HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-01-30, Page 5T 11111 ' SEAPORT 11: NEN
S-•-Tiutisday, Jiuu'ary 30, 10,58
Yeti 6an Hale uUrnoyeesloop n.t your Superior Market
1 lb. pkgs.'
4for $1.00
TOMATOES Lge. 28 oz tuts
5 for 1.00
7% oz tins' 3 for 1.00
15 oz, tins 8 for 1.00
24 tin ctn 2.58
15 oz tins. 4 for 1.00
25, 40, 60 watt 6 tor $1
11 oz. bottles
5 for $1.00
Nature's Best. Choice
14 oz. tins. 8 for $1.00
15 oz. tins. 7 for ..41.00'
10 lge. rolls $1.00
Stock Up on These Specials
10 oz. tins. 8 for ...$1.00
16 oz jar 3 for 1.00
' Remember the fastest way to'any one's heart is to
send :Flowers on Valentine Day, Feb 14
Place your orders early to be sure of delivery
Potted Plants - Cut Flowers - Flowers for all occasions
Wright's Superior Food Market
Stanley (District L.O.L. met in
the 'Orange Hall on Tuesday
evening ,of last week aeibh a
good attendance from the vaii.
ous lodges in bhe district. The
following are the •officers elect-
ed: W.M., Wilfred Castle, ID. M.
Lloyd Keys; Ohm., 16..Triubner•;
McKillop Federation of
Wed., Feb. 12th
AT 8,80 P,M.
In the auditorium of Seaforth
District High School
Particulars next week
Pres„ Gilbert Smith
Sec., A. R. Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McDon-
ald and family of Toronto spent
the weekend with Mrs. James
flint and Mrs: Ranald Tontan
of Milverton spent bhe ,weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ,Smith.
Among those who were home
for the week end a•nd attended
Mr. and: Mrs. Amos Ginger
rich accompanied by Jerome
Oorriveau and Mr. Gustav
Bohn; spent a social ,-evening'
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry West-
Brooke in 'Goderich recently.
Mrs. .Olwistian Swartzentru-
bet has returned from Victoria
Hospital, London, where she
'bhe formal alt Seef:Nth district underwent treatments in the in -
high school were: Miss Marie terest of cher health. Her many
Hunt, Hamilton, with Mr. and friends are pleased to hear .she
Mrs. H. Hunt; tBtil Flannigan, ,is improving favorably.
Hamilton; (Paul McMaster, St. Mr. and 'Mrs. Heinz Benedic-
Oabherines, at his ,home: Allan tus, Sarnia, spent the weekend
Bilker, Galt, at the 'home of (with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginge-
Mr. and uMrs. Ed. Boyce and rich and Miss Betty.
Joan; Wayne McMichael, at his Mrs. Mary; Jane 'Hey is at
home; Ron Ennis, London and present visiting her daughter
Ron 'Seoins, London, alt their land son-in-law Mr, and Mrs.
homes; Miss Ann Hesketh, of Archie Mustard •and sons -of
London, with Miss Barbara. l Wildwood Motel near 'Bayfield.
Dungey; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence! Mr. Menne :Steckle and daug-
Eyre of Galt, Principal and hter Miss iRebecea and Mr. John
Mrs. Lloyd Harrison, of Mit- Steckle, Sr. visited relatives
cheil district high school. (with IMs. and Mrs. E. Martin, in
Mr. and Mrs. !rhos. Morris Gowanstown. .
and .daughters spent the week -I, Mr. and .Mrs, Harold IPenhale,
end with Mrs. Wm. Morris and (Bronson Line, North, were Visit -
Mr. and Mrs. P. McIver. led :by their son and daughter -in How many of us have driven
Mr. and Mrs. Frank White of I law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pen -
continued the speaker.
London were weekend guests of'lta,le of Kippen. The continuous movement of or walked out to the _ end of
npP farm :people away from the
nurse -
farms is alarming and is esus -
Kettle Point, Shale is odd stuff
Mrs. B. Cleary. Miss Paulineuline Steckle, nurseto walk on.
