HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1958-01-23, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, January 23) 1958 Your, Superior Specials For .Jan. 23.24-25 MONARCH FLOUR HEIINZ .... 71b bag 49c 2 TOMATO KETCHUP S 11 oz. Bottle 2 for 45c ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE Lge 48 oz tin 27c MARGENE MARGARINE 1 ib 31c SACCO TUNA FISH Solid White Meat 7 oz. Tin.27c Soap Sale PALMOLIVE. Reg, 3 fox 28c Bath 2 for 28c CASHMERE: BOUQUET Reg. ..,.. 4 bars 390 TIDE, Giant Size .. 67c ASSORTEDSOAPS Med. .. 5 bars 23c Large .. 3 bars 23c HEINZ FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLES ...... 16oz, .Jar 31c DEL MONTE CATCHUP 11 oz. Bottles 2 for 43c -Consumer gets 25c refund, on purchase of 2 bottles KAM LUNCHEO.N MEAT 12 oz. tin 456 VALLEY GOLD PRUNES 2 ib cello 39c WINDSOR ICELAND WATER ICE WAFERS Assorted pkg 39c POTTED PLANTS & CTJT FLOWERS for sale Wright's Superior Food Market SmT.W SERVICE -- FREE DELIVERY DANCE! WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th Dancing 10 P.M. to 1 A.M. Admission 75c BE FORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION TOWN TOPICS 1Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nielholson and [family a iStree[tsviile were weekend visitors with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Lane, -Lom don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Townsend. Mr. 'and Mrs. Ray Hutchinson and family, Kitchener, were the weekend guests -of Mrs. Thomas Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ]Hoff of Stratford spent the weekend with ' -Mr, 'Geo. Dickson and other relatives. Miss Mary Lou and Miss Ruth Sills, London, Mr. Ron (Sills of Kitchener and Miss Pat Reyn- olds, Kitchener, were .weekend guests of Mrs. C. F. [Sills. t Mr. and Mrs. Frank [Osborne, [Bill and ,Sharon, Quelbec, visited •recenttly with Mr. and Mrs. J. Meagher. Mts. Russel Pringle and Mrs. Gordon 'Reynolds visited with relatives in Detroit last week- end. Monsignor J. A. Feeney, Lon- don, was a recent visitor -of Mr. - and :Mrs. John Meagher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Sills Sy. - and D'Orleon, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills Jr. and family visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. • 11. Enzens- berger, (Goderrieh, last !Sunday. They celebrated Tittle Mona Katie 'Enzensbeager's '9''th'birth- day. Dr. and ,Mrs. E. A. McMaster, of Seaforth, are in Toronto for a few days, guests at the Park [Plaza. Mr. and Mrs, John McLach- lan, Mr, :Edward [Henke and Mr. Andrew Petrie have returned from a month's vacation in Cal- ifornia and 'Florida. BORN •Grummett—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Grummett, RR4 Seaforth, a son Seigniiller—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Jan. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Darol Seigmiller, Seaforth, a daughter WALTON Mrs. Art McCall was hostess to *e Walton group, on'Wednes day [evening with 27 ladies in attendance, ,T[he : newly elected president, Mrs, James Clark was in charge of the meeting which opened with hymn 571 "Stand- ing at the Portal". Mrs. A. Bus- by read the scripture passage. frown ;Psalm .'96 afiter which prayer was offered by Mrs. W. Bewley. (Mrs. [Herb Travis gave an interesting topic on "Unless ]You Deny Yourself". The pres- ident recited a [poem' entitled "The End". Mrs. N. Marks, the ,Se -c., Balled, the roll which was answered with. "Your Favorite 'Hymn", after which the . min- utes of the November meeting were read, also the December 'meeting which took the forum of is Ohristmas party. Correspond- ence was read and tfhankyou cards acknowledging boxes of fruit, cookies, candy and flow - lets sent to slzuetins art Christmas time. The following program com- mittee was 'appointed for the year, Mrs. W. C. IHackare1l, Mrs. R. Achilles, Mrs. Herb (Travis and Mrs. [Doug Ennis. It was de- cided that the quilt committee carry on the same 'as last year in regards ;to prices and etc. A motion was made that boxes of fruit be sent to members ' and their families on their return from hospital and