HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-01-30, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1.50 a Year
Authorized as. Second Class
Post Office Dept., ettawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Undefeated Midgets.
in New Red Outfits
The local (boys are proud of.
their new red sweaters and
socks provided'by the Kinsmen
and are doing their part for the
town by not 'having lost a game
this year so far.
They ame playing good clean,.
fast 'hockey with neat combina-
tion and .are a 'treat to [watch.
It is hoped (that snore people
will come and see for themselves
and encourage bhe lads to go
to the top.
A;double header lag Sabra
day night wound u'p with a 13-7
victory over Mitchell in Sea..
foilth for 'Midgets; acrd' 2-2 tie
for 1Banibams.
Larry Dale scored 4 ,goals,
Billy Pinder 2, Douglas Bow-
cliffe 2, singles -going to Jim
Broadfoot, Sway IScoins, .Harvey
Dale land Toren Love.
Mitchell spotters were 2 each
for Elliott, [Pauli and Cook' and
one to McGlaoklin.
:Seafoaith played hosts to Go-
derich 'Tuesday night 'with a 11-
6 score. for Home Midgets. Har-
vey Dale 4, Olay Scorns 6, Larry
Dale 3, Doug Rowoliffe 1,
Goderich Ron Feagan 2, Don
Jerrey '2, Fred Israels .2.
Fllbe Midget line-up is: Goal,
Jack Bedard, [Brian Brady; de-
fence, Bob Reith, Bob Elliott,
John Varley; forwards, Larry'
Dale, (Doug IRoweliffe, Reay
Scoins, IBill Pinder, Harvey
Dade, "Tom Love, Keith" ;Stacey,.
Jinn Broadfoo:b and Carl Berger.
Ronald Broome is coach.
ITlhds is Minor Hockey Week
and will be celebrated in Sea -
forth (S'aturd'ay night when bhe
.Oliniton Bantams and ' Midgets
visit for first gallre of playoffs.
Mrs. 'Pony Phillips was host-
ess to the members of Ladies'
Bowling Club on Monday even-
ing, when eight tables of bridge
and euchre. avere played. Prizes
donated by Mrs. E. A. M•oMast-
er and Mrs. C. Reith were won
by 'Miss 1A'bbie Seip and Mrs.
BIelanson. Mrs. Phillips was as-
sisted with 'bhe serving of :a -de-
licious lunch by Mrs. E. 'Dins-
more, Mrs. S. Habkirk, Mas. W.
Hart and Mrs. F. C. J. +Sills.
The 'Barbara Kirkman Auxil-
iary of First 'Church. held its
first meeting of the •new year
.'an Tuesday evening in the
r school room of the church. The
president, Mrs. W. '0. Johnston
presided and opened the meet-
ing With a poem "Prayer for the
New Year". This was followed
by a 'hymn and prayer. 21 mem-
bers answered the roll mall. The
offering was received by alis.
Ili. Leslie and Mrs. W. Ross. The
potluck supper will be held in
February. The devotional pant
of the aneeting was in charge of
!Mrs. R. Kerslake. Mrs. W. Ross
gave the Glad Tidings prayer
and M. D. Nixon read the
scripture lesson. Mrs. R. Kers-
lake introduced the new study
book "This is Japan", 'telling of
conditions in that country atthe
present time. Alice (Ann and
Gene Nixon sang a duet "The
Stranger of (Galilee". They were
accompanied by Mrs. J. Munn,
pianist for the meeting. An in-
terestting fiDanstrip in color
"From the COhum& at Niehoa"
was presented by .Mrs. E. Riv-
ers land Mrs. 3. Patterson. It
showed the work being done by
.0hristfians in one small village
in Japan. The aneeting closed
with a hymn and 'prayer by Mrs.
The 'Eastern [Star euchre was
held Thursday night in the' Odd -
fellows 'Hall. Winners were: La-
dies lot, Mrs. Robert Tyndall;
lone hands, Mrs:- Feed Huisser;
consolation, Mrs. Jas. Barron;
anen's last, Alex Irvine; lone,
hands, "Chas. Cunningharn; con
solation, (Bob Emmerson.
Word was received here by
Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Adams of
thesudden death'. at !Syracuse,
`N.Y., of Mr. Albert P. Gorbutt
in his 56th year. lHe was [born
in Htallett,twp. and for a nuan
ben of years made ° his home
with Mr. and Mrs. Atdams. He is
survived by his wife tGertie, and
one daughter Patricia,•of Mi-
ami, Florida. Mr. !Goributt was
aavisitor here last summer.
