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Seaforth News
21.50 a. Year
Authorized as Spread Class.
Post Oi£ia2 Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
On the fifth ballot, and by the
narrowest possible margin, John
Morrissey, reeve of Stephen
township, was elected warden of
Huron county at Goderich Tues-
ues-day, afternoon'.. He was the sur-
vivor of an unusally large list,of
candidates.; six .sought the office,
with one eliminated on each bal-
lot until the:. final testproducecl
a 17-16 victory for Reeve Morris-
sey, over Reeve John Durniri of
West`Wawanosli township,
Thirty-two reeves and deputy
reeves voted in the election; the
vote total came to 33 on each
round of balloting, because the.
town of Goderich has the popula-
tion to entitle it to an extra vote
which is 'cast by Reeve James
. Next closest rival, "after Reeve
Durnin, in the contest for the
1958 wardenship, was Reeve Wil-
Iia.m McKenzie of Exeter, w110
survived to the fourth round of
balloting. Other candidates were
Reeve William Morritt of Blyth,
who waseliminated on the third
ballot, Reeve John Beeves •of
Goderich township, who was eli-
minated on the second ballot;
Reeve Orval Taylor of East Wa-
wanosh, who was eliminated on
the first: ballot.
Warden. Morrissey is now be-
ginning his 11th year as a mem-
ber of Stephen township council.
He has had four years' experi-
ence as a township councillor,
and six yearsas a reeve. He is a
farmer and drover, living on RR
2 Orediton, in the neighborhood
in which he was born a little
less than 49 years ago. He is .well
known as a harness racing ex-
pert. He owns two trotting horses
and is a. director of the Canadian
Trotting Association and vice
president of the Western Ontario
Racing Association. He attended
school at Mount Carmel, and is a
member of Mount Carmel Roman
Catholic Church.
Warden and Mrs. Morrissey
have eight children: David, 19;
Nancy, 18; Robert, 16; Eileen, 15;
James, 12; Dennis, 10; Angela
Mary, 5; Ann Catherine, 3.
500 Baby Chicks lost
In McKillop Fire
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane
of McKillop lost 5-00 baby chick
pullets about ten days old when
fire destroyed the colony house
Saturday evening about 8 o'•••
Clock. Mr. Lane was filling an
oil stove in the. colony house
when the container slipped from
his hand- and oil- ignited. An
alarm was sent out and neigh-
bors and the Seaforth 'brigade
with the rural truck responded
promptly. The evening was very
calm and the combined, efforts
of all present hel'd the (blaze in
check until the firemen ,eaeting-
uished it. ''The colony house was
standing close to the other
buildings but had not (been in
use for several years. The
building had no insurance and
the chicks were not covered by
,insuran'ce as they were under
six weeks old.
The regular sheeting of the
Hospital 'Auxiliary was held in
the nurses' residence with 'the
president, Mrs. E. Whyte in
charge. The first baby born this
year was a daughter to Mr. and
;Mrs. G. IH. Arthur, r.r. 3, Olin-
ton, and received the silver (baby
snug presented -by the Auxiliary.
Plans were, made do' the an-
nual Gingham Glance which is to
be held Feb. 7th in the Commun-
ity (Centre. Lunch was served
Iby a comanittee of (Mrs. 1Motton,
Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. E. Larone
and Mrs. J. IPaitterson.
Local Rinks Win
Mixed Bonspiel
Seaforth 'Curling Club held a
mixed bonspiel on Saturday. Lo-
cal rinks succeeded_ in winning
first _place in the two events.
Rinks were (present from . St..
Thomas, London, Guelph, Exet-
er, ]Hensall, Mitchell and. Sea -
forth. Winners of 9.30 draw
were: 1s't Mr, an'd ,Mrs. F. Kling,
Miss Alice -RReicl and Norman
McLean. 12ndMr. and Mrs. Wan.
Ball, Mr. sand Mrs. Carmen IRow-
cliffe. 3rd Geo. • Hildebrand and
• Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mr. and
Mss. E. Johnston, of Seaforth.
