HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-01-30, Page 4BRODHAGEN
Tato bouquets of Carnations
adorned the Altar ,of 'St: Peter's
Lutheran !Church on Sunday in
memory of August Hillebreoht
who passed away one year ago
on Jan. 22nd. They were placed
roy hos wife and family.
The sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to Mr. Wilbur
Hoegy in the death of his Blather
;Fred 'Hoegy of !Seaforth.'
(Relatives received word of the
death of .Frank 'Hinz, 80, of
London, formerly of Kitchener.
The funeral was held in Kitch-
ener on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Mr.
and Mrs., Harold Wurdell visvt- Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer,
ed IMr. !George Bennew.ies, who eMantin land (Roger of Toronto,
is d'll at the (home of, his sister,
Mrs.IB•ill lBesserer in Kitclhener. l
Little Miss Elizabeth Quern- I
gesser of Mitethell is with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. 'Querengesse.r and aunt and'
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. .S'holdice,
owing to illness of her mother,
Mrs. Howard Querengesser, .who
underwent an appendicitis op-
eration alt Stratford Hospital.
Susan and Patricia Querenges-
ser also spent the weekend here.
Mrs. Iiia 'Brunner of ,Sebring'-
ville .with her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. (Hiegel.
Minor Hockey
SAT °.07 R.FEB.
W.O.H.A. Play-off Games
7.00 p.m.
Children 25c.
- Clinton MIDGETS
- Seaforth - MIDGETS
9.00 p.m.
Adults 35c
Support your home town boys
Don't send your children — bring then
Interested in CURLING?
This is your opportunity to
learn, the. fundamentals, so
you, too, can enjoy all the
pleasures of this fine Winter
Commencing Saturday after-
noon, February 1, at 1.30,
and each Saturday during
February and March, '
For further information
phone or see
Phone 93-
851 r 22
Commencing Monday after-
noon, February 3rd, at 1.30,
and each Monday during
February and March.
For further information
phone or see •
832 r 33
$2.00 for Two Months
'the February meeting on Feb-
ruary 27 in lthe afternoon at .2
!Miss Grace ,Fisdher,,Kitchener, ,pan. 'The proceeds from the card
with their parents, Rev: and panty held two_ weeks ago am -
Mac. E. J. Fischer. ounted to 126.40: IA motion was
Mr. Ross Pwscheilberg• of List- made to have another card panty
ower with his mother, Mrs. 'Chas. in two weeks time on Feb; 7th
Pusehelberg. with Mrs. Nelson '.Marks, 1Ms"s•
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward Ted Dougan and MTs. Ralph
and girls of Toronto with her Travis in dharge.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert.0o-conveners for Agriculture
Querengesser. 'and •'Oanadvan Industries; Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mogk Ken McDonald and Mrs. Leslie
and family of Oil Springs, with Oliver were in charge of the
Mr. and Mrs. Boss Leojrhardt, second part with Mrs. Ken Mc -
recently. Donald !presiding:" Mrs. Oliver
I . A. surprise welcome party was read the motto "Teenagersneed
held in Hinz's Ha1l, Brodhagn'models, not critics". :Mrs. Ted
Ion Tuesday evening for Nix. andMcCreath and Mrs. Doug Fraser
Mist Mervin Leonhardt '(Enid sang 'Tammy' as +a duet with
Clark) and family, 'Richard, Da- Mrs. J, Bryans accompanying.
vid, Douglas, Karen ,and Sherry (Guest speaker; Mr. '!Cl'itfford
recently 'r•ebased the L+pps of iCliiiton, was initradnuced
!are still on cern silage, he re-
ported, with the grass silage in
reserve to carry 'through the
winter. It now appears that
there will also be : more than
cn'o>igtih (Baled hay in bhe-mow to
carry through.
Tlhe value of the (bull bought
early in 19157, for .'the county
Hoein.heid, has been enhanc
ed since Mr.:Johnson said, by
the 'making by the bull's dam of
a .24,000 -pound production re-
cord in a lactation recently
completed. Until the cow was
off, he said, she was still
giving 60 pounds a day.