that card be sent to anyone not 'hospitalized. Plans were made for the annual meeting on [Weed. when the Wal- ton group will [be in charge of setting up tables -and serving the pot luck sapper which ,pre- cedes the meeting.A Valentine `Social will be held in 'the Church basement on Friday, February 14 When each group is requested to provide a 20- minu'te .program. The village members are asked to bring tarts and out-of-town .members to bring sandwiches. The leaders of the copper contest [for the coming year chose sides, the [money to be collected in June and November. It was agreed that a bazaar be held again this I•year on Wed. afternoon March 26th With the committee as fol- lows: Mrs, Cecil Lydiati, firs. Earl [Watson, Mrs. Allan 'Mc- Call, Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, Mrs. Harvey Brown and' Mrs. 3. Clark. Material for quilts and aprons will ,be ordered from Ea- ton's and ;Simpsons' as in past, years. Red (Cross sewing was distributed by the [president, Mrs. Earl Watson. WMS. treas- urer reported for the WrM,S and Mrs. Ron Bennett gave the WA financial [report. "Onward [Chris- tian (Soldiers" was sung as the closing hymn followed with the Mizpah Benediction. Several very interesting con- tests were .conducted 'by Mrs. Wm. IThamer during the social period. Lunch hostesses were: Mrs. Art McCall, Mrs. W.IBroad- foot, Mrs. Geo, Dundas and Miss Bessie [Davidson. Groups Meet The Bbh-:and 16th group held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. ,Bert Johnston with '19 ladies present, with Mrs. Alvin McDonald 'presiding the meeting opened by singing hymn 500 "Take Time to BeI Holy" with Mrs. Jack Bryans at the piano followed by •prayer by Mrs. Don McDonald. Mrs. A. 1VIdDonald read the scripture lesson and Mrs. D. McDonald very ably gave the topic. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Johnston. Mrs. ,Clar- ence Martinconducted the bus- iness meeting when the program committee was appointed to prepare a '20 min. program for til e Valentine social. Lunch was served by Mrs. Rae Houston, Mrs. [Don McDonald, 'Mrs. Wan. Flood and the hostess. The Jan, meeting of the 17th and Boundary group was held at the 'home of (Mrs. Wm. Ben- nett with :21 members and 1 vis- itor present. Meeting was open - How little does Electricity re ily S Most things you buy today have gone up in price— an average of 8o% between 1940 and 195 6 according to the Consumer Price Index. But in Ontario during these same years, the average price of ELECTRICITY used in the home and on the farm has actually gone down 4%. The average cost of a` day's cooking for. a family of four is only 5.3 cents. Electricity is one of the most important things in your daily life. Your home is safer... easier to keep clean... brighter ...more comfortable than ever before. Household tasks, and farm tasks too, are done more quickly, more easily, more economically and the world of entertainment is yours at the flick of a switch... all for only a few cents a day. T.:ive Better Electrically... the safe, ® clean, modern way. ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH... COS rS SO LITTLE roNTARo ,O.O, HYDR.Orl .. •,.evf1A. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister AN IMPORTANT DAY FOR OUR CONGREGATION 11 A.M. Setting Apart the Official Board and the Consecration of the Congregation to the Now Tasks of the Coiling Year. SUBJECT "Let us Keep The Fires of the Spirit Burning, As We Do Our Work for God" 7 P.M. The Subject You Have Been Waiting to Hear Discussed. THE SIX GREAT CONVICTIONS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION Public Cordially Invited ed by the president, Mrs. Don- ald Buchanan. The scripture was read by Mrs. Donald Arm- strong. ,Plans were made for the Valentine soeial. It was de- cided to do sewing for the Un- itarian service committee with Mrs. Albert Clark in charge. Lunch was served by hostess, Mrs. ,Bennett, Mos. M. Leann- ing, Mrs. C. Hoegy, Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Mrs, Harold Me- DUBLIN e- DUBLIN Mr. Gar Smith has left to spend two months in Florida. Mrs, William Byrne, Trenton, Mich., Mrs, Jean (Fortune, Sea - forth, with .Miss .Monica [Byrne. Ma'. and Mrs. John ,Cleary, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. an -d Mrs, Louis Looby are spending a month in Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. +H. Gemmel, of -Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraus- kopf and (Bill, Ferndale, Michi- gan ; Mrs, , Robert McCormick of Detroit 'with 'Mr. and ,MTS. Jas. Krauskopf. Mrs. 