Consolation, ;Mr. and Mrs. S.
(Gordon, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Bowen, London.
11 o'clock draw: 1st Dr. and
Mrs. M. W. Stapleton, Mr. ;and
Mrs. Wim: Caang(bell,' Seatforth.
2nd, rink skipped Iby Geo. .,Mc-
A.tber, 'Sit. Thomas. 3rd, , rink
skipped by (Won. . Du'fty, 1St.
Thomas. Consolation, ,rink sldp-
ped by (Mac Rolb.erton,. Guelph,
W. T.'Teali Heads
School Board'
W. T. Tall was re-elected the
chain -hen of Seaforth d'aiblic
(School (Board at the inaugural
meeting. on Jan. 154h. 318. Mc-
Kellar was re -appointed sec.-
treas. The board is (tlhe same as
last year and committees were
'reappointed. !Rev. IBeuce W.
I31011 was appointed to the Li-
brary Board for the unexpired:
terns of Rev. ID. G. iCanipbeld,
and James Wallace for the 3 -
year term. Charles Barber was
re -appointed' to the District ]High
iSchool Board and Robert Joynt
attendance officer. 'Other busi-
ness was routine.
On 'Tuesday evening the Sea -
forth ;Home and 'School met in
the public school auditorium.
15.00 was voted 'towards a seem
oriel for Mrs. (Sheik, .past Pres.,
of the Ontario Federation of
Home said ;Scho.ols, who p'asse'd
away last (Octolber. (Mrs. Or-
vidle Oke was parent of the
month and Mrs. Boussey's (Grade
won the $1 for most parents in
attendance. Mrs. C. Smith's
Scottish dancers, Katy (Scott,
Elaine Oke, 'Myra Malcolm,
danced the Sword 'Dance with
Peter Malcolm accompanying on
the bagpipes. The 'Beuermann
girls favored with an accordion
selection after which the 'danc-
er's gave the Highland Fling.
The frim, "Angry Bray," was
Those attending the rug -mak-
ing class on Thursday, Jan. 23
bring frames and clamps, cotton,
darning needle and hammer.
The annual meeting of the
Seaforth 'Ohamber of Commerce
will be held .in the town hall,
Seaforth, on Thursday, Jan. 30
at 8s.p.m. sharp. All merchants
and citizens interested in the
welfare of the 'town are_urged
to attend the annual meeting of
the 'Chamber of Commerce. -.
A nominating 'committee of
the !three past presidents will
present to the meeting a sug-
gested slate of officers. In ad-
dition to the election of offi-
cers for 1958, will be the ap-
pointing of committee chairmen,
reports of chairmen for 1957
and an outline of possible pro-
gram for the coming year.
iThe ladies of L.0.-B.A. on
Monday evening held "the first
in a series' of eurlhres in the
Orange Hall, when a petit -point
picture 'donated by Mrs. R.
iMurdie was drawn for by (Mrs
IShohlbrook of Clinton,- winner
being Miss 33orma Jordan, and
a plant donated by Chas. ICual-
nigham was won by ;Mrs. Percy
IGrunamett. 'Winneals of 'euchre,
ladies, Mrs. Hattie (Barron; lone.
hands, Mrs. W. TIodgert; conso-
lation, (Mrs. Elmer Chambers.
Gents' first, Ted (Brown; 'lone
hands, Frank Maloney; con., W.
1M. 1011dfield. A quilt will be
drawn for at the :Feb. •17th
40th Anniversary of
the. A. Nicholsons
On Friday evening a number
of friends and :neighbors held a
surprise lsarty for Mr. and. Mrs.
Arthur Nicholson, to celebrate.
their- 40th wedding .anniversary.