Improvements on •the county
farm buildings during the -past,
year, he reported, have included
the painting of 'the barn, and
the 'plastering of the inside of
the silo,_whi�ah was getting pit-
ted and rough.
who recer y p
honkie of Mrs Henry Klebel Sr., at this time. Beautiful slides
and moved here (roan !Mitchell. were shown of shrubs, flowers,
Mr. Leonhardt is employed ,by. 'trees and scenes takenon a re -
Mr. Ford Dickison, Hardware Cent trip to Florida.
and (Plu'mbi'ng. I 'The 'meeting closed with "The
i !Pastor E. J, Fischer read an Queen". Lunch hostesses were
address welcoming them to our Mrs. Joe' .Ryan, Mrs. Leslie on
community and Mr. (Ford' Dicki- ver. • IM•is. 'Everet Perdue, Mss.
son presented them with an el- Lawrence Ryan and Mos. Nel-
eobric .Mxmaster, electric fry- son (Reid'.
in ' an electric tea kettle on
g p ,
behalf of friends and neigh-
bors. Mr, and Mrs: Loonherdtt
both thanked for the gifts and
(The year 1957 was a polio -
free year in Huron, it was re-
ported to Huron County .Council
last week by Dr. R. M. Aldis,
THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, January 30, 1058
Thurs. Fri, Sat. LOhIELY MAN JackFaience-Tony Perkins
Different in every way. A. picture you will never forget
Jerry Lewis
f.�....+ ..�....
Micah, 4: 1-5 was read by -Edith •
Boyd, The topic was given by
Ellinor 'Christensen on "Wide,
Wide is the Ocean".. The offer
ing was taken followed by the
closing hymn 500. IA' recreation
period followed under the direc-
tion •of Don Dodds. The meet-
ing closed with lunch and the
singing of "Taps".
Mr. and Mrs.'Thomaas Penhale
FEDERATION NEWS and Mr. and Mrs. JL Penhale
By Carl Hemingwayvisited Mr, ,and Mrs. Melvin
How -The Farmer is:Represent- Bennett and family in ,Goderich
ed in the: Federation of on 'Sunday.
Agriculture Miss Rdta Martin, accornpan-
Most of us older farmers, who ied by 'Miss Elizabeth Faus, who:
had. a part in the organizing of are attending Kitchener Bible
the Federation of Agriculture, ;school, spent the week end with
remember the steps that were the former's parents, Mr. and
followed in its organization and Mrs. Joe Martin on the Bronson
know hone it is controlled. Over ('line.
20 years have passed by since IA reception honoring Mr. and
thoughtfulness. Progressive eu- then and there is now a large Mrs. Thomas TPenhale (nee' Car -
Mrs. Lavern 'Wolfe in charge. director of the ,County Health are a little ,confused by the (Bayfield ,town hall ilriday even-
P•rizes going to (Mrs. 'Manuel unit. There were no confirmed multiple parts of this farm Or- ing, Janwaay 24 wilth a capacity
Beuermaan and Chris Leonhardt ani4ation• I crowd attending. The guests
cases of poliomyelitis in Huron g 'The .basic wort is the Town -1 of honor !were presented with
(high); Mrs. Irvin Leonhard! in 1957, he said. a purse of mons 1Presentaton
and Irvin Leonhardt (low). A In the preventive fight'ageinst ship unit of the Federation of p y
short period of dancing followed ,polio, he reported, 23,000 ,doses 'Agriculture. Here every Tamm- address was Iby Donald Warner,
with music supplied by Gary of vaccine were given in 1957, err who pays his fee, is eligible 113'ayfielrl, and presentation by
and Warren iSholdice, and Don
Wolfe and Manuel Beuerman
galled A. lundla was served.
H S• J 1 f this to vote an, hold o
e' to et I ble to .be elected Township Dir- 'dance.
ice in the Ken !Pollock. 'Desj,ardine's orch-
m ' iron, noted, p rae o rs extra provided music for the
year, he practising phy I township units. He is also slog; -1
sicians have .been .alb! g
free supplies of the anti -polio
WALTON vaccine.
w Institute I Th threefour
entre: to represent hos township
at the County level. In the same
Egmondville United Church
Women's ere were, or way he is eligible to be elected' Dr, •J. Semple, Minister.