Surprise Birthday,
Party for Teenager
(Betty Ann tGdlbibings 'had a
surprise party on Saturday to
celebrate the occasion of her
1.3th birthday an 'Sunday, ,Jan.
26th. Her friends gathered at
the2toxy Theatre, 'CUinton, and
surprised Beaty Ann on her •ar-
rivatl at the theatre, and photos
were taken by Mr. Jervis. BebtY
Ann treated her friends to a
theatre party. Fallowing the
show about forty of Betty's
friends 'assembled at the home
otf ;Betty's'paxentbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren sGilbbings where a pro-
gram of entertainment was en-
njoyed. Mrs. Eipih, Snell presided
at the piano. 'God save the
Queen was sung and Acarol Pep-
per led in a singsong. 'Canal Pep-
per and Elaine Ball sang "Bless
This House". Betty (Ann Gib-
hings, Nancy ISehoenhals and
Elaine IB•all played acooadian
numbers including the trio,
"Ocean Waves". Rinks ,Bruins -
ma sang a Dutch song. Nancy
101de played 'a piano solo. Other
numbers were: Donekla Free-
man, a comic reading; Peggy
Betties, middles; [Donna 10IIB''den,
comic reading;. Gail Crich, rid-
dles; Heather Winters, ]ballet
dancing; Marilyn iRolland, reci-
tation and Ritchie IDolmage, a
(Supper was served consisting
of beans, weiners, etc, with
biathday cake, ice cream and
doughnuts. The (hoste's`s, 'Mrs.
Gibibings was assisted by Mrs.
Pd Dolmage of Mitchell, Mrs. E.
.Snell, Carol PepPer- and Elaine
Ball. After supper Betty Ann
opened her gifts and later an
old-fashioned snowball fight
was enjoyed by all.
The pigeons and small 'birds
living along Goderieh street
which get an odd kernel drop-
ped frown the numerous grain
trucks, are having a field day
this week following a spill on
Monday morning.
One of (the racks on a Wright
& 'Leyiburn truck came Moose and
started ,pouring grain out just
west of the Main street inter-
section. _By the time the driver
became aware of the situation a
block fua;ther east, about two
tons of the load . was spread
along the highway. With the aid
of extra help most of the grain
was salvaged.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Butters
and IBrian of X54. 'Thomas, M.
Allan Butters of Newcastle with
Mr. and Mrs. Toni Butters.
Mrs. Jim Newcombe and Jim-
mie, (Port Credit, twirl IMr. and
Mrs. William IStapleton. •
Neil and Richard Stapleton,
Kenneth Feeney, (Fergus Kelly,
Egmondville Church Two Couples Have
Annual Meeting 25th' Anniversary
Egimondvillc (United Church The home of Mr. and Mrs. A
(held its annual congregational Cole of Onoanarty was the set -
meeting in the School Rossi of ting on Saturday evening, Jan.
the Ohuaolh on Friday evening, 2,5th • for a" !delightful affair
Jan. 1214; 1958, with a large: at- when 'a family dinner attended
tendance. The meeting took the by 25 wlas held in honor of the
form of a Pot Luck (Supper fol- 2'6th wedding anniversary of
lowed by the business meeting. Mr. and !Mrs. 'Campbell Eyre of
Dr. 'Semple, as ohasrman, .op- Kippers, sand Mr. and Mrs. Fred
ened the evening with (Hymn Cole of Exeter, who were both
4141 and asked those present to married on Jan. 28th 215yea
observe with him a few moments ' ago, but whose anniversaries
of silent remembrance for those were [Observed over the week-
froan the congregation "whose end. Rev. W. A. Young, Guelph,
faces are .keptin memory". former " minister of Carmel
Prayer followed. Art the concha 'Church, Hensall, officiated for
soon of the supper, Ds. ISemple the 'wedding •of Mr. and Mrs.
resumed the meeting; Mrs. E. ;P. Eyre, and Rev. Ahdrew B. Boa
'Chesney •acted as secretary. of ,London, was, the officiating
The reports of the various or- minister for Mr. and 'Ml's. 'Cole.
ganiaations indicated enthusias- The bridal table was attractive
tic support and gratifying pro- in calor schemes of pink and
gross -in all matters. Mr. Thos. White, pink tapers, and vases of
Robinson, as treasurer, .noted roses. The eoutples were present.