They were married on the 18th.
of January, at the home of the
bride's' gaandanother, the late
Mrs. Catherine McKenzie of
ISeaforth, by 1Dr. Larkin. The
late Mr. land Mrs. W. 5'. 'McMil-
San, •of. Egmondville stood up
with them. The bride was the
former OCabh'erine M. MdBura'ney,
daughter of the late Mr. .and
Mrs. W. J. McBurney •of East
Wawanosh. (The .groom, -the son
of the late .Mr. and Mrs. John
Nicholson, Mill Road. IBobh be-
long to the ''Presbyterian Church
at Seaforth. He was a member
of Tuciceramith'Councii for, five
years, and reeve for nine, one
of which he was warden in 1951.
Trustee for 14 years for .S. S.
No. 7, President ;of (Seedertih
Agricultural Society for two
years and at present a commis-
sioner for the Tuckersmibh Tel-
ephone ]System. They have a
faanily of five sons and one
daughter: Harold of 'Seater -Ea;
Jack •of ISitreetsville; Allan, Ross
and Barbara ;(]Mrs. Ross Alex-
ander) all of Egmondville, and
Murray at Thome, and 112 grand-
The evening was 'spent play-
ing cards, fist prize for gents,
Mr. Joe McLellan, lst prize for
ladies, Mrs. Geo. Armstrong;
eons. prize for gents, Mr. •Clar
nee Reid, and cons. prize for
ladies, Mrs. Joe. McLellan,
After lunch Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholson 'were asked to come
to 'the platform and (Wilson Mc-
Cartney read the following ad-
Dear Arthur and Catherine,-
atherine,Best wishes and hest ,pf duck to
you and happiness all your lives
through. Today is a time to call
your own, to remember the
many joys you have known.
To think ;about anany dreams
come true that 'passing time 'has
brought to you. So -on this ex-
tra special dray we want to show
you in a small way how very
glad we are to be here, to cel:
ebrate with you each happy
year. 'Best wishes .and continued
good health and happiness.
Signed, your friends ;and neigh-
bors and the members of Tuck-
ersmith Telephone ,C'onnnissian.
Then Messrs. (Wan. Cameron
Geo. McCartney, James McIn-
tosh and Dave McLean ;present-
ed them with a bea'uti'ful chime
clock, lace tablecloth and T.V.
Mr. Harvey Coleman, repre-
senting the Telephone Commis-
sion sioan presented them with a
beautiful ruby -coloured Ken -
wood blanket. Arthur thanked
them all, dor the lovely gifts, af-
ter which 'Mrs. Wtarren 'Shera
played the guitar land sang a
couple of songs. he remainder
d of the evening. -was spent in
'dancing. Mr. an,d ,Mrs; G. Ann -
strong, Mr. and MOS. Wilson Mc-
Cartney, Georgina 1VIas. Elmer
Oanteron, 'Mr. Warren (Shera
supplied !the music.
(Saturday evening, their faan-
ily, •ac'corpanied by MT. Nichol -
son's !brother and his wife •(1Mr.
-and Mrs. Wilson Allen.) sprang
a surprise •on their mother and
dad, entertaining them to a most
happy evening, spent playing
cards and singing. A sumptuous
lunch was then served, table
decorated in pink and white, lit
by tall dandles and centered
with a (lovely decorated cake.
After this, amid ahoweas of con-
fetti they were read an address
by Beryl '(;Mrs. Harold Nichol-
son) ;and presented with a -love-
ly lamp and coffee table. Im-
mediately after which a humor-
ous,poetical address was read
by Basisara !(Mrs. Ross Alexan-
der) to Harold and Beryl, who
;also celebrated •the ' 'event of
their wedding. They too were
presented with a gift. Two most
enjoyable evenings were spent.
The regular monthly meeting
was held at the homeofMiss D.
Parke, Thursday evening, Jan.
