week with her parents, gr. and wreiszereparneeffla Euchre - Dance At Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, FEB. 14TH AT 8.30 Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 75c, Lunch provided Students 50c Mrs. Elston Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. John McLach- lan of Eganondville were ,Satins: day evening visitors of Mr. and MTS. Robert J. Elgie. Mr. and NIrs, Nlov:04u Rickert visited •'Sunday with his another, a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert and Mrs. Diekenti Sr„ of ,Harriston., Mr. 'and- 'Mrs. Ro'bit, J. Elgie were Friday guests of their sof- in-law ,and ,daughter, Mr. • and Mrs. .Gerald Fischer, Kitchener. F,ISgt. and Mrs. Robb. Park- ins and sons of Clinton .RCAF, Were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Long. Kipper Young Peoples IThe fifth meeting of Kippen Y.P. was (held Sunday, Feb. 2nd at 2 ,p.m. in the church. 'Script- ure was taken by Mies Donelda Lostell and payer by the pres- ident, 'Tlhe topic on the .effects of „.alcohol was taken by .Miss Pat. Lovell, An invitation from Varna Y,P. to attend their to- AGO START ' is so Imp i rtant to Yr Chicks Purina Super Chick Startena is the finest start you can buy. It's 23% protein, checkerettes (crumbled), takes only 2 its per bird for light breeds, 3 lbs for heavies MILTON J. DIETZ PURINA CHOWS Sanitation Supplies - Poultry & Hog Equipment R.R. 3, Seaforth Phone 647r21 SEE THE DIFFIERENCE PURINA MAKES Interested' in„ CURLING ? This is your opportunity to learn. the. fundamentals, so you, too, can enjoy all the pleasures of this fine Winter sport 1"l�'' u dill ot, '1i, LI? Industrial Curling Commencing Saturday after- noon, February 1. at 1.30, and each Saturday during February and March. For further information phone or see DR. M W. STAPLETON Phone 93 CYRIL KIRK 851 r 22 Farmers. Curling Commencing Monday after- noon, February 3rd. at 1.30, and each Monday during February and March. For further information phone or see BILL CAMPBELL 486-W GORDON MOGAVIN 832 r 33 boggan party on reb.,,10th was accepted. Theme is. to .be a rally on ,Feb, 16th in bhe church with Rev. Ferguson as guest speaker. All young (people irr_the district are cordially invited to attend. It was moved by Miss Eileen MoLean and seconded by Miss Marion Turner that the 'business be closed. Rev. McMillan direct- ed some contests. A. good • aft- 'endance is hoped for on Feb. 16. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: $2.00 for Two Months SEAFORTII CU '.LING CLUB a 1 i 1957 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 1957 Chevrolet Standard, Sedan 1957 Dodge 8 cylinder Coach 1956 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1955 Chrysler Hard Top 1955 Dodge Regent Sedan 1952 Nash Sedan 1949 Pontiac Coach MADE IIS AN OFFER No reasonable offer refused at S $1495.00 675.00 300.00 firth otors Phone 541 Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS BLAKE .Mrs. Roy McBride and Mrs, Mary 'Manson called on Mas. Robert McBride of Kippen, 'who is ill. ,Quite .a number from this vicinity...attended the agriculture banquet in memorial hall, Zur- ich, .on Thursday night, Jan. so, Ephraim Gingericli, who spent the month of January xis atea- •cher in Kitchener Bible Insti itute ISy:"hool in Kitchener, ,re- turned Ihon'ie and will continue his studios with Exeter District ,sigh School. Albert Martin has been, assisting with his work the past month at.'the high school. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin )ingslieh and Mary Elizalbebh of Zurich oalled on Mr. and MTS. Rudy Oesch on Tuesday, also Mr, and Mrs. ,•ldo-i 'Under and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Finlay and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch quietly celebrated their for- ty-eighth wedding • anniversary Sat., Feb. 1st. They received congratulations ;from many rel- atives and friends. Little Lois Widrick is ill with a cold.. Mrs. Charles Rubinson of Hillsgreen visited her cousin, [Mrs. Harold ,Finlay and family Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, 'Thomas Pen - hale and Mr. 