that 1957 was the best financial ed rwrbh gifts of silver suitable
year in the (history of the con- for the oceasion, including eor-
gregation. tAippoin'ted to the sages to !the brides of 25 years
Board of Stewards were Russell ago. Making the !presentations
Coleman, Alex Chesney, Edward [were Donald and Jean •Cole, •the
IBoyes, Robert Wallace, Elmer !children of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cameron and Norman McLean. 'Cole. Mr. and •Mrs. Eyre have
Mr. William 'Cameron was tip- a familly of three sons, Mervyn,
pointed , to the Trustee ]Board. and Douglas at home, 'Laurence,
Mr. Ivy Henderson asked 'to be Hamilton; one 'daughter, Mrs.
relieved of his duties on the (Ray 'Lee, Galt; Mr. and Mrs.
Capitan Fund 'Committee and Cole have no famrily. • A social
was replaced by Mr. James Mc evening a cards, games, and
Intosh. The •meanbers'hip of the showing of slides mounded out
Church stands at 271. a lovely evening.
an appreciation of the enthu- 'Miss Mary 'Goodwin spent a
siesta and untiring leadership few days last week visiting with
of Dr. and ]Mrs. Semple in the relatives at London.
work of the Church, the meet- . (Miss Patsy Jones underwent
ing unanimously voted a sub-. an appendix operation in .IOlin-
sbantial increase to Dr. ,Semple'' ton (General Hospital on Friday.
annual salary. :Miss Marion 'Desjardine of
Exeter visited list week with
.HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venner
Well, the school is bads to and Murray.
normal after the successful for- Seals and Diplomas Presented
anal of the past week. 'Seals and diplomas were pre -
With school out at 3.40 for seated to members of Herman
those not wanting to participate United Church 'Sunday 'School
in activities, Main street is in- by Rev. .0.:D. Daniels and sup-
vaded by high school students. erintendent 'Mr. C. 'Christie, on
Drama club, films, music club, 'Sunday.
glee club and (basketball head 'First Diplomas as follows:
.the fist of aotivities as well as Beth Cook, (Pam Taylor, Ann
a study 'period for those .who Bell, Katharine 'McEwen, Fred -
want to do homework. The stu- die 'Elder, [A1 ICorbebt, Steve
dents are well pletased with this Faber, Sandia, ]Richardson, John
system and hope it continues for Joynt, Linda Key.es, Robt. Tay -
a long time to come. lor, Lynn Faber, Brenda Noakes,
Basketh'all Jseason is in full Bill Taylor, Linda Mock, Geo.
swing, with exhibition games Tlayloa, [David Taylor, Marlene
against • Mitchell and ,regular (Dignan.
games against Gaderich and Secoard .Seals: Carollyn Cook,
Wi:ngham. John Goddard, Teddy Mock,
Goderich junior boys were de- Wayne Ellwood, Dennis Mock,
feated while tihe seniors -were Larry Jones, Jack 'Ohipchase,
triumphant. The girls were not Mary (Scene.
as :lucky, being closely defeated Third Seal: Susan Kyle, Rebt.
in both games. (Forrest, !Suzanne Rennie, Cathy
Beane, Ruthann T'raquair, E1-
The opening meeting of the Fourth Seal: Ruth Cudrnore,
New Year of Northside United Garry Kyle.
Church WMS was held on Tues- Fifth (Seal: Joyce Flynn, Lar -
day evening at 6.30 with a very ry 'Elde'r, Ann Mickle,, IBi11 No-
akes, (Nelson MeClinchey-.
ISixbh Seal: Pauline Bell,
Wayne Payne, Stephen Elder,
Bruce IShirrey, Mary Payne,
Patsy Jones.
Seventh Seal: Nancy Kyle.
(Second (Diploma: Ken iRicth-
Ninth .Seal: (Robert tMoNaugh-
ton, :Robert .Mickle, Gregory
Spencer, Bill IShad'dick.
Tenth Seal: Brute Horton,
Peggy 'Goddard, Steve Kyle,
Douglas 'Shirray.
Eleventh Seal: Noma Pass-
more, Jane Horton, • Beth God-
Twelfth Seal: Gwen Spencer.
Fougteentih [Seal: ,C h a r'1 e s
Fifteenth Seal: Connie Cor-
bett, =Marion Pepper. Ross Cor-
bett, secretary of the Sunday
:School received this 20th seal.