Ladies from the Oranlbrook W. deaths in 'Huron, in 1951, said County representative bo the 11 a.m.--You Have iResourc-
I. were guests at the January Dr. Aldus, in ,which influenza Ontario Federation and similar- es That Are Priceless.meeting of the Walton group on may have 'been the 'indirect 17 to the 'Canadian Federation. I 7 p.m. Outstanding Youth
Thursday evening, Jan. 23rd. ' cause of death; the direct cause I This part oIf the Organization Service. Guest speaker, Mr. Ron
Mrs. Margaret Humphries, in each of the oases, was ,pneu- is elected and our representa- 'Steeps, !Ries, +Huron Presbytery
much the same as Young (People.
president, •ahalred the first pant monia. 'Phe influenza epidemic tion 45 very
of the meeting. Mlle institute in Huron last year, he said, did our 'Ontario (Government. How-
•0tde, Mary (Stewart Collect and not last as long as in some I ever there tare affiliates repre-
O Canada were used to .open areas. I sented in our Township; County,
the 'meeting. Mrs. Wilbur Turn' Control of disease has become Provincial, and Dominion Or -
bull, secretary, reported on theeffective ,enough now, said Dr. ganizations. In this 'vey Wo -
Dec. meeting and read a large Ardis, so that for people under mens' !Institutes, Co -.operators
number of `bhankyou' notes ac- 40, -bhe chief cause of (death is 1 Insurance, Local Co -Ops, United
knowledging'boxes fruit, flow' accidents; for people over 40,1 Co.Operatives, and 'Producer:
cis etc. sent to shutins at 'Christ- the .principal causes are 'ailments I Commodity groups are all re-
masJtime. Mrs. IRalph Travis re- of the heart or circulatory syr -.presented and have a part in
ported on boxes sent. The roll tem, and cancer. I shaping the policy of the Fed-'
call was answered with a sug- "Mental health is really the eration of (Agriculture.
gestion for "(Home ;Beautifies- biggest public health. problem I Perhaps the farmer failed to
tion". ,Correspondence was read now", he said. "About half our elect his •choice, as township: dir-
including a letter from Miss hospital beds are used for men- ector to rite County. •If he is a
Shirley Patterson, home econo- tal health cases..Thee best de- :hog 'producer he has the oppor-
mist, regarding achievement , fence against ,mental illness is a ' tunity of electing his choice
days at Exeter and Wingham strong home -and I think that 'through that 'organization or
for the course, Working with it is in the country that children through any other of the affild-
do have the best chance for a I aced groups to which he belongs,1
good start." I If you are a Liberal you will
Wool. It was decided to have
Rural road,
near Stratford.'
6:45 pm.
Hard' gravel,
One killed.
The driver of this car was travelling at an estimated
70 m.p.h. when he pulled out to overtake another car.
He lost control while overtaking and rammed into
the abutment of this narrow bridge.. He was crushed
to death on impact.
Before you tramp down on that accelerator, remember
two things: (1). The faster you travel the less control
you have, (2) This photograph.
The Children's Aid Society, realize that you have had practi- `
and the county library, are twocally no influence in directing
county agencies that 'undoubted—.the Ontario' ",Government for
ly .do a good deal to promote many years. If you are a Con -I
good home •conditions and in so servative you will probably re- i
doing to guard against mentallmember the 22 years that you
health troubles, Or. Aldis said. (were the forgotten man in Can -1
"I don't think 'television adds ada.
anything to .the peace of the' In the Federation of Agricul-,home," he added. ture you carr !be represente
The County Health Unit und- through so many groups that it
erspent its budget for 1957. Dr. is hardly likely that any farmer.,
Aldis noted, chiefly 'because the will be in the minority in every
staff diminished during the year organization. Further, these el-
from 15 to 12. "Like the school ected representatives are all ash
boards" h said "we are some- actively engaged in farming es '
10 a.m., Church School
Minister's lible Class.
111:30. Junior Church
Mission Rand.
'Always welcome.
Friday arid
$$$ 1$
Willis Sh a Store
. The Little Store with the
Big' Stock
Northside United Church
Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Hall,
B.A., B.D., S.T.M.
'Friday, Jlan. 31st, at 8 pm.,
Annual Congregational Meeting
in Church Hall. -
10 a.m., ;Church School and
Adult Bible Class.
Ll am., ;Morning Worship:
conducted' by 'bhe Minister. Nur-
sery for toddlers. Jun'i'or .Con-
'T p.m., "Bible Knowledge
College". Bring your Bible and
a friend.