Miss Ruth Sills and MT. D. in.,training at the K -W Hospital,
in • consternation anon thecityThere are lois mare places to
:Murphy, London, ,were weekend •Kitchener, spent the weekend at g g see in Ontario. I would like
guests of Mrs. C. P. Sills, (the home of .her parents, Mr. labor force as many farm peo-
ple are taking jobs away front very muoli to hear about them.
Mr, and Mrs, Michael IBeche- t and Mrs. Allen Steekle. Far the lack of publicity these
ly, Toronto, spent the weekend Mrs. Jean McKinley, Goshen those people, it .has other vnpii- I places are not well known, soe
with cations, and taking over of Cor- '
Rec. Sec., R. Brintnell; Financi-
al Sec., John Aldington; treas.,
'Orcin Dawson; Marshall, Wil -
beet Billing; '1st Lect., James,
Hutching; 2nd Leet., Frank
il]anburn; Past 'County Master,
'Ben 'Rathwell installed the offi-
'The Royal ISoarlet Chapter of
'Stanley met in the Orange Hall
on Tuesday last and elected the
following officers for 1958: W.
C., Jas. iH'u,tehing; D.C., Russel
Brintnell; Chap., Wilfred :Mut-
er; Sortbe, John Watson; 'Treas.,
H. IStlnson; Marshall, Lloyd
Keys; 1st Lect., Fred MoCly-
mont; and Lect., (Ben Rathweld;
1st Gond,, Emmerson Heard;
2nd 'Coad., Frank diarburn;
'Herald, Minion Heard; Sentinel,
Ohas. Pilgrim.
(The annual congregational
meeting of the United Church
will be (held on Monday evening
Feb. 3, at 8 o'clock in the
ONTARIO FARMERS' UNION eluding a good show of fossils.
The 'Seaforth Local of the! The last time you drove
Ontario Farmers' 'Union held (through Algonquin Park, did you
the regular moat ly meeting in I really see it. How about ex -
the (Town Hall, on"'Thursday, I plowing one of Uhe many elo'arly
Jan. 23rd. About 125 interested nirarked nature trails. It is some -
farmers and their wives were l times quite climb but bhs view
present to :hear Mrs. •Geo.'Pros ]s worth
ser, Women's (President of they tOloser to :home now. If You
Ontario Farmers' Union. NIT, ! are interested in fossils go to
Gari Dalton presided and wel- Ancona. It isn't too far from
corned the audience, the busi-
ness up' part of the meeting was as you walk along the 'beach by
dealt with and 11er. Dalton call -
old dam, Usually fossils are
ed on Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, Lady embedded in pieces of rock, but
Director for Huron County, to at Arkona they are lying there
introduce the guest.speaker. for anyone to pick up,
Mrs. Prosser congratulated At Elora we have the scenic
the .president on the interest gorge and rapids.
crested and attendance at the At nearby Fergus we have
Treating, and proceeded to out -
big dam.
line how the 0.P.U. was started. At li'est Montrose the only
'She said. that no one starts an covered bridge in Ontario.
organization of this kind unless At 'Bell Fountain - whien is
there is a necessity. Farmers near Orangeville we have the
had lost 48.22SS of their in_
fountain, waterfalls and swing-
ing bridge. They were all built
by one man.