16i1h. Mrs. McGavin, President,
opened the 'meeting by reading
the 10th chapter of Romans, fol-
lowed 'by'a moment's silence in
memory of •Mrs. A. (Case, Hon-
orary (President. Mrs. James in-
troduced the new study .'book
for the year entitled The Cross
and Chrysanthemum. On behalf
of The (Seaforth Red ;Cross, the
President asked for •volunteer
knitters and sewers. The follow-
ing reports were made: The
Treasurer's, by Miss D. Parke;
Social 'Service by ,Mrs.' J. 'Old-
field on behalf of MTS. E. 'C'ase;
Dorcas, by (Mrs. W. O'Shea, on
behalf of Mrs. Southgate.
Under general business' ar-
rangements - were anode for the
Annual 'Valentine Tea ,and bake
sale, to be held on Wetdm'esday
afternoon 'Feb. 12th, in the Par-
ish 'Hall, between the . hours of
3 and '5 1p.m. ' The 'offertory was
received and dedicated and the
meeting closed with the :bene-
very ,successful euchre
party,,spensored Iby the C.W.L.
was held in.the !Se!parate IS:choo•l.
on Friday evening with 22 ta-
bles at !play. Prize winners were
ladies: Mrs. C. Malone, Mrs. P.
McIver; done hands, John J.
Maloney. Men's Lou Coyne,-
oyne;Leo Kelly. Lunch was served by
the convenors, (Mrs. J. Maloney,
Mrs. A. 'Devere'aux, +Mrs. J.
Devereaux 'and their committee.
Roy Jewell to Speak
Here on Feb. 5th
The annual ;meeting of 'Sea-
fonbh Agricultural ISdcielty will
be !held on !Wednesday evening,
Feb. 5th_atSeaforth Distri:ot
High School at 8 o'clock. Roy
Jewell, TV farm director, of
London, will e guest speaker.
The meeting is•open to the pub -
tic. Election oft officers and dir-
ectors.for the1958 Fall Pair in
the women's division and the
main 'fair.
Daniel 'Patrick 'Cronin,, well-
known McKillop Township farm-
er, died in Scott .Mepnorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, ore Tuesday in
his 88th year, Mr. ;Cronin had
been in poor !health for a short
time. He was (born in Hibbert
Township, a member of a fam-
ily of 10—Ile He was educated in
St. 'Columbam. In :1901 he mar-
ried (Bridget (Downey, who pre-
deceased him in 1950. 1In. 1899
he moved to the'farm he had
occupied ,until his - death, which
is east of I3d. Oolumllban -on No.
8 highway and dn. M'CIKi'llop twp.
He was a member 'of St. Colum;,
]ban (Roman Catholic Churcll'and
of the Holy Nreane ;Society. He
is survived by four sons, Daniel
J., Alphonse and Albert, ail of
Ct. 'Columban, and. Jack, in Al-
berta; two 'daughters,. Mrs. Jas.
(Mary) IO'Connor and Mrs. Hugh
!((Hannah) Benninger, (both of
Dublin; two-, sisters, Mrs. John
(Elizabeth) iD,owney, London,
and Mrs. Thomas (Nellie) -Fee-
ney, Kitchener.
fIhe funeral will 'take place on
Friday, Jan. 24th at 9 a.m. at
St. Columban Ghureh with Rev.
Vatter McCowell officiating.
Burial will be in St. Columban
Miss Ruby M. Vanstone, 111
Huron St., Stratford, died in
Stratford General Hospital Sat-
ua'daying evening after a brief
illness. A daughter of the late
John Vanstone and the former
Mary (Donkin, she was born in
(Stratford and lived there•. all
he'r lifetime with the exception
of 20 years in Egmondville,
Ont. She was the last member
of a !family of seven. Miss Van-
stone was a member of St.
James' Anglican Church. The
funeral was held on Tuesday
'conducted by the Ven. Arch-
deacon F. G. Lightbourn,ID. D.,
of St. James' Ohureh. Interment
was. in Avondale 'Cemetery.
Farmers' Union presented
(brief to Premier Frost's Cabin-
et with 63 delegates represent-
ing (Ontario on Jan. 15th, Mr.