St. Jerome's high school, !Kitch- bountiful spot luck s u p p c r.
ener, at their homes. There was a large attendance'
John Kmauako'pf, Newcastle,
with Mrs. Krauskopf and ebil-
(Miss Margaret Flanagan of
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs.
William [Flanagan.
'Mr. and Mss. William latew-
ant, Mrs. IR. Pugh, Mrs. Jos. Dill
at Kittebener.
Mrs. Edward Hallman, Mr.
Lorne Cronin, '[Detroit, with
Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin.
Quite a numlbey irony there at-
tended the reception in Stalffa
hall•Fri'day evening for Mr. and
Mrs. Basil O'Rourke.
Mr. and Mrs. Cam Scott, Len
don, Mr. and Mrs. O. Moyer, of
Delaware, Ma. and Mrs. Ken
(Nichols, Granton, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom MacKay of Burlington,
with Mr. and Mrs. [Gerald Hol-
land. -
Miss (Shirley Horan, Brant-
ford, with Mr. and Mrs: Fergus
Jerry Stapleton is spending
a'monlbh's vacation intCalifommia.'
Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson
and children, Brantford, with
Mr. and Mrs. George (Coyne.
Mrs. E. Jordison has returned
home 'after spending fihe past
month with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Jordisori 'at An'caster. •
Miss Dorothy Farquhar of
Toronto spent the week end
with her ]parents, ` Mr.' and Mrs.
Charles Farquhar.
Mr. Ed. Broderick of Exeter,
spent (the week end with his
son and daughter-in-law, MT.
and 'Mrs, . Garfield 'Broderick;
and the supper was everything
to be desired. The meeting op-
ened :with Mrs. Ball in the chair,
she read a a beautiful poem
"God of our Life" followed by
hymn 502 and prayer by Miss
G. Thompson. [Mrs. Walden took
the business meeting and ex-
tended a hearty welcome to the
members and guests. The min-
utes of the Dec. meeting were
taken as read on motion by
MTs. Close and seconded by Mrs.
'Savauge. The executive meeting
held at Mrs. Ball's 'home were
read and approved. The iCe -
mun'itty Friendship reported '35
Home and 55 Hospital calls. The
correspondence was read and
dealt with. We .accepted with
pleasure an invitation from the
Mae Lane to their birthday
me'etimg, Feb. 17. Mss. James orf
St. Thomas' 'Clhuaeli'to he guest
speaker. Mrs. Bali, supply sec.,
made her report and 'asked for
mitts for (boys for one of the
anissi'on themes. Mrs. 'Christie
conducted the roll call and Ma's.
Sillery„ the treas. repeat, and
the offering'. The ga cups report -
ad 39 home •and 2 hospital calls..
It was decided the WIMIS would
aneet and attend church in a
body for . the iSunday Evening
Service each Sunday evening
previous to our regular meeting.
Mrs. Hall spoke• on our Amer
ate .membership. Mrs, Knight.
took over the meeting in the ab-
sence Through illness of Mrs.`
iJawson.Hymn 3188 was sung
followed. -!by prayer. 4Mrs.Berger•
gave the scripture, Philld,pines 2.
Misses Barbara Talhot and Sh
ron iM'clNdohol -gave , two lovely
Seafiorbh ladies head a bon -
spiel here on Wed. for local and
out-of-town rinks.
A rink of Seafoaibh curlers is
taking part in bhe men's bon -
spiel at Sarnia.
On Tuesday a rink of 'Sea-
forth ladies, Mrs. Jean Staple-
ton i(akip), Mrs. Anna Kling,
Mrs. Verna Campbell and Mrs.
Mary Rowcliftfe took part in the
ladies' iYonspiel at Walkerton.
nimbus, "Whispering Hope"
and "The 2,3rd Psalm", alas.
.Stewart aoeonnpanied them. Miss
Fennell took the study on Japan
from the study book, which all
enjoyed.'very much. The meeting
dosed with hymn 403 and ,pray
er by Mfrs. Knight.
Walton Church. Has
Successful Year
A pot luck supper preceded
the annual congregational meet
img of ]Duff's United •Clhorch on
Wednesday. evening. Rev. W. IM.
Thomas acted as chairman for
the evening and Mrs. Harvey
Craig, was appointed secretary.
Mrs. Craig mead the report of
last annual ,meeting and Rev.