At Neustadt which is south
east of Hanover, we have inter-
esting wails and •pillars.
come from 1951 to 1954, a fur-
ther drop is anticipated this
year. It is time for farmers to
organise, as other groups have
done or continue to be ex-
with Mrs. F. J. Bechely and Mr. Line is spending some time wt (folks those of you who haveand Mrs. P. McIver. her daughter and son-in-law p°r'ation farms is serious as
they will go to the source for visited little known but scenic
Mr. Bab McGonigle and Mr, Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer spots in Ontario, put them on
Mac Munroe have accepted po- on the Blue 'Water enghway. these supplies by-passing small the inap by telling others.
sitions on :the staff of the Tor- near tBayfieid. 'towns :and villages creating
onto•1D.oninion tBank. Miss Delphine Erb, who is ghost towns leaving store keep -
Mr. Larry (Berger has been employed at the Waterloo Trust ers, implement dealers and even
transferred to the Toronto -Do- Company spent a couple of days the rural clergy without an in -
minion Bank, Kitchener. recently .with het• parents Mr came: The Ontario Farm Union
Mr. Eckensweiller :has been
transferred to the Toronto -Do-
minion Bank, Waterloo,
Dr. Semple was guest speaker
on Tuesday evening at the Chri-
stian Workers conferenet at
Blyth. •
Mr. (Bill Dinsmore of Detroit,
visited this week with his par-
ents, Mr. and 'His. Earl 'Dins-
Mr. Wm. ,Heaton and Betty
and children of (Detroit were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Horton and Mr. and Mrs.
A. !Roweliffe:
OUR Guesr
No lesson conies easy to Tom
-_Gordon, cantankerous and
humorous John Deere Day
favorite. Living up to his es-
tablished reputation for stub-
borness, and contrariness, he
appears this year in the laO
est of the Gordon family
series. This is one of the
entertainment treats awaiting
you at Johnnie Blue's John
Deere Day
Jan. 30th
TWi» Program e§9 1.30 and 8 P.M.
This interesting and profitable program is one you will enjoy. Every farnifamily
will have -a good time. And, of course, there is the opportunity to win a Free
Prize. We really, have something different in the way of a programme. You'll
see a line-up of ultra -modern equipment that will make your eyes pop. Bring
the family. and spend the day. NO TICKETS ARE REQTJIRED. We're counting
on you.
t ME •
John Deere Sales and Service
Miss Mary .Brubaker and Miss agriculture conditions and they 22nd preceded by a pot luck
Edith Shantz, Kitchener, spent know 'the facts about their p0- supper arranged by the retiring
a couple of days recently with sition they are able to take ac- Stewards and assisted by other
Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley'Gingerich, tion, going 'through the proper members of the congregation,
The Misses Alma and )Beta ohannels for consideration. It with a good attendance.
Martin spent a couple of days is not the policy of the OFU to I Rev. D. A. MacMillan anted
at the 'home of their father, NLr. gloss over or conceal facts in as chairman and Emerson Kyle
Joe .Martin and family. larder to keep farmers happy or was appointed secretary. Re-
Alr. and Mrs. Lyle Stokes of to lull them into a false sense ports were given in all organiz-
Ailsa Craig spent Sunday after- of security. When farm leaders ations, showing a balance on
noon with their friends.hide 'their heads in the hopethe hand. Silent prayer was observ-
Miss 'Emma Dinsmore of Lon -(problems will disappear of their ed in memory of the late Mr.
don, spent a week with tela own accord and when they fin -land Mrs. Wm. Alexander fol-
tives in ''Seaforbh and a few ally come out of hiding they flowed by the nominations far
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. find it too late to take remedial Steward's: John A. -Cooper and
Dinsmore and friends and left action. 03eing a direct dues pay-liBill Coleman were elected to
membership organization,serve a two-year term. Leonard
Saturday afternoon again for in
the farmers own control and Lovell, Kenneth McKay, Keith
her duties in the city.
Mr. and Airs. Elmore .McBride' make .the policy of the farmers � Love and Jim MacGregor were
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc_ for the farmers, non-partisan in elected for a three-year term.
as the membership is' Mr. Ross Love was appointed as
Bride of Exeter visited their prtlitics,
drawn from all ,political panties',The
bhe representative to presbytery
cousins, 11r. and Mrs. Roy :Me- and conference. Duncan Cooper
Bride, recently. makes us free to criticize any k
Mr. Elmer 'Desch and sisters government. that .has •or brings and Wm. :Bell were re -appointed
down legislation detrimental or 1 as auditors. Rev. MacMillan
d Mrs. iGordon Erb and family members are kept informed on
.The annual congregational
meeting of St. Andrew's United
Church, Kippen, was :held Jan.