8,15 p:ni., Northside Youth
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. James Jack, of Stayner,
10 a.an., Church ,School
11 a.m., Morning 'Service.
Anthem "Lord Let Ile Live. To-
day" (Moore).
and 4.30 p.m., Vesper 'Service,
and solo, "0 Loving 'Father" '(Del
IRiego), F. E. Willis.
IH. A. Kempster, Organist,
Choir Leader.
, e
times accused of operating a duty oto their .organization per -
marriage bureau" Imits. It seems to one that the
The possibility exists that the Federation of Agriculture is one'
number of residents at the Hui- of the best examples, of Dem
on ,County Horne may soon go I ocracy in action:
beyond the 100 -mark, county
councillors learned at bhe Janu- WINTHROP
ary session of Council last
week. Harvey Johnston, super- The regular meeting of the
intender+t at the HCH, near Winthrop Y.P.H. was !held on
Clinton, reported that at the Sunday evening Jan. 26th in the
end of 1957 there were 9.4 poo- basement of the church. Tlhe
ple being kept at the ;Home; meeting opened with the Y. P.
since the first of the year, three IPualpose followed' by hymn 55'6.
more have been admitted, and The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted, follow,
ed by the roll tall. bn the busi-
ness pant of the ,meeting it was
decided to hold the tobogganing
party on Friday evening, Feb.
7th at 8.30 p.m. at lDodd's hill.
It was moved by Larry' Wheat-
ley and seconded by ]Bob Bet
Hes that there be no meeting on
Feb. 9th. It was moved by Bob
Betties and seconded by !Harold
Janitzi that•'Marjorie Boyd be.
the' •assistant for Recreation and
Culture. It was moved by Earl
,MdSpadden and seconded b'y.
Bob Campbell, that we hold' a
crokinole party and a box sociai'
on Friday evening, Feb. 2,1st in
the basement off the e'hurclh.' Lt
was moved by Earl +'McSpiadden
and seconded by !B'c[V (Betwles
that we charge 25'c for the cro
kihole party, and auction the
boxes. The worship service -op
ened with the singing of hymin.
admission is now being sought
by another four.
At the (beginning of 1957,
said Mr. Johnston, .there were
89 residents in the Horne.
Excellent work is being done
,by the staff ,of the Home, Mr.
Jolhnston said. The staff now in-
cludes one head nurse, seven
practical nurses, a night nurse,.
four in the kitchen, four house-
maids, a night watchman, and a
Reporting on the operation of
the county farm, which is oper-
ated in conjunction with 'the
Horne, .Mr. Johnstonsaid thalt
28 cows are now fresh, or due.
to freshen before autumn. Milk
from the county farm is sold,
and pasteurized milk is bought
for use in the !Home, at 80c a
The silo on the .county !farm
was used in 1957 to ;make grass
silage, and corn silage was then 249. Ellinor Christensen led in.
added to fill bhe silo, The cows (prayer,. The scripture taken from
1956 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan
1955 Dodge Royal 8 — Radio A.T.
1955 Dodge Regent Sedan $1495.00
1952 Nash Sedan 675.00
1949 Pontiac Coach .. 300.00
1949 Chevrolet / Ton Pickup 375.00
No reasonable offer refused at
SeaforthlVl ot�or°s
Phone 541 Seaforth
"Where better; bulls are used"
Glenafton Milestone V.G.—born December 24/48
To qualify for the honor list, a cow must be among the top
five producers for either milk or fat on R.O.P. in each class
for the year in Canada.
With ten daughters in the honor list in 1957, Milestone has
more daughters in the honor list than any bull has ever had
in -one year, This achievement is magnified by the fact that
for 3956 Milestone was also the leading honor list sire with
seven daughters on the list to equal his great-grandsiro,
lvion.tvic Pathfinder, who held the record previously. He ad.
seven honor list daughters..in 1941. --
Glenafton Milestone has every right to be a PROUD SIRE.
This is simply proof that;offspring of our mulls can win their
share of honors when given equal opportunity.
Our congratulations to the owhers of honor list daughters of
our VITUS. They have made this record possible.
For information or service, to this or any of our other proven
and promising young hulls, dairy or beef, call collect to: —
CLINTON 1{11 2.3441 `'
Between: 7.30 and 10 A.M. on week days
7,30 and 9.30 A.M. on Sundays and holidays
Better Cattle For Better Living