Frost extended .greetings by
shaking hands. Each delegate
gave name and •County repre-
sented. Mr. A. Coranack thanked
Ibhe •cabinet for the opportunity
of presenting brief to them, and
introduced Gordon Hill the new
(President and asked him to read
brief, 'Gordon Hill, Bob Taylor,
MTs. Alf Nesbitt and Carl 'Dal-
ton represented Huron. The del-
egates' returned to 'Steel Work-
ers' Hall and :completed' board
Vestry Meeting of
.St. Thomas Church
The annual vestry meeting of
'St. Thomas' Church was !held
on Mon'day evening with a good
attendance. Reports of the var-
ious church organizations show-
ed a year of progress and the
Church restoration 'fund mort-
gage was paid off during 1957,
The treasurer reported that
two bequests had .been tirade to
the church during the year.
The election of officers re-
sulted as follows: Re'ctor's War-
den, T. T. Jackson; Peoipie's
Warden, E. C. 'Boswell; vestry
clerk, IGeo..Flewitt; delegates
to, Synod, Garnet (Stockwell, W.
E. (Southgate; substitutes, J. R.
Spittal, John Oldfield; envelope
secretary, Mrs. P. M. Troutbeck,
Board of ;Management, Miss
Dorothy Parke, Mrs. Bruce 'Mac-
Lean, Norman Scoins, Harry
Palin, (Gordon . Wright, J. R.
Spittal, Arthur Varley, John
Earle, Elmer Larene.
11VIr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
and family s:p'ent the weekend
,with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Hj)n
of Exeter.
Miss Joyce Jewitt of Thorn
dale spen't,'th'e weekend with
her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Jewitt. -
Mr. Murray Dale of Listowel
spent the weekend with his 'par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale.
Miss Heather Norris of
Guelph is enjoying holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley.'
Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Jenvitt vis-
ited Sunday with Mrs. Matthew
Armstrong of Stratford..
Mr. Borden Brown was
grieved late Wednesday night as
he received news of the sudden
passing of this father, Mr. Joe
Brown of !Hanover. Mr. Brown
was widely known throughout
Huron County, as he was a
Salesman of Corn King Miner-
erals .of the Selby !Distributors
for a great number of years
and whose funeral was held in
(Hanover on (Saturday. .
ria'. Wan. Jewitt, reeve of Hal-
lett is attending 'County Council
at (Goderich this week.
Constance Canadian
Order of Forresters
The re -opening of the Order
of Forresters here on Friday
evening saw 32 members join
under the 'Initiation 'Team from
Kitchener and High Officials
from ;Brentford as well as -a
;memtber of the Executive of Do-
minion of Canada from London.
The wives of the former mem-
bers of the Lodge catered to the
lunch for the evening. A (basket
of groceries was won on a
lucky draw .by John Jewitt.
Farm !Forum (Friendly Few) -
Forufn was !held at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator.
The discussion was "(Produce
Marketing". (1) We (believe a
good marke±ting hoard should:
have full control of products
for stabilizing price. !(2) We
believe that, C:o-Operatives can
play a ,pant in stabilizing prices
but not in raising - the micas.
+(3) We thought there were no
other ways of achieving the.
same ends, Progressive euchre
was enjoyed, lady winners, Mary
.Mrs. H. iPreszoator; the
gent's, Wilbur Jewitt, Ross Mc-
Gregor. Next 'hoane will he Mr.
and Mrs. Ross McGregor. Lunch
hostess for the evening was
Mrs, Howard Preszcator.
Constance Young People
Constance Y. P. met in the
basement of the Ohureh on Sun-
day, Jan, 119 with Tom Wlhyte's
group in charge of the meeting
which was opened with a sing
song followed by a hymn. The,
minutes were read and roll calx
was answered by 13 members.
The business was !discussed and
collection was taken. Hymn 490 -
was sung and scripture•read by
Marljorie Hoggart followed by
prayer led by John Hoggart.