W. I.
Euchre - Dance
At Seaforth Community
Friday, January 31
AT 8.30
Norris Orchestra
Admission 75c. Lunch provided
'Students' 50c
Next metre and dance Feb. 14
Gingham Dance
Friday, Feb. 7th
Dancing 10-1
n-ilbee's Orchestra
Old and New Tyme Dancing
$1 a person, including lunch
Students 75c
Agnes, Mary, Margaret and Lm- contrary to the 'best interestlwished to extend appreciation
da visited Mr. and Mrs. Tony agriculture. f a When :nmaking
•Etue and son 'Douglas, Gocimidh, og ito every member and each or-
•-;n presentations to ,the Federal , ganization for their support and
loyalty since coming to Kippen
In closing Rev. MacMillan
spoke of the great work to be
done by the church and its mem-
bers in the great challenge in
the world today. Lloyd Lovell
moved the adjournment and the
meeting was closed' with the
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prie- t
etap of near Mitchell visited an
evening last week with the tat- I
ter's father, Mr. Robt. Them-'
son, and on Sunday, airand
and interesting question period. Mrs. Robert :Stoke; and Larry:
Mr. Charles and Gerald Sbree Ladies served ]troch and niftily'
of London visited with ;them
ran of Drysda]e, Mr. and Mrs. stayed and discussed faun prob- Reception
Vernon •Desch, and son David, Isms etc. in ( Mr. and Mrs, Torn Penhale of
and Mr. and Mrs. James Dins - groups.
more visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Jeffrey on. their 48th wedding
anniversary on Jan. 18, 1958,
quietly celebrated the occasion.
The friends of Mrs. Robert
McBride of Kippen, a former
resident of the Goshen Line
and took 1n t e
Dance in Goderieh, SaturdayGovernment they present th
night, brief to all members of party in
Mr, Elmore Oeseh is trucking power and also to all members
Reliance gasoline now. Give him of the three apposition parties.
a call won't you? ,The women have equal status
Mr, James Dinsmore slipped in the :0 F.U. and can be e'leci
and fell on the ice Friday night ed to any official position on all
and hurt his shoulder. levels, all 'officials must be dec-
Mr. and Mrs. Sten 'Gingerioh ted each year and after four
consecutive years must either
and daughter Norma Jean ac-
companie'd by this ,twin brother, go up, down or out, in order
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Gingerioh, that no one can get control of
son Harold and daughter And- the organization.
Tey visited on Sunday afternoon After Mrs. 'Prosser concluded
with relatives tut Kitchener het' address there was a lengthy
Euchre. • Dance
Kippen East Women's Institute
Town Hall, Hensel)
Friday, Feb. 7
At 8.30
Norris Orchestra
Admission ?Sc. Ladies please
bring lunch. Lucky lunch prize
Social Evening
Friday, Jan. 31
8.30 P.M.
Cards, Program, Lunch
Admission 50e
Wednesday, Feb. 12th
St. Thomas Parish Hall
FROM 3 TO 5 P.M.
Also Candy Booth
Auspices of the W.A.
For Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Eyre at Seaforth Commun..
ity Centre
Wed., Feb, 5th
Norris Orchestra
Ladies please bring lunch
Everyone is welcome
ing successfully, retiring to Kip -
pen in 1944. He is a member of
St. Andrew's United Church and
an elder of the church. His
family consist of three daugh-
ters, Mrs. Reid Torrance (Gret-
ta), Bayfield; Mrs. Etmmal Ow
ens (Emily) Salem, Oregon; and
Miss Jean Ivison, Kippen; five
grandchildren, 7 great grandchil-
dren; two sisters, Mrs. Brown-
lee, Kippen; Mrs. Barnaby of
London; a brother, Mr. Wm.