'and ,Mrs. E, Faber and Dianne of ICigpen visited with Mrs. (Saber's ,parents, Mm, and Mrs. Rudy Oesch, recently. Mr. Roy McBride visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Mc- Bride of Zurich. dHis father is quite ill just now. Mr. and Mrs. Amos .Gingerich and lMr. 'Curtis IGingeridh and Sandra and Mr. and Mrs. Kenn- eth Gingerieh and Mr. Allan Steckle ;and William 'Steckle and Lewis Gingerich 'and !Pastor Al- bert Martin all attended from this district the special "province wide .meeting on church financ- ing at Kitchener recently, Clayton Steckle and Irvin Martin, accompanied by their friends, the Misses Shirley 'Gin- gerioh and Grace Erb, Eva and Elsie ,Steckle, visited relatives and friends recently at Elmira. Mrs. Donald 1S'ohwint and fa- ncily of Baden, who visited with friends in the vicinity for a week, returned to Baden re- cently with Mr. Sohwint, who also spent a couple of days here too. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Deichert attended the wedding anniver- sary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ,Pepper of Hay township recently. Miss Reta Martin, 'Kitchener, Bible 'School, visited her. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mar- tin. Her friend, Miss Elizabeth Faus of Pennsylvania, spent a couple of days in her home. _Mrs. Jahn McKinley, who cel- ebrated her 855th birthday re- cently, spent the day with htr sister, Mrs. Robert McKinley_ at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Seotchmer, Blue Water highway near Bayfield. Mr. Edmund Oesch is improv- ing after an attack of ,pleurisy. bearers were Plank McEwan, Harry Watkins, Mel ,Crich, John Bourne, William' 'Cook, James" Turner, FORTY YEARS AG() room The (Seaforth News, Feb. 1918. The play "Within The Law" Was put on by the Murless play - ars. Taking part were ,Mrs.. R. Murless Jones, R. M. Jones, J. C. (Greig, James Watson, 'Dr. Beehety', Geo. Israel, L. T. De> Lacey,. Miss Brown, K. J. IF'ran-1 cis. Music was Played by Miss Margaret Edge. Neil Murray has returned to his home at'i'Branid*n.• Dr, and Mrs. Davis of Mani- toulin, visited his Mother here. Miss Allan of 'Ike 'Collegiate staff was called to her'home' at Burlington owing to bhe death, of her feather. Mr. ,Cannpbell ;of GromartY has "purchased the •residence •oc- cupied by Dr. Hodgins, ifronr A. D. 'Sutherland. Miss Marks of Bruaefield had the misfortune to break - her arm near'the wrist. The young girls of (Cromarty have organized a Red Gross branch with. Rebecca Bruce, pre- sident' 'Mary McDonnell, secre-I ,tarry and Norma Wilson, treas. John McNay has sold This farm near Egmondville to Mr. Boyce of Stanley township, 'James Kerr has sold his farm in 1VLetliillop to Mr More of W.ine:ham. Fellowship. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO/ From The 'Seaforth'N•ews, Feb. 1933 A meeting is being (held Feb. r in the 'Carnegie liblye y haul, to ' organize a lW omen's (Hospital Auxiliary in Seaforth. Two Woodstock men ale fat g irilg charges from a recent rob -1 bery at the "Canada' ,Furniture factory. A quantity of saws and belts was taken. Mr. Baxter who was in charge of the sale of fac- tory materials, became • suspic- ious •of the men and had secured their ear license number. games iBallentyne of Usborne township was elected . Warden of 'Huron county for 1.9313, H ENSALL' ;Prices at :Henssll cammmnity sales, Jan. .30: Weanling pigs $15-$19, chunks, $i 20.50 to $24.- 75, 24:75, feeders;; '$,2.9175 to $88.00, sows, $711 to, 8127; klolebein, cows, .$11'40 to $175, Durham cows,. 1$1160 .to. 8200, (Holstein calves $14 • to $23, [Durham delves •$3.5 'lib .$52, Northside United Church 'Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Hall, ,B.A., BaD , • IS.T.,M. 110 'a m , .Cihurch• ;School ' and Adult rBnble 'Class, 111 ann., Morning worship con- ducted by the minister. Nursery for toddlers. Junior congrega- tion. 7 p.m.lBible Knowledge Col-' { lege. Bring your Bible and a friend. - 8.15 p.m., Northside Youth Visitors from the West at' Kippen: 'Mr, and (Mrs. Peter Ca- I meron, of (Kindersley, 'Sask., and James Crozier and daughter J. ALVIE FLETCHER James Alvie Fletcher, ,Huron street, Clinton, was found dead by Clinton's chief of police, H. Russeall Thompsoln, Saturdaly morning at ,Clinton town hall. Mr. Fletcher, who