The topic for lbh:e evening' was
taken 'by 'Wilma Dale on "Se-
cret of Christian Living" after
which a discussion was ;held 'on
the ,topic. Hymn 493 was sung,
The recreation period was .in
Charge of, Judy Nott after wisldh
lunch was served.
Congregational Meeting
The annual meeting of 'the
Constance'-Clhurclh was held on
IThursday' ,evening, Jan. 16 in
the 'basement -of the !Church, in
the foram -of a social evening. A
shoat program prepared by Mrs.
Frank Riley and Mr. Wm. Jew-
itt 'was
ew-ittt-'was- followed by scripture
High School News
•()By R. Flannery)
Not having any ideas of any
own for this week (1 wan the rov-
ing reporter looking for ideas
from the students. My first vic-
tim was Don and wlhen I asked
him, he said he didn'thave any
and it would take .quite awhile
to find some, so, as he hasn't re-
turned, (I think the must atill.ibe
looking. Going across the aisle
tI heard Veronica wondering
what artist has been drawing
cartoons on her desk. In the
grade nine room no one had
mush to say: they could all give
me questions of the week but
no ideas for the rest of the
news: Up in the .grade 10 room
they were in the anidldle orf per-
iod, so not much luck there un-
less you can all understand
French. Coming pp behind Nan-
cy 1 heard her mumbling .some-
thing about hoping hewould
bring up the right colour of cor-
sage for the formal. S didn't
stay around to ask flier for any
Question of the week: 'How
far is it to Clairmont; Margaret?
Note: We hear Angela's life
is 'being threatened.
1 iiiiiiiii 1111111111111111111,11111,11111111111111111111 iiiiiii iiiiiiiu uu ,nnnnau11111u11umlgl,uuuu uuna
52 -pc. service for 8
8 5 O'Clock Teas 8 Forks
8 Teaspoons 8 Knives
8 Dessert Spoons 8 Salad Forks
2 Tablespoons 1 Buller Knife
1 Sugar Spoon
Sale Price
49 ge
•Reg; Price$99,60
kir$;fs'o ulss't"k
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1011111111111111111111111111111111111"111111111111111111111111111111A. •'•
reading and prayer by Rev. cantly with .Mrs. 'Talbot's par -
White and the business conduct- eats, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reid.
ed. Treasurer's report for the
Church was read by W. R. Jew-
itt W. A. report read by 'Mrs.
Ken (Hulley to which society a
vote of thanks was rendered for
there -decorating of the Church
basement. The report of WMIS.
was read by Mrs. W. L. 'Whyte
in the absence of Mrs. E. Law-
son. ;Sunday School report was
read by Mr. Ross McGregor.
Mission Band report read by
Mrs. George .MeIliwain. Rev.
White gave a report of the
Session and heard the growth
of the spiritual side of our
Church. 'Messrs. Wilbur Jewitt,
Earl Lawson, Geo. Addison and
Ross McGregor were named the
committee to secure the special
speaker for the Church Anni-
versary. A. committee of Wilbur
Jewitt, Win. Jewitt and Ken
Hulley were to secure a Church
•Organist. Mrs. Geo. Mclllwain
and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt volunteer-
ed to ibe responsible for the Bi -
hie Society for 1958, while Mr.
Wm. Jewitt volunteered to be
Church Secretary. Mr. Ross Mc-
Gregor moved a vote of thanks
to Rev. Mr. White and to the
secretaries of the mentioned so -
cities for their labour for the
year. The meeting was closed by
Rev. White after which a boun-
teous lunch was served.-
The Steward Board of the
Church is as follows: Wan. Jew-
itt, Wilbur Jewitt, Ken :Hulley,
Bordeu (Brown, Geo. Addison,
Alvin Dodds, Wm. Dale, Lorne
Lawson, 'Ross McGregor, Earl
The Elders are Wm. Britton,
Charles (Dexter, Earl, Lawson,
Ross McGregor, Geo. Addison,
Wilbur Jewitt, 'Wan. Jewitt.