Ivison of Kippen. Mr. Ivison is
wished many more years of
good health.
"An Ontario Traveller" has
written the following for The, evening the 24th, the .hall filled
Seaforth News: to capacity. The guests of hon -
That is what our Tourist or were presented with a well -
Bureau tells us.
North are sorry to hear she is It is surprising to most Ont -
i11 with a heart condition; also 'aria .residents just how many
word came of the serious illness scenic spots and .historic sites
of llrs. Oscar Dueharane, vwho IS are within easy driving distance
now in Sarnia. . of the most of us.
Blake School held their Red-' Take for instance the drive
Cross program on Friday after- , up. the Bruce Peninsula. The
noon with Emma :Finlay's group most of us stay strictly to the
in charge of the program, �Cyrillhighavays. Turn right off the
Corriveau, Donald Gingerich, (main highway at Winton and
and Allen Erb composing the I follow through to Cape -Croker,
Evelyn Duoharme, 1st vice
president conducting the meet-
ing in absence of 'the president,
Mary Margaret Oesch. "The Ma-
ple Leaf Forever" was sung and
businessdiscussed. A Valentine
party to the !held on February
14th. A piano solo by Mervyn
Elk. A song by Pearl Ann Erb
and Faye Oesch. Sleigh riding
was enjoyed on Mr. Harold. Fin -
lay's hills. The February pro-
gram will consist of Mary Fin-
lay, Rosalee and (Doreen Du-
sharsne and Judy ,Desch. Lunch
committee, Mary Lou (Erb, Eve-
lyn Ducharme, Katherine Erb
and Roibert Oesoh.
The sleigh riding contest was
won by Jaanes Finlay who rode
bhe fat'thesit.
Bayfield ,nee Carol Faber of
Kippen) were honored at a re-
ception held in their hems 9tI
Patifield Town Hall on ':lav'
Basic to the 'Hake -up of a
good driver is a thorough under-
standing of what it takes to be
"good", Few people know the
definition: A good driver has
good Skills, -good Knowledge,
good Habits, good Attitudes.
Skills, knowledge, habits, at-
titudes. Memorize that list. then
reverse it to get a correct per
spective Way out ahead in int-
por ante is good Attitudes. Skill
trails to the rear in the essential
make-up of the complete= -driver.
But all four elements are nec-
essary for the driver alio wants
that good" qualification. Read
'the list again and check hew the
drivers you know measure up in
each department.
filled purse of money. Presenta-
tion address read by Don Warn-
er, presentation by lien Pollock.
Desjardine Orchestra provided
music for the dance. The affair
was arranged by Mr, and Mrs.
•Don Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Don
'Campbell, Ken iPolioek and Jack
Marks 94th Birthday
A birthday dinner marked the
94th birthday of Mr. Henry Ivi-
son of Kippen, on Jan. 19th. Mr.
Ivison was 'born on a farm one
,mile west of Kippen where he
spent 80 years of his life farm
being sore to go all the way to
the lighthouse, It is a very 'pict-
uresque and laugh provoking
How many of us have ex-
plored )slower Tot Island off the
tip of the Peninsula? Give your-
self at least half a day if you„
want to see it all. Be sure you
are prepared for a •good walk,
At'tSudbury and Copper Cliff
there is bhe tInco Smelting Plant
which .has conducted tours not
necessarily for groups. Also at
night the Inco Plant dumxps cars
of molten hot slag on the
mountain side. This can be seen
for miles.
At Eganville which is south
of Pembroke, are subterran-
ean caves. These are very weird
but extremely interesting, in-
20' Discount
670 x 15 - Tubeless
670 x 15 - Tube type
Seaforth Motors
for head's, comfort
without a care , e •
►►►111►►1.►.1.►1111.AIL ♦1k11111