Thomas gave bhe session re-
port. A moment of silence was
observed in mamroa ' .of those
who had passed away during
the year and a sprayer was of-
fered. (Doug Fraser gave a brief
account of (bhe work done by
the United 'Church Men's 'Coun-
cil duming the year, of which he
was a representative. He in-
formed the ' meeting that a
school •for elders and stewards
would be -[held in Clinton this
year. W. R. Sholdice and Allen
Searle were appointed represi-
eritatives for this year. Mrs.
Harvey 'Craig, church treasurer,
gave the ordinazy fund •report
Which was very encouraging and
showed a substantial surplus.
T'he inside sof,the ohuroh was
completely re -decorated during
the year, including 'the lower
and upper auditoriums, 'The
M. and M. report, also given by
bhe 'treasurer, revealed that $1,-
100.00 had been sent to Toron-
to daring the year, the alloca-
tion being reached. The minis-
ter ]moved a vote of thanks to
the treasurer for the efficient
animater in which she conducted
the financial business of the
Mrs. Nelson Reid, Sunday
School treasurer, reported for
that organization, showing a
successful year. Nellie and Ger-
ald Baan sang .two duet numb-
ers with Mas. Ted McCreath at
the piano. The YPU report was
given by Donna Smith with Mar-
ilyn Johnston favoring with a
piano solo for this group.
Mss. R. Achilles gave the
WMIS financial statement wthieh
was very gratifying and Mrs.
Robert McMichael gave the sec-
retary's report in nvhich she
mentiened the 7.01h WMiS an-
niversary which was the high-
light of the year for the 'WMS.
Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs.
Herb Travis rendered a 'duet
with Mrs. H. Brown as •accomnp-
anist. Anne Achilles' read the
CIGIT report. Mary Kirkby out-
lined a very profitable year. A
beautiful vesper service is held
each year art Christmas time,
which was largely attended last
year. - Bambara Turnbull and
Ruth Ritchie sang a duet. Brian
Travis very ably reported for
the Gleaners (Mission Band. Du-
ring the year two life member-
ships were donated by Mrs. H.
B. Kirkby to Nancy and Patsy
Walters. A solo by Linda Bryans
with Mrs. Bryans at the piano
was enjoyed at this time. Mrs.
Nelson Marks told of the Baby
Band activities during the year
and Dianne Eraser gave a reci-
tation. (Splendid reports were
given by Mrs. A. Coutts, treas-
urer foe the W.A. group, and
Mrs. R. Bennett, secretary, who
outlined the various activities
held during the year such as
banquets, socials, weddings and
a turkey supper. The manse
fund showed a substantial 'bal-
ance en hand. Mrs. Geo. Love
gave a reading after Which
Rev. Thomas expressed appre-
ciation for the work done by the
Walter Bewley was appointed
to the committee of Stewards im
place of 'H., B. Kirkby. 'W. J.
Leeming was elected as church
trustee in place of his father,
tete late Thorns Leeaning. Allan
Searle was chosen ,as collector
in place of Rae Houston, and
Jas. Smith to replace Andrew
Coutts. The third collector will
be Ken McDonald; assistants,
Barry Marshall, W. J. Leering
and A. Coutts. Neil McGavin
was appointed ushhea in place of
Ron Ennis. Others se -elected,
were Bert Johnston. Leslie Oli-
vea, dRonald:Senibh,, Don and
Jerry Achilles. Rev. Thomas ex-
pressed thanks to the leaders of
each anganization, the organist,
Board of (Stewards, Session and
also the caretaker, James 'Claris.
A motion of ,appreciation to the
sinister was made by Clarence'
Martin:' John Leeming, chair-
man o
hairman'' of the joint board sof stew-
ards, also *oke on behalf of
the minister. Mrs. Harvey
Brown, organist, paid tribute to
unun u' ...... 000000 ssssssssss tinninliun, tt sssssssss I "uu", i ...III tttttttt 1111.1111unnm
as illustrated
Just 3 of many big
values awaiting
your selection.
Other smart diamonds as low as $35.00
Ladies' Wedding Rings $7.00 and up
Gents' Wedding Rings $7.95 and up
'",i„a.u'la,ullll lL,'a lUuu„a„uumn'a'e""al„n"'.n"u„'",.'.l.'aaay pmauu.uuu"Ra"11.,,11"„
the congregation and minister game at the Maple Leaf Gard
for the splendid co -Operation ens in Toronto on Saturday
she had.•received during the past
twenty-two years.
(Mrs. Gordon McGavin ex-
pressed the feeling of the meet-
ing requesting M•o. (Thomas to
take their best wishes to Mrs.
Thomas who is ill at present.