'Som Coyne is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. ST. COLUMBAN What might have been a more serious accident occurred last week when Louis O'Reilly, of McQ%illop twp., working in a field with tractor and spread- er, had occasion to dismount. On getting on the 'tractor his foot slipped and he fell, the back wheel -of the tractor 'pass- ing over the length of his body, narrowly .missing his head. He managed to roll out of the way of the spreader. He suffered se vere bruises to his legs and chest. Mr. and .Mrs. 'Martin Purcell and Maxine, of Kitchener -with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver and Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas `Purcell. Miss Catharine Moylan, of Brantford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Idoy- lan. Mr. Tom Morris is a' patient in 'Stratford General Hospital. A play entitled "A 'Pair of Sixes" will the presented by a local group of players, in the parish here about 'the middle of March. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch and family of the Goshen Line North visited his parents, Mr, and ,Mrs. Rudy Desch. Mrs. Claire Dieckert attended' the ,teachers meeting on Wednes- day. Mr. Roy McBride attended the Temperance T.V. Program at Wingham on Sunday last. Mr. Elgin rMcIKin-l-ey also at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schultz of Hillsgreen visited Mr. G. Bohn on Saturday. Mr. G. !Bohn of Blake and Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Westbrook of Goderich and Mr. L. Schultz of Hillsgreen were in Toronto owing to the death of a relative. ;Mrs. 'Harold Finlay, who spent last week in bed, is able to be up again and moving about aft- er her accident. Mr. Ephraim 'Gingerich of Kitchener Bible Institute spent the weekend with [Mrs. Ginge- rich and fancily, and eon -ducted W. I. Euchre Dance At Seaforth Community Centre Friday, January 31 AT 8,30 Admission 76c. Lunch provided Next euchre and dance Feb, 14 CASH BINGO Dublin Parish Hall WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 8.30 P.M. 16 games at $5.00-3 special games. Jackpot of $65 on 55 numbers Admission 50c L. O. L. EUCHRE In Orange Hall Wed., Jan. 29 Admission 40c. Lunch served EVERYBODY WELCOME his service at the 'Amish Men- nonite Church, 'Bronson Line on Sunday. HENSALL ;Prices at Hensall [Community sale, Jan. 16, 1958: Weanling 'pigs 413.50 to $16.- 25; 16:25; chunks $17.35 to $20.50; feeders $21.26 to '$28:60; sows $74.00 to 1116.00'; Holstein cows $185.00 to $175.00; Dur- ham cows $1.65.00 to 0180.00; Holstein calves $10.50 to x$18.; '(Durham 'calves $21.00 to $44:50. 550 ;pigs and 150 head of cattle and calves were sold, The Public is invited to attend THE Seaforth Lions Club LASSIES NIGHT and BURNS NIGHT Monday Evening January 27th 6.30 P.M. Community Centre Outstanding Proganune OF SCOTCH SONGS - DANCING AND MUSIC Guest Speaker — Rev. Chas. Murray of Leaside and former Padre at R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton Mr. Murray, a son of Scotland, is a long-time student of Burns TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: • Smith's Shoe Store • Keating's Pharmacy TICKETS — $1.50 EACH Accommodation limited to 200 WOMMaiNOISMAMONVW.MMUIMVaMMOM PE FOR iliNCE `k?i:.: OSC�•`•2:'•i.. n....::::�ii::::?�i?f.Y:`.:$ti�.'Ffi�'j.`isi"�'ti'n"4':�Y.vt't>;:Y�1?;S's".i.�..''v`::;T�' ':.^'..�a"!.',�•.v'' Laboratory -controlled at Sun's great refineries, Sunheat uniformity is constant in every gallon. Sunheat's uniform quality means efficient, unfailing operation' of your burner ....without frequent adjustments. MADE BY THE MAKERS OF BLUE SUNOCO GASOLINE ROSS SCOTT LIMITED, Brucefield