was in his 065. year, had died suddenly from a heart attack shortly af- ter he reported for work as care taker of the town hall, 'Born at Elmira, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fletcher, he resided in Seaforth for many years, moving to •Clinton 23 years ago. He was a member of St. Paul's Anglican ,Ohurch. Surviving are his widow, the former Henrietta 'Makins, for- merly of Seaforth, - one son, 1lhomas, of ,Clinton, and flour daughters, Mas. Fred Trevena, Clinton; Mrs. Stan Kennedy of London; Mrs. John Bourne, of Mitchell; and Mrs, Don MoGau- ghen, Byron; two sisters, Mrs. Eleanor Ritchie, London, and Mrs. Bert McNichol of Saskat- chewan, The funeral was held Monday from the Beattie fun- eral home, (Clinton, wiibh Rev. C. 'S. Inder officiating. _ Burial !was in Clinton cemetery. Pall - Verde, from Tugaske, ISask. lAn article urges forming an international commission for development of hydro power on the St. Lawrence seaway, First Presbyterian Church Minister, Rev. O. G. Locke, of London, Oaib. 10 a.m., Church ,School; 11 a.m., Morning serv- ice; 'anthem, ".Create in Me a Clean Meant, 10 God,' TQMueller): 4.80 p.m., Vesper service. Jun- ior 'choir, anthem, ".Hosanna, Raise the Joyful Hymn" ,(Per - Ty). H. A. Kenpster, organist and choir leader. THE SEAFORTI-I NEWTS—Thursday, February 6; 1958 REGENT THEATRE, Seaforth Thurs. Fri. Sat. THE DELICATE DELINQUENT Jerry Lewis - Martha Flyer. It's rough, tough and, riotpie Thurs. Fi•t. Sat., Vet. 13-14-15 BE -POND BOMBASI Cornell Wilde - Donna Reed 11111JJJJJJJ ttttII tttt .11.111.1 t11111111IMO ttttttttt11111tttt I 11111,1 I11111,1111111111111111111/It tt,II„ AND NOW -- EVERY PAIR OF WARM AND - DRY FOOTWEAR VALUES TO $8.45 are in our South Wihdovv SOME LESS THAN COST S5.95' a pair, cash WILLIS SHOE STORE SEAFORTII %.1.1M 1 t 11111111111111IIIIMIIIIII lllllllllllllllllll 11,111„ Egmondville United Church IDs. J. Semple, Minister. Nationai Health Week. 11 a.1ui,, Let the Church Ov- erhaul "Itself ((Where to begin?) 7 pan., Religious film "My Name Is Han. Production of Protestant Film Commission. A true story filmed on 'Chinese 111 mununnu m ,w nullllI I11u1Immo, il. iDon't miss it. 18.15, Film on mental health, "To Serve The ..Mind." •Adults. 10 a.m., Church—School,. 11 $sant, Nursery Sch'ool; ' 111,30 Junior 'Church. Saturday 2 'pm., Mission Band sleigh riding party. ISee-you in church (Sunday. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister 7 P.M, Religious Film. 'WY NAME IS HAN" Produced by Protestant Film Commission and is a true story filmed on Chinese soil 8.15 Observing National Health Week. Film: "TO SERVE THE MIND" (Adults) Mental Health: There are more hospital beds occupied by the mentally ill at any one time in Canada than by patients suffering from" all other: types of illness taken together.' The cost is running in excess of $70 millions a year. Public invited to see this amazing film YOU TOO CAN SHARE IN THE 1 Bick's Sweet Mixed PICKLES 15 OZ JAR 27c VIFiniiinARSUVVVOWeVillASUMV SPECIAL OFFER'! MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT 12 OZ TIN 39c SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS ST. WILLIAMS PLUM JAM DOLES SLICED PINEAPPLE IGA CHOICE TOMATOES AUNT JEMIMA MAKE THE TOTAL TEST I G A TABLE SYRUP REALLY GOOD COFFEE SUNNY MORN ECONOMICAL DAINTY RICE 16 OZ JUG 1 -ib BAG 1 -Th CTN FRONTENAC ICE CREAM PINT BRICI{ MAXWELL HOUSE itlal 25c 75c 17c 25c INSTANT COFFEE 6°Z 99c JELLO Assorted 3 FOR 25c Pancake Mix 2 Irish Stew HEINZ STRAINED 2 Baby Foods 3 Evaporated Milk 2 100 BAGS 85c 24 OZ JAR 39c 20 OZ TIN 35c 20 OZ TIN 21 c SMOKED -- PICNIC -STYLE PORK lb. SHOULDERS SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKS . - - 1.1» PKG 47c LEAN MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS ib 66c TABLERITE SLICED MAC & CHEESE G°"" PK 26c TABLRRITE SLICED CHICKEN ROLL 6 OZ PING2.5 C 45c SAVE 16c AYLMER ASSORTED SOUPS 7 10 TiI0JS 89c Weston's GOLDEN BROWN SODAS 1 LB. CTN. 37c SPi/1/WYVWVY 20 OZ. PKGS. 15 OZ. TINS 5 OZ. TINS TALL TINS 41c 53e 29c 27e Oranges, Mexican , 252'S 39c Grapefruit, pink 96'S 5 / 29c Head Lettuce, large 2 / 29c Cello Carrots, 20 oz 2 / 29c Spinach 2 / 35c CLEARY'S ICA -MARKET SEAFORTH