Martin Baan thanked the ladies
for (bhe supper and J. Leeming
moved the 'meeting be adjourn-
ed. The McKillop group was in
charge of cleaning up opera-
Sunday visitors with Mrs. J.
S. 'Watson were .Mr. and Mrs.
Albert 'Clark and 'family of
Muirkirk and Miss Alice Watson,
of London.
Miss Frances H o u st o n is
spending a few days with friends
at 'Walton.
Visitors avieh Mrs. David Ste-
phenson on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Lee McConnell and
Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston of
Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan
have returned home from a
pleasant trip to the sunny south.
Mr. Ivy (Henderson received
injuries to his right arm, the re-
sult of a fall a few days ago,
we hope for a speedy recovery.
Egmendvidle Sunday School
room was the scene- of a pleas-
ant event on Wednesday even-
ing, when tihe ladies of our'com-
mundty gathered in honor of
Miss Ena Enrico, bride -elect of
Saturday and presented her with
a number of lovely gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Keyes
and 'Mr. Thos. Robinson attend-
ed the funeral at Goderioh on
Tuesday of Mss. Austin Sturdy,
the termer Miss Rata Keyes of
Stanley twp.
:Mr. Larry Gardiner spent the
weekend .with his grandmother,
Mrs. Joseph Reed of Dublin.
Mrs. A. McDougall of Fuller-
ton is visiting with her son -sin.
law and daughter, Mr. and Was.
Hugh Norris. •
Mrs. Otto Walker visited on
]Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gar-
net Cockwell, Dashwood.
Mr. and 1Mrs. Gordon1Howatt
of Blyth, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and 'M'rs. Robert Gard-
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie,
alargarelt and Ann and Mr'
Grant, Komoka, visited: on Sat-
urday with 'Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mr. Reg Lawson spent the
weekend in London with Mr,
and Maes. E. F. Warren and fa
i1Y and stterled thehockeY
Dlr. and Mis. Borden Brown,
Joyce and Elaine, spent the
weekend mita relatives in Hair
over and attended the 'At Home'
for Mr. 'Thomas Brigham, .Mrs.
Brown's father, on the occasion
of his 904111 birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery (Pfaff of
Crediton spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ken Pn eszcator
and fancily..
(Mrs. Arnold Colcdough spent
the past week with her son, Mr.
and Mrs. Hans Eller -•of • Sea --
forth. •
The farm forum was held at
the 'home of Mi. and Mrs. Ross
McGregor. (Being the 411h night,
there was no discussion. Con-
tests were held and progressive
euchre enjoyed, prizes going to:
High 'lady, Mrs. Howard: Presz
cater; high man, Wm. Jewitit;
low prize to Mr. and Mrs. Ven
[Next meeting will be at ,t{he
home Of Mr. and Mrs. Vern
Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs.
Borden IBmown and girls viewed
the remains a Mrs. Brown's
cousin, Mr. Wan. Cross at the
Richardson Funeral Home in
G. Frederick Hoegy, 72, died
at his residence, (Huron .St.,
Seaforth, 'on Saturday. Mr. Hoe-
gy had been in failing thealbh
for the past 534 years. He was
horn in McKillop twp. where he
received his early education at
S.S. No. 8. In 1.817 he .married.
Ellen Doerr, at 'Milverton. He
farmed most of his life in Mc-
Killop twp., 'retiriing tolive in
Seaforth in 1.951. He 'had been
a trustee of B.S. 6, McKillop
school for a numlber orf years.
Mr. Hoegy was a member of the
Evangelical United (Brethren
Ohurch, McKillop. Three sisters
and four brothers predeceased
him. 'Surviving besides his wife
are two daughters, Mrs. Gordon
(Evelyn) Kleber, Kitchener, and
Mrs.. Edwin 1(Leotta) MacKen-
zie, Roseville,. Mich.; two sons,
Widbnr, •Brodhagen, and Lavern,
McKillop; elle sister, Mrs. Lena
Wietersen, Logan twp., and •one
brother, William, S ea f or t h.
There are 17 grandchildren. The
funeral service was held Mon-
day at 2 p.m. at the Evangelical
United Brethren 'Church, 1Me-
Killop, with Rev. A. M. Aire.,
then• officiating. Burial in the
Evangelical United 'Brethren
'Pallbearers were (Gilbert Mur-
ray, Thoanas Purcell, James
Sloan, Clarence lRegele, George
Beuerman, (Charles Dietz.