Mr. and :Mrs. 'Keith Lindsay
and Pamela of Napanee visited
last week with ,Mrs. Lindsay's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hen-
derson and family.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ellis of Clinton
visited recently with their son-
in=law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Chapman and 'family.
Mr. .Murray Venner has ac-
cepted a position at 1Drysdale's
Hardware and commenced his
duties there last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hender-
son and family visited with Mr.
and ,Mrs. Lindsay in St. Marys
and attended the baptismal of
their granddaughter (Pamela
Lindsay, infant -daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. Keith Lindsay,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Love of Lon-
don and M•r. and Mrs. Don Fa-
ber and son of Grand Bend
were recent visitors with Mr.
and - Mrs. Geo. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. ILolbt. Talbot
and 'babe of Bayfield visited re -
The first meeting of the Gen-
eral W. A. of 'Northside United
Church for '1958 was held on
Jan. 15th in the Sunday School
room with a fair attendance.
Mrs. H. Snell thanked the la-
dies for their work during the
last year. The W. A. motto was
repeated and the hymn sung.
Mrs. Roy Lawson opened de-
votional period by reading
Psalm 121. An 'explanation of
the psalm was given followed' by
a prayer. Mrs. Close read the
thenkyou notes she received. 37
home and hospital calls were
made. No large projects will be
undertaken at the parsonage at
present. (Repeats were given
from the four groups.
!The new officers for 19-58
were installed by Mr. Ball,
Mrs. ;Smell, the :pres., asked the
members for their prayers for
the` coming year. A riot roast
beef Valentine supper will be
held in February, 31.00 for ad-
ults and 40c for children 12 and
under. Tickets will be sold. The
'General W. A. will cater to the
men's supper on Feb. 11th and
arrange for lunch for the annu-
al meeting at 8 o'clock on Jan.
3ast. A .donation of 350 will be
made to the .W.M.S. The meet-
ing closed with a hymn and the
Mizpah 'Benediction. - (Officers
for 1958:
Hon. Pres., 'Mrs. Bruce Hall;
Past Pres., Mrs. B. F 'Christie;
Pres., Mrs. H. Snell; 1st Vice
Pres., Miss Gladys Thompson;
2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. P. Dunlop;
3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. H. Connell;
Recording and Press Sec„ Mrs.
J. Turnbull; Corr. (Sec., Mrs. E.
F). Close; 'Treas., Mrs. H. Hunt;
Dev. Con., Mrs. S. Lawson; the
Flower Com., Mrs. G. A. Whit-
ney i(convenor), Mrs. F. Beche-
ly, Mrs. R. Whitely, .Mrs. (.
Bradshaw,lMrs. W. Dundas; Vis-
iting 'Com., Mrs: R. ISavauge
(con.), Mrs. E. H. Olose, Mrs.!B.
Christie, Mrs. E. Chamberlain,
Mrs. 'Cuthill; 'Parsonage Comm.,
Mrs. F. Storey '(con.), Mrs. R.
Murdie, Mrs. I. Hudson; Social
Comanittee, Mrs. A. Riley, Mrs.
1J. ;Bell (joint convenors), Mrs.
E. 'Williams,' Mrs. L. Carter,
;Mrs. A. (McNichol; Kitchen
Coni., Miss Thelma Elgie (con,),
Mrs. J. 'Scott, Mrs. C. Walden,
(Mrs. Garnham, Mrs. C. Dalton;
Parlour, 'Goo., Mrs. B. Stephen-
son, Mrs. N. Knight, Mrs. M.
Cuthill; 'Silver Com., 'Mrs. IR,
Savauge (eon.), Mrs. M. Stew-
art, Mrs. W. Leeming; Pianist,
Mrs. C. . Broadfoot; Auditors,
Miss R. Fennell, Mrs.. J. Ellis;
Rep. to Official !Board, Mrs. H.
Snell; ' Rep, to Girls' Work
Board, Mrs. 1C. Pinder.